Mariah Carey’s first promotional pic for ‘Idol’: the funniest photo of the week?

First things first: THIS ^^^^ is the first promotional photo of Mariah Carey for her American Idol judging job. Can you believe this? This is classic Mariah. Photoshopped to a ridiculous level, with an artificial waist, airbrushed skin, and THAT POSE. I do not get the pose. What’s worse is that you know Mariah spends hours practicing her poses, and she decided that this – with her arms awkwardly bent, half askew – was the most flattering, the “thinnest” and the sexiest. This is what it’s going to be like on American Idol. I said it before – Simon Fuller is going to rue the day that he hired her. Yes, there will be controversies and drama and excitement and maybe they’ll even bring back some viewers – but will it be worth it if they have to deal with Mariah’s daily tantrums and diva-ness? Speaking of, Page Six had this funny story:

When Mariah Carey was named the newest, $18 million judge on “American Idol,” staffers at the Fox show began bracing for the dreaded and possibly endless list of diva demands, we’re told. The pop princess is famously demanding on her backstage riders, which have included such necessities as baskets of puppies, furniture with “no busy patterns,” “vases of white roses” and a “tea service for eight.”

She once insisted, “I don’t do stairs,” while other wild reports have said Carey has previously demanded a chauffeur for her dog, “confetti shaped like butterflies” as well as 20 white kittens at a London appearance.

But, a source close to Carey says she won’t require anything out of the ordinary on “Idol,” and adds that the show itself has many of its own branded requirements for stars to use the products of certain sponsors.

“It’s all standard stuff, nothing out of the ordinary,” the source said of Carey’s “Idol” requirements. “It’s not like they’ll need to put a new roof on the building. It’s standard lists, whether it’s for water, soda, veggies, snacks. It’s all fairly normal.”

So no puppies this time. Then again, Carey’s tagline on Twitter declares, “Citizen of the World Dahhhling!”

[From Page Six]

I died at “confetti shaped like butterflies” but I can’t believe she once demanded kittens. KITTENS!!!!!! A lot of people are comparing/contrasting Mariah to her Idol predecesor, Jennifer Lopez, but I actually think Mariah is going to set her personal diva bar at Britney Spears’s contract with The X Factor. Britney is getting a ton of money, and her rider includes things like 34 Herve Leger dresses, Snickers, Doritos and magnolia blossoms (and no hawt dergs). Surely Mariah can match Britney’s rider, if not easily exceed it.

Photos courtesy of American Idol, WENN.

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98 Responses to “Mariah Carey’s first promotional pic for ‘Idol’: the funniest photo of the week?”

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  1. marie says:

    she is so pretty naturally, but here she looks like a styled mannequin.. and what’s up with arms?

    • polk8dot says:

      She USED TO be pretty naturally. Now she is ALL PLASTIC, what with the Botox, lip injections, dermabrasions, veneers, HUGE PR0N-star boob implants, and whatever else she’s done/is still doing.
      She has not been her natural self for at least the last decade 🙂

    • yuck says:

      Mariah WAS cute – once upon a time. But with her big fake boobs and general body dysmorphia – she isn’t as hot as she thinks she is – her “issues” are reflected in this pic. She has a great voice though.

  2. jen7waters says:

    Look at that, such a natural standing pose…

    (Also, it looks like it’s her head AND someone else’s body. :s)

  3. samanthalous says:

    go back like baby with pacifiers

  4. says:

    Baskets of kittens and puppies?! What happens to them after? If she truly loved animals, she wouldn’t make such stupid demands.

    • brin says:


    • Macey says:

      If I remember correctly, they denied the puppy and kitten request b/c of the mall rules or something.

      That photoshop job is completely ridiculous. The job on her waist and skin is laughable. Such a shame b/c as much as I cant stand her, I would kill for her skin. The girl has the best skin of anyone Ive ever seen and still looks the same.

      • gg says:

        The thing is, her waist is like this after all the liposuction. I would not be surprised if she had ribs removed to try and get a waist. Now, I have no waist, even when I was thin so I can relate, but when you look this odd you have to embrace your shape and just dress appropriately. Her problem is she won’t stop dressing like she’s thin, and she is a big girl.

    • Pia says:

      Seriously. That pisses me off.

    • princesslizabeth says:


    • erika says:

      YES!!! This is WRONG! and you know that ‘shelter’ kittens/puppies won’t do at all!

      these pups,kittens will maybe…be euthanized or into a shelter all because of her demands.

      sick. i feel like writing Am Idol – what can u do? sick to my stomach. sick

      • erika says:

        how do y’all think young children in say…afghanistan or rural China about Ms.Diva’s requets?

        Young children who walk 15 miles each way in sweltering sun just to bring back a pale of water…?

        It’s INSANITY like this that embarasses me and pains me, it’s excessive consumption in a country that has EVERYTHING!

        Yet, Ms Mariah needs puppies.

      • deehunny says:

        I 100% agree. Craziness. Besides the likely atrocities that happen to the animals after, who needs or even requests a basket of puppies or 20 kittens? What does she do, roll around in them Indecent Proposal style?

  5. neelyo says:

    That’s the most hilarious photoshop ever. They took out her entire rib cage, a liver and her intestines to give her that waist.

  6. NeNe says:

    She looks like she is in pain in this picture.

  7. Beta says:

    jaja this is AWESOME!
    love Mimi!!

  8. DD says:

    The water doesn’t match on both sides. Bad photoshopping.

    • hunter says:

      THIS!! I totally noticed that too, you can see where it was pulled to extend it to the side. Should have used the rubber stamp tool instead.

      And what’s up with the look on her face? That expression is awful and doesn’t even resemble a smile.

  9. Miss Kiki says:

    This everything I hoped it would be and more. Cheers Mimi, you’re a hero.

  10. Palefire says:

    Top half looks like someone groomed and glamorized a shrunken head. Bottom half looks like a busted 90’s evening gown oh the beading oh Mariah.

  11. Fritzi Schnitzer says:

    I won a radio contest as a young teen to meet her backstage. I was so excited. She threw ice from her drink at me. Not flung the drink at me, picked the ice from the glass and chucked it.If I saw any famous person today, I wouldn’t even look them in the eye.Not a one of them is what they appear to be.

    • SueD says:

      Wow! That’s awful. It takes a colossal bitch to be cruel to an eager child.

    • SallyBee says:

      Why did she do that? I don’t understand.

      • Fritzi Schnitzer says:

        I wasn’t offered the courtesy of an explanation or an apology. I was hustled out. Maybe my presence and/or appearance offended her delicate nature? I was given a tshirt that was promptly used to line my guinea pig’s cage with.

    • Mitch Buchanan Rocks! says:

      The most interesting comments from those who have actually met these celebs – and from your account her personality is as horrible as her voice.

      My retail co-worker once said (after we had to listen to mariah’s screaming because they play the same tunes ova and ova) “give me mariah and a dark alley and I’ll be happy” Also with that photo she looks like one of those bobo dolls.

    • Happymom says:

      Years ago we were in Disney World and a few of the guys who worked on the Jungle Cruise were telling us that she had just been there to film something. She was supposed to be standing by some disabled kids, but was so horrified by them that she refused to have them in her eye sight. The Disney employees (who are supposed to not say a negative word, mind you) went on and on about how horrible she was.

    • Mooshi says:


      I am so sorry that happened to you. Damn, and you were just an excited kid.
      What a degrading and cruel thing to do to do to a child (mommy hugs). No amount of “talent” can make up for that kind of cruelty.

  12. irishserra says:

    I don’t know why, but her obnoxiousness has always been amusing to me. I can’t hate!

    Also, she is a mammoth girl. Look at those hands!

  13. Monie says:

    Can’t tell if that is a smile or her teeth are clenched. Poor Mimi, so pretty but photoshopped within as inch of her life.

  14. Krock says:

    She has her arm like that to hide her arm fat. Thats why the other side has her hair covering the other arm.

    • A Girl Named Mikki says:

      Good eye! I’m in my 40’s and I tell you working that part of the body takes serious effort!

    • J says:

      What I don’t get is why she even bothered covering them up when she can just have them thinned out with the photoshop diet like the rest of her body.

      • Krock says:

        Maybe she figured between the crafty positioning AND the photoshop she was completely covered on the fat arm issue.

    • Anoni Mus says:

      Yep, that’s a good observation. Insecure much Mariah? Jeez.

  15. cupidityrox! says:

    Moo-riah is a diva to the hilt. I can’t hate because unlike Jlo she has the talent to back up said demands. Good work if you can get it.. I do however take issue with the kittens & puppies.. They’re not supposed to be disposable

  16. Hautie says:

    I still can’t believe Mariah paid for such a bad boob job.

    She must have a 6 inch gap between them.

    And with them sitting so far apart on her chest. It makes her look 20 pounds heavier than she is….

    No matter how much they thin out her waist in pictures. She still looks thick as hell. And not in a flattering way.

    • Missy Mara says:

      Exactly what I’ve been staring at. She looks like I did when I was a little girl and put balloons down my shirt as pretend titties. On a girl: cute and funny. On a grown woman: RIDIC.

    • J says:

      When it comes to boob jobs, the implants just accentuate what you have. Think of it as a foundation and that you are building on top of it. She most likely had ‘naner, wonky tits before she got them enhanced. She had a bad foundation and made them bigger. How unfortunate!

  17. Aubra says:

    She can do no wrong…EVEAAAH!!! lol

  18. karen says:

    So she’s a drunkard?? Cause Casablanca taught me that being a drunkard makes one a citizen of the world.

  19. LittleDeadGirl says:

    Ha ha. I needed a good laugh. What the hell? She looks like the wax version of herself! I can’t believe people are still watching these kind of shows. Hasn’t everyone gotten bored? It was fun when it was a novelty but now it looks beyond tedious and I don’t care who they get to judge. Steven Tyler was the only interesting choice because he actively hits on the teen girls.

  20. dorothy says:

    I’m not a fan and have never understood her appeal. She’s always seemed like a grown up barbie, cheap and tacky.Always squeezed into the tightest of dresses, no real style involved. However, I am looking forward to the tales of her diva behavior and crazy demands. She is star in her own mind.

  21. Rux says:

    I have never watched a single episode of Idol EVER but for her I will. I want to see the cray, cray. I want to see the outfits. I want to see all the pretty unicorns, butterflies, rainbows and kittens!

    This will be EPIC. Simon knows what he is doing, divaness to hilt or not, she will bring back viewers and new ones alike.

  22. kaligula says:

    Surely, there must be some mistake…?

  23. lucy2 says:

    Wow, that is some photo.
    At least she has some vocal talent, unlike JLo, but yeah, I see the diva demands going crazy. They were smart to just do a 1 year contract.

  24. NYC_girl says:

    How can anything she does be worth $18 million? It’s pathetic, and makes me really angry. I love this country, but there is so much wrong with it. And she looks like a jackass in that photo.

  25. madpoe says:

    Well orange you glad there’s photoshop?!
    So supernatural!

  26. Miss Kiki says:

    What makes me laugh the most is that SHE clearly picked this photo herself. She’s a big old bag of crazy but I actually think she’s hilarious!

  27. stella says:

    She looks like a Madams Tussauds manaquin complete with weird hand placements.

  28. kct says:

    She is thick and we all know it so all the photoshopping in the world is not going to change our perception. If she’d just accept it and dress and pose appropriately she would be beautiful. It’s the trying too hard that makes it look so awkward. Was hoping having the babies had brought her more down to earth so will look forward to hearing whether the “diva” still exists.

  29. cd says:

    as you say, “it’s classic mariah”… why expect anything else, lol

  30. anne says:

    Not a fan, never been a fan, don’t care for Idol and think they have really gone too far now. These celebrity mentors and just for publicity. This woman is a has been and she thinks she’s such a diva. Barf!

  31. Tiffany says:

    Count me as someone who will be watching the show again. She is just trainwreck TV and I love it. Sometimes you just want to tune out and watch the crazy and she is going to bring it ten fold.

  32. original kate says:

    my dog tilts her head just like that when she has to go out.

  33. RHONYC says:

    ohhh, MiMi. *tsk,tsk,tsk* 😳

  34. paola says:

    I can see the left part at the bottom of her dress fading away… the water doesn’t match on both sides and this is an awful photoshop job! I’d sack the guy who did this. She seems like a wax work, very very bad and stiff!!

  35. natalina says:

    I dont care, I love Mariah

  36. Reece says:

    That is a lot of orange.

  37. Quinn Parker says:

    heee!!! That is one HILARIOUSLY loooonnng waist they gave her!!!

  38. Yup, Me says:

    Love Mariah. She cracks me up and she does whatever the hell she wants to do. I could totally see her saying “”Add a basket of puppies to the list. See what they say.” She’s definitely committed to going for it in her role as “MARIAH CAREY” I might look at Idol for a minute just to watch her

  39. Shelly says:

    Mariah is INSANE. This is going to be the best season of AI, EVER. I don’t plan on missing one single moment of it. I also expect her to be a huge bitch and actually tell people when they suck at singing, you know, actually judge. Unlike JLo. This picture is ridiculous. Her head looks like it was pasted on a mannequin’s body. And what is with the sunset in the background? My God, she is so cheesy, I can’t wait to see her cheese on live TV.

  40. katie says:

    she seems so stuck in the 90’s with her sunsets rainbows and bs. i cant believe she approved of this picture- terrible.

  41. katie says:

    shes like a walking lisa frank notebook

    • Lisa says:

      Every time I look at her, I get flashbacks to Fantasy and Butterfly. She’s like those women who stick with the same hair style they had in high school, even if high school was 1975.

  42. Kiki says:

    Mimi, oh glory!

  43. Lisa says:

    I really think she has body dysmorphia, just not in the way we think about it. It’s like she has no idea how big she actually is, or she doesn’t understand that tight fitting doesn’t mean being a sausage roll.

  44. Tanya says:

    I have never thought she was pretty, except ‘early’ Mariah…the young girl, with the normal body and curly hair. so natural and free. if she had just left well enough alone she probably would have aged nicely. with those silly boobs, any weight gain makes her look matronly…ugh…
    that being said, I am looking forward to hear about any and all antics on Idol..won’t watch the show, but I’m sure we’ll be kept up to date with the latest deets right here… 😉

  45. Brit says:

    Is it just me but in what way does this photo promote Idol? Even her statement she released yesterday didn’t have much to do with Idol and was more about self promotion for her upcoming single and album.

  46. Anoni Mus says:

    You know what show I would watch with Mrs. Delusional? A Survivor type show featuring Mariah coping with the real world. Imagine… no one to hold a straw for her when she sips her drinks, no butterflies and rainbows except the real ones, etc..

    Shame. Her music is not my style, but I can’t deny that she had some pipes back in the day. Now she seems like another desperate has-been for Idol to latch on to. Good luck with that.

    And that photo looks like she’s shilling nail polish or something.

  47. Camille (The original) says:

    Good grief.

  48. erika says:

    You’ve GOT to see this VIDEO of Mariah Carey!!! OMG! Seriously, she’s sitting infront of a mirror the entire time, touching herself like she is in that photo above…!!!

  49. Random Devotchka says:

    The thing is, I am thinking of ways a basket full of puppies would be usefull… 🙂
    But honsetly, I might just start watching American Idol again just to see how much of a train wreck this might become. And I say that as a Mariah fan!

  50. Mooshi says:

    When Mariah speaks I feel like a flock of 200 loud wild peacocks have flown into my ears, are eating my brain slowly, while their colorful feathers push out of my eyeballs.

  51. Learned One says:

    “Citizen of the World Dahhhling!” Seriously? Methinks someone watched too much Sex and the City….Amalita said it to Carrie @ Dolce & Gabbana…..get a life, Mariah.

  52. Nina says:

    I haven’t laughed this hard in years!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  53. darkladi says:

    This is the best wax figure Madam Tussaud’s has ever done!

  54. RdyfrmycloseupmrDvlle says:

    Ms. Carey has some serious addictions and “issues”. Remember her little jaunt to the hospital for exhaustion back in the day?? Her and Nick have a very obvious lavender marriage. Shes a has been ass who is very nasty with issues and he is her new manager/ lackey. If anything she used to have a voice and used to be talented, like, 20 somethng years ago. So sad to see how far shes fallen.

  55. RdyfrmycloseupmrDvlle says:

    PS: her recent camel toe of doom was PRICE LESS!!!!

  56. pato says:

    I think that when these people reach a level of wealth and fame neurons start to die. confeti shaped like butterflies? white kittens? (what happens to the kittens when she leaves?) stupidity at its most.

  57. Jill says:

    Arguably one of the best singers ever. She knows sound, pitch etc. So I think she is perfect for the job. But her poses…WTF??

  58. Jill says:

    and her babies………..OH SOOO CUTE!!!

  59. TheOneAndOnly says:

    Pato whether these celebutards have any neurons is debatable ; and i’m surprised no one has mentioned that she sang at a Wal-mart shareholders meeting maybe last year low class and budget all the way; I think this move will backfire and AI will continue to lose ratings.

  60. Carolyn says:

    Hehe Mimi hasn’t looked like that (if she ever did) in YEARS. J-Lo who?

  61. Lexi says:

    You can see by her hips and leg that it has been HORRIBLY photoshopped look at how blurry it is there!