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4 Responses to “Tom Cruise to accompany Katie Holmes on film shoot”

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  1. Sarah I. says:

    Sometimes I just get the shivers looking at the both of them together. You have to wonder what in the hell goes on behind closed doors. I just find this whole thing so strange. I cant wait, years from now, on a true hollywood story we will hear some weird crap all of this. It is so creepy that he basically chose her wedding dress, among other things. Now movie scripts? That is really weird!

  2. Jenna says:

    Can’t let the drone…whoops, I meant wife out of sight.

    But really, does anyone want to be on this movie set anymore? Can you imagine how disruptive it will be with the son of Zenu running around controlling his wife’s every move and trying to convert everyone?

  3. chicmommy says:

    I agree with Sarah, I can’t wait for the E! True Hollywood Story either. That Tom is such a control freak, I bet Katie would make millions if she ever wrote a tell-all.

  4. frewtloop says:

    whatever *yawn* she’s a dork with thick legs