Madonna shades pop ‘princesses’: ‘There’s lots of pretty dresses around’


Madonna took a break from being wildly offensive and inappropriate to chat with Australia’s Today Show yesterday. She’s still promoting her new album, six songs of which she’s already released because the incomplete songs were hacked and released. I have to apologize to Madge, actually. I thought the “hack” of her music was a PR stunt to build momentum for her album, but she really was hacked and an Israeli guy was arrested for it. Anyway, Madonna is still Madonna, which is to say… she’s still a shade-throwing diva. The Taylor Swift part of this interview got all the headlines, but Madge threw some amazing shade on the “princesses” of pop. Some highlights from the interview:

On Miley, Rihanna and Katy Perry: “It’s good to have princesses… It means there’s lots of pretty dresses around.”

On Taylor Swift: “I like Taylor Swift. I think she writes some really catchy pop songs. I can’t get them out of my head.”

Her reinventions: Madonna rolled her eyes at “the reinvention question… I’m not calculating anything. I’m just a changing, evolving creature, expressing myself as I go.”

Lourdes going to college: “It’s hard letting them go out into the world but when she left home to go to college I was a mess. It was really hard letting her go. I’ve come to terms with it but yes I miss her and she’s a part of me, it was like losing my arm.”

Having her music hacked: “I was devastated by it. For an artist, it’s the ultimate violation to have your work taken from you before you’re finished and put out into the world for people to hear, to judge, to experience. I can’t begin to tell you how betrayed I felt…It’s a great relief to know (a suspect has been arrested) but also extremely disturbing. We couldn’t figure out, ‘What’s the common denominator?’ We were all ripping our hair out trying to figure out, ‘Who’s leaking this information? How is it getting out there?’ It was a great relief to know, but also extremely disturbing. And then if we don’t make music, what will people listen to? So they’re really just f–king themselves over.”

[From The Daily Mail & Yahoo]

I LOVE “It means there’s lots of pretty dresses around.” That is some world-class shade there. Oh, Katy Perry was the top-selling female artist of 2014? Pretty dress, says Madonna. It’s her equivalent of patting them on the head and telling them to get out of her light. You’d think Rihanna had handed Madge some hydrangeas.

Also, I totally believe that Madonna was devastated when Lourdes went to college. I’m not saying Madonna plays favorites with her kids, but Lola is her oldest, her firstborn. That was probably really, really tough.


Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

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35 Responses to “Madonna shades pop ‘princesses’: ‘There’s lots of pretty dresses around’”

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  1. Kiddo says:

    Miley and Rhianna aren’t anywhere near princesses.

    • M.A.F. says:

      No they are not but I can see Rhianna throwing the shade right back.

      • Kiddo says:

        I don’t even think Madonna was being original here. She just took the Aretha Franklin quote about gowns and remixed it. But at least Aretha spoke about Swift, who is known to be very fashion conscious and who wears pretty gowns. It makes no sense in the context of Miley at all, since she doesn’t try to be a fashion plate. Rhianna can wear the hell out of anything, but her style couldn’t be further from princess.

    • perplexed says:

      Does Miley even wear clothes? I’m not even certain if Rihanna does either…

      • Danielle says:

        Haha! My thought exactly! Madge is so out of touch. Miley doesn’t wear pretty dresses, she barely wears clothes!

      • Bread and Circuses says:

        That’s what I was thinking. Miley? Rhianna? Katy Perry? Not a one of them is known for wearing pretty dresses.

        Is Madge getting senile or going deaf, that she didn’t realize they weren’t talking about Taylor Swift?

        Eh, she’s a musician. Let’s go with “deaf”.

  2. Yeses says:

    “Changing, evolving creature…”…Shoot I thought it was just called plastic surgery …but that’s a nice euphemism too.

    • Yeses says:

      P.S. Her firstborn and my firstborn go to the same college…so Madge and I are really close lol ..seriously though….it’s tough when your firstborn leaves for college..I was a crying/sniveling/whimpering fool.

      • ickythump says:

        God, me too – was a lot better when my youngest daughter left to work abroad but its still a real tug on the heartstrings xx

    • jen says:

      Her ‘evolution’ is strictly superficial, on all fronts. Underneath all the surgery and muscles and designer duds, she will always be the same shallow narcissist she’s always been. I was a fan, for decades… But I am well over her at this point.

    • StaceyP says:

      Really, I did a freakin happy dance. Problem is he keeps coming back. LOL

  3. aims says:

    You’re oldest is your first. Meaning your both in it together and learning as you go. It doesn’t mean favorite by any means, I guess it’s just slightly more seared in your brain.

    Yes, that was good shade. She doesn’t leave gracefully.

  4. The Original G says:

    Nice to see her without gloves for a change.

  5. Jaded says:

    Oh that’s rich from someone who trod the exact same path of deliberately outrageous behaviour, sexually provocative dressing, over-produced sound so her voice didn’t sound like Daisy Duck and mindless lyrics. Go away Madonna, your bitterness is toxic.

  6. Sam says:

    I like Madonna’s music and I recognize the influence she has had on the music industry. But I’m really getting tired of her shady BS. We get it. You’re never going away, no one will ever be as great as you and as long as you’re alive you wont ever accept that someone could be headed to your level of greatness.

    It just gets old.

    • Pandy says:

      I agree, although I’ve never been a fan of her pop schlock music. Yeah, she’s super annoying. But so are these other girls.

    • Grace says:

      Totally agree. I like her music too but she just comes off as silly and insecure when she disses other people, And let’s be frank, none of her ‘evolutions’ were her creations. She just lifts from the runway and the dance clubs.

  7. lucy2 says:

    I find it funny she’s throwing shade at them, because she never has been any different – it’s not like she has ever been some deep, soulful songwriter. She’s a pop star, just like they are.
    I can’t believe her daughter’s in college already. I feel old reading that!

  8. mia girl says:

    If they are the princesses, does that make Madonna the jealous, youth starved witch/stepmom/queen in this fairytale?

  9. scout says:

    She must be missing her own pretty dress so much now and probably secretly regretting her own daughter can’t be that pretty dress ever I am sure. There, take that Madge.

  10. Cindy says:

    “There’s a lot of pretty dresses around”
    That line with that header picture may give me nightmeres.

  11. FingerBinger says:

    “Pretty dresses” is shade? Um ok.

  12. Asher says:

    Uhh stop being so desperate and go away already if you’re not going to do something but talk s*** about slightly more talented artists. Why don’t you focus on some music instead? Put out an acoustic album or something. Stop trying to compete with the kids. I’m definitely a fan but she’s getting really annoying lately.

  13. DenG says:

    “And then if we don’t make music, what will people listen to?”
    When you, Mad Donna, don’t make music, I will have missed nothing. I’ll listen to the past 7 decades of music by other Artists and be grateful.
    And by the way, what pretty dress has Miley been wearing lately? Move on, Norma Desmond, and get ready for your close up.

  14. Jayna says:

    She paid a huge compliment to Taylor saying she couldn’t get her pop songs out of her head, saying she writes catchy pop songs. It’s Taylor’s first full-on pop album, so Taylor responded on twitter excited by the compliment from Madonna.

    But, Madonna, Katy Perry is 30. Gaga is 28.

    They aren’t princesses. Although, there has been no queen since you, but you aren’t the queen anymore as far relevancy in today’s market, because pop music sells the most to the youth and that’s just the way it is. No one is the queen at the moment. There’s a lot of big “pop stars,” though.

    Madonna is the queen of all time of pop music and her legacy is set in stone. But trying to hang on and muscle her way into this youth market will never work past some young gay pop music fans that discovered her and love her and longtime fans that still buy her music.

    • theoneandonly says:

      Well said, though more of a hard rock fan, I’ll take Madge in her prime from the mid 80s/90s over all these wannabees. And tay tay is the most overrated pop star – weak voice, junk song writer (if she actually writes them), utterly contrived – there is just nothing there with swifty but endless marketing – and deep pockets management team to buy publicity.

  15. perplexed says:

    Why does it look like she has no teeth in the photo?

  16. Dita Electronica says:

    Hmm, I think you need to re-evaluate what you think “shade” is. She didn’t shade anyone at all! She said “it’s good to have princesses, it means there’s lot of pretty dresses around”, and then she complimented Taylor Swift.

  17. GingerCrunch says:

    Oh GAWD, puh-leeze. What if Madonna didn’t make MUSIC? First I’d do a HAPPY dance. And if no one made music anymore (which could totally happen, y’all), I think I’d be set for life with what I’ve got now, thankyouverymuch…goeffyourself.

  18. daughterofjean says:

    I don’t think she was shading anyone. I’ve never really liked her music but I would love to go see one of her concerts. I know someone who worked with her and he said she was very down to earth. Just a regular person getting the job done.

  19. Lisa says:

    She’s known to be one of the most calculating women in the business. I’m sure things come to her the same way they do to everyone, but she can’t say that she doesn’t turn those inspirations into controlled projects. C’mon.

  20. Veruca Salt says:

    Taylor Swift has some amazingly powerful (and Diplo was right) scary connections and people working for her in the industry. Never ending glowingly positive publicity and news headlines, she gets almost every SINGLE day. If news comes out about her that is less than stellar, WITHIN the day, her team manages to flood the news instantly by burying the not so positive reports and by some magical perfect coincidence, news of her doing a good deed or getting praised by a celeb is made public is being made public on the very same day. It is insane.

  21. CK says:

    I’m not the biggest Madonna fan so I really don’t see where she derived this since of entitlement. Yes, she did it “first”, but is she really any different from Miley, Katy, or Rihanna. She’s always, to my knowledge, been doing things for attention, whether created or stolen (vogue), and shock value to distract from the fact that she can’t carry a tune.

  22. Frosty says:

    Madonna’s not an artist, not talented, not original, not a musician. What words she does contribute to the songs she hires writers to write for her, is terrible. God knows she can’t sing. I do like her videos, and she’s always been savvy enough to hire the best of the best directors to do them for her.
    Ambitious, and agressive. that’s about it. I don’t feel sorry for her.