Teresa Giudice on fraud charges ‘it can suck your soul dry faster than anything else’

I really didn’t want to write about the Giudices, but it’s very slim pickings. Thanks, Congress! The last we reported on these tools (The Giudices, not Congress), they were about to go on Watch What Happens Live to whine about the fact that they have to face the consequences for stealing other people’s money. In their Watch What Happens Live interview, they claimed to be living within their means, and they also said that they’re only are being prosecuted because they’re celebrities. Plus they kept insisting that they’re innocent and take no responsibility. Many sites said that the couple seemed to be in deep denial.

Well Teresa is now attempting to do some damage control. She posted a new entry to her blog about the interview, and said she’s not in denial. She’s just a strong woman, keeping up appearances and continuing to spend the money she owes her creditors:

The Watch What Happens Live interview with Andy was intense. I think he was very respectful and did a great job. Hopefully we answered enough questions, but it is aggravating to not be able to speak freely about everything. When this is all over, we will! As Joe said, we pleaded not guilty for a reason. Thank you all so much for your support and for withholding judgment until the trial is over.

I’m not in denial about it, I know it’s serious and terrible, and I wouldn’t wish this situation on anyone. If you’ve ever been in any kind of legal situation, even a divorce, you know it can suck your soul dry faster than almost anything else. It’s not a pretty process. But I choose to stay positive. I really believe that being positive and being happy is a choice. It would be easy to stay in bed and cry all day. It’s hard to keep moving forward, keep working, and keep your head up, but that’s what strong women do. Especially being a mom, I can’t fall apart. I have four little girls looking at me to see how to handle bad times. I want to set a good example for them because life involves bad times. You have to know how to cope and not to crumble. And I trust in God. I trust that no matter what, we’ll be OK. Worrying isn’t going to do one thing to help us.

[From BravoTV via Radar Online]

That “suck your soul dry” comment reminds me of something Bethenny Frankel recently said about her divorce. Bethenny said that “divorce is the most difficult thing you could go through in your life.” This statement from Teresa is similar. In the charmed life of these reality stars, legal issues are the worst things they’ve ever gone through. They’re so self-centered they consider legal problems to be the worst thing anyone can go through. They have little to no experience with poverty, accidents, health problems, loved ones dying or otherwise having any idea of what goes on outside their bubble. And they expect people to feel sorry for them.

I do have a lot of sympathy for their kids, but Teresa and Joe made their bed and they did it systematically over several years. They should face the consequences.

These photos are from 8-14, 9-9 and 9-12. Credit: WENN.com

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39 Responses to “Teresa Giudice on fraud charges ‘it can suck your soul dry faster than anything else’”

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  1. Samanthalous says:

    Well this woman has no soul and she needs to stop with the hair plugs on her hairline.

    • carol says:

      wait, do you think she has done that to herself?!

    • gg says:

      I see no difference; she’s always had the Cro-Magnon hairline. Nobody would do this intentionally. She needs it waxed off, not on. If there’s any change it’s only because she stopped waxing.

    • Anonny says:

      She’s always had a two-head. (Not even a three-head.)

  2. Kiddo says:

    She had a soul? Or does she mean sole?

    She seems to be consistently using her children for pity.

  3. emmie_a says:

    I can understand her still living her life and smiling while this is going on but crying while asking, ‘why is this happening to me??? and thinking she’s not guilty IS the definition of denial in this case!! The government has the signed documents and the paper trail. They have a huge case against these idiots. Teresa’s delusion knows no bounds. And I’m sure it is terrible and soul sucking and all that, but hey, you did this all to yourself. Maybe try not defrauding people in the future.

  4. Rhiley says:

    Did she still this from Bethenny Frankel’s blog?

  5. DanaG says:

    I think she is going to try and use I’m a mother and my kids need me card. There are plenty of mothers behind bars no reason why she shouldn’t be for her crimes. If they are trying to get pity from the public they won’t get any.

    • Erinn says:

      There are a lot of crazies that support her. I made the mistake of reading a few stories on her over at radar. There are some die-hard fans, and they seem to put her on a pedestal for being such a bitch.

      • bbb1975 says:

        You’ve got that right! I read a couple of other blogs and some posters go crazy defending Her.

    • lucy2 says:

      Yup – if you don’t want to risk having to leave your kids to go to jail, don’t commit crimes!

    • emmie_a says:

      There are other couples with kids who have gone to jail. If she has a sympathetic judge he will stagger her jail time w/Joe’s sentence.

  6. Patricia says:

    With all that crazy spending you would think she could have shelled out some cash to fix her ridiculous hairline already!
    They should both go to jai.l materialism is a disease and it turned them into monsters.

  7. NeNe says:

    Don’t you have to have a sole to have it sucked dry? She is such a despicable person. I hope she rots in jail.

    Great role model she is to her little girls. She is pure evil… nothing but trailer trash with a trash bag mouth!!! Karmas a bitch, hey Teresa??

    • Chicagogurl says:

      x10000 yes! You can’t have actively defrauded the government and then claim nuh-uhn! It’s ridiculous. She’s a low level D list celeb. Look at how many A or B list people who are in tax trouble. wesley snipes, nick cage, eddie murphy. The government will go after anyone – they just want their money. Maybe if she had not paid so much attention to what everyone else was doing she wouldn’t be in this mess. You can’t trust your husband honey, when he ain’t lying to you, he’s lying to his girlfriends and the government. Take some responsibility for at least lying about where you worked and how much money you made.

  8. Froggy says:

    I couldn’t believe they actually said they live within their means.
    These people show no remorse at all for stealing money from business partners and all the lying and to take out more money to live a lifestyle way above their means. They can’t even admit they did anything wrong. They def need some jail time.

    • GiGi says:

      I know! I wish Andy Cohen had been all, “Um when you declared bankruptcy you were 11 million in the hole – how is that living within your means?”

  9. erika says:

    Sounds like itcan suck your brains out more than anything durrrhhhh

  10. Kara says:

    Does Bravo not look into who they’re putting on tv first? Jeez it’s like a lying, stealing show & tell…

  11. lucy2 says:

    You know what else hurts your soul and is a terrible thing to go through? Having thieves like these two take your hard earned money and publicly live it up.

  12. GiGi says:

    I’m not saying she’s not culpable here – but it sounds like Juicy Joe ran the books/finances for their family.

    Ladies let this be a lesson! Know where your money is, how much and how it’s being spent! Also, don’t marry a criminal… that’s a good start.

    It sounds like he falsified the documents, and knew this was coming down for years and she just found out about it when the charges were filed. What a d!ckbag.

    • emmie_a says:

      That’s not the entire story. Her witnessed signature is on a lot of documents. She is 100% responsible for that. She is just as much of a criminal.

    • bbb1975 says:

      She also applied for loans in her own name with false W-2 forms,and false paycheck stubs. She is not innocent in this.

    • lucy2 says:

      I don’t think that’s the case in their situation, I think she fully knew, but in general I agree with your advice. So many people (more often women) blindly let their partner handle all the money, and end up being burned, or really struggling if they’re alone someday.

  13. Yelly says:

    I wonder if all this ish would be going down had they never been on RHONJ

    • Anna-fo-Fanna says:

      Oh, I think so. RHONJ may have sped up the process a little, but the government always comes for you. I didn’t even owe any money on taxes one year because I had worked only overseas, and they STILL sent me a scary letter when I forgot to file. And I didn’t even owe anything. Believe me, nothing stops the govt.

  14. neelyo says:

    These two can’t go to jail fast enough.

  15. BeckyR says:

    I think perhpas it was the reunion last year when Teresa’s husband said he did not know how much money Teresa made. You know the episode: the one where he called her a c–t. The feds would not go after them if their case wasn’t airtight. They thought the party would go on forever. She should great in prison clothes.

  16. gg says:

    “‘it can suck your soul dry faster than anything else”

    Even more than materialism and spending to obscene proportions to impress other idiots, flaunting overpriced labels, marital infidelity, pretending you’re better than everybody else, not paying your taxes due, spending other people’s cash and actual fraud? Wow.

  17. claire says:

    These two are dumber than a box of rocks. But has anyone ever gone to any of the HW blogs? Holy crap people worship this woman to an insane level. They lose all logic and common sense to defend her. On one hand they think this woman is the best ever businesswoman to exist in the history of HW shows and she is uber-intelligent. In the next sentence, she’s some poor trusting naive woman who would sign lots of false documents blindly and is oh so innocent.

  18. Tracy says:

    Teresa has a soul?

  19. nicegirl says:

    I wish folks like this would work with parents of children who have survived some SERIOUS sh-t, and count their blessings.

    I can think of some very severe, soul sucking situations that have absolutely nothing to do with a judge or jury.

    A reality “star” OUT OF TOUCH with reality!

  20. Used☩oBeLulu says:

    Yeah, committing fraud is very soul sucking. Shoulda thought of that before you did it.

  21. Ho Stroll says:

    Her hairline is way too intense for me. I would never leave my house if half of my forehead was covered in hair. .

  22. Lisa says:

    You know what else can suck your soul out? Reality TV.

  23. Caz says:

    Cosign with everyone. I really hope these two get jail time. Disgraceful.