Kaley Cuoco debuts new boyfriend for paps, denies paying paps to take her photo

Kaley Cuoco already has a new boyfriend! Which is not scandalous at all. No one expected her to light a candle every day for a year for Henry Cavill after they broke up after just a few weeks of famewhore-tastic dating. What is interesting though is that Kaley is already out and about with her new lovah, and there are photo-ops and everything. Much like Henry Cavill’s situation in London with those random ladies, except we actually know the name of Kaley’s new guy.

She’s dating a tennis player named Ryan Sweeting. I follow tennis a little bit, but I only really pay attention to the big names in tennis, and I had never heard of this guy. Let’s see what I can find out about him… he’s 26 years old (she’s 27), he’s ranked #518, which is just sad. Has he been injured or something? Still, tennis players have great bodies. Maybe it’s just sex with a nice guy who isn’t going to go limp at the first hint of media criticism.

Speaking of media criticism, a few days ago Kaley tweeted: “Those of you who think I’m “paying paparazzi” to follow me around are poorly mistaken. I feel sorry for your ignorance and obvious boredom.” Oh, honey. No one thinks you’re paying the paparazzi. We just think you’re calling them and telling them where you’re going to be.

P.S. Is she dressed in character as Mrs. Roper?

PPS. OMG HIS BULGE. Those are tennis balls, right?!?!?! Or a tumor. It could be a tumor.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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92 Responses to “Kaley Cuoco debuts new boyfriend for paps, denies paying paps to take her photo”

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  1. LB says:

    So basically their respective teams’ plan worked. They’re both being papped now when not too many gave a damn before.

    • Anna says:

      So, we (all of us who snarked at how poorly executed the Cuoco-Cavill outing was) are the ones who got played at the end? Sad us…

    • Monty says:


      Cavill and Cuoco are with the same management company, a fact that I believe helps your theory.

  2. Mrs. Peacock says:

    Wipe that smug face off your head!!

  3. Andrea says:

    Pretty sure Kaley used to be a competitive tennis player as a teen before she was an actress. So this makes sense to me.

    I still like Kaley. Publicity stunt or not, I think she’s nice and funny and probably would have been good for Henry. Oh well.

    • Liberty says:

      Yes. She was. So he could even be a friend or coach.

    • sirsnarksalot says:

      I like her too. And him being a professionally ranked tennis star isn’t something to sniff at. David Foster Wallace wrote an interesting piece about the world of pro tennis for the lower ranked (non-Federer) types. They work HARD.

    • K-Rock says:

      I liked her a lot too. Until she called people “ignorant and bored”. That’s not very nice.

  4. brin says:

    She’s pissed that she got called out for calling the paps. Maybe she should try being less obvious.

    • Esmom says:

      Yeah she seems really defensive. Not flattering.

      • Lucy2 says:

        Yes, way too defensive. If she HAD to say something about it, she should laughed it off as silly, not been so condescending about it.

    • truthful says:

      YUP, she is pissed that she is soo transparent–lil attention hog..

      I dont really care for her or the show she is on, to each his own.

  5. Tiffany27 says:

    “I feel sorry for your ignorance and obvious boredom”

    Have a stadium full of seats b*tch. The only people who talk about the paps on TWITTER are the ones calling them.

  6. Elodie says:

    sorry but… what bulge? I really see nothing.

    and Kaley girl, stop embarrassing yourself with such tweets as clearly you want to feel “important”, you participated in a PR stunt. Yes you are allowed to express yourself but think before you speak-tweet. So far Henry Cavill has been quiet so er….take notes?

    • LadyMTL says:

      In the pic under the screenshot of her Tweet, he looks like he has some very…low hanging things in there (look on the left leg area). I honestly doubt it’s him, unless he has one really massive testicle, lol.

  7. SaftD says:

    Bish, please. Have all the seats.

  8. Alexandria says:

    I love a big dick but super-sized, low-hanging fruit scares me 😱

  9. Dawn says:

    I think that she is better then having to pay the paps to follow her. So yes, I believe her. But then maybe someone else is paying them to follow her! You just never know in Hollywood.

    • t says:

      Could be. She’s doing ads for some company (I can’t remember the name of it, but I caught a few seconds of the ad the other day). They could be arranging for the paps with her knowledge.

      Maybe part of her contract with them is to get papped so the tabloids can refer to her as the “Big Bang Theory and XYZ Corp. Beauty” and they get more ad time.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I don’t think she is paying/calling the paps either.

      She is always in her neighborhood, she has never been hard to find, it is just that they never cared to take her pic before.

      I think she is a sweetie, perhaps a bit naive when it comes to guys and the Hollywood game.

  10. Esmom says:

    He looks like he has a CAN of tennis balls in his pocket in that one shot! But then it mysteriously disappears. WTF?

  11. Eleonor says:

    I think the girl needs to hire a better pr team, her casual photo-ops look always sooo staged.

  12. DailyNightly says:

    I don’t get the sudden need to be papped all the time. She is on a hit show so it’s not like she needs the PR deluge. I get it when Bosworth pulls this nonsense, she’s just trying to stay relevant. Kaley should NOT follow her example.

    • MissMary says:

      I think Kaley is hoping to “make it” in the movies and sometimes stars or their reps think being papped will keep them in the media eye enough to generate more interest than their current projects, keeping their name in the forefront of industry stuff and easy to pluck out of the ether when it comes to casting. “Oh, she auditioned? A lot of people seem interested in her…well, okay.”

      (I know there’s more to it than that, but that’s the gist, from what I’ve been given to understand about celebs who intentionally play the pap game)

  13. Bopit says:

    good grief she has terrible casual style. her and jennifer garner need some help.

  14. abbie246 says:

    I don’t think that she calls the paps. When somebody makes news because of a new relationship, arrest, etc they always get followed more than before.

  15. The Original Mia says:

    What is she wearing? It looks like the discarded skin of a huge snake. The over-sized hat screams look at me! too.

    Honey, we know you didn’t pay them, but someone is. Because you’re not that interesting.

    What is going in with his bulge?!

    • Stef Leppard says:

      Her outfit is so amazingly hideous!! She looks like a Golden Girl.

    • Mary says:

      Her wardrobe is awful. She has a great body and a lot of money. There is no excuse for this.

      P.S. kaiser – don’t insult ms roper. I loved her moo -moos and big costume jewelry. Kaley is just a hot mess!

  16. Tessa says:

    I see crap in his right pocket, not a bulge. Athletes, and this is a generalization mind you, wear tighty whities or boxer briefs. They keep their packages contained.

    • lady_luck says:

      Agreed. It looks like he has tennis balls tucked in his pockets. C’mon guys – anything else would be beyond freakish!

  17. Dawne says:

    Jen Anniston much?

  18. Aud says:

    She is like a bargain basement Cameron Diaz.

  19. Paloma says:

    I like this girl. She is just living her own life, no drama queen here. Her hat is awesome!

    • Meegs says:

      I don’t dislike her, but she is kind of a One Trick Pony actress-wise. She makes the same faces on Big Bang Theory and those Priceline commercials. It’s really the same predictable set of facial expressions every time.

      And yeah…the comment above about her being dressed like Mrs. Roper — that was SPOT ON!! lol

  20. Nev says:

    Not all THAT. No need for the attitude.

  21. grabbyhands says:

    Sorry, girl-you are already tainted by that ill begotten PR stunt, so take a few steps back and shush.

  22. Kara says:

    Maybe he has more than 2 balls? “A bouquet of balls” down there, if you will. That would explain the ball-tastic bulge! Also wtf is she wearing? Good God. Horrid. I think my grandma’s tacky friend wears something like that…………….

  23. snappyfish says:

    what the holy hell is she wearing? that’s all I got, as I have no idea who either of them is.

  24. MissMary says:

    Aw, I kind of miss when she was dating Johnny Galecki back in the day. They were together for a year or so when BBT first started out.

  25. Virgilia Coriolanus says:

    Wow, snooty much. If you have to go on twitter to say you’re not paying/calling the paps on yourself, then guess what? You’re calling/paying the paps to take pictures. I especially believe this because when has she ever discussed rumors about herself? Up until the Cavill shitstorm, I had never read an interview or any gossip featuring her.

    What’s going on with her? This is so different than what she used to be like (from what I’ve seen).

    • The Original Mia says:

      She’s on JustJared daily. Daily! That doesn’t happen unless your PR is throwing money at him to wax poetically about how beautiful and cute you are.

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        Seriously, though. I really hope she wasn’t trying to pull a “Jennifer Aniston” on Cavill-I would’ve hoped that her team studied the book on that one. I can see it though. Quirky, comedic, pretty but not gorgeous actress who lands THE hottest thing this side of the pond (Cavill is hot, though bland), and bonus points for going international.

        I wonder what went wrong.

      • E-v-E says:


        I think Cavill’s people realized it didn’t look as good as it seemed it would at first and they decided not to go with it, her ego got bruised naturally and then with Henry parading like nothing happend she’s trying to come off all cool and ‘look I’m dating too’. I almost feel sorry for her (that is until this tweet lol). But as all the ladies with our MoS, they really did not have any chemistry, so I wonder what is up with that? I really have to check out the Tudor’s 😀

  26. Karen says:

    If she was paying them she’d probably dress a little nicer for them. No? Erst the heck is she wearing?

  27. henderswife says:

    I think she is right about the paparazzi. I don’t think she personally paid them to take her photograph. However, someone did. I’m not really concerned about it either way. I love her no matter what.

  28. E-v-E says:

    her style is terrible, looks average pictures smug, and now with this tweet she comes off as desperate and kind of stupid, needs both a change of clothes and PR attitude if she’s even thinking of climbing up. But I was over TBBT after S1 and she’s no Jen-A if that’s what she’s hoping for to become.

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      That’s what I was thinking. With her recent actions, it actually seems plausible. Because I wouldn’t have even known who this girl was (when the Cavill thing happened) if I hadn’t watched a few episodes of TBBT, but apparently lots of people love the show. But I give Jennifer credit for not going budget. Cavill is hot, but he isn’t a good actor. Plus, I wouldn’t want to be someone who’s entire high point in their career hinges on whether or not a superhero film makes money.

  29. Dragonlady sakura says:

    I must be showing my age, but in my day people actually took a breather before going out to get a next boyfriend/girlfriend!

  30. Meggin says:

    What in the world is she wearing?? Man, that’s a bad outfit. She looks very average and not so attractive.

  31. Dani says:

    hahaha, I thought the same thing, she’s not paying but her people are calling that’s for sure! I live in LA, you never see paps, so if she thinks we think it’s a coincidence, (or that they’re following her LOL) that’s insulting our intelligence . 🙂

  32. NerdMomma says:

    Look. I am not a fan of Kaley Cuoco. I don’t watch her show. But it’s really surprising to me that the commenters here seem actually ANGRY at her for calling the paparazzi, for parading around and trying to get some attention. That’s what the Hollywood people DO. That’s like, part of their job. Some people can fly low and have great careers, others need the boost that some media attention brings. We all enjoy the availability of pap shots…so why are you all so mad at her for playing the game?

    • E-v-E says:

      what took her so long then? from what I remember, she dated her co-star Johnny Galecki in total secret for couple of years for no reason, both were single and a show could’ve certainly used that kind of publicity, but with her face in our face all the time and this forced image of a cutey dating hotties suddenly it’s a game change. I’m starting to wonder if Galecki was not prominent or hot enough to be tied to her or if she simply lacks talent for anything else beyond TBBT role so she’ll settle for anything now. I mean, I don’t even care or watch the show anymore, but I really don’t like when people want to play the game but end up playing it badly and stupid because it’s out of their league. Ugh 😀

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      Well for one she denied that she was paying/calling the paps pretty harshly, especially for someone who NEVER gets pap’d. Until that Cavill debacle, I had never seen a pap pic of her. Ever.

      Second, this also seems like a huge shift in values from her. She was all about her work, and keeping her personal life private ergo, not calling the paps. But then she got w/ Cavill, started tweeting some suspicious things (the drooling over the MoS poster before Cavill, that “love of my life #movingon w/ the horse after they broke up), and turned her back on what she presented to the world. A normal person who doesn’t play the hollywood game, but just goes to work.

      That’s how I see it anyway. It’ll be interesting if she can up her game and outdo the Cavill “romance”.

  33. boredbrit says:

    Well, I thought she hadn’t until I read that tweet.
    And this is coming from someone who likes her.

  34. Amanda says:

    Why do celebrities always seem to move on to the next relationship so fast? I realize her and Henry were probably just pr, but still. What’s so bad about being single?

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      I think it’s because generally, whenever a celebrity announces that they’re out of a relationship, it’s been over for quite a while. I think the only example that I can think of where it wasn’t, was the whole Kidman-Cruise thing. I remember reading someone saying how Nicole had been interviewed a few weeks before her 10th anniversary and how she was so excited and happy and in love and BAM! Tom hit her with the divorce.

      That’s what I think. Usually they’re not photographed together for a long while too.

      • LAK says:

        Nicole was completely blindsided by Tom. Not just with the legal stuff. Emotionally too. She was visibly upset most of the divorce year. If you see pictures of her from that time which happened as she was promoting MOULIN ROUGE and THE OTHERS, she has red eyes from crying. Naomi Watts never left her side for that entire year’s various press tours, and you can see her holding on to Naomi for dear life. Meanwhile Tom was parading his new love, Penelope Cruz.

        This is how much Tom blindsided her: He threw a party celebrating their anniversary in December 2000 from which insider details leaked such as Tom declared undying love and then BAM 5 February 2001, he files divorce papers. Then proceeds to tell anyone who asks that Nicole ‘knows what she did’ a cryptic clue as to the reason for the divorce.

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        LAK, that gives me another reason not to like Cruise, other than being crazy. What kind of asshole does that? The only way I could even justify that (and even then, just the surprise divorce NOT the bitchy public comment), is if she’d been cheating on him the whole marriage. Or he found out she was the most convincing golddigger or something like that. I’m glad she’s happy now, although, I’m sure she’s worried for her kids.

  35. MissNostalgia says:

    Who is this woman? I mean, what is she “known” for? I don’t even have enough interest to look her up on wiki. Her name is unfortunate…how is it pronounced…..Cuckoo?

  36. UsedToBeLulu says:

    If she cared enough to call the paps, I’d would think she would not be fishing for her lunch in her molars.

    I believe her.

  37. Raquel says:

    I always suspected she was the one calling the paps on her & Cavil (Henry is too introverted to do that, plus, she was always the one looking elated–beaming & waving to the cameras–in the pap shots). Whining about pap rumors on twitter is just the famewhore sequel.

    I thought it was funny when her co-star whined about Henry taking advantage of her fame. Because the star of MoS had so much to gain by dating a character actress from a nerd-joke show.

  38. mslewis says:

    I don’t really know who this woman is but I do know who Ryan Sweeting is. Back when he was 18-19 he broke out with a bang, beating a couple of high ranking players. He was one hot mofo but his game really wasn’t all that. If I remember correctly (it’s been awhile) I think he started believing his PR and got lazy and his game suffered and then he had an injury. Haven’t really heard much from him lately, which is understandable when his ranking is in the 500s. He can’t even get wild cards into small tournaments with that ranking and his game is not good enough to come back from that no matter how hard he works.

    I think the “bulge” is a can of tennis balls. Maybe he and Kaley are on their way to play tennis and the rackets are in the car.

  39. Leslie says:

    I wouldn’t think the paps could recognize her in that getup, so someone had to alert them exactly where she was going to be and how she was dressed for them to get her. And all those two or three daily posts on JJ of her. Someone’s paying him to post them, and he’s putting hers in that top row where they stay visible for a day or two. Doesn’t the PR team let her in on what they’re doing? I remember Jessica Alba saying that her PR person told her to strut her stuff while she was pregnant so the paps could get her.

  40. Sway says:

    Her crooked mouth distracts me from everything else.

    • Raquel says:

      I think she realize how obvious it was when she was glaringly overjoyed to see people taking her pics when she was dating Cavil. Now, she’s trying too hard to look pissed when she sees them. My theory, at least. Still…

      What is she doing in every one of her pap shots to make that expression? Add that to the fact that she usually looks like she rolled out of bed, and it just isn’t attractive.

  41. Jayna says:

    She got dumped quickly and unceremoniously after the papping, and to save face, she has to be seen once with someone else. So of course this was set up. Simple enough.

  42. Sarah says:

    Never even heard of her before she started dating Heny Cavill, so I guess the couple contract worked then.

  43. RPG says:

    The new Kaley pics were released like less than three days after the Cavill-in-London ones were. Plus, she’s seen trotting out a new (alleged) boyfriend barely a month after the Cuocovil debacle. Hm.

  44. Virgilia Coriolanus says:

    WHAT on earth is she wearing?!

    Good Lord, I have no fashion sense, but I would never be caught dead in that. That shirt reminds me of Season 10 in Project Runway-Lantie. She was the one who couldn’t design to save her life. THIS is what her outfit reminds me of:


    And I agree with the poster who said it….she looks smug. I’m so disappointed with her. I may not have watched her show (don’t have tv) but I really liked her. She was one of the few that didn’t pimp out her personal life to the cameras….now she’s gone all Ashley Greene (ugh).

  45. K37744 says:

    Um….there’s a woman in the above photos? I think you’re all missing the important part here. That is one FINE piece of lanky man-candy. I’d get under that business in a millisecond.

  46. Whatever says:

    Leave her alone you bitter betty’s. She is a sweet awesome girl who’s show is coming to an end. Don’t fault her because her pr team set things up. If that is indeed the case. Maybe two hot people just got together for a little fun and in the Lindsey lohan absence bored paps picked her to pap. She has always wondered around living her life. Just because now the paps (vile creatures) are paying attention doesn’t give you sad sacks license to start the bullying campaign.

    • RPG says:

      So if the paps can’t go after Blohan, then next on their list is…Kaley motherfunkin’ Cuoco, a complete milquetoast in comparison?


  47. bebe says:

    So I feel like this Cuoco’s show is the equivalent of what Friends was in the 90s. . . and yet, until the superman hoopla I honestly had never heard of her. Then she does a Henry 2.0 with going food shopping with the guy, and outdoor sports and hugging him a lot. . . . so I can only surmise that for some reason she has decided to unearth herself from obscurity and yes, get papped. Nothing wrong with that but don’t call us all idiots for figuring it out.

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:


      I don’t care if you want to be a fameho (man or woman), but own up to it. This reminds me of when Miley Cyrus started screaming at the paparazzi- “Who called you!”-and they said “you did”.

    • trudy347 says:

      This. Cuoco dated her COSTAR for TWO YEARS!!!! Nobody knew. That gave me a level of respect for her that I rarely have for stars. Believe me, that took some doing on her part but also tells me she has a desire for her privacy and separating work for her personal life.

      So what’s going on now with her – I really don’t get. Unless she sees the end of her tv career looming before her and is trying to take a page from the Aniston playbook.

  48. NJ says:

    She is the one tweeted a pic drooling over mos poster while cavill still hasn’t confirm his break up with gina. if she has so much dignity why would she do something like that? of course after her behavior people will want to know what she has been doing.

    And cavill doesn’t need publicity. He is the star of 2013’s 2nd highest grossing movie. He as well as his body will be the hot topic of conversation all over the year, the guy has been featured in every big magazines, went to every talk show, billboard, posters, tv, media- he is everywhere. he doesn’t need publicity.

    Maybe he thought cuoco was funny like penny but when he saw how clingy and attention seeking she is, he left her. and it’s a good thing.

  49. kim says:

    Wow that was a mean tweet from her…

    No one tbought she was paying paps we all knew it was a contract fakeship, like this one.