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8 Responses to “Mena Suvari just wants you to pay attention to her”

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  1. crepette says:

    conehead… she has something under her wig… chrome dome

  2. Clarimonde says:

    OMG, she looks like a big yellow train wreck. She used to be so elegant and now… I’m lost for words. A word to the wise, never use Nelly Furtado as a style icon.

  3. legless says:

    Something must be wrong with me cause I do find her quite attractive.

  4. FF says:

    Actually that Nelly Furtado comparison is striking because it’s like they’ve got twinned fug. In fact, if you photoshopped Nelly’s face onto that outfit you’d swear it was her but blonde – that’s exactly the sort of thing she’d wear.

    Same stylist?

  5. Fabiola Thing says:

    She’s cute. I can’t figutre out why she’s sporting those hideous bangs.

  6. pinknblack says:

    My, that’s quite some forehead she must be hiding there. Imagine her without… Or actually, don’t. I just did. Not pretty.

  7. UrbanDK says:

    I love it .. its Electroclash Cool with a side order of Art School .. Kick it mena with your bas Estonian self

  8. gg says:

    I think she is so cute!
    I don’t even mind the dress, but those capri pants don’t look good on anybody and the bangs are maybe just an experiment that will stop happening soon. Bad bangs and bad jewelry.