Alex Rodriguez on Madonna: “We’re friends. That’s it.”

Alex Rodriguez claims he is not in a romantic relationship with Madonna at all. He doesn’t just say “we’re friends” and leave it at that, he goes on to dispute most of the stories that have been spread about his supposed relationship with the pop singer:

“We’re friends,” Rodriguez, 33, says.

Asked if there is any romance between them at all, Rodriguez reiterates, “We’re friends – that’s it.”

While rumors have swirled that the slugger and the singer, 50, have been carrying on a romantic relationship and flying around the country in order to spend time together, “I can tell you this,” Rodriguez says, “I have never been on a plane with her.”

He also finds much of what’s been written about them laughable: “I’ve been to two [of her] concerts, yet I’ve read that I went to 20. I’ve also read that we were buying an apartment together. That is absolutely ridiculous and not true.”

“You have to have a sense of humor when it comes to this stuff,” Rodriguez adds.

When pressed on how much time they have spent together, and whether he had ever stayed the night at Madonna’s home, Rodriguez laughed: “If I answered every rumor we’d be here for three weeks.”

[From People]

These two have been together in Miami and in Mexico recently and it seems like more than a coincidence that they’re in the same place at the same time given their alleged relationship. Madonna was even spotted openly flirting with A-Rod at a concert she gave in Miami. While Rodriguez insists they’ve never been on a plane together, they were photographed exiting a private plane together in Miami. Was that some other tall dark guy?

My guess is that if Rodriguez hasn’t dumped Madonna yet he’s about to. He’s newly single and isn’t about to get tied down to a controlling older woman. Madonna sent her friends down to Miami to babysit him at parties and make sure he wasn’t flirting. A-Rod is also said to no longer be taking Kabbalah classes. This is his way of rewriting history and making sure he gets away from Madge. If he was still with her wouldn’t he just say “no comment,” or “she’s a great friend”? Instead he went on about it like he wishes it were true.

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20 Responses to “Alex Rodriguez on Madonna: “We’re friends. That’s it.””

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  1. Lore says:

    Yuckier-than-usual picture of Madonna.

    If I was him I’d deny it too.

  2. Call me Al says:

    Ouch. She’s trash. But then again, he probably is too.

  3. ER says:

    He says “we’re friends” but doesn’t technically deny an intimate relationship. Friends with benefits is more likely!!!

  4. PJ says:

    A-Rod denied being on a plane with her, but around Thanksgiving I saw a photo of the two of them getting out of a private plane. The story said that Madonna and A-Rod had flown from NYC to Miami together along with their mutual agent. I saw it online somewhere but sorry, can’t remember exactly where.

  5. Kaiser says:

    Ruh-roh. Don’t make The Gristle angry. You wouldn’t like her when she’s angry. RUN!!!

    Yeah, I think he’s about to dump her too. Maybe he woke up and realized that he could date someone without all of those prominent veins. Like George Clooney or someone like that with a touch of femininity.

  6. geronimo says:

    Classy pic of Madge. I don’t think these two were ever anything more than a show for the media.

  7. Answer Guru says:

    @ Lore: good one :)) But look how they share facial expressions!

  8. Ria says:

    That photo of Vadge scares me.

  9. kate says:

    kaiser – i was thinking madge looks like a lizard, but actually gristle is a better description! gristly lizard? lizardy gristle?

  10. Kaiser says:

    Kate – Perchance “The Lizard Gristle”? It doesn’t have to make sense, it just has to feel right. The Lizard Gristle feels right. πŸ˜†

  11. RubySue says:

    If I were bumping uglies with her, I wouldn’t admit it, either πŸ™„

  12. Ally says:

    TMZ had the photo and video of them coming out of the same plane one after the other in Miami before her concert there, the one where he made goo-goo eyes at her.

    Early on in the rumors, TMZ staff also said that Rodriguez was into muscly chicks, hence his attraction to Madonna. From his inept lie, sounds like he’s just the kind of dumb man-boy she’d like to control.

  13. Christina says:

    he doesn’t have to justify who he’s dating to anyone…

  14. Jeanne says:

    I wouldn’t give either of these idiots any publicity. Old Vadge is just trying to rub it in Guy’s nose. Yuck! He’s displayed way more class in the whole messy divorce situation. Madonna, just retire you old bag.

  15. Trillion says:

    “Not wanting to break her demanding touring schedule, famed workaholic Madonna gives birth onstage.”

  16. kate says:

    kaiser – the “lizard gristle” it is!

  17. abbizmal says:

    LOL. She looks quite limber, bet she bends like a pretzel. That is probably all a dumb jock could ever want. But yuck, I’m glad my momma, err granny, never posed like that.

  18. chick says:

    Ouch,that must sting. Then again her ego is too huge to be truly affected by anything he says.

  19. Codzilla says:

    That photo of Madonna is truly horrifying. But I suppose that’s what I get for reading another story about these two dullards. πŸ™„

  20. vdantev says:

    A-rod is a dick in a glass case which reads ‘In Case Of Emergency’