Tom Cruise is being pursued by Scientologist & SI model Jessica White: LOL?

Tom Cruise

We’re just not covering too many Tom Cruise stories lately, which makes me sad, but nobody seems to give a crap about the Cruise anymore unless it’s a really insane story about how Tom ordered a former girlfriend to file down her incisors. For instance, did you know that Tom was at Comic-Con last weekend? He and Emily Blunt did a panel for their upcoming sci-fi/war flick, Edge of Tomorrow (formerly known as All You Need is Kill, a.k.a., “Tom Craps His Pants In Full Body Armor“), and nobody cared that Tom was there at all. Poor little Tom just can’t compete with the likes of Loki.

Such is life, but I have faith that Tom’s crazy (which is cyclical) will eventually return, and then I will be able to write all sorts of things about him. This story is a decent start.

As Tom is painfully aware by now, he’s been officially single for over a year since Katie Holmes divorced his controlling ass, but there might be hope on the horizon for Tom’s “pure instrument” (credit to Mimi Rogers). In late June, Page Six featured a conspicuous item that discussed a new “celebrity” member of Scientology. Her name is Jessica White, and she is a former Baptist who’s very excited by her newfound entry into the cult, which she describes as “enlightening.” Of course, Jessica is a social climber. She dated Sean Penn in 2009, and she was featured in the SI: Swimsuit issues for several years (I’m including photos of her from the 2011 SI vault). Yet she has fallen out of favor with the magazine (probably due to age — she is now 29) and has taken up the “aspiring actress” label. Hence this story from Star, which features a photo of Jessica smiling broadly outside the Scientology Centre in NYC. She has also been tweeting up a storm to try and get Tom’s attention by saying things such as “Tom Cruise is genius in Jack Reacher! Love this film.” Buckle up, lift lovers:

Jessica White

Gorgeous Sports Illustrated model Jessica White took a break from her busy career to make a pit stop at Scientology’s New York City outpost on June 24. And instead of being upset that photographers were snapping her every move, the 29-year-old beauty seemed thrlled to be seen at the Church’s Celebrity Centre. She was smiling for the camera and appeared to want the world to know that she was there.

Or maybe she wanted one person in particualr to know. Just the day before, Jessica instagrammed her love for Tom Cruise’s movie Eyes Wide Shut. “I don’t care what anyone says !! ‘ eyes wide shut’ shot by the Late great Genius director Stanley Kubrick, my favorite guy Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman is an artistic masterpiece with deep layers of hidden meaning, that I want to explore more of!!!!! #inspired as an artist 2 be better. #amentogreatness.”

According to the insider, when Tom got the message, he immediately offered to be jessica’s private Scientology tutor. And whent he first met up, there were immediate fireworks.

Although Tom’s reps deny any romantic attraction, the source claims he “is pulling out all the stops to sweet Jessica off her feet. He’s pouring on the charm and offering to introduce Jessica to producers and help her get an acting career off the ground. He’s totally smitten!” The insider adds that Tom, 51, believes he may have even found a replacement for Katie Holmes. “He’s purposefully remained single for awhile because he wanted to wait for the perfect girl,” the insider says. “And he believes Jessica could be that woman.”

[From Star, print edition, August 5, 2013]

This. Is. Hilarious. Isn’t it? I bet Tom’s enjoying Jessica’s little display of overzealous enthusiasm, and one has to wonder whether the CO$ powers that be are in on her game or whether she’s making this huge play for him on her own. Because it really looks like Jessica is pursuing Tom like mad and in a very shameless manner. He probably likes that it looks that way for a change … like maybe he’s finally not the craziest one in the room. After all we know about Tom’s bride-seeking ways, a girl would really have to be crazy to want to be with him.

Jessica White

Jessica White

Tom Cruise

Photos courtesy of Sports Illustrated and WENN

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55 Responses to “Tom Cruise is being pursued by Scientologist & SI model Jessica White: LOL?”

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  1. Lainey says:

    I approve of Tom finally crossing the racial dating barriers, so I refuse to snark too hard. If hes going to date an ambitous starlet and possibly raise her profile, then why not a WoC. Get that tinsel Jess!

    • spiderkitty says:

      Don’t forget that Tom wanted to make Sofia Vergara his wife but once she discover what “the audition” was for she run away (good on her, tbh).

  2. Tapioca says:

    I’m sure she’ll find the CO$ perfectly “enlightening”.

    Of her bank account.

    I know models are supposed to be stupid, but seriously – run, girl, run!

  3. Launicaangelina says:

    Her eyes are crazier than Tom’s! This should be fun.

  4. silken_floss says:

    Hmmm. I have nothing negative to say about this.

  5. Vesta says:

    Yeah, I miss the out-of-control Tom…
    This gf candidate is a social climber and not unbalanced & innocent ENOUGH to be his real gf.

    Crazy Tom, please come back! I’m bored and in need of some juicy CBnews 🙂

    • meh says:

      Agreed. If this is a calculated move to raise her profile, she’s probably too smart, and not naive enough to put up with Tom for long.

  6. Lindy says:

    She may be crazy, but she’s very pretty. She’s also very tactical – she’s like a smart car buyer who’s located a classic vintage model marked down but still with still plenty of mileage ahead.

    I’ll enjoy watching this relationship progress.

  7. DanaG says:

    I hope so I think it would be fun to watch. Tom hasn’t dated a women of colour has he? I think it would be good for both of them but she does seem a little crazy. But then maybe she thinks living the lifestyle for a few years and payout at the end would be worth it.

    • Kath says:

      You can smell the crazy on this one.

      However, probably Tom’s only redeeming feature (and that of Scientology, come to think of it) is that he doesn’t seem to be racist.

      The weird thing is, if you watch Scientology’s recruitment videos (and I highly recommend it) – EVERYONE LOOKS THE SAME! Doesn’t matter if they are black, white, old, young, tall, short… they all look eerily alike.

      Must be all those thetans shining through.

      • TrustMeOnThis says:

        Tom does not seem to be racist, however the same cannot be said for Scientology. Which makes their dalliances with the Nation of Islam all the more puzzling.

  8. lucy2 says:

    Wow, could she be any more obvious?
    Anyone who willing jumps into CO$ at this point must have a few screws loose. Sounds like she’d be perfect for him.

  9. Maritza says:

    She looks like Naomi Campbell.

    • Dubois says:

      She look nothing like Naomi Campbell IMO

      • Moneypenny says:

        This girl wishes she could hold a candle to Naomi Campbell. Her crazy isn’t even as good. The only thing they have in common is that they are both black women who like to wear hideous colored contacts :).

      • Nev says:

        @ Dubois


    • meh says:

      I see it a little in the first picture, but not the other two at all. Must just be that one angle.

  10. JL says:


    It’s obvious, he’s going for younger (and dumber) than Katie Holmes to prove little man is still the rocking, studly heterosexual man.

    Jeez, just come out with David Miscavige and do us all a favor.

  11. Laura says:

    All I have to say is she’s really really pretty.

  12. TG says:

    Sorry Emily I will not be seeing your movie. Will never support anything Tom cruise does no matter how tempting his costars. Same applies for Rosamund Pike both of you are adorable but Tiny Tom is evil and won’t support that.

  13. The Original Mia says:

    Is this the CoS’ latest ploy to bring more black folk into the fold or is she just that desperate and crazy? Might be all of it and more.

  14. CC says:

    Trying to date her way into a better life role. She’s not the first and won’t be the last. Well, maybe except in someone like Hugh Hefner. He looks like he could fall over at any day. Well as far as GMD, hell, whatever, might as well use a willing volunteer instead of duping an innocent into the sham.

  15. Carolyn says:

    Wouldn’t have thought Tom would be interested in a bikini model. I did have hopes for him & Julianne Hough…she’s too smart & savvy for him.

    Poor Maverick. He had the world at his feet and epically stuffed it up.

    • TG says:

      I don’t think Tiny Tom is into a bikini model anymore than he was into Katie Holmes. It looks like Missy Cabbage and Co are trying to think outside the box. The Catholic girls thing didn’t work out too well so now they are trying to show how much a man he really is by throwing this super hot SI model his way. It is comical to watch, though I agree with others she just might outsmart him at his own game. She is way too hot to be messing with the CO$.

    • lucy2 says:

      He’s only into whoever he (and CO$) thinks will improve his image, and make him seem like Mr. Perfect. The sad thing is I don’t think they realize how the general public is onto that game, and how pathetic a lot of it now looks.

  16. lisa says:

    he should take her up on it

    must be easier than bringing in a bunch of girls for an audition

  17. MsAubra says:

    …not this one

  18. Bodhi says:

    There is no way this isn’t being orchestrated by CO$. She might have expressed some interest to her auditor & it got passed up the chain. Nothing, & I mean NOTHING, concerning celebs (especially TC) goes on without COB (Miscavige)’s approval or direction.

    People, go read Going Clear.

    • TrustMeOnThis says:

      I totally agree with your analysis. Of course they are behind this. I saw a bit in the Daily Fail about her conspicuously going into the CC and I completely expected this then!

      She is very pretty. It will be fascinating to watch this play out if they do get together!

      Also +1 on Going Clear. Beyond Belief, by Jenna Miscavige Hill is also an amazing book, about growing up in the cult. Both are on kindle.

  19. Leah says:

    Tom is still in the top 10 of highest grossing actors of 2013 according to forbes ( RDJ tops that) and a previous big grossing star like Johnny Depp is not even on the list. So it seems audiences still wants Toms movies. The less said about his private life the better.

  20. kim says:

    They would be good together. She kinda looks like a man, and he wants to pray his gay away like john travolta.

    Why do they keep making MI movies? It’s like The Land Before Time and their 20 sequels…ridiculous.

    • Justaposter says:


      Coffee nearly came out my nose!

      They made a ton of those movies.

      I also think she looks a little like Naomi, they have the same type of eye shape, and also give off the ‘cut a bish’ vibe.

      This should be a fun match to watch.

  21. Apsutter says:

    Poor Emily Blunt…she deserves better than some crappy TC action/sci fi crap

  22. MeowuiRose says:

    I heard she has a terrible temper and attitude. She is too masculine looking for me.

  23. Emily C. says:

    If this happens, it’s because it was worked out beforehand with David Miscavige in control.

    If it doesn’t, it’s because the model was just trying for attention. She’d get a lot more by loudly leaving Scientology.

  24. Melissa says:

    In this day and age, thanks to the power of the internet,nobody can claim to be unaware as to what’s really going on in the cult. (Unless, of course, you are a Co$ member who does exactly what your cult leaders tell you to do.)

    Does this woman really think that selling her soul to the devil is worth the price of two minutes of ‘fame’?

  25. 4evaRedd says:

    She takes a much better photo with her mouth closed.

  26. Jayna says:

    Her skin color is really beautiful. It sounds like she joined the cult to meet him, though.

  27. Guest says:

    I read this item a few days ago: in this alternate version he is being pursued. Even as depicted as cray cray she has to run after him. Good luck. This too shall pass as the business model for the commericalization of hollywood continue to detoriate: this too shall pass. The new model will pay less attention to fans. thank God.

  28. j. says:

    It seems like Tom Cruise’s called all the shots in his relationships in the past, and this chick sounds aggressive as all get out. It’ll definitely be interesting to see him meet his match in the cray-cray department. Is the hunter becoming the hunted?

  29. ladybert62 says:

    She looks crazy and slutty.

  30. suzanne says:

    AH DAMN! how the hell can i compete with that. all i can say is that i am closer to his age than i like to admit,there not going to have a lot in common other than the obivous which is not a lot to base a relation on she just wants your money NOT YOU. people don’t seem to realize your money is not the prize YOU ARE TOMMY GUN!!!YOU ARE THE PRIZE YOU YOU YOU ARE!!!!!!!!! with my medication keeping me looking the way i do i don’t stand a chance, so here’s to what maybe possibly be your fourth marriage and to your 5th because lord only knows someone who looks like that at that age is NOT staying very long!!!!!!!!

    i can’t compete (tear cry cry)

  31. strokesbeard says:

    I read this story on another site and it said Tom IS PURSUING HER, not the other way around. Also, Katie became a scientologist for Tom (she had that woman following her everywhere and teaching her things). This girl is already a scientologist no? So she’s already down with the church, should be easier for him.

  32. Twez says:

    >>Tom’s crazy (which is cyclical)<<

    bipolar disorder
    which incidentally is one of the most treatable (with medication) mental illnesses out there, and one of the most lethal when untreated. He probably just has a Scieno babysitter when he's particularly manic.

    • MrsBPitt says:

      Twez, you are so glib…Don’t you realise that there is no such thing as mental illness! (ain’t sarcasm great!)

  33. crtb says:

    They make a beautiful couple!

  34. Zombie Shortcake says:

    Have at him cowgirl.
    I can’t wait for the Oprah interview.

  35. Lauraq says:

    She is crazy hot (not to mention just plain crazy to be joining the cult) but her belly button kind of freaks me out.