Lady Gaga declares she is ‘curvy & proud’ after the most recent ‘fat’ criticisms

gaga curvy

We haven’t talked about Lady Gaga in a while. That’s partly by design (she was annoying the hell out of me) and partly because the Gaga-as-a-major-celebrity moment is over. She’s still somewhat relevant, but she’s no longer the most talked-about person in music. ARTPOP did not sell that well, her tour is bringing in money (but not like The Monsters Ball Tour) and she’s been a bit quieter this year. But she still wants attention, so she’s ringing the body-image bell again. She did this back in 2012, when she gained some weight and some unflattering photos made the rounds. She made a huge deal about positive self-image… and then she posted really flattering selfies and went on a crash diet to lose the weight. Rinse and repeat.

A few days ago, Gaga posted the header photo with the message “Curvy and Proud.” Again, this was in reaction to some recent photos of Gaga looking heavier and some of the monsters saying that Gaga “is over” and “she’s fat now.” So, that photo was Gaga’s response. A photo taken with a Vaseline-smeared lens, posed and Photoshopped and back when Gaga was a size 2 or 4 (I bet she’s all of a 6 or 8 now). “Curvy and Proud… and Photoshopped and A Carefully Selected Flattering Photo From A Year Ago.” If Gaga really is “curvy and proud,” then God bless. She’s just got one of those bodies where if she gains five to ten pounds, you can really see it (she’s short with a small frame, that’s why). What I dislike is Gaga’s narrow focus – she only gives a crap about body image issues when people call HER fat.



Photos courtesy of Gaga’s Instagram, Fame/Flynet.

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81 Responses to “Lady Gaga declares she is ‘curvy & proud’ after the most recent ‘fat’ criticisms”

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  1. Mitch Buchanan Rocks! says:

    Now if she would just declare that she is Boring.

  2. TX says:

    I just saw her in concert a week ago and she looked great! Not sure what all the fuss is about. Also, her voice was amazing. It makes me so sad she relies on gimmicks because she can SING!

    • Godwina says:

      This. It never even occurred to me she was “overweight” when I saw recently on stage. She looked sleek and fit.

      And whatever her album sales, her concert is killing in terms of attendance. 90,000 people in Quebec City.

      Not a monster myself (I went to concert because friends had extra Bluesfest tic for a day and asked me) but she still seems very relevant to me, media-wise.

  3. AlexandriaTheGreat says:

    I still can’t believe Taylor Kinney was with HER. I loved him in “The Other Woman”.

    • MonicaQ says:

      They broke up?

      • Happy21 says:

        Nope! She was just posting some flowers he sent her for no reason after three years together.

        I love him. He’s smokin’. I don’t see the connection between the two of them. He seems so normal and she seems so…not.

        That being said something obviously works for them so who am I to judge 🙂

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      The dude is so smokin’ hot it’s not even funny.

      I have no idea what he sees in her. None.

    • Christo says:

      He IS smoking hot. I love his casual swag.

  4. MonicaQ says:

    From her sampling songs and giving no credit to her shady foundation to her terrible tours, I can’t even with this lady. I had to suffer through the ArtRAVE because of my brother’s g/f and it was the most boring 2hrs of my life. Hatsune Miku who opened for her was better and she’s not even real (Japanese singing software with a hologram anime girl body).

  5. Kiddo says:

    I like the two selfie pics.

  6. GeeMoney says:

    Does anyone care?

  7. bns says:

    She looks amazing in that first selfie with her boyfriend. Her plastic surgeon did a good job.

    • Sea Dragon says:

      For the life of me I can’t tell what she’s had done. Does anyone know? She’s much more traditionally attractive now.

      • bns says:

        A nose job (or two) and lip injections for sure. Maybe more than that, but I don’t know.

    • Lady MacBeth (Hiddles F) says:

      I have no idea about what she has done in terms of plastic surgery, however she looks great in that selfie with her bf! A lot better than when she is dressed up in those absurd outfits…

  8. kibbles says:

    Maybe there wouldn’t be so much focus on her weight if she wore clothing appropriate for her age and body type and did not parade on stage wearing a bikini and fishnet stockings.

    • Ooooh kibbles… just opened a can of worms. Do you mean to say that she is asking for it by dressing provocatively?

      Haven’t heard that one in a while. An oldie but a goodie. some good old slut-shaming circa 1953.

      • floridaseaturtle says:

        Omgosh, my daughter just said that the other day, (“slut-shaming”), and my brain temporarily folded with confusion by the utter dumbness of such a word. She is 12, so I honestly thought she got confused and meant something else. The word slut, is a negative term. Kind of like saying.. Kardashian-Shaming? Do people get bent out of shape if someone
        “slut-shames”? (Envisioning a firm stance, and tiny little fists placed on hips & stern look type).

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Its a phrase that has been around for a while.
        From Feminism 101:
        “Slut-shaming, also known as slut-bashing, is the idea of shaming and/or attacking a woman or a girl for being sexual, having one or more sexual partners, acknowledging sexual feelings, and/or acting on sexual feelings. Furthermore, it’s “about the implication that if a woman has sex that traditional society disapproves of, she should feel guilty and inferior”

        I think its meaning in cultural discourse has moved past the literal interpretation. The word “slut” is used as a point to note that a woman who is sexually active is NOT a “slut”. “Normal-healthy-human-sexual-activity-shaming” just doesn’t have the same ring to it. 🙂

      • kibbles says:

        I was not slut shaming her or saying she’s asking for it (implying she deserves assault or worse). And yes, 28 is too old to wear the mess she wears on stage. It’s too old for anyone. Even Miley Cyrus looks a mess when wearing these types of outfits. Anyone at any age who parades around on stage half naked opens oneself up to body criticism and overall criticism of one’s appearance. I looked at those photos of Lady Gaga and those costumes are ill fitted and look a hot mess.

      • Jae says:

        If it is “too old for anybody” then why bring age into it at all?

        I mean, except for the fact that using a woman’s age is a traditional way to attack any woman, who is ether a “little girl” or a decrepit crone, is an ages-old misogynistic tradition, of course.

    • Jae says:

      Her age?

      So 28 is too old for revealing clothes now?!

      I’ll go dig myself a grave then.

  9. Sullivan says:

    The dog’s facial expression is priceless. Yes, pooch, Gaga is tedious.

  10. T says:

    I actually don’t think there is much tweaking with the photo she posted and I think she is a body image champion. It may seem like she only promotes healthy body image when she gains weight but it seems more that she responds (appropriately) when she is body shamed… like when she gains weight.

    I see through a lot of Gaga’s shenanigans but every article written about her on this site is so obviously tainted by the writer’s negative opinion. Give her some credit where it’s due. She may not be the mega popstar she was two years ago but she is talented and she DOES actively push her fans to love themselves. Let’s celebrate that instead of taking her down completely.

    • Kiddo says:

      I think she is more talented than a lot of people who are out there. Her problem is/was she is her own worst enemy in drawing the focus away from her talent and to gimmickry and attention seeking instead. It seems like she may have toned down that act a bit, but I haven’t really been following her, so maybe I’m wrong.

      • I like her, and always have. She is OODLES more talented than most of the acts out there, and I disagree that because she presents herself in a certain way that her talent or her intellect is somehow dampened by something like a meat dress or an oversized plexiglass egg. I enjoy the humour she injects into her shows, in an environment where celebs take themselves waaaaay too seriously.

        Saying her sartorial or set decorating choices take away from her talent is like saying that women who love to follow fashion and enjoy dressing in a certain way are shallow and should be taken less seriously than those who do not . Do we not have the freedom to choose to represent ourselves any way we want? That is the challenge that she presents, and unlike other acts, she actually has the skill to back it up. Her musical chops aren’t affected by her choices, at the end of the day. This is a person who was very successful behind the scenes as a songwriter for a long time before she was famous, and although we don’t often get to hear it, she has incredible jazz chops (musician speak for ability) as well. As someone who used to make a living as a musician, I am more than willing to look past the media circus on this one.

        The weight thing is a non-issue to me. Didn’t she have a hip replaced in the last year or something like that?

      • Tiffany :) says:

        I think she is really talented, but I think she got kind of lost there. For pop music, I thought she wrote really fun songs in the beginning that played up her sense of humor. Now, I feel like she feels pressure to make “art” or be a culture warrior, so she tries way too hard to make a big statement instead of a fun song.

        Also, I think her more personal songs that tap into her humanity are her best work (Speechless, live version of You & I, and even Bad Romance). When she draws from real relationships her songs have sooooo much more impact than when she writes about lame artsy concepts like “Black Jesus + Amen Fashion” or over reaching with platitudes like “The Queen”.

    • FingerBinger says:

      Didn’t Lady Gaga body shame Adele? As I recall she made some comments about Adele’s weight. When you body shame others you should expect the same. It’s not about the music or the fans with Gaga. It’s about her desperately needing attention. Gaga makes it about weird outfits and not the music.

      • Xoxo says:

        I’m pretty sure she has NEVER body shamed anyone. Her fans can be overzealous but she doesn’t do that.

      • Paige says:

        I think that was her fans not Lady Gaga herself.
        “But she still wants attention, so she’s ringing the body-image bell again. She did this back in 2012, when she gained some weight and some unflattering photos made the rounds”.
        The Dailymail made an article talking about her weight a few days ago. They were the same people to drag her through the mud about her weight gain two years ago, which is probably why she post that pic. It wasn’t out of the blue, but as always every article about her on here is always written in a negative way.

  11. BGirl81 says:

    Yup, I’m 5′ 1″ (I think ol’ girl is too) and you can SEE anything over a 5 lb weight gain on me. Vexing, just vexing. In any event, I find her annoying as hell and generally full of sh*t.

    • MrsBPitt says:

      I’m right there with you BGirl81….I’m 5’1′ and small boned and a 5 pound weight gain looks like 15 on me….the fat has no where to hide!

    • Pepsi Presents...Coke says:

      5’0 and verrrrry curvy with a non-existent torso. Weight will also go straight to my stomach. My cardinal shopping rule is, ‘Remember you are mortal’ if standing in front of one of those awful change room mirrors. They’ll mess with your head and make you think you’ve been damned by biology. I just do what I can to avoid liking like a bag of produce.

      • LAK says:

        Sorry, but ‘very curvy with a non existant torso’ is a contradiction in terms as far as body shapes go. A person can not be curvy whilsy having a non existant torso.

        These are terms that are used to explain body shapes in which we exist. Body shape is the ratio of waist to hips and also size of waist.

        If your shoulders are smaller than your hips, that makes you spoon shaped or Triangle. Weight gain tends to be to lower half of the body. Bigger legs.

        If your shoulders are wider than your hips, that makes you an inverted triangle eg Kate Middleton or LeAnn Rimes. Weight gain tends to be upper body. Thin legs

        If your waist and shoulders are the same width and you have a small defined waist, that makes you curvy or hourglass eg Candice Swanpoel (VS Model) or Nigella Lawson. Weight gain is upper and lower parts of the body. Rarely to the waist.

        If your waist and hips are the same width, but your waist is bigger than both, that makes you barrel shaped. Eg Angelina Jolie. Weight gain is to the stomach. Thin limbs.

        Finally, if your waist, hips and shoulders are the same, that makes you rectangle or pipe shaped. Weight gain is all over, but tends to start in the waist. ( this is often confused with barrel shape)

        Another point to make is that your weight, height, boobs or butt have no bearing on your body shape or your body frame. A person can be tall, small boned AND curvy eg Candice Swaenpol (VS Model).

        Small boned people tend to appear to put on weight easily because it shows quicker. They also look terrible with a tiny amount of added weight more than their ideal weight.

        Big boned people tend to require a significant weight gain before it shows, but they look terrible if they lose a tiny amount of weight off their ideal weight. Eg i’m big boned, and it takes an entire stone or 2 gained before I start to look like i’ve put on any weight at all, yet if I lose 1lb below my ideal weight, I look frail and as if i’ve been starving myself.

  12. Mia V. says:

    When her fans bashed Adele for being “fat” she said nothing, so I really don’t care about her feelings. And if you are “curvy and proud”, why all the photoshop? Oh yeah, you live for the applause.

  13. TheOriginalKitten says:

    I’d like to know what her dog thinks about her incessant need to wear dead animals.

    I just don’t understand how you can Instagram a pic of yourself wearing a full fur coat and then post a pic of yourself holding your dog and not see the hypocrisy in that.

    Cannot stand this woman.

  14. joy says:

    Weird because I felt she went radio silent when her fans bashed Adele for being big. I think the assessment that she’s so into being body positive only in reference to her body is spot on. And every celebrity who has recently stated they’re “happy” with their curves goes on to getting skinny asap. Gaga, Xtina, Khloe K. To name a few.

  15. Anon says:

    Her dog doesn’t think anything about it because, you know, he’s a dog.

    • Sea Dragon says:

      That made me giggle hard.

    • Zwella Ingrid says:

      Exactly. The dog doesn’t give a crap if she wears a fur coat or not.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        It was a rhetorical question or in this case, statement.

        Allow me to explain: a rhetorical question is posed not to elicit a specific answer, but rather to encourage the listener to consider a message or viewpoint.

        And there’s your lesson for today, kids.

  16. Anon33 says:

    So…that’s what passes for “curvy” or “fat?” Toned, cellulite-free legs and slim calves? Seriously, WTF is this world coming to??

    • word says:

      Anything above a size zero is fat now a days. So ridiculous. A lot of stores now offer size 00 and 000 or xxxs. They say it’s to appeal to the Asian market (more so in China and Japan/Korea) as they tend to be tinier and Americans tend to be “bigger”. I don’t know…but “zero” should never be a size…zero means NOTHING.

    • Nikki L. says:

      I know. In what universe is a size 8 “curvy”?

  17. danielle says:

    I used to like GaGa, but all that stuff with the assistant killed it for me.

  18. Bridget says:

    To be fair, they all do this – photos come out of a female celebrity looking heavier, they beat their drums about self acceptance and beauty at any size, and then a little while later do an US Magazine cover along their lines of “(So and so’s) bikini body!” or “How I got in the best shape of my life!”

    • Bridget says:

      *cough* Jennifer Love Hewitt Tyra Banks Jessica Simpson *cough*

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      So true.

    • word says:

      Didn’t Gaga already do this? She gained weight during her hiatus and when she came back last year she was noticeably heavier. She then lost the weight quite quickly…and now she’s gained it again…all within a short period of time. Makes me wonder if this is all for attention and pr ? I bet she will lose the weight yet again very quickly.

      • Louminary says:

        haha I read that as “within a SNORT period of time” and giggled thinking oh that’s how she lost the weight so quickly last time!

  19. msw says:

    I can’t believe people are still talking about this crap. *head desk*

  20. jgb979 says:

    Lady Who?

    • TheOneandOnlyOnly says:

      Does her “music” even register anymore – JIm Fusilli the great critic for the Wall Street Journal, said it best: Gaga is what results when spectacle is elevated to a cultural imperative.

  21. Slena says:

    She is so 2010. Next.

  22. Hotpockets says:

    I think making a big deal out of ANYONE gaining/losing weight is always ridiculous. It’s a natural cycle. It is nearly physically impossible to maintain an exact weight for years/months at a time. People act like gaining 15 pounds is letting yourself go, believe me, that scenario happened to me and I never heard the end of it. Lady Gaga has never been pin thin and she looks fine in the photos. The best thing to do is just ignore the criticisms.

    PS, her boyfriend is HOT.

    • Sea Dragon says:

      Gaga did a video with Beyonce and a lot of the time they stood next to each other and danced. Gaga was absolutely pin thin while Beyonce had curves in all the right places.

  23. eliza says:

    A bit of a thread highjack but, I saw an “acquaintance” of mine a week ago. I am veeeeeery tiny at 5ft and small boned. I wear a size 0 and this guy says to me “Man! Have you gotten FAT since I saw you a few years ago”. He was NOT joking and said “I thought you liked to be thin”.

    I get tired of people always focusing on fat or skinny on anyone. The standards, especially for men who criticize weight, are ridiculous. Gaga looks fine. People need to quit worry about size and more about content of character and their own lives and bodies.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      eliza, that was him dealing with his feelings about you. You must have broken his heart!

  24. Pepsi Presents...Coke says:

    That selfie photo is great, follow THAT look.

  25. kri says:

    That dog and that dude are everything, in my opinion. And ya know, Stephanie…why don’t you go back in the studio, do some(good) work, and maybe then we can talk about music and you don’t have to try to stir shit up by pretending you are curvy and proud. I don’t give a hard turd what size a person is if they are putting out great work.

  26. Jayna says:

    The problem is the skimpy outfits she wears. When heavier and out of shape. If these girls aren’t going to be in Madonna or Beyonce shape, stop wearing leotard costumes.

  27. jferber says:

    If she’s fat, then I’m a behemoth.

  28. Nibbi says:

    Dude is so hot i kinda died a little inside