Lindsay Lohan still throwing cracked-out hissy fits, wants to transfer to another rehab

Eight days ago, Lindsay Lohan crack-hustled her way out of the Betty Ford Clinic and checked into a rehab facility in Malibu. Allegedly, the rehab switcheroo was fine with the court because it seems no one has the patience to deal with Lindsay’s neverending crack drama and crack hysterics. Sources even claimed that the people running Betty Ford’s program were sick of Lindsay too. Apparently, LL started whining immediately upon her arrival, claiming that being at Betty Ford was “detrimental to her safety and sobriety”. Says the woman who goes on liquor-soaked punching sprees at clubs at 3 am all the time. And most of all, LL was simply indignant that the Betty Ford Clinic took away her Adderall. So you’d think that now that she’s in a Malibu rehab (presumably with “days off” to go out drinking, plus a steady supply of Adderall and crack), she would stop complaining, right? Wrong.

Now that she received court permission to leave the Betty Ford Center for a Malibu rehab, Lindsay Lohan wants to continue her 2013 Treatment Tour and head east – and has the exclusive details.

“Lindsay wants to transfer again,” a source told Radar. “She want to head east to where she wanted to go all along.”

A judge and prosecutor signed off recently on Lindsay’s transfer from Betty Ford to Cliffside Rehab Center. The actress has been court ordered to spend 90 days in rehab.

“She wants to be on the east coast because it’s easier for family to see her,” Michael Lohan told Radar after a report surfaced that claimed a judge has approved her transfer to Seafield Center in Westhampton Beach, N.Y.

And while that report has not been verified as accurate by Radar, her dad tells Radar that she has always wanted to do her rehab time on the east coast.

“From the outset Seasfield and Lukens were approved for Lindsay but (her former attorney) Mark Heller had it in his mind to keep her in Morningside for his own reasons,” Michael, who is affiliated with Florida-based Lukens, told Radar in an exclusive interview.

Lindsay walked in – and out – of Morningside within minutes after being ordered to rehab, landing in Betty Ford. Michael Lohan has made it clear that he is certainly no fan of Heller, who has been replaced by Lindsay’s former attorney, Los Angeles powerhouse Shawn Holley.

“When it was time to transfer (from Betty Ford) the first alternative was to keep Lindsay in California,” Michael told Radar.

“But now that she’s doing so well part of her transitional process would be for her to be closer to her family. So whether it’s Seafield or the Luken institute remains to be seen.

“In my opinion Seafield is a wonderful place managed by some very good people. But I don’t believe Lindseay would be as happy there or get the same treatment she would at Lukens.

“Seafield has about 10 times the amount of people as Lukens and the accommodations aren’t the same. I’m just leaving it in God’s hands and relying on the court to make the right decision.”

[From Radar]

For the love of God. How much longer does she have in court-ordered rehab? I think she’s about half-way done with her 90-day sentence. Which is BS. If Lindsay is going to keep throwing these kinds of hissy fits about a COURT ORDERED rehab stay, then just send her to jail.

Incidentally, Star Magazine had a convoluted story about “the real reason” Lindsay left Betty Ford – it was because she had a friend “smuggle in” some Adderall and she flunked a drug test because of it. Also, she hooked up with a dude claiming to be Robert DeNiro’s son (he was conning her) and she mean-girled all of the prettier girls in rehab. What else? She bought a burner photo even though the Betty Ford Clinic prohibits patients from having their own phones.

Last thing – this was on her Twitter feed on Wednesday:

Photos courtesy of Terry Richardson.

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75 Responses to “Lindsay Lohan still throwing cracked-out hissy fits, wants to transfer to another rehab”

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  1. Shade says:

    Ugh. THIS BITCH.

  2. LB says:

    I know this sounds crazy but I would value 90 days to avoid the world and just focus on myself and my problems. I know to people in rehab, it doesn’t necessarily always feel like that is the objective because they’re going through some painful experiences. But given how Lindsay used to talk about being pulled in so many directions, you’d think she’d use it to drown out the world.


    • TQB says:

      Right? Can you imagine how lovely these places are? If I were rich I’d go to rehab for a month every year just to relax.

      • Kate says:

        This ^ I’m 26 lilo’s age and I spent 90 days in rehab being treated for my bi-polar and can tell you she really is wasting a great opportunity. I’m lucky enough to have wealthy parents so I could afford 3 months out of my life. But I really wish it was an affordable option for more people bc I was surprised to find how many people come in from just being over worked, stressed and/or just losing their direction in life. Those people usually don’t stay as long, but there are definitely elements of rehab that can be applied on a daily basis that can benefit everyone.

        Ps should also add mine was semi mandatory via parents bc I ended up an a respirator I didn’t want to go but it saved my life. Its a shame celebs don’t take it seriously

  3. Celeste says:

    She needs to go to jail. She’s never going to benefit from any rehab. Her and Booke M should become bestie and waste away their lives together. Neither want to change.

    • MrsNix says:

      Word. I’m failing to understand why she’s gone this long. Reality needs to be poured over this girl like a shower. Incarceration for her multiple crimes is the only thing that can save her life; I really believe that. She has made it clear that she will not rehabilitate voluntarily.

    • A says:

      She’d just try and switch jails 200 times during her sentence.

  4. Bee says:

    “Team Lohan”? LOL! Since when are there 1-person teams?

  5. lisa says:

    she’s still alive?

  6. DanaG says:

    Just send her to jail. After all her success? Please she practically got kicked of betty ford and she doesn’t sound like she is doing well at all. Only reason she is sober is because she is being made too. Sounds like the new rehab aren’t being as soft on her as she thought they would be. The judge and everyone else involved in this farce are already looking like idiots. If Lindsay can’t hack it just cut out the middle man and lock her up. She wants to be out for her birthday that is the real reason she wants to go back to New York.

    • MonicaQ says:

      Where does she care about her birthday so much? I stopped caring after 21. The next one I care about is 64 if I make it. It’s just a day, good lawd have mercy.

      • swack says:

        Last one I cared about was 25 and that was because my car insurance went down on that birthday. I turn 60 this year and told everyone that I DON’T want anything special done!!!

      • Loira says:

        In her mind she is still a teen, an emotionally stunted teen.
        I she leaves CA, she would sure get loaded with drugs on the way to NY, in a friend’s plane of course.

      • emmie_a says:

        Her bday is money for her. She can probably find a loser bar owner to pay her for a birthday appearance.

      • MyCatLovesTV says:

        When dealing with a boyfriend many years ago who was working on sobriety, we learned that people stop growing emotionally the day they become addicted. My BF was in his late 20’s and acting – literally – 16. He failed sobriety and I had to leave. So LL is still a teenager. No surprise. After having lived with it, I have no patience. I lived and died emotionally with someone I loved’s addiction. He didn’t have the resources that this trick has. Screw her! Every damn day is her birthday. She just needs to decide when she is going to be re-born.

      • TheWendyNerd says:

        Because it’s about LINDSAY! A day all about LINDSAY! She’s a huge narcissist and has the mentality of an eight year old. She deserves ATTENTION AND FUN.

  7. lisa2 says:

    Who pays for this. I mean the average person has to go to their “state funded” rehab. NO frills no fuss. Maybe she needs that kind of rehab. where she will hear the harsh truth from people that won’t be influenced.

    I blame the legal system. Chad O. was put in jail for slapping his lawyer’s butt. Lindsey to me has done far far worse.

    I just don’t understand any of this. :/

    • Green Eyes says:

      Perfectly said Lisa2!! 🙂

    • Jag says:

      Just want to point out that Chad O. got jail time because he was disrespectful by slapping his lawyer’s ass as the lawyer was handing in a plea deal for him in regards to Chad O. violating probation. The judge hadn’t signed off on it yet, so his celebration was premature.

      • TheWendyNerd says:

        Yeah and that was way more disrespectful than attending court with nails with ‘f*ck u’ written on them and being an hour late.

  8. swack says:

    There’s another story out there that says the judge and prosecutor won’t sign off on her transferring to another rehab (think it was also on ROL – could be wrong). Think this is just Michael trying to stay relevant again.

    • Dutch says:

      I say that every time she switches rehab or so much as leaves the facility’s front door, the 90 days starts over again.

  9. erika says:

    lindsay, i really wanted you to get better in rehab. dear god pls help lindsay and guide her to a more sober way of living her life


  10. Joanna says:

    I can’t stand michael lohan. who the f is he to be blabbing to the media every five mins, his daughter’s business? if he gave a flip about her, he would keep his mouth shut and say no comment. he tries to act like he cares about her, but that’s b.s. he just wants all the publicity he can get.

    • OrangeOprah says:

      I seem to remember a few years ago that he made a big statement that he was not going to discuss Lindsay in the media anymore, well that lasted for less than a hot minute. Ugh, these people!!

    • gg says:

      He’s only 16 mentally as well.

  11. the original bellaluna says:

    THIS BITCH! SO entitled; SO self-absorbed. Somebody slap her for me, please.

    • BreeinSEA says:

      I will slap her via text for you… ::slap!:: 🙂 she’s so entitled it makes me sick. And to throw Mr.Gandolfini in the mix as a DEAR friend, just shoot me. How disrespectful.

      • PortlandJan says:

        I’ve got 50 bucks that say Mr. Gandolfini couldn’t stand her and that the most she got by way of attention from him was grudging tolerance.

    • littlestar says:

      How about I hold her down for you and then you can have the satisfaction of slapping some sense into her?

      • the original bellaluna says:

        I’m there! 😀 You hold her down, and I’ll beat (slap) her down!

        But I don’t think “sense” (on her part) will enter the equation.

        And I’m fine with that!

  12. Tanguerita says:

    “Team Lohan”? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!what an axxhole.

  13. serena says:

    Dear god.. just send her to jail, wtf are those judges doing?
    Of course she’d do all of these things even in rehab, it’s true she doesn’t need it -because it’s useless- she needs jail.

  14. hillbillyinthecorner says:

    Haven’t commented in a while just wanted to see what Lohan Inc would do with their money maker locked up…..I see it’s business as usual for them……
    You know she was shoved out of Betty Ford because she was a absolute pain in the ash…..and probably didn’t something or tried to do something that would have lead to another problem like last time were Betty Ford ended up paying her rent for a year in that Venice beach house…..can we all say blackmail everyone ?…..didn’t want to do that again ….so out she went….
    As so how “Good” she’s doing that’s all part of the “Sanctifying of Lindsay Lohan so she comes out of the locked up rehab ..pure and white as snow !” and we get the Come Back Career all over again…..Geez ! Lohan Inc get over it already your money maker is done ! Over ! Her only career left is as a Rich Man’s Hooker…she proved to the world she can’t act in that Lohan Owned Liz and Dick….

    • jwoolman says:

      I don’t believe that story about BF paying her rent for a year. Sounds like pure Lohan Inc. nonsense to paint Lindsay as a victim when she was actually the aggressor. No HIPAA rules were violated. Lindsay made everything about the incident public the moment she called 911. BF immediately dragged her out of the sober house and back into the main building for the rest of her court-ordered stay. Dina was trying to claim that maneuver was for Lindsay’s safety due to some peculiar “phone stalker” which made no sense at all, then the real story came out a couple of weeks later because of Lindsay’s actions and Lohan Inc.’s attempt to smear the victim. If the Lohans had tried to sue, all of Lindsay’s nonsense would have come out in court. That was no threat worth $7000 x 12.

  15. anoneemouse says:

    I’d let her transfer any time she wants…but I would make her start her rehab time over each time she transfers.

  16. Lilyvanilli says:

    Now poor James Gandolfini joins Heath Ledger as close friends of Lindsay who can’t refute this claim. No shame.

    • Jub-Jub says:

      She is insufferable and so disrespectful. Why have we never heard of her being friends with James Gandolfini until now? I sincerely doubt he had anything to do with her.

  17. doofus says:

    she’s going to end up like Ginger in “Casino”. I can even see her stumbling down a cheap motel hallway, falling to the floor as she ODs.

    to be clear, I AM NOT WISHING THAT ON HER, just saying I can see it happening.

  18. OrangeOprah says:

    They should transfer the cracken to jail, DO NOT PASS GO!!!

  19. Hautie says:

    It is time for state sponsor lockup. The LA county DA should have locked her up for a year in state prison.

    Her entire family acts as if she has done, no wrong. That she is getting picked on just because Lohan is infamous. Not one of them see this as the ultimate gift, from the DA. 90 days in rehab. Versus a year in prison.

    The only way this all ends… is with Lohan finally takes herself and someones life. While doing something completely selfish and gacked out of her mind.

    Then we will have Michael Lohan out there on the TV, blaming the LA County DA for not locking Lohan up in prison. When everyone knew she was a threat.

  20. grabbyhands says:

    Of all the stupid pictures she’s taken over the years, that whole “sexy” finger in the mouth one really makes me rage. God, it is just so stupid looking! It makes me irrationally angry.

    • gg says:

      You took the words right out of my hands. Picking your teeth with your thumbnail is sexy? When?

  21. JL says:


    Let her out and just let her drink and drug herself to death. No use risking the recovery of people who want it over one entitle bitch who doesn’t.

    Really, why risk those who want to better themselves over this – whatever.

    • gg says:

      Yeah, you forgot the fact that she drives $hitfaced and will kill people with her car. Let’s not do that.

  22. janie says:

    Is anything ever going to be enough for her? What does she have on LA’s judicial system? I’m so tired of this loser! I agree with starting her time over with each move, like a child in a timeout!

  23. Madpoe says:

    Geezus! How long does it take for her star to crash and burn?! Do I have time to make popcorn?

  24. Debbie says:

    Ok this is going to sound horrible but I think it’s time for everyone to admit defeat! She does not want to be sober, she does not value then law or her fellow citizens.

    So I think the only solve is for the state of California to just give in! And by that I mean hand her a lethal amount if meth, heroin or coke what ever she likes and tell her she can have it with no risk of getting in trouble but she has to use it all up in an hour!

    I know this sounds terrible but we also all know that ODing is where this bint is headed and I don’t think the people of California or me as a New Yorker should have to foot the bill for crack antics. It’s tired and both states have more important things to focus their resources on.

    Yes I know this is a terrible thing to say but seriously this is where I’m at. Let her party herself to death like she wants but make her do it quick and contained so no one else gets hurt.

    • Amelia says:

      Debbie, if what you are saying is terrible, then I’m equally terrible for agreeing with you.

      I was wishing a fellow patient would get fed up and just hold a pillow over her face until she stopped moving.

      :::hanging my head in shame:::

  25. Nicolette says:

    Crackie keeps stomping her feet because apparently whatever Crackie wants, Crackie gets. Always. It’s amazing.

  26. Izzy says:

    If Lindsay is going to keep throwing these kinds of hissy fits about a COURT ORDERED rehab stay, then just send her to jail.

    THIS. Bet she won’t bitch about rehab then, it’ll seem like a cakewalk once she realizes how difficult life can be with a felony record.

  27. Quinn says:

    Just throw this trick in jail and toss away the key. And, I could care LESS if she gets better…I just can’t stand looking at that drug-addled dirty mug for ONE MORE SECOND. The world should have compassion fatigue for this hoe…she’s sucked up enough resources for twenty junkies to have gotten clean by now.

  28. bluhare says:

    Wait a minute. She got kicked out because she had someone smuggle in Adderall? Isn’t that a direct violation of her treatment? Why wouldn’t that immediately pull her out of rehab and land her in jail?

  29. NerdMomma says:

    I feel really sorry for all of the people who were at Betty Ford because they really wanted to change their lives and make some progress, and they ended up being there at the same time as Lohan. I’m sure she set back the recovery of everyone else while she was there, taking the staff’s attention and time with her hissy fits. I’m with everyone else who said she should have just been given jail time. It would have been the best thing for society in general.

  30. Zombie Shortcake says:

    Oh to be a fly on the wall when she and Holley have conversations.

  31. Gistine says:

    Ol’ Ashtray face is looking HAGGARD in these pictures. How’d you like to be those sheets having that thing laying all over you? Ain’t no amount of bleach around that can kill Lohan-funk. Yuck.

  32. Madriani's Girl says:


    • Megan says:

      I believe the fine citizens of California.

      • jwoolman says:

        No, the rehab is on her dime. Or the dime of somebody she has wheedled. The state doesn’t pay. That’s another reason they’re happy to dump her on rehabs.

  33. ParisPucker says:

    no one said: and remember to throw away the key.

    I felt sorry for her and felt for her in her late teens and at the beginning when she was acting out… but this girl has had MANY, MANY chances… and MANY, MANY peers who have offered to help her and support her in getting her act together. Drew Barrymore did it with less.

    I no longer feel sorry for her. She is just a whiney, self-entitled b*tch and agree that the only thing that will or COULD force some change is solid jail time…. no ifs, ands or but-s. Reality of reality is the required source of treatment, and for also to be exposed to people who had REAL hardships.

    We all have parent issues; sure, her more than most…but again: if Brooke Shields and Drew Barrymore can do, without the drama and with dignity, then this woman-child has no excuse.

    Stop whining Lindsay, we’re over it. Please. go. away. and come back only after you’ve decided to be a productive member of society!!!


  34. Sugar says:

    so thru all of this Lindsey is learning she dosen’t like sober Lindsey & we just don’t like her. Soon as she out she’s gonna party like the rockstar she thinks she is. she has learned nothing NOTHING. and for a hot minute I had a fleeting hope she would make the effort this time. no worries 27 is just round that corner LILO.

  35. jwoolman says:

    My bet is that the new rehab is not giving her Adderall and is telling her to shape up or ship out. She’s not being able to manipulate staff as easily as she had hoped. There is no other real reason to transfer again. Surely she can last a few weeks without family visits (but didn’t Dina say they were a bicoastal family?), she’s not 12 years old. If she does transfer – it’s because she was kicked out again. The chances that she will ever grow up, sober or not, seem slim to none. She must be reasonably sober by now, so we can’t just blame her behavior on the constant influence of alcohol and other drugs.

  36. TheWendyNerd says:

    The bit about the guy pretending to be Robert De Niro’s kid slays me. You know the second she heard that, her immediate thought was that De Niro would be thrilled to have her in the family and want to reignite her career the second he met her and was so thrilled by the idea she didn’t even think to check if it was true. What a f’ing idiot she is. She’s so sure all these people want to be involved with her: De Niro, Jennifer Lawrence, Al Gore, Gandolfini, etc. that always makes me laugh.