Scott Disick visits a cancer patient who had him on her bucket list: sweet?

Scott Disick

By now, I’ve grown rather comfortable with the idea of Scott “American Psycho” Disick as the categorical villain of “Keeping Up with the Kardashians.” Dude plays a role, and he’s well aware of his place in the family. I don’t even watch the show, but many of your comments seem to lend credence to this theory. With any reality show, one should expect a certain (or almost entire) amount of scripting and character manipulation, and Scott seems to realize (unconsciously or otherwise) that his role is King Douche Supreme in a family of douches.

These are photos of Scott at Barneys in Beverly Hills, and I have a severe problem with his choice of footwear, but I’ll get over it in short order because Scott impresses with this story. This is of course part of this week’s Kardashian episode on E!, but I’m trying to overlook that. It turns out that Scott has some hardcore female fans, and one of them is suffering from cancer and desperately wanted to meet Scott. The lady lives in Ohio, and Scott hopped on an airplane and made her dream come true:

Scott Disick

Scott Disick doesn’t always show his sentimental side…but when he does, you’d better get the tissues ready!

On this week’s episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Scott got an interesting request from a woman suffering from cancer. She had a bucket list, and meeting Lord Disick himself was on that list!

Kourtney Kardashian thought Scott should go, especially having seen how uncomfortable he got when she started talking about her cousin CiCi, also dealing with cancer. But Scott wasn’t particularly comfortable with the idea: “I’m just not that good around people that are in bad shape,” he admits. “It’s scary.”

But with some convincing from Kourtney, Scott finally decided to head to Toledo, Ohio to visit Josie and fulfill her bucket list…or, most of it anyway. She might have wanted a little extra somethin’-somethin’ from the handsome Scott.

When Scott arrived, he was blown away by Josie’s spirit and optimism, along with the great attitude of her two daughters. What’s more, they even made him a throne and threw a big party for Josie!

Scott wanted to find a way to help out, but was unprepared. “I’m not a doctor,” he said, “I wish I could do something.” So Lord Disick gave back the way he knew how…by surprising Josie with a brand new Rolex watch! “I’m not a sentimental guy,” Scott joked as Josie started to cry, “so don’t f–k up my image!”

“Not to try to be cliche, but it was literally life-changing,” Scott said of the visit. “You never really realize how lucky you are to be healthy.”

[From E! Online]

Isn’t this sweet? I know it’s kind of ridiculous to have someone wish to meet a reality star (least of all an honorary Kardashian), but there’s no accounting for taste, and Scott came through for this lady. I’m surprised that Kris let this go down on the show since it makes Scott look good, but whatever. If Scott ever has his own spinoff show, I’d totally watch an episode now. The rest of the Kardashians? Forget about it.

Scott Disick

Scott Disick

Photos courtesy of WENN

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53 Responses to “Scott Disick visits a cancer patient who had him on her bucket list: sweet?”

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  1. Aussie girl says:

    I believe he is refered to as, “Lord Douche”. All in all very sweet of him

    • Caroline says:

      I have never thought Scott is a bad guy. He is a faithful husband and a good father. We never hear he is cheating. I would take Scott over Kanye or Lamar. Let’s see who is still together in five years. I am betting on only Scott and Kourtney.

      • taxi says:

        Are they married?

      • mac says:

        Scott has cleaned up his act in recent years. He seems like a good father/partner now, and I like him. But there was a time when he had a serious drinking problem. I think that’s why the general view of him is negative.

  2. MoxyLady007 says:

    Is he wearing kourtneys jeans?

  3. marie says:

    that’s a very sweet thing to do. I’ve heard (forgot where) that he’s a decent guy but I have no idea.

    those are some butt ugly shoes..

    • SW says:

      I’ve always thought he was okay. Compared to the rest of the bunch, he actually seems the most normal and nice! Lol

    • jess says:

      My friend just sold him a car last week…he said he is so friendly and down to earth in real life

  4. Dawn says:

    He did it for the show and not the kindness of his heart. So let’s stop with the pats on the back here. Please he is sleazy just like the rest of them and I mean ALL of them. Again this was all for good PR and the show. End of story. God knows this family needs some good PR and just wait until Kanye West goes off his rocker again and spills some big family secrets which he will because he won’t be able to stop himself.

    • Erinn says:

      Oh come on. You don’t KNOW that he only did it for the show. Yes, it’s positive press. But to assume that there is absolutely no redeemable qualities in this group of people is ridiculous. They’re not just the people you see on tv. They’re humans. Is their show stupid? Yes. But that doesn’t mean that they don’t have more sides to them than what viewers see.

    • Dawn says:

      IF he did this out of the kindness of his heart we should NOT hear about it. It should be a private thing. Please this family doesn’t do a damn thing that doesn’t include money or publicity or both. They are all smoke and mirrors and nothing more.

    • Dani says:

      He’s actually not all that bad. I know a lot of people who know his family in South Hampton and while yes he is douchey because let’s face it, every kid living off daddy’s money is, he’s actually pretty nice. His purpose on the show is to be the asshole, the loud mouth, but if you really think about it he’s the only sane one. The things he says are always true/honest. So while he is Lord Douche, douches also have good hearts sometimes.

    • Trish says:

      If he didn’t want to go it would not have been in the show. I don’t believe for a minute he only did this for the cameras. I just do not think he is as fake as the rest of the Kardashians.

  5. Joanna says:

    Scott’s a trip. He’s a little cocky and vain, but he’s funny as heck.

    • Erinn says:

      I don’t even watch the show, but whenever I see clips of him on the soup, or on commercials I get a huge kick out of him.

      Also this:

      • Alyce says:

        I don’t watch the K’s but that was pretty funny 🙂

      • MissM says:

        The few times I’ve seen the show, he’s been the only thing I enjoyed about it. He seems a little immature and vain, but he’s always funny and tries to do what’s right.

  6. Lb says:

    If I ever watch that show, which has honestly only happened once for a five minute period, I’d watch for him because he’s a ridiculous caricature most of the time and seems to get that is his role and that its a silly TV show.

  7. Tony says:

    I get told I look like either Scott Disick or Christian Bale/Patrick Bateman ALL THE TIME.

  8. Pastyousayyouneverknew says:

    His jeans look like something I’d wear. That being said though, that is a really sweet thing that he did, and I know some people will say it’s for publicity, whatever, to that lady, it probably meant the world and I think it definitely makes him like him more.

  9. Sabrine says:

    Even if he went to Toledo for the show, so what? The important thing is he made a lady who obviously doesn’t have much time left, very happy. She was so thrilled with the present he gave her.

  10. lucky says:

    The jeans… they hurt…my eyes… the acid wash is uncomfortable- but the shape of the legs… WHAT THE EFF IS THAT?!

    In the second to last picture, the jeans have the look of the “pegged” leg we girls did in the 80’s. We’d cuff the hem of the jean and roll it up a bit and tuck it in a way that it would stay pegged to give that oh-so-fetching-pirate-esque shape to your gams.

    Or has all that acid wash, stirrup-pant, members only, parachute pant, shoulder pad-wearing decade affected me in a way that I have not yet admitted to?

    • Lucybelle says:

      Ahhhh the pegged pants. Such a fond memory. Sometimes I’ll peg mine now just to take me down memory lane. Or it’s raining and I don’t want to get my jeans wet.
      Did you ever wear parachute/Hammer pants? I had a pair of olive green ones. They were rad.

      • lucky says:

        Fortunately for me, no hammer time. I was the girl who couldn’t commit to all things 80’s. I did this and that: pegged legs and white keds and Duran Duran. I didn’t do: acid wash and aqua net- i knew my limits; I wouldn’t have been able to pull it off.

    • Lucybelle says:

      NM, I reread your comment. It’s still early and I’m still in bed! And long live stirrup pants!

  11. janie says:

    What he did was nice.. It was prop for their show. How many millions of people do this on a regular basis and don’t exploit it for ratings, or to get an attaboy?

  12. lisa says:

    i’m just completely floored that meeting him is on any list of an kind

  13. Spooks says:

    I don’t know why everybody hates him. Scott and Khloe are the only likable Kartashians out there.

    • lisa says:

      sorry i dont like either of them

      when people say “most tolerable or likable kardashian” it reminds me of that old argument, who was worse hitler or stalin. all the options suck very much. some just suck a little more.

  14. Melissa says:

    I watched this episode and this story line was very sweet. He does say at one point that he isn’t a giving person..which kind of sucked! He got really lucky that he found a girl that will put up with him and then she got rich and brought him along. He should be so grateful! It made him sound so selfish and uncharitable which is a terrible thing for someone with the means he has. I shouldn’t be shocked..i guess the shocking part is that he admits it!

  15. HH says:

    I don’t think it was for the show simply because he didn’t come bearing gifts as celebrities do. He actually gave the lady one of HIS watches and seemed sincere as he was doing it and his tears seemed real. Scott has become my favorite character on the show simply because he’s quite a character. He’s hilarious and willing to make fun of himself. Never thought I’d like him after the Vegas waiter incident (actually when I see that episode I get angry at everyone just sitting at the table and not doing a thing but saying stop) but he’s come a long way.

  16. Chordy says:

    Scott Disick is a national treasure.

  17. Suckmyfarts says:

    I did catch this episode the other day & I feel like it was truly genuine. Say what you will about the Kardashians, I won’t disagree. But Kourtney & Scott are much different than Kim & the rest. Yes, they participate in the show but they are not fame whores. You hardly see or hear about them unless its PR or show related.
    That being said, I think he got more from that bucket list than that poor woman. She had a wonderful spirit & a great family/friends. Maybe I’m gullible but I think it opened his eyes a little, even if it was briefly. It was really sweet & that lady was so happy. Even if he did originally do it for TV, they both benefited I feel.
    Please take a moment to watch a clip before you jump to negative comments about a dying woman’s wish!

  18. aenflex says:

    Unfortunately I watched the season of Kardashians where Scott was a total asshole, drinking too much and being a general bastard to Kourtney. I hated him. Still do. But, I was impressed with the efforts he made to sober up and be a better partner/father.

  19. Melissa says:

    You only have a problem with his footwear? It’s the whole thing I have a problem with, top to bottom! It all seems very feminine.

  20. Crossover says:

    Look, I am not ashamed to admit that I love the Kardashian’s! I mean, there must be many like me or the show wouldn’t still be running. Scott and Kourtney have always been my favorite and I think Scott has a great heart, (We are each entitled to our own opinion, no?), and this backs my feelings up! It’s hard being around sick people especially when you’re rich and ‘fancy’ but he did it (even if he got paid to) I know some people who can’t visit their own family members when they’re dying, even when it means their inheritance…

    • Nina W says:

      First of all, the show is totally scripted, everything about it is designed to manipulate your feelings. That’s fine, but let’s not pretend it’s real in any way shape or form.
      Secondly, there is nothing classy about Disick or any of them. Money does not buy class or taste, which they lack. I can get behind being nice to sick ladies but it’s the minimum I expect from anyone and his doing it once, after being talked into it by his girlfriend, is hardly all that admirable.

  21. AMLM says:

    Scott is absolutely hilarious, the best part of the show.

  22. Stace says:

    Scott is the saving grace of that awful show! At least he is genuinely entertaining. Plus, he’s easy on the eyes.

    Even if this was simply for the show, it probably made that lady very happy so I have nothing bad to say.

  23. lylaooo says:

    seriously he needs to get his own show! i only watch the Kardashians because of him!! he is so funny!

  24. Holden says:

    Who would want to meet with him? WTH?

  25. Bird says:

    I love him and think he is hilarious. I can’t help it, I’m so sorry.

  26. ozmom says:

    I was so disappointed with his behavior in the gun range episode. He was disrespectful to the range operator, his fellow shooters and the weapon in his hand. I’m glad to see this story so I can like him again!