Johnny Depp and Amber Heard are still in NYC. She’s filming a movie there, but he’s in town for her 28th birthday festivities. These photos might be overkill after yesterday’s weird bandana outing, but I’m still watching. Maybe they were also celebrating Amber’s inclusion on People’s Most Beautiful list. I think Amber is stunning (and knock-out gorgeous with the right styling), but seeing her on that list is surprising. I’m just saying that she’s been in movies for a decade, and she’s always been this beautiful. She should have hit the list before this year.
Johnny’s still wearing his ratty hat, but I’m glad he left the pocket bandanna at home for the night. He kept pointing at the sticker on his jeans that reads, “We Are You.” Does anyone know what that means? Google doesn’t reveal a clue, and I need to know. Amber’s dressed down compared to the red velvet dress she wore the night prior. This was a low-key outing to an esoteric, rare book shop. Amber wore a Led Zeppelin t-shirt and had her hair in a braided updo.
A fan handed Johnny a single rose, and he presented it to Amber. He also had gifts delivered to their hotel. You can see pictures of these trinkets here. Amber received a huge bouquet (five dozen?) of red roses and a budget-looking cake. The cake looked like it was marked half-off after Easter. Seriously! I love cake so much, and I’d be upset if Johnny Depp gave me that cake. Maybe I’m being too tough on him. He may have sat down and plunked down a poem on his manual typewriter late last night. Oh, Johnny.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & Pacific Coast News
*Eye-roll* These two are my least favourite Hollywood couple right now.
I’d rather hang out with Kim and Kanye just for shits and giggs, than these two. I find them so insufferable.
I’m with you ladies. I get a lot of second-embarrassment from these two and for that, I will never forgive them.
I’m very glad to see I’m not alone, then. I’m officially way over these two. And she needs a manicure.
Just when you think they can’t make you cringe anymore than they already have… they find a new way. What is with that stupid sticker on his leg. Amber is pretty but she looks about 12 and is hanging off him like a teenager so that cake rather suited her.
Hot. All. Gone.
indeed. he’s fought it long and hard, and now it’s all gone.
*sobs* I know.. Oh Johnny what happened to you?!?!?!
Goodbye. Hot. Goodbye.
He looks really unwell lately. Every photo he looks pale and washed out and his facial expression is like he is in pain.
Why was the bookstore “esoteric?” More info please. Hardly anything in the article about it.
I also was surprised at the cake given all the fabulous bakeries in NY. It appeared to be a cake from a grocery store bakery. Private joke, or maybe a gift was hidden inside–who knows?
It’s a rare book store and from the pictures on the UK websites, it looks like Johnny was the one doing the serious shopping.
Also, I find the last picture sort of strange. Is she is grabbing his jacket, which is normal, or trying not to touch him with an open hand?
They’re both just so annoying. Go away.
These two are insufferable. I think I find him more annoying than GOOP.
I’m snooty–I hate cakes from the bakery. Especially the ones that are decorated with the different color frostings–it’s disgusting. I just make them–for birthdays, etc.
I hate bakery cakes, too. So overly sweet and stale tasting. I make all my cakes and cookies from scratch, just because I like too. Once I was in charge of the cake for a woman from work’s birthday, and I made a chocolate cake, per her request, with chocolate icing. My coworker said, “wow! this is as good as a bakery cake!” I was so insulted, but I just smiled and said thanks.
Me too. Not a huge cake fan myself (I’m a pie gal) but if I get cake I only do buttercream, no frosting allowed.
I love cakes just not the fondant covered ones. I know it’s not meant to be eaten but removing the sugary coat is hard work for me.
That is definitely a budget cake – the kind my pupils’ parents bring in for their 8-year-old’s birthday, to be cut into 26 pieces: sugary, full of preservatives, gaudy colours and the crappy plastic container. Lame.
God his clothes. Does he know how stupid he looks? I wonder if he ever looks at pics of himself online? He can’t right? Because if he did he would stop dressing this horrible.
He wants to be relevant and “cool” so he jacked Pharrell’s hat but he stomped on it and ripped it…you know, ’cause he’s edgy.
Yeah, well… He still looks like a bum.
ok, we get it JD. you like to get it on.
he’s trying awfully hard to make this point. crystal. clear.
If he’s trying to recapture his youth by being with her, it’s not working too well. He always looks so much older in photos when he’s standing next to her.
He really does.
“We Are You.” While I think it’s very likely the message means to them, They bleed like us and that logic. It only tells me they’re willfully unaware of how good they have it.
Damn elitist hipsters.
I don’t think she is “that” stunning. Let me explain: she is gorgeus but she is as gorgeus as hundreds of unknown blonde models out there, I do not see anything special about her. She doesn’t have acting abilities, she doesn’t have any kind of charisma to me.
This. There’s nothing special about her. Nothing that sets her apart. She’s very blah to me.
I agree. She is pretty/attractive, etc, etc, but she looks so similar to so many other starlets to me. There is nothing unique about her look.
I said the same on another thread today. Blonde and wholly forgettable.
Why else would Amber say yes to his marriage proposal? Being Mrs. Johnny Depp gives her status, but she may rethink that if Johnny continues to make non-Pirates movies that bomb at the box office.
Uh, vomit.
Of course they can’t just go to a regular bookstore. Bleck.
If she wasn’t on that list before it’s because she’s a no-talent actress that nobody care about… now that shes with Depp, she gets some attention but she’s still NOt-TALENTED-AT-ALL!!! She has a beautiful face(like thousand of women in Hollywood). she claims she’s so an artist and don’t want to be a celebrity!!!she’s a superstar wannabe, she’s nothing special… she changes her style all the time!! SOme of her hairstyle looks like old Vanessa style ( and clothes) and she wears hat and full of necklace to fit with Johnny… she’s a fake, nothing original or special here… next!! (sorry not a fan of that who-the-hell-is-that-no-talent-actress???) BTW Vanessa should be on that list, she’s a non-conventionnal beauty, she has charm, own style and talent!!!
Those jeans of his are hideous. I’ll take a thousand of Theroux’s skinny jeans over Depp’s derpy, baggy ones.
me too!
nothing to see here folks. just an eccentric older man taking his granddaughter to a bookstore. move along, move along.
LOL & ew.
JD’s Hat of Doom is on the town again. Maybe he thinks it has magic powers. It certainly has the power of Fug.
Ha ha ha…the only positive aspect of this relationship is the fodder they provide for some seriously hilarious C/B comments.
“We are you”— points to the one consiousness that we all are, universal oness type of thing. It’s new age spirituality, probably what they are reading about if they were at that book store.
Oh Lordy….the rapid decline of my former favorite crush in the world is almost complete….it’s just sad. Ditto what everyone said above! Lainey hilariously summed up my thoughts in one word today on this — VOM.
Esoteric.Bookstore??! *throws hands up* Of Course they f—ing Did!! Ugh… I wonder if they’ll come out with some spooky fake ghost story for their press tours out of this one
He reeks of middle-aged desperation just like Madonna.
at least Madonna doesn’t get married with her desperation. We have to give her credit.
Agreed. She will never be made a fool of via marriage and having to sign her fortune away. LOL
She makes him look older. He looks like he is out with his daughter. blech.
The only thing truly remarkable about Amber’s looks is h her perfect skin,, otherwise she’s a bit ‘erased-looking’ as someone once put it here very well. The other special thing about her is that she played the game of landing Johnny faultlessly. Curious to see how this story unfolds. Johnny looks like a love-struck dork btw. Sorry for typos, phone won’t collaborate.
She’s no prettier than hundreds of other blondes in Hollywood. The big minus is she can’t act. I’ve only seen her in a couple of movies on NetFlix, and it was uncomfortable watching her. I felt embarrassed for her. Maybe Johnny should pay for some serious acting lessons for her. I know, I know…she’s an artist, and intelligent, and wants us all to know that. Now she wants us to know she reads rare books. Or maybe Johnny wants us to know that. Fake people are fake people.
I don’t think I ever seen a movie with Johnny where he showed considerable acting chops.
He is a dumb (and very creepy) pretty boy. Just like Brad Pitt. His rise to fame was made by Hollywood.
We Are You is a campaign that’s a part of the self-evident truths campaign that one of Amber’s best friends – Io Tillett Wright, started. He’s been supportive of the campaign, which promotes equality, he wore a “WE ARE YOU” shirt on his Ellen TV appearance.
I actually suspect that budget cake and all the presents weren’t ordered by Johnny. Everyone knows where they’re staying and she probably told her friends. I think someone else, like a friend or family might have sent those things. If it was him, that cake is lame haha.
She’s gorgeous, more attractive than anyone on that list, to me anyways. She’s been on these kind of lists a billion times though – Ask Men, Esquire, etc. People isn’t anything special, at the end of the day it’s a trashy tabloid magazine and the garbage they spin obviously isn’t Journalism. While I appreciate the symbolism of this years cover, it isn’t special for Lupita either. September Vogue? Yep. People? No.
It’s not an “esoteric bookshop”, it’s just a book store specialiced on “treasures” means, first editions, etc. Amber’s collects old books and Johnny’s first editions, so it makes sense
The “We Are You” emblem it’s totally related to Amber’s best friend, IO Tillet Wright. It’s a campaign leaded by her in a project called “self evident truths” and it’s about the LGBT community.
IO Tillet is very close to the Depps since Amber/Johnny started their relationship, not only because she’s seen often accompanying them, but also it seems she has a close relationship with Johnny’s children (Lily Rose Depp has been seen wearing the t-shirt with the emblem too) and also with him
So despite the hatred toward Johnny coming from the LGBT community, he’s supporting their causes.
That cake looks like something Kirk Cameron would receive on his birthday.
I am dying over this comment! Hahahahaha
Wow. I never thought I would think him be the man that tries too hard and loses himself.
I have a feeling she may look up one day and think, What am I doing with this old man (old, compared to her) and it will break his heart in spectacular fashion.
I agree. With all of this.
that last paragraph was funny, Bedhead, totally agree about the cake. Johnny’s surprisingly old school in the romance department, so I’m with other commenters in thinking someone else did the ordering. As for Amber, she’s a beauty, but not unusually so I think. She was fun in Machete, I’d like to see her in more comedic roles.
A book store is esoteric? I’m curious who are the elite -for which this store will only sell books to or who are the select few only that understand the books in the store? Is the store esoteric or are the books themselves rare and could only possibly be comprehended by the likes of Depp and Heard? I am confused.
Awww,he took his daughter out for books. What is wrong wiff you people??
Maybe she likes that kind of cakes? she’s the texan girl, who likes muscle cars, who likes to cook every day, going on picnics. She doesn’t seems as the kind of person who eats “caviar” every day
And she has said several times how much she loves chocolate and cookies, etc. Maybe that cheap cake it’s her favorite cake in NYC. so why not?
The bouquet of roses seems to be from Johnny anyway. A fansite has some picture and you can read the message, and look like his handwriting and he draw a hearth too.
By the way, she was in several list before about most beautiful/sexy etc women in Hollywood, but in magazine whose target are men (like GQ, Esquire or FHM) now she’s doing the transition to magazines for women or broader target like People or Vanity Fair. That’s the main difference
This couple is adorable, are loving and f—ing the rest of the world ..
You posted the same thing about Kim and Kanye too didn’t you?
His mid-life crisis continues apace!!
First pic, she looks like a home care aide assisting an elderly on his way to the toilet. He looks like a retired Canadian patrol guard who refuses to part ways with his old uniform. I’m not the type to mock couples with huge age gap but they just don’t have chemistry at all.
OMG 😂 I can’t with this entire thread, I’m wheezing right now
You’re right. It’s like a sweet granddaughter helping out her kooky grandpa.
He looks like Jack White mixed with Kris Kardashian – during the act his poor gf must be imagining Harrison Ford or even Zac Efron. Johnny has not aged well..
He looks absolutely ridiculous. He dresses like a 5-year-old child. Is he so silly that he doesn’t, truly doesn’t, realize that she would never give someone who looked like that the time of day if he wasn’t wealthy Johnny Depp?? It’s painful to look at the pictures of them. I’ll just skip past them from now on.
I swear, I can’t believe I ever found him hot. I can’t even dig down past the layers of flair and bloat to find that once pretty face. If I’d never seen him before and someone showed me a new pic, I wouldn’t give it a second glance. He’s actually dowdy to me. And his fat ass in those stupid white memaw pants…I just can’t. Officially jumped the shark.
Johnny looks soooo creepy since he is not with Vanessa anymore. He has a major aging issue. Boy those clothes…. I almost ashamed that I used to have a crush on him.
These two creep me out.
Leisel von Trapp?
Who is Amber Heard?
Someone needs to take that hat when he isn’t looking at get rid of it forever. He keeps wearing it. I’m sure it must have some special significance for him but then keep it at home. My great grandmas fur coat has special meaning to me but I don’t wear it!
WE ARE YOU – If this is about LGBT this so separatist that it gets on my nerves but that’s Amber Heard for you. The moment she saw saw an opportunity with a mid-life crisis Depp she dumped her girlfriend and has jumped into an phony engagement that might at the most get her some B-grade movies….Artist??? Blegh… She is stunning but well we all know why the fame whore’s on that list.
What’s even more ridiculous is Depp promoting this, first on Ellen’s show of all (how offending?) and now posing for paps like this but what’s not ridiculous about Johnny Depp these days. With this he’s officially ONCE AGAIN proved that he’s the very poster boy of mid-life crisis.
Also she always looks more comfortable without him and a little more than a smug mournful face whenever she’s with him. This pair-up is ridiculous. Her plans aren’t obviously going well and she’s showing the whole world that this is anything but love. And this is what Depp, the once so cool, enigmatic, classy Depp, feels wonderful these days.
To sum it Johnny Depp has simply become…..*belch*
WE ARE YOU: This is a sticker from the Self Evident Truths Project! It is a national project for LGBTQ visibility. He recently wore a shirt for the project on the Ellen Show! Here is a link to the website for the project:
They’re both toast, no matter which way you slice it.