Julie Bowen, Claire Danes & Julianne Moore in yellow: bold & beautiful?

Just so you know, I’ve been holding off on this post all morning just because I was at a loss for what to call this color. Electric yellow? Vibrant yellow with lime undertones? Chartreuse? Lime? Lemon? Sprite? Go ahead and yell at me in the comments, I’m waiting for you color-identifying know-it-alls to edumacate me. Anyway, three winning ladies wore a dramatically similar shade of yellow last night, to varying results.

Let’s start with Claire Danes. Claire wore Lanvin, and the biggest problem was actually her bump. I’m not anti-bump! I’m simply pro-dressing-for-your-bump. Claire is pretty far along – far enough along that she’s got a sizeable bump. It’s big enough that she needs to start buying and wearing maternity clothes instead of forcing a sack-like Lanvin gown over her bump. Claire loves fashion, and she cares about how she looks, so there was really no excuse for this crap. She just didn’t want to admit that she is too pregnant to wear Lanvin. Sidenote: I was THRILLED for Claire’s win for Homeland. She is excellent on that show.

Here’s Julie Bowen in Monique Lhuillier. I think this is much, much bolder than she usually tries, and I applaud her effort. I wouldn’t have told her to wear this… but it kind of works, right? She actually looked stunning in her own way. The color worked with her coloring, and while her hair was a bit frazzled and overprocessed-looking, overall I think she might have gotten it right. SHOCK!

And here’s Julianne Moore in Dior. Sigh. I love her, I think she’s gorgeous and I love her face. I don’t even hate this color on her – once again, I wouldn’t have chosen this color for her, but it kind of works. My problem is mainly with the funky design. It makes her look thick, right? And the dress did really odd things to her boobs.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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71 Responses to “Julie Bowen, Claire Danes & Julianne Moore in yellow: bold & beautiful?”

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  1. RocketMerry says:

    Claire is the winner of the wellow clothed gals for me, even with the weird fit of the dress.
    Really pretty, and the color is perfect for her skin/hair, while Julianne’s yellow was wayyyy to much for her.
    It’s a pity for Julianne, she is so gorgeous!

  2. Kaye says:

    I would call it chrome yellow, and I don’t think it’s flattering on ANYONE. It makes Julie Bowen’s hair look like she’s been too long in a chlorinated pool.

  3. Anonny says:

    That color can make even Snooki look washed out. Not sure why any woman with any drop of Caucasian in her wears it.

    • Chatcat says:

      I totally agree, and especially THAT much yellow. If blondes or redheads are going to try anything but a soft “butter” yellow, it certainly cannot be in a full length dress. None of these beautiful women did themselves or the designers any favors last night.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        I love seeing color instead of the usual boring black/taupe/red etc but I agree-bright colors don’t work as well on fair complexion/fair hair.

        Julianne Moore is so gorgeous but that is just WAY too much fabric. She looks like she’s drowning in that thing.

    • Lem says:

      Edit: I’m a double posting machine lately

    • Lem says:

      A drop of Caucasian, funny!
      I am similarly colored to these 3. Yellow does horrid things to my completion. I would have never –
      Julianne needs a trim, stat

      • the original bellaluna says:

        I have too much yellow in my skin tone to wear yellow. Makes me look like I have jaundice.

        Julianne’s dress needs a trim, STAT, as well! And she looks positively lovely in jewel tones; emerald green, royal blue, ruby red, etc…

    • Bored suburbanhousewife says:

      Double that. I love yellow but I’m blond & it looks like crap on me or I look like crap in it actually.

      Only blond actress in history to pull off a beautiful yellow dress on the red carpet is Rene Zellweger in vintage Desses gown a million years ago for the Oscars. Truly a memorable classic.

  4. mia girl says:

    You could have called it:

    “Suck on Lemons bitches, I won!” Yellow

  5. Eva (not Eve) says:

    I’m just glaf that Julie Bowen isn’t showing off her sternum this year.

  6. Mrs.Darcy says:

    Hate hate hate all of them. (the dresses, not the ladies.)Although I am not a fan of yellow at all so I am biased. Where are the pretty autumnal shades? Mermaid green and this weird pukey yellow abounded, it’s like Las Vegas vomited all over the red carpet.

    • gab says:

      +1 And extra bonus points for your funny rant!
      I totally agree.

    • Raven says:

      I live yellow normally, but these were horrible shades. I don’t think any of these women looked good in their clothing although Julie Bowen’s was cut the best.

  7. KellyinSeattle says:

    Yellow is my favorite color, but I don’t really like the cut of the dresses. Yellow and orange both rock!

  8. arock says:

    i love it.the color is interesting without putting the wearer in a “too young” catergory and its refreshing to see a more mature cut thats flattering but not matronly. there were way too many people in jessica mclintock looking prom garb–zoe, im looking at you…..
    youre women, embrace it, rock it.

  9. Suzz54 says:

    My 11 year old informed this color called Maze, like the color for the University of Michigan.

    • Lem says:

      Well then it is nice to see Michigan actually win something. 😉

      O – H

      • Scarlet Vixen says:

        LoLoLoLoL I went to Michigan State (best shade of green ever for my red hair, btw 🙂 ), and hubs is a big Michigan fan, so we have a healthy rivalry in our house.

        The first and last dresses were pretty close to maize, so your daughter has a good eye!

      • Aquarius says:

        I-O! 😉 Yellow is my favorite color, so I was happy to see it last night. I am very pale and probably shouldn’t wear it, but I don’t care. Then again, I doubt I’m ever going to be on a red carpet…

        I couldn’t stop staring at the top of Julianne Moore’s dress–it did do odd things to her chest, and there was too much fabric. I would have loved Claire Danes’s dress more if it were one solid piece without the fold in the middle and yes, showed off her bump.

  10. Cathy says:

    I’ve liked Julianne Moore for years, she’s a great actress and pretty to. But this dress does her no favors. Actually none of the dresses do any of them any favors.

  11. emmieapricot says:

    I thought Claire’s dress was missing something. The color was ok but the cut/style was off. Maybe she needed a necklace? Something to make it not look like a strapless beach cover-up.
    Julianne’s dress would be incredible without the long sleeves – or maybe even 3/4 length or short sleeves? I like the overall style but I think the sleeves bring it down.
    Great colors – and like Mia Girl pointed out, they all won!

  12. effy says:

    Forget the girls and yellow.
    Hugh is all i want to stare at! 🙂

  13. ladybert62 says:

    Awful color and horrible dresses – all of them.

  14. Bugsrunny says:

    Highway stripe yellow?

  15. neelyo says:

    I would call Julianne’s shade ‘Ronald McDonald Yellow’.

  16. dcypher1 says:

    I like julies dressed the most.

  17. normades says:

    Neon yellow, I’d say.

  18. Nanz says:

    Julianne Moore looks exquisite. While I love Julie Bowen’s dress, I wish her hair didn’t look like it’s the same color as her dress. Maybe it’s the lighting or bad reflection?

  19. evon says:

    i love yellow but i hate hate the fit of that dress claire is wearing. but her make up and hair are just wow she is glowing.

  20. paranormalgirl says:

    Julie’s dress is more of an acid yellow.

  21. Melissa says:

    I was so psyched that Claire won for Homeland! And her shout out to Mandy Patinkin – loved it. I actually like her dress. I can tell she’s pregnant in these pics, but during the show last night, you couldn’t really tell. I had to go to IMDB to find out how far along she was, b/c I couldn’t believe she wasn’t really showing.

    Did anybody think her chemistry with Hugh was weird last night? She kissed him when she won, and as soon as she was walking away, he had a sourpuss “I’m over it” look on his face. And then the same thing when she thanked him profusely in her acceptance speech – after he thought the cameras were off of him, he looked totally dismal.

    • mia girl says:

      Yes Melissa! I noticed their weird energy as well! I even told my husband that it looks like they must have had a massive fight in the limo.

      In fact, did you notice that Hugh was happier and much more excited when Damien Lewis won than when Claire won?!

      PS I luuurv Hugh.

    • the original bellaluna says:

      I didn’t watch but I commented below on that header pic: neither one of them look happy.

      There was a blind a couple months ago that I think was about them: they were all but over (something about him cheating, I think) and then she found out she was pregnant, so the divorce was off.

    • Raven says:

      That’s too bad. I missed the show last night, but neither of them look too happy in the photo. I wondered if they had fought earlier that day.

    • mayamae says:

      I would not wish it on Claire, but hopefully as her pregnancy advances, she will regret the whole Mary Louise Parker thing. I love her on the show but I have never gotten over that whole thing and just can’t like her as a person.

  22. Msnomer says:

    These dresses read much more green-yellow on TV. I think they would be called “chartreuse”.

  23. Dotty says:

    While watching, all I could think of was “Spring colors? Isn’t it Fall now?”.

  24. Chicagogurl17 says:

    Hate the color on anything other than accessories, but I love Claire’s speech. I don’t even watch Homeland or particuarly care for her speech made me girl crush a bit.

  25. Happy21 says:

    As I was watching the show last night I knew there would be a yellow-themed post on here today! And I’m glad.

    Julianne’s dress from the waist down was lovely but the top part was AWFUL. It looked like a spandex body suit. It was extremely unflattering through the chest and arms and the neckline was just really, really bad.

    I didn’t care for Claire Danes’ dress. She’s never been a fave of mine but her acceptance speech was really good. The dress though, not too good. I don’t think she should have gone for something that cut her baby bump in half.

    I thought Julie Bowen looked fabulous. I loved her electric yellow dress. It looked very nice with her skin colour and hair. Probably one of my favourite dresses of the night.

  26. Bodhi says:

    I think that Claire looks amazing! I disagree, I think she is dressing for the bump. You don’t have to wear mumus when you are towards the end of your pregnancy

  27. the original bellaluna says:

    Claire’s is goldenrod; Julie’s has lime undertones; Julianne’s is a sunny yellow. 😉

    Claire looks GREAT pregnant! But neither she nor her hubs look very happy in that header shot.

  28. mln89 says:

    claire looks horrible in that dress, although i like her shoes. so does julianne moore. i like julie bowen’s dress. it looks well constructed.

  29. Barrett says:

    My husband said it best: “Why does Claire Danes look like a giant tube of Mustard”?

  30. judyjudy says:

    Vitamin-pee yellow

  31. skuddles says:

    Claire’s dress is pretty awful – too sacky and makes her look completely flat chested.

  32. apsutter says:

    Can someone sit Julie Bowen down and force her to eat a meal? She looks disgustingly sickly skinny and bony. I dont need to see your clavicle stabbing you 24/7.

  33. j.eyre says:

    I had no problem with the color and am a pro-bump dresser, but I disliked Claire’s dress. The cinching looked like an afterthought and the way it pulled the dress from behind did not flatter her backside. And the top, without straps, looked like a 70s tube-top you would find in a roller rink.
    I liked Julie’s dress and I, personally, liked her hair, but I thought it was too much dress for the color. If the mermaid fin had been less pronounced (or non-existent) the color would have been fine or if the color we less bold, the dress would have been fine but together it was overwhelming.
    I am OK with Julianne’s dress, albeit I might have cut at least a Sabrina neckline on it, but you could see the boning from her foundation the entire time she spoke. How was that not caught? At one point I thought it was the dress bodice but then she stood still for a moment and the bodice had this smooth, pretty line to it.

  34. F5 says:

    ROFL @ Juliane Moore.. wtf

  35. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

    Sure, the women in yellow won, but seeing them really highlights (so to speak) some home truths:

    -CD’s husband seems to hate her
    -JB’s muscle seems to be eating itself
    -I still haven’t forgiven JM for 30 Rock
    -HS’s dress reminds us that only something as dull and lifeless as the Emmys could make canary yellow seem like dishrag dun.

    Sorry, I just HAAAAAATTTTEEE these awards shows and didn’t even know this show was on until I turned on my computer and I got my chance to eviscerate some fashion.

    I was one of the ones who liked Michelle Williams’ dress at the Oscars, haven’t seen any seen any really good yellow since.

  36. The Original Victoria says:

    This color belongs on a dark skinned woman and i ain’t talking about Beyonce lol. Kerri Washington or Iman could pull this color off without blinking.

    Claire had great makeup though a little to Waity Kaitie for me. Lanvin I love. I don’t love this on her bump or no bump. If you are built like a boy, create curves with a different shape else it just hangs there.

    Julie Bowen….yeah.

    Julianne: the dress woukd be gorgeous in plum or even a deeper golden color. And the undergarments…tsk.

  37. Patrice says:

    I love love love Claire and Hugh Dancy as a couple 🙂 I was so excited when she announced that they were expecting; Claire has been my talent/girl crush ever since My So-Called Life (Angela and Jordan Catalano 4-eva!). She was INCREDIBLE on that show and I was one broken-hearted 5th grader when it went off the air 🙁

    I also love Julianne as well. She, Blanchet and Swinton are the top, incomprable tier of actresses as far as I’m concerned. Gah! Can you imagine if they did a movie together?! With say, Julianne and Tilda playing psychotic criminal sisters and Cate B. as the classy, savvy detective hot on their trail? **Sigh** One can only dream…

    • the original bellaluna says:

      Patrice, you made me swoon with your last paragraph! Could we find roles for Ellen Burstyn and Maggie Smith? Then my girl crush movie would be complete. (Though a rivalry would ensue between this movie and Divine Secrets…Conundrum!)

  38. Suze says:

    Leave those yellow dresses to the dark skinned ladies who can rock them. Sheesh, what a mess. And they are all lovely ladies.

    Claire is all bunched up, Julie looks cinched and Julianne is drowning in fabric. All in unflattering colors.

    Not one good outfit in the bunch.

  39. Mandy says:

    OMG, this post hurt my eyes!! I did love Julie Bowen’s dress. I WISH I could wear that color!

  40. A Fan says:

    Nice colour dress on Claire – but not the hair colour!

    The other one looks even worse with her blonde hair.

    Poor Julianne – beautiful red hair but awful dress (as usual).

  41. lucy2 says:

    I don’t like any of these.
    Julie’s might actually have a nice shape, but the color is so blinding I can’t even look at it.

  42. Contrived says:

    Claire: baby shit saffron

    Julie: 90s neon green nose zinc

    Julianne: French’s mustard

    That being said Claire gets a pass cuz she was so damn cute with her bump.

    Julie looked pretty good

    Juliann I thought actually looked great waist up. Shes 50 or 51! AMAZING! That bottom should have been ripped off—ruined it.

  43. B says:

    I’ve long wanted to slap some mascara and eyeliner on Claire…never thought her 90’s minimalist look suited her. Needless to say, I think she looks great here 🙂

  44. kosmos says:

    One of the fashion rules is that you should wear the clothes, they should not wear you..meaning, what’s most important is that we see YOU rather than mostly your dress, for whatever that is worth. I’m undecided about the color here, but Julianne Moore’s dress is just too overwhelming for her. There is too much vividly-colored cloth for me.

  45. belly says:

    Loathe that Clair skank. The dress is sh!t and so is she. I hope her husband runs off with someone else when she’s getting ready to pop. She deserves it.

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