Chris Hemsworth & Elsa Pataky have probably welcomed their twins


Elsa Pataky has already given birth to twins. Probably. Maybe. TMZ reported yesterday afternoon (Pacific time) that Chris Hemsworth and Elsa had checked into Cedars Sinai Medical Center and that there was “ultra-high security in their hospital suite … we’re told 2 security guards are standing at the door. Chris is strolling the hallway and is being escorted with a guard.”

I remember when Elsa gave birth to daughter India Rose nearly two years ago, and many claimed that Elsa and Chris picked a convenient date and she was induced, so that the baby wouldn’t disrupt the promotional schedule for The Avengers. I’m betting that Elsa and Chris probably planned this birth too – that they scheduled a C-section or something.

Anyway, that’s all we know for now. I hope Chris and Elsa confirm something soon, like the sex or sexes of the babies. As for names… I’m betting the names will be slightly unconventional but not completely ridiculous. I’ll update if more info comes in.



Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

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52 Responses to “Chris Hemsworth & Elsa Pataky have probably welcomed their twins”

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  1. Liv says:

    I’m just happy for her that she doesn’t have to carry around this huge belly anymore..and happy for us that we no longer have to see her “maternal” dresses combined with awful belts! 😉

  2. PunkyMomma says:

    Love the pic of him holding India Rose. Adorable. And congrats on the new babies.

  3. mom2two says:

    If they’ve had them, congratulations to Chris and Elsa!

  4. Stef Leppard says:

    Never mind, I misread the comment.

  5. Mitch Buchanan Rocks! says:

    She is the only celeb who looks good with that haircut.

  6. Elisabeth says:

    more then likely, the C-section was scheduled the minute they found out it was twins. not many drs will allow you to go with a regular birth when it comes to twins…too many complications can arise.
    grats to them

  7. QQ says:

    *yawn* I gotta be real: These two are so bland…. As is the whole “Celebrity pregnancy” breathless cover is like…the inevitable conclusion is a little newborn molerat looking baby that looks like no one and probably has a special snowflake of a name which wont ve an issue in life (as far as getting a job or mocked) if your parents keep you moneyed and isolated in rich kid enclaves

    • blue marie says:

      ha! you just made my day with this

    • V4Real says:

      I understand the Demi God is becoming a household name but did they really need that much security. I bet they could have just walked in and none would be the wiser, until she speed dial her paps that she has on her payroll.

      But congrats on the babies.

  8. Godwina says:

    Do US doctors/hospitals really allow for scheduled inductions because it’s *convenient* for a spouse’s work schedule? I thought they were only used in cases where moms or babies were at risk? Then there’s the matter of the mother-to-be being ok with such a request. Given how awful induced birth can be, I find that hard to believe…

    If that’s true, this couple has made my “ugh” list.

    • BendyWindy says:

      It depends on the doctor and I’m sure they have enough money to find one that will. I was going to be induced so that my husband could be there for the birth. He was scheduled to deploy to Iraq.

    • T.fanty says:

      If a c-section is scheduled, the doctors can be very flexible with dates.

    • M.A.F. says:

      I’m sure it has nothing to do with his schedule and more to do with the fact that she was carrying twins and the clock was about up therefore they induced.

      Lord, it is early in the morning and already some of you are negative nancys. Give the couple some credit for being reasonable adults.

      • V4Real says:

        It has become common practice that women have their c-sections scheduled. My GF did it and she was not high risk, she just didn’t want to push. I guess it depends on the doctors as well.

    • Red32 says:

      With twins, it’s probably a scheduled c-section, and either way, we don’t know why it was scheduled. I’m almost 32 weeks with twins, and may need an early c-section because they are concerned with growth and blood flow.

      I just wish we could all leave other women alone over how they choose to give birth.

      • Prim says:

        Congratulations on getting to 32 weeks and good luck with the birth! People who haven’t had twins usually don’t have a clue how tough it can be on your body, and anyone who turns up their nose at a c-section for twins might like to try it one day. I had my twins at 36 weeks and struggled to get to that. Any way people have twins is fine by me.

      • Red32 says:

        Thanks, Prim. I’m just happy my drs. are monitoring me closely.

      • mom2two says:

        I have twins, I was not allowed to go past 38 weeks. My delivery was a scheduled c-section. I had two days to choose from and the reason for the c-section was that the first baby was breech and my OB would not deliver vaginally if the first one was breech.
        @Red32 I wish you a happy and healthy remainder of your pregnancy!

      • Prim says:

        @Red32, it’s great that they are. I was in hospital for the last two weeks as I had Vasa Praevia, a scary time but all was well because I was so closely watched. All the very best for the coming weeks.

      • Lemon says:

        I sort of disagree with this. Evidence is clearly showing that even being born early term (37-38 weeks) is worse for the baby. So, when early inductions or C-sections are done for vanity or convenience reasons (as opposed to safety and health of mother/baby), the mother and doctor involved are highly, highly deserving of judgment.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I’m afraid it is becoming more and more common, and I agree with you that it’s a bad idea and should only be done when mother or baby might be in danger from eclampsia or similar or the baby is long overdue. There are risks involved, and generally speaking, the baby should come naturally so your cervix can thin out and prepare for delivery and the baby will be fully developed. I’m surprised at the mothers and the doctors as well if it’s only done for convenience, but there may be other factors that we’re unaware of going into their decision.

      P.S. I’m talking about inducing labor, not a c-section.

      • Jag says:

        Agreed. Many women in the U.S. don’t realize just how dangerous pitocin is to a baby, and what risks there are for her as well. Not to mention, having a c-section prevents the baby from receiving beneficial bacteria from the vaginal tract, and many babies are drugged from the pain medications, so end up having trouble latching and nursing. (Causing the mother to be pressured into giving formula, instead of nursing.) It’s not a small decision, but so many doctors here make it sound like it’s deciding between meals at lunch, when in reality, it’s a huge decision.

    • Stef Leppard says:

      You can choose to induce anytime after full term, 37 weeks.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Right, I assumed she meant before full term.

      • Lemon says:

        Even early term (37-38 weeks) has worse outcomes for the baby. Higher mortality rates, higher rates of cognitive and emotional problems. Such a choice is a highy selfish one, in my opinion.

      • Jadzia says:

        I have five children and three of them were induced. The only reason I didn’t have a fourth induction was because the baby arrived at 34 weeks. I induced because my labors are so fast that everybody concerned concluded that a scheduled induction would be safer than potentially giving birth in the car on the way to the hospital. (And that preemie? I was almost alone in the hospital room when he came out because the nurses didn’t get there in time, and the doctor raced down the hall with about 5 seconds to spare to catch the little guy.) Why are folks so quick to presume that they know why women make this decision? And that they know best?

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Well, the question was whether American doctors will induce strictly for the convenience of the mother. In your case, it wasn’t about convenience. Nobody is talking about you or your circumstances.

    • Malificent says:

      Some doctors will in the US, although many won’t without a medical reason. There is starting to be some backlash about the issue — but as noted above — if you’ve got the money, you can find a doctor who will.

      That said, there may have been an entirely good medical reason for their first child to be induced too. If they didn’t share that reason — I can see how it would have been spun into an induction for the sake of his work schedule.

    • Dommy Dearest says:

      Hope to see several other couples on that list! Medical reason aside, pretty much all celebs do this. It’s more convenient for them because they can get that tummy tuck right after.

      • Isa says:

        Full term is now supposed to be 39 weeks.
        Many, many doctors will induce at 39 weeks. I did with my first for no reason. If I had known better I would have waited.
        Twins are a whole different ball game. Hopefully she’s as close to her due date as possible, but there could be issues such as one twin not growing as well, blood flow issues.
        And then there are the issues of one or both of the babies being breech.
        I read a birth story of a woman that gave birth to one baby but had to have a csection the twin b because it flipped.

  9. mena says:

    Congrats to them if the babies have arrived. But are Chris & Elsa so famous that they need multiple security guards at the hospital? Seems like overkill to me.

    • MrsBPitt says:

      Thats what I was thinking…TWO bodyguards, really?

    • Lilacflowers says:

      Might be a Mount Sinai practice.

      • M.A.F. says:

        More than likely since that hospital and UCLA Medical Center are the only major hospitals in the area.

    • PunkyMomma says:

      Cedars Sinai is a familiar haunt for me, unfortunately. The hospital has pretty tight security everywhere. Cedars has designated, high security areas, entrances and floors for celebs, notables, VIP’s, etc. JS.

    • j.eyre says:

      I had the heir and heiress there and as PunkyMomma said, they are high security. I am trying to give these two the benefit of the doubt and say they have the extra guards so as not to close off an entire floor like some other celebs have done (I won’t address the fact that they don’t need any extra security.

      I am also pretending it is an excited new mom in another room texting the outlets with all of this information and not the ugly alternative or I will be forced to bury my crush under the sell-out seabed.

  10. Penny says:

    Congrats to them!

    Why would they need security like that though, especially a guard with Chris? Cedars Sinai already has measures in place to prevent paps getting in, and even if they didn’t it’s not like their Brangelina, no one’s that interested, they’ll wait a few weeks for photo’s. I doubt the other patients and visitors would have even noticed them if they didn’t have guards, and the staff have seem much, much bigger celebrities come through the door. Just seems slightly delusional. When I gave birth to my second child I was on the same floor as a very famous actor’s wife. They had no personal security and there didn’t seem to be any special measures taken by the hospitals security. The actor is 50x more famous than Hemsworth and his wife, despite not being in the industry, is still more famous than Pataky. If they didn’t need security I can’t imagine why Hemsworth would think he needs security to walk to the vending machines.

    • Lolo-ology says:

      Chris is probably way bigger and buffer than the guard anyways! Can you imagine trying to guard Mr. Muscles McMuscleton? And from who? Me? Ok yeah, maybe he does need a guard. *pout*

    • Tiffany says:

      @ Penny. And that right there is why I think those two are perfect for one another.

    • pru says:

      In terms of security, I think what they actually need and what they think they need are two different things. What better way to get a little extra attention than arriving with securtiy team?

  11. nicegirl says:


  12. Shantal says:

    They really have their hands full now with a toddler and two newborns.

    But congrats to them.

  13. ZsaZsa says:

    Any news on what sex they are?

  14. Lemon says:

    It’s sort of funny to think back a few months ago when pictures of pregnant Elsa surfaced and people thought she was going to have the baby any day. I am pregnant with my second as well, with what I guess is a similar due date (maybe a week or two behind – I’m guessing the babies were a bit early, given that they are twins with a celebrity mom) I actually guessed she was due around now. You just look bigger the second time around (even without twins!).

  15. Anne de Vries says:

    Wow, that first dress is SPECTACULARLY unflattering. One huge boobbelly.