Cameron Diaz covers the August issue of Esquire. You can see the cover here. Her body looks so tight, but I am not fond of the high-cut bikini look popularized lately by Miley Cyrus. At least this shoot was taken by Vincent Peters instead of Terry Richardson like Cameron’s 2013 Esquire cover. I hope Esquire is done with Terry for good, but he’ll probably be back.
Cameron is promoting her S*x Tape movie, which stars Cami and Jason Segel as a married couple who accidentally uploads their “footage” to the cloud. Cami has toned down her press presence a bit (thank goodness), so we’re not being assaulted by quotes about her vadge habits. She does talk once again about how she’s not going to have kids. Cam previously said that she’s “not a spinster” simply because she chose not to have children. It sucks that she has to confront that stereotype, but Cami comes out with all cylinders firing:
On her first full-on nude scene: “It’s a first for me. But Jason gets naked, too. It’s just a part of the role. So I did it. I mean you see everything.”
She’s lucky to be an actress: “It’s a weird job, right? [For S*x Tape] I found myself in a room in the middle of nowhere Massachusetts at 11:00 at night doing a childbirth scene, and everybody’s screaming at one another – Jason, the cameramen, the director. And me acting like I’m trying to push a basketball out of my vajoon. Crazy sh*t, right? And the thing is, I always take a moment to say, ‘We’re lucky. This is a great job. A fun job.'”
On aging: “I like being 41. I love it. So much sh-t just falls away. Fear, mostly. It’s the best age. That’s when a woman knows how to work things, or she doesn’t care about that anymore. You just stop being afraid. You don’t worry about what men think. You just don’t worry that time registers anything awful.”
Nope, she still doesn’t want a baby:“It’s so much more work to have children. To have lives besides your own that you are responsible for — I didn’t take that on. That did make things easier for me. A baby — that’s all day, every day for eighteen years. Not having a baby might really make things easier, but that doesn’t make it an easy decision. I like protecting people, but I was never drawn to being a mother. I have it much easier than any of them. That’s just what it is. Doesn’t mean life isn’t sometimes hard. I’m just what I am. I work on what I am. Right now, I think, things are good for me. I’ve done a lot. And I don’t care anymore.”
[From Esquire]
I love that Cameron comes out and says, “I don’t care anymore” at the end of her baby discussion. Not every woman constantly dreams of having babies. Take that, media. Will Cameron have to answer this question again? Probably.
Cameron is still dating Benji Madden, who recently confirmed their relationship in a radio interview. He says he’s “a lucky guy.” I’m including photos of Benji last week at the Best Little Cat House in LA. Our photo agency says he was buying a kitten for Cami. That’s a risky gift!
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet
I love she flat-out says she has no desire to be a mother. Sometimes it seems like society forgets that having children isn’t mandatory.
+1, exactly that.
I know. I almost hope that she keeps getting the question because her answers are always great.
Agreed she’s she may not have the best taste in men but I give her a load of props for being honest and unashamed about her choice.
+10000. Also true about turning 40 and how some things just fall away. Thank god. I do the things I want and need to do to please myself now. It’s awesome to be free of some of the crap.
Or maybe it’s her not the men? If 90 percent of your boyfriends are turds then it’s probably you
Yes, finally!
I don’t know why people feel entitled to have an opinion about this.
Judged for not wanting/having kids
I personally get judged for only wanting one(apparently we’re selfish for not giving our daughter a sibling)
Others get judged for having too many or their kids too spaced out or too close together.
You can never win. Do what makes you happy
Exactly! No one can win. I remember people asking me why I was wearing black, “did someone die?” . How can you risk a YES answer by asking this question, you moron?
People, a lot of them, are stupid, very stupid and irresponsible. So, they shouldn’t matter!
It’s hard to tell people you don’t want children and knowing that they are judging you. Everyone tells me that one day I’ll wake up and want a baby but I don’t see that happening. I’m always like, I’m more than my uterus!
Yeah, who cares what other people think? I have a lot of kids and I get the judgment as much as any other woman. i just ignore it. Those people don’t control my life and I certainly won’t allow them to affect me or my feelings. Why would I give them that power over me? It’s exactly what they want and I’ll be damned if I give it to them. Who cares what people do, it’s their business. And really, if people have this much time to waste on other people, that’s really sad. I cannot think of ANYTHING I’d want to do less than sit around and talk about people (celebs excepted of course lol).
I’m much younger than her and I already know I don’t want kids. Thankfully, I won’t have to be pelted with those questions from my family for at least another 5-7 years. I feel like you do know at a young age though, whether you have that drive to be a mother. I never did.
I totally agree with you.
I’m as old as Cameron and I know from a very young age (when I was 9) that I will never be a mother. I just don’t have the mental/spiritual connections to that. I feel nothing. I fear nothing too. I live as I want, as long as I don’t cross the law. My family just doesn’t know how to handle me : I am graduated, I have a good job and I make money, so they don’t understand why I’m not a child maker too… I think in the end it’s maybe me no being able to handle them. I wish you luck for the next years : when you reach 30, people will become very curious about your lifestyle.
I stopped babysitting by age 13 and picked vegetables instead for $$. I always knew I didn’t want kids too. 52 now and no regrets. It seemed like too much work and no reward. I still think that. And I was always upfront about it not seeming like something I wanted to be stuck with for a minimum of 18 years. That usually shut up a lot of people as I was never apologetic about it.
Love love love That about her: no hemming and hawing games, no misleading press tours, no bellycupping fart baby belly pics, Nothing
And I also super identify with what she said about it “It’s so much more work to have children. To have lives besides your own that you are responsible for — I didn’t take that on. That did make things easier for me. A baby — that’s all day, every day for eighteen years” and “I was never drawn to being a mother.”
^^this is exactly how I feel when people ask me about it, I wasn’t interested growing up, I wasn’t Interested when in stable relationships, I wasn’t interested when my siblings had little ones, Im also not a baby hater cause some are cute and well behaved but I’m not a baby cooer, I don’t volunteer to babysit or diaper change or to baby hold like that… I do get happy when my gfs make em though!
But I want to have baby QQ’s from Narnia! It would be born with perfect hair, fuschia lipstick & turquoise toes. 😀
I’m a mother to two cats! I never wanted children either! My mother said she had a feeling that I wasn’t going to have kids because instead of dolls in my baby carriage I would push my cats around and she said the funniest thing was that the cats stayed in the carriage!!
Crab hi, I’m a happy catlady too. Babies leave me unmoved….oh the awkward scenes at boyfriends’ homes, when someone would attempt to pass their tiny offspring to me to hold…yikes, I’m outta there!
Half one’s friends suspected inner misery and denial, the rest came out with comments about my not understanding any bloody thing at all, since only motherhood is The Way, The Truth, and The Light. Grrrrr.
So right on, dames like Helen Mirren and Cameron…..seriously, such questions are terrifically impertinant anyway, and maybe hit a vein of deep misery even, for some. Best the subject be killed off as an interview topic imo.
Yes, I never played with dolls but I’d put my cats in my stroller and push them around. Mine stayed in too! I have 2 Burmese cats and a husband … that’s enough children for me 🙂 I’ve never wanted children, but love being the ‘favourite auntie’ to my nieces and nephews. Got to say, my husband’s mother really dislikes me and told me I’m selfish for not having children. Her attitude me is pretty hideous. Whatever!! She’s a complete misery tits!!
Alison, I want to know why your mother in law (or anyone) thinks its selfish to not have kids? I mean, the world is overpopulated isn’t it? Why is it “selfish”?
Alison, I am a total mother hen, and always knew I wanted children, however I totally respect anyone who chooses not to. It’s not selfish at all. In fact, your mother-in-law is selfish because she wants you to raise children you don’t want just so she can have grandbabies. Babies are a big commitment, and a lot of hard work. I wanted babies so bad, and I still feel like i’m losing my mind sometimes… I couldn’t imagine how I would feel if I didn’t want kids, and I was pressured into it. Kudos to you for being strong in your beliefs!
I can totally relate to her answer and I like, that on this topic, she isn´t playing the Hollywood game and isn´t afraid or ashamed to admit that she doesn´t want kids.
I really like the fact that she owns her decision not to have kids. She obviously knows that it’s not the right choice for her and isn’t afraid of the possible backlash. I’m also 41 and don’t have kids but was much more ambivalent and would have had them if various life circumstances would have been different. I have gotten a lot of flack over the years for not having children and it gets old-I don’t know why so many people feel that it’s okay to pressure you or try make you feel ashamed if you’re a woman without children. Even if I had a child/children I would never try to pressure someone into making the same choice.
Yeah, why would you pressure someone, what difference does it make to your life? And what if they are not fertile? And you’re pressuring them to have kids? RUDE and hurtful!
I have just turned 27 and Im not sure that I want kids. I haven’t made up my mind. If I decide I want one, then I’ll do it. Til then, nobody can pressure me. I mean, why would you want to pressure someone anyway? Having kids is a huge decision, you don’t want someone to have to commit to 18 years of misery because you pressured them, just so that you feel better! You know? THAT is selfish, if you ask me. I wish more people would think harder before having kids and how they would raise them, rather than just do it cos “it’s the thing to do”.
I can’t like her since the interview where she compared her life to being in highschool, and people always pick on the ‘pretty girls.’ It’s not fair to her that you’re mean because she’s pretty! Get off it, Cam.
That was also the single comment that made me go.. Oh. It makes since that she was in a serious relationship with Jared Leto. I get it now.
If only she was pretty. I find her face so rough,
Haha I forgot her and Leto were a thing. She has a lot of famous exes.
Leto wishes!
If I remember that interview correctly, her comment back then was not so much about being “the pretty ones in high school”, but being “the popular ones in high school”. I’m too lazy to look it up now, so I don’t exactly have the best credits at hand to back it up, but I honestly believe that she compared being a movie star to being the popular kid in high school whom people both admire and envy and love to gossip about, ya know?
She used to be stunning. Too many surfboarding accidents and smoking have done their damage.
When she was in “The Mask” she was absolutley stunning!!
She also had really, really bad acne. The scarring’s really messed up her skin tone. Even back in The Mask you could see it in scenes where the lighting wasn’t too flattering.
I love her so much more for admitting this, women get crucified for not wanting children and I’ll never understand that. Some women just don’t have that desire and there’s nothing wrong with that, we get one life and we should do as we please instead of what’s expected! Kids are a lot of work and they aren’t for everyone. I also agree with what she said about having more confidence as you get older. She just seems like a fun girl I’d be friends with!
For some of us it’s not the work–it’s the noise level. 😀 I just always wanted a quiet life.
I’m babysitting my nephews all summer and their messy rooms Stress. Me. Out. I love them like crazy I just don’t think I want any of my own. I love going home to my quiet house each night.
As someone that didn’t want nor have kids. I agree with her. Regarding society and the perception of you and your choice. I think if you live your life with confidence in your decision people on the outside go with the flow. I never had anyone tell me I made the wrong decision. EVER. I think it is all about the vibe you send off; and if you are sending mix messages.
When you own the choices of your life it is not hard to live with them. It is all about how you own it. Lots of women that made that decision OWN it so we don’t get crap for it.
I’m not sure that’s fair. I’ve had people say unkind things to me about not having children after knowing me for less than a minute. Although I wanted children and couldn’t have them, I have made peace with that. I still could be giving off mixed signals, I get that, but I’ve had comments made before I had a chance to give any signals at all. “Oh, I just wouldn’t feel my life had any meaning if I didn’t have children” or my personal favorite “of course I know you don’t like children, but…” Frankly, I think most people are good, but some people are just a$$holes.
never said that other people’s experiences are different. I was speaking of my experience. I also think that there are people that don’t have a buffer and think that the way they live their lives and the choices they make are the only ones. So I understand what you are saying. I just haven’t had those experiences. And I work and have worked with lots of women; of all ages. The vast majority have kids or grandkids. So I would imagine in my work environment I would hear it more. But I don’t.
I would so go off on anyone saying that stuff to me. You have great patience and restraint.
The good thing is the elimination round came quickly: those are people to dispense with rapidly.
Here’s your quip:
“Of course you don’t have a social filter, or appropriate boundaries, and make a lot of assumptions and judgements in the process, but I suppose you can work on that. That also gives life meaning “.
You know, if you want to bounce the asshole back.
@Lisa2 Totally get what your saying, and I’m glad people have respected your decision. Funny you mentioned this was mainly your perspective through a working environment. I’m not shading anyone at all, but each of the women who have made these kinds of remarks to me were stay at home moms. Maybe theses specific people have issues about their worth outside of being mothers. (I do NOT mean that about stay at home moms in general. I think that’s a perfectly valid choice.)
P.S. I do not have great patience or restraint. In every case I either responded rationally but firmly, became angry and defensive or had to leave the room and burst into tears, depending on my mood. Lol
Kiddo, wow I LOVE that and am tattooing it on my face immediately
Oh, you are AWESOME!
Love the quip.
“Oh, I just wouldn’t feel my life had any meaning if I didn’t have children”
*punches computer screen*
*tapes computer screen back together and throws vodka at Kitten*
Thank you kiddo. I needed that response. So versatile too.
LOL you must be a saint, when people say rude crap to me I simply say “I think we’re done here, have a nice day” and walk away. Then I never deal with them again (unless I absolutely have to, then it’s cold politeness and formality all the way). Works pretty well! I don’t engage them, don’t acknowledge their nastiness (because that’s giving them what they want), and don’t play their little mind games.
^ This
My experience has been the same as yours from both friends, female coworkers and family respecting my decision to not have kids.
I disagree. I am open about telling people with confidence, that I don’t want to hAve kids. But yet, 90 percent still tell me, oh, you’d be a great mom and try to get me to change my mind. And believe me, I am very firm in my stance . Some people can’t wrap their minds around the fact that some people don’t want kids. You Are lucky that no one gives you shit, but I hAve my mom, coworkers, etc, telling me I need to continue my bloodline (coworker) or they wAnt grand kids (mom). So consider yourself lucky but I do not waver in my beliefs. So confidence in your decision does not play a fActor.
I actually experience this as well. I have one child and I get the “when/are you going to have any more” question, and I confidently answer “nope. 1 is quite enough” and I never get any follow up to that. Even in the Deep South.
I never ask people if or when they want kids. It’s not my business. And I’m a stay at home mom. We aren’t all crazies who think everyone should have 8 kids.
The black bikini photo? The high cut look is fabulous on her. It makes her legs look even longer. She really does have a fabulous body and those legs are incredible.
Cameron will always be asked about kids because she always says she doesn’t. It’s considered odd when women say they don’t want kids.
And that consideration is wrong.
I love how she acknowledges that yes, it’s probably easier to live a life without kids – I mean clearly it is because you don’t have to care for them and be completely responsible for them – but she admits that and I didn’t expect that. Of course my life is easier without children, I know that. But that doesn’t mean I have to force myself to change my perspective and say “hey, my life is too easy… I should have children and experience all the challenges mother’s do…” Like I don’t deserve to have an easy life. Unfortunately, we women who have decided to not have their own children are still faced with that very notion from society like “how dare you have an easy life? It’s not fair!” I like how this discussion is evolving and it’s becoming more acceptable and respectable decision to not be a mother and less of a shameful and selfish decision.
I don’t believe that life is easier for people with no kids, just like I don’t think life is easier for those that made decisions that are in some way outside of what society thinks is adequate.
People that chose a no kids policy get advantages out of their decision, but guess what? The people with kids get advantages too. So, I wish we called it even and we each lived our lives without thinking one has it easier than the other. That said, I do love Cameron for how upfront she is.
Exactly, why can’t we call it even? There are advantages to both. My friend Brenda who has no kids has traveled all over the world… Remote places that I only see in National Geographic mags. It’s amazing.
My other friend Roxanne has a son who will most likely be the next Derek Jester or something. There are articles about him in the local and state papers all the time. He’s been scouted or whatever you call it (I’m not a sports fan Lol). She is a single mother and so proud of her son and proud of her decision to become a mother. It’s amazing.
I’m proud to know both women, they both have equally fulfilling lives, and no choice was better than the other.
Exactly Mena! I loathe traveling, the idea of getting on a plane makes me shudder (a flying tin can germ factory ugh), so it’s not for me but it’s totally cool that other people live that way and love it. I would never judge them by my standards and I respect them living the way they want. By most people’s standards I am a provincial hillbilly with “too many” kids but so what? Who lives their lives by other people’s standards? I tried it before and it makes you miserable so why bother?
Yep-definitely advantages and disadvantages to having kids/not having kids. Neither choice is better than the other-just different. On the plus side having no kids makes things easier financially, you have more freedom and you don’t have all of the physical aspects of pregnancy that women with biological kids have to deal with. On the down side you don’t get to experience all the joys/rewards that children can bring plus it can make things harder socially sometimes (I’m 41 and most women my age are mothers-there are many conversations relating to child rearing, school, etc that I can’t participate it).
This is her best interview yet, at least the excerpts shown here. She looks good, especially her body, but there is something about the photos I don’t like, especially the second one. But that has more to do with the photographer, lighting, make-up etc., and not Cameron. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but again, it sort of veers away from her normal appearance.
Because there is some slight photoshopping in it not a lot but some. Look at her legs. I went to high school with her before her 17 cover…was quasai friends with her sister. Once she blow up i never saw her in school. She looks good. Im 41 too and i feelthe same way she does about not caring what people think anymore. Long Beach is in the house and Cam is representing…
I don’t think her body looks off, it looks great. I think her face looks different. Seems like they either used a lot more make-up on her than her usual, or they pumped up the contrast. The effect is that it translates harder or harsher than her typical look.
I thought harsh and hard too. Bad photoshop job?
The last picture especially (the one in which she’s got her hands clasped up in front of her chin) is really kittenish. I agree with you that something seems “off” and to me, it seems like they tried to make her play kittenish/cute in a way that just does not jibe at all with her persona. She’s not petite and she’s not 25 and she’s not cutesy, personality-wise, so (I think, anyway) it’s a little strange.
At least she’s being honest and saying openly she doesn’t want kids and it’s not for her. Better than other celebs that seem to have them as an accessory to lure the paps.
Good for her for knowing this about herself. Sadly, some people don’t realize they shouldn’t have kids until they already have. Sucks that she is made to justify it to anyone but good on her for facing the question head on.
Good for her! Always liked her for being honest about this. Not everyone dreams of becoming a mother all their life.
Different wording, same message regarding kids. She gets my respect. I am waiting for a time when the interviewer is put on blast about their reproductive rights and see how it feels.
Now that she’s not with A-Rod anymore she doesn’t have the big scary guns. She looks better like this.
She looks great. Not sold on her new movie though.
Movie looks like the usual garbage that she favors.
Good for her! I’m 41 too and am enjoying my forties but I have to admit I still worry. Just not as much!
Good for her not wanting kids and admitting it but the comment about not caring what men think? Are you kidding me? She is totally delusional in her thinking here. She cares so much. All the while posing for a men’s magazine. Ironic to the core
I’m not one bit ashamed in saying that I would never have a kid because i don’t want to ruin my body, i don’t want to share my hard-earned money with someone else that would NOT give me back, and i love sleeping. i love being childfree and looking forward to enjoy being childfree till death
That’s right! Keepin it real.
All of this. When I say I don’t want kids and people say, “Why?” I’ve started saying, “Because I’m selfish and I like sleeping in,” in response. That shuts them up pronto.
Thanks for the perspective, ladies. I turn 27 at the end of the month, and I am NOT looking forward to another decade and a half of intrusive questions and condescending suggestions that I’ll change my mind someday.
My sex/gender doesn’t give anyone permission to discount my life goals or ignore my feelings. I have never wanted kids or been anything but horrified by the idea of pregnancy. My blood boils at the nerve of some people…
Haha. THIS! 😀 I’d also add the fear of becoming a single mother (which will mean poverty) and the simple fact, that I can’t deal with any kind of body fluids coming from a baby.
It’s quite sad, where I live you are more or less considered a parasite / freeloader of the society when you don’t procreate. I’m so sick of bullshit like “MY kids will work for YOUR pension!” which is mostly coming from stay at home mothers who don’t earn money and don’t pay any taxes (and thus do not contribute for todays’ pensioners) or people with a lot of kids who complain that I have more money left than they do. They always forget that they have to pay LESS taxes because of their kids and get about 190 (!) Euro per month per child (!) from the state (paid by the tax payers, of course).
Maybe we live in the same country – name begins with a F. Not Finland. Not Fantasia either.
I’m childfree and I’m 40. I have heard those “my kids will pay your pension”, or “you don’t have children so you have money” lines. Bullshit. Those holy mothers should consider that, when it comes to holidays, childfree people stay at job so that their mighty husbands can come home. And childfree people pay taxes so that childslave people can raise their children properly. Not sorry if I’m being sarcastic. I always wonder why parents always complain (like they were forced to have children), and why childfree people are always asked to justify themselves (while they don’t complain at all !!). Society is just so schizophrenic.
Good to see I’m not the only 41 year old here (turning 42 on July 7th though…) !!
I saw her in “The Counselor” on HBO last week. She totally tore it up. She was absolutely fantastic.
Cammy was the only good part of that thing.
I think she is a very talented dramatic actress as well. She is the only reason I sat through Vanilla Sky.
I liked “The Counselor” a lot better than some of the critics. I think it simply went over the heads of a lot of viewers who want their story lines tied up in neat little packages. Give it another year or two and the film is going to be a cult classic like “Blade Runner.
I doubt The Counselor will be a classic. It was very ambitious and had a lot of good performances/direction, but it was a mess. If they had given the script a little more work, it could’ve been on that level, but it was trying so hard to be something special that it forgot basics like logical story. We don’t need everything spelled out, but stuff does have to make sense.
Made sense to me and I had no problem following the plot.
Damn, she looks stunning!
I like that she’s not into thigh gap. She could have had that picture photoshopped to show thigh gap, but chose not to. Good for her!
The first time I saw Cameron Diaz, I was in a movie theatre with my brothers watching The Mask. When she made that entrance and everybody’s jaw hit the ground I realized two things:
Both my brothers are probably straight.
I’m probably not.
I love that she’s still a big name, still totally crush-worthy, smarter than we all gave her credit for, and that she’s kind of a badass. A very far cry from my other crush at the time, *sigh*, Axl Rose.
She looks great here, especially in Joe M’s shirt from the People cover post yesterday. She’s strong, not skinny, and I don’t think she’s screwed with her face (except maybe to fix that broken nose from her Timberlake days).
I’m almost afraid to ask, but how did she break her nose?
I think it was surfing, right?
Don’t know, but now you have a ‘q’.
Surf board flew up and hit her in the nose. But I think I remember that she had broken it somehow before then, too. Kitten, what’s with the Q? Are you an imposterq?
I’m sorry, is there something on my face?
*wipes at face furiously with a napkin*
But we haven’t heard all this from her before? Snooze.
I’m an acquaintance of Cam’s sister. Cam is a doting Aunt–definitely the fun kind. To me being an aunt is the best of both worlds–having kids in your life but not being responsible for them 24/7 365.
I don’t like it when having kids or not having kids is couched in terms of “it’s so much harder to have kids and I didn’t want to do that”. “Hard” is relative. There are plenty of people with kids who have easier lives than people without kids (whether by choice or circumstances), and vice versa, so putting it the way she did is (unintentionally) almost insulting to those without children. As if they just didn’t want “the extra work”. It’s still kind of fawning towards parents, in my opinion.
I like it when people just put it in terms of “I wanted kids” or “I didn’t want kids”, without explaining themselves further.
I love that she just flat out said she has no interest in being a mother. I don’t either. I’ve started directly saying that to people, too, when they get nosy and ask me. Most people are cool about it, and some are aghast. It’s usually been men who are aghast, for some weird reason. I don’t get it. I’ve been with my man for over 16 years, and he is fine with it, so it cracks me up when a male friend gets all freaked out about it. They always try to convince me that I really want to have kids and that I’ll regret it, etc. I will never have a kid simply out of fear that I may regret not having one some day, that’s not a good enough reason for me. I like my life just as it is, simple and QUIET. The thought of dealing with children 24/7 makes me instantly feel itchy.
Cameron has always been honest about not wanting children which I applause her for.
She is not like other famous women who have been going on for two decades claiming they want children and used that as publicity and then not have any at the end because they don’t have the guts to admit they never wanted any.
Ive actually seen the opposite?- up til this interview she has come across as open to the possibility. I’m pushing 40 and want kids so I always wonder about other childless ladies around my age – whose gonna end up with or without kids. This is the first time Ive seen Diaz be absolutely clear about it.
Before, her statements have been more like “I make a great aunt, who knows what will happen though…” type thing.
I’m a mother to a seven month old daughter, and I waited to have her until I was 33 years old. I heard SO many comments about when were we going to have kids etc – and used to think how obnoxious it was that people were always in my face about it. We waited because we wanted to party, travel, build our assets and careers and just flat out? We were not ready yet. When we decided we WERE, it took us a year to get pregnant and a whole lot of tears and frustration – while I still had people asking me daily “when? when?”
For me personally, having a child was/is a part of my identity – along with my career – I LOVE being a working mama and wouldn’t have it any other way. The thing that pisses me off though? You don’t HAVE to have kids to have a meaningful life!
I can’t believe some of the BS you child-free-by-choice ladies are getting for your decisions. If I ever said something half as ignorant as some of the things mentioned above… gah!
Love her response and her attitude on the baby thing. Pisses me off though that the press asks the baby question to anyone over 40. There are some people on this planet that don’t care to take on the responsibility of having or raising a child. That doesn’t make them sad or less of a caring person.
I’m a firm believer that a woman’s worth is not determined by how many children she has or doesn’t have. I like Cam’s frankness about her choice and hope it educates the less-informed, but I’m also sympathetic to friends who meddle a bit. In my experience, most people mean well. They are either making conversation, ignorantly unaware that it might be a sensitive topic, or they are attempting to compliment you. Does every woman want or need a child? Holy no! But those with children experience a unique joy that they want others to share? Sure. Also, I think many men and women who lacked parental inclinations turn out to be stellar parents, even if they hadn’t planned on children. That doesn’t mean someone should have children they don’t want, but suggesting someone would make a good parent is usually just a compliment not a condemnation. Of course, there are people who push and pry inappropriately but they are often family and I kinda feel like they get one free douche pass a piece. Or two if the person is over 80. But the media can get some new questions besides boyfriends, babies, boobies and Botox.
Yeah, these are my thoughts. I respect the decission, but I, personally, can’t imagine the rest of my live without having any kids. Being a mother is something I’m so looking forward to, when I hear other women being totally against the idea it just sounds odd to me. But as I said, I think the decission is up to every woman and if they decide not to it’s none of my business. And I greatly appreciate how honest Cameron is about it.
I am Cameron Diaz’s exact age (41) and childfree-by-choice. My dream was to have a wonderful, romantic, lifelong partnership with a fantastic man. It was never to have a child or children with that man. I’ll be celebrating my 12-year anniversary this year with the husband of my dreams. And that’s also a dozen years of my other dream (us not having kids) coming true.
I think/hope that we are the first generation of childfree women who won’t get looked down upon by most of society. I only have a couple of people in my life who have said negative/judgy things but I can deal with that small number. I think that childfree will soon become a very public and popular option for women and men.
Love her honesty. I can’t imagine myself not having kids at her age, but I think the choice is totally respectable. Power to her.
I wish Cameron copied McCounaghey and started taking more dramatic roles. She’s actually fairly good. Or she should at least start picking up better comedies. The Other Woman was just… God. Why did I ruin my day by remembering that.