Anne Hathaway in Oscar de la Renta at the Critics’ Choice: hot or hot mess?

I know Anne Hathaway is, like, super-EXTRA, but I still love this neurotic bitch. I can’t help it, y’all. It’s like the Five Phases of Hathaway: General Interest, Fan-Girling, Annoyance, Hatred, and finally Acceptance and Love. Annie’s a mess. She can’t help it. She wants that Oscar so badly she can taste it. I kind of like that she’s so in-our-faces about it, honestly. Annie won the Critics’ Choice Award for Best Supporting Actress for Les Miserables, because honestly she was going to have a meltdown if she didn’t win. I liked the first part of her speech a lot, where she called out the BFCAA for misspelling her name, and she seemed confident and sassy and funny. Then she reverted back to “Supplicant Annie, grateful for any award you want to throw at her.” Then she got annoying, but whatever. I’m through my Five Stages of Hathaway. I love her. I accept her for what she is: a neurotic, beave-flashing hot mess of a girl.

Annie wore this sparkly, silvery Oscar de la Renta gown for the event – it’s okay. It’s very obvious this is one of her starter gowns and she’s building up to much bigger and better looks. Personally, one of my favorite parts of her Oscar co-hosting duties a few years ago was all of the costume changes – Anne can bring the glamour, you know? But this is okay – and she had especially good hair and makeup. Pretty, understated, occasion-appropriate.

Bonus Sally Field! I don’t know who did Sally’s dress. It looks like the kind of dress that was probably already in Sally’s closet, something she’s had for years. Many think Sally is Anne’s biggest competition for the Oscar – and while I get that the Oscar campaigns have just begun, it feels like Sally doesn’t give a crap, right? She’s proud of Lincoln, she’s proud of her work, but she’s not falling all over herself to campaign.

Helen Hunt in a Philip Armstrong gown – it’s okay. I don’t have a blinding hatred for it, and it’s a nice color on Helen. I think those lace insets look kind of cheap, but this isn’t the Oscar red carpet, so I’ll let it go. I would love it if Helen really tried out some sophisticated glamour for this awards season, wouldn’t you? This feels like the kind of dress Jessica Chastain would choose, and I would need to yell at her for it.

Here’s Emily Blunt and John Krasinski. Emily wore this Miu Miu dress which is… eh. It’s okay. Emily tends to wear a lot of clothes that only someone with her body could really pull off. If she didn’t have a relatively small bust, if she had wider hips, etc, this dress would have been a total failure. But she had that great figure, so the dress sort-of works. But I don’t get why she makes clothes try so hard, you know? Why does everything she wears have to be so overwrought? Throughout the show, the camera kept coming to her, and every time I was like “Ugh, that hair.” I don’t know if she lightened it for a role or whatever, but she needs to figure out a better way to style it. Maybe bring in a team of hair professionals to figure this crap out.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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73 Responses to “Anne Hathaway in Oscar de la Renta at the Critics’ Choice: hot or hot mess?”

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  1. Eleonor says:

    I really like Anne’s dress, it’s gorgeus.
    What the hell Emily did to her face?? She looks frozen.
    I am rooting for Sally.

    • Christina says:

      You’re right. Emily’s face looks like a doll’s. And I don’t think it’s just down to the blonde hair – she’s had work done. At the ripe old age of 29. Oh dear.

      • QQ says:

        Could those be Massive veneers?! But ya’ll right something is Off about Emily’s face, much like the weird length of her dress?

        Anyways I kinda Love everything Supplicant “Annie” ( ugh why cant she be called Anne, all of the sudden?) is doing! Love love LOOOVVEE the hair length and styling and love the dress, is weird how she never really looks corpse bridey when she does white, which one would expect

    • Miss Kiki says:

      I think we mentioned a while ago that Emily has noticeably done something to her face, it’s not just the hair, she’s tweaked and the results are not pretty.

      • Christina says:

        Hopefully it’s just botox or something that will wear off with time. It would be a shame if such a young woman messed up her face permanently. She has such a pretty yet distinctive face – let’s hope she doesn’t morph into one of those scary Hollywood clones.

      • HotPockets says:

        Emily is only 29? I thought she much older, I would have guessed late 30’s. I agree she over tweaked her face and the blonde hair doesn’t suit her at all. I’ve always thought that she looked like a less attractive version of Katy Perry when she sported the darker hair.

  2. Gia says:

    Did John finally get that nose fixed? It looks…different. And I can’t handle Anne. She annoys the sh-t out of me. Ruins every movie she’s in.

    • Snowpea says:

      OMG I cannot.stand.Anne.Hathaway! DRIVES ME BONKERS!

      This from Michael K:

      While accepting the award for Best Singing While Ugly Crying in a Movie at the Critics’ Choice Awards last night, Anne Hathaway (or as my mom calls her, “Anne Haddaway,” which always makes me think of this) let a trick know that she’s not happy that they spelled her name wrong. In the nominees video package that played before Eddie Redmayne announced that she won, Anne’s name was spelled as “Ann.” Ann grabbed the trophy and set a bitch right:

      “This is a bittersweet moment for me because I have this award, but you spelled my name wrong. It is with an “e.” It’s probably in bad taste for me to point that out here, but um… I’m sorry I don’t mean to be gauche.”

      SAYS IT ALL ANN! he he

      • Belle Epoch says:

        Wow! I did not hear that story about the “e”. Yup, that’s gauche all right. Way to be graceless.

        still no underwear, either

  3. Christina says:

    Anne’s dress is fab. She’s really upping her game on the red carpet.

    Emily looks fabulous too. I don’t even mind the blonde hair on her so much in these pictures. Actually, I think it’s a great colour – just not on her. I’m always trying to find the perfect ashy blonde for my own hair, but somehow it always ends up too yellow for my liking!

    • RocketMerry says:

      I agree, Emily looks beautiful.
      Side note, you know who she reminds me of, as of late? Uma Thurman. I’ve been trying to figure that one out for a while, but here it is very clear to me. Now I kinda wish she’d make a QTarantino movie.

  4. marie says:

    The dress would be fantastic in another color I think. It seems to light for Anne’s light skin.

    When did Helen Hunt become so tiny? It was not always so..

    And dangit Emily, stop trying to work the light hair and dye it dark again. The dress would have worked better on her with dark hair.

    Sally Fields wins, she looks good.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      Hey marie-Yeah I think Anne looks great but I wish the color of the dress was different-definitely washes her out.

      Helen Hunt has always been REALLY thin but I’m amazed at how she’s been able to maintain that weight. How old is she exactly? She looks pretty awesome..

      Emily Blunt-PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get rid of the blonde!!!!! Maybe she dyed the hair to distract from the supposed work she had done to her face? Hmmm….

      Sally Field-winner for sure.

      • marie says:

        hey OKitt, I guess I never noticed it with Helen before, I like her dress though.

        And I don’t understand why Emily would have work done, she was unique, why would she want to look like everyone else in HW. sad.

  5. Marianne says:

    Anne’s dress isn’t terrible…but she just looks so plain. I just wish, she had some kind of statement jewellery on. Or if she didn’t have short hair, then she could do something statement-wise with her hair. It’s just a boring look imo.

    Sally looks good for her age, and that’s all I really have to say.

    I think Helen looks really good.

    Emily looked really good though. And my favourite look out of these 4.

    • QQ says:

      Yes Marianne: Helen to me looks kinda Banging on the bod! That dress is NICE

    • Lucija says:

      I love Anne, I can’t help it.
      I actually wish her hair was shorter. I love her with really short hair, like it was just when she chopped it off. Not feeling the dress, though.

      Sally looks great for her age, Helen is ok, and Emily annoys the hell out of me, so I can’t be the judge when it comes to her. Why does she always have that uninterested bitch face?

  6. Post-Its says:

    If Anne wins that Oscar and acts all shocked/weepy/surprised, I’ll punch my TV.

    But when it comes to Sally Field, Anne needs to SIT DOWN.

  7. deb says:

    All I can see on Helen hunt is that huge forehead. Ugh bad hair choice. Sally looks great

  8. Cherry says:

    Holy crap, I didn’t know Helen Hunt was this tiny. Look at her itty-bitty waist!

  9. Prinny says:

    I love Sally!!

  10. Jenny says:

    Interesting juxtapostion of the “Skinny Girls Cocktails” in the background next to all the skinny girls of Hollywood. Sally Field outclasses them all.

    • Maria says:

      This is exactly what I thought when I looked at these pictures – so much for the promotion of being healthy. And equally since Hathaway is not revealing her ‘starvation diet’ (even though she already did) to prevent people copying her and being unhealthy weights.

  11. Jenna says:

    It’s okay. I’m not crazy about. And I still cannot stand the woman. Hoping Sally or Amy pulls it out from underneath her, though it probably won’t happen. Ugh.

    I like Emily’s outfit, but I just got used to her as a blonde and now she looks odd again! Helen and Sally look phenomenal!!! 😀

  12. Brown says:

    John Krasinski, all day, every day.

  13. Miss Kiki says:

    Helen Hunt’s body looks really good here.

    I just can’t with Anne at the moment.

    I like Emily’s dress but I’m still un-impressed that she’s done something to her face

  14. mia girl says:

    I had also been going through “stages of Anne” but after actually seeing her performance in Les Miserables, I am firmly planted in final acceptance and love.

    She completely delivered. And while I know this may not be popular among many of my fellow CBers, I do hope she wins her Oscar.

  15. T.C. says:

    Anne’s dress is a little too simple. Sally Field looks great, wish I look that good at her age. Since when did Helen Hint develop that knock out body? Smoking hot. Emily Blunt is a big fat NO. Hate the hair, makeup and dress.

  16. truthful says:

    Anne looks great, no do dads on the dress, no ruffle or flounce etc.

    I like her alot, I could care less that other folks don’t. I like her acting roles and she gives her all to most of them.

    her dress is classic and her hair looks cute to me.

  17. Jennifer says:

    I’m already sick of Anne H. and her Oscar campaigne.

  18. lucy2 says:

    Sally looks great, I think this is the first I’ve seen of her this whole time – in stark contrast to Anne. But I do LOVE Anne’s dress.

    Emily’s is nice too, but I agree on the hair being off.

    I dislike lace cutouts, but that’s totally a “look how slim I am” dress.

  19. Happymom says:

    I think Anne looks great-especially her hair. I think Sally is underdressed-she looks like she’s going to a daytime event. And I think Emily looks gorgeous-but I wish her dress was a different length-either a bit shorter or to the floor.

  20. Christina says:

    I only have one thing to say about this whole post: JOHN KRASINSKI LOOKS SO EFFING SEXY.
    The end.

  21. bea says:

    Whatever Sally Field’s is doing (or not doing) A LOT of women in Hollywood should follow her lead. Her face looks great, she’s wearing age-appropriate clothes – fantastic. Hope she wins.

    • Bijlee says:

      Was watching mrs doubt fire the other day and it looks as if the woman hasn’t aged at all since then! She looks great!

  22. s says:

    Ann: definitely hot. she looks amazing.

  23. aims says:

    Anne looks great. Can you imagine, all this effort shes poured into press and she doesnt get the oscar? She’ll fall apart. Theres a sich part of me, who kinda want to see that hapen. Does that make me a crappy person?

  24. Alli says:

    Is it me or is Blunt throwing off some Chloe Sevigny vibes with that new hair?

  25. La Calabaza says:

    Off topic: Where the hell are Anne boobs? She used to be busty and now she is kind of flat chested all of a sudden. So strange. Look at Winona! No matter how skinny she is, the boobs remain. In this case, they seem to run away for good. Maybe they got sick of her. No love for Anne!

    • Franklymydear1 says:

      Could she be one of those people who gains fat there? If so, I’m incredibly jealous when I gain weight it just all goes to my waist… also generally when someone gets into the unhealthy category of weight loss, it goes away everywhere.

  26. DeltaJuliet says:

    I am loving Anne’s hair now…’s very flattering on her.

    Emily (who I don’t really care for anyway) is giving me Chloe Sevigny (who I also really don’t care for) vibes. Not good.

  27. Chatcat says:

    Anne should not wear colorless garb of anykind with her transparent skin tone…she needs to have some color.

    Oh and on her remarks about the award “This is a bittersweet moment for me because I have this award but you spelled my name wrong,” Hathaway said. “It is with an ‘e.’ It’s probably in bad taste for me to point that out here.” Your right Anne, it is in bad taste and sounds petty. That is something one handles with grace AFTER the TV camera’s stop rolling and as a matter of business by you and/or your agent. That is the difference between class and something less.

    • Miss Kiki says:

      I thought I was just being lame for thinking that was kind of in poor taste. It’s the kind of thing that you speak to them about after the show and then once it’s been rectified you can make a joke about it next week on a talk show.

    • TG says:

      Totally agree what an insufferable boring woman. Please don’t let this woman win the Oscar. She is so annoying going on and on about starving herself and now this with the misspelling? Yes, they should have gotten it right but calling someone out in public is rude beyond belief.

      • taxi says:

        Completely tasteless on-air complaint. At first glance I thought this was a pic of Hilary Swank.

  28. emmie_a says:

    Helen Hunt and her dress look amazing.

    I cannot stand Anne and her dress is waay too light for her skin color.

    Emily looks ugly. Too much tweaking.

  29. MG says:

    Love AH’s hair and makeup but I think the color of the dress is soooo boring.
    Oh Sally Field….I love you. This woman doesn’t age and not in the plasticky, botoxy way. She is just beautiful.

  30. tracking says:

    Anne just isn’t working that dress (which is beautiful in and of itself). I think she’s a little too skinny to carry it off. Not feeling any of the other dresses. Blah.

  31. lower-case deb says:

    I wonder what will happen if they mis-spell her name at the Oscars. Will she reprimand them too? Annie Hath’erway, for instance.

  32. Shelly says:

    Anne’s hair looks fabulous right now. I didn’t like it when it was super short, but this slightly longer length really suits her face.

  33. Sumodo1 says:

    As the “oldie” on this site, I just need to say that since “Gidget,” Sally Field has had AMAZING hair. That is all.

  34. j.eyre says:

    I think they all look good. I don’t like Sally’s dress that much but her face and hair look good enough to make up for it. I love Emily’s dress.

  35. MST says:

    She looks nice but I still think she is kind of homely.

  36. J.Mo says:

    Emily Blunt looks generic now, and a lot like Katy Perry.
    Am I the only one who sees a mustache on Anne Hathaway?

  37. Diana says:

    I do like Helen’s dress, I think she has a banging bod and the dress looks amazing on her.

  38. Claudia says:

    HATHAWAY! *Punches my screen*

    That is all.

  39. Bobby the K says:

    Sally deserves the oscar instead. If anne wins everyone will be sorry. It would mean her tacky campaign paid off and everyone will do it in the future.

  40. Anna00 says:

    Nice dress. I can’t stand her.

  41. lrm says:

    I LOVE emily blunt, but she looks off; please stop face tweaking, emily. she’s such a good actress with a unique beauty….she’s an intelligent actress-which is rare.

    that said, she looks like katy-gulp-perry from that side angle shot! shocking.
    i also see the uma thurman and chloe s. comparisons, as well. not a great hair color on her.
    the others are fine.
    i like anne’s dress but not the best color for her.

  42. Jaxx says:

    Who dresses up, then sticks a bobby pin in their hair? Come on, Emily! At least get a booby pin with something sparkly on the end. And blonde does nothing for her.

  43. citygirlsf says:

    Sally Field is ageless. I just love her!

  44. Aud says:

    These red carpet events are like puny bodybuilding competitions, with images taken from all angles, celebrities posing in all directions.

  45. Meganne says:

    Sally looks the best here! Emily needs to go back to brunette and I don’t get the Anne Hathaway obsession. She’s cute but average looking to me.

  46. dcypher1 says:

    Im in the I dont hate anne but I dont like her at all and probably never will stage I find het annoying, desperate, and insufferable. Im team sally all the way for the oscar I hope she wins and she will mark my words.

  47. MisJes says:

    Oh, just go away Anne.

    Her look here is just boring, I’m sure I have seen that same style of dress on a thousand other actresses. She is seriously giving me Miranda Kerr feelings now – everytime she opens her mouth, I just want to reach into the screen and hold her lips together.