The tale of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard’s romance is growing sillier with each passing week of the tabloid news cycle. Of course, the tabs had this couple pegged for nearly a year before Johnny and Amber went public as a couple at a Rolling Stone’s concert. The last we heard, Johnny and Amber might be “secretly engaged“ even though it’s virtually certain that, at some point, 27-year-old Amber will have had enough of 50-year-old Johnny, and he’ll end up looking like a total fool.
In the meantime though, Amber’s going to milk this relationship for all it’s worth, and if that means taking advantage of Johnny’s industry influence, so be it. This week’s issue of the Enquirer says that Amber was really upset with her crappy little trailer on the set of Paranoia, so Johnny made execs give her a really decked-out replacement. As a side note, have have you seen the trailer for this movie yet? Amber has some hot scenes with Liam Hemsworth, but the movie as a whole looks like a snooze, and I remain unconvinced that Liam’s fanbase will want to watch a film about corporate intrigue. Anyway, Amber ended up getting a better set trailer than Gary F—ing Oldman. How ridiculous is that?
Whatever Johnny Depp’s 22-years-younger hottie Amber Heard wants, Amber gets! Filming her new flick Paranoia in LA’s hot, dusty, downtown industrial area, Young Stuff whined to Big Daddy Depp that her dressing trailer was too damn small — and hotter than hell because its air conditioner was on life support! Quicker than Tonto on a Lone Ranger rescue, Depp snapped his fingers in some exec’s face — and when Amber hit the set next morning, she was thrilled to find her teeny trailer replaced by a state-of-the-art caravan the size of a locomotive. Drawled Amber’s co-star, Gary Oldman, “How do I start dating Johnny Depp?
[From Enquirer, print edition, June 23, 2013]
You gotta love Gary. He’s no diva and probably didn’t mean to sound anything but funny with his remark, but there’s some truth to his words. There’s one detail about this story that seems a little bit off, which is that the movie was largely shot in Philadelphia, but that’s a trivial detail since some scenes were in fact shot in LA.
The Enquirer also has another story about how Vanessa Paradis has told Johnny Depp that marrying Amber is a bad idea: “She’s convinced that Amber’s trying to get her hooks into Johnny and his money … but Vanessa doesn’t believe it’s going to last … she thinks their kids will be crushed when the relationship goes south.” I’m not sure whether Vanessa would really stick her nose into Johnny’s current relationship, but if the story is true, then Vanessa is seeing a lot more clearly than Johnny at this point.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN
He’s pathetic and she…well, apart from this I have no idea who she is.
–well said–
I can’t stand this broad already. Yawn.
When will Johnny’s middle age crisis be over? Soon, right?
Well, page me when he moves on.
I’m with you. I’m out until he finds himself again.
Couldn’t have said it better myself. I had never heard of her before Depp started servicing her vaj.
shes a lesbian and dates women whenever Depps not around.
She is so hott
it’s pathetic!
Gary Oldman is the schizz! Love him.
Yes! LOVE him. He’s one of those, “you’re hot because you’re brilliant, talented, and seemingly have good manners to boot.”
It’s his charisma. His witty intelligence of knowing just what to say to be both a funny bitch, but not a bitchy bitch. Love him!
Harrison Ford looks old bald:(
Plus I’m deeply convinced that Gary Oldman is incredibly great in bed.
@ Sauvage, haha! Now I’m curious!
@ Liv: Sweet dreams, honey! 😉
yeah!! He is great, and God in Dracula was hot as hell!
And as a Potterloonie I was thrilled to see him as Sirious Black. Love the man!
Sid and Nancy, The Fifth Element, The Professional. He’s the reason I clicked on this story; I was hoping to see more outrage on his behalf 😉
Prick Up Your Ears, Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead, Romeo Is Bleeding, Track 29, etc., etc., etc.
He’s my favorite actor of all time. The fact that he hasn’t got an Oscar is a disgrace to the Academy.
He is one of those actors I have completely unreasonable affection for. I want to hug him and his genius!
“The fact that he hasn’t got an Oscar is a disgrace to the Academy.”
This is so true!
And yet, Halle Berry does.
Yeah. It’s like swallowing a lemon whole, right?
+1000! Love his sense of humor and his humility… and the fact that he’s still HOT doesn’t hurt either 😉
Love him too. Such a fantastic actor who flies under the radar.
I adore Gary Oldman!
She looks so generic – I can never tell her apart from hundert other Hollywood wannabies.
This. I sort of got the feeling that something was going on between them when Depp said he thought she was a ‘classic American beauty’ and that he’d look at her and be in awe of her flawless beauty, when I watched him in an interview. I was like…ermmm ok then, he probs likes her.
I find this quite sweet and romantic actually. I like this babe. I never could stand Johnnys past choices – all I could think is are they anorexic or on heroine (or both).
This trick eats………and it goes to all the right places. Woof! Get it Johnny
Not getting into the curvy versus skinny debate because I don’t think one is necessarily better/more attractive than the other.. But she doesn’t seem his type. Winona, Kate and Vanessa all looked very similar
We get inundated with a much different message though. IE that the skinnier the sexier. And its taken such absurd extremes over the years. Any new convert to the curves is welcomed. Amber is still much slimmer than the average woman but she looks healthy and thats a victory really.
Away from the politics of size, shes just plain hotter than all his famous exes.
Yes, who cares if the chick is a completely self-absorbed fameho who’s half his age?
Just as long as she’s not skinny (god forbid!), because if a girl is skinny there’s only one reason: an eating disorder or a heroine addiction.
How do you know shes self absorbed? We dont know if this trailer story is true. We dont know whether Johnny Depp simply rented his gf a trailer as a romantic gesture. We know very little about her really.
We do know that Kate Moss was a coke user though because we saw photographs of it. We do know that Lohan has nothing on Winona in the thieving department. We know as recently as 2008 she was once again being investigated over fresh thievery. In any case, and I am sorry if this offends the uber thin girls here but many people just dont think its attractive. This girl has tits and ass, a much healthier and cuter image to aspire to. As for personality, I still dont know enough to judge.
I saw her on the UK version of Top Gear, and she seemed really down to earth. She looks like a screen goddess, but I think she is a Texas tomboy under the glam. I found her personality to be endearing.
I dont know if I believe that all those girls were just naturally very thin. Thats not a statement on all girls who are that thin, just these particular girls.
“How do you know shes self absorbed? We dont know if this trailer story is true. We dont know whether Johnny Depp simply rented his gf a trailer as a romantic gesture. We know very little about her really.”
Right. Just like we don’t know whether Kanye is REALLY cheating on Kim or whether K Stew is REALLY pining for Pattinson or whether Jonny Depp REALLY cheated on Paradis with Heard.
We don’t know for certain any of these things but that doesn’t stop of us from presuming as such is the nature of celebrity gossip-making assumptions on unsubstantiated rumors and second hand innuendo. It doesn’t stop all of us from commenting though right??
We all do it-you do it, I do it, and so does everyone else here.
“This girl has tits and ass, a much healthier and cuter image to aspire to.”
…I would argue that she has a pretty unattainable body to the average girl and that women in general need to stop trying to emulate unrealistic female bodies and accept ourselves for who we are, which for some of us, includes being NATURALLY thin. Skinny may be ugly to you but it’s simply the way some women are built. I don’t think they should feel bad about it just because they don’t have huge tits and a plump ass like Amber Heard. Women come in all shapes and sizes and I think THAT’S the message we should be embracing, not “this female body type is preferable to THAT female body type” because all that is doing is perpetuating an ideal and it’s not helpful to women in general. JMO.
I also find her a refreshing improvement. Dare I suggest that the age of the waif is finally behind us? Eat ladies. Eat.
I’d do her!
Cant say the same for Vanessa, even though I like her alot. I’d be afraid to lose an eye on one of those sharp edges. Lol.
Call me crazy but they kind of remind me of Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Becall. OK, even I cant believe I just typed that. Maybe its the age gap? Or the bar story? Or how they met? Or how smitten he is? Or maybe its just that she reminds me of that bygone era. She would look great in one of those tight pastel sweaters they all wore.
I’d do her!
Cant say the same for Vanessa, even though I like her alot. I’d be afraid to lose an eye on one of those sharp edges. Lol.
Call me crazy but they kind of remind me of Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Becall. OK, even I cant believe I just typed that. Maybe its the age gap? Or the bar story? Or how they met? Or how smitten he is? Or maybe its just that she reminds me of that bygone era. She would look great in one of those tight pastel sweaters they all wore.
Lmfao. Is The Original Kitten actually mad because not everyone is buying a National Enquirer story? Girl you must walk around permanently mad then
I dont pretend to know what this is but the gold digger narrative is too easy. And it just doesnt fit with her. Her life, her style, shes more bohemian than diamond girl. This girl never hid her girlfriends, she gets points from me just for that.
I agree with TOK on this one. Having said that, I personally think Amber is one luscious chick. Love her with the ombre hair.
Her hair looks much better brunette.
totally! she should keep it that way! or ombre! this light blonde looks terrible, but she’s gorgeous nonetheless.. I like her btw and don’t buy the stories
they’re both gross.. I love Gary Oldman
they deserve each other.
amber turd and johnny schlepp forevah
+1, marie
I think it’s more likely he just personally rented a better trailer for her.
^^ This.
Also, Amber is a decent actress, I have seen her in various films and she is not without talent. Maybe not the brightest out there, but decent nonetheless.
Just another ambitious young model actress, she’s just using Depp because she can’t make it on her own. She will leave him again when she think’s she is famous enough.
There’s no fool like an old fool.
Johnny Depp is morphing into that guy, you know, the one who you feel embarrassment for, since he is incapable of seeing it or feeling it for himself?
Yes!! That’s exactely it!
So much second hand embarrassment.
The outfits alone make me cringe….
+1, especially the outfits.
This has middle age crisis all over it. I thought better of Johnny. And Amber confirmed her jump off status to the world, willing to sleep her way to the top. If she thinks Hollywood b
igwigs will give her anything she wants after Johnny dumps her (and he will) she’s kidding herself.
I think she’s gorgeous. She is also stupid accepting a trailer bigger than Oldman’s. She is being tagged as Depp’s girlfriend, nothing more. It is a bad career move.
WTF kind of writers are they hiring at the enquirer?
jesus, sounds straight out of a bad 40’s film.
I remember lots comments blaming his break-up squarely on Angelia Jolie. Lol.
So this is a story based on a joke?
I mean really?
If Gary Oldman asks for a better trailer the exes say what: “You?! Never!”
I like the dress she wears in the last photo.
First, Gary Oldman is one of my favourite famous people. He gives hilarious interviews, he’s witty, he’s smart, he’s a great and fearless actor and I want to live to the day when they finally give him his well-deserved Academy Award (which, on a sidenote, he should already have gotten, IMHO, for “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy”).
Second, there are not many people out there who I find to be as vanilla and generic as Amber Heard. Nothing about her interests me, and that’s rare for a people person like me.
Third, Johnny Depp’s midlife crisis is obviously in full bloom and has been for at least two years. Time to snap out of it, Johnny.
Fourth, how uncharismatic is Liam Hemsworth in the “Paranoia” trailer? I’ve never seen him act before, unfortunately, is he always this bland? The trailer shows the battle of Vanilla Youth members Amber Heard and Liam Hemsworth up against Great Old Bastards Harrison Ford and Gary Oldman. (Psst, SPOILER: The youngsters will lose…)
Wow, how did those two wind up in a movie with Gary Oldman and Harrison Ford? What was casting thinking with that choice? Unless Liam and Amber are hiding some major talent, this could just highlight how bland they are compared to the brilliance and charisma of the older actors.
It will be either very good, or very bad for their careers.
Yes, Liam IS that bland. His derp facial expression never changes and speaks in monotone. I’m pretty sure he’s just a really well done animatronic. There was a huge push right before he landed the Hunger Games role to make him a “thing.” I was certain that would fail, but PR never ceases to amaze.
It’s so pathetic…Johnny will some day bitterly regret that he left his sweet family for a dumb blonde.
I always feel like she has a really un-memorable face. It’s almost like my eyes slide right over her picture and just can’t take any of it in!
Seriously. She is so boring, even with this storyline, I just cannot get interested in her. And I can never ever identify her in a pic. I wonder what it is?
I like Amber I think she’s a decent actress from the movies that I’ve seen I do think she’s really pretty too. She doesn’t seem to crave the spotlight you almost never see her in paparazzi shots or going to clubs. She’s always seem pretty low-key Which makes me think twice that she’s dating Johnny for publicity his star is waining anyways . But tis is Hollyweird so you never know
Johnny you disappointed me so much… think with your head and not your lower parts. You fool.
Me, too. He has become so average in his dealings now. So far removed from what he was.
When he gets tired of this one, he’ll move on to someone younger.
I hope not, this is not only a bad pr move for him -she won the lottery- but sad too. What’s wrong with men these days? Accept your age and date someone suitable, not the random blonde 20yo chick. How is he facing his children? Sigh..Johnny is hot even in his roughest day, but now if I think about this the hot just disappears.
If anything its good pr. Hes got a hotter younger piece who is ascending. Few people know of the cheating. To the world he used to show up to premiers alone now he is clutching a curvy hottie. Johnny wins too.
Ever since the second Pirates of the Caribbean, he has been disappointing me.
Like TOK said further up thread: Major second hand embarrassment on his behalf.
When I see pics of her I think she is gorgeous…but if you were to ask me what she looks like away from the pic I could not even begin to tell you.
JD…gross. You know he stinks of cigs and alcohol…and I use to love him.
She gets a better trailer than Gary Oldman?!?! WTF?!?! Although I doubt Mr. Oldman himself cares all that much, I am outraged on his behalf. Personally, I would give Gary Oldman my trailer, my car, my shoes, the last cookie, anything he wanted because he is that awesome.
“Amber was really upset with her crappy little trailer” I think it was George Clooney that said once that he thought was funny when actors take pride in the trailers they get (something to that effect). I agree with him, I think it’s so tacky to demand a “better” trailer that you use to change and rest… Love me some Gary Oldman!
What bulls*&t, I just can’t. Gary Oldman is the bomb, this skank is nothing, she can not act to save her life and you think she’d be more concerned with trying not to be blown off the screen by Gary, not building a rep as a brat. When Johnny is through with her she will just have a rep as being difficult,she really is quite stupid. I am so yucked out by Johnny right now I can’t even. Blah.
gary oldman doesnt put out yo!
LOVE Gary F—ing Oldman! That man can use my apartment as his extended trailer, my car, my pets, my wallet, all his with a smile and a wink.
This story could be completely false. It is not unheard for tabloids to say someone said this or that and then find out it was a lie. I don’t buy that Mr. Oldman would even comment about this. It seems out of character.
@gossipfun..that just fed into their hate and need to paint her as something she never was nor is. They and the tabloids are all barking up the wrong tree. The truth was happening somewhere else.
Nobody puts oldman in the corner!!!!!
Oh leave Amber alone! I’ve read her last interview on Malibu Magazine, and she doesn’t even mention her relationship with Johnny. Even more, it’s quite clear that the journalist couldn’t ask her about her relationship with him.
So, for a person- allegedly- so interested on milking this relationship to gain more roles, publicity and money, she acts totally in the opposite way!!
Look, just by merit of dating this twenty some years older, megastar actor, she is advancing her career bucketloads, trust. She doesn’t need to be seen promoting it, its mere existence lifts her career up. And the reason she doesn’t want to be seen with him is probably the fact that everyone now associates her with ending his marriage. I’m not saying she caused it entirely, Johnny is clearly in midlife crisis meltdown, but she certainly played a part.
Yeah! but the same could be said of every woman that has been with Johnny, even Vanessa. That just by the merit of dating him, they advanced their careers.
So what’s the option? not dating him at all? and what if she loves him? no one seems to consider that, that’s is a real option here! And even more considering how much she gushed about him in the promo of their movie. She truly seemed to be charmed by him. “the beautiful specimen of human being”, “a man to fall in love with”, this movie was “the best experience of my life”, etc, etc.
Also, if she only wanted to advance her career she could go after any other- single and playboy A-List like Di Caprio (who change his tarts every week) or Clooney, etc. Johnny- with his ex, children and overly jealous fans- is too much trouble to bear for over a year (just look how many time she has to be hiding her relationship with him) if she only wants to advance her career.
@ LaLa. Up until this point all of Johnny’s significant others have carried their own weight. Winona was the movie star while JD was doing television, Kate Moss was already the it girl of the time ( whether you consider what she does to be useful or not is your own choice), and Vanessa was already a star in France since she was a kid. Even during their 14 yr relationship, she never persued a career in America.
Who knows if Amber is using him or capitalizing off their relationship, but in terms of career and talent she doesn’t compare to his past choices. And he has pulled strings to get her roles! Add in the age difference and the fact that he may or may not still have been with the mother of his children when they started messing around, that is why people question her motives.
Why do you say he has pulled strings to get her roles? there’s no information about any of this, only the malicious speculation from some of you
And sorry but Vanessa was a nobody in all the world, except in France, so it’s a bit of the same case and Kate Moss was also starting her career, how do you can evaluate his influence on it?
Also Johnny is probably one of the most famous people on the planet. In this perspective he virtually can’t date any woman -unless is Madonna that is as famous as him- because all the women will be less famous than him and advancing their careers by dating him!
Sorry Lala, but i think Eliza is right.
They all had and have their careers and Vanessa is and was an icon in France. I think you should respect this as a given fact.
Amber wasn’t able to arouse any attention to her work over the past ten years. She only was given attention for her selfdeclared bisexuality and now for dating the Depp.
She went from being a pap poser to hush, humble and hiding to suit JD’s ways.
Amber even said in an interview, that she think’s she is too pretty to be given better roles. I think bringing some talent into play when going to a casting couldn’t have hurt. Acting talent is what she totally lacks and her photoshoots don’t show much personality either.
That Johnny seems to be running after this woman is a simple embarresment.
@Lala (sorry, can’t reply directly) – “And sorry but Vanessa was a nobody in all the world, except in France, so it’s a bit of the same case and Kate Moss was also starting her career, how do you can evaluate his influence on it?”
Oh that’s just plain silly.
Vanessa Paradis was not a “nobody”. She was very successful as an actress, model and singer (Christ, you couldn’t move when I was a kid without hearing Joe Le Taxi) and certainly didn’t need Johnny Depp to advance her career, and there was never any sign that she was interested in doing so – if that were the case, surely she’d have dragged him to Hollywood to advance her movie star career, pimping out the kids? Instead, they stayed in France and she carried on her career much as she ever had.
As for Kate Moss, she was a successful (and controversial) model long before she started dating Depp, and again, never tried to parlay their relationship into anything like celebrity – she wasn’t begging him for a meeting with Harvey Weinstein or curling up on Spielberg’s lap at parties, trying to become a movie star. What was the extent of her abuse of his fame – humming along on Oasis records?
I get that the whole “Amber Heard is a fameho using him for her career” thing is tedious and sexist, but slagging off all his other partners as nobodies is flat-out ludicrous. I see no evidence that he elevated them to a different level or that they would have been less successful without their ride on the mighty Depp wang. Give him credit for that much – the women in his life have always been talented and successful in their own right, rather than vapid, easily-swayed starlets looking to hitch a ride.
@Londerland: Sorry, but I’m not slagging off his exes. c’mon! I’m just telling what it’s evident. We can’t know how Kate’s career would have been without her high-profile romance with him.
And about Vanessa, stating that she was only famous in France is not an offence. It’s the truth.
And how truth it have to be that I can bet my life that all the people talking here about her, knew her through her relationship with Johnny!
Was she using him to advance her career? of course not! she is the mother of his children. Also in Kate’s example, she loved him. To advance their careers was the consequence of love him
Why not give the same chance to Amber? she has the same age that Vanessa had when she started her relationship with Johnny. Amber had leading roles some movies, maybe B-Movies, some other with memorable roles (like in Zombieland or Pinneaple Express) maybe some failures, but even Johnny was known as a box office poison at first.
Because she is a tweenty something? I know many tweenty something who would take Johnny in a heartbeat if they have the chance. Why not Amber? if she meet him fours years ago, and seemed pretty fond of him during the promotion of their movie. And if she advance her career maybe is also the consequence of love him, why not?
Malibu Magazine? You’ve got to be kidding me. Out of all the comments, not to mention the story itself, your citing Malibu Magazine popped out hard. It’s a non-publication, an ad filled b.j. for publicists to need to get more covers for their clients. It makes Kneepads look like the NY Times.
Who cares? I’m not talking about the magazine, only using it as example, because after almost (or more) than a year without talking with any media in her first interview not only she doesn’t mention her relationship with Johnny, the journalist couldn’t ask about him either.
So where are the proofs that she is using him to gain publicity? She could be in the cover of People Magazine selling any of those usual headlines like “I’m so in love” “Johnny is the perfect man”, blah, blah. But she doesn’t. She has been hiding for over a year!
It really bothers me that this girl is automatically labeled a skank, famewhore, whatever because she’s dating Johnny Depp. It isn’t possible that they actually really dig each other? He left his family, not her. Let’s not throw all the shade on Amber.
I think she’s gorgeous, talented, and seemingly really down to earth. Why wouldn’t he be interested?
I don’t like blaming the whole thing on Amber since she seems pretty harmless and she is very beautiful…
…but TALENTED??? Please tell me in what movie/TV show she has displayed any sort of acting talent. I’ve seen a lot of her films and, as pretty as I think she is, she could rival KStew for most unconvincing/wooden actress in Hollywood…
I apologize for calling her a skank, I got a little carried away by my Oldman love! What is she talented in though? Every thing I have seen her in mainly revolves around her getting naked and being frankly not very good, maybe I have missed something?
Lol ok you guys got me on that one. Zombieland? Pretty convincing zombie!
Actually, she was pretty cute on her episode of Criminal Minds…but you’re right- talent wasn’t at the top of my list in her defense. Talented model? Sure.
Better? 🙂
“Already an emerging Hollywood talent, actress Amber Heard came out of the closet at the GLAAD 25th anniversary celebration on Friday, proudly announcing that she is a lesbian.
The ‘Zombieland’ and ‘Pineapple Express’ star, who will soon appear as Jonny Depp’s love interest in ‘The Rum Diaries,’ came out with her girlfriend, photographer Tasya van Ree, whom she has been dating since 2008.”;_ylt=AlvFkmMn7t1..Tgm3f_9pTibvZx4?p=amber+heard+comes+out+as+gay&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-787
Knowing Johnny Depp and his self-destructive ways, he’s probably walking into this eyes open. Amber will run when she’s milked his cash and walks away with some monetary settlement.
do you live in her mind to know that? she loves himso much and she may be love him more than he does and she won’t do that..she skipped the Q&A for her movie and travled with him to new mexico what does that mean? she prefer him over her career
The movie “Syrup” was already out on VOD weeks before the Q&A. It’s just another of her Flop movies. None of the other actors went there either.
Johnny and Vanessa wanted their careers to be independent from each other and seperated from their private life. That’s why they stopped to accompany each other to business events like premieres or fashion shows when Johnny turned into a global superstar with the Pirates movies and when people went totally nuts about him.
He’s a 50 year old with the responsibility for children and it’s silly to feel sorry for him and make up excuses for him.
I saw her in my absolute favorite episode of “Criminal Minds.” I had high hopes that she would beome a regular love interest for the braniac, but obviously, she’s moved on to richer rewards.
I’m so disappointed to see how some of my people, Depp’s fans, have taken it on Amber in such a harsh way.
From the haters, it’s expected, that’s what they do…but Depp fans. The ones who says to love him, to follow him. People who followed every step on his fall down on his personal life. People who saw how he even changed his appearance for a couple of years, how he gained a lot of unnatural weight. People who saw and felt sad to see those pathetic videos of Johnny falling drunk in LA. People who read that sad interview where he was described like always alone and even falling sleep in a bathroom of an hotel. How can these people, the same people who saw him destroying himself for a couple of years, be so mean with the woman that has been a part of his restoring.
He stopped drinking alcohol since he is with her. And we- Depp’s fans- know it seems as something permanent or at least for over a year. He looks better than in years, fit and calm (look at his pictures performing in any show). Look how relaxed and happy he looked on those pictures when he was with her in Creede just after the official announcement of his divorce.
The serious reports says that they are in love and Amber is a healing force in his life, physically and emotionally…and if she is doing nothing but good things for him, who cares if she can have better roles only because she is his girlfriend?
Now, Amber has been with Johnny in NM for almost three weeks (because he is working on his new movie). How many times some of us felt sad that he always seemed alone for weeks on locations, when he was still Vanessa’s boyfriend? In my case, many times. Now he has somebody who left her life in LA to be with him (and she did the same when he was working on Lone Ranger), and take a road ride with him (for the pictures at the gas station where they were together), to enjoy a normal life…I’m glad he found this again. I’m grateful with Amber for as long as this relationship works and even after (if they break up, in the same way that I’m grateful with Vanessa)
The serious reports? And you are the one who knows how to devide which ones are serious and which ones are not?
So she is actually the saint now? He actually said things like that about his other women before her,the guy likes to be saved. I’m sure he will find wonderful words for her as well, but remember, Vanessa said that wonderful words are worthless unless actions follow. Think about that.
The pics from the gas station? People assume that it was Amber with him, but the one person who could have confirmed it never did.
What good does this do you? The man chose. Amber>Vanessa to Johnny. Whinning is a waste of time.
Serious report: People Magazine, Us Weekly, E!, Radar, etc, etc. The opposite to believe in “National Enquirer”, “The Sun”. It’s not rocket science darling!
Why wouldn’t he stop drinking for his kids or baby mama? You know there’s many rumors that paradis was fed up with his drinking. You give all this credit to heard but it really paints him in a bad picture that he could not do for his family what he can do for some young thing he has dated for a short while. That’s not a good look at all.
Vanessa accompanied Johnny on location until the kids got enrolled into school in LA. And now you are putting the blame on her for not travelling with poor Johnny boy all the time and leaving him alone? Are you kidding? With the kids comes the responsibility.
Amber doesn’t have the responsibility to take care of children yet and she doesn’t work much, therefore she has lots of time to travel with him.
So it’ s the carefree lifestyle he is looking for?
Johnny has allways had something self- destructive about him and he has a pattern to go from one relationship straight to the next one. Usually he claims that this next woman saved him from whatever he needs to be saved from. Honestly, i doubt that him changing his ways has anything to do with whomever that person is, but more with the circumstance that there is something new in his life happening.
Most people do believe that there must have been some overlapping between these relationships and the fact that Amber has practically no acting talent , keeps people questioning their relationship.
I’m not blaming Vanessa. You all seems obsessed with Vanessa, and whoever give an opinion ABOUT JOHNNY inmediately is attacking Vanessa or has to love her…and Vanessa isn’t here anymore. She isn’t part of this scene anymore!
I even said that I always going to feel grateful with Vanessa, i truly like her. But their relationship didn’t work for a long time. They never were together. Johnny was always alone (and you, Vanessa obsessed must be thinking the same about why Johnny never was with her in her fashion shows, touring, etc) Am I lying here?
Gary f-ing Oldman is amazing!!! I have an unreasonable amount of love for him. If trailers were based on talent his would always be the biggest & the best.
Oh, I still love him so much!
Yes, Johnny is getting older, behaves like a typical idiot during last few years, gain some weight, looks shitty sometimes and etc. Johnny Depp isn’t that charming boy, who walks down the red carpet with Winona Ryder or super hot guy, who hangs out with Kate Moss anymore. It is sad, but it is absolutely natural. Nobody can fight with the time.
But on the other hand, guys, he is still JOHNNY DEPP! The best actor and the hottest man in Hollywood. In his 50th he is looking hot and young, he is still working a lot and acting very well and it is nice. Are his peers from Hollywood looking better than him? Pitt, Banderas, Balbwin or somebody else? All of them are incredibly pathetic and miserable, in my opinion.
I really do not like Johnny’s affair with Amber but I don’t understand this hate about them. He was a great partner to Vanessa for 14 years and he is still a great father to their kids. But as every person Johnny has a right to love and to be happy. And if he needs Amber to feel nice, for God’s sake! Let it be.
Personally I do not believe that their relationships will last a long time. But who can know it for sure? Nobody, I guess. Maybe, they will create a great and hot family together.
Funny you call Johnny Depp the best actor, in the same article with Gary Oldman.
Oldman > Depp
really? is that why johnny have been nominated for the oscar 3 times and gary just once? and johnny won the golden globe and the sag and gary didn’t?
johnny depp > gary oldman
velma kelly: qy-mgroor is that you? LMAO Are you a guy or a girl? Why can’t you decide your own sex?
Even Depp would agree that Oldman > Depp
Talent and greatness are something that number of awards and nominations can’t measure, dear.
who is qy-mgroor? what are you talking anout
nope depp is better
if gary was that great why isn’t he as successful and as famous as depp?
johnny depp >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gary oldman
I like them both, Depp and Oldman. But nevertheless I like Johnny more. I adore his Sweeny Todd, Edward Scissorhands and Ed Wood. I am absolutely crazy with his acting in “Secret window”, “From hell”, “Sleepy Hollow”, “Finding Neverland” and other films. And yes, I consider him as the best actor in modern Hollywood, not Oldman, despite the fact that I love Hary too.
I can only speak for myself, but Depp hasn’t necessarily just gone down in my esteem due to his cliched personal life. He simply has not aged well, artistically or physically. He had some very bad plastic surgery a couple of years ago that made him unrecognizable for awhile. Any time a man succumbs to vanity like this I cannot help but lose my crush. What was cute when he was younger style wise now looks tragic, he looks silly with his numerous scarves and baubles, giving off an overpreened image at his age that is laughable.
But most importantly, he hasn’t done any good acting work in a decade really. He used to make great, risky choices, but for whatever reason his taste in films has gone very off imo. For many years I would watch every Johnny Depp film, that is no longer the case. I just don’t think he has evolved in the way his longtime fans would have hoped, I almost feel like he gave up trying to be a serious actor when he didn’t win any awards when he was doing great work. It makes me sad.
he hasn’t aged well? oh please men his age dreams of looking like that! plastic surgery? don’t make up things he hasn’t done anything to his face
and how he haven’t done any good acting ssince a DECADE while he have been nominated for the oscar and such and won the golden globe and the sag awards in the last decade?
Best actor my a$$!!! only thing depp the bum was good in was pirates of the Caribbean and public enmanies!!!! I can think of a lot actors that can act circles around the bum!!! Harrison ford ,gary oldman and a few others.
he isn’t best anything excepted being a bum
ummmm yea lets forget about sweeney todd and chocolat and charlie and the chocolate and dead man and the libertine and ed wood and blow and edward scissorhands and on and on and on. lets just forget how outstanding he was in those movies
he is by far the best actor of his generation
Really? All this great inside info is from the Enquirer? Get a grip, people. So easy to come up with nasty comments about a relationship you have no real information about. Johnny seems like a great guy. He’s never been a “player,” like DeCaprio or Clooney. By the way, Leo, age 38 is currently hooked up with his latest swimsuit model, who is 20. How about some rude comments about that dude. If Johnny is serious with Amber, I will believe she has good qualities. He’s never been a Victoria Secret chaser.
I am still confused. Wasn’t Amber a lesbian and seriously dating a photographer?
I have seen her in interviews and she seems cute, funny, and sweet. She was kind of making fun of her self. I was a fan of hers before she got wrapped up with Depp. I really don’t think that she is using him… They were together for more than a year before they went public. If she was all about the fame, she would have had them papped wayyy before that.
I think JD went after fresh meat and found it. If it wasn’t her, it would have been some other 20-something.
And JD is looking to satisfy his lowers but I doubt he won’t protect his money, he seems really fond of it.
who says that she will take his money…literally. No, but she can ask for stuff, expensive stuff. for example this trailer, renting a farm, buying horses, jewellery etc etc. This is a smart way to take money from a rich old man. and smarter is to make a child…and she will do it soon, because she got no talent to succeed in movie business even if Johnny will get her jobs, so she will need some money and fame someway, and this is the best way to stay relevant in the spotlight-having children with a damn famous man.
Gary Oldman is awesome and down to earth as always.
I used to like Johnny depp but now he is a joke everyone laughs at
johnny is not a joke but the media is making him looks like a joke and no one is laughing at him other than the ppl who believes everything they read
I seriously mistook her for ScarJo when I first saw her in these pictures.
Johnny Depp could seriously take quite a few lessons from Gary Oldman, such as how to act, how to dress, etc.
ahahahahahahaha this really made me laugh! gary oldman teach johnny how to act? johnny is an acting god and gary who can’t act for crap should take lessons from him!
gary is not even in the ame league as johnny!
and even with the thing he wears johnny still looks far better and hotter than gary who looks like my gandfather! they are around the same age but look at how youthful johnny looks!
I agree Redd!
No wonder a lof people think Depp is now a joke with his ridiculous dressing style and superficial acting and no wonder even Depp consideres Gary a huge inspiration!
He should learn lessons for sure!