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14 Responses to “Katie Holmes shows her new face all over Miami”

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  1. Sarah says:

    Did anyone catch the look-a-likeness between Tom and Kat??
    Katie was always somewhat androgyn, but on those shoots, she defintitely reminds me on the young Tom Cruise. That would at least explain a lot: He is just vain! And just in love with himself!! (Still giving us the chance to guess him being gay as well… ; )


  2. frewtloop says:

    What kind of weird Quakkerish garb is she wearing in these pictures? The leather coat is alright but there’s too much of everything else going on and combined with Tom’s nasty camel coloured suit, they look like they need a ‘What Not to Wear’ makeover.

  3. suki says:

    I find it depressing to look at pictures of her now. She’s lost the sparkle that made her unique. I think Tom’s the one who’s had the face work done. Yuck.

  4. stop it Katie. says:

    If she wasn’t with Tom I would not of recognised her. She looks awful, why did she go and do that to her face, she has gone from stupid childish looking to well just odd.

  5. Breederina says:

    Isn’t that first shot from the Kraftwerk album cover?

  6. donabee says:

    Gah! She’s ruined her looks. Now she looks exactly like every other Hollywood trophy wife.

    Not good enough for you with the nose and chin she was born with, huh, Tommy?

  7. xenu has herpes says:

    I dont think that she had plastic surgery….She has become anorexic like posh…and losing or gaining weight makes you look different, even in the face. she has a haircut that looks like she did it herself with the really tiny bangs.
    her outfit would be okay if she got rid of that turtleneck and replaced it with a cute cashmere v neck sweater or even a t shirt, and take the scarf and tie it around the neck.
    also, why is tom standing in front of a computer there??

  8. Clarimonde says:

    I agree with Xenu.

  9. someone says:

    no her nose is DEFENITELY different. She’s done something to her nostrils and i HATE it. It looks like her nose is permanently pinched.

  10. Rikki says:

    And what’s going on with that silly little fringe-thing in her hairline? Poor lass, she’s lost.

  11. Duckie says:

    re: the fringe….Suri was allegedly borm 2.5 weeks after my duckling and I have the same fringe. You can thank post partum hairloss and regrowth for them.

  12. Jaime says:

    Duckie – I had the same thing happen (re: fringy bangs = hairgrowth)…she definitely had her nose done. I have to say though, they look like they’re doing okay in some of those photos, just kind of having a laugh. They’re creepy to be sure, I just don’t get the whole Sci thing, hail Tom, but still, if they’re happy then more power to em.

  13. Missy says:

    Looks like she had her face cheeks sucked dry for an older, tigher look to her face!!! Somebody tell the alien she will never be a Jackie-O!!!

  14. Clarimonde says:

    What’s with Tom touching her belly in those 2 pictures? Could it be his way of letting people know another alien bun is in the oven?