Mads Mikkelsen on Hannibal: ‘He’s one of the more positive [roles] I’ve played’

Mads Mikkelsen

Mads Mikkelsen received a feature in the July issue of GQ (the one with Drake on the cover) to promote his role as the titular cannibal on NBC’s “Hannibal.” To be certain and as the token vegetarian writer of this site, cannibalism is particularly gruesome in my mind, but then again, I love horror movies, so what do I know? I have been duly informed by my colleagues at Pajiba (read: Cindy Davis) that the program is indeed a must-see experience. For one thing, the show features Hugh Dancy as Will Graham and Laurence Fishburne as Jack Crawford along with lovely ginger Gillian Anderson as Dr. Bedelia Du Maurier; and that right there is enough to qualify as swoonworthy, but Davis poses the theory that Dancy’s performance is just as compelling as Claire Dane’s “Homeland” character without the requisite crumple-faced cry. So maybe I should check out “Hannibal” after all. On an empty stomach.

Ms. Davis also provides enough detail to convince me that Mikkelsen himself is utterly terrifying by way of a barely-there smile, and this, of course, reminds me of how I recall Mikkelsen best — as the villain Le Chiffre in Casino Royale with his cold smirk and promise that his bleeding eye was “not sinister.” Right. In GQ, Mikkelsen appears in a spread that pushes the mediocre appeal of “the brown suit” (which is supposedly set to rival the grey suit this season) but he works it for all it’s worth.

Mads Mikkelsen

Mads Mikkelsen has a different take on Hannibal Lecter than the rest of us. Whereas we see a sociopath who, you know, eats people, he just sees a sophisticated dude living his best life. “He’s actually one of the more positive characters I’ve ever played,” says Mikkelsen, the latest actor to portray the iconic killer, this time for NBC’s lush, surprisingly well-done drama series “Hannibal.” “He’s not haunted by anything. He loves everything that’s beautiful about life–food, wine, fine art.” It’s not that Mikkelsen likes Lecter–he just thinks it’s his actorly duty “to find the good in a bad guy.”

Mikkelsen has had a lot of practice at that. Here in America, his very Scandinavian features–icy gaze, preposterous cheekbones–make “scary guy” job offers fall from the sky. (He was the bloody-teardrop villain in Casino Royale.) But back home in Denmark, Mikkelsen (his first name, a variation on Matthew, is pronounced mahs) tends to get cast as an Everyman, like the kindergarten teacher wrongly accused of pedophilia whom he plays in The Hunt. Over there, women’s magazines have repeatedly crowned him the country’s sexiest man. Why do they see killer looks and we just see a killer? “Let’s attribute it to the funny accent,” he says. Oh yeah, sure, it’s totally the accent.

[From GQ]

Mads isn’t conventionally handsome by any means, but he does possess a certain subversive appeal. Plus, those cheekbones are to die for … even though, historically speaking, cheekbones have always gotten me into a load of trouble. Do any of you watch “Hannibal” on NBC, and is it worth checking out as either an omnivore or a vegetarian?

Mads Mikkelsen

Mads Mikkelsen

Mads Mikkelsen

Photos courtesy of GQ

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96 Responses to “Mads Mikkelsen on Hannibal: ‘He’s one of the more positive [roles] I’ve played’”

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  1. Starrywonder says:

    Hannibal is visually stunning and he and Hugh Dancy rock in that show. I would also say do not eat prior, during, or directly after watching the show though. Some things will turn your stomach.

    • CandyKay says:

      Like the brown suits, for example? This may be a show about a criminal, but those horrible brown suits are a fashion crime.

      They remind me of a 1970s substitute teacher wearing an ill-fitting brown corduroy jacket with saggy elbows. And suede Hush Puppies loafers.

      • Lem says:

        totally agree. The women, their wardrobe, and the way it is shot are visually stunning!
        My only complaint is Hannibal’s accent or his delivery.
        A) he needs to sound exactly like Anthony Hopkins, who used his voice in great part to make lector terrifying.
        B) more realistically he needs to enunciate, Hannibal is too meticulous for all that mumbling.
        We’re only a handful of episodes in, so far, it is worthy of watching.

      • astrid says:

        Sorry Lem, pretty much all us Danes sound like we have a potato in our mouth when we speak English.

    • CG says:

      LOL I was eating dinner while watching the episode where the killer made angel wings out of people’s backs. That was gruesome enough to make me stop eating! Seriously, I can’t believe some of the stuff they get away with on network television. But it’s def worth watching for MM and Hugh Dancy. And I did a double-take when I realized Scott Thompson from Kids in the Hall is in it too!

    • littlestar says:

      Yes, very visually stunning! Each episode is like a work of art.

      I thought the episode where Dr. Chilton had an “operation” (not sure how to put it without giving anything away) was one of the most horrifying things I’ve ever seen on TV. I had to look away, it was so disturbing.

  2. LAK says:

    He is always compelling and mesmerising in whatever roles he plays. Whether it’s your cup of tea or not, He is worth watching.

    It’s a pity he isn’t a bigger star, but perhaps that’s not what interests him. That seems to be a theme with Scandinavian/Danish actors.

    • Micki says:

      Lak have you seen Real Humans? It’s Swedish TV series with no special effects, no CGIs and still binds you to sit and watch and think uncomfortable thoughts

      • LAK says:

        Yes. I loved it. I hope they make another series.

      • Micki says:

        We loved it too. Isn’t the second season a sure thing?
        I plan to buy for sure, it’s something that can be watched over and over.

    • jellybird says:

      He is kind of the biggest star. He is Mads!

      I watch/support Hannibal so that (Danish sex god) Mads can get money to do all the Vinterberg and Biers stuff he wants to do. Or get a lake house. Whatever. He deserves all the accolades. He is an interesting actor.

      Also, while he is THE sex god, he frequently plays batty characters in European films as well. Even in conventionally romantic dramas, like After the Wedding, he has quite an edge. (It is the cheekbones.)

      • LAK says:

        i know he is a big star. What i meant was i wish he was Tom Cruise world famous.

        i really loved AFTER THE WEDDING. then again, i love European romantic dramas and rom coms. They are simultaneously delicious, sour and sometimes with a sting.

        Much better than anything we’ve produced in the UK/USA in the last 10yrs.

      • Sojourner says:

        Sex god is exactly right. Every since I watched After the Wedding, my favorite movie, and went back and re-watched Casino Royale, he has been my personal all-time sexiest man alive. “Not conventionally handsome” my ass! He may not be conventional, but he’s undeniably handsome.

        re: another’s commenter’s reference to his “mumbling,” I have trouble understanding him on Hannibal sometimes, too, and have to resort to captions. But I wonder if this is not mumbling but rather his Danish accent? Whenever I watch Danish movies, everybody sounds like they’re mumbling, all the time.

      • Lem says:

        Could very well be cultural. I’m from Ohio and I hear werunallofourwordstogether… which could explain why I understand Mads fine.
        Really the director needs to have him enunciate. That’s all. It speaks to Hannibal’s character. Deliberate thoughts, deliberate actions, deliberate words. This clearly isn’t a Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher disaster and I am sure eventually it won’t irk.
        Books are my first love, be true. Some are defined by thought and speech. Maya Angelou wouldn’t mumble. Scarpetta shouldn’t have a slow southern drawl. Reacher wouldn’t yap like a Chihuahua. Morgan Freeman nailed some Alex Cross and Hopkins had a beautiful turn at Lecter. Voice is paramount when portraying a character for whom so much has been written.

        Like I know the man, ha, Hannibal would find it rude. IMHO

    • Myrto says:

      He *is* a big star though. Ok not in the US, but he’s definitely very famous in Denmark and in several European countries.
      I’ve seen him in several Danish movies, as well as in James Bond and he’s always fantastic. And hot.
      I need to watch Hannibal asap.

  3. Sophie says:

    HOT DAMN. I can’t be the only one who wants to hit it like a house on fire right? πŸ˜›

    Also you really should watch Hannibal. it is FANTASTIC. seriously, it’s probably the best show on network TV right now. everything about it is great, and it’s got some of the most gorgeous photography and art design I’ve ever seen on a TV show.

    • puffy says:

      Yes. The show just LOOKS so beautiful (as does its cast). The sets look wonderful and Mads wears the hell out of his gorgeous suits each week. Even if the content of the show was boring (which it isn’t) it’s still a visually-stimulating experience, Even the food looks absolutely delicious and I have to remind myself that the ingredients are a little heavy on the human for my taste.

    • Tanguerita says:

      +1000. It’s mesmerizing in every respect.

    • Buckwild says:

      I love him too. He was great in A Royal Affair, which was a lovely movie overall.

      +1 on Hannibal!

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      He has a creepy sexiness a la Christopher Walken that pulls me in every time.

      His face is BEAUTIFUL to look at, sculptural and just…mesmerizing.

      Do you guys know if I can watch Hannibal on Hulu?

      • littlestar says:

        I’m not sure where you can find it online (Hulu doesn’t work here in Canada, bah!). I know there’s an episode that they didn’t air on TV due to the content, and I would really like to watch it.

      • Micki says:

        With all due respect Kitten Christopher Walken is mine.

      • Lem says:

        Re: hulu
        We watch it on jetflicks (which is super cheap) on my phone, which connects via hdmi cord to the tv

      • Enui says:

        I’ve been watching it on Hulu, and it is, for me anyway, difficult to watch. Not sure if I’ll stay with the program long term, because the older I get, the more difficult it is for me to watch violence against others (and unfortunately, most of the really good shows these days have a lot of it).

    • Elle (the original or #2?) says:

      Nope, you aren’t the only one. I usually don’t like to think this way about married celebs, but he could get it all day, every day. In my mind, at least.

    • Isabel says:

      @Sophie: Hell naaaah, you are not the only one.. That little lisp in his voice, the face.. He looks so tall…
      I think he is HOT! Something about him is creepy yet so sexy..

      And yes, brilliant show. Love it! Been bored with Tv lately, but this is a wonderful series!

    • cali says:

      You should see him in Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky. The sexual tension between them is amazing, and he is so intense. Plus the art design and music is gorgeous.

    • loveisthecoal says:

      You are most certainly not the only one. Physically he is not my type at all, but…there is jus something about him! He practically oozes charisma!

  4. Cherry says:

    OMG YES, I LOVE Hannibal! It’s such a well-written, interesting series. It’s gruesome at times, but the most interesting parts are the characters and the bond that slowly forms between Dancy’s Will Graham an Mikkelsen’s Hannibal. Also love the appearance of my hero Eddie Izzard in two episodes. Yes, I’m a big fan!

    • ichsi says:

      THIS. The series is amazing, visually and dialogue-wise. And if Mikkelsen doesn’t at least receive an Emmy nomination i will be seriously pissed.

    • Asdfg says:


    • Mari says:

      YES!I love this show!! It’s so amazing and Mads Mikkelson is great in it. The writing, the acting, visually… It’s one of the best series (if not the best one) at the moment. I was so afraid that it wouldn’t get renewed, because it’s showed in NBC, but I’m so happy that I’ll get to see at least one more season of Hannibal. I highly recommed this show to everyone!

  5. Insomniac says:

    Big Hannibal fan, too, and I love Mads’s performance. I might even break up with Cumby for him.

    I’m a vegetarian too, Bedhead, but that didn’t stop the show from ruining mushrooms for me. (Was that the second episode?)

    Anyway, I can’t wait for the season ender tonight!

    • loveisthecoal says:

      Yes it was. That episode was…oh my god. I’ve never liked mushrooms to begin with, but if I had…yeah. I still shudder just thinking about it!

  6. Eleonor says:

    Sorry I don’t like Hannibal that much.
    I think the Jack Crawford character is absurd, and the cases they work on are even crazier than all the Criminal Minds serial killers put together.
    The only thing that show is worth for are the actors.
    Honestly I didn’t know Mads Mikkelsen before Hannibal,and I wasn’t loving him as Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins anyone?), but then I saw him playing Stravinskij, and heard him act in russian. I don’t know what happened in my mind, but I wanted to marry him. Seriously since I’ve heard him talk in russian I want to marry him. So now I am watching Hannibal.

    • Cherry says:

      ‘Hannibal’ IS absurd. You’re absolutely right. It’s a completely over the top, ridiculous series. And that’s precisely what I love about it.
      Re: ‘Anthony Hopkins, anyone?’
      The Hannibal Lecter character will always be associated with Hopkins, as he played him so brilliantly in ‘Silence’, ‘Hannibal’ and ‘Red Dragon’. And still, that doesn’t affect Mads’ performance for me. He’s a different Hannibal than Hopkins’ for sure. But I can’t really say which one I like best, or think is more credible. They both are. And that’s the biggest possible compliment for someone taking on such a demanding role.

      • Eleonor says:

        Actually I agree with you,about the actors, they are doing an excellent job, and I see your point about the two different Hannibal. As someone who has even read the books I’d say Anthony Hopkins is the one who’s more near to the book. Mad Mikkelsen is doing a great job because you don’t think about the movie, when you watch tv-show.BTW as the plot is totally crazy, I see the risk of becoming a parody, or something boring very very fast.
        I find everything absurd, and I watch this show for Mikkelsen hotness I swear πŸ™‚

  7. Marty says:

    It’s a dark show, but very compelling. I kind of catch myself watching it open-mouthed a lot.

  8. allons-y alonso says:

    Lawwwd, he’s something else! I’m a huge Mads Mikkelsen fan. I haven’t had the chance to see Hannibal yet. I’ll have to get my hands on it after I’m done with watching ‘Vikings’.

  9. Dedrie says:

    With so much hate, bullyin’, starvation, mass killings, bombings, torture, suicides,, slavery, cruelty, sustained beatings for money or jealously.. with demented mankind against all mankind, drugged and drunk mentally unstable people attacking and eating flesh for real..and the scores of innocent victims, their families locked in grief, devastated and crying this leaves behind… why would you watch this for entertainment?

  10. Micki says:

    I haven’t seen Hannibal but saw The Hunt some weeks ago and found it very good.
    Uncomfortable and unsettling for all parents who cannot believe their children are to blame for anything.

    Anyway I’m a fan since King Arthur

    • balehead2012 says:

      I liked him in King Arthur, too (although, he plays another wacky character). Then I watched A Royal Affair, loved him in it.

  11. Thora says:

    I’ve been a fan of Mads ever since I saw him play Tonny in the Pusher trilogy. It’s not surprising that mainstream fame is finally coming his way.

  12. Lone says:

    Awww – I am such a proud Dane at the moment. I grew up watching Mads Mikkelsen and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau acting on Danish television shows, and now they are doing so well abroad!

  13. Deb says:

    I haven’t watched Hannibal yet but OMG I love me some Mads. Watch A Royal Affair and swoon with me.

  14. Faye says:

    I’ve had a mad (mads?) crush on Mads for ages. He is fooiiiine in these pictures.

    I really want to see Hannibal but I hate horror-type shows. For those of you who have seen it, is it a good enough show to warrant investing time in it?

  15. Lemony says:

    Hmm the cannibalism will likelly frek me out (I’m a sometimes vegetarian) but I really like his acting. The first time I saw him act was in Casino Royale & he was very good in The Hunt as well.
    He is an attractive man.

    • Lem says:

      They are not or have not yet in the episodes I’ve seen thus far chewing on bones. More “silence” than “hannibal”. Civilized diners unwittingly being fed loin or lung. Visually, as far as the vegan sensibilities, I’d relate the cannibal scenes to a “pork -it’s what’s for dinner” commercial.
      You know they are sometimes cooking & eating folk, but you only see meat. Nor is that the main storyline focus.

      My long winded point is while you know what Hannibal occasionally feeds guests, it is visually no worse than CSI, Criminal Minds, Sherlock, Bones or any other crime drama that delves into human depravity at it’s finest.
      If you can stomach the first five minutes of Criminal Minds (seriously, with all that screaming) or Bones you can stomach this show.

  16. cs says:

    I’m a vegetarian and I love Hannibal, although some of the scenes with raw meat are a bit gross!

    • Jennifer says:

      That chicken soup in the last episode did not look like any chicken soup I had ever seen…Another good reason to be vegetarian!

  17. Asdfg says:

    I love the show! He’s great in it!

    The show is soooooo creepy, disturbing, and thrilling at the same time! So glad they renewed it for 2 more seasons!

    It’s one of those shows that will have you on the edge of your seat EVERY episode!

    Loves it!

    I love that Celebitchy is covering Hannibal! πŸ˜€

  18. ojulia123 says:

    Oh, I love Hannibal – and I love Mads Mikkelsen! Thanks for this article!

  19. Sharra55 says:

    Love Hannibal. Proud Fannibal here. The show is beautifully shot. The actors are fabulous. And I gotta say, Mads is one sexy man. He can wear the hell out of a suit!

  20. Sharra55 says:

    I just had to come back…not to read the article (no offense), but just to look at the pictures!

  21. DeltaJuliet says:

    The husband and I watch Hannibal. Neither one of us is that into it, and yet we keep watching, for what it’s worth.

    To me, Mad will ALWAYS be Le Chiffre πŸ™‚

  22. Jennifer says:

    I love Hannibal and am so happy they renewed it for a second season. They do need to focus on Hannibal more than Will, in my little old opinion. The episode that started with the opera scene and ended with a dinner party toasting, “Nothing here is vegetarian” was classic! I am constantly wanting to yell at the characters, “DON”T EAT THE FOOD!”

    Not to mention Gillian Anderson’s character, Bedelia, is sooo intriguing. Love the scenes with her an Hannibal.

    Trying to stop, but I could go on and on about Hannibal and Mads Mikkelsen (who I beg to differ, is very sexy and attractive in my book!) Since the show I’ve watched almost all his movies available on Netflix. Love those Danish dark comedies, “Adam’s Apples” and “The Green Butchers.” Love the Danes’ sense of humor.

    Going to stop now! Thanks for this story!

  23. Lesley says:

    I live in Denmark, and it’s true. Mads ,and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, are the hottest celebrity men here… and I TOTALLY get it.

  24. NeoCleo says:

    I don’t care what the man wears, he is beautiful and absolutely elegant.

  25. LeMe says:

    Love him. SO MUCH. He’s always worth watching not just for his acting chops but my God. That face!

  26. Ari says:

    I love this show, I love Darcy and Mads and I WANT THEM TO KISS ALREADY

  27. Fiesty Redhead says:

    I like the show hannibal. i say “like” instead of “love” because mads accent is so darn thick it is hard for me to understand what he is saying half of the time. it is beautifully directed and quite disturbing at times. (Mads needs subtitles for dummies like me) He was awesome in Valhalla Rising.

  28. littlestar says:

    I LOVE HANNIBAL!!! It is an incredible show! At first I thought, why can’t they just leave the Hannibal Lector character alone already. But I decided to give it a shot anyway. I’m so glad I did! I think I’m a little too obsessed with the show, but man is it so good – excellent acting, great writing, compelling story line. Hugh Dancy’s decent into “madness” is freaking incredible! I had no idea he was such a good actor. There is just so many layers to this TV show that makes it so complex and interesting. And Mads interpretation of the Hannibal character is SO DIFFERENT than how Anthony Hopkin’s played him. I’m actually going to say Mads’ portrayal is creepier and sexier (I know, sacrilege, but oh well lol).

    I jumped for joy when I found out it was renewed for a second season. But I’m sad we all have to wait til next year to see it! πŸ™

  29. amilu says:

    I love Mads Mikkelsen so, so much. I loved him long before “Hannibal.” So it surprised me that he’s not even my favorite character on the show. Hugh Dancy’s Will Graham is SUCH a good character. Will Graham FTW.

    I watch Hannibal faithfully, and the show is gorgeous and well-made. But it is still just a prime-time procedural, and it often has the look of every other network procedural. I almost wish NBC hadn’t picked it up for a second season. I know that there were at least two other networks/websites waiting in the wings to snatch it up. (Showtime and Amazon, I think?) I think the show could’ve been so much more amazing with Showtime’s cameras/style of filming than NBC’s cameras/style of filming. Not to mention how much more insane and dark the show could’ve been without stuffy NBC execs holding the show creators back…

  30. Original A says:

    Hannibal is amazing: great art direction, great acting, and more. Plus, Gillian Anderson! I love her, and she has aged so well. I think
    Mads is so attractive.

  31. Merman says:

    Mads Mikkelsen and Gillian Anderson on a tv show I knew nothing about.Shame on me.

  32. strawberryfields says:

    First time poster!
    Just wanted to add that I met MM at a Danish charity event, and he was incredibly gracious. He was being honored for something I can’t remember, and he actually went and said hello and talked to every single person–even my table in the very very back. So add a great personality into the mix.

  33. geekychick says:

    He’s totally yummy to me, and he was a magnificent villain in Bond!

  34. Mel says:

    I watched King Arthur just to see him play Tristan, he looked so amazing in that film with the long hair! ever since I’ve found him one of the sexiest man out there and have watched lots of his films, he is a fantastic actor and deserves every accolade he gets.

  35. Virgilia Coriolanus says:

    I have only one (superficial) complaint about Hannibal, and that’s about Jack Crawford. I can’t remember the guy’s name who plays as him, but every time I look at him, I think to myself, “If Jack Crawford was Joan Crawford instead they would’ve never allowed her to be so fat.” I know it’s bad, but every time I look at Jack I think that….Joan Crawford would’ve been someone skinny.

    I love Mads Mikkelson…he is so hot…my God. And he plays crazy so well…the last scene with Abigail freaked me out. It also reminds you who Hannibal really is.

    • Lem says:

      Lawrence Fishburne. Ha! Idk why but everytime I see Fishburne I immediately think thank goodness it is not Forest Witaker. Witaker gives me the creeps.

  36. Patata says:


  37. dj says:

    Finally, something featuring Mads. He is a really underrated actor. Hannibal is a clever, slow-building show. It is very good because of all of the relationships growing on the show slowing. The writing is great. I do have trouble understanding much of Mads speaking so I watch with the closed captioning on. I hate to miss any of his dialogue it is often the best! Plus, he is not hard on the eyes…his cheekbones could cut glass! I recommend.

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      I’m wondering how/if they’re going to follow the books on this one? Would the show end with Hannibal doing what he does to Will, or will that be just the beginning?

  38. Lexi says:

    Mads is sooooo beautiful and talented, iam in love with him!!! He plays a hannibal amazingly well

  39. Chrissy says:

    How can you say he is not conventionally handsome? this coming from someone who ships cumberbatch and hiddleston. Crazy!! Mads has bone structure to die for and is a wonderful charismatic actor

  40. Ruth Dunbar says:

    Yes Yes Yes. Brown suit and all. Mads has attained Harrison Ford level love and devotion in my man crazy little world. God I love him. He’s an amazing actor and….good god my throbbing thighs are starting to interfere with my thought processes here. I am thrilled Hannibal has been renewed for a second season, and the great things about his European films are that a) he always turns in a fine performance and b) he usually ends up naked. I applaud you sir.

    Bottom line: YES PLEASE. I can’t be any more coherent than that right now.

  41. Beatriz says:

    Yay Mads :D! I lived a lot of years in Denmark and grew up with his films, so to me he was always “huge.”
    Also Bedhead, Hannibal is good and scary you should def give a try.
    Sometimes when I run out of coffee and have to pull an all-nighter working I put Hannibal on, because it scares the shit out of me and then the last thing I think about is sleeping.

  42. princesslizabeth says:

    The show is stellar. It is of a caliber that nothing else on television rivals. Hannibal’s mind games (understatement!) are amazing to observe, and Mikkelsen is doing a brilliant job in the role. The rest of the cast is equally compelling.

    I recommend the show to anyone. It can be graphic, but everything is so artistically presented that it is fascinating in spite of being grotesque. I hope more people pick up on the show, because it would be great to watch it unfold over many seasons.

  43. Ellen says:

    Holy Mother of Gawd. I’d move to Denmark in a Copenhagen minute to get closer to this guy. He is just as sexy as all get out. I almost named my cat Le Chiffre in his honor but chickened out at the last minute.

    More Mads! More Mads! More Mads!!!!!

  44. Cookie says:

    Mads is gorgeous

  45. Kit says:

    I love Hannibal. It’s cinematically stunning, and I enjoy the fact that the actors find their own way to embody the characters. Nothing would ruin the series faster than had they tried to replicate Hopkins’ Lector. This is a much fresher, and frankly with all due respect to Anthony Hopkins, less contrived and more modern take on psychopathy.

  46. rlh says:

    Didn’t read through all the comments but has anyone seen FLAME AND CITRON? First time I saw Mads…watched a few scenes over and over. He is in the resistance during WWII. There is a scene in a car with his wife that told me every thing I needed to know about him as an actor. I will watch ANYTHING he does.

    • jenesais says:

      I first saw Mads in Valhalla Rising and was blown away. Imagine carrying an entire movie without saying one word. (YAY! A sequel coming!!!). Then in Flame and Citron. Then Igor and coco. Oh my GOD! He is stunningly beautiful and amazing as an actor. I will watch anything with him in it. As Hannibal, he completely eclipses Hopkins’ cartoonish villainy. He can convey anything with his face, and sometimes you cannot see ANY movement in that face, just what he wants to convey.

  47. Vodkette says:

    He is super, wicked, smokin’ sexy. In a dangerous way. I’m totally in a lather.

  48. Nibbi says:

    there was a flick that came out here in france last year or the year before called “coco and igor” i think it was- about the affair between coco chanel and igor stravinsky- totally torrid, anna mouglalis plays an icy young coco chanel, she’s also incredible looking- anyway dude made me sweat in that film. also, he plays a rather tortured genius rather than a villain, which i think he also did very, very well…. i wonder if that film came out in the states? visually stunning too for all the period costumes and architecture- i recommend for his other fans πŸ˜‰

  49. Vicki says:

    I agree with all of you women who are MAD4MADS. I freaking love this guy. He had me at the first episode of hannibal and then I watched a royal affair! OMG. He brings so muuch talent to the screen. He is a natural, and I feel he will get an emmy. Hopefully! He needs to be noticed more as well. He deserves it. Such a good looking dane right there πŸ™‚