“Simon Baker looked really hot for his Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremony” links

Simon Baker got his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. [A Socialite Life]
I used to watch Melrose Place & I don’t remember this chick. [Dlisted]
OMG METEOR. This footage from Russia is absolutely crazy. [Gawker]
Calvin Klein’s fall/winter show was heavy on the leather. [LaineyGossip]
This “Thanks Obama” post is amazing & hilarious. [Buzzfeed]
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt took the twins out for V-Day. [Pop Sugar]
Review of Safe Haven – yeah… it seemed stupid. [Pajiba]
Here’s the Rodarte show – lots of cutouts & asymmetry. [Go Fug Yourself]
Eve claims that Britney Spears didn’t sing on “Scream & Shout”. [ICYDK]
Tiffani Amber Thiessen’s daughter is adorable. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Miley Cyrus in a bizarre striped dress. [Popoholic]
Joaquin Phoenix’s PETA commercial was banned from the Oscars. [The Blemish]
I think Jessica Chastain is going to wear Calvin Klein at the Oscars. [Moe Jackson]
Ali Larter is always going in and out of the gym. [Celebslam]
Beyonce is named after a dude (her uncle?). [IDLYITW]
Mob Wives star is engaged to another mobster (who is currently in jail). [Reality Tea]
Keira Knightley’s Chanel ad is too racy for children. [The Frisky]
Leslie Knope’s wedding dress was not all that cute. Or was it TOO cute? [Starcasm]

PS…Look at his super-attractive family!!

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95 Responses to ““Simon Baker looked really hot for his Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremony” links”

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  1. Hubbahun says:

    You get a Star on the Walk of Fame for starring in one series now?

    • stinky says:

      seriously. what complete b.s. its actually offensive to me (a nobody).

    • CG says:

      He’s actually been in a lot of stuff. He was in The Devil Wears Prada, LA Confidential and that movie last year about the financial meltdown, plus he was in another series a few years back called The Guardian (I think). That’s just what I can think of off the top of my head. So he’s been around a while!

      • Jen says:

        You must not forget his standout work in E street, the fanta ad and as a dancer on the Euphoria video hehe

    • Eleonor says:

      I think a lot of tv series are far way better than the majority of movies.
      But I agree with you “The mentalist” isn’t one of the best.

    • Kaitlin says:

      Well to be fair, he may be known for The Mentalist but he has also been in many movies.

      • ILLNana says:

        He was in my favorite movie of all time, Something New. God, I loved seeing him touching a gorgeous black woman. Hmmmmmmm…. And for that he deserves all of the stars on the walk of fame.

      • sophie says:

        looks like he wants to do more movies!?!-

        Simon Baker Opts Out Of The Mentalist

        Actor-producer is asking to end his contract with CBS’ The Mentalist.

        Burbank, California (mcclatchy.news) February 17, 2013 – Actor Simon Baker has requested to be let out of his seven-year contract to star on the CBS TV program The Mentalist, asking that the current season be his last.

        He is citing future projects.

        The Mentalist was originally planned to run for five seasons. Mr. Baker’s contract was extended in 2011 to seven seasons with producing credits.

        CBS has not commented.

    • T.Fanty says:

      That was my first thought. He’s hot, and a decent actor, but in thirty years time, there will be several tourists standing by his star, scratching their heads. And that’s not going to happen for Hugh Jackman.

      • Mia 4S says:

        The stars on the Walk of Fame are paid for…it’s not actually that much of an honor and sadly hasn’t been for years. It’s used as a promotional tool or fan clubs raise the money. He seems nice sure but when you see these ceremonies remember…the bar is set VERY low.

      • JRenee says:

        That’s what I was thinking. And yes he is hot!

    • StaCat1 says:

      You get a star on the walk of “fame” for less things nowadays…it’s really just bought by your agent/studio/network for publicity reasons. The walk of fame is pretty much a joke…just take a walk on it…there are a loads of ppl you have NEVER heard of.

    • FassDaActor says:

      I know. I’m like what? Why? That’s why you can’t put too much into this type of thing.

      On another note: Sorry guys, I don’t get the tingles when I see him. He ain’t ‘Something New’ to me lol…nope.

      • LAK says:

        i thought that film was cute.

        Hated that they didn’t find a better outfit for him to go to the ball in at the end.

    • BW says:

      You buy a star on the walk of fame. It’s not an honor that’s awarded to you. Just about anyone can buy one. It’s not even very expensive. It’s about the cost of a new car.

    • Me Three says:

      The whole aura surrounding stars on the walk of fame is BS. I love Simon Baker but the fact is if you pay and have acted in even a few things, you can get a star. Many mega stars don’t have stars because they won’t pay.

      That said, Simon has appeared in a lot of movies here and in Australia, but probably not at the level you would expect for the walk. Sadly, it, like so much in the US has degenerated into who is willing to pay!

    • LAK says:

      Seriously, check the man’s Imdb page before making such a comment.


      The man has been working steadily since 1989!!

      • Lou says:

        Come on, it’s called the Walk of Fame, not the Walk of Working Steadily Since 1989. Dude doesn’t even have name recognition with most people.

        It just looks tragic if you’re on the Walk without being a superstar.

      • T.C. says:

        I have no idea who this guy is. Never seen his TV show. Usually at least recongnize a person’s name when getting a walk of fame star.

  2. Amelia says:

    Woohoo! He seems like such a nice bloke. I love The Mentalist and went to see I Give It A Year the other day – almost had to walk out, I cracked a rib last week and it bloody hurt to laugh that much!
    I hope everyone who was injured in Russia is alright; who knew a flying rock could do so much damage?

  3. Laura says:

    Seriously? All you need for a star these days is to be in a crappy CBS series?

    • MJ says:

      And a cheque for $30,000 made out to the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce.

    • Mia 4S says:

      Yep, as long as you or the studio pony up the necessary cash. It’s quite silly actually you can read about the process online.

      I feel bad writing this as I have nothing against him; but the whole walk of fame is a joke (much like the People’s Choice Awards) and its time people knew.

    • WOM says:

      +1 for this comment.

      Also he doesn’t look all that great. There were more snaps on the Daily Mail site and it looks like he’s got Bells Palsy. One side of his face is super droopy.

  4. Nev says:

    Go on Carolyn Murphy!!! Nice comeback on the runway!

  5. lylaooo says:

    he is so fine!!

  6. Ladyanne says:

    Hell yeah Simon Baker !! Sooo handsome !

  7. KellyinSeattle says:

    I love him. I love him. I love him.

  8. apsutter says:

    Don’t you dare speak ill of Leslie Knope!!! How great was that episode last night?! I love that show so much.

    • StephanieMarie85 says:

      While I don’t doubt it’s greatness, I DO begrudge the spoiler 🙁 LOL
      I’m not caught up and this was a major reveal BUT I heart Ms. Knope and am happy she’s a missus 😉

  9. j.eyre says:

    OK, Australian CBers – seriously, what is in your drinking water? Are unattractive people asked to leave the country? Are you just not capable of producing non-hots?

    • marie says:

      haha, I can see the mirrors at the ports “you need to be this attractive to stay here”

    • T.Fanty says:

      I’m not sure your argument completely holds water.

      Exhibit A: 2013 Russell Crowe

      (Exhibit B can be Paul Hogan. Or isn’t Shane Warner an Aussie?)

    • j.eyre says:

      My arguments are always watery.

      Well obviously it is a more recent law. Maybe because of the Paul Hogan and Shane guy mishaps they have now stripped all non-hots of their passports and accents and shipped them out. Maybe someone like Hulk Hogan was born in Melbourne but when assessed by the Hot Officials, he did not measure high enough so out he went… and he is contracted to say he is an American by Aussie law – that is enforced by intimidatingly tall wombats.

      And Crowe gets a pass. Knee-meltingly good in bed ALWAYS gets a pass.

      • LAK says:

        Russell Crowe is a kiwi.

      • j.eyre says:

        Ha! is he? Maybe he was an Aussie until he *lost it* and then they kicked him out.

        No, I see he is a New Zealand born Australian actor. Hmm, I best re-read that law…

      • Lucrezia says:

        Wait, what? Paul Hogan (Crocodile Dundee) was hot, back in the day. Hulk Hogan (wrestler with sex-tape and ridiculous blonde mustache) is American. That was a slip of the tongue (fingers?), right? You’re not confusing the two?

        Also wombats are intimidating, full-stop, even the short ones 🙂

      • j.eyre says:

        No, I know the differences between the two. I was making a joke – just not a good one.

        I have a thing for leathery older men so I do not actually dismiss Paul now (Hulk always). Robert Redford is still among my top five.

      • Lucrezia says:

        Ah, now I see. I’m an Aussie, and I was so completely horrified at the idea of being associated with Hulk Hogan that I missed the fact it was a joke. Ooops!

        You can have Paul Hogan (tax-fraud is a turn-off) and Redford (I simply never saw the appeal). But if we’re divying up the older men, can I have Alan Rickman?

  10. Gretchen says:

    I die!! Simon baker is sooo dreamy!!

  11. AmyR says:

    I’m embarrassed to admit this, but I remember the Melrose Place woman. She was one of the original stars, only in like the first half of the first season.

    • MJ says:

      I’m not sure why everyone keeps referring to her inconsequential turn on Melrose Place when she was the lead actress in John Waters’ Cry Baby! One of the best Johnny Depp movies of all time, if you ask me.

    • Esmom says:

      I remember her, too. That first season of the original Melrose Place is burned into my brain since it was cheap entertainment for my friends and I just out of college with next to no money. Back to back with 90210 and accompanied by cheap takeout food, it was our favorite night of the week!

      What I don’t remember is why she left the show.

  12. Memphis says:

    My God he is a fine looking man!

  13. Jayna says:

    He is so hot and loves his family. This Australian group of actors over here really seem tight. Man, Aussie men I think are the way to go.

    • Izzy says:

      +1, and I call dibs on Ryan Kwanten. Yummy!

    • Lou says:

      They’re not all great. For every classy one who leaves to become famous in Hollwood, there are a ton of rednecked yobbos.

      But give it a go, there are definitely some hotties. 🙂

  14. Michele says:

    He is so hot! Dayum!

  15. MinnFinn says:

    He looks so much like Jimmy on Downton Abbey season 3.

    • Happymom says:

      Yes! I was trying to think of who he reminded me of-you are exactly right.

    • Esmom says:

      Yes they could be siblings. Hot. Although I don’t like the Jimmy character, he seems to be a douche.

      • Call Me Al says:

        Yes! I thought it might be his son! But I guess not. Simon Baker is sooo my TV boyfriend. My husband knows that I’m a sucker for his eye wrinkles. And that hair! I love him.

  16. Jag says:

    Simon is yummy!

    If anyone wants to watch the asteroid live, look up the Weather Channel on youtube because they’re broadcasting it now. Or NASA is also broadcasting it on Ustream.

    My prayers are with those injured in Russia, Japan (if any) and Cuba (if any.)

  17. Tig says:

    Always been a big Simon Baker fan- so gorgeous. I am sure he is well aware of the significance of the Walk, so don’t rain on his parade! LOL

    My first Aussie crush was Sam Neill in My Brillant Career- still think he’s great!

  18. Happymom says:

    Is there some sort of All Black Clothing for the Entire Family store that the Jolie Pitts shop at?

    • Blannie says:


      • Pandora says:

        In her downtime she is one of the worst dressed actresses EVER, right next to Catherine Heigl and Britney Spears.

        I don’t include the cracken only because drug induced fashion crimes fall into a different category.

  19. bangarang says:

    His eldest daughter looks so much like him. I think he’s really sexy he used to look so hot in The Guardian

    • Anon says:

      I loved ‘The Guardian’. Simon is a great actor and always an asset to his co-stars. And yes, he’s was and still is, hot.

  20. TheOriginalKitten says:

    He is so delicious. I think he’s short though right?

  21. Dappadaph says:

    Congrats, to Simon! Obviously, folks seem to think he just walked off the street and onto “The Mentalist”…One check with IMDB and they’d know differently. HE is not a newbie. AND He is HOT!!

  22. d says:

    Holy crackers, this is a man who ages well. But the DM story says he teared up when receiving the award? Hm…I mean, it’s a paid-for thing, why get emotional. Wierd.

    • Happy21 says:

      That is weird. Maybe someone bought it for him as they thought he worthy? Just a thought…

    • e.non says:

      or maybe he was just thinking about where he came from, and that he’s ended up very successful and with a star on the hollywood walk of fame (regardless of the origin). besides his fans who seek it out, don’t care.

      the fact that he’s been around hollywood for so long; remains happily married; doesn’t appear to seek the spotlight; and that he’s so friggin handsome — is a miracle.. lol

      • Daye says:

        So true! Simon had worked hard and seems to be one of the nice guys in Hollywood. Eventhough he’s gorgeous as hell, he doesn’t rest on his looks. He has the talent to back it up. Just saw The Affair of the Necklace and he was brilliant! So what if the walk of fame is a PR thing. He has worked hard and I can’t wait to see more from him!!

  23. SusieQ2 says:

    No offence to the guy but I can think of several actors who deserve this honor more than him. His compatriot Anthony LaPaglia for example. He’s a Golden Globe and Tony award winner and a truly talented actor. 🙂

  24. kitkerenina says:

    Love him

    In ‘Affair of the Necklace, he was like a period version of Patrick Jane, in embroidered vests and a performance that could almost rival Daniel Day Lewis in Dangerous Liasons.

  25. kitkerenina says:

    Love him.

    In ‘Affair of the Necklace, he was like a period version of Patrick Jane, in embroidered vests and a performance that could almost rival Daniel Day Lewis in Dangerous Liasons.

  26. bangarang says:

    I love his smile

  27. serena says:

    Oh my gosh! He’s just so hot!

  28. Britt says:

    Oh there he is, my favourite man, a lovely down to earth Aussie guy. My dad was talking to him one day at The Macadamia Castle here in Oz, which is close to where he resides when he is home.

    Damn my dad for not messaging me at the time to tell me to get there quick so I could swoon…

  29. RHONYC says:

    DILF-TASTIC!!! 😉

  30. Monika says:

    i’m in love with simon baker.

  31. Original A says:

    Ugh. Luckily, as far as I know the mainstream tabloids have stayed away from this (shocking, actually, that they have recognized that some lines you don’t cross)…That said, I don’t really read the tabloids/celeb gossip on a daily basis or that much, so maybe I’m incorrect in that they have left this story alone…But Daily Mail has basically run a terribly intrusive series of stories on Jessica Chastain’s biological father (who comes across as a drug addicted rocker with a bunch of kids by a bunch of different women) and her family…Her sister committed suicide at a young age, etc…Digs about her not helping out with the memorial, even even though Jessica has made very clear that she considers the Dad who raised her to be her Dad and she hadn’t seen her bio father since she was an infant..The worst thing is, the Daily Fail is being utterly passive aggressive and subtly trying to shame Chastain because she didn’t acknowledge her biological father. It’s spun in such a horrible way that I’m seriously starting to wonder if there is someone out there trying to screw with Jessica via the tabloid media. Radar (the source of the Daily Mail) and the Daily Mail can be truly disgusting at times.

    Also, am I the only one thinking that someone is trying to screw with Jessica through the tabloid media? Seriously, it’s ridiculous enough that they are trying to shame her for what is a personal choice that was right for her…but it’s even more ridiculous when you consider that the biological father came across like a former drug addict and not a very good guy. Anyway, I adore Jessica Chastain and I hate that she has to deal with all of this during what should be a great time for her…especially when this crap has a very nasty tone and comes across like someone is trying to smear her. The good thing is, most of the DM comments (surprising) are all like “Leave Jessica alone” and “Blood doesn’t always make family.”

    • Hmmm says:

      I adore the man! And now hate The Mentalist! But looooved him in The Guardian. May Simon reign forever and ever. He is such a cutie here. It’s the hair, ya know. 🙂

  32. Original A says:

    Fun fact: Naomi Watts is godmother to Simon Baker’s kids, and she was apparently at the ceremony. Also, why isn’t that dreamy man in more movies instead of just TV?

  33. Dredz says:

    OK, the last time I was in Hollywood, there were Frank Sinatra, Tom Cruise, Sly Stallone, James Dean, Richard Burton… and Simon Who???. Can he even be considered as Hollywood giants/legends???

  34. Amanda says:

    I love Simon Baker. He’s so cute. I’m tired of watching the Mentalist though.

  35. mimi says:

    If two adults cannot handle more than 2 children, then why on earth did they have not only more than 2, but rather 6 children together.

    Also, making your children wear clothes that are so uncomfortable (look at Vivian’s “shoes” and leather tight pants, and the boy’s jacket) and so much black.

    That is really sad to see children being played as PR props.

    • Pia says:

      Huh? Since when can two adults only handle two children? Some of those children were adopted by Angelina before she was even with Brad.

      Those “shoes” are called sandals and there are thousands of children on this planet that aren’t even lucky enough to have the basic necessity of foot protection. It’s not like they were hiking all day, nor are they the high heels that Suri used to wear. You are also asserting that she was forced to wear them, how do you know she didn’t pick them out herself?

      I’m not even a fan of these two, but I really don’t see where you are coming from besides simply deciding they must always be doing something wrong because you don’t like them.

    • Kim says:

      What the Hell are you talking about they took the twins to a musuem to watch an exhibit on dinosaurs.If you think an eleven year wants to watch an kiddie exhibit on dinosaurs you are…When they are with all their kids you people claim they are creating a spectacle. Tomorrow Im taking my three year ol to the zoo.I guess I need to insist that my fourteen year old joins us.I dont want to be a bad parent.We haven’t seen these kids in months they go to musuem and are criticized.

  36. Amanda says:

    I adore Simon Baker. He’s so cute!

  37. Pandora says:

    I didn’t know those stars were based on annual income lol

  38. minxx says:

    Simon Baker, mostly known for his TV roles, has a star on the HW Walk of Fame and Naomi Watts (double Oscar nominee) who was there to support him, doesn’t? It doesn’t make sense.

  39. MrsBPitt says:

    Knox looks soooo much like Brad…

  40. RHONYC says:

    while i missed the Beyocumentary last night…i was actually watching a real ‘classic’ with an extremely young Simon Baker in ‘L.A. Confidential.

    his death scene made me cry. 🙁