Jennifer Aniston: My ‘value as a woman’ won’t be tied up with babies, men


Yay, Jennifer Aniston is promoting something. She’s actually going to be promoting several films over the next few months. She’s got Life of Crime coming out, plus Cake, Horrible Bosses 2 (that’s out in November) and She’s Funny That Way (I don’t know when that comes out). So, Jennifer sat down for her first TV interview of the autumn movie season. Carson Daly interviewed her for Today. Jennifer talked about feminism, the interest in her personal life (major eyeroll on her reaction to that one), her Friends past and more. Some highlights:

Feminism: “I don’t have this sort of checklist of things that have to be done, and … if they’re not checked, then I’ve failed some part of my feminism or my being a woman or my worth and my value as a woman.”

On taking darker film roles, like her new on in “Life of Crime”: “I’m having a lot of fun, because I’ve been branching out and having fun playing different characters and hiding and going into … you know, some darker stuff. So I’m excited about it.

On her post-“Friends” career: “I kind of feel very grateful to my evolution and my history … I would never exchange it for anything.”

[From Today]

I’m including the video below. I don’t really have a problem with the substance of her answers on feminism and her worth as a woman, but taken in context of who she is and her history of playing certain aspects of her personal life out in media, I do think she’s full of it. If you don’t want society to define your worth by whom you marry and whether you’re having babies, fine. More power to you. But don’t build your whole image and public persona on whom you married (and divorced) and whether you’re going to have babies.

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204 Responses to “Jennifer Aniston: My ‘value as a woman’ won’t be tied up with babies, men”

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  1. Jen says:

    I don’t feel at all that she’s built her public persona on who she’s dating and whether she’ll have babies. That’s all outside people foisting that on her.

    But then again I don’t really pay attention to all the Jennifer Aniston stories because I know they’ll just be full of comments about how Angelina is superior and Jennifer is a spinster and crap like that.

    • don't kill me i'm french says:

      The gossips are obsessed by her “pregnancies” except she never was pregnant

      • Jax says:

        Because SHE said dramatically I WILL have babies, I WILL! If she had just no commented the whole very personal issue then it would have died off. But she was so determined to squash the rumors that Brad left her over the kid issue that she was the one who talked about it so much. And it was the truth. She didn’t want kids, Brad did. That’s even more obvious now. She doesn’t need to apologize for not wanting babies, for loving her work more. But she thought that would hurt her image, so she lied all the time. That’s why people keep throwing it in her face.

        I think it would have helped her image a lot more if she had told the truth. There are lots of women out there who want to do other things besides raise a family. And that’s good and fine. They absolutely do not need to be made to feel guilty about it. Aniston might have done herself a lot of good if she had led the way on lifting that stigma off of women who don’t want children. Sure would have been better than her image of plotting revenge against Angelina all the time and weeping at the ocean.

    • MrsB says:

      Oh, I think Aniston has had a VERY active hand in her public persona, it would be hard to deny that she hasn’t.

      However, this is the first time I’ve heard her say something like this, so I’m going to give her the benefit of doubt and hope she has turned a corner and we will begin to see a different Jennifer Aniston.

    • SlvrPdle says:

      I completely agree with this. I so wish JA would just admit she doesn’t want kids though. There’s nothing wrong with not having them…

      • beep says:

        maybe she does want them and just can’t. just because you don’t have kids doesn’t mean you don’t want any.

      • Lea says:

        She could adopt if she really wants kids. She has all the resources in the world to adopt.
        She does not want kids, but will not admit it. Most people will not care at all.
        There are many female celebs in Hollywood with no kids & are doing just fine, no backlash.

      • lamamu says:

        Lea, I’m neither for nor against either woman—actually I kind of like them both—but wouldn’t the media paint Aniston as a Jolie wannabe if she adopted kids? In fact, I would think that would be the best way to perpetuate the endless comparisons, etc. But she hasn’t done that. If I were her, adoption would be the very last way I would have children.

      • Jen says:

        Maybe she does want kids. Or maybe she doesn’t. Maybe she just doesn’t want them now, or ever. The point is, that’s no one else’s business.

      • Teri says:

        Seven years ago I really wanted kids but at the time there wasn’t a man in the picture that I was really serious about who I could picture having children with. I could’ve done it on my own but that was not on the terms I wanted them (kudos to anyone who does it on their own, that’s just not for me personally). As the years went on I found myself enjoying my child free lifestyle more and more and as a result changed my mind on kids.

        Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.

      • siri says:

        I really wouldn’t know why she should declare ANYTHING in this regard- it’s HER life, HER choice, and nobody else’s business.

      • Dallas says:

        And if she were to admit she doesn’t want children, she would be crucified even more. To those saying she could adopt, adoption is not for everyone. If it were, don’t you think there would less children in Foster Homes in America? Let the woman up!

      • Andrea says:

        I couldn’t agree with some of the above statements more. Why must so many people, women in particular question one another’s life decisions. I am a 33 year old woman in a long term relationship with no children. Why does it bother sooo many people that I am not married and do not have children nor do I want any?

      • Salsgal says:

        Since when do these people owe “us,” the public, any personal information about themselves? Let alone something so private as whether they plan to have kids.
        Sheesh. A lot of children just “happen” to people. But that’s not the point.
        The point is: What the hell happened to a person’s right to privacy????

      • Josephina says:

        Aniston does not owe her fans any explanation about anything any more than her fans are:

        obligated to purchase tickets to see her movies
        buy her products (See SmartWater, perfume, Aveeno, hair products)
        comment glowingly about her on blogs ( and defend her)
        watch Friends re-runs
        watch her as a guest on any talk show
        buy magazines where she is on the front cover
        support her in any way.

        Perhaps, she could position herself to be a little more transparent for her fans. But hey, I think she wants her fans to respect her professional and personal choices… and be agreeable with them.

    • HappyMom says:

      Her public persona is driven by her publicists-all paid and certainly okayed by her.

      • delorb says:

        Just as everyone else in Hollywood. I don’t know why some celebrities get beaten up for this and others get a pass. And for the record, I like Jennifer AND Angie. Its the fact that Brad cheated on his wife and gets a pass is what chaps my hide. All the bitterness seems to be directed at these two women. One who didn’t break a vow and the other who had no vow to break.

      • Sal says:

        No he didn’t. Delorb, please catch up, Brad did NOT cheat on Jennifer, that was established LONG ago by ALL parties and even friends. What chaps my ass is that Aniston cheated with Justin and tore a 14 year home apart but she GETS A FREE PASS! Wake up, WHEN are people going to call HER to account, and not a man who did nothing at all and was innocent of what he was accused of? Innocent is slammed, the real bad person gets off with a free pass! Twisted morals at play here.

      • Josephina says:


        Aniston is not like all the other popular movie actresses. Her popularity is not due to her film work. She is STILL best known as Rachel from the TV sitcom Friends, even after 20 years doing film roles.

        Most of the other actresses can ride on their talent alone, are offered great or interesting roles and do not need that much “marketing.” Just think of all the popular romcoms and drama pictures, the critically acclaimed movies, the favorites and ask yourself was Aniston in any of those films over the last 10 years. That she has not been NOMINATED in the last 10 years for much of anything is very telling.

        Huvane’s handprint is MUCH stronger on her than his other clients who are either already a box-office draw, an Academy -Award winner, or a very talented and much sought after actress. With Ticky he has had to use the tabloids and her other non actress-like attributes to get and maintain attention in the press and also try out for roles.

        Aniston has also pointed out that she has tried for many roles but has been unsuccessful at securing most of them.

        Aniston could have spent more time developing and employing her production company, Echo Films, but she has also been unsuccessful in getting a majority of her films to be financially by the Hollywood executives.

        She may be worth $100 -$150 million, but MOST of that money is NOT due to getting paid from her roles in films.

        And we are talking about her film career, which is fair game.

    • Bee says:

      She has talked in many interviews about how babies are coming, she hopes to have kids in 5 years (said a decade ago), how she can’t wait to tell everyone she is pregnant. Almost every interview over the past ten years she has given the impression that she is going to have kids, that is why she keeps getting asked about it.

      “I think people honestly just want to see me as a mom and married and barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen,” the actress says. “And I just want to say, ‘Everybody, relax! It’s going to happen.’ ”

      • Janet says:

        In another life in another dimension, maybe.

      • Midnight says:

        If this twit would come out and say I changed my mind about kids, it might mean something. She is the one who strategically places a purse, an envelope, a coat, anything handy, to hide a so called baby bump. Instead of preaching to the choir, try preaching to Jen and ask what happened to suddenly change her mind? After all, she’s crowed for 20 years that she would have children, and this is straight from the horse’s mouth.

    • paola says:

      I don’t believe that either.
      If i recall right one of the reason Brad Pitt and her broke up was because he was ready for having children and she wasn’t. So i dont know why people think she planned her life about husbands and kids.
      I like her, she’s always seem very grateful of what she has and she seems happy with her career. She probably alreayd knew she wasn’t Oscar material, but not everyone has to be.
      The only time I can’t stand her is when people make a fuss about her hair. I don’t know if she is the one to blame or if it’s the media.. but when the ‘JA’s hair subject’ comes on is a snoozefest.

      • Bee says:

        She is the one to blame for the hair talk. She is just so boring there is truly nothing else to talk about.

        From Vanity Fair:
        For the 36-year-old Aniston, who had expected to spend the past year being pregnant, the pain of watching this spectacle unfold was compounded by vicious rumors about herself. —- Oh Boo Hoo

        “I’ve never in my life said I didn’t want to have children. I did and I do and I will! “

      • KAI says:

        This is a quote from Brad Pitt’s 2005 interview with GQ.
        It’s hard to imagine dismantling a marriage with any kind of grace amid all that, as tabloids sling facile theories and “truths”—for example, that Courteney Cox is superpissed at Brad, or that he wanted kids and Jen didn’t. “That was one version,” Pitt says, vigorously and absentmindedly rubbing the top of his head, “and total bullshit, by the way.”

        Can we please put to rest that the reason for their break-up was Aniston not wanting children immediately following the end of Friends? No one knows the real reason why their marriage ended and there very rarely is one reason.

        Also, she has in the past said she wants children but has not yet had them. Perhaps she has not been able to get pregnant. Perhaps she has been pregnant and miscarried. Perhaps she has changed her mind. She probably regrets ever speaking about it but it’s really not anyone’s business the whys or the why nots.

      • Kate2 says:

        OK, my previous post got deleted. Let me try again.

        @ KAI – Agreed 100%

        I’m really glad I’m not being held to the things I’ve declared I wanted for myself over the last 10 years. Its crazy how people here are annoyed with her that she “won’t just admit she doesn’t want kids”. Why does she owe anyone that admittance? She doesn’t.

        Yes, she’s said in the past she wants kids (I think she’s asked about it more than she brings it up herself. I didn’t watch the video because I’m at work, did SHE bring up children/marriage or did Carson? I’d be willing to be its the latter). Maybe after she said all this, she’s discovered she can’t have them? Yes, she could adopt, but maybe she doesn’t want all the comparisons to AJ if she did, which we ALL know would be coming her way. There’s NO WAY she wouldn’t be accused of “copying” her somehow. Does she need to make her medical records public to satisfy you? No. She doesn’t.

        I don’t get why some of you feel entitled to an explanation. The hatred is getting really twisted.

      • delorb says:



      • Ennie says:

        If she really wanted to be a mother, damn it be the comparisons to whomever.
        She strikes me as an old girl. I sometimes feel like one, being a year younger and childless. A feeling of immaturity, of not being “ready” for children, etc. she certainly dresses the part sometimes.
        She and her publicists probably cannot bring themselves to contradict what she has said before about do wanting children. She is, instead letting the years pass by and be rewarded with gossip columns.
        Aniston and her publicist clearly have a say in what important magazines print about her, including the 5 years after Brad, the multiple pieces of info on people about her (their as in her and her usually famous boyfriends) comings and goings and the descriptions of what they ate, what did they do, etc (the engagement article, they going to some beach for a birthday, interviews about Mayer, and a long etc.).
        They have played up her romantic life during and after her marriage and divorce, her friends and “sources” have been quoted here and there (not talking about tabloids) , and now she is complaining… not buying it.

      • Malak says:


        If she really wants to adopt, why should the fact that people will say she is copying Angie stop her? Millions of people have adopted, not only Angie (and Brad!).
        Why care what people say?

    • Jeanette says:


    • Rice says:

      Completely agree, especially about the “babies” part. I’ve been married for over 9yrs and don’t have a child. Most of my friends do and keep asking when I’m having any. It’s annoying, especially the looks and the “tsk-ing” I get.

    • darkdove says:

      well maybe the public would not care about all that if she had not dated Vince, Gerard, Jhon Mayer all very public men I dont care if she does not have children I dont think people who are not her fans want to see her having any children, I dint think Angelina was better or superior to Jennifer I use to like Jennfer i grew up watching friends and I was bias to the two of them for a long time but I couldn`t be a Jennifer aniston fan that way calling Angelina the most vile names , and wanting her to die in childbirth that was a personal low for them and I decided that I couldn`t be a fan of someone who inspired that kind of hatred, i haven`t read any comments from the fans of angelina wanting death on Jennifer I dont think any woman should have children if they dont want them why should she have them just to make others happy and to feel like a complete woman, as long as she is happy and feels happy and satified and acomplish with her self no one elses opinión on her life should matter to her. I agree with the people saying she helped her agent créate her public image after her divorce if she had not agreed she would have stoped her agent a long time ago.

      • Josephina says:

        Great comment! Her PR machinations have BACKFIRED and it HAS hurt her professional career re options in getting roles.

        8-10 years post-divorce, now she does not want to be defined as a woman by whom she is dating and will she/won’t she be a mother? She created this mess by financing her PR team to post something about herself each and every time there was a Angie/Brad event or announcement. THIS is where the comparisons are coming from!!

        The PR -structured pity-party kept her in the press when she was not filming. Women want to see women win, not lose. Ergo the sense of “loss” after divorce from the Hollywood hunk Brad Pitt. “Oh my, who will replace him? Will he come back? Will she find happiness and have kids?” Ad nauseam.

        This woman has said repeatedly that she is happy since 2005, yet we can count at least 6 magazine articles that point to the opposite. It is NOT the media.

        It is Aniston.

        Finally, she has someone that she feels loves her, 8-9 so NOW she has mustered up the balls to speak differently.

        TRUTH is she should have made these statements in 2005…. and stayed consistent with the message. Instead she whined about her hurt feelings for far too long…. to the public – totally unnecessary. TRUTH is she had some growing up to do.

      • darkdove says:

        the thing is that a lot of people want to see others fail so badly in everything just so we can feel better about ourselves, and say at least that is not me i think people not wanting to let go the past of Angelina is because a lot of people watch how troubled she was and insted of dying Young like may of her peers so everyone could say poor girl she was so talented and waisted her life, instead she grew up got her life corrected and became this amazing woman, as far as Jennifer is concerned she has made the best for her self with what she has and she should feel happy about that instead of trying to live up to what others want expect or demand of her it is up to her to grow up as the woman she wants to be and not as she wants to be seen by others.

    • Kelly says:

      Careful. Logic and the Brangeloonie/JA haters don’t go hand-in-hand.

      Jennifer Aniston owes nothing to no one.

      Only Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt know what contributed to the demise of their marriage.

      Only Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux know if/when they plan to have children, in whatever way they see fit.

      Everything else is… GOSSIP. Gasp! For those of you that are saying “she obviously doesn’t want kids” or “she should really say whether or not she doesn’t want to have kids. Just come clean!” BULLPUCKY.

      Again – Jennifer Aniston owes nothing to no one. For all of you that are digging up links that “back up” your theories, please. Get a life. Do something other than sit around and wait for JA stories to pop up. Jeebus.

      • Brittney B says:

        Oh, come on… I’ve been an “Angeloonie” since Friends was still on the air (and I loved Jennifer then too). I’ve been following celebrity gossip for that long too, and this is the pattern I’ve witnessed: Angelina fans flock to her stories, celebrate her success, admire her beauty and big heart, and defend her from the detractors who inevitably comment. Jennifer Aniston fans flock to stories about BOTH of them, rehashing the past over and over and over again.

        I love Angelina and when I think of her, I think of a million things before I even consider the woman who was once married to the father of her children. They’re not related, they haven’t been directly connected for a very long time, and this tired triangle has nothing to do with her.

    • Sal says:

      Jen it would be no one else’s business if she would just stop talking about kids. But its she herself who brings it up all the time.

      Delorb, please catch up, Brad did NOT cheat on Jennifer, that was established LONG ago by ALL parties and even friends. What chaps my ass is that Aniston cheated with Justin and tore a 14 year home apart but she GETS A FREE PASS! Wake up, WHEN are people going to call HER to account, and not a man who did nothing at all and was innocent of what he was accused of? Twisted morals at play here.

      • Becky1 says:

        I think it’s been awhile since she discussed wanting to have kids. Plus, Carson Daly brought up the whole kids thing in this interview-she didn’t initiate the topic.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        How do you know she brings it up and that people don’t ask her about it? As a non-famous woman in childbearing years, I am asked about it ALL THE TIME. I can’t imagine it isn’t the same for her, its probably worse.

      • Lady Macbeth says:


        Exactly. I had people asking me nonstop baby questions after I got married.
        Incredible to say but they even looked shocked to hear I just didn’t want any, period!

        I guess Aniston plays with the whole “kids, marriage, hair” story, the fact she is complaining about it is more shocking than her not having babies.

    • Nerdista says:

      I agree, I call BS on this because she’s never used her motherhood status at all! And she can’t help that she fell in love with Brad Pitt, they were always low key and we’ve only ever seen like one picture from their wedding. She’s never seemed manipulative in that way to me.

  2. M. says:

    Oh that’s precious. Jen, your entire career is built on your relationships and bump-watches. That’s one of the very few reasons why you’re even relevant today. Peace out.

  3. Vampi says:

    Jennifer Aniston: My ‘value as a woman’
    won’t be tied up with babies, men”
    HAHAHAHA!!! Oh wow JennAn! I am laughing SO hard.. I just….can’t…
    I really, REALLY needed this laugh!!!

    • Josephine says:

      I also think her PR guy has kept her name alive with the baby/men rumors. I actually don’t care that she went that route, but I do resent her pretending that that has not kept her in People and Us all these years. There is just not one thing about her that is interesting, so I think the baby/men thing is what they went with.

      And while she has always claimed to be a “girl’s girl,” I have always seen her as a mean girl. I don’t judge her on her lack of babies or the men she has dated, because that is no one’s business, but I do judge her on the fact that she hangs with some gross people. and seems incredibly immature.

      • Midnight says:

        You have to remember, she once said herself, she fights dirty. And she is a mean girl. And the company she keeps, with the exception of CC, are too. Still asking, who designed her engagement ring?

  4. Loopy says:

    …but but she didn’t actually say what the heading suggests.

  5. Luca26 says:

    If only she had told Vanity Fair that a decade ago she would have spared herself all the speculation about her empty womb and just been judged on the merits of her career….oh wait.

    • LIVEALOT says:


    • Josephina says:


      I am glad you caught that.

      Well, she would FIRST have to have an interest in the role in order to initiate a dialog about it.

      Jen is the type that just collects a paycheck. Then it’s TURTLE TIME after that.

    • Jenna says:

      her Vanity fair interview was such a lie……she brought it all on herself.

      January 2003 Glamour Magazine: “I keep saying, ‘Jen, when are we going to have babies?’ and she says, ‘Soon.’ We’ve been having disagreements about starting our family for years now. They [The Friends producers/studio] came up with a great offer and she didn’t want to abandon her pals. She wouldn’t leave them in the lurch–she is so loyal. I love my wife, but waiting to start our family is driving me nuts.”

      February 10, 2003, Vol. 59, No. 5 PEOPLE Magazine, from a source: “They’ve only been married two years,” says a source. “It’ll happen when it happens.”

      September 2005, Vanity Fair:

      Aniston’s intimates note acidly that Pitt could have done more to refute the mean-spirited rumor that his wife wouldn’t bear his child, which reinforced the impression that he had good cause to leave her for Earth Mother Jolie. To some, this looks like sheer hypocrisy.

      “When Brad and Jen were in the marriage, having a baby was not his priority—ever,” says one mutual friend. “It was an abstract desire for him, whereas for Jen it was much more immediate. So is there a part of Brad that’s diabolical? Did he think, I need to get out of this marriage, but I want to come out smelling like a rose, so I’m going to let Jen be cast as the ultra-feminist and I’m going to get cast as the poor husband who couldn’t get a baby and so had to move on?”

      February 2011 PEOPLE Magazine: “I’m really happy. Really! . . . I think people honestly just want to see me as a mom and married and barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. And I just want to say, ‘Everybody, relax! It’s going to happen.'”

      March 2012 GQ Magazine: “I still kind of go with, if it happens, it happens. I’m calm and peaceful with whatever the plan is. It’s not something where I’m going, ‘I gotta have a kid!'”

      • Kt hatuh says:


      • Ennie says:

        The ironic thing is that, if it was really a choice/excuse not to have children during “Friends” time because of a contract, it strikes me as a lie, because Lisa Kudrow had her only child during the earlier seasons, and CC was actively trying to get pregnant during the latter ones, and finally got her wish. She was pregnant with her baby girl during the end of the show.
        Really, JA was signed to several movies after Friends ended. Having a baby takes time, but it is not the end of the world. She probably just changed her mind, but she did milk that cow.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        I am just not seeing something that she should be ashamed of there. She didn’t fully commit to anything, and even if she had done that, a woman’s family planning isn’t written in stone. It isn’t something that people should feel obligated to do because they considered the idea 10 years ago.

  6. Kiddo says:

    Whether or not that was the narrative of her persona in the past, she is branching out and doing different types of roles and she isn’t mentioning having kids in interviews. As to the connection with men, I think she is doing more for Justin than he is for her, in terms of exposure and identity. People change. It’s possible she grew up and is accepting herself more without being defined by cultural standards, even though she, or her PR, thought it was a good move in the past.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      Stop sounding so reasonable! Your logic does not belong on an Aniston thread.

    • Luca26 says:

      Your right but here is the problem I have. If just once she admitted even in passing that she said things she now regrets (without going into detail) and fed into some of the baby rumors unwittingly (I don’t think it was but whatever) I’d respect that but instead she plays the victim. She complains about being subjugated by the media but disavows any of her participation in that subjugation. I mean if you go back and read that Vanity Fair interview it’s the basic outline of every tabloid story for the subsequent next 10 years.

      • Kiddo says:

        But is it possible that she BOUGHT into that, in the past? I don’t know, she never killed puppies and kittens and kicked sand in an old man’s face. A rhetorical question: Is it really necessary to apologize for behavior that had no significant consequences to anyone else but yourself?

      • Soulsister says:

        @Luca26 – I’d respect that but instead she plays the victim. She complains about being subjugated by the media but disavows any of her participation in that subjugation
        Totally agree 100% with this point.

      • Midnight says:

        I agree. Would have total respect for this twit if she’d come out and admit, the things she said in the past were a mistake instead of children. . .” I do, I did, and I will, and in five year’s time, I see me married with children.” These statements are not made up; they were uttered by Aniston herself. Be honest, and admit her priorities have changed, although pushing 46, while it is possible, it may be hard for her to even become pregnant. Menopause is knocking at that door. And not have HoHandler and the rest of her posse diss you know who and mock you know who’s children at every turn. And also be honest with the amount of work done on her face. Instead of calling CC out, admit she had three nose jobs, had her lips injected, had work done with fillers so her chin wasn’t as prominent, then I’d give this twit more credence.

      • Luca26 says:

        @Kiddo I don’t think (at this point) it’s of no significance to anyone but herself. Like it or not her divorce and it’s aftermath is pretty much an archetype. We can agree to disagree (but kind of agree).

      • cat says:

        I agree with Kiddo. She can change her mind and maybe not thinking that people are holding her to these statements. Although I did read her say that somewhere else how people wanted her barefoot in the kitchen with children and that would happen. Yes, she or publicist probably played into some of this. Maybe she did think it would happen but didn’t think she has to answer to that. I can see both sides of this… but also as someone without children, and all the ‘bump watch’ and overdoing of mom-hood now, I’m happy for some women in public spotlight speaking about this. Not everyone should – or has to – have children!!

      • littlestar says:

        I think she was playing the fame game, and pretending to want kids was the thing that made her stay in the spotlight. Many celebrities do ridiculous things to achieve/keep their fame, so I guess I don’t blame her too much. However, I did find it annoying the in past, very much so, that she kept saying she wanted kids when we all knew that was a lie. I’m hoping this is a new mature outlook in life for her, and that she has finally reached the point where she no longer actually cares about remaining in the tabloids (if you think about it, she has actually been very silent this year).

      • anoymous says:

        Right On! Walking bare foot and rubbing her stomach on a Florida vacation with Justin. Coming from a doctors’ office sucking a lollipop. Putting huge bags in front of stomach and it goes on and on. Aniston have not grown up yet! But Angelina has! That is why she is now with her husband.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        So, if I read this right…
        Aniston should be sorry for speculating that maybe she’d want to have children some day back in 2003, and she should apologize for getting everyone’s hopes up and not following through?

        Is that really where we are with women’s fertility in 2014? That creating a life is something that we must be forever bound to fulfill if we once mentioned it as a possibility in our youth?

      • doofus says:

        Tiffany, it’s amazing, isn’t it? all of these people who clearly don’t like her are apparently offended that she’s not honest (in their mind) about her desire to have kids. the outrage is just bizarre, IMO.

        I will never understand why, if you really dislike someone and think they have no career outside of their hair, you would care so much about everything she ever said about kids. and why you have, at the ready, links and exact quotes (and the exact date of the quote) of what she said.

        there isn’t even a celeb that I LIKE that I’d have that much info on.

    • Candy Love says:

      I agree with both Kiddo and Luca26

    • Bee says:

      No she has just moved on to talking about her hair & body in every single interview. Imagine being 45 & you only have your looks to talk about.

    • abby says:


      ITA and personally, I do not think that Aniston has to apologize for anything. It’s glaringly obvious that she is pivoting and trying to change a nearly decade-old narrative that she put out there herself.
      It’s just laughable imo that many of Aniston’s supports want to act as though this narrative is entirely media created. I am not talking about tabloid tales from IT or L&S or whatever made up tabloid stories.
      Did they read her Vanity Fair from 2005? Have they read/watched her interviews over the years since? This baby stuff came right from Aniston’s mouth, and has been aggressively pushed by her publicist with her blessing (she pays his hefty fees after all). She got a lot of mileage out of it over the years, and that why she kept using it for so long to promote her films.
      I love this run down that CB did a while ago about Aniston and all her baby talk –

      Anyway, so while ITA that it’s great that she seems to be moving beyond “baby” (and who knows the reasons behind it; personal or professional?), at the same time I am not going to pretend that Aniston was not a major player and completely complicit in playing out that narrative in the press over the past 10 yrs.

      And for the record, if Aniston truly wants/wanted kids then I hope she is not facing any fertility issues, not simply because of her age but fertility challenges in general. As much as I dislike her, I would not wish that kind of heartbreak on anyone and tbh, I want JustJen to make it over the long haul. Let them ride off into the sunset together so “Rachel” can be happy (at least in the media’s eyes).

    • lucy2 says:

      I think you’re right. People do change, and what they want out of life changes. What she wanted 10 years ago might be totally different than now. Heaven help us if we were all held to things we said years ago at a very different point in our lives.

      I do think she has contributed to the focus on her personal life (as most celebrities do) but I also feel like a LOT of the stuff written about her is made up from tabloids or projections from the general public.

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      +a bajillion!

      She’s been on this since she and Justin got together…’s not a secret.

    • littlestar says:

      That’s a good analysis. I also think that she is realizing she can no longer do the whole “will I or won’t I have kids” shtick anymore, because she is getting older and she knows it makes her look ridiculous. Maybe she’s becoming more comfortable with who she is as a woman and as an actor, so it will be very interesting to see her in these different roles (I’m actually really interested in that Cake movie, I think it sounds like it has the possibility to be good, storyline wise).

    • Josephine says:

      I think this is just another PR tactic. Neither version seems the least bit plausible, and she her image and career has been very, very carefully structured by her PT team.

  7. Soulsister says:

    Her whole post Friends career is built on the fact that she was married to and then subsequently dumped by Brad Pitt. She then turned herself into a ‘woe is me’ victim (nobody foisted that role onto her). Added to that, she showed just how empowered she really is by scapegoating another woman as the cause of her deadbeat merger of a marriage breaking down.

    She is so full of sh*t and so lacking in basic self awareness.

    • Josephina says:


      She was lacking maturity DURING her marriage and it has been obvious that she remained challenged by that through her many interviews over the past 10 years.

      There are too many interviews coming from her and friends where her insecurities were exposed and her jealousy of Angelina’s career and adoration was quite evident.

    • Sal says:

      +100.000 Well said!

  8. Chocolate bunny says:


  9. Mike says:

    I will believe her when I stop seeing her on the cover of People or US with her latest fiance or talking about how she was back stabbed by Brad and Angie for something. I do wonder what her life is about? It is not about making high quality movies or stretching as an artist. I think it is about being a star and getting lots of attention for the endless amounts of crappy romantic comedies she foists on the world. I have not seen her do any thing that takes her away from her Hollywood comfort zone. Do some charity work where you get dirty and uncomfortable and I will be impressed

  10. Mia4S says:

    The sentiment is correct, the press DOES limit a woman’s worth to marriage and/or babies. That’s archaic thinking and pretty gross these days. However she’s benefited a lot from publicity on the point (it wasn’t her films!). I just don’t know.

    • Josephine says:

      The media does not treat all women this way; some court it.

      • Chris says:

        Yep Josephine, I agree…..and it can be proven by the broad range of publications which all have the same old Jennifer interview year in year out: not just Daily Fail misogynistic ones, but quite intelligent, soi-disant feminist(lite) magazines too. No light or shade, the same portrait, irrespective of editorial bias.

  11. Paige says:

    I agree that a woman’s value shouldn’t be measures by her man and how many kids you have but this would hold more value coming from someone else and not Jennifer. I don’t find anything wrong with her not wanting babies it’s her choice but she played it up in the media so what can you do.

    • Josephina says:

      The truth is universal not circumstantial.

      Do you think she would make these statements if she was happily married and had children?

  12. yesitwasnecessary says:

    I think the tabs and the loonies and the baby bump watchers foist that nonsense on her. Maybe she felt pressured in the past to say she wanted babies lest she be deemed a baby-hater by the minivan majority. Who knows? But now, you know, in 2014, she’s just living her life with her man…happily if that abolutely adorable ALS challenge vid is any indication of their dynamic…SO cute with that little kiss on the head at the end. And good for her for branching out role-wise and away from rom-com hell. Best of wishes to her.

    • Bee says:

      She did it to herself. Her interviews & PR team are the main reason people keep asking about babies.
      She is not just living her life…..every second is told to People mag & an article goes up about how she is happier than ever, do not forget “glowing”.
      “”“I think people honestly just want to see me as a mom and married and barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen,” the actress says. “And I just want to say, ‘Everybody, relax! It’s going to happen.’ ”””” She said not too long ago!
      His kiss is thanks for all the attention she brings him!

    • Bea says:

      Bless your heart.

    • darkdove says:

      I think Jennifer Anistons fans have demonstraded themselves to be the loonies not moving on after 10 years attacking children and wanting people to die or get deseases gloating over the death of other people mothers from cáncer and calling it karma, wanting Jennifer to have a revenge baby with anyone just to show that ex husband he should have waited for her ranting and ranting about how her life and the family that should have been hers was stolen from her hands for 10 years, it was her fans who did not want to let go the idea that she would not have children talking about how beautifull her children would have been and maybe she was afraid of her fans turning a lot of them are a vile bunch and she knows it.

  13. Sullivan says:

    Her ‘value as a woman’ seems to be tied up in her looks, which is equally as sad as having it tied to men and babies. The amount of time, money, energy, and interview space she devotes solely to her looks does not indicate a healthy, balanced life.

    • Twinkle says:

      So true

    • Size Does Matter says:

      Was coming to say the same thing – it seems as if her value is already tied up in face, hair, and body.

      • Celia says:

        But those interviews are always part of her endorsement deals, which are generally appearance-related. It’s unsurprising then that she talks a lot about her looks, just as any actress who flogs hair products and so forth.

      • Josephina says:

        @ Celia-

        The Hair and Skin endorsements are recent conquests within the last year. How do you account for Aniston’s 10 year run… and counting… on vanity?

      • The Original G says:

        I agree with Celia. Most of those articles are advertorials.

        However, if that’s all she has out there, there isn’t much more to base an opinion of her interests on?

    • Josephina says:

      Truer words have yet to be spoken…

    • Sal says:

      Exactly! All she talks about is superficial things. She is like the anti-feminist.

  14. Hissyfit says:

    Lol. She sure loves to play this “babies” game in the media when she knows she can benefit from it. One interview she’s going to say something like this, that she won’t let this baby issue affect her value as a woman then on the next interview, she will back track and say something like, “of course I want to have kids. I’ve always had and i will have one day”. It happens all the time. Just look at her past interview record. It seems to me that she’s the one who wants to talk about it and keeps bringing it up all the time.

    I feel like she really doesn’t want kids since Pitt days (which is perfectly fine. I myself don’t want kids either) but she’s afraid that would tarnish her next door neighbor, sweetheart rep (especially after the divorce) so she keeps on pretending that she wants one. Plus, baby talk generate publicity so she’ll milk it as long as she can.

    As for Cake, although she’s the weakest link in the entire cast, good for her for taking different, challenging roles. She can’t be doing romcoms forever, I mean she’s getting older.

  15. Bee says:

    What in the world did he do wrong?
    Separated in January, divorce filed in March.
    He was not seen in public with AJ until APRIL. He is allowed to move on! No public make out sessions before divorce filed. They were not doing daily photo ops after divorce was filed for either. Apparently Brad was suppose to mope around for years.

    And AJ is allowed to turn her life around and grow as a person, get a life. She never murdered anyone, which is how you are acting.
    How in the world does doing drugs speak to true character, she was not hurting anyone but herself. Whoring around?? Got some proof of that?

    • Kim1 says:

      So I guess Robin Williams ,Robert Downing Jr,Philip Seymour Hoffman,etc have/had horrible character since they were self described drug addicts and other alcoholics

      • Josephina says:

        Good point.

        I don’t remember Aniston standing on any soapbox crying about inequality then either.

        My comment is in response to Kim1 #38 above.

    • TheRealMaya says:

      @Bee: don’t try and be logical on a CB thread especially if you are defending the JPs. Jeniopaths don’t care about the fact that Brad split with Jennifer officially and waited 3 months until getting together with Angelina (confirmed by Jen and her 3 BFFs as well). It also doesn’t matter that Jennifer hooked up with Vince at the same time as Brad got together with Angelina.

      Jeniopaths are notoriously hypocritical just like their idol.

      • Kate2 says:

        Nobody said anything about Brad cheating on Jennifer. In fact, I fail to see where Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were mentioned in this article.

        So Its kind of weird they have been mentioned in the comments and some of you are getting all defensive over arguments no one made.

      • Kim1 says:

        @ Kate2 The comment was deleted ,the comment also called AJ a drug addict who was whoring around Hollywood.It was a very long,nasty comment.

      • Kate2 says:

        @kim1 – Ok fair enough.

    • Josephina says:

      Angie’s character is loud and clear. She is a very mature woman.

      She is very open about who is and she openly invited the public about her younger years. She was the one that detailed her own past of drugs– never hid her drug use and made it clear that that was not what defined her. She was never arrested, never went to drug rehab, was never violent toward anyone and never arrested — for ANYTHING. She did things to hurt herself–drugs and cutting. She grew up, moved on and took on a life of tremendous responsibility at a young age.

      She is a very courageous, thick-skinned and talented woman who plays to her strengths. She commands respect among her peers, whether it is as an actress, producer, writer, Mommy, loving partner, philanthropist, humanitarian or activist, She has a full life, so full that she does not have time for bullsh*t And yes, she still makes it a priority to spend and enjoy as much time with Brad and her children.

      Brad has never really defended her because she really doesn’t need any defending. She knows who she is and goes about her business to make a change if something bothers her.

      We have never heard her whine to the public about ANYTHING.

      She is an extremely well-rounded, accomplished woman and with many more years left to give. I am quite excited to see and hear what she will accomplish next.

      It is truly amazing how much a human being can accomplish of they stop thinking about what they lost or what they don’t or NO LONGER have and instead embrace what they could be by getting involved.

      • Chris says:

        With respect, what has this to do with the thread? Not that I disagree, but there’s a sudden leap sideways. Maybe some relevant comments were deleted above, hence the apparent disconnect.
        ( Just an aside….there’s a theme of ‘adulthood’ or wisdom etc around today, so a serious question: is ‘Mommy’ (rather than mother) equally weighted alongside other terms like activist, biologist, pugilist, driver? Truly not asking with any suggestion of ridicule, I want to know about conventional language usage.)

  16. Maria says:

    Feminism isn’t about babies, it’s about gender equality.

    You can only fail feminism when you don’t understand its intent so congratulations Jen.

    • Josephina says:

      Aniston is Pure. Comedy. Gold.


      She puts her foot in her mouth every time, then the JenHens get upset when we point out her hypocrisy.

  17. FingerBinger says:

    I’m not a Jen Aniston fan. I didn’t watch Friends. The only thing I’ve seen her in is Leprechaun. I’ve just noticed that people are awfully hard on her. She got dumped and probably wallowed in it for a bit. So what.

    • TheRealMaya says:

      The only reason people comment or judge you in your life is because YOU made it into your image. No one cares if you have children, no one cares you were dumped by your husband for another woman, no one cares that you ruined 3 relationships, no one cares how you are getting on 5 years after your divorce etc all of these things are the subject you bought up on your interviews on People, Vanity Fair and many others.

    • Sal says:

      She has wallowed in it for 9 years! Not just ‘a bit’. She has made an industry out of it. Then she turned around and homewrecked Justin and Heidi.

  18. Bea says:

    It would be hilariously funny if it weren’t so sad.

    We all see what you are attempting to play there Jen, and I for one am embarassed for you. Huvsey is going to need a huge raise if you want to go down this new path after the 10 year “poor betrayed me” act.

    Sorry dear, you are not even at Livia Soprano’s ankles for that game.

  19. Diana says:

    She created the whole poor me narrative
    From Infamous Vanity Fair
    For the 36-year-old Aniston, who had expected to spend the past year being pregnant, the pain of watching this spectacle unfold was compounded by vicious rumors about herself. —- Oh Boo Hoo

    “I’ve never in my life said I didn’t want to have children. I did and I do and I will! ”

    “When Brad and Jen were in the marriage, having a baby was not his priority—ever,” says one mutual friend. “It was an abstract desire for him, whereas for Jen it was much more immediate. So is there a part of Brad that’s diabolical? Did he think, I need to get out of this marriage, but I want to come out smelling like a rose, so I’m going to let Jen be cast as the ultra-feminist and I’m going to get cast as the poor husband who couldn’t get a baby and so had to move on?”

    Her friends are filled with admiration for the way she’s handled the whole mess. “This woman is basically having a root canal without anesthesia, but she’s really trying not to numb the pain or shove it under the rug,”

    ‘Even if it’s 98 percent the other person’s fault, it’s 2 percent yours, and that’s what we’re going to focus on.’ You can only clean up your side of the street.”

    “My worst fear is that Jen will have to face them having a baby together soon, because that would be beyond beyond painful,” says Kristin Hahn.

    • moot says:

      Hades. I’ve never read any of these interviews. If that’s what was printed… Poor Pathetic Jen was definitely created by her PR team and therefore her herself.

      I’m trying to recall another woman who split badly from her husband (aside from Brandi) who gave up this kind of narrative post-split, blaming, pointing fingers, name calling. Truly classy.

    • Sal says:

      All to excuse her actions against Brad and cast him as the bad guy so she gets a free pass for lying to Brad. And her fans lapped up that disgusting smear against Brad hook line and sinker without questioning.

  20. yesitwasnecessary says:

    Wow. *Bathes self in violet light escapes thread before it gets ugly*

    • FingerBinger says:

      Too late. It’s already gotten ugly.

    • Kate2 says:

      I know. I don’t know why I read JA threads. But its like a trainwreck. I can’t look away, and then I hate myself afterwards.

      Its a feeding frenzy every time one of these goes up.

    • Josephina says:

      You could offer your services. Fire Huvane.

      As he did not proofread or censor her current statements, which do not match her past actions.

      Gotta stay on top of what she says. It’s gotta match…

    • fluffy says:

      I used to think Brangelina fans are crazy and then one time while i was googling something about Jen which ended up opening a UK website that has her hard core fans, Man, i was shocked and disgusted! Her fans wants Brangelina’s kids to have aids, to get cancer and to get molested and all that shiit. I mean, you can hate a celebrity but the kids should always be off limits. As much as i want to ask why there’s so much hate on Jen, i couldn’t. Her fans brought the hate on her.

      Don’t get me wrong, i still think Brangelina’s fans are crazy but if they’re crazy then Jen’s fans are batshit crazy! That’s why i try to stay away from any of their threads because i know it’ll be a mess!

      • Kate2 says:

        Well, none of those people are here, fluffy. The narrative with a lot (I’d say the majority) of people on this board is Angelina is a saint (or close to it) and Jen is a hot mess/vapid/dim/hypocrite/mean, etc. Those are just some of the adjectives on a typical comment page directed at her. Anyone defending JA here is a normal fan/likes her, or simply doesn’t hate her, but there is nothing as fervent and intense as the love for AJ that I’ve seen by some here. Its legitimately skeevey how extreme the worship is. There is absolutely nothing AJ can or will ever do or ever HAS done that isn’t amazing and there is absolutely nothing JA can or will ever do or ever HAS done that won’t get ripped to shreds. The crazy thing is that I don’t like or care about Jennifer Aniston nearly as much as I project here but I can’t help but say something because I don’t get people who like celebrities THAT much. Its almost fascinating.

        And the vitriol towards JA would leak to her kids if she had any, don’t kid yourself. It already leaks to her fiance.

      • Jessica says:

        Female First and people think the “Brangeloonies” are bad on here.

      • FingerBinger says:

        @Kate2 I’m not a fan either of Aniston either. I stay away from Aniston threads because I don’t understand all the anger directed at her and it gets a little uncomfortable reading some of the comments.

      • Sal says:

        “Her fans brought the hate on her.” That’s the crux of it but her fans still come on and say oh I don’t understand why everyone is so hard on her – I roll my eyes each time I read that.

      • Josephina says:

        @ Kate 2

        All of us have or will experience a sense of loss during our lifetime. Some of us will go through more heartaches than others. Be clear – no one is exempt.

        I can tell you I am not a fan of ANY woman playing mean girl all because a man left her. Time to grow up and move on. Any spouse CAN leave you. Don’t take your spouse for granted. Both spouses should benefit from the marriage, not just one.

        Furthermore, love changes form all of the time. it would take a mature woman to realize this; instead, Aniston showed the world just how neurotic, snarky, vindictive, passive-aggressive, and jealous she can really be. That she maintained this posture is what made her unattractive. This behavior was by choice, and disapproval/disdain usually follows poor behavior.

        In other words, Aniston has created the demons about which she whines to the press.

        No vitriol here. More like school teachers here with a ruler in hand pointing out “I told you so.”

        It is a part of life. Aniston handled it like a spoiled, petulant brat. Her consent to have her friends weigh in and judge her marriage, as well as attack her ex’ longtime partner just showed how jealous she was and how much she was stuck in the past.

  21. Sarah says:

    What’s her feminism and how does it differ from feminism in general?

    • Bea says:

      Her “feminism” is that she now doesn’t need men or babies (bwah) for “self-worth”.

      Her “feminism” is the she now does need Aveeno, Living Proof and SmartWater for her “net worth”.

      You know, the products that tell women they have bad skin, hair and are fat unless you use what she claims to use before her weekly trips to be peeled, weaved and yoga-d.

      • lucy2 says:

        Isn’t that true then of every female celebrity who has a product endorsement deal? Perfume, makeup, hair coloring, designer clothes, skin care, jewelry, weight loss. Almost every actress I can think of is the face of some sort of product which says same thing – use this to look younger, wear this to look beautiful, use this perfume to be desirable, etc.

      • Josephina says:


        How many of those same celebrities are releasing statements about feminism in the same breath WHILE advertising/supporting vanity products?

        Just a few days ago Aniston cared to share that her fiance would “murder” her if she changed anything on her face. So much for independent thinking…

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        Soap is a vanity product?
        Who knew…

      • lucy2 says:

        Josephina, none…including Jennifer Aniston. This was a video interview, not a released statement, and that part of the discussion was in regards to how society places a value and pressure on women regarding getting married and having children. That’s it.
        I’m just failing to see the connection between that, which I think is a legitimate point that has been discussed many times here on this site when it’s been brought up by several different female celebrities, and the fact that she endorses a few beauty products. Does is mean if you have a clothing/beauty/fragrance endorsement deal you are then barred from ever discussing feminism, or vice versa?
        I like seeing high profile women speaking positively about feminism and equality, but if anyone who has any kind of endorsement like that is immediately written off, there’s not many left to do so.

      • pru says:

        I have to say, it bothers me so much that she has these endorsement deals. She made over $100 million off of friends. There is no way in the world she needs this money. These are not an artistic or creative endeavors. She has no personal stock in these companies. It just seems like greed.

      • Josephina says:


        I am not trying to get in an argument with you. I am saying that feminism really is about achieving equality in a man’s world.

        Aniston still does not make what her male counterparts make per movie.

        Aniston has a production company. Yet, I don’t see her breaking the glass ceiling on any level. Given her financial strength, SHE HAS THE CASH FLOW TO DO GREAT THINGS TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. She is not the first in anything.

        She is just collecting money and not doing much with it.

        If she could pave the way for others , I may change my mind about her.

      • Lucy2 says:

        Ok- I think that’s a separate topic from the feminism/vanity products, but it’s one I agree with you on. I’m always happy to see women move into the directing and producing side of the business, which for too long has been dominated by men. It would be great to see someone with her resources and connections do more to create opportunities for herself and other women. If she chooses not to, that’s certainly her right, but I do think it’s a missed opportunity.

        Pru, I do think she is an investor in some of those companies. But it is totally crazy what some of these celebrities are paid to endorse products. Certainly none of them need the money- Kaley Cuoco isn’t paying her rent with those Priceline ads, and Pepsi is paying Beyonce something like $50 million. And others get millions for a few commercials. It’s unimaginable money for very little work.

  22. Vampi says:

    Is she 46?
    I am asking because… Awww dang…
    I think I MAY be pregnant. Hubby and I (married 26 years…kids 21 and 25) were reckless….and now we are freaking out!
    I know the “stahs” have access to all the best at 46…like Hallie…but…..US? Me?
    Anyway…. My point is that she must be feeling apprehension because of her age if she DOES get pregnant.
    Scary sitch.
    I am scared to death!

    • Mia4S says:

      Oh my! Well @Vampi, until you’ve gone through menopause you’re fair game, so to speak! No medical assistance necessarily required. All the best to you either way.

      • Vampi says:

        @Mia4S: I have had spotty periods for the last two years…so I MAY be jumping the gun…but I don’t think so. We lost our medical ins. about 3 years ago and I haven’t been to the doc since. Can’t afford it.
        I’m gonna buy a test tomorrow..then… I dunno what.. *sads and excitement at the same time*

      • lucy2 says:

        Best wishes to you Vampi, whatever happens.

        Not sure where you live, but there might be a clinic or some other low cost provided who could give you a check up, just to make sure there’s nothing else going on.

    • Jaderu says:

      Vampi I wish you the best no matter what. I’m going through menopause and even had an ZOMFG I”M PREGNANT! moment at first. I think the hormones have really got me all discombobulated because your comment actually made me tear up. The only comment I can’t stop thinking about in this shitstorm of a comment section.

  23. Lea says:

    Cake does not have a distributor & has no release date this year. I imagine her Rachel ticks will be out in full force with some hair twirling & lip puckering.
    It is at TIFF to try to find a distributor.
    She has Zero luck at TIFF, Management flopped. Life of Crime from last year’s TIFF is limited release + embarrassing Video on Demand.

  24. Truly says:

    Is anybody out there who has this woman’s famous baby-obsessed-sentence? For example “In five years I’ll have b-something…um what? Okay whatever… It’s she who said that I’M GONNA HAVE A BABY / I HAVE NEVER BEEN A ANTI-PREGGER / I I I…BABY BABY BABY over and over again. Gosh…

    And suddenly bang! She’s blaming the public insiting THEY push me to have baby thing………..with anger or self-pity.

    She really play the shitty baby rule games with the world. LOL

    She’s hypocrate.

  25. BNA FAN says:

    Angie NEVER Whored her way around Hollywood. Angelina in her own words was with very few significant others. She was NEVER a drug addict, she did used drugs, and kicked the habit before adopting. She was not in treatment for being a drug addict. Just state the facts. Angelina life is an open book, everything you know about her she told it. I distinctly remember Angelina telling Barbara Walters she had not had sex in one year after her divorce from BBT. Barbara told her that was TMI.

  26. Paty says:

    Her eyes looks odd

    It is Botox
    looks like she can’t fully open her eyes.

  27. Twinkle says:

    It’s moot for her to bring up having a baby. Biologically anyway. I bet you she’s already peri-menopausal. She’s 45 and never had a baby. I’m 45. Only two weeks older than her and I’ve never had a baby. And this is the new reality for our bodies. Instead of harping on this motherhood thing, why doesn’t she just shoot straight and say something like: I don’t think I can get pregnant any longer. My body clock is winding down. I’m headed into a new phase in my life as an independent career woman. And that’s important too.

    I would respect her so much more if she owned that truth! Besides, did Carson even bring up the motherhood thing? Who even cares? Did she bring up the topic herself? If she did, then is shows how much of an issue it really is for her.

  28. Kelly says:

    Where did she make the comment in the heading? It’s a great comment.

  29. Miss M says:

    I think she genuinely wanted to have kids and She may not be able to have them.

    • Miller says:

      If that were true, then I doubt she would’ve been sporting a fake preggers belly for that water commercial.

    • Bea says:

      I’m sorry, if she were not able to have a baby, there would have been at least another half dozen People covers to milk it. And y’all know that true.

    • Janet says:

      In which case she could have adopted them, but she said early on that adoption was not an option.

      • Miss M says:

        1- No everyone is comfortable with adoption.
        2- you would be surprised by the number of couples who want to have kids and can’t, and downplay it just like she did. It is a very sensitive issue and mj one wants to come forward to say they are sterile.

      • Sal says:

        Miss M if Aniston was infertile, she would have shared her story by now to support her Friend Courteney who set up a foundation to ENCOURAGE women to talk about miscarriages etc and not hide it in the dark. She CLEARLY is not infertile, she just ever so blatantly obviously doesn’t want kids.

      • Ennie says:

        what about a surrogate like SJP or others? she has $$$$ that many of us wished to have. I have struggled with infertility due to waited too long to have children, and I would have been happy to have the means to be a mother that way.
        She did not want to. Her current man does not want to either. Plain and simple.

    • Josephine says:

      I think women who really want to have a baby, have a baby. Some do not have the means for a surrogate or infertility treatment, or adoption, but she is not in that category. If she actually wanted a baby, she would have a baby.

      • Nina says:

        But she may not want to adopt. And maybe she doesn’t beieve in surrogacy either. Or maybe she didn’t ant to be a single mother. I think she hasn’t met the right guy with whom to have a child. Unfortunately now it may be too late, and Justin also may not be the right guy. It happens. It’s happened to me. And yes she has issues probably that has led to bad dating choices, but hell, so have I and my friends. Were my friends and i immature and did we prioritize the wrong things? Probably. But I always thought I might get married and have kids and now I don’t. To get blamed for not having these things, as if we could somehow have planned it better? Well that sucks. Good for those of you who met the right guys. That’s just not been my experience. I am not a fan nor do I hate AJ. But I do want to speak up for single childless women who may not be childless by choice!

  30. Virgilia Coriolanus says:

    Meh–ever since she got with Justin she has been pushing away from the baby ‘issue’. I don’t feel bad for her, because it is entirely easy to say something (when the baby question came up) along the lines of ‘before I was focusing more on an eventual marriage and kids, but now I’m just focusing on a relationship. I don’t know if babies will be in my future, but I hope it will.’…something like that.

    It’s only really been since Justin that she started saying stuff like ‘it’s narrow minded to assume that a woman isn’t happy without children or marriage’ and so on……which isn’t a bad thing. But I wish she would just say that she changed her mind, instead of saying stuff like this interview–‘my value as a woman doesn’t depend on babies’….because she created that monster.

    Basically she’s just letting her fans down easy (the ones who really want her to be married and with kids)—she ain’t having babies. I don’t see how that isn’t obvious, given that everyone that she’s dated post divorce, beyond Vince Vaughn, is woefully unsuited for kids–whether by their lifestyle (John Mayor) or by choice (for now, Justin).

    It’s pretty obvious to me–there are a bajillion guys that would’ve ran over hot coals to marry and make babies with Jennifer–and they don’t have to be famous. If she REALLY wanted to be married–she’d be married. If she really wanted kids–she’d have kids.

  31. The Original G says:

    Omg. This interview is a dull as could be. Life of Crime was at TIFF LAST year and went nowhere.
    She doesn’t want to talk about babies anymore? She just wants to talk about how she a victim of the med……ZZZZZZZZ.

  32. Chris says:

    I love the way she expresses depth of sentiment : ‘I kind of feel very grateful to my evolution and my history’. Boy, can’t you feel that emotion? But seriously, what the heck is she saying in any answer? What is this ‘value as a woman’…..value to whom? According to what scales? I’m being naughty really, I’m sure there’s a straightforward comment being made, but Christ she is hard work, so you get miffed just trying to winkle out the kernel of her remarks, sometimes actually having to reword the whole thing in your head in order to get her point….when you didn’t really want to know in the first place!
    A very inarticulate or perhaps woolly-minded woman certainly, babies/men or not!

    • moot says:

      I think the fact that her “words speak but they have no meaning” is an indication that she’s trying so very hard to say the right thing instead of what she really feels and thinks. A person who knows what they think, and is not afraid of people reinterpreting them, says what they want to say in the simplest way possible. Look at Theron. Look at Heigl. Look at Robin Wright. Look at Meryl Streep. Look at Cameron Diaz (on the topic of children, though I’ve read her remarks on other things that are less coherent). Look at… dozens and dozens of other women in Hollywood who have no problem just saying what they mean with their own words.

      People like Jen Aniston, who worry and worry about their public perception, try very hard to not say what they really want to say so that they will come across as loveable and harmless and just like the rest of us.

      You’re right. It’s exhausting. And if I were her manager, I’d just tell her to knock off the Oprah-ese psychology act and be comfortable with being herself. She’d be so much more relatable.

      “Look, life is what it is. Things happen that you never planned for or hoped for. But we all just learn from what went right or wrong and do the best we can to keep improving. In that way, I’m not different from anyone else.”

    • Trashaddict says:

      Years and years of pot smoking have given her mush-mouth and caused her to lose track of time: “Oh, I’ll have a baby some day, pass that roach, wouldja?”……”Oops, damn; I slept through the Ronco Baby Alarm!”

  33. Josephina says:


    If only she could walk the walk as well as talk the talk…

    The comment about not being anchored by whom she is dating and how many kids she has or will have is well stated. Sad that it took her half her lifetime to realize this.

    Next, put your platform to good use. If they are going to stick a microphone in your face, don’t get sucked in talking about hair, skin and diet all the time. I cannot think of another +40 actress that gets caught up in the superficial things that do not really matter when in interview.

    Next, get rid of Chelsea. And stop whining about things you cannot change.

    When you know better, you will do better.

  34. lisa2 says:

    I have never believed that she and Brad’s marriage ended because of children. Neither wanted kids at the time or they would have had them. I think Brad knew she and he were not going to last and bringing children in the mix was wrong. So no kids. I think she liked the idea of kids but deep down it was really not what she wanted or she would have done what millions of women do; Have a child on her own.

    I think this I will not be defined by children or a man is her new mantra. How she is answering the question now. She is trying to portray herself as a “strong, single child free woman”

    Jennifer helped to write the narrative of how she is viewed in world. Her past statements are there and I think she is trying to change it. As someone that didn’t want children I don’t judge her for that.. But I will say she is trying to spin the fact that she in fact doesn’t want kids and is still so worried about public perception.

    • Josephina says:

      FYI: When she was married to Brad they did have a room set aside, with the intention of turning it into a nursery.

      I just think she pandered to her core mini-van majority fanbase, the ones that were there for her during the Friends years. When she dedicated herself to film only, she continued on with the Rachel persona, which eventually expired after so many romcom movies.

      Newsflash: Whimsical, quirky Rachel is now 45-46 and old enough to be someone’s mother. Not so cute anymore.

      At this point, i question whether she has the acting cops to breath life and/or dimension into drama roles. And apparently, Hollywood agrees.

      • The Original G says:

        She’s old enough to be someone’ grandmother. (Not that that is a bad thing.)

      • BNA FAN says:

        I do remember brad talking about a room set aside for a child while he was first married to his X wife. She promised to get pregnant after friends and then revealed after friends that she had signed up to do about four movies one right after the other. I believe after awhile Brad realized she was not really serious about having children and did not want to continue the marriage because he felt he was being lied to. I also remember her making a joke on SNL about her having a baby. She was playing a paparazzi and yelling out Jen, when are you going to have a baby several times.

        I have a vague memory of Brad talking about Babies when he was engaged to Goop. I could be wrong mixing up Gweneth with Aniston, it’s such a long time, 16 years ago? But I do remember baby talk.

  35. Midnight says:

    I’m going to ask again. Who designed Jennifer’s ring? Why won’t anyone step up and take credit for it?

    • Janet says:

      Nobody wants to be blamed for it.

    • The Original G says:

      I thought it was a vintage ring? It’s rose cut, which is also a vintage cut as well.

      Or maybe she made Emitations sign a confidentiality agreement?

  36. Anguishedcorn says:

    Riiiiight… because a woman’s value should be tied up in her hair and her face, exclusively.

  37. Kim1 says:

    Now the assh#les @ IntouchWeekly have a cover story about Aniston having a miscarriage.They have been lying for months saying she was pregnant.
    They will be doing “Fifthy and Pregnant” covers.
    Disgusting tabloids

  38. Jayna says:

    I think Jen is a nice person and I don’t get the over-the-top hate for her. She’s addicted to suntanning and/or spray tan and she’s not eloguent or brilliant, but I think she’s nice, not perfect before I get jumped on, but overall a nice person. I like Angie too.

  39. nani says:

    Oh, God! The same subject matter… People don’t change the dull story of having or not having babies. Is it a Shakespeare’s doubt? Is it so important in the context of our lives in this world?
    Does JA have anything really meaning to tell us? is she so swallow or we are?
    Please, her life is only a life and there is no relevance in it. She is rich, OK, but she is also a talenteless actress, becoming old and manipulating media.
    And the American media also seems to be idiot, without much to say.
    What a loss of susbtance.

  40. Sal says:

    Here we go again, she just will not stop talking about babies because she knows it gets her publicity. Its not enough that she did the dirty on Brad and homewrecked Heidi Bivens and had an affair with her man. She has no morals and will sell her soul for any attention and publicity.

  41. Velvet Elvis says:

    I think that’s her way of announcing that there will most likely never be any kids or marriage. She’s a little long in the tooth to be having a baby now anyway.

  42. Lilacflowers says:

    Perhaps, if Jennifer and others would discuss their value as a person and not their value as a particular gender and the stereotypes that accompany gender, people would move away from seeing only gender roles? Oh, and Jennifer, appearing naked on the cover of magazines during every major birthday year doesn’t help you display much value as a person outside of your appearance. Please keep that in mind as 50 approaches in a few years.

  43. Dirty Martini says:

    No dear. Your value as a woman will be defined by “The Rachel” hair do and your eloquence in responding to Angie’s comments about falling in love with your husband on a movie set:
    “not cool”

    That’s deeply valuable, precious.

  44. maggie says:

    I like her and don’t consider myself a JENIOPATH. Talk about immature. Ppl sure like to make numerous comments on someone they don’t like. WHY?

  45. ann says:

    This dim bim can’t even form a complete scentence. She’s just all over the place.
    When she says she’s given birth to a lot of things, what exactly does she mean, and mothering many things. Every time I think she can’t get any more ridiculous with her comments, she’ll say something else to top it, from re***d, eyeballs, birth to many things and mothering things.
    I just don’t get the birth part. I do remember that she went through a few rebirths. So maybe when a guy dumps her, she goes through a rebirth. Hence, many rebirths.

  46. Michele says:

    No Jennifer dear, your VALUE AS A WOMAN seems to be tied to you showing your @ss in every movie your in, working out 5 hours a day and making sure everyone knows about it and planting story after story about how youthful and healthy your lifestyle is. Oh and your hair (clip ons) Pathetic, you do nothing remotely interesting. Good luck with your Eddie Cibrian clone.

  47. paranormalgirl says:

    I don’t know why everyone can’t just stay out of each others’ wombs.

    People grow. They change. They evolve. Sometimes they have no blessed clue what they want. And I don’t think it’s fair to hold anyone to anything they’ve said in the past with regard to wanting children or a husband or a ferret or whatever. Minds can change in the blink of an eye,

  48. KatyD says:

    The sad thing is that she’s trying to make it appear as if she’s some amazing icon for not having children. She knows reproductive rights and children are hot-button topics for many women so she’s going to milk this for all the attention she can get. Aniston has never shown any interest in feminist issues or your average woman’s struggles, but instead she uses feminism as some sort of name brand to gain attention. It’s the Beyonce brand of feminism. Use it to promote my never-ending quest for more fame and money. She’s better off talking about her hair.