Is Prince Harry telling friends that William & Kate are definitely expecting a boy?

For a while now, I’ve been letting the gender-guessing shenanigans for the royal baby just fall to the way-side. We’ll know what Duchess Kate and Prince William are having soon enough, and I’m actually looking forward to all of it – finding out the sex, finding out the name, finding out if Kate is actually back to living with her parents now and whether she plans to take the baby to her parents’ house for the first few months. We’ll know soon.

But! The UK tabloids are obsessed and it seems like everyone has Royal Baby Fever, so there has been endless reporting on potential baby names and endless speculation about the sex of the baby. A week ago, it was widely reported that Kate had gotten a BLUE stroller, which… obviously, blue = boy? And now there are reports that Harry is telling friends that Kate is definitely pregnant with a boy:

Prince Harry has been telling friends that Kate and William are expecting a boy, it was reported today. He is so happy about becoming an uncle he couldn’t keep the secret of the baby’s sex to himself.

The bookies are offering odds of 1/3 favourite on the Duchess of Cambridge having a girl and 5/2 for a boy, even though couple have made no official announcement about the baby due in mid-July.

But those odds may change after a source close to the Prince said: ‘Harry has been telling everyone Wills and Kate are having a boy and how thrilled he is at the prospect of having a little nephew. He said the whole family were excited about it. Apparently Kate has always wanted a boy. They’re really working hard on baby names now and think they have it sorted.’

Princess Eugenie, Prince William’s cousin, has also been telling friends the baby is a boy, according to another royal insider quoted by the Sunday People.

The source said: ‘They won’t reveal anything to ­anyone – not even Harry. Of course, Harry’s been making up crazy suggestions and winding them up too. The close inner circle all know that it’s a boy and they’re busily buying gifts with a boy theme. There will be an awful lot if blue in their house.’

Although the couple have kept mum about the baby’s name, Kate, 31, has accidentally dropped a couple of hints about the sex of the child in recent months. In March she appeared to suggest a girl was on the way when she given a teddy by a well-wisher during a walkabout in Grimsby.

She said: ‘I will take that for my d..’ – and then stopped herself. A nearby listener said: ‘You were going to say daughter, weren’t you? Kate replied: ‘No, we don’t know.’

A few days later Kate appeared to drop another clue as she revealed she had bought a Bugaboo pram in light blue which could indicate the newborn would be a boy. The pram’s colour came to light when Kate chatted to a group of Army wives at a reception on St Patrick’s Day.

Then Prince Harry was seen holding a blue teddy bear as he walked to Kensington Palace, the home he shares with Kate and William in London. But there was a simple explanation: The bear had been given to him by a little girl while he toured Nottingham. She asked him to give it to Kate’s baby and he delivered it in person.

But another insider added: “Even though there’s a lot of gossip doing the rounds, there’s no way anyone can confirm it at the moment.’

The paper claims that no decision has been made where Kate will have the baby, but the choice has been narrowed down to two hospitals.

Princess Diana Prince had William and Harry at St Mary’s hospital in Paddington, West London, while there is speculation that the child could be born at the Royal Berkshire Hospital – the birthplace of Kate and her sister Pippa.

[From The Mail]

Re: Kate saying “I’ll give this to my d” – I still think she was going to say “dog”. Anyway, sources claim that Kate wants a son and William was keen on a daughter. Personally, I’m kind of hoping it is a boy just because I think both William and Kate would do better with a son for their first child. And I just feel like there will be less drama (at first) with a boy. Plus, I just was not looking forward to William demanding that his baby girl should have the first name “Diana”. Even my Diana-loonie mother thought that was a bad idea.

So… at this point, I guess I kind of believe that they’re having a boy. What should they name him? These are the names that will be in the mix for first and middle names: George, Arthur, Phillip, Charles, Edward, Albert, Michael (for Kate’s dad), and maybe even Henry (Harry’s real name). Maybe John, which is by far my favorite of all of the royal name choices for a boy. How about John Charles Henry? John Phillip Charles? John Michael Charles? George Michael [Bluth]?

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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44 Responses to “Is Prince Harry telling friends that William & Kate are definitely expecting a boy?”

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  1. Winnie says:

    very sly in choosing pictures of kate giving the eye to harry. 😉

  2. Nicole says:

    Kate’s in love with Harry!

    • Liv says:

      I think she wants to please William all the time and with Harry she’s more relaxed.

  3. LadyMTL says:

    Well, Harry’s got a 50-50 chance of being right, even if he is just guessing. 😛

    As for names, I’ve always loved Arthur. I can see Arthur Henry (or Philip) George, for example. If it’s a girl, though, no doubt that Diana will be in the mix somewhere.

  4. Devon says:

    Most likely, if it’s a boy, he’ll have 4 names like almost all the other royal men and 3 if it’s a girl.

    Boy names that are probably in the pot:

    Spencer (not a first name)

    Girl names probably in the pot:

    Diana (but not the first name)
    Frances (again not the first name)

    Part of me wants them to go (somewhat) off the wall with the name since it’d be hilarious to eventually have a King Hugo or Queen Martha but they definitely won’t.

    • Bubbles says:

      I like Phillip, Michael and Charles. It would be nice to name the baby after her dad. As for a girl, the only ones I like are Alexandra and Frances.

      My friend is pregnant and they are also having baby name drama 😀 And they are having twins, a boy and a girl, so it’s even harder. He wants Miles or Malcolm for a boy, and Mallory for a girl, and she wants Phillip for a boy and Angela or Riley for a girl. Soo much drama. Any suggestions? 😀

      • Devon says:

        Name drama can be the worst! I remember when my friend was pregnant with her first and her and her husband couldn’t agree on anything!

        Out of those names, I really like Phillip and Mallory as a twin set. I would avoid going for the same, at least first, initial with twins. They are already going to be lumped together for the rest of their lives so I’d give them their own unique set of initials.

        For me, if I was in Kate and William’s shoes, it’d be Louis William Charles Michael for a boy and Charlotte Elizabeth Frances for a girl. I can bet you that neither of those will be the names though!

    • Thinker says:

      Would Alexander be out of the running while feminized Alexandra was in? And maybe even Alexandrina?

      Prince Alexander is not so hard to picture as it would to imagine Prince Victor. (Victoria)

      Oftentimes the Prince of Wales will change his public name at coronation. The baby’s first name may be a bit more uncommon if they plan on following using a string of the very strong traditional names. Charles plans on going by King George. He’s quite territorial about the name so I wouldn’t expect a Prince George. Nor Georgina, Georgiana or that sort.

    • Suze says:

      I not-so-secretly wish they’d have a girl, as I’d prefer a princess/queen in the future, but I have a feeling that they will have a boy.

      Not that I think Harry (or Beatrice) is running off at the mouth, either.

  5. Marine says:

    Nope not John , they don’ t well in that family. Prince John died of epilepsy at age 13. He spent nearly alll his life hidden away .King John back in the Crusades had his ruling restrained by Magna carta

  6. LAK says:

    John and Richard are considered unlucky due to the fortunes of all namesakes in the royal family throughout history.

    I’ll add George, James, Louis to your list Kaiser.

    • ncboudicca says:

      I’d throw Edward in there, too – or is that name out of favor?

      Edit – oops, I see it’s on Kaiser’s original list. Haven’t finished my coffee yet so I can’t see. 🙂

  7. Lolly says:

    I feel sorry for these people. They can’t even name their kids what they’d wish. Everything has to follow protocol & tradition.

    • LAK says:

      Baby names in the upper classes aren’t protocol bound. It’s a tradition that names are kept within families and repeated over and over. One can introduce a completely none family name, but they prefer not to. Eg Winston Churchill’s father was Randolph, ditto his eldest son. His eldest grandson was named Winston. And I’m sure if we go looking for his eldest great grandson, we’ll find he is called Randolph.

      The royal family tend to simpler names rather than the horrors you find in a lot of upperclass families.

      For the girls, Eugenie and Beatrice seem unsual until you realise how many other ancestors had the names.

      For the boys, if Nicholas or Frederick show up, that won’t be a surprise since that was a favoured name in the wider family of European cousins.

    • Suze says:

      I don’t feel sorry for them. So what – they can’t name their kids Dylan or Mackenzie or Madelyn.

      Instead they get to live in palaces and go on fancy vacations and wear designer clothes.

      The trade-off doesn’t seem to be so bad to me.

  8. The Original Mia says:

    I thought she meant dog too.

  9. Liz says:

    Blue stroller means nothing. I had a girl first and bought a turquoise stroller because it would work for either gender.

  10. Faye says:

    George Michael Bluth! Take that back. Waity and Will do not deserve to be associated with the awesomeness that is Arrested Development.

    Joking aside, if it’s a boy, I’m sure it will be some string of three names from the royal selection. At least they’re nice, normal names to choose from!

  11. Patrice says:

    This seems like a total red herring to me. I mean, obviously the baby will be either or, but even if Harry did know, does anyone seriously believe that he would be running around blowing the whistle on the sex of the couple’s child when they themselves are keeping it a secret? Give me a break!

    Even the article itself states: “They won’t reveal anything to ­anyone – not even Harry…Of course, Harry’s been making up crazy suggestions…” But then bizarrely, immediately follows that with this complete contradiction: “The close inner circle all know that it’s a boy.” Sure. Even though you JUST SAID that they “won’t reveal anything to anyone”-not even Harry. Which one is it?! Besides, we all heard this exact line a few weeks back only then their entire “inner circle” knew that the baby was a girl. People really will believe anything…

    • LAK says:

      It’s also strange how the DM can’t resist making a dig at Harry with that headline when the article goes in detail to say the opposite…..can’t help pushing the irresponsible, loose lipped Prince to go with the party prince image they keep pushing.

      • FLORC says:

        They try their best to make W & K look better by pulling Harry down, but the truth always has a way of sneaking past the lies. It’s funny and frustrating all at the same time.

  12. Chrissy says:

    Ah, sneaky, Kaiser!
    I love it.
    George Michael [Bluth], it is!

  13. taylr says:

    I wanted another queen 🙁

  14. bridget says:

    I love that Harry kept his word and delivered the bear in person!

  15. Reece says:

    I think it’s a boy but this story is ridic. Total BS. Why would Harry go around telling anyone even if he does know? Just more of them trying to make him into the bad prince.

  16. Barhey says:

    Haha I’m kind of hoping they go really old school. Like Aethelred the Unready or Sweyn Forkbeard. They had some really amazing names in early English history.

  17. Isa says:

    I think it’s a girl from her slip and from her morning sickness. Studies are showing you’re slightly more likely to have a girl if you have morning sickness.

    • FLORC says:

      Please site these studies you’re claiming that support carrying girls give the mother more morning sickness. I’ve only heard it as old wives tales.

      And her morning sickness/HG/good PR scheme was symptom and timeline identical to the NORO Virus which was sweeping the country during those few weeks.
      The articles in a link above try quoting Kate as telling others she’s had such an amazingly easy pregnancy she wants to jump right in and get pregnant asap.

      • Isa says:

        I’m on my phone but you can google it. I can’t copy and paste links.
        I’m already aware some people don’t believe she had HG.

      • FLORC says:

        On my phone as well Isa. I did do a search, but only came up with more tales and no actual studies.

        It’s funny you state below you said you carried low for a boy and girl. My mother-in-law swears that all women that carry low are having boys.
        If you had your babies close together it’s likely women carry lower if their 2nd pregnancy comes on the heels of their 1st. The abdominal muscles were without time to repair themselves so the tummy holds with sag a bit more.

      • Isa says:

        Well I guess you didn’t type in the correct keywords. When I get home tonight I’ll post the links.
        Yea the carrying low/high thing is just an old wives tale.
        My daughter was my first kid, my son came 3 years later. I carried them both low.

    • Lucky Charm says:

      I was 100% opposite – not a minute of morning sickness with my daughter’s pregnancy, and couldn’t-get-out-of-bed without throwing up, morning-noon-and night sickness with my son.

      I think it’s a boy, just from the way she’s carrying.

      • Isa says:

        I didn’t have morning sickness with my daughter either. Maybe a week of it with my boy, but I also came down with flu like symptoms soon after.
        I carried both of my babies low. Everyone guessed boy with both of mine but I have a girl and a boy.

    • Jessica says:

      Her “slip” was fabricated by the woman who blabbed it to the media. There is video evidence, and Kate NEVER said “I’ll take this for my d-” (or whatever they were claiming she said).
      So 1 out of 2 reasons you think it’s a girl debunked.

      As far as I’m concerned, Kate never had severe morning sickness. There is far too much evidence that suggests she was just dehydrated and overreacted and that the HG story was made up by them and the palace as a cover and excuse to announce the pregnancy early. I’m not going to go into all the detail because there is too much for this post but if you want to know, just hit up the Royal Gossip forum or a similar forum and it will all become clear.
      So 2 out of 2 reasons debunked.

      You’re argument for why you think she’s having a girl is invalid.

      • Isa says:

        I posted the sources last night but I guess they didn’t make it through mod, florc.
        Jessica, thanks. I still have a 50/50 chance of a correct guess. I don’t read all that royal gossip it’s filled with too much hate and a lot of conspiracy theories.

      • FLORC says:

        It’s ok. I did some digging, but didn’t find anything of a valid study. I did some time working in a maternity ward and pregnant ladies have such unique pregnancies I just can’t take any study too seriously. Each women has her own experience and it’s so difficult to find the same circumstances with few variables to create unbiased data.

        You have to sift through a lot of comments sometimes, but some do make sense. They’re clean posts with facts and links.

        Only the hardcore Kate fans that have been living under rocks and have no true knowledge of the disorder still think it was true HG. This has been discussed at length and it’s closed imo.

  18. KellyinSeattle says:

    I vote for the name Spencer (wasn’t Diana’s last name Spencer?)…I’m looking forward to the unfolding baby drama, too!

  19. molly says:

    boooooooooooooooooooooooring !

  20. Feebee says:

    George Michael, ha ha cos in England they’re not going to think Bluth.

    He was however a favorite of his mum’s. Ha, that would be hilarious.

  21. Mary says:

    shucks, like William I wanted a girl lol.

  22. Jessica says:

    If they have a boy, the one name it for sure won’t have is John. There has only ever been one King John in British history, and he was such a horrible king that no monarch/heir has ever been named John again. The Queen will not allow the child to be named John. Diana supposedly tried/wanted to name William John, but the Queen refused. I don’t know where everyone keeps getting the name John from, it will NOT be named John.

    • FLORC says:

      Are you sure? I thought Diana was adamant about naming Her 1st born boy William as is his name now because it was a favorite relatives name. I’m blanking on which relative for sure and google is giving me too much BS on what Kate will name the future baby.
      Anyways, It was always going to be William and Diana wouldn’t settle for less than that. They took William home from the hospital without a 1st name. He was named a few days later.

      John, Richard, and Charles are all terrible names to ascend the throne in. Just because it’s a 1st name does not mean that will be the name they keep when they rule. Charles will not be King Charles, but rather choose one of his many middle names. So, naming William John was no big deal when compared to the Queen naming her 1st born Charles! The last 2 King Charles do not bode well for a 3rd.