Olivia Wilde calls out GQ journo for saying she’s too hot to play a ‘literate’

Olivia Wilde

Here’s a great photo of Olivia Wilde a few days ago in NYC. She’s toting little Otis Alexander in a baby sling and walking her dog, Paco. For those of us who are both parents and pet owners, you recognize the amount of time it took Olivia to get out the door for this walk, right? I’m guessing … 45 minutes. Livvy decided it was time to walk the dog. She dressed herself in casual wear, and she fed and dressed Otis. Then she tried to round up Paco, but he decided to play hide and seek and tipped over a few plants. She finally secured Paco on the leash. By that time, Otis was crying because he spit up milk all over his fresh outfit. She changed Otis’ clothes, and he gurgled happily before promptly filling his diaper in the worst way.

No wonder Livvy looks exhausted.

Olivia’s still on promotional duties too. She’s talking up her latest indie flick, Third Person (the same movie that Mila Kunis and her attitude are sort-of promoting). This is the movie I’ve been resolving not to see because it features Liam Neeson, 63, and Olivia, 30, getting it on as love interests. Olivia stopped by and spoke with David Letterman about how her character runs down stairs naked, “which no one should ever do on camera.” Olivia was thrilled when the stair-running scene was removed. I don’t blame her.

Olivia is also dealing with rude remarks from journalists about how she’s “too hot” to play a writer in this film. Here’s an excerpt from the GQ review of Third Person:

Third Person is another Sudoku movie. Hotel chambermaid Mila Kunis gets paired off opposite painter James Franco in one New York-set plot strand, while penny-ante fashion grifter Adrien Brody pursues an enigmatic Gypsy dame (Moran Atias) in Rome. Liam Neeson, meanwhile, is a novelist juggling hotcha mistress Olivia Wilde and, at long distance, estranged wife Kim Basinger during a jaunt to scenic-as-ever Paree.

Neeson and Wilde get up to some believably wayward antics: games, one-upmanship, the kind of desire for each other that comes from old acquaintance rather than novelty. She’s supposed to be a writer too, but your belief in that won’t outlast Wilde scampering naked through hotel corridors once Neeson playfully locks her out of his room. With that tush, who’d need to be literate? Who’d want to?

[From GQ]

Olivia’s response is pretty classic. I can’t possibly add anything that would make this better.

Here are some pics of Olivia before and after visiting Letterman. She’s in Stella McCartney. Holy horizontal stripes!

Olivia Wilde

Olivia Wilde

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN

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99 Responses to “Olivia Wilde calls out GQ journo for saying she’s too hot to play a ‘literate’”

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  1. Snazzy says:

    Good for her! What a stupid (albeit unsurprising) comment for GQ to make!!

    • Audrey says:


      I really can’t believe that anyone still thinks that way

      • kri says:

        GQ is highly offensive. I want them to ask Gary Oldman to write a sincere apology for their rampant sexism, and overall uselessness.

    • Tapioca says:

      And yet if some godawful “women’s” magazine made the same comment about a male eye candy actor would there be an uproar?

      Plus she has no ass, so I’m not even sure they were watching the right film…

      • Snazzy says:

        I hope there would be the same uproar … honestly! Because the whole concept of being too pretty to be smart is just plain stupid

      • TJ says:

        I agree with Snazzy. Somebody can’t be smart and looking great? That’s so lame.

        Also I often hear or read this BS that women can’t be smart and sexy, And I think this critic just tries to send this message again with this stupid piece.

      • BangersandMash says:

        If a woman friendly magazine says… “In the film, James Franco plays a writer, but your belief in that won’t last once you see him running naked around hotel corridors… With an a$$ that hot, who would need to be literate? Who would even want too?”

        Now, read that over again with the following names replacing James Franco.

        1) Chris Hemsworth
        2) Chris Evans
        3) Idris Elba
        4) Benedict Cumberbatch

        Some are cause more outrage than others, no? 😀

      • qwerty says:

        IF they made such a comment about a man – exactly. But they didn’t. It’s always about women.

      • Ag says:

        i would find it as gross a comment if a “women’s” magazine wrote that about a guy.

        but, the problem generally is that women have been historically stereotyped, placed into “hot” and “smart” boxes, and denied ownership of either their sexuality or their intellect. that has not been the same with men.

      • msw says:

        Yes. At least from me. How stupid is the idea you can’t be conventially attractive AND smart? That’s f’ed, I don’t care who it’s about.

        Nonetheless, since this comment was made about a woman, it only serves to reinforce the idea that women are objects to be looked at or f***ed and primarily exist for the amusement of men. You know, instead of having anything beyond sex appeal to offer.

      • Mark says:

        No they say stupid stuff like that in all of those women magazines

      • Gretchen says:

        Seriously? A “what about teh menz” comment followed by body snarking?

        Have I stumbled into some alternate Celebitchy comment universe where people aren’t feminist? *looks around bewildered*

      • FLORC says:

        No need to get snarky to other posters.
        Let’s keep it civil to avoid that special place in hell;)

      • mercy says:

        Probably not, but given the inequalities that still exist it’s a relatively small price to pay.

      • Chris says:

        Reminds me of people who think that someone couldn’t be hot and nice. As if the two are mutually exclusive.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I just saw this moving video last night. The part with the power tools made me get teary. A lot of women are treated like this for a lot of their lives.


      • TJ says:

        Wow, now that’s a great ad!

      • Tiffany :) says:

        I really liked it, TJ.
        I wish I could show this to all of my friends who have little girls…or to anyone who knows little girls, lol.

        Having a twin sister, we were always treated by others like we were too precious to handle things like power tools, driving for the first time, etc. Looking back, people were trying to protect us but what they were really doing was sending a message of doubt in our abilities, of incompetance. As a young woman, I found that I could have more indepth discussions online where my feminity didn’t dictate the how seriously my argument was taken.

      • mayamae says:

        If there were more female math and science teachers, I think girls would have an easier time holding onto their love of those subjects.

      • mercy says:

        Great ad! I’ve never been interested in power tools and such, but I blame sheer laziness. 😉 I would wonder if other forces weren’t at play if my brother wasn’t the same way. We came from a household where ‘professionals’ were hired to do that stuff. Only my dad showed aproclivity for that kind of work, and he grew up in a very different environment (rural, with no suburbs or cities for miles.) But all of us hate math lol…

  2. NN says:

    Ehh, I think I will have a harder time believing the relationship between Wilde and Neeson. Sorry but old man/young woman will never be normalized in my head, especially not with THAT much of an age gap.
    F*ck you Hollywood writers/producers.

    • TJ says:

      It is not a romatic movie, it’s more focused on realtionships. And the age gap is not that bizarre at all. I mean we see Hugh Hefner and his girlfreinds….

      • Jennifer says:

        Do you not think the Hugh Hefner thing is bizarre? I find it so strange that he can find that many willing women to have a go at him just because of his name/money….

      • Original Tessa says:

        I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not, TJ.

      • TJ says:

        The Hugh Hefner thing is bizarre but also special, because those “girlfriends” wouldn’t date with him if he would be a regular guy.

        Still I could see (and I know) people, who falling in love with each other with a 30 year age gap.

      • NN says:

        Nope. Still creepy.

      • TJ says:

        Why? A 60 and 30 years old cannot fall in love for each other? Becuase many examples proves the opposite. Unusual, but not creepy.

      • littlestar says:

        I think Hugh Hefner is a bad example to use. He’s usually 60+ years older than his “girlfriends”! He was already a senior by the time some of those women were born…

      • mercy says:

        True, but unfortunately the age gap is most often skewed towards younger woman with older man. I’ve seen enough of that to last a lifetime.

        I like Liam and great to see Kim Basinger back on the scene (now there’s a beautiful couple), but Franco, Kunis and Wilde….I’ll wait for this one to show up on cable.

    • Jayna says:

      Well, he’s not just any older man. Liam is a six foot four, handsome, charming man with a sexy accent. When they post Liam Neeson stories on here, everyone from the age of 20 to 30 to 40 to 50 says they would have a go at him in a hot minute, so I find it very believable a woman her age would find him very attractive. His movies usually have age appropriate women like Julianne Moore, Framke Janssen, Laura Linney. So to me it’s the storyline. Besides in the movie I doubt he is playing a 60-year-old. He could pass for someone ten years younger probably in the movie.

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        Let’s just say if I met a sixty year old man who looked like Liam, I don’t think I’d be able to look at him straight. And if I was bold enough, and he were single..YESSSS…I’d at least TRY to hit it (actually I’d try to seduce it with my baking skills….)

        And to be serious for a minute (pull ALL of our thoughts away from banging Liam)–I think it also depends on where you are in your life. I know that my mom was in her early thirties, and tired of douchey guys her age, so she tried to date a guy who was in his mid fifties….it worked out, until he found out that she wasn’t 21 (she looked really young for her age)…she said she had a lot of fun with him, he didn’t try and rush her into anything–but he was really douchey in that he wanted to date women who were barely old enough to drink.

    • Tiffany :) says:


    • Kimmy says:

      I know Liv is 30, but she can easily pass as a little older I think. Still gross and awkward onscreen, but it’s not like it’s Emma Watson or Kstew playing a 30 yr old. Keira Knightly and Anne Hathaway are kind of in the same boat too.

      • TJ says:

        Exactly. How many would knew watching Liam and Olivia together without knowing their actuall age that they have a 30+ age difference between them, Here’s a hint: not many.

  3. Kiddo says:

    This explains their overall thought process and the photos of the topless model in their mag, the other day. Laddy mag is laddy mag.

    I wonder what they think about James Franco’s bare ass and his status as a writer.

    Completely unrelated, I like Olivia, but the styling is terrible in those photos, minus the jeans.

    • Erinn says:

      What a complete mess of outfits. I do like the jeans and t-shirt though, they’re casual but still cute.

      • TJ says:

        I like the green-black one. Nice color combination. Also she looks cute with Paco and Otis together.

    • Kiddo says:

      @TJ, I kind of dig the contrasting color combo, but the green hornet design, lol, is not flattering. It flattens her chest and expands her bottom with the huge horizontal stripes. She has a fantastic figure, so I can’t imagine this outfit being flattering on anyone, if not on her. Not being designer aficionado, I am only lately finding that I really don’t like most of McCartney’s work.

    • kri says:

      I can’t decide what would be worse..James Franco bare-assed or his writing? A genuine dilemma here.

  4. NN says:

    She has posed for GQ before, right?

    • TJ says:

      Yes, but that doesn’t erase a thing about how stupid and sexist the critics’ remark was.

      • NN says:

        I didn’t say it did

      • Faye says:

        It doesn’t erase the stupidity and sexism of the writer, but it does make Olivia seem just a wee bit hypocritical. If you willingly objectify yourself sexually for publication, you can’t act surprised and outraged when that same publication treats you like . . .a sexual object. It doesn’t excuse them, but she doesn’t have full wiggle room to be self-righteous either.

        I remember her saying when she was first auditioning for roles someone told her not to wear a turtleneck, just a tank top or something sexier, and even though she was “outraged,” she did. Well . . .I get what the reality is for women in Hollywood, but if they don’t work to change it, who will? Not the men, that’s for damn sure. You can’t simultaneously buy into a system and then complain about how oppressive it is.

      • TJ says:

        She was the casting assistant of Mali Finn, a very powerful female casting director, and she advised to Olivia to wear something sexy before she had an audition with a male executive. A day earlier a girl came to Finn in a sexy ouutfit, and Mali called the girl “a joke” afterwards(that’s why Olivia wanted to wear a turtleneck in the first place). So male and female casting directors have clearly other priorities.
        And sadly I think every young actress must play this game in Hollywood just to have a chance to make a career.

        And I disagree about “you posed for sexy pictures, you make a sexual object about yourself, so you are part of the problem” thing. You can’t look sexy AND have a (smart) personality? What a stupid term is this. And why is ALWAYS used against women?

        BTW as I posted in this thread (scroll down a bit) even GQ found this piece(joke?) rude, and just apologized to Olivia on twitter.

      • Gretchen says:

        Faye, who said: “You can’t simultaneously buy into a system and then complain about how oppressive it is.”

        But don’t we all do this in some aspect of our lives? Eg, I disagree with slave labour and sweatshops, unfortunately because of my socio-economic status I can’t always buy items that guarantee they are fair trade produced…I can still not like it, and complain about it, while having to buy into it to some extent. I also like chocolate, so does that mean I can’t complain about deforestation at the hands of palm oil companies?

        I think part of what makes these sorts of systems so insidious and horrible is that they’re so hard to opt out of.

      • Faye says:

        @Gretchen – I get your point but 1) there are many people who do make an effort to research their purchases for ethical considerations and choose accordingly and 2) in many cases, people don’t always have the luxury of making better choices – for example, people who might not to want to shop at Wal Mart, etc. but that’s what they can afford. Olivia Wilde comes from an incredibly privileged background and had every opportunity in the world. She chose to be an actress and while that was her choice, she had the option to stand her ground and not go for the whole sexy promotion of herself. She did it, it’s her choice, but she also had the choice to buck the system. If enough actresses did it, who knows what might happen?

    • Elle Kaye says:

      @Faye..why can’t a woman be sexy and smart? That is the point she is making. So, if a woman poses in a dress that shows cleavage, then she must not have a brain, and she is also opening herself up to sexual harrassment? That is so antiquated and insulting. I never show my cleavage when I dress, I am very self-conscience about it. I have since I have been young. But I don’t judge women who do. They are breasts. Men have them and go shirtless all the time. If a hollywood actor takes off his shirt or gives a smouldering look, no one says, “he is perpetuating the dumbing down of men” No, they call it sex appeal. Not once is his IQ questioned.

      This double standard that continues to be perpetuated is so exhausting.

      • Faye says:

        I really wish people would actually read before jumping into a response.

        *I NEVER said women can’t be sexy and smart. What I said is that if you pose nearly naked on the cover of a magazine, you can’t be overly surprised if your intellect isn’t that what magazine chooses to highlight. Again, I’m not excusing the writer’s behavior, but Olivia is being ridiculous. You don’t walk into an executive board meeting wearing a bikini for a reason. I’m not saying cover up like a nun, but if you pose naked in your capacity as an actress, your sexuality is what you are CHOOSING to highlight, and you can’t be overly surprised when someone else focuses on that. It’s like Lena Dunham going naked on her show and then getting furious when a reporter asked her why she does that.

        *WHERE did I say that she, or anyone, was opening themselves up to sexual harassment? That wasn’t even part of the conversation. If you ever read one comment I made in threads dealing with rape or sexual harassment, you’d know that I’m the first person to get angry if someone accuses a victim of doing something to incite that behavior. That is a totally different ball of wax and has nothing to do with this discussion.

        *Double standard what? We weren’t talking about men at all, but you assumed (how judgmental of you) that I would judge differently. Wrong. I didn’t see trailers of Channing Tatum in that stripper and think “wow, that guy must be a big intellectual.” If men choose to pose naked and focus on their bodies constantly (and I know plenty of men like that from the gym), I”m not saying they can’t be smart, but their intellect isn’t the first characteristic that jumps into one’s mind.

      • TJ says:

        “*I NEVER said women can’t be sexy and smart. What I said is that if you pose nearly naked on the cover of a magazine, you can’t be overly surprised if your intellect isn’t that what magazine chooses to highlight.”

        Not the magazine but the critic choose to highlight that part, and focused on the body instead of the performance and the person.

        And on more thing – lately many women magazines shooting quite sexy photoshoots from women (Allure comes to my mind – see Olivia’s pictures as evidence from last year) but you never read remarks like this towards (their former cover) women in them. Why is that, huh? Maybe because they know that being sexy and being a smart person not ruling each other out?

  5. Eleonor says:

    Stella McCartney dress is a mess. But I like the orange shoes.
    The GQ review doesn’t even deserve a reply.

  6. TJ says:

    The promotions for Third Person was over last week. And I also think she looks totally nice and normal (and if i’m correct without make-up) on the pap pics. I don’t think she looking exhausted at all.
    Although she said on Letterman, that Otis doesn’t like to sleep, so she maybe cannot sleep much either.

  7. Virgilia Coriolanus says:

    I hope I’m wrong (because I love my Liam), but I read a few reviews a while ago (I think when the movie came out in Europe or was making rounds at a film festival) that it was a horrible, terrible movie.

    • TJ says:

      Some people really hate this movie, that’s for sure. But for example The New Yorker loved it, It’s a very complex story, just like Crash was.

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        Oh, okay. I read a few reviews, and all I heard was that it was just very unbelievable…..and I don’t know if the writer just took issue with the age gap between Olivia and Liam or what.

      • TJ says:

        I don’t think he had a problem with that….

        And even some reviews who hated to movies said that the parts where Liam & Olivia is on the screen is the best moments of the film.

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        Oh, I’m not surprised then–I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bad performance from my man Liam…..

  8. lower-case deb says:

    the one in the orange shoes is okay, but the one with the blue bottoms… what is that? an anthrophormization of a bee in a field of bluebells?

  9. TJ says:

    Wow, GQ just apologized on twitter!

    “@GQMagazine We blew it, @oliviawilde. We regret that boneheaded joke in Tom Carson’s “Third Person” review. So does he.”

  10. blue marie says:

    Can’t believe I’m saying this but.. love her response but hate her Letterman outfits.

  11. Ag says:

    what an idiotic comment to make. good for her to call them out on it. (when will the ridiculous bs of dividing women into “hot” and “smart” end? WTF.)

    and, bedhead, you hit the nail on the head. that is EXACTLY what it takes to round up your pack for a walk. it’s a project to just get out of the door. haha

  12. TG says:

    What is Olivia’s response? I have read this column twice and I must be missing it?

  13. Ann says:

    30 YEAR age difference? Unless we routinely see old/er women paired with male lover interests 15, 25 and 30 years younger, I will not pay to see that kind of shit.

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      I think that’s the whole point of their storyline–my impression is that the movie has four or five different storylines, about different relationships. An age gap would be appropriate–it’s not like it’s an actual romantic comedy, and the age gape isn’t even mentioned…

      • Ann says:

        Whateves. Like I said, unless we routinely see the older women, much younger man situation, I’m not giving you my $$$.

    • Etheldreda says:

      Absolutely. It’s one thing if the plot requires a major age difference, but the idea that it’s normal and unremarkable for a 60 year old man to date a hot woman half his age completely turns me off. And yes, I know Neeson is ‘hot’ and that plenty of young women do fancy him, but lots of young men fancy Helen Mirren or Susan Sarandon, yet I can’t imagine either being paired with a thirty year old actor unless the ‘cougar’ aspect were part of the storyline.

      I too refuse to go to films which require me to accept the notion that while men age ‘like a fine wine’, women are washed up by the time they’re 35. But as long as Hollywood is run by old men, that’s going to continue happening, I’m afraid.

  14. starfan says:

    Leam Neeson is Olivia’s fathers age. They would never do this if the roles were reversed. Creepy.

  15. nicegirl says:

    I think it is awesome that they actually followed her advice and kissed her smart ass with an apology. GO OLIVIA

  16. TJ says:

    Another irony of the story. Olivia’s mother, Leslie Cockburn is a very serious investigative journalist who worked for PBS and 60 Minutes for a long time, made interviews with the likes of Moammer Kadhafi, etc.. Also she is not a bad looking person either(hey Olivia should have heritated the genes of her great look from someone).
    So Olivia can point at her mother to prove this guy is totally wrong.

  17. mazzie says:

    I’m a writer (published and all) and my ass is pretty damn spectacular.

  18. Ginger says:

    What about 63 and 45 hmmmm? Good for Olivia. Love her response so much she may just be winning me over here.

  19. Liz says:

    Liam may be a handsome man but he’s still 63 years old. These directors and producers would like to maintain a culture of older man with a young woman.

    I’m sure the director knew he wouldn’t be able to use the footage of Olivia running down the stairs naked. That’s how these guys satisfy their perverted compulsions – write a scene about a naked woman.

    • mayamae says:

      The story goes that Cary Grant either refused to kiss Audrey Hepburn in Charade, or didn’t kiss her until the end – It’s been a long time since I saw it. He was uncomfortable with the fact that he was twenty-five years older than her, and didn’t think the audience would like it. Of course, he went on to marry Dyan Cannon who was almost thirty years younger than him.

  20. joan says:

    Excellent, O.!

  21. mercy says:

    “For those of us who are both parents and pet owners, you recognize the amount of time it took Olivia to get out the door for this walk, right? I’m guessing … 45 minutes. Livvy decided it was time to walk the dog. She dressed herself in casual wear, and she fed and dressed Otis. Then she tried to round up Paco, but he decided to play hide and seek and tipped over a few plants. She finally secured Paco on the leash. By that time, Otis was crying because he spit up milk…”

    Don’t forget “then she called her favourite pap…” 😉 lt’s been known to happen. Even with “Livvy” (especially with “Livvy”)…

    • TJ says:

      She very often walkes make-up free or with very little make-up on the streets (like in this case) . You really think she calls the paps especially in this (very, very casual) outfit?

      • mercy says:

        Yes. She and her partner started off their relationship calling paps and still do. It’s part of their effort to rebrand themselves. More grunge, less glam. No shame in that. It’s just funny how it, and them, go largely unnoticed.

  22. feebee says:

    looked up Tom Carson’s pic.

    I can see why he became a writer.

  23. FLORC says:

    Amazing how many of my posts aren’t making it today.

    To sum it up. Wilde plays these press games like Aniston. She has something that is a mild insult wrapped in a major flattering compliment. She’s done this before. Now her bottom and her name are being thought about again. I see what you did there olivia.

    • TJ says:

      A; it was picked up by several sites in the web BEFORE Olivia made her response. B; The guy wrote it should’ve been called out for this a8nd he and the magazine apologized for the remarks). C; When did she played games with the press (except when she shoot down all the BS rumors back in 2011 when every gossip outlets tried to made her and any guy who stand in her 5 feet radius a new couple)?

      I sum it up for you this whole thing. A guy made a ridiculously sexist comment in his review, some sites called him out rightfully so for that, and then Olivia responded very well to him and as final act the author and the magazine apologized. End of the story.

      But please read more here:

    • mercy says:

      The journalist deserved to be called out, period.

      TJ, it was often her publicist linking her with all those guys (with breathless comments like “He’s always had a crush on her” to publications like Us Weekly.) That’s exactly the kind of aggressively passive-aggressive PR she has played for awhile.

  24. NN says:

    TJ, are you Olivia’s publicist or something? Geez..

  25. Snowflake says:

    I don’t find her attractive, at all. Same for Miranda Kerr. Just don’t get it

  26. GByeGirl says:

    The unfortunate thing is that she’s technically too good looking to realistically portray a regular human being. IRL, people, particularly many men act like complete lunatics around extremely good looking women like her. Do we act like this around extremely good looking men, as well? I don’t know. I just know that I have a friend who is crazy beautiful and it’s an issue everywhere she goes. It’s not that I know this because she tells me, it’s because when I’m with her, I see it. Every.Single.Interaction with other people becomes about her appearance.

    I don’t know if some of you are attractive enough to get this treatment, or perhaps you live in a city full of gorgeous people and others don’t react as if beautiful people are freaks who belong in a zoo?

    I’m not saying that beautiful women aren’t smart, or anything like that, but a realistic movie with a beautiful woman as a character would be about her going around doing whatever the plot action dictates and then everyone else just keeps saying, “Gee–you’re real pretty!”

  27. aenflex says:

    She’s hot?