“Snowpocalypse 2015 is coming to the Northeast, prepare yourselves” links


Pray for all of the Snowpocalypse 2015 people in the Northeast! [Buzzfeed]
John Oliver has some amazing thoughts about Jamie Dornan. [The Frisky]
Edward Norton named his son Atlas. Atlas Norton. [Starcasm]
Julia Roberts is making a movie about Batkid. [Dlisted]
Lainey seems to be saying that Mandy Moore & Ryan Adams’ breakup was part of a blind item? I forgot that he was “punk” too. [LaineyGossip]
Who killed Tom Cruise & Nicole Kidman’s marriage? [Pajiba]
Liam Hemsworth broke his arm. [A Socialite Life]
What was Katy Perry wearing? Damn. [Go Fug Yourself]
Ruth Wilson talks about sexism & sex scenes. [Evil Beet]
Jennifer Aniston talked about going to the gym. [I’m Not Obsessed]
Spoof of the TLC show My Husband’s Not Gay. [OMG Blog]
Clothing inspired by Kim Kardashian’s proportions. [Moe Jackson]
Zach Galifanakis is so thin now. [The Blemish]
Kristin Cavallari is trying to gain weight. [ICYDK]


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120 Responses to ““Snowpocalypse 2015 is coming to the Northeast, prepare yourselves” links”

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  1. Delta Juliet says:

    Snowpocalypse ! We’re preparing ourselves. I have to go to the grocery store on my lunch break and I just hope I make it out alive.

    • BooBooLaRue says:

      Good luck! I always love NYC in the snow, it’s irritatingly slow but lovely somehow.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      We went to the grocery store already. Schools have closed and it’s snowing. I love it – so beautiful.

      • mimif says:

        Exactly how many bottles of Kahlua did you get? I wish it would snow here, I’ve run out of reasons to drank.

    • Erinn says:

      We’re getting ours overnight and tomorrow. 10-15 cm tonight, and another 10-15 tomorrow followed by ice pellets. I ended up booking tomorrow off because I’m burnt out, so I’m kind of pleased with that decision. I’m not looking forward to the grocery store tonight. We’re getting about half of what NY is getting though – so I can’t complain much. If it weren’t for the rain/ice it wouldn’t be so bad for us – though the winds are supposed to be quite nasty.

    • Kitten says:

      We’re getting 2 + feet in Boston.

      Bring it.
      I already have a fridge full of beer and a cabinet full of blackberry kush.

      • crab says:

        Hey Kitten I’m from the Boston are too! Little flurries right now but the next 24-36 hours should be one hell of a ride!! Side note: I have plenty of tequila chilled in my fridge! 🙂

      • Kitten says:

        Yay, Boston peeps are my peeps 🙂

        Yeah it sounds nuts. Stay safe out there, and no shoveling under the influence of Tequila (trust me, I’ve tried it before).

      • inthekitchen says:

        Me three! Work just cancelled tomorrow! I’ve got my homemade rugelach and cocktails at the ready!

        Stay safe everyone!

      • Nayru says:

        I am ready for this…

      • tifzlan says:

        I live in Boston too and classes have been cancelled tomorrow. I need to buy water though.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        Statewide travel ban takes effect at midnight white chocolate martinis are my beverage for Snowstorm Juno. Stay safe and may the power hold

      • Tiffany27 says:

        Me and the boyfriend are ready. Went to the store, and everything is all good. I’ve been in Boston for a while now so I’m ready.

      • laura in LA says:

        Hey Kitten,
        I’m from Boston, too.
        Living here, I sure don’t miss the harsh winters there (and I remember some really bad ones), though I do miss the excitement, energy and camaraderie of an impending snowstorm.
        Please don’t hate me for saying this, but LA 70-degree weather suddenly seems boring today…
        That’s all, stay safe and be well!

        *runs and hides*

      • mimif says:

        I’m preparing birth announcements for ALL of you. Especially you, OG BBK lover.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        “but LA 70-degree weather suddenly seems boring today…”

        I know how you feel. I am sad that we don’t even have the possibility of a snow day!

      • Tippy says:

        Better pick up some candles and flashlight batteries.

        2 feet of heavy wet snow + hurricane force winds = widespread power outages.

      • MtnRunner says:

        I’m missing Boston so bad this week. I loved the big storms — when I wasn’t flying in or out of Logan, that is. I remember going to Wingaersheek with a friend on President’s Day ’03, blissfully unaware of the impending storm. We got chased off the beach when it hit and it took over two hours to get back to Somerville from the North Shore. Good times!

        I’m so jealous of you all… I ran in shorts and t-shirt today, it’s so warm here in Colorado.

      • phlyfiremama says:

        Wow, I’m in Texas but maybe I could fly to Boston for the evening?! 😉

    • FLORC says:

      It’s so pretty right now! It was hell on the roads though. Every stop light had me fishtailing to go again.
      I’m in the 24inch band. Or that’s what weather man Joe Fury told me. Classic weather man name.
      It’s so funny. At the store 3 things were gone. Bread, Water, Beer. Priorities!

      Be safe everyone!

    • Ktae87 says:

      I live in Northern California, I would kill for a fraction of that weather. We lives about 40 miles north east of Sacramento and we are actually already having some light wild fires. A 15 acre and a separate 20 acre wild fire in the EL Dorado National Forest. We are looking at the longest and (I pray not) worst fire season in our recent history. So whatever you pray too, acknowledge or what ever. Let us get some rain and snow. Naked rain dance, tequila offering….anything lol

    • Zwella Ingrid says:

      I know I’m insane, but I wish we were having a snowpolcalypse where I live. I have always wanted to be snowed in, and the one time it happened, I was living in the south. Just want to see what it is like.

      • Pia says:

        I may be in the minority, but I think it is good fun! Working from home is a huge plus, but I’ve also got horses to take care of and I’m thinking they might have to stay in tomorrow. The hay will all blow away and get buried in the snow 🙁 Living in Maine, I am very much used to this weather and really wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m not at all jealous of those in warmer climates right now, that’s what summer is for. What drives me nuts are all the people on my FB feed who complain all winter, every winter. If you don’t like it… move!

      • Delta Juliet says:

        I love it in theory but my work almost never closes, so I am usually faced with killing myself to get to work, or taking an unpaid day. That takes some of the fun out of it.

      • FLORC says:

        You get to live in such a lovely state 😉
        I hear you’re getting a winter storm unless you’re far north west.

        They complain to complain.
        I knew lots of Farms that stabled horses when I had my horse and did shows.
        If you’ve lived thereover 20 years we could have met.

      • MtnRunner says:

        Pia, my favorite place to hang in all the world is the mid-coast of Maine. Popham Beach, Mt Desert Island, Pemaquid Point to name a few. I left a piece of my heart there when I had to move from Portland for work. You are a lucky girl.

    • Gea says:

      Stay strong New Yorkers!

    • Hily fcl says:

      Well, where is it? The same clowns who screwed up on this forecast think they can predict the weather 100 years in the future.

  2. I’m just glad the snow isn’t hitting us for a change. We had a period of about two weeks where we got at least 4-5 inches a day of snow.

    • Lady D says:

      Last weekend, it snowed for 40 hours straight. Over 3 feet in my yard. I hate winter.
      re winter: Last Sunday was week 4. Only 8 left until Spring.

  3. Reece says:

    *sips my morning cup of tea on my balcony on this partly cloudy 62dg morning* OH hello Sun!

    What is to happen to the world when Edward Norton’s son grows into his teenaged indifference ladled with shrugs?

  4. Div says:

    The other person in the blind item is totally Jenny Lewis. They were touring together and Jenny was an actress as a teenager….plus she has been changing her sound up. Taylor Swift is way too calculating and image conscious to make that kind of bad choice, plus I just don’t see Ryan Adams as interested in that. That said, blind items are taken with a big grain of salt.

    • mimif says:

      Yeah Lainey practically gave it away.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      Ahhhh. I was totally lost on all of that.

    • Veruca Salt says:

      I don’t think its Jenny and still think it’s Taylor for the reason that Lainey said that the girl was, “much more successful”, than Mandy and Jenny isn’t. Taylor is. And like I’ve mentioned before, Taylor stayed with Ryan in LA for a considerable amount of time after her Red Tour. That and they aren’t exactly private about their love for each other, they’re subtle in some ways but when you observe it, they practically give it away.

    • Bridget says:

      Blind Items are essentially rumors that are being repeated – sometimes they’re right, sometimes they’re wrong.

  5. mimif says:

    THUNDER SNOW! Storms are great for partying and then 9 months later there’s always an explosion of new babies.

    • Kiddo says:

      ETA: You took out the rash part, trickster.

      An ‘explosion of babies’ sounds like a terrorist attack…or a Clint Eastwood film. 💣 👶👶👶👶👶👶👶👶👶👶👶👶👶👶💣

      • Kiddo says:

        So basically, same ol’, same ol’, right GNAT?

      • Kitten says:

        “Explosion of babies” is a good description of my Facebook feed.

      • Kiddo says:

        Time to fight back, O’Kitt, the war is ON. lol POST ALL THE KITTEN PHOTOS RELENTLESSLY with captions of what each cat is thinking.

      • Kitten says:

        Dude I’ve been slacking in the cat picture department. I was blowing up the feed with photos for a while there. Also, my boyfriend and I only communicate in cat memes these days.

      • mimif says:

        I thought maybe rash would sound insensitive to THUNDER SNOW BABIES. Because babies are slightly contagious, and I definitely do not want to catch one.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      Thunder babies! Let’s name them all Thor.

      • mimif says:

        I’m naming my FAKE THUNDER SNOW BABY something fancy with lots of umlauts and stuff. Like Mötley Crüe. Or maybe Guðmundsdóttir. It just looks fancier.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      My boyfriend and I, um, got to know each other better on a snow day at college 10+ years ago. We were playing quarters at a party with a 3rd person who passed out in his chair and then we moved our own party back to my place. I will never forget the quiet walk back to my lair, I mean apartment, and how the snow made everything glow even after dark. All these years later we are still together!

      To my ladies in the snow…you never know who you could get to know today! 😉

    • Miss Jupitero says:

      I’m in Boston and battening down the hatches with generous stores of emergency chocolate, scotch, and candles.

      I also work at Planned Parenthood, and I GUARANTEE the phones will be ringing off the hook next week and then again in about a month.

  6. Kiddo says:

    Not a fan of Blake Shelton, but this was on your link:
    “Are you following Pajiba on Facebook or Twitter? Every time you do, Bill Murray crashes a wedding.”

    *Enjoying the snowfall, so far.*

  7. InvaderTak says:

    Hope y’all are all ok up there. 70 today in north Texas….

    Poor baby Hemsworth. Maybe he could get his brother to go with him to his follow up dr.’s appointment s and get him some sympathy from the nurses.

    Does this blizzard have a name ?

    • Kiddo says:

      I love Winter. Maybe I’m rare, but I hate places that stay the same all year long with no discernible seasons.

      • Renee says:

        We have seasons in Texas. It gets cold, and then balmy, and then hot, and then hot as b*lls hot 🙂 I actually was wearing a down coat a few weeks ago. I’m in the north – the south eastern parts follow the same pattern but when it’s as hot as f*ck there it’s muggy as well.

      • InvaderTak says:

        *indignant huff* we do too have seasons! We have almost summer, summer, reeeeally summer and winter!

      • Lady D says:

        I get 4 distinct seasons. Still hate winter.

      • Kiddo says:

        InvaderTak, lol, good comeback, and Renee.
        Ask me if I love it again if it snows every two days until Spring. I might change my tune.

      • Kitten says:

        I couldn’t live without seasons–I’d go crazy.
        I’ve been in Cali for Christmas before and it was really depressing.

        And there is nothing in the world I would trade for Fall in New England.

      • mimif says:

        75* in Mendo today. I’d take THUNDER SNOW over this happy horsesh-t any day.
        *pees on all y’all’s snow angels*

      • Kiddo says:

        Lady D, My least favorite is hot as scorching hell heat wave Summer. Everything stinks, the people, the car and truck fumes, garbage, etc. Window AC units are useless…and humidity is the worst. People get angrier and more aggressive. Everything is LOUDER.

        ETA: mimif, but everything is better with Bubbles.

      • FLORC says:

        I love winter and snow too. I’m also prepared for it.
        I’ve lived in lots of places in the world and New England is by far my favorite. Other places are great to visit, but NE has seasons that change it up enough to not get bored. Spring and fall being the best. The colors!

        Fall in New England is heaven on earth imo.

      • lucy2 says:

        I definitely need seasons, and snow is pretty, but I hate shoveling. HATE IT. I’m in NJ at the shore, we’ve only gotten rain so far but the snow is coming.

      • **sighs** says:

        Our seasons are close to Renee’s. Cool/with cold snaps, hot, hot as ****, and holy sh** I wanna rip my face off hot. And year round soaking wet humidity. Yay!

      • Lady D says:

        Kiddo, I live for that “hot as scorching hell heat wave” each year, it’s when I feel most alive.

      • Kiddo says:

        Lady D, you probably don’t live in a subclimate of urban broiler effect.

      • Erinn says:

        Ahahaha … of course it is. That’s also the name of our dog…who is kind of like our own personal storm of destruction 😀

      • mimif says:

        Ha, your crazy Pointer girl? I bet she’s a cutie despite the destruction. 🙂

      • Erinn says:

        She’s the CUTEST destroyer of things ever, mimif. Almost had a heart attack because I saw a lost/found dog post this morning of a gal that had the same collar and nearly identical markings. And I was the last one out of the house this morning (and battling the flu) so I thought I’d let her out by mistake. Luckily, when I zoomed it in was a wirehaired pointer and not June-butt the destroyer.


      • mimif says:

        Ah she’s a doll! I love the ticking on pointers. Glad she’s home safe!

      • InvaderTak says:

        Oh that’s the name of the storm. I didn’t pick up on that right away lol I’m like whaa?

    • Lilacflowers says:

      The blizzard is named Juno

  8. Mindrew says:

    The end of the world is nigh!!!!! S-N-O-W is coming!!!! It’s a french toast alert!!! Run out and buy milk, eggs and bread! You’ll NEVER be able to get outside AGAIN!

    (Well, except it will be gone by Wednesday)

    PUH-lease. It’s a blizzard…. Big whoop. And unlike years past, we all had plenty of time to get ready. This won’t be any worse than the blizzards of the past – we’ve survived plenty of them already, we’ll get through this one just fine!

    Oh… And I’m in New England. We’re expecting 15-30 inches. Don’t see how THAT is worse than the storm last year that dumped 38 inches on us.

    • FLORC says:

      Well, loads of buildings collapsed from the heavy snow that fell too quickly. Quite a few accidents regarding plows not seeing cars under the snow or where the road was.
      Also, families struggling to keep warm.

      Not everyone can be so prepared and have things go ok. Also, a long list of deaths from emergency services not being able to reach them in time. The plows can only move so fast and there’s only so much space to push the snow to. Many roads didn’t get plowed out until a day or 2 later.

      I’m prepared. I have a house, snow blower, wood stove, shovels. When I lived in an apartment in Hartford I was also prepared, but got water damage and loss of power. It made me dread the next storm much like others do.
      I hope i’ve clarified some points for you. It’s not bad for you, but you’re not the only person in this storm. And others do not share your circumstances.

      • Tracy says:

        Well said FLORC. I also live in the Hartford area.I work in a pre-school and we had early dismissal as did my kids so we are home with plenty of food and water and are ready to ride out this storm but not everyone is able to do that.

      • FLORC says:

        I loved living in Hartford. Mostly because I better appreciate not living in Hartford. It had it’s pros and cons I guess.
        Parking there was awful if you’re on the street or crammed into an impossibly small lot to your building and the amount of cars assigned to park there.
        I was west end.
        At least you’re in an area that gets the roads cleared quickly and power if out, isn’t out for long.

      • laura in LA says:

        Yeah, storms like this may be fun for some, an excuse to party or cozy up at home. But I think and worry about those who can’t afford or access all the necessary provisions and may go hungry or without heat, very dangerous in this kind of brutal weather.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        I always worry about the people that run a heater to keep warm and forget to plan for the exhaust fumes that are deadly.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      Not everyone survived last year’s storm. While I agree there is a lot of media overkill and silliness about hoarding milk and bread, the storm is nothing to scoff at. Coastal flooding, which is predicted, can wash houses away. Falling tree limbs crush cars and homes. Fallen wires hidden under snow can electrocute people. I truly love the majesty and fierceness of historic snow storms and do intend to enjoy this one but with safety precautions in mind. Once the snow stops falling Wednesday, my octogenarian aunt will still be snowbound until all traces of snow and ice are gone from sidewalks, which can be weeks.

      • Yeah, I’m in a crocheting FB group, and one of the member’s husband just died yesterday because a tree fell on him–she didn’t know until she went looking for him.

      • FLORC says:

        Well said Liladflowers
        While some may ride this out better than others or laugh at how people hoard eggs like they’ll be worth their weight in gold this storm is nothing to scoff at.
        And we’re getting more snow thursday it seems.

        Still, i’m all excited for THUNDER SNOW!!!

        VC that’s so heartbreaking. 🙁
        And so cute you’re in a crocheting fb group 🙂
        Read that as “crotch etching”. Took me a few rereads.

      • mimif says:

        Omg that’s so sad. Great, now I can’t make fun of JUNO THOR SVEDKA THUNDER SNOW BABIES because storms are serious and stuff. 🙁

      • Lilacflowers says:

        @mimif, you can still laugh at Juno Svedka Thor Thunder Snow babies; laughter relieves cabin fever

      • mimif says:

        I’m going to be pissed if you guys lose power. How will GoodNames comment on her own posts when she thinks she’s being mean? How will Kido attack us with her interpretive emoji onslaught. WHERE WILL I GET MY ABSINTHE??
        Seriously tho, hope you all weather the storm safely, as it were.

      • @FLORC
        Don’t take that as me having mad skilllz….lol. I know how to do one single stitch….I have to learn more, lol. But I’m learning how to do embroidery now…good Lord.

  9. koko says:

    It’s been snowing where I live for the past 13 hours, but we have snow all winter long. We’re a hardy bunch in the midwest and northeast, we’ll be okay.

  10. Alexandra says:

    As someone from Buffalo NY, not impressed 💅. Get back to me when you get five feet of snow.

    • Delta Juliet says:

      Trust me, every time it snows, I think of you guys, my brothers and sisters in snow solidarity. That storm was insane.

      (I’m in Maine, if anyone cares 😉 )

  11. SnowGlow says:

    One of my absolute favorite couples ever, even if they didn’t make it, was Edward Norton and Salma Hayek. I thought they were so hot together.

    EVERYTHING Katy Perry wears is tacky and awful so no big deal.

    Yesterday the news said we’d (I’m in Philly) be getting 8-12 inches today 6-10 so, yay?

  12. scout says:

    I went through a Minnesota Blizzard (-57F windchill) once many years ago. Torture!
    If you live anywhere in Northeastern states, take care people, stay home if you can. Hope it will pass quickly.

    • FLORC says:

      Ty 🙂
      Wednesday will be clear, but not that sunny and well below freezing. It’ll be a day to clear the roads, but snow will still be everywhere and won’t melt much at all. I’m in CT.
      *Grabs shovel*
      Be safe everyone!

  13. mom2two says:

    Now, I would watch 50 Shades if John Oliver was playing Christian Gray. That’s a version I could enjoy!

  14. Tracy says:

    20-30 inches expected in the Hartford area. My school let out early and so did my kids so thankfully we are already home and will stay here til this thing is over.

    All stocked up on food and wine! 🙂

  15. The Original Mia says:

    My besties are stuck in Snowpocalypse 2015. Wishing them and all the NE CBers the best.

    I knew there was a reason I didn’t like Ryan Adams and that was it. Breaking up with her because he wanted to stay “punk as…” Whatever, lame-o.

  16. paranormalgirl says:

    I should have stayed in the Bahamas instead of coming back to New York for a conference. Now I’m stuck here with no kids and no husband.

  17. dulcinea says:

    The Tom Cruise/Nicole Kidman story made me so sad. Specially if they turned her children against her. What a bunch of sociopaths!

    • Mel M says:

      Yeah, that’s really sad. Look at her face in that pic, sigh, she was gorgeous!

      • FLORC says:

        I give a pass to on how she’s messed up her face. That cult ruined her marriage and poisoned her kids against her. If that’s what she needed to cope god bless.

    • Precious says:

      There’s always good in the bad. After that soul-destroying divorce and rejection from her adopted kids, Nicole Kidman has done so much better now.

      Also, Prayers go out to my snowbound NYC friends who won’t have the chance to see “Mortdecai”, starring Johnny Depp, which opened at a disastrous US$ 4 M this weekend:)

  18. Natasha says:

    Hi, I’m in Greenwich Village in NYC. So far not bad but there has been a run on all stores for groceries and stuff. Hardest item to now find: toilet paper. Don’t even want to think what calamity that may cause. I’m fine….rolling in it!

  19. I really miss America sometimes. They don’t have this craziness in France. It sucks.

    • Mary-Alice says:

      What do they (we) not have? Storms? Snow? You must be kidding me. There is great variety of climate and weather extremes in France in the different parts. I spent many years living there, visit every year and have seen my share of nature gone wild.

  20. InvaderTak says:

    In the open post from yesterday someone asked if Mark Ruffalo was sleeping through the SAGs. He literally was lol. He tweeted some really cute stuff.

  21. MtnRunner says:

    It’s in the 60’s here in the Rockies but I fondly remember my 10 years in New England and those nor’easters that dumped so much snow there was no place to put it. Enjoy a hot toddy, heated affair or some mulled wine and stay warm, ladies of the east!

    I’m expecting you all to be hanging out here for most of the day tomorrow, amiright???

  22. LAK says:

    John Oliver is hysterical.

  23. BlackBetty says:

    I’m jealous I’m in Australia and have only been to the snow twice. I’m sick of the sun, I sunburn too easily.

  24. Janet says:

    I’m in NYC and it took a while for the snow to get up here, but as of 2 a.m. we are getting walloped but good.

  25. Lindy79 says:

    Stay safe all the East Coast CBers!

  26. Chirping Crickets says:

    Take care little Americans. You guys are so cute, what with your snow angels and all.