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10 Responses to “Victoria Beckham to star in NBC reality show”

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  1. frewtloop says:

    Nobody is really interested in her Topaz and she knows it. Thast’s why she is so desperate to stay in the limelight that she will sacrifice her husband’s career, her children’s privacy and put her own marriage in jeopardy to do it. That makes her one fucking dumb, misguided and pretty darn unattractive bimbo.

  2. gg says:

    Oh, puke-a-rama! Now we have to see her even more?? damn. Go away, Pugsly.

  3. topaz says:

    I’m mystified as to why anyone cares about this woman.

  4. julie says:

    She can kiss that marriage goodbye. Who has been able to do a reality show and maintain a marriage? (Aside form the Osbourne’s, but they have drug-adled brains on their side.)

  5. Ocean says:

    Does this woman ever smile? She looks like she’s ready to be stuffed into a coffin (a very small coffin)

  6. Mr. T says:

    eh, another reality TV show I will never watch. Face it, these celeb’s must believe they are genuinely liked by people. I look at them like a freak show.

  7. declanium says:

    julie, would that Beckham would leave the “corpse.” But he will not…she must have a spell on him.

  8. foofie foo says:

    she is going to be skewered and burnt like shishkabob.

  9. Girlygrrl says:

    Now I don’t remember her in ANYTHING except The Spice Girls…and they sucked even back in the day. So what are we to expect?

  10. Yeah says:

    Me too @ topaz! Isn’t she just an anorexic british pig-faced chick???