Tom Cruise to accompany Katie Holmes on film shoot

There was a story in Star Magazine in mid February that Tom Cruise was annoyed that Katie Holmes was going to take Suri with her on a three month film shoot in Louisiana for the comedy Mad Money with Queen Latifah and Diane Keaton. Tom was said to be planning to send Scientology minders to babysit Katie as well as visit her as often as possible. The story at that time was that Tom couldn’t manage to be there with Katie throughout the entire film shoot as he had to run the United Artists studio back in LA.

Page Six reports today that Tom has gotten rid of any pretense of needing to spend time apart from his fresh-faced wife and is now planning on staying the entire time with her while she makes the film.

Holmes is due to start shooting “Mad Money” – a comedy about three women who plan to steal millions from the Federal Reserve and also starring Diane Keaton and Queen Latifah – in Shreveport, La., in the next month or so. One insider said, “Tom has called producers and told them he will be on set every day.

“He wants to observe what’s going on and will probably help Katie out.” The couple will likely bring their infant daughter, Suri, along as well.

Jim Acheson, one of the movie’s producers, told Page Six, “I don’t know if that’s the case, so I can’t confirm. We are happy to have both Katie and Tom on set.”

A rep for Cruise and Holmes wasn’t available for comment.

The insider added, “Katie’s agent, Hylda Queally [at CAA], chose this role for her because it is a female buddy movie. There is no love interest and she wouldn’t be kissing anyone or have a sex scene.”

Ever since Katie debuted her new face at Paris fashion week the gossip rags have been reporting that Katie is breaking away from Tom, and that she has turned from a Stepford wife into a nag. She does seem to have come onto her own since marrying Tom, and to have regained some of her old sparkle. I don’t find it surprising that Tom wants to make sure she behaves herself while she is away working. There were also rumblings that Tom rejected many scripts sent to Katie, ostensibly because they involved love scenes. This may be the reason she’s not doing the Batman sequel, although that’s just speculation. She is rumored to be replaced by Rachel McAdams.

Here are pictures of Katie leaving a meeting in LA on 3/5. She is seen with a sketchbook with a picture of faceless model wearing some kind of elaborate skirt. Is she getting into designing clothing? Thanks to for these pictures.

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4 Responses to “Tom Cruise to accompany Katie Holmes on film shoot”

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  1. Sarah I. says:

    Sometimes I just get the shivers looking at the both of them together. You have to wonder what in the hell goes on behind closed doors. I just find this whole thing so strange. I cant wait, years from now, on a true hollywood story we will hear some weird crap all of this. It is so creepy that he basically chose her wedding dress, among other things. Now movie scripts? That is really weird!

  2. Jenna says:

    Can’t let the drone…whoops, I meant wife out of sight.

    But really, does anyone want to be on this movie set anymore? Can you imagine how disruptive it will be with the son of Zenu running around controlling his wife’s every move and trying to convert everyone?

  3. chicmommy says:

    I agree with Sarah, I can’t wait for the E! True Hollywood Story either. That Tom is such a control freak, I bet Katie would make millions if she ever wrote a tell-all.

  4. frewtloop says:

    whatever *yawn* she’s a dork with thick legs