Jessica Simpson develops interest in theology after DaVinci Code documentary

Once in a blue moon when Jessica Simpson hasn’t said anything stupid for a while, I get happy and assume someone bought her a muzzle. Or at the very least, she’s gotten herself some competent handlers. Unfortunately this dream was once again squashed when Jessica commented that she wants to go to college. Normally this would be cause for celebration, but few people can make the idea of slightly advanced education sound as stupid as Jessica Simpson can.

Jessica Simpson wants to head off to college to study theology – and watching TV was her inspiration.

“I’ve been contemplating taking a college course in religion,” the bubblehead told Marie Claire. “I love religion. I remember whenever the book ‘The Da Vinci Code’ came out, the Discovery Channel did this three-night piece on it that I TiVoed and then watched eight times.”

We just hope someone advises her not to include that bit in her application letter.

[From Fox News]

What’s awesome is you can tell Jessica thinks this makes her look smart. Why sit down and read a book when you can watch the Discovery Channel?

I think Jessica should stick to one of those classes you take over the internet. And not the good ones that are from normal colleges. The kind that come from “for profit” schools (aka businesses) that advertise aggressively on the internet and inside subway cars. They have names like Bramsoncourt and are meant to sound old and stately. This would be a great fit. I’m under the impression that in addition to the Discovery Channel, they also assign some occasional TLC and a random CNN documentary here and there. And then you get your degree.

Here’s Jessica arriving at a music studio in Beverly Hills on November 18th. I’m not sure which is worse: the idea of her going to college because of a Discovery Channel show, or recording another album. Images thanks to Fame.

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21 Responses to “Jessica Simpson develops interest in theology after DaVinci Code documentary”

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  1. Baholicious says:

    I saw a rocket ship on TV once and now I want to be an astronaut!

  2. Kaiser says:

    Hey, that Discovery Channel special *was* good! But it only inspired me to just read the book.

    In any case, taking a few classes wouldn’t hurt for Jess.

  3. MomInNH says:

    I’m all for anyone trying to better themselves. I don’t think she’s as glass licking stupid as she’s made out to be. Although I wouldn’t discourage her from wearing a helmet and possibly holding hands in the lunch line.

    But good for her.

  4. A.J. says:

    She’ll be ready to apply for a MENSA membership in no time 😆

  5. morgs says:

    I thought someone close to her as in her mom said that she is Mensa? If she’s Mensa then I’m as omniscient as God supposedly is.

  6. Persistent Cat says:

    @ MomInNH, nice post!!!!

    Must she wear track pants in public like that?

  7. Mairead says:

    Aww ye are being a bit mean – I’m assuming that she read the book as well. Wasn’t her father some sort of minister once? so before they got completely sidetracked by the capitalist nightmare, much of their lives was focussed on religion.

    At least she read the book/ watched programmes on interpretations on the theories contained within the book and it’s inspiring her to learn more rather than have a knee-jerk reaction that it didn’t sit with what she was taught or didn’t believe that the book was a serious historic work.

    (apparently there are tourists turning up in St. Suplice looking for the cracked stone and the “Rose Line” 🙄 )

  8. Mr. T says:

    Well the Da Vinci code has been hyped but that is all that it was, fiction. To assume that the story has any validity is pretty naive. It was a good tale told well. If anyone has done any research into the story, it debunks it. As far as taking college courses, well take them and don’t talk about it. Look at Brooke Shields, she did it quietly.

  9. Bodhi says:

    Having a degree in Religious Studies (from a secular liberal arts college), I encourage everyone to study religion & its impact on culture & society.

    However, any fucktard who thinks that The Da Vinci Code is theology & uses it as such has no business talking about the field of study.

  10. Persistent Cat says:

    @ Mairead, she never said she read the book.

  11. xiaoecho says:

    It’s obvious she’s as deep as her sister – and her baby Mowgli

  12. Embee says:

    Whatever. Critics castigate her and fans elevate her. Education is positive no matter from whence he inspiration comes.

  13. mojoman says:

    Hey at least she starts from somewhere right? anything to keep her away from making country music 😈

  14. Mairead says:

    Ah but Persistent, she never said she hadn’t either 😉

    Bodhi, even SHE couldn’t think that DVC is actual theology? Surely? 😯 Mind you, there are people out there who are seriously opposed to it still and see it as blasphemous etc etc. It’s a bleedin’ novel; a page-turner certainly but it’s still madey-up!

  15. geronimo says:

    Rarely post on Jessica threads since she doesn’t register for me on any level, but reading the various threads over the months on her, while no one could accuse her of being overly burdened with grey matter, she does come across as genuine – as in what you see is what you get. Don’t think she’s bright enough to think this makes her come across as book smart. She just sounds excited at having found a new interest. Nothing wrong with her wanting to expand her horizons, limited tho’ they are.

  16. manolita says:

    As long as she loses interest in running around with rediculous swollen botox lips.

  17. Lauri says:

    More education would not hurt her a bit, regardless of her inspiration.

  18. Anoneemouse says:

    I thank she should be made to spell “religion” and “theology” and be able to use both correctly in a sentence before being allowed admittance to any college.

  19. aleach says:

    whats wrong with wanting to better herself?
    so what if shes not a genius, she has every right to further her education.

  20. Ana says:

    Perhaps she can go over that little bit about staying married and no premartial sex–I know she was a virgin when she married Nick, but she was raving about her sex life in Cosmo this month.

    But hey, look at me. I had to look up the term Mensa.

    The DaVinci Code was a pretty awesome piece of fiction.