I’ve sort of been dying to use these photos, which show Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise at the Brooklyn Bridge playground on Labor Day, for the past few days. Now I have an official excuse to do so, which is the unofficial announcment from WWD that Katie has signed on as the first face of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics. This seems like an awfully smart move on Katie’s part since the (albeit overpriced) brand attempts to stress the “natural” look, and Katie is very clearly a mom on the go who doesn’t have much time to preen in the mirror. Besides, Katie could use the money since she may very well have kept the loot from her marriage, but she eschewed alimony in favor of only receiving child support for Suri from Tom Cruise. Hey, living in New York City isn’t cheap by any stretch. What I truly love about photos though is that — look — Suri is playing with other children her age! Obviously, she’s clearly enjoying the hell out of herself in the park:
In addition, there are some new details that have leaked about Maureen Orth’s Vanity Fair October cover story that has so far given mainstream credence to the story (which has also been confirmed by director Paul Haggis) that Scientology held wife auditions for Tom Cruise, who willingly accepted Nazanin Boniad as his “Chosen One” for an “arranged marriage” until she made the grave mistake of asking David Miscavige what the hell he was talking about after he mumbled for an entire evening. Afterwards, the CO$ decided that Tom needed a more famous wife, so they settled on Katie Holmes. Now some more details have leaked (some of which arrive courtesy of recent Sea Org defector John Brousseau, who functioned as the contractor for many Tom Cruise projects), and I’m going with bullet points:
Nazanin had no idea about the auditions: Orth told GMA that Iranian-born, London-raised Boniadi “was told she was being chosen for a mission” and was “really going to save the world.” And she claimed that Boniadi did not know what was in store for her – or that she would end up meeting Cruise. Orth said: “[She] was told that she was being chosen for a mission, that was really going to save the world. That she was going to be meeting dignitaries, that it was very important that she look good, and be worldly. And she had no idea, when it began, that [she] was going to end up meeting Tom Cruise.”
Cruise was fully aware of the audition process: Orth also claimed today that Cruise was in on the act, adding: “I do believe that [Cruise] was very much aware that it was going on, or at least he had certainly heard about her, because by the time he met her he did know all about her.”
Brousseau on Nicole Kidman’s separation from Isabella & Connor: “They rejected Nicole — they’ve been instructed,” says John Brousseau, who was a Scientologist for 32 years and formerly the bodyguard and brother-in-law to church leader David Miscavige. Bella and Connor were home schooled, and allegedly accompanied their movie star father, now 50, on auditing sessions, and were taught how to recognize an “S.P.,” Rathbun and Brousseau both tell VF. “They took a course, P.T.S./S.P., Potential Trouble Source/Suppressive Person, for persons connected in their lives who are an S.P.,” Brousseau claims. “[Bella and Connor] whispered to me, ‘J.B., Nicole is an S.P.! Our mom’s an S.P. — we hate going and seeing her.'”
Sea Org members are required to watch Tom’s movies & avoid Nicole’s: “The Scientology world hated Nicole,” Brousseau, who left the Church in 2010, says. “People in Sea Org were mandated to see every freaking Tom Cruise movie that came out. But if you ever mentioned an inkling to see a movie with Nicole, oh my God, you’d hear about it.”
[From Daily Mail and Us Weekly]
Isn’t that terrible news about the Sea Org members? Not only are they forced to perform 100+ hours of manual labor for less than $50 per week and eat rice and beans for almost every meal, but they were also required to watch Valkyrie. Talk about cruel and unusual punishment.
Also, those details about Nicole add to what we already knew about how the CO$ labelled her a Suppressive Person and held weekly sessions between Celebrity Centre director Tommy Davis and Isabella and Connor to repeatedly tell them Nicole was a sociopath, but now it’s revealed that those poor children were actually brainwashed to the degree where they claimed to “hate” Nicole? How dreadful. Those children were never allowed to really know their mother. Hopefully, the same experience will never happen to Suri.
Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News and WENN
If this is true why would u marry someone who would encourage their kids to hate their mother? It makes me really wonder about Holmes.
ummm… maybe she didn’t know?!? a lot of this was kept secret until recently.
Yeah I highly doubt it was broadcast, and $cis are notorious for spinning the truth anyway. Plus, I really do believe she was madly in love with Tiny Lifts, and we all know love is blind…
Why wouldn’t she have known? She appears young, but she had been in Hollywood for a few years by this point. As with ALL marriage, the success or failure belongs to both participants. We don’t force marriage on our citizens. By the way, Valkyrie is my favorite Cruise movie!
For $45 million, some people would do a lot of things.
See: http://blindgossip.com/?p=45235
Are you kidding me – this is the Cult of Lies, Greed and Deceit. It’s the entire basis of their wealth.
Oh, a blind gossip item on some blog. Yyeeeah, that’s concrete fact for you. 🙄
I agree Mel. Katie was too naive and blind. The whole world knew he was nuts, she was old enough that she should have seen it, too. Not to mention the whole Scientology aspect. People who were minimally informed at that time knew it was a crock back then. Maybe not quite as many details but people got the just. I feel bad that I am blaming the victim, but people need to take responsibility for choices they make as adults.
Love Suri in those pictures of her with the other children on the tyre swing. Look at her face, she’s so thrilled!!
I read that article in Vanity Fair yesterday and it’s really heinous. I thought after working for corporate lawyers for years nothing could surprise or scare me, but I was a little appalled.
I love K’s story now and I’m stoked she’s got a regular paying job as well. I can’t see ‘them’ not trying to turn her daughter against her tho – hope it doesn’t go that direction.
But there’s something I don’t love. It’s her pants. I hate them. The are SO unflattering. She has hyperextended knees and wearing skin tight jeggings is only accentuating them. She really needs to get some casual clothes together that look good on her if she’s going to get photographed in the park all the time.
Siri looks super pulled together!
Yep, Katie never looks quite right in casual ware. It seems like she just does not care, so glad she escaped the Cruise-o-creep and his minions though. I hope Suri grows up with logic, intuition and brains so she does not end up like poor Isabelle and Conner.
Lol @ siri! I know it wasn’t intentional but I couldn’t help laughing
whoops – you’re right!
Like your name too!
At least those horrid booties didn’t make an appearance. I love that there are pictures showing that Suri smiles with her Mom. It seems that life moves on and for those two it is so much better.
Katie needs to take times and dress herself as well as she does her daughter. I know that alot of Mom’s place more importance on their child but she has the means to look better. I am guilty of that myself. She is a beautiful woman but she needs to take time for herself.
Katie is the perfect face for BB cosmetics. Suri looks tickled and as for everything $ci, gross.
one of the few pics where this kid actually looks happy.
scientology has really helped tom create a mess of a life.
Jackie O…Love your name…sometimes when I’m deciding on clothes, I think, “Would Jackie wear it”.
I like Katie, and I’ve also always thought that Suri is super cute. I always thought The Cruiser would’ve wanted more kids…
I think he did (got to keep up that big virile man image) but by the time Suri was a year or two the shiny facade was already coming off the relationship. She might not have been ready to leave with an infant, but she wasn’t going to bring another kid into the equation.
It’s amazing how well put together Suri seems these days. She looks like a normal kid, with her hair in ponytails and quite appropriate clothing. I wonder if we do see jeans on her in winter 😉
Exactly what I thought! Jeans, boots and a beanie with a bobble! 😀
I love that VF took on Scientology /Tom cruise With this story , I couldn’t understand why a main stream magazine hadn’t come out with all types of info and magazine spreads. There are enough people who defected to tell stories for years and years. I hope more and more people / magazines / news sources join the discussion and take this Cult down. It’s sickening.
I agree can’t believe it took them so long but am thrilled Vanity Fair finally did it. I just love that tiny tom has been forced to actually make a statement, thru his lawyer of course about the “lies” and it being unoriginal. Of course my favorite defense is the “disgruntled apostates”. LOL And they actually said they probably wouldn’t sue if Ms. Orth would STFU. Meaning they know they won’t sue because they don’t want all that sh*t getting out in a deposition or a court room. They have nothing to stand on. I just love it. I would love for Katie and Nicole to get together and tell the world the truth about this crazy nut and his queen miss cabbage.
Regarding Katie’s fashion I think it is high time her daughter starts picking out her clothes again because those skinny jeans look horrible on her. She and Heidi Klum have to be the worst celebrity dressers out there.
It is interesting that TMZ hasn’t mentioned this story even once since it broke.
TMZ has functioned as TC’s mouthpiece throughout this entire affair. I’m sure that it has been made clear to them that if they want to keep the quotes rolling in they’d best toe the line. (There are many cites on this sort of tactics from TC and $ci over at the Village Voice site.)
Read up on what’s happened to prior writers who have dared to tell the truth. It’s very very scary, sick and twisted. The co$ is powerful because they have robbed and amassed so much wealth, they can pay anybody to do their bidding.
It’s funny that VF has been writing ‘tom-is-great’ fluff pieces for years and that was always the truth. (Hey even managed to gloss over the couch jumping, Matt Lauer episodes with some glib ‘tom-is-a-passionate-person’ interviews. Google the interview that accompanies the Suri debut. It is just as gross as the W interview. And now because VF has stepped off the bandwagon and published the truth, it’s lies designed to sell Magazines!!!!:) love it!!! I guess TC won’t be gracing VF with his next exclusive interview.
On a serious note, I am glad that VF has written this piece. It is so frustrating that main stream media has been silent about this. The fact that co$ aren’t threatening to sue as is their usual tactics is an indication that perhaps they aren’t as powerful as they once were. Perhaps all the dessenting voices and ex-co$ victims can get the proper support they need and deserve, and thE govt will shut co$ down, once and for all.
That fact that they were choosing a wife for Cruise underlines that fact that he is not interested in women. Falling in love with a woman is not even an issue.
I’ve kind of assumed that what motivated Katie to get out of there was Isabella & Connor talking badly about Nicole. Mind you, they think talking about their mom being a SP is ok. They didn’t know to hide that stuff from KH. Remember, CO$ people think this crap is the correct way to think. If Isabella & Connor have been surrounded by Scientologists their whole life, they don’t know to hide the crazy. Like TC on the Matt Lauer interview. He thought he was educating people. The rest of the world saw crazy.
Very interesting insight – I hadn’t thought of that, but you are absolutely right.
It’s awful to have your children alienated from you.I feel sorry for Kidman especially as many see this fact as bad parenting/coldness on her side.
I feel bad for her too. Over the years I’ve seen people say some awful stuff about her abandoning those kids, but really, it was the other way around. I’m glad she was able to move on and and find happiness elsewhere, but it must still break her heart she can’t do anything to change it.
@lucy2 – I know this Kidman stuff has been discussed before but I keep going back and forth on how I feel about her because why wouldn’t she have gone to a judge with this alienation stuff? I mean surely she would have had some evidence of it. If I couldn’t get my kids back from this freak then I would tell the world about him. Confidentialtiy agreement be d*mned. Maybe that is what she did though. Maybe she talked to Katie. Wouldn’t that be nice.
The cult would metaphorically run her right off the road into the ditch if she dared take them to court. Their MO is to tie everything up in court forever using their contract lawyers, and their money is endless from stealing from their members.
Plus that any public resistance would only have lead to alienating her children further. She has kept the lines of communication as open as she could, so if they ever come to their senses, they know they can reach out to her for help.
That’s the tactic recommended by experts on cults. The harder you fight and malign the cult, the deeper entrenched the member becomes.
It’s the same tactic Katie’s parents used – they almost certainly knew it was a very bad idea even before the wedding, but there was no stopping Katie (caught up in the Tom! Cruise! Loves! Me! whirlwind and heavily under cult influence at that point)
So they maintained contact, made sure they weren’t forced out of her life (even if that meant nodding and smiling about scientology raving) and consequently were the first people she went to when she wanted out.
I suspect there will be more detail articles about the Cult.
Since there are so many high profile ex-high ranking members, who will openly speak on the record.
In the past, the articles would get published but without anyone going on the record.
But now with so many people willing to speak out against these loon’s. The better reported stories are hitting the main stream media cycle.
And with the new Fall TV season starting. I am hoping for a couple well produced Dateline type shows, will go after this Cult.
I keep holding out hope that Nicole or Katie will eventually go on the record. And tell their own scary ass tale of what they saw.
And no… I do not believe for one moment Katie could have ever known, what she walked into, by marrying Cruise.
Cults never sell them self as a Cult.
They are your new best friend. Who loves you. Who understands you.
Who will move heaven and earth to separate you from your family.
And make you paranoid about everyone around you.
They will try to figure out how to get you to donate all your money to them. So you won’t have any money to use when you run screaming from them.
Katie needs to be able to have a tolerable co-parenting relationship with Cruise, and Nicole is trying to be a neutral party so that if her children ever come to their senses, they know they can come to her. Neither of these women will ever go on the record about scientology.
OMGoodness Suri in a public park barefoot –
hysterical if you love Burn Book, which I do!
HURRAY that almost makes up for clicking on the stupid Swifty video minutes ago.
omg ! after touching playground equipment suri puts her fingers in her mouth ! yikes !
Yikes indeed! I cringed. Yuk!
You must not have kids. 🙂
Loads of them. Mine have enough sense not to stick their dirty playground fingers in their mouths. I’m not raising Pinkett – Smith’s
Wow, it’s almost like she’s a real kid now instead of a little princess doll
Way to go, Katie. Good for you and the BB deal. Further, good for you and what you started. I know your only goal was to save your daughter from your deranged, ABUSER of an ex-husband, but look what you did :). He and the $ci-bots are continuing their tired old party line…deny, deny, DENY….in the face of a very credible public outing. Well, at least as far as Tommygirls “religion” is concerned. Tee-hee.
And the BIGGEST kudos of all are for…putting that smile on Suri’s face by giving her a NORMAL life.
Yep! C0$ snapped her right up for “Tom’s Bride” because it got out that she had a crush on him. Send her a limo full of chocolates and flowers, take her for a whirlwind motorcycle ride and kabam!! She’s in love. According to the unauthorized bio I just read, you incurred Tom’s wrath and/or the wrath of his lawyers if you suggested Katy was ANYthing other than blissfully happy, because a short time after they were married, she appeared depressed, miserable, and “far-off,” and would often go shopping just to get out of the goddamned house full of sisters and his ever-present mother. Her skin broke out badly, too, suggesting that she’s possibly gone through the “run-down” (vitamins and saunas), you know, to rid yourself of those Thetans, LOL 😀 !!
Those sisters and mom get on my every nerve. I can’t stand that his mom was so weak to join her son’s cult. Wow f*cked up is that. I really wonder if he left the cult would they cut him off? Of course not, those dimwitted fools would leave too. Wherever he is they are about three steps behind and I always imagine them in bland capes and performing sacrifces and that sort of stuff. Wonder if they all sleep in the same bed together.
It did seem like they met, and then BAM- they were in love and pregnant. When the divorce scandal came out, I said Katie knew exactly what she was getting into and people on here slammed me.
But I stand by that statement now still. She was the perfect Kate-bot for Tom. I’m glad if she is happy now though. I don’t wish unhappiness on anyone.
Ladies, help me out here. I’m not a Mother yet, but I don’t think photog’s should be allowed to take pics of kids playing in the park like this. It is very creepy, and obviously seems like Katie set this “session” up. If I were a parent, it would upset me if my kids were playing there. Am I wrong?
@CamS – I don’t what it is in NY, but every year at my grandchildren’s school they send a form home to sign if you DON’T want your child’s picture in the paper (easier because there are fewer who don’t want it than are willing for the picture to go into the papers). I would think (JMO) that they would have to get the permission of the parents to publish and/or sell the pictures of the non-celebrities. Don’t think Katie set this up.
When you are out *in public* you are fair game to be photographed. This is how the paps can function, and why you rarely see shots anywhere but on the street (or through windows, from the street). No matter who you are, this is the law in the US.
I don’t think so Scientology is in secret you don’t know until you see it I mean why else would it have lasted this long without the controversy its seeing right now. I mean really Tom wouldn’t bother with someone who he thought could outsmart him. He really thought because she had a schoolgirl crush on him she’d never leave but it didn’t dawn on him that her daughter is more important than he was. I think she was pregnant when she met him and didn’t find out until after the fact and since they were already together they agreed to raise her as their own but over time being with him wore on her big time. And Suri being shipped off was her breaking point.
I think Katie used bad judgment and got involved with the wrong man but she’s not the only woman guilty of that.
OMG! New shoes?!! Did she sacrifice the booties? MUST KNOW NOW!!
There is one person that has the sitting back and soaking this in is Pat Kingsley. Now that is someone I want to hear from about Tom Cruise. That woman worked a miracle making him somewhat sane all those years.
Tiffany, you are so right. Oh, the tales she could tell. If I remember correctly she tried to warn him and her reward was being fired.
Hahaha, totally! I’m sure she was NDA’d from here to China (but we can dream). Did you see that youtube clip where he starts in on the $ci stuff on the red carpet and she swoops in and steers him away?
If he’d never fired her, I bet we’d have never heard the half of it. 😉
Oh my gosh was Pat Kingsley his publicist? I have to know more about her. I am heading to Google right now. But, didn’t he fire anyone outside of the Co$ and wasn’t one of his idiot sisters his publicist for awhile? I don’t think these Co$ freaks are very smart.
You guys are just now picking up on Pat Kingsley??????the woman is a legend and very, very powerful.
She’s the reason all the A stars ‘keep their shit together’ as Lainey would say. Majority of A listers are looked after her and her agency PMK, or ex-PMK agents. Her methods are legendary and very effective in controlling the media, who in turn are always afraid of crossing her. The internet doesn’t appear to have dented her power or methods because her clients are still protected.
Tom Cruise started to believe his own hype (or co$ convinced him of it) and fired her in the aftermath of divorce from Nicole and that’s when we found out about him.
Oh the things she could tell, if she wrote a book.
Thanks for the 411 on Pat Kingsley. Maybe her revenge on him was to let him fall apart as we have seen ever since the Nicole divorce. That is why I like Lainey’s site because you learn about the behind the scenes stuff and realize all the plays and tricks and strategy that goes on. I find as I get older that the gossip and the celebs aren’t as interesting as the reason behind their actions and what is and is not said and done. That’s why I like this site and Lainey.
Lol, I’m imagining Pat Kingsley as a female Len Grossman, Tom’s character in Tropic Thunder. “Here’s what you’re gonna do,” she barks at TommyGirl. “You’re gonna bend over and give Katie whatever she f****** WANTS, including the quickest f****** DIVORCE in history before she outs your stupid ass to the world. You WILL stop all of the batcrazy talk about SPs and Xenu and auditing NOW. If you don’t, I will put a boot so far up your insane ass that you won’t NEED to wear lifts ever again. IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?”
Kingsley didn’t make him sane, she made him appear sane.
Suri is the cutest kid! I have always though that, but now that she smiles and looks happy, she is even more adorable. So glad Katie did this for her daughter! 🙂
I am glad Suri is having a normal life and playing with kids her age.
The other day, I got a paper/brochure about the Church of Scientology outside of Hynes Convention Center subway stop in Boston. If I still have it, I will scan and send it to celebitchy. It was something about taking a IQ test or whatever…
Does the cray slip out between the lines?
I’ve been onto these monkeys since the ’90s when I kept getting their crap in the mail (addressed to a former tenant). You could just tell it was BS! None of it made the least bit of sense! “The Golden Age of Tech” “The Bridge to Clear!” etc etc. Now, I know this was the rise of Miss Cabbage (and that the whole thing is far more sinister than I could have ever guessed) but even at the time it just seemed like you’d have to be an idiot to fall for it, whatever it was.
They are probably still mailing stuff to that address…
yes, it does. I did not read it right away, my friend did and said: oh, scientology… She tossed it. That’s when I read mine. I guess I tossed it too because I cannot find it. Next time I will save it to scan it.
Suri’s feet look huge, not in a bad way, but in the “she’s going to be tall!” way.
I love Bobbi Brown cosmetics, although their packaging down sizing by three quarters without moving the price point irks me.
Bobbi Brown may be expensive but its the ONLY mascara that i can use as an oily skin, contact wearing woman that doesn’t run, clump or bleed and make me look like Taylor Momsen. I approve this move to make her the Face, you know who also loves BB, Duchess Kate!
I have the same mascara issues! But I find that Urban Decay Cannonball works best for me. Also kind of spendy, but worth it not to end up looking smudgy, flaky and raccoon-ish.
We’ve heard now from multiple sources that Tom can’t stand to be alone, and that he ‘falls’ in love really really quickly. He’s very extreme in his affections. This of course, is not really love, its an emotional dysfunction…more like control and fear. He had this woman living with him in his house within 6-8 weeks! I wish Tom would get out of this cult and go and see a real psychologist.
@Barb – Maybe Nicole Kidman’s dad will see him as a patient.
I love how the Co$ always uses dramatic words like saving the world or getting the job done, as someone pointed out on an earlier post. Anything you read about them or watch is all full of vague language with zero substance. Tiny tom speaks on stage going on an on and never actually says anything.
I wonder if Cruise suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder? He seems to fit the profile rather well…
I don’t think he’s borderline – he’s full in. LOL (I know that’s a medical term but it cracks me up – I start singing that Madonna song.)
Awww, she is enjoying herslf in the park playing with kids her own age…….shame she couldn’t do it without the paps shoving a camera in her face!
Yay! Katie got a job and Suri looks happy.
Soooo … was Lindsay Lohan actually named in this wife audition VF piece or is she just inserting herself into the news? Because she apologized to Tom Cruise on her Twitter: https://twitter.com/lindsaylohan/status/243474960998354944
Huffington Post had a story on the VF article and added something from their own source about Lindsay Lohan being briefly considered. Lindsay’s mom probably picked up on the HP story and thought the VF article said that. I doubt Lindsay read the VF article so she probably assumed it said that also. But it was only in HP and they never said it was in VF. But that’s why LL was tweeting that she had nothing to do with the VF article. She might know enough about Co$ to want to make sure they didn’t think she was squealing on them.
cruise is a “cancer”. very controlling. very needy. Cruise is cracked. we all are. that’s how the light gets in.
Hey, don’t blame it on Cancers! We’re actually very artistic, giving, sensitive, empathetic and loving.
dammit! 😆
The Headley’s, who where among the first speak out against Scientology and are quoted in the VF article, got an offer from the cult’s lawyers to drop their legal costs if they would spy for the church and give up rights to their book “Blown For Good”. http://blogs.villagevoice.com/runninscared/2012/09/scientology_marc_headley_spy_for_us.php
I’d love to see Katie Holmes contribute to their fund!
Just read the legal bills story from that link and that is horrible. How is the Co$ able to get away with that? That doesn’t even seem legal. These people need to go. Tommygirl and miss cabbage can go away on a space ship. Really wish Nicole and Katie would tell what they know.
Just found the letter Miss Cabbage’s lawyers sent to Vanity Fair. It is long but worth reading to see how crazy these Co$ freaks are. I am so proud of Vanity Fair for publishing this. We just need Nicole and Katie to tell their stories. What is really interesting is Missy Cabbage’s lawyers deny that he was a third wheel in tommygirl’s marriage saying he is too busy traveling the world yet the next paragraph goes on to state tommygirls’ itinerary for the past year. If missy cabbage is so busy how the heck would he know tommygirl’s itinerary so well. Sounds like a case of a third wheel.
Katie Katie Katie: NO MORE SKINNY JEANS! They make you look f-a-t and it is the wrong look for your little poundcake legs.
She runs and she’s thin. That is solid m-u-s-c-l-e!
Nicole should go to court and fight for sole custody over her children after what Tom did to them.
She could still save them with psychologists who specialize in working with cult “survivors”.
Tom should go to prison for what he did. He basically took those poor children from their mother and turned them into brainwashed empty children who don’t have the capabilities to be independent members of society.
They’re too old for custody battling now.
I think we have all seen enough pictures of Katie and Suri, I can’t believe I keep looking at them. Let them be! We all know they are normal in NYC. Go paps go, find someone famous doing something illicit.
Awww, so cute! Suri looks more and more like her bio dad, Tommy Davis, every day!
I’d never heard of this Davis fellow but did an image search after reading your comment. Holy crow… the resemblance is so striking.
Good GOD that is Tommy Davis’ daughter. It’s plain as day to me.
it’s just unmistakable. I can’t help but wonder if that’s not behind tommy Davis’s current state of disappearance – the need to get him out of the public eye, as the resemblance between him and suri becomes more and more undeniable.
This story, along with many others convince me of 2 things. 1, Katie was auditioned for TC’s wife because that would guarantee (or as close as one can get) to having a child that resembled TC. 2, that Nicole was labeled an SP and, for some time, had to “cut her losses” as Connor and Isabella were so brain washed away from their own mother… That maybe Nicole somehow knew that only time could help/heal and her children may eventually recognize their dad is a nut job.
I say this as an adopted child. The power of parents that raise you is amazing but in adulthood you see truly the strength and flaws of your parents, no matter who they are. Maybe Nicole simply believes in the future.
Point 3. Does anyone else find it curious that all the letters of “Suri” are in “Cruise”? Like little S was designed to be a litte TC clone from the beginning, genetically, Co$, or otherwise.
@Staramour – Wow. You bring up reall good points. I now see clearer why it seems Nicole didn’t fight enough I guess she would know how much they had been brainwashed by that nut job little tommy and hoped for the best in the future. Unfortanately, I don’t ever see Conner crossing over from the dark side. Of course the way the Co$ and tiny tom are being steamrolled anything is possible. Yes, I don’t believe tiny tom’s story in Vanity Fair that he and Katie found her name in a baby book. I agree with you I think there is something more sinister in the meaning of her name. Although, I do like it.
Isn’t Suri the name of some significant female in the Co$ mythology?
I thought Suri was named after Surrey England where LRH was born.
However Suri is a common Indian name though
I don’t think Tom is Suri’s bio dad her entire pregnancy was weird looking back she was gone for a period of time in Dec/Jan and then her oddly shaped belly. Made one wonder if she was born earlier than April.
Nicole chose her reputation over her own children IMO..
and Katie received a lot of financial compensation for being “Mrs. Cruise” for a couple of years, don’t tell me she didn’t enjoy the ride.
Agree. Katie knew what she was getting into, at least on a surface level. Unless we are to believe that she did not spend time with the other two Cruise children before marriage. If they are truly “brainwashed” they would have had a difficult time hiding the crazy as such young children. Those children have an opportunity every day to contact and spend time with Nicole; they are adults. One final thought, all religions sound crazy if you lay out just what they believe in.
I’m sure she enjoyed it early on she looked a lot happier but over time it wore on her that was evident. But back then Tom wasn’t considered a major nutbar until after he got with Katie.
I think she did care for him but something changed if it was a mere business arrangement both Tom and Katie would look good right now but instead Tom looks a lot worse I know that’s something he wouldn’t agree too if this was a business deal