Gwyneth Paltrow, vitamin deficient Goop scientist, recommends an annual detox

Back in the early days of Gwyeth Paltrow’s Goop, I remember that every other newsletter was a Goop-tastic recommendation for some kind of asinine juice cleanse or fast or Master Cleanse or whatever. Gwyneth just seemed like she was constantly “cleansing” or fasting, which is just a fancy way of saying that she had an eating disorder and she highly recommended fancy, expensive eating disorders to peasants. At some point, it did feel like Gwyneth stopped recommending “cleanses” although her last cookbook did seem to border on some very extreme elimination dieting (although Gwyneth later claimed she wasn’t really recommending elimination diets, except that was exactly what It’s All Good was). Meanwhile, throughout the years, Gwyneth has grown more and more vitamin deficient, even developing anemia and osteoporosis, and she doesn’t see how all of that is connected. And she still thinks she’s so brilliant for giving all of the peasants her dieting wisdom. Well, now Goop hath spoken again.

The brilliance of her business partner Tracy Anderson: “Keep up consistent exercise. I am dedicated to the Tracy Anderson Method and it has completely changed my body. Still, when I first started working with Tracy, finding motivation was hard. She advised me to think of exercise as an automatic routine, no different from brushing your teeth, to avoid getting distracted. Now it is part of my life.”

Her exercise regime: “I exercise Monday to Friday at 10am and always stick with it. I’d also recommend concentrating on moving more – we sit for so much of the day. Choose to walk or take the stairs, or briskly climb a hill in the evenings. It creates good muscle tone and boosts your metabolism.”

The dangers of cleanses: “A detox is a great place to start before a diet. My doctor, Alejandro Junger, recommends a detox once a year to rid organs of processed food and environmental toxins. His theory is that the gut (your system of digestive organs) is the root of good health. It contains about 80 per cent of your body’s serotonin – which regulates appetite – so you’re more likely to lose weight when it’s working properly. This year I chose the Elimination Diet, which meant no additives or processed foods for three weeks. I’ve done juice cleanses in the past, and in my twenties I did the Master Cleanse, which left me hallucinating after 10 days. Be aware: a juice detox can crash your metabolism and lead to future weight gain.”

Don’t weigh yourself: “There is something punitive about weighing yourself. It can leave you vulnerable to shame and guilt, and it messes with you psychologically. Women naturally gain and lose weight during their monthly cycle anyway, so it can be more realistic to monitor your body shape with a measuring tape.”

Again, she still smokes one cigarette a week: “Stay away from processed foods, though cutting them out completely is no fun and can ultimately lead to a binge. Allow yourself programmed treats – I often have a glass of red wine in the evening and smoke a cigarette on a Saturday. I love those moments because they are just the right amount of naughty. That balance keeps you vibrant. You have to live your life, after all.”

[From The Telegraph via The Mail]

I’m still stuck on the whole idea that she thought she was having a stroke or something and she went to the doctor and was diagnosed with anemia and severe vitamin deficiency and somehow she made that into “go on a cleanse… starve yourself some more.” I also think it’s weird/funny/typical Goop that she adds the caveat “a juice detox can crash your metabolism and lead to future weight gain.” OH, because that’s the reason to avoid nonsensical cleanses. Because it might make you gain a few pounds once you gorge yourself after your nonsensical cleanse. Goop’s Very Special Message To Peasants: “Everybody should cleanse once a year because of GOOP SCIENCE but don’t come crying to Goop when you gain a few pounds after you get sick as a dog on your cleanse and have to go back to normal food.”

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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76 Responses to “Gwyneth Paltrow, vitamin deficient Goop scientist, recommends an annual detox”

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  1. Nanz says:

    ” Choose to walk or take the stairs…” Pippa tip!

    • Diana says:

      This comment is flawless.

    • Liv says:


    • Cherry says:

      On a related note: ‘I exercise Monday to Friday at 10am and always stick with it.’ She makes it sounds like some sort of heroic feat, when really-
      I would LOVE to have the time to exercise every morning at 10. Problem is, you know, I have to WORK for a living, so I’d have to do it at 6 in the morning in order to be at the office in time. And in the evenings? Well, I have to be back home in time to have dinner on the table for my kids, help them with their homework and make sure the house is somewhat clean-ish.
      I always stick to THAT, though.

      • Zaza says:

        This is me exactly! I am almost always able to talk myself out of getting up early to workout though!

    • Tanguerita says:

      thanks for that! :-)Seriously, this woman makes me lose my sense of humor completely. I just want to punch her in the face.

    • moon says:

      I was just thinking the same! The entire thing reads like a pippa tip

  2. Virgilia Coriolanus says:

    If she wants to be healthy, why doesn’t she just eat ALL fruits and vegetables-raw, at least some of the time, limit in intake of red meat or grill all her meats, quit the smoking and most of the booze, and then go for a walk a few times a week. Do that instead of hawking all of that cleansing crap or whatever she’s trying to get us peasants to buy. I’m sure she’d look way better than she does now. Her skin might thank her…it looks really dry. Like to me, her face looks like a mask, compared to what it used to look like.

    • poppy says:

      common sense is for peasants?

    • Sputnik says:

      She smokes one cigarette a week as a treat. That’s not really much of an issue. Otherwise, I agree. If you eat healthy regularly there’s no need for faddy nonsense like cleanses.

      • Karrie says:

        I don’t believe for a second she has only one cigarette a week.

      • Sarah says:

        Her face has the skin of a smoker.

        That sounded grosser than I meant. Like something out of Silence of the Lambs. *shudder*

      • sputnik says:

        no? i guess she could be lying about it but she tends to just open her mouth and say whatever she’s thinking so i guess i was just giving her the benefit of the doubt. perhaps i just like the idea of only having one smoke a week.

    • catt says:

      No way she just smokes once a week. Just the one cigarette every 7 days would taste horrible and make her dizzy and nauseous. It would not be a ‘treat’.
      She smokes every day I bet. Just look at her skin!

      • ncboudicca says:

        ^this. I made the mistake of smoking a cigarette about 3 years after I had quit smoking, I had to have a friend drive me home, I was so dizzy!

      • sputnik says:

        nonsense. i was a heavy smoker, cut down to a couple a week and every one of them tastes heavenly. it’s perfectly possible to enjoy smoking like that. of course, i don’t know if she does.

      • Sarah says:

        I have been able to have an occasional cigarette, too. I’ll go months, years without one. Sometimes they taste divine, sometimes they taste like an ashtray, sometimes they make me feel good dizzy like I’m flying around the big full moon in a glass of red wine. But the longer I go without one, the grosser they tend to taste…

  3. Eleonor says:

    “Master Cleanse” seems something taken from a BDSM manual!

    • Sarah says:

      And it reminds me of Oprah pulling the wagon of fat behind her while wearing skinny jeans.  “I lost all this weight on a liquid diet – and you can, too.” Time passes.  “Also, I gained the weight back and it might kill you to lose weight that way.  But: here’s a new way to live your best life!”  

      I had a terrible college professor show that skinny jeans fat wagon episode in health class in the 90’s.  When I pointed out that Oprah later recanted, the professor’s response was: at least she lost the weight in the first place.  When I reported him to the dean, she sighed, “He’s not still showing the news report on satanism, is he?  I think it’s time for him to take an early retirement.”

      Sometimes maybe you learn the lesson that it’s not your duty to give such directive advice about something you clearly have issues around.

  4. lana86 says:

    if u eat lots of vegetables and fibre all the time, there is no need of “special” cleanses or diets… also, no sugary snacks is good)

    • lucy2 says:

      That’s what I’ve heard and read too – if you eat cleanly, there’s no need to detox.

      • Amelia says:

        There’s no need to detox full stop. Our digestive system is remarkably well designed, it regulates and looks after itself.
        It doesn’t need its owner starving him/herself thinking that a few days on lemon water will leave it sparkly clean and pure.

    • lana86 says:

      plus the whole concept is doubtful – put whatever shit inside your body all your life, than make a magic one-time cleanse!
      thats a jo-jo logic. How u spend 360 days of the year – thats what matters, not remaining 5 days of cleanse))

      • mimi says:

        Well said everyone. I feel the same way about cleansings and detoxing. If you eat healthy, abstain or drink alcohol and caffeine moderately and stay away from ciggarette smoking, your body does not need to go through such extreme measures as cleanses and detox. I actually heard some people do more harm than good to their bodies by putting it through such extreme, stressful measures.

    • Eleonor says:

      If you eat healthy your body will be healthy, there’s no need to cut food from your diet.

  5. Keats says:

    Goop’s word-a-day calendar covered ‘punitive’ on the day of this interview.

  6. carla says:

    Sure, I’m lining up to get health advice from someone who at a relatively young age was diagnosed with osteoporosis. Yep.. Oh and her trainer? Don’t get me started.

    • lisa says:

      and has unhealthy looking hair and skin

      i want to know what she does so i can do the opposite

      • endoplasmic_ridiculum says:

        Hahaha. I don’t know why but this made me laugh so hard.

      • Amanda says:

        I know. She just looks so leathery and old. I’m definitely not taking her advice and I can’t see why anyone would.

  7. V4Real says:

    I’m pretty sure that one cigarette a week is more like five. This woman is so full of herself; hence being full of Goop that I think she believes she is some kind of health Guru.

    • L.S. says:

      Totally agree. Her skin looks like she smokes way more than that!

      • Emily C. says:

        That might be because she’s also anemic and vitamin deficient and just plain doesn’t eat enough. For whatever reason, she is definitely extremely unhealthy.

  8. brin says:

    I recommend not taking advice from Goop.

    • whipmyhair says:

      I dunno her comment about not weighing yourself is a pretty good idea. I got a job where I could walk to and from. I was feeling healthier, my clothes were looser so I decided to weigh myself. And I gained weight!

      I realised that it was probably muscle with all the hills and what not; but it was hard to get the thought out of my head that I had gained weight and not lost it.

      Moral of the story? Even a broken clock is right twice a day. And with all the advice she gives us peasants she can give us some good ones.

      • V4Real says:

        But usually she gives advice that we have heard a thousand times over. She brings nothing new to the table; just a new way for us to ridicule her.

    • Nikki says:

      I know, right?! Given her health issues, why would anyone, ANYONE listen to this woman?

  9. lucy2 says:

    This woman knows nothing, yet keeps lecturing the masses! Shut. It.
    Her trainer and business partner is a fraud, the stuff she’s shilled in the past she now says is wrong, her advice is full of contradictions, and she has no business telling anyone else what to do and how to live.

    • Cherry says:

      And what about this doctor of hers, Alejandro Junger? ‘recommends a detox once a year to rid organs of processed food and environmental toxins. His theory is that the gut (your system of digestive organs) is the root of good health. It contains about 80 per cent of your body’s serotonin – which regulates appetite – so you’re more likely to lose weight when it’s working properly.’
      I’m sorry, but does this guy seriously own a medical license? Sounds like he just makes this crap up to justify his rich, obsessed-with-thinness clients’ idiotic relationships with food.
      Just eat a sandwich, Goop. Have an apple. Go for a walk. It is really that simple.

    • Trashaddict says:

      I wonder if Penn & Teller have done one of their investigations on cleanses. That would be some fun commentary!

  10. JL says:

    I totally agree with her, when you are that full of shit, I’d suggest a once a month detox.

  11. blue marie says:

    her poor body, she’ll have to take a million pills when she gets older to make up for everything she’s robbing her body of right now.

    I will agree about the scale though, those things are a bully when you’re trying to lose weight.

    • Holly says:

      Maybe her mom has stock in or gets free Boniva (or whichever Osteo drug she does the ads for?) for her children’s lives so GOOP is all set.

  12. Holly says:

    Well, you can’t blame her for trying to get the vile out every so often, she’s just confused and thinks it’s coming from outside sources.

    80% of the immune system resides in the gut, and 99% of Gwinny’s dum-dum/ignorance resides in every cell of her body: pity…

  13. poppy says:

    next year’s goop recommendation: get rid of all internal organs -she lost 10 pounds of dead weight alone when they removed her brain.

    wasn’t one of the initial goop juice cleanses recommended by her and dr junger?

    goop IS an environmental toxin.

  14. Maria says:

    I’m not taking advice from someone who claims to be so health conscious but aging badly, no thanks.

  15. Lisa says:

    She is an idiot. Her face is morphing into Tracy Anderson’s.

  16. Jaded says:

    This doctor of hers is full of crap. Serotonin is manufactured by the BRAIN, not the gut. You can eat things that contain tryptophan such as turkey, but then it is the brain that turns that tryptophan into serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that transmits nerve impulses, specifically the ones that create feelings of tranquility and well-being, helps us sleep and deal with anxiety.

    Yet another example of how she is giving out erroneous and quite possibly dangerous advice.

    • whipmyhair says:

      Also it can cause turkey comas. Delicious turkey comas

    • j. says:

      I think she’s confused by the number of serotonin *receptors* in the gut… Receiving ≠ producing.

    • Sumodo1 says:

      As someone who takes an SSRI daily, I second what you say. The gut breaks down food. Period.

  17. HK9 says:

    A cigarette is a treat?
    A cupcake, is a treat, a mimosa in the morning is a treat, a gift card from my boss is a treat, but last time I checked a cigarette is not a treat. If you’re going to be that self righteous, stop with the detoxes and just quit smoking.

  18. lenje says:

    By this non-Spanish speaking logic, all “j” should be pronounced “h”. Meaning “Alejandro Junger” will be read “Alehandro Hunger”…

  19. Suzy says:

    At some point I can only hope that she will choke on these cleanse drinks & it will paralyze her vocal cords so she can STOP TALKING ABOUT THEM!! FFS, not everyone wants to be Gwynnie…

  20. Lindsey says:

    I like to drink those detox waters (like sparkling water with berries and a ton of lemon and ginger), those clean you out, but I still eat like, food while doing it. And juicing I like juicing. It’s the only way I am able to make sure I get my 5-a-day. But again, I’m also eating food things, too.

    A woman cannot live on cayenne water and steamed kale alone.

  21. Jayna says:

    Her tips are yawn inducing.
    “I go every day to meet my $200-an-hour trainer at my ultra-swank gym that my driver takes me to. Ten o’clock every day out of my busy schedule, rain or shine. Oh, the devotion of it all. Then I go home and take a little nap while the maid cleans. I take a hike in my stunning, posh area where no peasants can bother me. I then go home and have an expensive, amazing glass of red wine that none of you peasants can afford and smoke my cig. I say one, but we all know it’s more like three a week. A little white lie, tee-hee.”

  22. swack says:

    “I’d also recommend concentrating on moving more – we sit for so much of the day. Choose to walk or take the stairs, or briskly climb a hill in the evenings.” This isn’t exactly NEW advice.

  23. Birdix says:

    The detox she is describing is just getting rid of “processed” food and additives, not all solid food. Although based on the fact that she has written two cookbooks, I’m surprised she’s not already doing this…

  24. Londongal says:

    I personally think she looks old and crappy for her age and that her hair seems thin and she generally looks unwell. It’s clear that in ‘Great Expectations’ she was terribly anorexic and poorly, the cinema audience I watched it with actually gasped when she got naked ( and not in a good way!) Oh Goop. I feel slightly sorry for her at this stage despite the wealth and even sorrier for the kids.

    • Jayna says:

      I don’t think she looks old and crappy, but when I think of someone her age with beautiful, shiny hair and a luminous complexion, minimal lines, and healthy looking, it’s Rachel Weisz (41), not Gwynneth Paltrow (40).

  25. Mitch Buchanan Rocks! says:

    As he did with Supersize me, eating McDonalds, Morgan Spurlock should follow the goopy health and diet plan plan and document what happens.

  26. annaloo. says:

    She looks dry & stiff. Everything about her: hair, skin, face….Horrible qualities for “the most Beautiful Woman” *Snort*

    Great qualities for a martini, though.

  27. mar says:

    She talks so much sh*t

  28. LilyT says:

    Does making a fortune as a mediocre actor suddenly give people an honorary MD?

  29. Reah Greene says:

    One cigarette???Come on.Who smokes just one? I bet she is a chain smoker and is one of those women that smokes to suppress their appetite.Look at her skin.She is basically living on bottled water,vitamins and cigarettes.

  30. user00005 says:

    This crone is ‘enough’ now. Just go.

  31. Emily C. says:

    I looked up this Alejandro Junger person because he sounds like a con man, with his ridiculous cleanses and diet ideas. And here is what I found:

    “There’s only one problem with the idea of using food, or a lack thereof, to detox: Medical experts say it’s baloney.”

  32. snappyfish says:

    weighing myself is “shaming” but measuring myself with a tape measure is not? what the frickety frack kind of BS is that?

    also, cleanses do not “detox” the organs and can be dangerous for many people, including people with undiagnosed medical conditions. they are junk medicine and reputable doctors do not endorse them- that is, any doctor who does not make his living pushing cleanses.

    I have never seen anyone so obsessed with her own colon; what a vapid, ridiculous existence the goopster leads.

  33. Dog Obsessed Girl says:

    If your liver is functioning properly, it is continually “detoxing” you and you should need a special cleanse or “detox.”
    Some people benefit from “digestive rest,” by giving your intestines less to do, but seriously if you don’t put a lot of toxins in or on (lotions, perfumes, etc.) your body your liver should detox you just fine all day every day.

  34. Chloe March says:

    The most pretentious celebrity.

  35. Nikki says:

    This minimalistic celeb diet attitude can kiss my ass. You NEED good fats, you NEED sugar in healthy sources, you NEED good carbs. Eliminating any one of these things leads to health issues. Just be smart about what you eat.

  36. Sarah says:

    Funnily enough, she looks already older than she is, even with loads of glam make up on. So WHY on earth should I follow a person rigid routines when it’s apparently not even working on herself??

    As well, she is constantly contradicting herself while talking about her intake of alcohol and cigarettes as well as her nutrition. She is lying ALL the time? Why are still people listening to her and BUYING those stupid books?? Serious question!

    Oh, and GOOP: STOP SMOKING!! It helps your skin to look younger soooo much more than any cleanse you can think of.

  37. I think Celes is the best in my opinion.