Chris Evans is so over Marvel superhero films: ‘I don’t know if my heart’s in it’

Chris Evans

These are photos of Chris Evans last Monday after he filled in for Andrew Garfield at the Oscars. Chris never looks happy to see the paps, but at least he’s not running away from them. The last time we really discussed Chris, it was to talk about rumors that Marvel would replace him after Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Those buzzings were probably unfounded because I don’t see Evans wiggling out of his six-film contract. Marvel definitely doesn’t want to replace dat Cap ass. Dude is stuck in his contract no matter what. Of course this hasn’t stopped him from firing up his self-described whiny bitch” act to promote the second movie. Winter Solder comes out in early April, and Chris has started his promotional duties in grand style. He sat down with Glamour UK to talk about how he has so much in life, but he’s still not happy. Just like Cap!

Chris is totally Captain America in real life: “Steve has everything he wanted, and he’s still not quite happy. It’s like he’s in his adolescence, trying to figure out where he fits in, who he is and what he wants.”

He’s SO over these superhero movies: “I would never trade in the decision to have done these movies. I’ve been wildly fortunate. I just don’t know if my heart’s as in it as it once was. I think when I’m done with this Marvel contract, I’ll take a little break from acting. With acting, you’re one piece in a very big puzzle. It’s like you helped buy a gift but you don’t know what the gift is, so you come back and see the movie. Sometimes it’s nice, sometimes it’s tragic. I would imagine the world of a director is a little bit cleaner in terms of your responsibilities.”

Clubbing is no fun: “In your twenties you think, ‘How will I ever not like going out?’ You have drinks, buddies, music – great! But in the last two or three years, I go to a club and I kind of wish I was home. My idea of a good time has evolved a bit, so a night out with me might not be as exciting as it might have been a couple of years ago.”

He does want to drink with The Avengers actors: “It’s different with those guys. You’re like, ‘Come on guys, this is great! This isn’t going to last forever and this is a really fun group of people doing a really fun thing. Let’s go get drunk!’ I try to be the motivating force. Everyone’s married and has kids and sh-t like that, so I’m still the one single guy going, ‘Come on, shots!'” he smiled.

He’s a romantic: “I want to get married, though I want children – to me that’s the ultimate thing. When you’re old and on your death bed, looking back at your life it’s not going to be the films you’ve made or what you’ve accomplished, it’s the relationships you have. You’re survived by things that matter – the people you love and those who love you back.”

[From Glamour UK]

Here’s my question for you. When Chris promoted the first Captain America movie he trashed his entire body of work. Have we had enough yet, or will we put up with his adorably bitchy interviews for another round? Any female actress who complained like this would never get away with it for long. I suspect that Chris may become even more self-loathing after his directorial debut with 1:30 Train arrives. He told Glamour that what he really wants to do is direct, so it will be interesting to see if he can pull off helming a movie.

Here’s a new 4-minute clip from Captain America: The Winter Soldier. The banter between Cap and the other characters is pretty great.

Chris Evans

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN

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80 Responses to “Chris Evans is so over Marvel superhero films: ‘I don’t know if my heart’s in it’”

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  1. eliza says:

    I am also soooooooo over Marvel and D.C comic book films. Give them a rest for 5-10yrs and make them fun and interesting again. The saturation is ridiculous at this point.

    • MissNostalgia says:

      Seriously! I have been saying for years that there is not one original thought/idea left in Hollywood, period. Reboots, marvel, dc comics etc. X-Men and Spiderman have been done to death, not to mention Batman etc. You have to dig really hard to find one quality film that entertains. Evans is full of crap; I will not be going to see the sequel. We are as bored with them as they are with doing the films.

    • Dommy Dearest says:

      And one can say we’re tired of the same old romantic comedies, films of the chosen one saving everyone, and general films that have been filing the ticket. To each their own but it’s awesome, for me as a comic fan, to see them come to life on the big screen. The movies would be a lot better if they were given a R rating and actually followed the comics- there is a reason they’ve been in print for several decades over the same things they put in the comic films coming out. And by that I mean what you see in other movies that aren’t comic based are being inserted into the comic movies. To allow for better reasoning and basic understanding of the character since Hollywood can’t go about the actual way of the comics. They’d be a lot better if they did that rather than pulling this and that from one movie or another so the general audience will accept it. Why try to please the masses, eh?

    • Zbornak Syndrome says:

      Do we have a black super hero? That might switch things up a bit?

      • Dommy Dearest says:

        From Marvel: Black Panther, War Machine, Bishop, Blade, Dr Voodoo, Captain Marvel (Monica Rambou), Deathlok, Falcon (Will be in CA2), Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Storm. From DC: Doctor Mid-Nite, Wonder Woman and Superman of Earth 23, Cyborg, Green Lantern Jon Stewart, and Green Arrow Connor Hawke. There’s many more but eh, I answered your question.

  2. Shelby says:

    Whine whine whine…I make too much $$

    • jj says:

      At least he is not pulling a Johnny -pay me stupid money and I keep making Pirates- Depp.

      Those Marvel movies have become more and more awful. Iron Man 3 was terrible, and I am worried about Avengers 2. They added so many characters in the last month which could make the movie a complete mess. Joss W is a great writer and he cooked up a great story for Avengers but he is not the most innovative director.

      • Kath says:

        Really? I thought Iron Man 3 was waaayy better than Iron Man 2, and I liked Thor: The Dark World.

        I normally have zero interest in superhero movies – you couldn’t pay me to see the zillionth Spiderman movie – but I secretly like everything Marvel has done since Iron Man #1.

  3. Breebree says:

    He’s such a MESS. But I think he is the cutest thing!

  4. Talie says:

    He always seems sad to me… it’s a bit concerning.

    • Yeller says:

      Bedhead is right, I dont think I’ve ever read a comment on a starlet with a perpetual whining problem that expressed concern for her well being. Do cute guys just bring out the maternal in some women or something?

  5. Mom2two says:

    I remember him not being fully there when EW did an Avengers roundtable interview when that movie came out. And I am surprised the guy does not get more flack for his comments, a female actress certainly would.
    Everything about him screams not fully into it. It came across for me in the first movie. He may have been the guy they wanted, but I think John Krasinski ( who was one of the finalists to play the role) would definitely act happier to be there.

    • Tulip Garden says:

      I didn’t know that about John Krasinski. I really like him. If people didn’t catch his lip-synch contest with Jimmy Fallon on the old show, you really should give it a look! C’mon he “sang” Boys to Men and I fell a little in love with him 🙂

    • Side-Eye says:

      “a female actress certainly would”

      Because Chris has never gotten any flak here, ever. Maybe you should take a look at which actresses are getting flak, because as far as this site goes, I’m not seeing this gender thing at all. Kristen Stewart and . gets a lot of flak because people just don’t like her for example, while folks like Scarjo gets a more mixed reaction.
      *I;m just saying.

      • Jen says:

        I think that is meant to meant the general public. Females who whine (like Kristen) are seen as ungrateful and annoying by the general public. Whereas Chris’ whining really only gets attention on a few gossip sites.

  6. V4Real says:

    Scarlett Johnason: You’re also talking about a bunch of actors, so they’re not particularly masculine. They are in public of course, but really actors are sensitive, neurotic, self-doubt-filled and needy.

    Now I am convinced that Scarlett was talking about Evans. I still like Captain Sexy but he did reluctantly sign the contract. Stop whining and do the job you were paid for. Also stop trying to get the other men to drink, RDJ is a recovering alcoholic.

    • blue marie says:

      There is a blind on Lainey (which is probably total crap) but it reminds me of RDJ, hopefully she’s not hinting at him.

      • V4Real says:

        Oooooh do tell. I haven’t read Lainey Blinds in quite some time.

      • Peppa says:

        I’m pretty sure that blind is about Ben Affleck.

      • blue marie says:

        Thank you Peppa, RDJ was the only one who came to mind but Affleck fits better. (I couldn’t remember how many kids RDJ had with Susan)

      • Dena says:

        I’m pretty sure it’s Affleck – in the post with pics of him and Garner st the Oscars after-parties Lainey particularly commented on his rough appearance and said to “keep that in your back pocket.” I’ve been waiting for a blind to go up since and this is the 1st. Has to be him.
        Yes, I have too much free time at work.

      • lunchcoma says:

        It does sound more like Affleck, since the blind references women as well as substance abuse, and I don’t think that RDJ has ever been particularly associated with womanizing.

      • Liv says:

        @Dena Exactly. It’s 100% about Ben Affleck. Good god, there are at least two affairs of him known online now. He should keep it together if he wants to keep his family.

      • Bridget says:

        That one was Affleck, who no one ever seems to remember did a stint in Promises years ago. It certainly explains why Batman vs Superman was delayed 9 months.

    • Shantal says:

      RME. I seriously doubt he’s trying to get RDJ to drink. There was an interview with Tom Hiddleston in which he mentioned Evans and ScarJo would mix drinks for everyone except RDJ and SLJ.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      RDJ is responsible for his own sobriety.

  7. Tig says:

    I certainly understand what he’s saying and why, but don’t get why he’s saying it in an interview. This is Chris Helmsworth 2.0- that’s the downside to these multi-movie franchises- if they take up your 20s/30s, then what? RDJ has it made- he had the actor cred already, he doesn’t have to do the crazy diet/training to bulk up, and he cashes mega-checks- but he’s the glaring exception. I imagine he’ll spend the entire press tour for this movie explaining away this interview.

  8. lower-case deb says:

    oh hai, Robert Redford!
    can’t wait to see him in it.

  9. gobo says:

    It’s not like this was his first trip to the rodeo. He did fantastic four. He knew what he was signing up for.

  10. Jen says:

    I understand being burnt out, but it seems like all this dude ever does is whine about being famous and his anxiety. Get out of the damn business if you can’t handle it.

    • Algernon says:

      To be fair, he is saying he wants to get out of it as quickly as he can. This guy does a pretty good job of disappearing between movie promotions, so it’s feasible that if he doesn’t act for a couple years, we might not see him except very rarely, at film festivals and such. He pretty much does admit that he can’t handle it. I just wish he wasn’t bagging on his breadwinner. He wouldn’t be in a position to direct films except that Captain America/Marvel has opened a lot of doors for him.

  11. Red32 says:

    To be fair, they all seem pretty over it, except the two new ones and maybe RDJ and Ruffalo and I think that’s because they have years of experience promoting stuff.

    • Jessica says:

      Yeah, Chris Hemsworth seemed totally over it and barely even promoted Thor 2.

      • Ella says:

        Umm, Chris Hemsworth promoted the film plenty and did all the major talks show circuits. Did he look tired? Yes. Might he be over Marvel? Maybe. But could it also be a case of him filming and promoting other projects back-to-back? I think likely. I get that this site is pro-Tom Hiddleston but the unfounded shit said about guys like Hemsworth and Evan Chris Evans is a load of bollocks, especially because they aren’t reaching to try and be Mr. Perfect or the male equivalent of Jennifer. Lawrence.

      • Isadora says:

        Ella: +1 !!
        Hemsworth might not be exactly thrilled to be Marvel’s personal promoting puppet, but in my book he absolutely fulfilled his duties – he was there at nearly every premiere, did loads of press, etc. Even if he was doing other work in between the Marvel films (like Hiddleston).

      • jammypants says:

        Hemsworth recently did a Comic Con appearance in Sacramento. He’s fine.

    • Hiddles forever says:

      Funny thing is that the youngest ones seem over it and the oldest ones (Ruffalo and RDJ) are not. Both Hemsworth and Evans are still under Marvel’s contract, shouldn’t they be grateful they are doing movies at all? Or Hemsworth would still be a pretty face in Home and Away and Evans modelling for Gucci perfume ads……..

      • Shantal says:

        Why would Ruffalo and RDJ be over it? Ruffalo has only completed one film. And RDJ is making multimillions to play himself.

      • lunchcoma says:

        I think RDJ is pretty grateful that he went from being an uninsurable outcast to the biggest movie star in the world, and I think Ruffalo is realistic about balancing commercial work with his usual indie movies.

      • Ella says:

        This site presumes a lot of things Chris Hemsworth has never said or verified. But then again, looking at your name made me realize why your like to stir the pot.

  12. Mia4S says:

    Evans, shut up and throw your shield. Honestly if this was an actress making these comments she would be ripped to shreds. He shouldn’t get a pass even if he does at least admit he’s a whiny bitch.

    God, if his directorial debut is a failure he will be completely unbearable.

  13. Jessica says:

    If his heart isn’t in it, then I’m guessing the movie will suck, because his lack of enthusiasm will show in his performance.

    I understand where he’s coming from, but I wish he acknowledged the fact that those superhero movies have given him a lot. Even when he craps on his earlier films, it’s kind of annoying. Yes, they may have turned out poorly, but he still gained experience and learned from making them. At least acknowledge that. And maybe keep your whining to yourself, because no one wants to hear you say how much you hate what you do. You’re trying to sell the audience a product, don’t go and tell them how much you don’t care about it.

    And I understand where he’s coming from in that acting being only a part of what makes a film great, and even if you give a good performance the movie could still turn out like crap, but I wonder if he really has what it takes to be a director/producer. To me, he seems like the kind of person who would always be second guessing himself and every decision he makes, and therefore would cause the whole production to go to crap by not being definitive and leading the production team. But maybe his directorial debut went smoothly, I don’t know.

    • Hiddles forever says:

      “I wish he acknowledged the fact that those superhero movies have given him a lot.”

      ^^^ This.

    • Kori says:

      He did just that in the interview. He noted that he’s been very fortunate and doesn’t regret his decision.

    • Some actors just want to act because, you know, they’re into their “craft”; they don’t want to promote. But they don’t seem to get that “selling the product” is part of their employment equation. We all have parts of our job we don’t like. Get over it.

  14. Shijel says:

    I don’t know. His brand of whiny bitch and his self-awareness about it help with me not staying mad at him. He’s conventionally handsome and bulks up nicely, hero franchises bring in the cash, but I imagine he’d be happier directing or in roles like Danny Boyle’s “Sunshine”, which, to date, is my favourite performance from him.

    Wish he didn’t trash his roles though. Kid, Cap’s your cash cow. It sucks. I’m an uni student who also works and two weeks ago I cleaned up someone’s half-solid sh*t off the floor because I gotta pay my bills. Just.. keep your mouth shut, k? You don’t have to like what you do for money, but shut up, you make too much to wail about it.

  15. Original N says:

    I actually understand where Chris is coming from. Sometimes, one works really, really hard to excel and earn a particular job, to establish a career … only to discover that one is left utterly uninspired. He likely needs to reevaluate his priorities and determine what he is now passionate about as it seems like acting isn’t it anymore. That is ok, isn’t it? Aren’t we all owed that? I think so … Then, after that reflection, we have an obligation to do everything we can to bring about change to make our lives and the lives of others better. It is why I serve on boards for underprivileged children and the elderly – to give voices to people who might not have the ability or means to voice their need for change.

    • Marianne says:

      I wouldnt say that acting is no longer his passion. Afterall, he has done other projects. I’m thinking that he probably just wants to do more serious work. Be known for being a great actor vs how hot he looks as Captain America.

    • Esti says:

      It’s totally okay for him to feel like that. But it’s unprofessional to say it in an interview where he’s supposed to be promoting the movie he just get paid millions to make. “I’m totally over these movies, but you should definitely spend money to see it anyway” isn’t the most convincing sales pitch. If that’s how he feels, he should be talking to friends and family about it and not some reporter.

      • Dena says:

        @esti, I agree, it’s unprofessional. I did exactly what Original N is talking about above – spent 10 yrs building a career I now realize I hate. I’m working on making a change but you’d better believe I’m keeping my mouth shut and doing my existing job in the meantime. It’s professional and, while I may be in an entirely different field in a few years, your reputation follows you.

  16. Lolo-ology says:

    I actually don’t read his sentiments as whiny or self-pitying, I think he’s really just a normal guy struggling with all this sudden and massive fame. He was discovered when he was an errand boy, so it’s not like he desperately sought this level of fame. He might’ve had acting ambitions, but probably never imagined he would be in the position he’s in today. I feel like I’d be saying all the same things if my life took such a turn. And the flip side is, if he did try to put on a happier schtick, or if he did want exactly this, we’d prob all be branding him as something of a try-hard fame whore.

    • Side-Eye says:

      Exactly. And another thing is, Chris has always been open about his reluctance to take on such a huge role, and his desire to be in smaller films that mean more to him like Puncture, which was really good. He’s also dealt with some pretty serious anxiety since he first got in. I just find it harder to be mad at Chris, than say, someone like Kristen Stewart who can’t act anyway.

      • Algernon says:

        I think it’s hard to stay mad at him because he’s really sincere. I don’t feel like this is a put on or a schtick, I think he really feels this way. It’s just not very professional, to, as someone said above, say he’s over it but still expect us to go see the movie. If he just said, “I want to focus on completing my duties for Marvel, and then try my hand at other things, like directing,” I think most of us could read between the lines and infer “over it” from there. He doesn’t need to spell it out because again, it’s unprofessional when he is technically shilling for the very thing he’s “over”.

  17. Samtha says:

    Definitely a double standard with how women vs men are treated when they say these things. A woman who said this stuff would be blasted by fans.

    • V4Real says:

      Are you not reading all the comments; Chris is getting blasted, even a bit by me and I’m a fan.

      • Samtha says:

        Yeah, a few people have called him whiny, but I see a lot more comments from people saying they still like him or understand where he’s coming from.

        And I haven’t seen anything at all about it in fan circles. This and ONTD are the only places I’ve seen it discussed.

  18. Jenna says:

    He is a hawt mes……which kind of turns me on??? I volunteer my services for dat Cap ASS!

  19. Mel M says:

    I don’t get it with this guy. I know I’m in the minority when I say I don’t find him attractive at all and then when I read his interviews even more so.

    • Jessica says:

      I don’t either. I find all three of the Chrises – Evans, Hemsworth and Pine incredibly bland in the looks and acting department. Not to mention their questionable taste in women.

      • Isadora says:

        Yes. I chalk it up to getting old though. 😉 I guess years ago I would have gone into a hormonal crisis over the likes of Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans and Chris Pine. I still think they are rather beautiful human beings, everything’s in the right place.

        However it’s not enough for me anymore. I want to imagine having meaningful conversations with my actor crushes and while Evans seems whiny, Pine really boring and Hemsworth at least has a rather laid back Australian charm, none of them get my girly urges going.

      • Christina says:

        A blue-eyed actor I found more attractive than all three was Paul Walker (may he rest peacefully.) I don’t find Chris Evans ugly, but I don’t care for the other two.

  20. lunchcoma says:

    Oh, Chris. When you’ve finished out your contract, go do whatever you’d like. Until then, part of your job is to sell these movies, or at least to refrain from complaining about them. Pour out your heart to your girlfriend or your bartender or your mom, not to interviewers.

  21. aasf says:

    Gah he’s so perfect. I watched an interview with him and I really liked him. If only I could marry and keep a guy like him.

  22. Lark says:

    Meh. This has always bugged me…the double standards. Rooney Mara was raked through the coals for saying her Law and Order SVU episode was stupid, while Chris has trashed his previous films (he ripped some rom com he did and another film) and talked about his issues with Marvel and lot of people go “poor baby.” He’s a decent actor imo, but he and Chris Hemsworth should be thanking their lucky stars because Marvel is what made them a star—and they are old enough to know better than to play this “poor me” game. These guys are not teenagers or are in their early 20s, this kind of talk is RME even then but more so when it is coming from 30 year old dudes.

    • Tan says:

      When has Chris Hemsworth ever played the “poor me” card? He might tired and weary during the promotion of The Dark World, but he has performed all his duties and always mentions how lucky he is in every magazine interview. I swear people have selective memory when it comes to him.

      • 'p'enny says:


        There was moaning [internet gossip] from Hemsworth in regard to not getting paid enough, last summer. It was about pay negotiations for Avengers 2. [they were all moaning, to be fair] It was leaked [possibly] by agents that said he was getting paid $5m for Snow White, but only $500,000 for Thor 2, plus a bonus if the Thor 2 made over $500m. He said, [allegedly-tinternet gossip] that he was fed up of all the putting his body through all the strain for Thor, for such low pay.
        Then Marvel turned around [gossip] and said that unlike makers of Snow White, they made successful movies.

        Marvel are bad payers, [supposedly] saying that i wouldn’t say no to those wages to prance about in a cloak and act opposite Hiddles in fact i’d do it for free.

        To be honest, i don’t believe the pay figures that get leaked.

      • Lark says:

        He said a couple of things—one in how it was nice to do “intellectual” movies and not throw a hammer or an ax. I like Chris, I do, and I get he’s frustrated—but he needs to chill. And the gossip about his fight with Marvel wasn’t in the tabloids—but in Deadline and THR. I mean the trades aren’t always “correct,” but I hold them as a hell of a lot more reliable than gossip rags and Deadline is known for having stuff fed to them via publicists.

      • Tan says:

        I am well aware of that gossip, but the thing with gossip is you never know who is leaking/creating the info and what their agenda is. I doubt Hemsworth or any of the Marvel crew’s agents leaked the info — it doesn’t make them look good. Arbitration issues go on all the time behind the scenes and it tacky to have had it leak (if there is even any validity to the rumors).

        But my point is that until Chris H comes out and slams Marvel publicly or complains about them in an interview, people on this site should take the gossip with a grain of salt. Chris was obviously tired; he filmed a movie and promoted another one before going straight into Thor 2 promotion mode. Unfortunately, lots of people resorted to confirmation bias to see what they wanted to see: Chris being ungrateful.

        And Fwiw, I don’t think Evans’ comments are all that terrible either.

  23. aquarius64 says:

    Dear Human Torch and Captain America (aka Chris Evans):

    If it wasn’t for these superhero movies you wouldn’t be able to have doors open to you to do meatier projects. Appreciate and be grateful for the opportunities afforded to you. P.S. – Robert Downey Jr. is the big dawg at Marvel Studios ($50 million dollar payday) who used his influence to get YOU and the other Avengers better pay. Meaning, Kevin Feige and company can still cut you off at the knees. If you’re going to fight, fight smart.

  24. Lilacflowers says:

    Oh, my poor little secret husband Chris. Come home to your apartment in Chinatown once the promo for Capt. America and the shooting of Avengers 2 are over and get active in the local theater scene, where you can direct all the musicals you want and won’t have to do a lot of press.

  25. Maria says:

    Sorry to see he isn’t having the time of his life doing this stuff. It is a tremendous opportunity and he did a good job making Captain America human, when he could have been so bloodless and stolid. Perhaps he should hang out with Hiddleston more.

  26. mercy says:

    Yeah a woman or a not as famous actor would probably be trashed for expressing similar sentiments, but I appreciate his honesty and hope more people incolved in these films follow his example.