Duchess Kate begrudgingly befriends Cressida ‘Waity 2.0’ Bonas: good idea?


I hope Cressida Bonas sticks around for a while. She’s a fun addition to our royal gossip, mostly because I’ve always assumed that Cressida Bonas sides with the York princesses on all things and that means she’s mortal enemies with the Middleton women. What is the cause of all of this alleged consternation? Is it just a simple matter of “old money aristocracy” versus “gauche nouveau riche”? Is it about Kate’s desire to be the alpha dog of the royal brides? Or is it about Kate’s discomfort with anything related to Cressida’s half-sister Isabella?

Ayway, after fueling months of speculation that Harry was looking to marry “the anti-Kate” Cressy, Cressy did quit her dance studies, allegedly because she wants to have a more princess-ready CV. Basically, we’re witnessing the Waityiazation of Cressida. Cressida is going to waity for the ring by working odd jobs that allow her free time to bang Harry. And so, just like that, Waity 1.0 is welcoming Waity 2.0 to the family!

“Kate never took any of Harry’s girlfriends seriously, because he’s been a wild child,” reveals a palace insider. “But she had a change of heart after Harry invited Cressida to Sandringham to spend her first Christmas with the royal family, and he may propose to her soon.”

Kate immediately set up a tea date, giving her potential sister-in-law a crash course in palace behavior: “Kate promised to mentor her on everything from hair, clothes and makeup to how to converse with the Queen. Cressida was always scared of Kate, but now she feels a million times better.”

[From Star Mag, print edition]

Hahahaha “Kate promised to mentor her on everything from hair, clothes and makeup…” For the love of God, Cressida, do NOT listen to Kate. She will have you wearing raccoon eyeliner and huge, sausage-curled weaves. She will make you wear flouncy miniskirts that fly up in front of children. Showgirls: Royal Edition. Noooo! Of course, Cressida is the kind of girl who wears (“ironic”) scruchies while on dates with Prince Harry. So maybe Cressida could use some help, although NOT from Kate.

In addition to this story, the UK mag Look has a similar piece about Cressida and Kate burying the proverbial hatchet, but their newfound friendliness is making the palace very uneasy. A source tells Look: “There is a fear that everything is changing so fast. Many of the more senior officials at the palace don’t like the modernisation of the royals, and with Kate and Cressida becoming more influential, there’s obviously a worry that even more changes are afoot.” Well… I think the palace’s Men In Grey should be worried if Cressida and Kate are the future of the monarchy.




Photos courtesy of WENN, PCN, Fame/Flynet.

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81 Responses to “Duchess Kate begrudgingly befriends Cressida ‘Waity 2.0’ Bonas: good idea?”

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  1. LadySlippers says:

    Eh. This is probably another BS story….

    ETA: An interesting article about a comment from Cressida’s brother…


  2. gogoGorilla says:

    I never comment on Kate stories because I think the hate for her here is kind of ridiculous (you can spare me the manifestos on how the royals are such a waste of space and taxpayer money–I will still like them when you are done).

    But! Here I am before the inevitable slew of comments so I will take the opportunity to say that while I am not always in love with the stuff she wears, that navy blue jacket is just the BOMB. So gorgeous!

    • MollyMaxwell says:

      I agree with you. I like her and I’m generally fascinated by the Royals. I get the arguments against them, but as long as they’re around, I’ll be a fan.

      I don’t always like what Kate wears either but I think she has a kickass coat closet that I’d love to have access to.

    • LadySlippers says:

      The hate here is VERY mild compared to tumblr.

      I get honest criticism in regards to any public figure but don’t like the vitriol many ‘inspire’. And most don’t know how to constructively criticize without it dissolving into hate or read honest criticism w/o interpreting it as hate. So you can’t win either way. 🙁

    • LadyMTL says:

      I’m not a royal hater by any means but at the same time I find it funny how some sites fawn all over them just because of an accident of birth while others would roast them over an open fire. I mean, they’re still people amirite? Love em, hate em, whatever. 😛

      Anyway! As for this story, I find it funny. Maybe it’s loosely based in reality but I have a visual in my head of two strange cats circling one another and hissing and etc. Methinks Kate might not want the spotlight taken away from her quite yet.

      • LadySlippers says:

        @Lady: That’s my point — they are still
        people (like us) with pros and cons. But constructive criticism is not hate but fawning over someone isn’t any better. At least IMO…

        As for the story itself, it’s been regurgitated for decades (different names same BS story) which is why I don’t buy it.

      • Florc says:

        I did call her an exhibitionist. Not a slut along with it. The context was completely off the mark from how I was saying it. Kate is from a part of the world here women can go topless. I don’t think that’s being an exhibitionist. Wearing little undergarments, high hemlines outside proper dress code, and not dressing for weather. Or rather dressing in a way that leaves a high possibility to expose yourself when it would be beyond easy to guard against it. That’s what I meant by exhibitionist.
        Thanks for not clumping my remarks in with those that will criticise her for everything. Vitriol is common here, but it comes more from the Kate fans and “haters”.

        Esti – Posted in the wrong spot.

    • Esti says:

      I don’t have a problem with people who just don’t like the Royals in general, but the ones who like some members of the family (often Charles or Harry) while spewing vitriol at Kate and/or William bother me. They’re ALL an anachronism. They’re ALL living off taxpayer money. And while I know people will yell about her doing less work than they think she should, it boggles my mind that anyone thinks Kate’s the calling the shots. The senior Royals tell her where and when to be, so if anyone is going to be criticized for her schedule, it should be the Queen and maybe Charles.

      And IMO it particularly comes off as mean-girl when it’s hypercritical of Kate but super lenient towards Harry. One sunbathes nude on a private estate and a photog gets pictures from hundreds of yards away where you never would have known they could see anything, and she’s an exhibitionist slut. The other get naked at a drunken (at best) party full of strangers in Vegas without making sure cell phones were confiscated, and he’s just a fun guy blowing off steam. Complete double standard.

      • LadySlippers says:

        The double standard drives me bananas as well.

        Although BP, CH, & SJP have stated, at one time or another, that all the Royal Households determine their own schedule (except for a few major engagements).

      • Esti says:

        LadySlippers, doesn’t that mean that Clarence House is in charge of Kate’s schedule? That’s Charles calling the shots, then. And honestly, I think that him wanting to keep her appearances limited for now makes total sense. William isn’t PoW yet, so there’s no need for W&K to have as big a role as Charles and Diana did right after they were married. Kate gets a lot of attention whenever she does make an appearance because she’s new and pretty, so it would be easy for her and Will to overshadow Charles and Camilla if they made a ton of appearances right now.

        The Royal family is into the long game — they can spend 5 or even 10 years slowly ramping up W&K’s public presence, until the Queen has passed away and William has to step into the supporting role to his father. And since W&K will have young kids during that time, that comes with the added benefit of letting them maximize the time they spend actually raising their kids. Whatever else might be said of Charles, I do believe that he was fully in agreement with Diana in wanting to have a bigger role in raising his kids personally than the Queen had with hers. I bet he’s perfectly happy to have Kate make a few appearances each month and otherwise just concentrate on George for now.

      • Florc says:

        I think you’re taking it to an extreme by saying we thought Kate was an “exhibitionist slut”. That wasn’t the criticism for that “boob-gate”. It was how Will and Kate lied about why they had to leave their paralympic obligations. The naked pics were nothing new. Kate’s had her privates snapped before. It was the pics of her smoking that were on the web for a few hours before taken down.
        And Harry, The Queen, and Charles are seen with very heavy work loads. Yes the bar is set low, but they aren’t doing nothing.

      • Esti says:

        Florc, you literally called her an exhibitionist on a post two days ago (admittedly, for upskirt shots of her getting out of a car, not the sunbathing ones, but I find those pictures just as intrusive and offensive). Plenty of people here and elsewhere still refer to the sunbathing thing as some kind of proof that she’s purposefully flashing her business to the world and/or doesn’t care if she does so. The fact that you had separate objections to her being in France at that time is kind of irrelevant.

      • Suze says:

        Nah, I don’t buy that it’s mean-girling or a double standard – it’s just life. Some people get a pass and some don’t, and it’s usually based on ease and charm and nothing fair. Sad, but true. If anything, it’s payback time for the gents because back in the day Diana got a pass for all types of outrageous behavior and Charles got dinged for everything.

        Harry is charming, he carries Diana’s genes, and people just like him.

        Kate, bless her, is just harder to warm up to. Oddly I find myself taking up her side up as of late – dunno why.

        It has nothing to do with how their lives are funded, because you’re right, they’re all living on the dole, and everything to do with that crazy, unfair thing called charisma.

      • Mrs.Krabapple says:

        I don’t like most of the royals, especially spoiled and lazy William and Harry, and racist azzhole Phillip. However, some of the royals at least TRY to appear to take their jobs seriously and do the best they can to give back through busy work schedules — like the Queen and Princess Anne.

        Kate is just lazy, period. And before someone tells me that the Palace controls her schedule (and not Kate herself), my point is that she is lazy even assuming that it’s true. “Can you . . um . . . test the . . . um . . . smell of the tea . . . by smelling it?” That idiotic remark was made at a PLANNED visit to a tea shop. Given Kate’s extremely light “work” schedule, she had all the time in the world to think of something to say ahead of time, but it looks like she simply couldn’t be bothered. She deserves the criticism.

      • LadySlippers says:

        @Esti: Great question but no. The Cambridges’ Household is now out of SJP (as is Harry’s) and they themselves control their schedule except for a few major engagements.

        So every Royal from the major to the minor (excepting the Sovereign) pretty much does their own thing. This has been asked and answered numerous times even when BP or CH has been asked about specifically about William, Kate, and Harry’s schedule.

        Also, William is VERY headstrong and resists being ‘controlled’. That’s very common knowledge. So take that how you want but William and Kate aren’t being told what to do. They choose their engagements just like the rest of the Royals do. No one makes or tells the Gloucester’s, the Kent’s, or even the Princess Royal on the type and quantity of their engagements (except for those few major Royal events).

        To be a successful Royal is much like being a self employed entrepreneur. Lots of discipline and self motivation.

      • Florc says:

        Mrs. Krabapple
        You’re very right. Kate and William fully control their schedules outside of major stuff I think. More true today than a year ago. She can do whatever she likes.

    • Blueb says:

      I totally agree with you! I don’t know why but I really like her!

    • Florc says:

      You’re entitled to your well spoken opinion. All tax payer, wag, criticism aside. Some people here just want a person with her platform to be admired for something more than her hair, frame, and clothes. That shouldn’t be too much to ask from a woman with a degree, is it? And with that said! Her outfit is quite nice. She looks far better with her hair pulled back and dressed in darker, jeweled ones.

    • Suze says:

      If you actually read through the comments you’ll find that they fall out to about 30 percent total Kate-haters, 30 percent royaloonies who analyze everything Kate does and sometimes hate and sometimes don’t, about 20 percent total Kate fans, and 10 percent people who pop on here to say they never comment except to say that the Kate hate is out of control.

      I totally made those percentages up right now! But I bet if you did analyze it, it really does fall out that way.

      • gogoGorilla says:

        Yeah, you might be right about that–I usually read the articles and skip the comments (unlike other celeb threads, where I often skip the article and read the comments, LOL).

      • LadySlippers says:

        What’s a royaloonie?? Lol. My guess is I am one 😉

        But to be fair, I do not limit myself to just Kate as I follow almost all the major Imperial/ Royal/ Grand Ducal/ Princely Families. I love love history and ruling families have that in spades. 🙂

      • Suze says:

        LadySlippers, royaloonie is the name given by some posters here to those of us who follow royal families and know a lot of picayune things about them.

        And yes, I, too am a card-carrying member!

      • Florc says:

        It’s not a bad thing. Angelina/Aniston/Lohan/(insert celeb name here) all are like that. Some of these people love knowing history. Some are obsessed with an individual love or hate. Some are only as well read on a topic as these blogs allow.
        If you know more about someone or something more than another they might call you a loonie. Wear your tinfoil hate with pride:)

      • LadySlippers says:

        Suze & Florc, I’ll waive my Tudor standard with pride! 😉 But people do like to name call when it’s not warranted or necessary. And what’s wrong w/ knowing history or being intelligent about something? So I know my Royals, so? I can always learn more…

        PS ~ My name/handle was LadySlippers & Loons (both a nod to my home state) so it’s ALL good. 😀

      • Florc says:

        Are you a MAINEiac as well? I’ve found having moved out of Maine people refer to me a such. I never heard the term within state lines.

    • Suze says:

      Moved my comment to the appropriate spot.

    • bluhare says:

      All that to say you don’t like the jacket??

    • Shoe_Lover says:

      The royals actually bring in a lot of money via tourism. People want to see Buckingham Palace and all that and think of all they do for charity. Look at some of the charitable works Prince Charles alone has been involved in.

      • Florc says:

        Shoe lover
        This argument that the royals are good for tourism is full of holes. It’s been ripped to shreds here many times. Even during the year of William and Kate’s wedding the country did not even touch what other abandon castles make in tourism profits. They have their pros, but also very costly cons.

  3. davidbowie says:

    I really hate her makeup.

  4. lana86 says:

    where are the pics of prince Harry and Cressida? i still cant picture them together))) do they really date?

  5. Sandy says:

    If this woman does not pass muster on Celebitchy, who will? What does she have to do to gain people’s approval? I like her (and I’m no fan of any royalty). But compared to the rest of this bonkers family, Kate and William are pure gold.

    • T.C. says:

      Bonkers? Of course Kate and Wills are pure gold. They dress right, go on vacation all the time and do like 2 hours of charity work a month. What is there not to love?

    • Suze says:

      Well, this is snark site so no one is going to totally pass muster. There will always be snarkers, even on your favorites.

  6. The Original Mia says:

    Not buying it. Kate is concerned about Kate. She isn’t trying to help anyone, but herself and her family. I still don’t buy that Harry & Cressida are anywhere close to marriage.

  7. Thinker says:

    Kate as an alpha??? No way. No how. Kate is a beta to William, and before that Kate was a beta to her mother and her sister.

    I don’t doubt that Kate and Cressida were cold towards each other, but I’m certain it has more to do with William breaking up with Kate in 2007 allegedly to pursue a romance with Cressida’s half sister. Cressida, for her part, has several elder siblings who run in royal circles, and a close relationship with the York princesses. With all those close friends in the know, why would she go to Kate for style advice, or really any royal advice otherwise?

    • Florc says:

      Kate can be an alpha female of their group. You see it all the time. Older female who’s been there longer and dating a man with brother(s) will size up the new girl coming in. Take her under her wing, keep her close to find a weakness. And use those weaknesses and information to turn the men against the girl should the alpha want to make her an omega.
      It’s more common than most people would think.

      But this whole article seems like a lot of bull. If Cressida was close with anyone in the royal scene it’s the York girls and i’m sure Cressida knows about Kate.

    • bluhare says:

      I agree, Thinker. Kate does what William wants her to do, IMO.

    • LadySlippers says:

      Everything I’ve read has said Kate is more a follower as well. Obviously there are exceptions to that but not everyone is a leader. *shrugs*

      It’s not a bad thing.

  8. Mary says:

    I think this relationship is just for PR. The powers that be want us to forget about Harry’s Vegas trip. Remember Harry with Chelsea? He was so affectionate with her. You don’t see that with Cressida. My guess is they will be done by next summer.

    • Leah says:

      I never paid much attention to harry and cressida until this DELUGE of “it’s going to happen any day now!” engagement stuff. Harry’s friends, Cressida’s friends, palace insiders…. now Kate is “befriending” Cressida (allegedly). Just seems like a lot of effort for something that will fizzle?

    • LadySlippers says:

      I think the relationship is real — just not sure about all the leaks. Something feels off… Like papers are regurgitating time worn stories just to get hits which is why this story screams BS to me.

      My guess is they have gotten more comfy in their relationship as they’ve gone a bit more public with their outings. Other than that I’d be guessing.

      As for PDA, I do believe Harry is trying to shield her from the media glare. He’s also a lot older and more mature this go around.

      • Florc says:

        This is just my opinion. I can’t back any of this up. Harry is dating Cressida. The relationship is real. Harry is protecting Cressida and easing her into his life. The press are only getting snaps of them together every few weeks it seems. This is enough to know they’re in contact, but clever enough to have avoided detection. No one in her family is leaking info to the tabs *cough*.
        I agree with the PDA. People bring up Chelsy all the time. They were different people then. And we only liked Chelsy because it was never going to last.

        Now we’re getting these stories because the tabs are without leads. They know something is going on, but no one is leaking info and Harry knows how to keep his private life private.

        And I love that photo on Tatler. Cressida is gorgeous in a simple, elegance kind of way.

      • LadySlippers says:

        @Florc, You and I are mostly in agreement. I think she may have had or still has a family member leaking info but not as much as what the papers have us believe (there are a few quotes that seem very real). Most of this crap is pure garbage though — same stuff as what was told in the 80’s with Di & Sarah. *eye roll*

        I think the papers are desperate and are willing to fabricate something or extrapolate a tidbit (juicy or not). And then they keep hitting the replay button so we hear it again and again. And yet again.

        As for Harry vs William’s private life. This is also 100% my opinion but I think William is either okay or behind the leaks to Tanna.
        He has been quoted (more than once) about how he hates leaks and isn’t stupid and doesn’t like his privacy comprised, etc etc etc. Soooo why wouldn’t he figure out the Middleton’s are behind the leaks when the masses have??? Unless he’s behind it himself and just fakes the anger when Tanna’s been tipped off…. Just a thought I’ve had for quite some time and sadly, no way to prove it.

      • Suze says:

        As time goes by, I am beginning to realize that Chelsy Davy was pretty shrewd, as well as probably having a high amount of self awareness.

        It was apparent she and Harry were in love back in the day. They had lots of PDA, lots of vacations together and plenty of photo ops (ones that showed them in all kinds of activities that wouldn’t endear her to the palace). However, I think she pretty quickly realized that she hated the intrusion into her life, and that she had other goals (becoming a lawyer, for one thing) that wouldn’t integrate well with royal life.

        And Florc is absolutely correct in that this retro nostalgia for Chelsy is just wishful thinking. If Chelsy really were to marry into the royal family, there would be endless articles criticizing her for her rough looks and ill-fitting outfits. She would be crucified on blogs for – well – for everything that makes her Chelsy.

        I liked Chelsy, too, but she’s better as a first girlfriend for Harry than a wife. I just hope she’s not his Camilla because I’d hate to see that nasty scene play out again.

      • LadySlippers says:

        @Suze. Totally agree about the romanticising of Chelsy. 🙁 Other fandoms do this too and it’s just not right. They were in love, and like many other couples, it didn’t work. Let them be friends. And leave it at that.

        I honestly don’t see Chelsy becoming Camilla. Neither would want that. My opinion though.

      • Florc says:

        A while ago there was a lawsuit. The Middletons sued a pap. Allegedly (or factually? can’t remember) William was quite angry about this intrusion on his private life. This pap seemed to know every detail about where Kate and William were and what they were doing with tight security. He pressured the Midds to sue and the pap went broke or near broke. Anyways, he may have had some dirt on the Midds and they’re back in business together.
        So, William knows. The Midds will not bite the hand that feeds unless it’s out of ear shot.

        Chelsy could never dress well imo. She would have been slaughtered and is only brought up it seems to argue against Harry being with Cressida at all. Our memories often rewrite history here it seems

  9. Stephanie says:

    Cressida is beautiful on that magazine cover!

  10. bowers says:

    I think Kate Middleton is very pretty.

    • Dubois says:

      I think Kate is one of those people who looks okay-pretty in pictures, but who could be quite striking in real life. I also think she photographs harshly and would have “softer” features in real life. Just my opinion.

      • Florc says:

        Beatrice has that kind of face. Very pretty in real life, but she photographs terribly sometimes. Kate’s photos don’t look as good anymore because they’re less being touched up. And it looks as if she’s quit botoxing. Which is a good thing.
        She’s a nice looking woman, but she has her flaws like we all do.
        I can only speak for a friend of mine that did see Kate close up. Her skin is wrinkled with pox marks and she looks dehydrated. Hair was over processed.

    • Suze says:

      I agree that Kate is very pretty.

      I actually think the absolute fusillade of fawning press that came after the engagement – where she was lionized for her glorious hair, beautiful clothes, gorgeous face, etc., etc., just backfired. Because she is pretty but she’s not a perfect fairy angel – no one is – and it was hard to live up to.

      • Maggie says:

        Florc your disquised dislike still cracks me up! How do you know she used botox?

      • LadySlippers says:

        @Maggie: Well, the photoshopping that goes into Kate’s pics is actually pretty staggering as sometimes in the Royal fandom you can find an original, unaltered pic. Even when Kate was pregnant magazines & papers routinely made her bump larger to increase sales. It was only in video you could see the size difference. There has also been talk about the Botox but I can’t confirm OR deny it. So take that for what it’s worth.

        ETA: Not saying Kate isn’t pretty but I agree with Suze that after the engagement the press built her up into something she wasn’t.

        Besides, the press seem to think they’ve become God and they photoshop the hell outa everyone and shouldn’t. People have flaws. Let us all have them.

      • Florc says:

        Thank you Lady Slippers
        It’s a routine that Maggie will find my comments and post (without fail) how I make her laugh. I’ve taken to noring it all together since reason has fallen short.
        There’s strong evidence of Kate having a normal, wrinkly forehead with large pores and pox marks. Totally normal and I mean that with 0 criticism. Then in her unedited photos early in the marriage you could still see the pox marks, under eye bags, etc to indicate the photo was not touched up. You only missed the wrinkles. They vanished. She also showed a constant expression of being uninterested. Her smiles seemed less genuine as well. The forehead and the wrinkles are needed imo. She looked worse having them removed via botox or magic.

  11. Ashley says:

    Cressida can’t be invited to Sandringham for Christmas because she’s not royal, this is the dumbest story

    • LadySlippers says:

      It’s the main house that’s reserved for the Royal Family (and fiancés/fiancées) but there are smaller houses on the estate that non-Royal family members can and do stay at. For example, the Duchess of York has been to Sandringham but only at one of the smaller houses during Christmas so she can enjoy the holiday with her daughters.

      • Florc says:

        And it’s been tossed about that the Middleton’s will be at Amner Hall to spend Christmas with Will and Kate. The estate is massive.

  12. Audrey says:

    Keep your friends close and enemies closer.

    Kate probably hated the comparisons, she knew she didn’t measure up. Cressida as an ally means less “versus” stuff. Maybe William told her to grow up too.

  13. Gabyrana says:

    I think the Cressida cover kind of looks like Piper from Orange is the new black!

  14. Suze says:

    Cressida has influence and the palace is worried?

    Oh, so very doubtful of this.

  15. HoustonGrl says:

    Kate really looks like Marie Antoinette in the first photo.

  16. Fue McCormick says:

    My God … why doesn’t Duchess Duckface get help with her make-up? She could get a Vogue stylist with the snap of her fingers and turn her “mess” around. And what the hell? There’s such a thing call Lip Color!!!!!!! Frickin’ USE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    God … SO drab

  17. Louise says:

    I don’t see the West end job as a career change for Cressida because besides dance she also acted in plays(once even at an important festival), but she also worked behind the scenes at a tv station previously and tatler. She has many passions also with photography, singing and she also worked as a ski instructor. Unlike with Kate’s Jigsaw job, that was her own boss that said in an interview that her part-time job was scheduled around William, with Cressie we only have dailymail word for it. How a ballet/classical contemporary dancer trained in the best schools of the world would look bad in princess cv? That’s bs.

  18. Maggie says:

    What the hell kind of name is Cressida? Was somebody smoking some weed when they thought that one up? Hahahahaha

    • Tatiana says:

      Actually it is a Shakesperean name, from the play Troilus and Cressida. I find it very pretty and unusual

      • LadySlippers says:

        Very cool! Thanks for that info. 🙂

        (As I notice you sporting another Shakespearian related name)

      • Florc says:

        Cressida’s critics will often attack her name or her family. I’ve often heard “Crusty Bones” here. You work with what you have when you can’t attack the person. Playground bullying 101 I guess.

  19. Bridget says:

    I’m going to go out on a limb here and just say that if Kate invited Cressida to tea it’s because it’s generally polite to try to get to know the girlfriend (as in, the bona fide, not just a hookup) of a close family member. Not for advice, not for mentoring, but because it’s what families do.

  20. Andrea says:

    Am I the only one hoping Cressida doesn’t end up permanently with Harry and hope its just a fling? Something about her bothers me and I can’t quite place it; flighty maybe??

    • Peapod says:

      Cressida is a hippy at heart, I don’t believe she will ever be up to the ‘job’ (duties expected of a Royal Princess) plus she doesn’t have very good role models for marriage , her parents have 6 marriages between them she has been brought up with the example that when the going gets tough in your marriage you just pack up and leave,

      I think she is just too sensitive for the position and let’s face it she is would not just be marrying someone she loves but the ‘job’. Harry himself has said it’s hard to find someone who could take on the job expected of his wife. Kate on the other hand comes from a very stable family, does what is asked of her, has a very tough hide and will be in it for the long haul, even if William becomes a major cheater in years to come she will just turn a blind eye, if it hits scandal proportions she will forgive him, she has done it before and will do it again and again.

      • Florc says:

        Divorce does not run in blood lines or can be caught like a cold. I’ve been saying that a lot here. It’s about the people in the union d how they approach challenges.
        Her mother has also had difficulties and that adds to a stressful marriage. I think they could survive. Harry takes criticism in the ss and Cressida could too being his wife (maybe), but they will have it much easier than William and Kate in real life. Harry, outside of the tabs, is well respected and liked. Possibly more so than William. I think Harry has a better chance in a successful marriage taking into account his better temperment and spare title.

        And I agree. Kate will always do as William tells her. She will work as he wishes and turn a blind eye to his life outside of their bed. Wasn’t that part of how he “tested” her to make sure she’d be a suitable wife? Although, I wonder about the extra hour she asked for at her charity. And how a big eal was made that someone had to tell William she would be a bit late. She might be revolting in a good way.

  21. Hally says:

    here to say I LOVE SCRUNCHIES! I grew up in the 90’s, I think they’re cute, and they are so much easier on your hair than other elastics.

  22. Debbie says:

    This post is distressingly short of pictures of Harry. I know it’s not about Harry, exactly, but c’mon. Any reason is a good reason.

  23. Dena says:

    Three things:

    Kate’s interest in Cressida could be prurient in that she is trying to get the inside track on what’s happening with Harry & his relationship(s). She may not be privy to the ins and outs of that. Also, what does/would it “signal” if Kate & Cressida started being ladies who lunch in terms of Harry’s attachment to Cressida and Kate’s “role” and “influence”?

    This move on Kate’s part could be about self-preservation. She may want to size up the competition. And although she is now the future consort to the future king, in some ways, she is in the weakest position out of them all. If H/C were to marry and/or have some significant hang-time with W/K, Kate might end up feeling marginalized and squeezed out. She isn’t “to the manor born” nor does she seem to have a significant band of aristo friends that support her (or to clue her in on the subtleties of class-based mores). Therefore, being welcoming of Cressida from the jump helps to set up friendly, supportive ground and it may even serve to open doors for mending the chasm that exists with the York sisters.

    Admittedly, I think under both scenarios Kate is being self-serving, but hey I am cynical.

    Finally, I don’t know why but Cressida strikes me as being too young (age & experience wise). I don’t know why.

    Question: does Kate have Ladies in Waiting? If no, when will she? If yes, who are they? Thanks.

  24. LadySlippers says:

    @Dena: Another comment up thread pointed out that Cressida is very good friends w/ Eugenie and I agree that Cressida would go to her friend before Kate. I also don’t buy the alleged issues between Kate and Cressida. This is a common theme that a whole lot of women in the public eye state is 100% created by gossip sites & newspapers. Not saying they are besties but don’t buy the competition angle.

    As for Kate being squeezed out, unlikely. The Grey Men and the papers treat direct heirs (not heiresses as Philip was not treated kindly) and their spouses differently than others in the BRF. Harry’s wife will always (except in the beginning) get the shaft because of Harry not being the direct heir (you should hear how the papers knowingly and willing turned public opinion against Sarah and preserved Diana’s angelic perception).

    As for Ladies in Waiting (LiW), early in the marriage or during the engagement William announced that as a part of them trying to be a ‘modern’ Royal couple Kate would not have LiW. LiW are typically women of aristocratic birth and accompany the Royal on official duties — especially foreign tours and do it as an unpaid service to the Crown. I think many of Kate’s flying skirt issues could be solved with a knowledgable LiW. However, Kate does have a personal assistant but she does not appear to have the same knowledge base a LiW does. But I could be wrong and I’m strictly using Kate’s repeated errors as a basis for that judgement.

    As for Cressida’s age, I agree. She appears to be a young 24 but again I could be wrong and it could be that the papers are just creating that image. But I do believe the quote from her brother when he stated Cressida would struggle as a Princess. Most of us would tbh.

    I hope I answered all your questions Dena. 🙂

  25. Dena says:

    Thanks Ladyslippers! That helped.

    On the one hand, I have compassion & empathy for Kate even when I profess not to have any. However, that gets blown out of the water every time she does “stupid” stuff–the stuff that a 31 year old normal college graduate with some life experience behind them would know. Some people may argue that her life and experiences are not in keeping with normal middle class (upper & lower) or working class lifestyles. I’d have to push back on that if only because while she was bagging Willy, she should have broadened her pursuit to build in experiences around the types of roles she’d be called upon to play, i.e, public speaking, charity work, general knowledge (low level stuff) that she seems to thick to get. No, she could not have known her exact role but her “prep” work for the role is both embarrassing to her as well as pitiful.

    • Florc says:

      Allegedly Kate was doing “secretive charity work” while dating William. That was rehashed in the new or latest book on Kate’s edited life. And Kate could not have a job and pursue William. His other girlfriends all had careers and passions. He allegedly cheated heavily on them. Kate had to watch him like a hawk and always be accessible.
      Also, Carol bank rolled Kate’s lifestyle fully. Kate kept up appearances and was always available for a spur of the moment destination vacation for whatever length of time. It’s unlikely she would have stuck around if she hadn’t been so persistent. Even when They broke up Kate dated William’s friends to stay close. This girl did have a job. She was pursuing her MRS/DOC/HRH d still to come POW degrees. Very time consuming.