Justin Bieber only wore that crazy leopard-print diaper ensemble on a dare. Sure.

Yesterday, we discussed Justin Bieber’s particularly ridiculous outfit in London. The ensemble was a thing of beauty, and those photos got wide play online, to the point where Selena Gomez was even reported to have seen the photos and “laughed” at Justin’s sad attempt at revenge-dressing. But Justin wants you to know that he only wore that outfit on a dare. Seriously, you have to listen to this because his story doesn’t make complete sense:

Dare to be different? Justin Bieber turned a lot of heads — and drew a lot of quizzical stares — when he stepped out in London on Tuesday, Feb. 26, wearing a bizarre ensemble that gave new meaning the term “flashy”: purple leopard-print harem pants, a black sweatshirt with illustrations of yellow and blue rolled-up bills, a bright yellow cap with all-over silver spikes, and two gold watches (one on each wrist).

The unusual look was the talk of the internet the next day. It even inspired an hours-long Twitter marathon from Lost creator Damon Lindelof, who posted joke after joke about the teen’s choice of headgear. (Among his many tweets: “The only excuse for that hat is to block Professor X from reading Bieber’s mind.”)

It turns out, though, that the crazy duds were just in good fun. Bieber set the record straight on Feb. 27, explaining that he had been dared to wear the outfit in public by a pal he calls “Ryan.”

“Ryan said you won’t go out in that, I said watch me,” the “Boyfriend” singer — who turns 19 on Friday, March 1 — wrote on Instagram, along with a photo of the outlandish getup. “Haha, too colorful. Next time I’m gonna wear a black hat.”

Later he added that the cap had been a gift from one of his Beliebers. “A fan did get me this hat so I’m glad I wore it,” he shared.

[From Us Weekly]

Did you catch that? It’s not like someone brought these crazy clothes to Justin and they were like, “I double-dog dare you to wear this.” Justin already OWNED THOSE CLOTHES. He was already wearing that ensemble in his hotel room. The dare was about wearing it outside. Also: I love that Justin’s complaint about the outfit was that it’s “too colorful”. Not that the leopard-print diaper pants are cray.

OK, and here’s the new Justin Bieber scandal. He performed in Birmingham last night and this is how he returned back to his hotel – if I was the hotel manager, I would NOT have let him back into my establishment like this. PULL UP YOUR PANTS. Or stop buying diaper pants in child sizes. It’s time for some big-boy pants.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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93 Responses to “Justin Bieber only wore that crazy leopard-print diaper ensemble on a dare. Sure.”

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  1. yael says:

    his pants are literally below his ass. how is this comfortable and/or attractive?

    • Lottie says:

      How do they stay up? :/

    • lilred1 says:

      Why even wear pants if your ass is going to hang out anyway?

    • Selena says:

      Do you remember this Darwin’s evolution theory drawning – from monkey to human? Every time I see his photo he looks like he is not human yet. He is in the middle of the way. I don’t know but walking with straight back is not that difficult.

      • TxGal says:

        I was about to say he looks like an ape walking like that lol. He looks just ridiculous.

      • erika says:

        good one! except it’s Darwinism in reverse! he is actually regressing into a F*ck-wit, NOT an ape. Please, apes are incredibly intelligent and resourceful creatures….Biebs not only throws his feces around he carrys it along with him in his droopy pants….

      • MJ says:


        If you have to hunch over to put your hands in your pockets, your pants are way too low.

      • TheOneAndOnlyOnly says:

        Yes, i’ve seen that poster; i could stomach just a smidgen the biebster if he had real talent but he has none, and those dopey girls just don’t/want to see it; glad i came of age in the 70s/80s real rock stars/soul/motown greats, even pop stars had some class and talent – Tell me againi why we idolize the entertainment world – thank God for this site and others – the media pushes this nitwit and others down our throats and at least we can push back a little by way of these sites.

      • Lulu says:

        Haha! Good one! We could tack him on the end of the monkey to human parade and he can begin the ‘devolution’ part of the illustration. Of course I’m sure the monkeys don’t want him back.

    • Zwella Ingrid says:

      He looks wasted, like he isn’t sure where he is at, and needs to be led somewhere!

      • Jenny says:

        No @Zwella, that is his signature blue steel/90210 look! Although I am surprised he can manage that and walking at the same time.

    • Jan says:

      His little, short legs crack me up. He is 19 years old but looks and acts like he is 12.

  2. Dirtnap says:

    I am so over this fool.

  3. Caitlinsmommy says:

    When will his 15 minutes be up?

  4. T.Fanty says:

    How does that explain EVERYTHING else that he wears?

  5. JLK says:

    What the hell is that posture? Does he thinks that’s “hot”? File it along with the weird facial expression as something I don’t understand.

    • Jackie Jormp Jomp (formerly Zelda) says:

      “Gorilla looking for his glasses” is very in with the kids, these days.

      • I Choose Me says:

        Thanks Jackie, I laughed so hard at this my boss came downstairs to see what the hilarity was about. But then I showed him the Biebs and your comment and he burst out laughing too.

    • Leaf says:

      For the love of…standup straight and pull up your pants.

    • dovie says:

      That’s a “high as a kite” face.

    • Talie says:

      He definitely thinks the Dylan McKay facial expressions work for him. Practices in the mirror, no doubt.

      • Misnomer says:

        Lol I knew the facial expressions reminded me of someone from tv. It definitely is Dylan McKay. Only not as hot.

    • Mika says:

      That’s the same constipated look that Will Smith’s son had in all of his pictures.

  6. Jackie Jormp Jomp (formerly Zelda) says:

    So….Ryan is outside this guy’s room every morning, then?

  7. Minky says:

    Aside from the pants falling off his ass, anyone catching shades of Vanilla Ice here??

    • LadyMTL says:

      ROFL…I was thinking the same thing, except it’s unfair to Vanilla Ice.

    • kct says:


    • I Choose Me says:

      Wish I’d seen your comment before I posted mine. I totally agree. Vanilla Ice hairdo and MC Hammer pants. It’s the 90’s all over again. Now with extra douche.

      • Minky says:

        Think we capitalize on that with a Coke commercial? “Extra douche of a new generation” or some such other slogan? 🙂

    • marie says:

      you know what it reminds me of, remember Jim Carrey’s impression on In Living Color.. “he’s so very white, white baby” I’m gonna have to go find that video..

  8. kct says:

    Scary. I hope this isn’t the beginning of a huge downslide for him. He has the world at his feet but yet he’s starting to look and act like a thug. Immature and obviously searching for who he really is.

  9. Meadow says:

    Sure it was a dare… I think he is actually taken aback by how much he is getting made fun of right now. I died laughing at Lindeoff’s comments on Justin Beiber’s outfit.


    • Lulu says:

      “Bieber’s hat is like one of those plants that looks that way to protect itself from predators.”

      *snuckle chort*

  10. I Choose Me says:

    *Looks at current outfit in pics raises quizzical brow.* Haven’t I seen this look before? Ah, now I remember. His current style of dressing and hair style reminds me of a young Vanilla Ice.

    • Grace says:

      YES! I scrolled down to see if anyone else caught it. The shirtless pics specifically are very Vanilla Ice. Now all he needs to do is date Lady Gaga, make a sex book, and fade into oblivion.

  11. FreeSpiritedGirl says:

    I wanna kick those people who designed these diaper pants and those guys who buy them. From which angle do these pants look cool? Eww…!!! It seems like their diaper is full with poop.

    • Lulu says:

      Wait wait wait…. Those pants are DESIGNED?? I thought they just wore regular pants 3 sizes too big with no belt.

      Help me Jesus.

  12. Bowers says:

    The posture’s like a monkey’s.

  13. fabgrrl says:

    You all are going to hate me for this, but I actually think Justin is becoming rather handsome. Yes, stupid posture, stupid clothes, stupid hair, stupid expression, stupid attitude. But I can see why 15 year old girls would like him.

    • I Choose Me says:

      No hate. He’s a good looking kid and it looks like puberty is finally catching up with him.

    • china says:

      No I’m sorry but he is too pretty. Not manly or handsome, just a pretty boy.

    • hunter says:

      Nice body too, I agree. It’s teeny tiny sized and 100% douche-tacular but yes he’s a good looking tinyboy.

    • Lulu says:

      No, I hear you. He’s good looking, no doubt. In a very ‘pretty boy’ sort of way which he no doubt hates, hence the devolving posture, style, etc. His hygiene will probably go next. I’m sure Selena got out just in the nick of time.

      Does anyone remember the series of pics where he was walking along hanging on to his peepee? WTF WAS that all about anyway? (Seems a good place to ask as any). 😛

  14. logan says:

    Ummmm ??????? !!!!!!!!
    Usually I try and come up with a witty comment about these “famous?” people, but this kid is just an ass.

  15. MonicaQ says:

    I would wear those shoes so hard, thunder would be heard.

    There so much there with him that I just…can’t. I was 245% done with this dude the moment I saw him. I’ll take the squealing over One Direction (had to google it).

    It’s also Mr. Justin’s birthday today. My brother and him have the exact same birthday–year and everything. My brother is unhappy. but you know that means there are going to be pictures of Bieber doing something so astronomically stupid that someone would want to call the President like in the movies but then say, “Eff it” and roll oever and go to sleep.

  16. carol says:

    god, why is he such a twat? i mean just looking at him, you can see that there isn’t much intelligence emanating from that general vicinity

  17. INeedANap says:

    When he was all scrawny and pre-pubescent looking, I thought he needed to pack on some muscle to stop looking like a little boy. But I didn’t take into account his frame, attitude, and face, because now with the muscle he looks like a walking Photoshop disaster.

    I said it once, I’ll say it again — I wish he would go the SWINTON route and embrace his androgyny.

  18. Dee Cee says:

    Self-absorbed does things primarily for the benefit of ME, puts their feelings first, can’t do anything when they don’t feel good, swayed by their emotions, more concerned with ME than others, prefers personal glory over shared victories, pleasure seeker, uses their looks to get what they want, gets angry when they don’t get what they want, dramatizes their suffering, wealth seeking, superficial, manipulative, narcissistic jerk.. SMALL Member Joke Jester image rules and ruins your life.. Eroding confidence.. HUMILIATION CAN CAUSE DEPRESSION OR WORSE ..ARE YOU AFFECTED? Poster Boy

  19. Hubbahun says:

    Birmingham…England? FFS it’s 3 degrees here!!! Put a friggin shirt on, pull your pants (although I’d love it if he had an impromptu shart – that’d teach him)…oh and begger off back to Canada (no offense Canada). That is all.

  20. Miss so and so says:

    This is why I question the mental capacity of some young girls….

  21. lilred1 says:

    I’m thinking the bet was something along the lines of Justin saying “Dude,everyone loves me, I can wear anything and people will be wearing the same thing the next day”
    His Buddy ” Bull-shit dare you to wear(fill in above mentioned get-up)and we will see”

    We as a result get to laugh and laugh…

    • Jackson says:

      Yeah, that’s what I think too…if, in fact, a “dare” was even involved here. He wanted to see who would sport that ridiculous look and have all his little followers tell him how teh awsomez he looks. Ugh. I hope this picture haunts him the rest of his life.

  22. Kizzy says:

    Ugh. Bieber needs to take some lessons from that cute Harry Styles kid.

  23. dorothy says:

    Him and Taylor Swift need to hook up. Both have the maturity level of a 2nd grader.

  24. Nina says:

    God, he makes Vanilla Ice look tough.

  25. Amanda s says:

    Wow, he is so high in the last few pics of him ive seen. Itll come out pretty soon he has a drug prob, watch!

  26. Nemesis says:

    Is that stupid look he’s always sporting in his face a dare too? And for the love of Pete, stand up straight. That is the most ridicules slouch I’ve ever seen in my life.

  27. G says:

    This is his “I am so a boy” outfit. That dopey look on his face is just ugh!

  28. andy says:

    Dude was trying for Eminem and ended up with Vanilla Ice.

    Thug life

  29. twoblues says:

    Doofus. One day he’ll look back and cringe.

  30. Kristen says:

    He can’t stand up straight. He needs to bend over so his arms are low enough to hold his pants up.

    Isn’t he really insecure about how unmanly he is? I’ve read that before, I think.

    Justin, you know what would make you look more mature and more like an adult? Dressing like one.

    • Shy says:

      I suspect it too. He has hand in pocket in every picture. He is holding his pants from falling down.

      Wasn’t it easy to just pull them up? Or they just suddenly began to fall and he was too embarrassed to pull them up in front of reporters. So he put hand in his pocket.

      He will be so embarrassed for himself in 5 years, when he will look back. I’m sure that Zac Efron is embarrassed now for wearing that silly hair for so long.

  31. Jenn says:

    I am not quite sure how this look is called “FASHION” wether he’s got his pants down to his knees or wearing some freak leopoard skin looking diapers, he looks down right hilarious!!!!

  32. elceibeno08 says:

    He looks better with his clothes off.

  33. Can says:

    Eew why does he think anyone wants to see his tighty whities?

  34. Snowpea says:

    And this buffoon, people, is why you never let your kids get into showbiz at a young age.

    Talk about arrested development! And why the f*ck is he walking all hunched over like that? Total freak.

  35. DetRiotGirl says:

    I think my favorite part of this story is how the article from US Weekly puts quote marks around the friend’s name, as though Bieber is a crazy person with imaginary stylist play pals.

    It’s also somehow made funnier by the fact that I’m reasonably sure he’s talking Ryan Good, who is in fact a real person. It’s almost like US Weekly is saying “yes, we know your story COULD be true… But, we’re thinking this was more a dare made by the ‘Ryan’ who lives in your head than the one who lives on your tour bus.”.

    Haha kudos to you, US Weekly writing staff!

  36. Jayna says:

    Poor guy. He’s a tween idol pop singer where his whole audience is literally in the range of ages of 12 to 16 no matter he is getting older. He is nearing 20 and so desperately wants to be a real edgy pop/hip-hop/R&B star. He will never get the audience he wants to come see him. I don’t even know any 18-year-old girls who would be caught dead at his concert, much less any guys, gay or straight.
    They did him a diservice by always hyping him as if he is a brilliant artist.

  37. JuneBug says:

    He just resently declared that he wanted to do a concert in outer space… If he wares this outfit we can be sure aliens will never bother with us on earth.

  38. hatekyle says:

    He’s going downhill. Success has gotten to his head (and ass!)…We will be seeing another child star self-destruct!

  39. Anne says:

    He’s so corny, and he looks like an idiot. What the hell were they thinking when they decided to sign him?

  40. Adrien says:

    Maybe his pr crew told him: “Wear this leopard print poopy tights, it’ll give you 10,000 swagger points.”

  41. aquarius64 says:

    I see why Selena dumped him.

  42. Hakura says:

    He looks like ‘Flavor Flav’ took a shower in bleach…

    I can see it now: One day, his children will come across these pictures (because as we all know, the internet is eternal.) & recoil in horror.

    This will be followed shortly by their moving out of the country, & legally changing their names.

  43. mugsy says:

    Mama look implants!

  44. jwoolman says:

    That style of having your pants hang so low that most of your underwear shows has been around for an incredibly long time. I think I read recently about one locality actually making it illegal, it’s so annoying. Has never made any sense to me, I would invest in suspenders myself… But why is he always bending forward? Is that a young growing guy thing? I remember one girl who did that when she was already tall and getting taller in her mid to late teens, I assume to make herself seem shorter. My brother noticed and said to me that she should stand up straight, he liked tall girls.

  45. Axis2ClusterB says:

    What an asshole.

  46. unicorn1 says:

    Good grief, he looks like he shit himself. Why do some guys think they look all cool or “balling” like this??? I think they look like they shit their pants and are trying to find a bathroom. This is the most ridiculous male fashion EVER.

  47. Carolyn says:

    I work in PR and this “backtrack” statement, making up a mystery other person (“Ryan”) and all the other bits is a classic PR move when the previous strategy falls really flat.

    Selena is somewhere thanking her lucky stars she left him. If her Management advised her to breakup, they’re worth every cent she’s paying them. Who’d want to be associated with this fool?

    Side Note: Bieber would be super peeved that 1D have swooped in and taken his target audience. He’s yesterday’s news and he’s resorting to lame PR moves to try & stay relevant.