Tom Hiddleston out, Alexander Skarsgard in for ‘The Crow’ remake?

Sad news, Dragonflies. According to Deadline, Tom Hiddleston probably isn’t going to get the Eric Draven role in the remake of The Crow. A few weeks ago, it was widely reported that Tom was actively pursuing the role, even jumping the gun with his own makeup test, and that producers were meeting with him and all of that. So what happened? Apparently, producers are looking at Alexander Skarsgard for the role. Well… they certainly want to appeal to the fan-girls, don’t they? But is there an overlap between the Dragonflies and the Viking-loonies? Will ladies accent the Viking as The Crow?

…Also not happening is Thor and The Avengers antagonist Tom Hiddleston starring in Relativity Media’s reboot of The Crow. A simple conversation has been overhyped and reported like it was going to happen. The guy to keep an eye on here is True Blood‘s Alexander Skarsgard, who is getting numerous offers since his plans to star for David Yates in Tarzan died on the vine when Warner Bros halted the project over budget. No formal offer yet, but it sounds to me like it’s Skarsgard’s role if he wants it in the F. Javier Gutierrez-directed film series relaunch.

[From Deadline]

Ouch. That’s really got to hurt for Hiddles, regardless of whether or not he really, really wanted the part. And I do believe that he truly wanted it, that he was pursing the part and that he and his publicist were trying to create some buzz for the casting. And after all of that, the producers still want the Viking. And you know what? If I’m really being honest with myself… I don’t think either of them would be all that awesome in the role. For me, the Eric Draven role is for someone younger than Alex (Alex is 36) and… I don’t know, Tom just doesn’t seem right for the role either. But it will be interesting to see if Alex ends up signing on. Will the Viking defeat the Cult of Dragonflies?

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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119 Responses to “Tom Hiddleston out, Alexander Skarsgard in for ‘The Crow’ remake?”

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  1. T.Fanty says:

    I am sad. Nobody should deny us the chance to see Emo Hiddles in tight leather trousers. Somewhere, a dragonfly is weeping.

    • Badirene says:

      I think Luke Windsor is weeping somewhere too, all that wasted effort.

      • j.eyre says:

        I hope this is the last nail in Luke’s coffin as his publicist.

      • T.Fanty says:

        I suspect he might also weeping about the leather trousers issue.

        ETA: @Miss E: Tom needs to hire Cumby’s people, pronto.

      • Crumpets and Crotchshots says:

        I am really astonished actually– I just assumed that once Hiddles started talking to the press, it had to be all but officially a done deal.

      • Crumpets and Crotchshots says:

        I actually feel sorry for Hiddles on this one. This really is embarrassing. Yes, some will mourn the loss of the leather pants, but I think it is all for the best.

        On the brighter side, maybe this will motivate him to hire a better publicist. He needs to take this seriously.

      • j.eyre says:

        @Fanty, I will miss him running lines in those leather pants and no shirt… oh how I shall miss it! But you have to admit, they were awfully hard to peel off. At least now we won’t have to work as hard.

      • Crumpets and Crotchshots says:

        Awwww Jane, cheer up. Summer is a terrible te for leather trousers. I think he looks best in a loincloth of live dragonflies, accented (evening only) in a nimbus of fireflies.

        All you have to do is shoo them away.

      • j.eyre says:

        Ah Crumpet, *sniff* you always know just the right thing to say.

      • T.Fanty says:

        @Miss Jane;
        It’s true. He does complain dreadfully when I make him wear them in the sauna room at Thornfield. He wrote a sonnet about it that darn near broke my heart.

        I will miss the sound of my paddle on leather, though. Spanking knitwear just isn’t the same. Ask Cumby. I have to use an irate hedgehog strapped to a stick him to feel anything.

      • T.Fanty says:

        @ C&C: to be honest, that sounds a little itchy.

      • Crumpets and Crotchshots says:

        Jane: I am picturing a gazebo, in summer, with piles of silken pillow. He can wear some flowers as well as the dragonflies, perhaps a garland of moo flowers.

        There, there.

      • andrea says:

        Haha, I don’t have much sympathy for Luke right now. And I don’t really feel bad about TommyAnnE not getting the part. He was wrong for the role. Alex is too, and I’m not sure he’s going to get it either.

        Hopefully, Tom learned a lesson. Because seriously, the preemptive timing on that leak was so amateur and the angle was so cutesy (he did his own makeup test!), it was only a few steps up from those sad Twitter campaigns D-listers run for parts.

      • j.eyre says:

        well golly, Crumpets, that is what I am thinking of now too.

        Fanty – is that what that smell is in the Sauna? Oh than Heavens, I thought we had lost another Pom in there. And the paddle sounds just as good on bare skin, trust me – you don’t always remember to close you door at night.

        andrea – I will answer you below with my “serious” hat on.

      • T.Fanty says:

        My apologies, Miss Eyre. I leave the door ajar because it gets very loud and buzzy when I shoo away the dragonflies.

    • Crumpets and Crotchshots says:

      Ya know, although I was dead certain that this would be pretty dreadful, part of me was looking forward to EmoHiddles and all of the fandom hilarity that would inevitably ensue.

      I hope TommyAnna sees this as a blessing in disguise. He needs roles that are very different from Loki. He is a bit of a one trick pony right now. I hope Capa will pave the way toward more serious things.

      • T.Fanty says:

        I go back to Jane’s point and hope that Hiddles realizes that his management/PR is not capable of getting him to the next level in his career. This is a fire-worthy PR screw up.

      • j.eyre says:

        I also feel bad for Tommyanna. This is embarrassing for him professionally and it was such a stupid move to float that much information without having a commitment on the part of the studios. Somebody made a dumb, arrogant mistake and because the news was floated and not given out of Tom’s mouth in an interview, I am turning to his “team” of which Luke is at the forefront. Why isn’t his agent intervening? Where are the people with experience telling Luke to sit down?

        I do agree this is probably a blessing in disguise. But I hope part of that lesson is that Tom gets his head out of the clouds and realizes Twitter followers aren’t going to get you your next part.

      • Anna says:

        I concur on blessing in disguise. It would be a much harder PR/professional hurdle to rectify if he DID get the part and then the movie bombed/underperformed. Save your passion projects for small-budget indie films and BBC specials.

      • Crumpets and Crotchshots says:

        He needs a good, solid LEAD breakthrough role which will allow him to really show off some acting ability, and this wasn’t it.

        And I agree with Jane– wtf with his pr team and agents? It’s easy to say he should get someone better, but how does one do that? I can’t believe that Luke is the best he can do. He needs to act– this ascendant star thing isn’t going to last forever.

      • Anna says:

        @Crumpets et al –

        Have we considered that Hiddles is just a bit too quirky for the large (= big-budget) LEAD role? I am talking about the combination of looks, presentation and personality. Even with the assumption that he is very talented (a point on which I know quite a few here don’t agree), he isn’t your typical Male Lead Big STAR, in part because he doesnt particularly ooze testosterone.

        Which big-timer can he be compared to? I am only coming up with Colin Firth who, Oscar and all, never jockeyed for traditional Stardom, or for headlining blockbuster franchises.

      • Crumpets and Crotchshots says:

        The publicist is now saying that it was all a mistake and Hiddles really did not have an interest in the role. Spin, spin, spin.

      • T.Fanty says:


        I agree. While I think he has the ability to do the role, quite well in fact, I don’t think he’s enough of a heavyweight to open a movie that a studio is trying to push as a franchise. But also, this is where his PR is hurting him. Someone needs to tell him NOT to turn up to the MTV awards in a suit, to keep the small, indie projects coming in between blockbusters, and to tone down the eagerness.

      • Crumpets and Crotchshots says:

        I think he needs to pull back and find his roots again. Small Indy movies, bbc roles, frequent forays onstage, parts that show his talent in its best light. What’s wrong with that?

      • j.eyre says:

        As I have said, I have not seen the film but I am aware of its cult following. I agree that if he failed in the role, it would have been ten times worse than this. I have no idea if he would have been good – I think he would have looked good.

        I am upset because this fiasco was avoidable. Whoever reps him in LA should have stepped in a while ago and told The Windsor Menace that their strategy was not working. The Windsor Menace needs to stop worrying about his next suit or from which side he will be photographed at what award show and start learning his craft a little better. This was a stupid, rookie mistake and could have been avoided. This should have been a one sentence press release that said “Tom was intrigued by the role but ultimately it conflicted with project X.” Instead it is now a giant wad of egg dripping down poor Tommyanna’s face and he is the one who has to wear it, not Luke.

        Which brings us to Tommyanna – he needs to get his head out of the sand and start taking control. Where is the ballsy stage actor who planted himself in LA for a summer looking for an agent on no more than a single suggestion? I do think think he is talented and I think once he stops stage acting on film, he could be a real presence but he is making all the wrong moves – how can he not see that?

        But that’s just me. And no, I have no idea why I care so much about this. Maybe I am just trying to get really riled up at Tommyanna so I can follow GOOPs advice.

      • T.Fanty says:

        Try looking at twitter. If that fails, I’m sure that there’s a Remora pic that will do the trick. One Asgardian is as good as another.

      • TheyPromisedMeBeer says:

        @ Mrs. Eyre –

        it’s interesting that the phrase that keeps coming up in this is “head in the clouds”. As in, Tommyanna is being naive and over-eanest and letting a PR machine get ahead of him. But he’s also a very nice guy who has just now started laying down the law with his fans, and brings his publicist with him everywhere. He should have started changing up his routine when that whole Hiddles/Chastain incident happened, but he let it keep going.

        So, in the war between Tom’s ambition (to be famous and acclaimed or what have you) and his kindness/naivete, what do you think the winner will be?

        Oh, and hi ladies! Hows it hanging?

      • tubular_trekkie says:


        It sounds like you already have a sneaking suspicion as to what the answer might be…
        I think maybe his ambition will win out in the end. If that happens I only hope (for foolish reasons) that he achieves the lasting fame and success he clearly craves through *high-quality acting performances*, and not by appearing in Vogue, or dating A-listers, or endlessly promoting himself in the gossip rags. I think he’s better than that; he *should* be better than that.
        The naivete might be a necessary casualty, I sincerely hope the kindness and compassion isn’t.

      • Crumpets and Crotchshots says:


        “Where is the ballsy stage actor who planted himself in LA for a summer looking for an agent on no more than a single suggestion?”

        This. This the actor I badly wanted to see more if, and the root of my scorn lies in how he sold himself right down the river. I think this can be fixed, but he needs to get his head out of his ass.

      • T.Fanty says:

        I actually think the fact that he hasn’t started dating an American starlet yet speaks volumes about him and gives me hope for his integrity. Also, he’s still relatively young, but to be the actor he wants to be, he has to step away from this popularity nonsense and just churn out good performance after good performance and let that speak for him.

        ETA: We worry about Hiddles WAY too much.

      • j.eyre says:

        @C&C – this really is where I am coming from as well. I am angry because he thought this was going to be handed to him on a platter and is not doing a damn thing about it.

        @PromisedBeer and @tubular_trekkie – *sigh* I think even his biggest apologists like me have to come out and admit he let his head inflate with delusions of grandeur. He is destroying his own career because he believes the “fan-girls” would ride him to the Academy Awards on their shoulders. I don’t think he is naive. He went to RADA and although I don’t know that school, every theater school I do know, including Julliard, spends a great deal of time telling you how far your talent won’t take you if you aren’t smart about your decisions.

        But – I am well, Beer, and you? Has that boss of yours given you the raise and title you deserve yet? T_T – is the tubular part of your name for the tv series?

        ETA – just saw Fanty’s post and I, too, am far too invested in this guy today. Let’s start drinking now and worry about how to pick up the kids instead.

      • TheyPromisedMeBeer says:

        @Tubular – Great name, first off! Are you a fan of the whole series or more of a reboot fan?

        Anywho, I hope you’re right about his naivete being sacrificed in place of his ambition. But I don’t think he could ever become a mean person – kindness seems to be a part of his essential makeup, which is why I can’t help but like the guy. Plus, I do think he is talented and charismatic, so i want to see him succeed on qualities, not because he likes doing photoshoots. :/

        @ Mrs. Eyre – did I eavesread in another post that you got to see some Vermeer in person? If so, you lucky duck! My jealousy is only abated because I like you and because I’ve got the day off and I’ve already cracked my first beer. 😛

        @Eyre, Fanty, C&C, et al – Don’t chide yourselves on being “overinvested” in Tommyanna. If anything, it’s because you want to see the guy succeed and you are frustrated with the stupid decisions surrounding him lately. It could be worse – the ones who are genuinely over-invested are convinced that he can’t sleep at night because his chastity belt pokes him in the balls. You ladies are just keeping it real. As far as his keeping a long term career goes, though? I don’t think he should be paying attention to Benedict Cumberbatch – Ewan MacGregor is the one he should be looking up to. He can rock a big budget starring role in order to keep working on the artistic indies that drove him to acting in the first place.

        (Also, since we all know there is an off chance he actually reads about himself online … (*waves hello*), you speak truth in the hopes that he takes note. Really.)

      • j.eyre says:

        @ProBeer (so tempted to make that PBeer but that’s just not right) – I got to see two *puffs chest out as far as bra will allow* The Rijksmuseum is being renovated so the big boys are all out on loan. I saw Lady in Blue Reading a Letter at the Getty in LA and then The Girl with the Pearl Earring at the DeYoung in SF. I never got the Vermeer thing until I saw my first one at the Norton Simon about 5 years ago.

        I need to pick up my kids or I would join you in that first beer.

      • TheyPromisedMeBeer says:

        @Mrs. Eyre – I’ve got a beer for you when you get back with the kids so you can tell me more, because I really want to know about the paintings. I know all of Vermeers paintings from books, but I’ve never gotten to see them in person. Heck, I’ll even go ahead and feed your hedgehog and corral the dragonflies for you so you don’t have to worry about that later. *eager beaver*

      • LilyRose says:

        @Crumpets and Crotchshots- I wrote this further down but I had a suspicion that this role would not pan out. Because it was a Friday News Dump. The pr practice of burying unimportant news on Friday evening. I remember thinking it odd, that such news would come out after hours on a Friday. But I explain my theory a bit better. There was a fan photo of him at a restaurant meeting some other person the same Friday the press release came out, who turned out to be associated with the production. I can’t find the photo on tumblr and can’t stand the searching through all the feels and ruined lives to look for it. So if I know my pr and film industry politics, this press release was written and published to explained that meeting, which no one would have been privy to if the tumblr pic hadn’t been posted.

        I don’t think hiddles or his team are to blame. The production company probably thought best to get ahead of the story before TPTB said anything, which explains the premature announcement. And close to two weeks from the announcement he is dumped. I am not surprised this is a classic pr move. The production company was probably covering their asses from a possible leak- because it was a leak- thanks to the fan who innocently posted the pic. So yeah, it was a clumsy thing to do, but probably not on Tom.

        At least that’s what I think. PR is a shifty little bitch.

        Have a great day!

      • j.eyre says:


        Oh – and of them I want to speak! I am a very recent convert to Vermeer. I am not a Dutch enthusiast (the painters, the people I adore). Of course they are masters but it is not the style of art that appeals to me. My mother, however, is nuts… and likes the Dutch painters too (rim shot) A few years back, Woman with a Lute came to the Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena. The Norton Simon is one of the best museum’s in the state on its own. My folks were visiting and I took them to see it thinking I would be very nonplussed since I had seen them in books as well and *shrugs*. Every ounce of hype surrounding the man was justified within moments of me viewing that painting and it has been the same with each subsequent.
        The thing that got me about Lute was the ray of light coming in from the window. You swear you could touch it and your fingers would create shadows (but don’t try, those guards don’t care for that) And her puckish expression up close is whimsical – it elicits a feeling of warmth.
        The Woman Reading I had trouble getting close to but eventually did, albeit to the side, not center. It was okay though. My son and I were looking at it from a distance and I asked him what he thought her expression was – what was in the letter? He said she was pleased with what was in the letter. I said I thought she look trepid, that the news bothered her. When we got closer, my son turned and said, loudly “you’re right mom – look! She is reading something that upsets her.” It’s that subtle, just a turn of her mouth, the downcast of her eyes. And her hair looks so soft, you imagine she spent half the day brushing it. Plus his fabric work is amazing.
        Pearl Earring is everything you want it to be. I was so afraid it was over hyped but its not. Her expression is perfectly enigmatic. Her eyes look slightly moist but you aren’t convinced she is going to cry. What gets you is the angle of her head and the slightly opened mouth. You don’t know if she is just about to say something or if she just answered the painter – or maybe she just thought of something that affected her but did not say what it was out loud. And her skin adds to her innocence. You almost forget to look at the earring but as your eyes flick over her face once more, it catches your eye and it is spectacular. And that moment, you know she could never afford something like that and you are so happy she got to wear it for that one brief moment in her life (yes, its a tronie and she probably never even had it on but she just really gets to you)

        I was happy to see the Mona Lisa in Paris, but it had no effect on me like this one.

        How’s that? Worth the beer? Best let the hedgehogs go, Fanty gets all nervous when they are out of her sight for too long. I’ll round up the Poms, though.

      • Crumpets and Crotchshots says:

        @tfanty: I have put away all the flyswatters. I can’t bear the muffled sobs coming from the gazebo. Somebody go comfort him?

      • TheyPromisedMeBeer says:

        @ Mrs. Eyre – that was worth an entire six pack. I’m digging that you caught so many details and expressed them so wonderfully.

        I got into Vermeer because of the Tracy Chevalier novel, so seeing the actual paintings has been on my bucket list since high school. And this is reminding me that I am waaay overdue for some art, since the last time I was in an art museum was this time last year (Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth, TX – there was an impressionist exhibit my aunt and I attended together. So lovely, could have spent hours there if my teen age cousin hadn’t been grumpily tagging along, ugh).

      • MissThing says:

        @T.Fanty – too late he already had a fling with Kat Dennings.

      • Eve says:

        Totally agree with you guys (C&C, J.Eyre, T.Fanty, Anna, Tubular_trekkie, TheyPromisedBeer and Badirene upthread).

        Yet another PR fiasco from Hiddleston’s camp. It’s become embarrassing at this point.

      • tubular_trekkie says:

        @j.eyre and TheyPromisedMeBeer:
        The ‘tubular’ part of my name relates to Tubular Bells – I’m a *huge* Mike Oldfield fan! I love most of the Star Trek franchise (TOS, TNG, DS9 and the Abrams re-boot). Couldn’t abide Voyager or Enterprise for some reason though.

        I don’t think TH is ‘destroying his career’- at least I hope not. It’s possible that I’ve formed a false impression of him based on my ‘introduction’ to him in ‘The Hollow Crown’. (Not trying to be a hipster here or anything, but I genuinely had never heard of him prior to seeing him in that. No, I wasn’t even aware of Thor!) Based on what I saw of that I maybe thought he was an up-and-coming *classically trained* actor who was going to be doing lots and lots of theatre work/British TV drama in order to get himself established. Maybe following in David Tennant’s footsteps, just without the lead in Doctor Who. Nearly everything I’ve seen since though, makes it look like he’s trying to ramp up his stardom within the Hollywood set, which is kind of disappointing. As a Brit myself, I’m probably being a bit selfish in wanting him to hone his craft here first, but that’s how I feel.

      • Crumpets and Crotchshots says:


        “Don’t chide yourselves on being “overinvested” in Tommyanna. If anything, it’s because you want to see the guy succeed and you are frustrated with the stupid decisions surrounding him lately.”

        This. This is exactly how I feel. I think he is a very talented man with loads of potential. I see the part of him that has artistic integrity and it frustrates the hell out me to see it being blown away. I really do want to see him be everything he can be, but I think he is his own worst enemy in many ways.

        (And if he is reading this: I really am a nice person who wishes you the best. I will always say what I think, but I personally think that is a good thing.)

  2. marie says:

    I dunno, while I wanna lay him, not sure if he could pull that off.. stop with the remakes already.

    • V4Real says:

      Some things just shouldn’t be messed with and The Crow is one of them. What’s nexr a remake of Titanic or Scarface?

  3. ds says:

    I would love to see Skarsgards career boost but I don’t think this is a match. Hiddles on the other hand; I thought it was an interesting choice. Maybe they should just not do this film; I don’t think they know what they’re doing.

  4. Yellowshaba says:

    I don’t like either for the casting choice. This is always been one of my favorite films and The character Eric Draven becomes extremely dark In a very sad way. The heart of the film is being drawn into eric’s extreme heartache. That being said I really don’t know who could do a better job than Brandon Lee… Better off Not having a remake at all

    • whatthehell456 says:

      +1000. Stop the remake, in my opinion no one could do a better job than Brandon Lee

      • dcypher1 says:

        Ita. They need to come up with new original material instead of ruining classic films cus they cant think of anything original and just want to make money.

    • AlexandraJane says:

      Totally agree. That film should be left well alone. Its not dated and still amazing.

    • chaser says:


    • Deb says:

      THIS!!! Leave that film alone. It will forever be Brandon’s role. I’m not behind anyone doing this reboot. RIP Brandon.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      THIS! The Crow is a favorite of mine and Brandon Lee was so perfect and so, so hot as Eric Draven.

      There is a sad and tragic mystique behind the original that really can’t be touched by a modern remake.

      That being said, Tom Hiddleston???? Sorry, ladies but NO. I have nothing against him at all but he is just not right for the role. Skars is only slightly better, mainly because I can see that dark, brooding, sexiness he shows as Eric on TB. But yeah, PLEASE stop with the remakes!

    • TX Laney says:

      I agree! This need for remakes is exhausting. Brandon Lee did an amazing job as Eric Draven. The movie was so dark and intense and he just completely nailed the character. I lurve The Viking but I can’t picture him in this dark character.

    • mom2two says:

      I think the part of Eric Draven belongs to Brandon Lee. I would watch Alex in anything, but I don’t think the Crow is something that should be remade.

      Brandon Lee was taken from us far too soon.

  5. spugzbunny says:

    Why remake the crow? Leave it as it is! I am a massive Skars-Loon but just leave it be

  6. Mia 4S says:

    I really hope this was just a case of the Internet community being dumb as usual and not Tom’s people trying to hype him for the part. That’s a dumb and dangerous game to play unless your actually very very close to booking the role.

    That said, I don’t care about the movie whoever stars. The Brandon Lee version is haunting for many reasons but I’ve never had a desire to see more.

    • Crumpets and Crotchshots says:

      Hiddles gave an interview about it. His publicist must have egged him on to this. Somebody was being a dimbass.

      • Roberta says:

        Which interview is this?

      • Crumpets and Crotchshots says:

        Eep, my bad– I reread the press release and it does sound like private discussions leaked by an insider. I suspect a certain over eager pr guy.

      • Roberta says:

        @C&C as I thought, it would have been unprofessional to talk about a role that was still in talks. Although I think he is in need of better pr, I got the impression Tom’s agent screwed up here (judging on what the writer of the original scoop posted on Twitter yesterday).

  7. Minx says:

    As tragic as Brandon Lee’s death was, I think this movie is getting remade one way or another, regardless of who is cast as the lead. That being said, I think Alex would knock it out of the park and give it the respect it deserves.

    • mayamae says:

      I love Skarsgard in True Blood, but he was just awful in Straw Dogs. I’m not sure if it was his lousy southern accent or his acting – but he sucked. He really combines the comedy and subtly sinister as Erik the vampire perfectly, but I’m not sure about his level of acting skill.

      • RT says:

        Funny, I think Alex was very good in Straw Dogs actually. I guess we must look at different things. Most reviews were also positive towards Alex
        (but not for the movie).
        He was also very sexy 🙂

      • cr says:

        @RT: I thought Alex was the best thing in SD (which sounds like damning with faint praise).
        @mayamae: As for the rest of his acting: He’s got three movies out now, or coming out soon: Disconnect, What Maisie Knew and The East, and he’s getting good acting reviews.

  8. pam says:

    Eric Draven, Eric Northman, good fit!

  9. Eleonor says:

    I was 14een when The Crow came out, and for me there is only ONE Eric Draven, Brandon Lee.
    If they are making the remake, I don’t think I will go to see it, the first one was great in every sense: acting, plot, music (The Cure!)I don’t need a new one.

    • Just Me says:

      YES. THIS!

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      I was 15 when it came out and I completely agree with you. I listened to the soundtrack obsessively 🙂

      • Eleonor says:

        I’ve bought all the comics, and I still have an original James O’ Barr sketch hanging on the wall. You know what I mean? 🙂

    • QueenFreddie says:

      I was 7 was Brandon Lee died and I remember watching the news and being so sad about it. I was a huge Bruce lee fan. I didn’t see The Crow until I was 14 and I loved it. It is my favorite move to this day. I do not want a remake.

      I read Eleonor comment and remembered being so obsessed with the movie and I flashed back to being 14 so thank you for that. 🙂

  10. Just Me says:

    Wait, wait, wait. First they want to remake “Dirty Dancing” and now they’re remaking “The Crow?” Is NOTHING sacred? I am NOT happy about this.

  11. epiphany says:

    Hollywood is a virtual desert in terms of creativity – all they do are comic book movies and remakes – bad ones at that. How about an original idea for a change?

  12. dee says:

    So his people leaked the meeting to create a buzz around him. This is just proof of how over the top Hiddlestons PR machine is. I always wondered how he gets so much press considering his slim body of work and him being such an ordinary looking guy.

  13. Nightnday says:

    Alex not a good choice for the crow at all!! I see someone more like jared Leto doing a great job in the role.

  14. Elo says:

    A message to Hollywood: Could you please quit ruining my youth with one crappy remake after another? And please banish Michael Bay from making movies…forever.

  15. lucy2 says:

    I agree with the no remake needed vote, but do approve of Alex being cast in as many movies as possible.

  16. Tig says:

    I so hear you about no more remakes- but then, apparently, that’s what folks pay to see, that and comic book movies out the wazoo. Which then fills up the air with fanboys/girls debating costume design et al. So if you get the chance to see a movie not a remake,etc- GO! Will see Mud today as it will be in my city all of 5 days!

  17. LondonLou says:

    Frankly my Dear, I don’t give a damn as my inner perv is dead happy to see my two favourite blokes in the same article so I can make my perving…errr.. I mean…..*admiring* easier.

    • Bookworm mommy says:

      Frankly my Dear, I don’t give a damn as my inner perv is dead happy to see my two favourite blokes in the same article so I can make my perving…errr.. I mean…..*admiring* easier.

      ^^^ this!!!!!!!

  18. tubular_trekkie says:

    So Mr. H isn’t doing ‘The Crow’ after all then? Hey ho.

    Can’t say I’m too fussed really as I don’t think it sounds like a great idea anyway, regardless of who’s in it.

    As a fan of Tom’s though, it’s a bit disappointing that various potential projects keep getting floated only to amount to very little, if anything at all. I thought I saw something about him planning to go back to stage work later this year? Maybe I imagined it? (Wishful thinking perhaps? :)) There doesn’t seem to be anything concrete on that though, so who knows whether it’ll actually happen.

    • Crumpets and Crotchshots says:

      I saw that article, and it said his table was groaning with scripts. i want to tell him to stop the groaning and pick something damnit. surely there is a real offer in there somewhere.

      He would have to be signing on for something now to be on stage next year. It’s already summer.

      • tubular_trekkie says:

        Actually, I thought it was something he (might have?) mentioned whilst he was at the Olivier awards. I’m not sure of that though – I don’t have the specific source to hand. It didn’t sound all that definite in any case 🙁

      • T.Fanty says:

        I read that he said that he’d be on stage by the end of the year, but it’s not official yet.


      • Crumpets and Crotchshots says:

        I would love it if that came about. I thi k it would ground him a bit. Something modern an edgy would be great, but I’d be happy with Shakespeare.

        Of course I’d probably not be able to see it, unless another conference comes up. I’ll be in London in June; should look up what is playing.

      • T.Fanty says:

        C&C: The Globe. The Tempest. Roger Allam.

        You’re welcome.

      • Crumpets and Crotchshots says:

        Tfanty, thank you!

  19. andrea says:

    Someone commented on the Deadline article that they’d like to see Skars as the Highlander, rather than the Crow. Now that sounds like a more promising idea to me.

    Right now, they’ve got Ryan Reynolds for the role. Seriously. It’s no wonder they’re in development hell. Fassy would still be my first choice, but Alex would be a great Connor MacLeod, and I think Kevin Durand (he’s 6’6″) would be awesome as the Kurgan. If they could keep Princes of the Universe and Who Wants to Live Forever on the soundtrack, I’d be totally sold on this.

  20. flower says:

    Tom wasn’t right for the role of Eric and tbh I am glad they passed him over. The character is supposed to be Asian, so stop looking at the white wonderbread guys hw, it just does not work.

  21. MissThing says:

    While I was not overly eager for a remake of the Crow, I think either of them could have pulled it off. About Tom, just because he is a goofy motherfucker himself doesn’t mean he can’t pull off the dark brooding angsty pain filled roles.

    I do feel bad though that this really did sound like a PR insider leak fiasco that is not being handled as well as it should be.

    I have to wonder what the hell is going on over there really…

    If Tom does go back to doing more theater I will never get to see him then because I am on the wrong side of the pond.

    *pout pout*

  22. Axis2ClusterB says:

    The only person for this role is Brandon Lee. I’m usually pretty alright with remakes, but this one just irritates.

  23. Amanda says:

    I’m sorry, but if you ask me…there is no one out there who could come even close to playing this part better than Brandon Lee. God, he was so smokin’ hot.

  24. LilyRose says:

    Long time lurker/first time commenter.

    Theory Time!
    The whole Hiddles announcement thing must have come from the producers who were trying to cover their asses. Here’s why: Hiddles was photographed by a fan at some coffee shop in L.A. sitting across from another dude. It was shared on Tumblr (and we know how obsessive these kids are), turns out the dude sitting across from TommyAnne was a person associated with the production of the film. Not sure if he was a writer. So, this is when the Friday News Dump happened. When it was announced that Tom was in talks for the Crow, it was well after 5 p.m. West Coast time and on a Friday. I’ve sent these type of press releases myself, and it is the get lost in the weekend news type of thing. Me thinks, from a former pr perspective, that since the photo was floating around the internet any other interested party (i.e. other actors in conversations) would see the pick and get pissed, or industry insiders would speculate and rumors would circulate about Hiddles’ involvement in the film. So, the production company got ahead of the news by burying it in some general press release. And it reads as a company press release and not a publicists one.

    Anyway, my two cents as the kids say.

    • andrea says:

      Good theory. I think that something like that would have had to have happened for the producers to put it out there that NO, it’s not Hiddles. Don’t they usually just let the rumors die out on their own?

      And that’s why Tom’s PR really shouldn’t have jumped the gun. Were they naively thinking they could kind of force the issue that way? It’s a big role, I’m sure the producers are talking to everyone. That being said, I think that Tom might actually still have a slim shot at the part, but that’s only if the 5 or so guys ahead of him on the list all say no.

      • LilyRose says:

        See I agree. And the Skarsgard news was released yesterday, Tuesday. The day on the week is important in pr, because traditionally news releases published on Friday don’t get much traction (unless it’s Quarter Profits or mergers, really big news that people want to bury but will forget after the weekend) And this struck me because of the person in that picture with Hiddles- I wish I had the patience to wade through the fan art and GIFs on tumblr- he was a writer or producer and the release came out later that night. I kept thinking it was odd and it struck me that it was a Friday News Dump release (FNDR).

        Unlike your typical FNDR this one got a shit ton of traction online but not on mainstream media outlets. I don’t think this was a PR/Mgmt issue on Tom’s part, he gave no statement following the news. Which in contrast with the Capa release he did. It was poorly handled though. It’s a reboot that people in Hollywood want to get off the ground considering all the talk around Bradley Cooper joining the project, then a bunch of other names coming and going. So who knows if TH has a shot. Some actors are offered the opportunity to read the script but not to audition for the part. I know that sounds weird but it is a common practice. BCooper spoke about how he knew actors who read the Hangover script but were not called to audition. These same actors gave him shit for agreeing to do the movie. So who knows, it was probably a courtesy meeting and it was leaked.

      • andrea says:

        I still get the feeling the meeting was leaked by his own people, or possibly even one of the BNFs he associates with. It’s that bit about makeup tests (how’d they know he did his own?) and how the makeup’s “important to fans of the franchise, who should be delighted with the casting of a major member of the Marvel universe.” I can’t decide if that’s oddly-phrased PR speak or if it’s just oddly-phrased, period. I don’t see how anyone else on the other side of the equation would bother because, like you touched on, his name doesn’t attract the mainstream outlets.

        Sorry, I don’t mean to hyper-focus on a detail. I know this stuff is basic film-making process, but I think I’m invested in this because it’s one of those odd times when two things I really like (the Hiddles and The Crow) are two things that I just don’t want to see together.

        Anyhow, I’m sure Tom’s moved on from this since all he can do now is wait for a call back. Maybe now he can ramp up the lobbying for Prince Charming.

      • LilyRose says:

        I agree the people involved have probs moved on. I worked in financial pr and wrote a lot positioning/doublespeak paragraphs in my day. The positive sounding stuff that says nothing but still ties in core values and commitment to our customers. That last bit says absolutely nothing, which is how I read the article on the Wrap.

        Now that I’ve reread the original article just wanted to point out my reasoning. Excuse me if this sounds super pedantic or pretentious, not my intent at all. I love picking out narrative, bias and bent in stories. Something I did a lot at university. A lot of media criticism classes. But these paragraphs from the Wrap article reads from the perspective of a company: (meaning the journalist probably followed up with a pr rep for Relativity or whomever, where he probably got details like the makeup test, the additional script writers, the production schedule, the production team, etc)

        “Ed Pressman of Pressman Film and Kevin Misher of Misher Films are producing with Relativity CEO Ryan Kavanaugh and Jeff Most. Dan Farah of Farah Films will executive produce with Relativity’s Tucker Tooley.

        Hiddleston recently had dinner with producers and sent them a makeup test that he did on his own in London. He will undergo a proper makeup test in the coming days, as the character’s appearance is important to fans of the franchise, who should be delighted with the casting of a major member of the Marvel universe.

        Acclaimed Spanish filmmaker F. Javier Gutierrez (“Before the Fall”) is directing “The Crow” from a script by Cliff Dorfman (“Warrior”), though it’s possible that other writers will be credited as well.

        Production is tentatively scheduled to begin this fall, though the timetable could move slightly depending on several factors. ”

        In addition to the announcement a day or two ago of Skarsgard so close to the report of Hiddleston’s possible involvement. And the guy he was pictured with in LA is the director F Javier Gutierrez. So I put those two things together and figured the picture posted on Tumblr must have made some people nervous. But who knows, it’s all speculation. And I am generally speaking from experience having followed up as a reporter on a variety of releases, and later writing release myself and pitching to reporters, and working in media in general.

        I’ve never really commented here before, but always enjoy reading the conversations 🙂 And I love a good pr fuck up.

    • LilyRose says:

      Here’s the photo I keep talking about.

      Tom and the director guy.

      • Crumpets and Crotchshots says:

        Interesting theory, but I believe that the reporter who released the story. Indicated on Twitter that Hiddles’s management team was the source, but that he “misunderstood.”

      • Roberta says:

        @C&C – I agree with LillyR, pretty sure the film-makers leaked this story, not Tom’s pr.

        Can I just ask, what did the reporter indicate on Twitter? And re your post above “the publicist is now saying that it was all a mistake” where is that from? Just curious.

      • Crumpets and Crotchshots says:

        This was via Jeff Sneider, who wrote the original piece for The Wrap. He tweeted about it yesterday and said it was a misunderstanding of something his agent said. He made it clear that it was *his* misunderstanding. I heard this second hand, so I could be wrong.

        All that said, I suspect he *does* want the role. Otherwise why have the meeting at all, why bother putting on makeup?

        I am glad he is at least working hard to audition and get some new roles. I just hope he passes this one by because I think it will be a disaster no matter who they cast.

      • Roberta says:

        As I thought, I follow him on Twitter as well, but he posted “The Crow news was MUCH MORE than a simple conversation, just FYI”, and straight after (which as I mentioned further up the page, gave the impression the agent screwed up):
        and he didn’t indicate who the source was.

        In any case, this project has been in development hell for years, I remember when BCoop was up for it about 2 years ago.

    • Crumpets and Crotchshots says:

      I’m not sure which is more disturbing: Tumblr fans stalking TommyAnnE with telephoto lenses, or studio PR people who stalk tumblr and care about what the fans are saying.

      • LilyRose says:

        A lot of pr agencies have social media teams. Mostly recent grads and that is all they do. You have to measure hits and placement. I am back on the other end doing media research in South America.

    • Rose says:

      When that picture came out everyone on tumblr was jumping on the person who took it because she was violating his privacy. Nobody even took the angle of “he’s in LA therefore he might be talking about someone important.”

      So the production team had to explain away a really blurry photo by an overeager fan and, ironically enough, said fan may have put her hero in an embarrassing situation.

      That’s the sad truth of being famous in the age of the internet: News travels fast and everyone’s a part of the paparazzi.

  25. John says:

    I am glad Tom will not be starring in the Crow, it’s a dangerous career move due to the cult following the movie and Brandon Lee have. I am sure he knows this and would not have had an interest in the movie.

    I am confused why people keep referring to him as a one trick pony. Ok Loki has brought him global fame, but he has had very different parts in movies such as Midnight in Paris, Archipelago, The Deep Blue Sea and in upcoming movies such as Only Lovers left alive, Out of Darkness, as well as his Theatre work. He has the versatility, hopefully we will see this more on the big screen.

  26. LostinSpace says:

    Why do I get the feeling if anyone actually asked Alexander Skarsgard he would say this is the first he’s heard of the remake or him being up for the role? Just like with the Christian Grey crap, I think someone in the media said to someone else in the media, “Hey, Alex Skarsgard would be great as The Crow,” and suddenly every media outlet in the world is reporting it as fact. I could be wrong here, but it smells really fishy.

  27. Lexi says:

    ASkars is sooooo hot, he will make a really hot crow

  28. Miss M says:

    @j.eyre, crumpets, T.Fanty et al: poor Hiddles. Well, I think he needs to fire his PR team yesterday…

    @Kaiser: “Will the Viking defeat the Cult of Dragonflies?” N.E.V.E.R!
    Please, stop trolling! What a disrespect behavior towards the dragonflies by calling them a cult… And this is coming from a lizard audience. Geesh!

    • Crumpets and Crotchshots says:

      I’m a dragonfly, and if anything tend to be hypercritical of that poor little sausage. But man, I do like dragonflies. And hummingbirds. And kinky candy floss Narie Antoinette wigs….. We know how to make things fun.

      • Miss M says:


        “we know how to make things fun”. You d*mn right, dragonfly goddess!

        * correction, I meant to say disrespectful* My grammar has been in really bad shape in the past week or so, my apologies

      • Miss M says:

        My new gravatar is not working, 🙁

      • Eve says:

        @ Miss M:

        Oh, I just sent you a DM on Twitter asking you about that.

      • Crumpets and Crotchshots says:

        I may be changing my moniker again. I’m getting a little tired of Crumpets and Crotchshots. For starters, I am not especially dedicated to those crotchshot photos. It was funny for about ten minutes.

        I think am more of a hummingbird than a dragonfly. One must be true to one’s calling!

        Someone please explain Gravatar to me?

  29. Ashling says:

    I love my Viking, but I don’t think Alex should take this role. Too much baggage, and its not like it was a huge hit to begin with.

  30. Memphis says:

    I don’t care who’s in it you DO NOT remake the crow! DAMN IT!

  31. RT says:

    I think Alex will do very well in this role.
    No movie or actor should be sacred. There will always be remakes and there has always been since the beginning in Hollywood.
    I think it´s exciting with this new movie and how it´s going to be.
    Alex will be great in this role I think 🙂

  32. amilu says:

    I think Skarsgard is better for Eric Draven, but I *really* think they’re both wrong for the part.