Kerry Washington: ‘I’ve never been bothered by the lesbian rumor’


Kerry Washington has a new interview in The Advocate, which you can read here. Honestly, I go back and forth on Kerry. I never outright dislike her, but some days she’s not one of my absolute favorite people. She’s got a touch of Hiddleston – a bit too earnest, a bit twee, dorky in a way that can either be sweet or really annoying. I’m not saying she’s a bad person or anything, but it sometimes feels like she’s trying so hard to be inoffensive to the widest audience possible. Which I guess is a smart move when you’re a movie/TV star. Here are some highlights from the interview – I didn’t realize until just now that there’s a small contigent of people who think that Kerry is gay. ???

Whether she was ever bullied: “I was way too much of a flaky theater kid to pay attention. I definitely had periods of feeling like an outsider, but I’ve never experienced the terror that so many young people are experiencing today. I was lucky.”

On the rumors that she’s a lesbian: “It’s interesting how much people long to fill in the gaps when someone in the public eye doesn’t share their personal life. I understand their frustration. I like how people will post pictures of me with other women that I adore, hugging on red carpets, and say, “See?” Are we so uncomfortable with love between two people of the same gender that we immediately label it as sexual? But I’ve never been bothered by the lesbian rumor. There’s nothing offensive about it, so there’s no reason to be offended.”

The rumor that she would play Dusty Springfield’s lover in a possible bio-pic starring either Kristin Chenoweth or Adele: “Sure! Listen, I’m still a little partial to Kristin because she’s so amazing, but I’d be honored to play the lover of either one of those gorgeous, talented women.”

Who is her most good-looking co-star ever? “Oh, gosh! I can’t compare! It’s like asking a mother to pick her favorite child. I have been so lucky to work with the most amazing leading men in Hollywood, from James McAvoy to Jamie Foxx to Tony Goldwyn. How do you even begin to choose?”

LGBT support of Scandal: “For our show in particular, because it represents such diversity on so many levels, sexual orientation included, it means a lot. I always want to be a part of work that speaks to people across the lines that divide us. When fans came up to me, I used to play this game where I’d guess which of my movies they wanted to talk about. It was a totally horrible game based on outward appearances and assumptions about identity. Like, if it was an older black woman, I knew she wanted to talk about Ray. If it was a guy in his 20s, it was Fantastic Four. And if it was a lesbian, it was She Hate Me. But because it has such an amazing following that crosses age, race, gender, and sexual orientation, Scandal has changed the game completely.”

Homophobia within the black community: “Something that brings me great joy is knowing what Scandal’s audience looks like in terms of African-American households and knowing that so many African-American people and families are being introduced to our characters James and Cyrus. It’s really exciting that millions of viewers each week are living life with this amazing, complex couple, stepping into their gay marriage and adoption experience, which is such a vital storyline in our show.”

Tweeting support for LGBT communities worldwide: “When there are crimes against humanity being committed in the world, we are all so vulnerable. We have to look out for and protect each other.”

Twitter backlash: “Oh, all the time! I like when people express a difference of opinion on Twitter, because that’s so wonderful about the country we live in. You don’t have to agree with me, but if you come at me with hatred and slurs, I will block you.”

[From The Advocate]

Do you see what I mean? She’s a lovely person, very sweet and earnest and kind, but there is an element of “oh golly gee shucks” that I personally find a tad cloying. But that’s just me – I appreciate a dirty mind and a dirty mouth in men and women. But it’s good that Kerry is such a prominent African-American actress talking about LGBT issues and supporting the community.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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36 Responses to “Kerry Washington: ‘I’ve never been bothered by the lesbian rumor’”

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  1. Nya says:

    She is HORRIBLE on Scandal. Her overacting like jumps out from the tv and slaps me in the face. I don’t understand why she or Scandal is getting all this attention.

    But she seems nice.

    • Jade says:

      I agree! Every time I watch her on that show, it’s so obvious that she’s acting or trying very hard to act. It actually detracts from the show in a big way.

    • frivolity says:

      I agree. I can see why Scandal might be considered a guilty pleasure, but the whole show suffers from really poor writing. It is repetitive and nearly every character speaks in the same voice (much like in Sorkin shows). It’s a really campy nighttime soap – that’s all. I don’t know what all of the accolades are for.

      • JS says:

        I think because it’s good campy fun and involving POTUS. NO matter what she’s not going end up with him. I think the show has a 4 or 5 yr run, that’s it. Plus the chemistry between her and Tony Goldwyn.

      • Lucinda says:

        Lots of shows are guilty of that same voice thing. It is pretty prominent in Scandal because the voice is so specific. Buffy the Vampire Slayer was really guilty of it too but I’ve noticed in in other shows as well to a lesser extent. Grey’s Anatomy comes to mind. Alias. Revenge. It is more subtle but it’s there. While it can be distracting, it can also add to the quirkiness of the show. I think Scandal is a show you love or hate. There’s just no middle ground. It’s not realistic. The story lines are ridiculous and vampy. But I still love it because it has a diversity of strong characters with bigger-than-life persona’s that I can get lost it. But if you can’t suspend your disbelief, yeah, it can be an obnoxious show.

  2. T.fanty says:

    I don’t find it annoying per se, but I do agree in how she’s trying to be as inoffensive as possible and it’s coming off as really bland. That said, I like KW. She spoke at a friend’s graduation, and was absolutely lovely, inspiring, and smart.

    I also completely agree with her sentiment re: gay rumours. I’m sure is intended as a pejorative, but it isn’t an offensive thing to say.

  3. blue marie says:

    Such a lovely woman, love her answers. Not that it matters but this I’ve ever heard of gay rumors regarding her.

  4. Vera says:

    Gosh, I wasn’t aware that there were lesbian rumors about her. Is my gossip game that off? Anyway, I think she’s beautiful and smart, and it’s nice to see a black person in a major role that’s not stereotypically black. We’re more than slaves, maids, and thugs.

    • Myrto says:

      I think it’s because it’s The Advocate that they brought it up? I had never heard of those lesbian rumors either, so. Must be a tumblr thing.
      I also agree that while she sounds lovely, she also seems way too earnest and desperate to please everybody. Which is not a dig against her, just, yeah, she’s a bit boring to me.

  5. AlmondJoy says:

    I’m fine with the fact that she avoids controversy. Nothing wrong with a celeb being determined to stay positive.

  6. Eh...I'm Indifferent says:

    Love her!

    I can appreciate that she is as inoffensive as possible. She never goes for controversy or shock factor. She has worked steadily for years and got her recognition for what truly matters…her work.

  7. eliza says:

    Isn’t everyone in HWood at one time or another confronted with a gay rumor in the media’s attempt to get someone on the DL to bite? I don’t buy half the rumors out there, and certainly never have heard one regarding her.

    Gay, straight or Bi, she kind of annoys me for no particular reason. I will say she is lovely looking but her fashion choices regardless what the fawning masses on Good Morning America say, are not that great.

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      For her, I get the feeling that she has gay rumors because she’s not putting her personal life out there for public consumptino, and she doesn’t comment on it when people ask. So it’s easier to keep the rumors going, because the idiots who buy tabloids or whatever think that she’s hiding her sexuality.

  8. Hakura says:

    That DRESS…. That God-awful 1st pic DRESS…. It looks like a Hee Haw prom dress! The fug is strong, with this one. I don’t really have much of an opinion on Kerry. I’ve never seen anything she’s been in, so can’t really judge. (I don’t know why, but for some reason I had in my head that she was a super bitch. No idea where I heard that).

  9. Jayna says:

    I liked her interview.

  10. Nono says:

    Very beautiful, successful people are often really bland. Kerry Washington strikes me as that sort of person (politics aside, which is obviously where she’d be more substantial because it’s the one area where she has experienced “friction”, thanks to being black).

    I don’t see anything wrong with being inoffensive. Sometimes inoffensive is just what we need. It can be a reassuring oasis.

  11. frivolity says:

    Two “words”: Type A

    It comes across in her interviews as well as in her acting. She seems like she is probably nice enough, but I personally find that uptightness quite annoying …

  12. ashley says:

    Kerry was raised by great parents,who instill confidence in her from a young age. She’s an amazing human being,some people just love to hate on people for no reason at all. She has steadily build her career over the years,without shock value or controversy,she’s not like that. I’m so happy for her success,she deserve it.

  13. Andrea says:

    I’m not going to fault this woman for being classy, kind and well spoken. It’s a refreshing change. I wish we could rebrand our cultural sphere so that it wasn’t always the instinct to find a nice person boring or annoying. I love Kerry and I love Scandal. Is it over the top? Absolutely. But it’s a nighttime soap so that’s fine. I enjoy it. It’s good fun and I don’t ask for much else from that kind of show.

    As for her hottest male co-star? That’s easy. Scott Foley.

  14. Madriani's Girl says:

    Not to be a grouch on the love fest but by not landing publicly on either side of the fence (which of course she is under no obligation to do), she knows more attention will be paid to her the more she sidesteps it. She is keeping the focus on herself by not self-identifying because she knows the moment she definitively announces her sexuality, 90% of the interest in her will go away.

  15. jess says:

    I agree with you, Andrea. The more Kerry talks the more I like her. She’s classy and keeps a low profile. She’s not out to shock or use her private life to get attention (side eye at Gwynnie). And I love, love, love scandal!

  16. Raised Brow says:

    Why that blue monstrosity (1st pic) and WHY that satin sack (last pic)?

  17. Emily C. says:

    The reasons you dislike her and Tom Hiddleston are the reasons I like them. Oh noes, not dorky and earnest, what terrible things to be! Are we in high school?

    • duchess of hazard says:

      I agree with Emily C. I like the fact that Hiddleston and Washington will endeavor to give ‘good interview’ in that the reporter gets something to take away. They aren’t trying to be edgy or anything. Cumberbatch is quite similar to Hiddleston and Washington in that way, and he never gets slated like Hiddleston does.

    • olaf78 says:

      I totally agree.
      Hiddleston and Washington seem like people who care about what they do, and they dedicate themselves to being good at those things.

      Earnestness, curiosity and dedication are GOOD things to emulate, to admire.

  18. Fan says:

    Always beautiful. I like her.

  19. TherapyCranes says:

    I thought she was gay. Not that I care one way or another.

  20. RHONYC says:

    that lesbian scene on the kitchen counter in ‘She Hate Me’ was HOT!
    she & Dania Ramirez had a bitch turned ON! *teehee* 😉

  21. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:


  22. TheOriginalWaffle says:

    Now I’m thinking about a hookup between Washington and Hiddleston. Hot, right?

  23. Abby says:

    I just came over here to comment on Kerry’s pregnancy. I laughed OUT LOUD when they had a scene this last week in Scandal of her in PJ’s carrying a box of photos in front of her stomach. The preggo hiding has started!!