Miley Cyrus finally ditched the short hair for extensions: cute or budget?

👸👸👸👸 lazzzz night 👸👸👸👸

A photo posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on

I don’t know if Miley Cyrus was jealous of all the attention that Trace Cyrus and his rejected tattoos were receiving, but Miley decided to get her hair done. She Instagrammed the process. First, Miley reclined all sultry-like next to a bedful of hair extensions. Then she made her final selections. ^^^^

Miley has sported short hair for over two years. She first debuted her quasi-Gosselin haircut in summer 2012. Many assumed this cut would enjoy a short-lived phase, but Miley vowed (in early 2013) that she’d never sport long hair again because she hated the “creepy” feeling of having hair sewn onto her head. By late 2013, Miley admitted she was counting the days until her hair was long enough to add a weave. She still managed to resist until now, but Miley finally gave into her urges.

What do you think of her new ‘do? I think it’s a decent change, as her Met Gala styling looked stale. I am surprised that Miley went shoulder length so quickly. She previously admitted her exasperation at wearing over 350 extensions in 2010 for a Bazaar cover. Miley didn’t seem eager to jump back into the extension game, but growing out a pixie cut is such an awkward experience. I don’t blame her for cheating a little bit. Perhaps a rich brunette shade would have worked better than the brassy blonde, but the change is still nice.

Here’s Miley with her assistant, Cheyne Thomas, a few days ago.

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus

Photos courtesy of Miley Cyrus on Instagram, Fame/Flynet & WENN

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67 Responses to “Miley Cyrus finally ditched the short hair for extensions: cute or budget?”

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  1. Jaded says:

    It’s polishing a turd.

  2. NewWester says:

    Every photo of Miley all I can think is “try hard” It just seems like she is constantly trying to prove to the world she has broken free of Disney.

    • Lucy2 says:

      I feel the same- it looks like a LOT of effort goes into what she probably thinks looks effortless. It’s exhausting to even think about.

    • Josefa says:

      I think she made that point pretty clear already for all of us.

      I think she just wants attention. She’s a tabloid celeb. This is what she does for a living.

    • JenniferJustice says:

      I think it goes beyond getting away from her Disney image at this point. Now it’s just….look at me. I’m so sexy. And since I don’t agree, I look away.

  3. Regina Phalange says:

    I always liked her hair best at this length.

  4. Belle Epoch says:

    She could have done anything – any color, any style – and this is what she chose? Born in a barn.

    • Kitten says:

      Right? And the thing is, extensions rarely look good on anyone, but if you have hair that is long enough to begin with and relatively thick, you can hide the well enough. Extensions NEVER look good with hair this short because it simply doesn’t blend well.

      Also, extensions are not modern or cool anymore. I do think these are clip-ins though. I don’t think any respectable hairdresser would attach permanent extensions to hair this short…

  5. Naddie says:

    And there she is again in her quest of trying to be sexy and beautiful… and failing.

  6. Estella says:

    Obvious. Beyoncé is one of the few celebrities whose weave/wigs look real. Miley is, as always, budget.

  7. smee says:

    Very Craigslist hooker.

  8. Size Does Matter says:

    It’s a nice change, but that looks like a a Saucy Stewardess costume.

  9. Shambles says:

    I just want to hug her, then lean in closely and whisper in hear ear, “please throw out your entire closet. Let’s start over. We can do this.”

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Yes, I just rolled my eyes at that picture. No style, no presence. So tacky. Her figure is beautiful and her face is cute when she’s not making those stupid expressions. It’s as if she wants to look bad.

      • jwoolman says:

        I hope she never gets in the hands of whatever Hollywood surgeon makes all women look alike. She has such an interesting face, very distinctive. Now if she would just get over the proving how grown up she is phase….

    • Snazzy says:

      ha ha ha yes please do it!

    • crtb says:

      Every time I see her, all I can think to myself is, “Where are her parents?” Why aren’t they guiding their daughter to make better choices?” She reminds me of Britney and Lindsey before they hit bottom, and she is going down fast.

  10. Barrett says:

    She has shown so much that there is little mystery or allure. Sex has always been around; she did not invent it!

    I also think going light brunette might be a more interesting change. The blond is getting boring and stale.

  11. clevelandgirl says:

    The hair is fine, but why does she have to dress and pose like a $2 hooker????

  12. Burgher says:

    She looks like Amanda Bynes with the glasses on!!

  13. InvaderTak says:

    The 90’s threw up all over her.

  14. blue marie says:

    It’s cute enough but she kind of reminds me of the blonde off The Dark Crystal..

  15. grabbyhands says:

    Budget, as is everything she does or says.

    Every time I look at Miley Cyrus, I am reminded if this bit from Family Guy:

    You’re doing this thing……you know, what the hell is that?
    I mean, and you look like, if I touched you, you’d be sticky, and frankly, you smell. You’re pretty much offensive to all five senses.
    That’s only four.
    Well, actually, you know, when you smell something and it gets stuck in there and you can sort of taste it?
    Yeah, well, I’m tasting you right now, and it tastes awful.
    Truly disgusting. Like salty garbage.

    • Nicolette says:

      LOL “you’d be sticky and frankly you smell”. And considering where her hands always seem to be……….

    • SmellyCat says:

      That would work with Leann Rimes as well.

  16. JLo says:

    She looks budget a la Charlie Sheen’s p@rn harem.

  17. aang says:

    Forget the hair. With what does she need assistance? He obviously is not there for fashion advice and she doesn’t seem to do anything. Excactly what is his job?

    • JenniferJustice says:

      His job is to psychophant: “Yah, yah, that’s a great idea!” “Ooh yes, wear that. You look awesome in that.”

  18. Nicolette says:

    It’s a slutty Hannah Montana.

  19. mkyarwood says:

    Who cares!? Now I can have my haircut back. Worst day ever — when a 14 year old compliments you on your ‘Miley’ hair, which you have had for FIFTEEN YEARS previous.

  20. serena says:

    It looks so fake, maybe it’s the styling (or maybe her duckface) but this new look with extensions looks awful.

  21. Darlene says:

    I don’t even think those are extensions. It looks like a wig was just placed on the back of her head and her natural hair is just slicked/pulled back on the sides and top. In no way does that look like actual extensions. In about two seconds, we’ll see her with her short hair again.

  22. MarcelDeux says:

    Call me crazy, but does anyone else see the slight Angelina Jolie resemblance in Miley? Especially in the picture of her profile?

  23. Marie-France says:

    Something nice: she has beautiful eyebrows.

    • Judyk says:

      Yes, she does and I’m envious. I have thick hair and used to have thick eyebrows until I plucked the tarnation outta them.

      • Vampi says:

        Mine are, and always have been almost white, and thin! Even though my hair brownish. Eye pencils, plucking…nothing worked and looked right.
        I have serious eyebrow envy of ALL who have thick brows that they can style.

  24. Fiona says:

    She’s so desperate to be seen as sexy and wild, she’s not. Her hair is cheap and desperate looking like the rest of her.

  25. Dash says:

    She has posted a lot of photos on Instagram since sharing this shot, and she has short hair again in all of them. However her Instagram doesn’t exactly tell a cohesive story, so who knows when the photos are from. I tend to think this was just temporary.

  26. Cara says:

    Honestly, that whole family is genetically challenged. Saying Miley is the best of them is choosing sh*t over diarrhea. 😝

  27. Judyk says:

    Never thought she was pretty before the short do…this look does nothing for her. She looks like a streetwalker on meth.

  28. EricaV says:

    This was def just for fun to do an at home photo shoot with her girls, she didn’t really add extensions.

    This is a very MTO kinda post that I wouldn’t expect to see her on Bitchy…

  29. Lady Alex says:

    I think she’s genuinely a weirdo, in the best sense of the word- she is up for adventure, has ALWAYS had a lot of confidence, lots of family baggage, actual musical talent, and I really don’t think she’s trying to break free from Disney at this point. She is just waving her freak flag, and she’s not always going for PRETTY, which, if you have the chance to see the wonderful new Albert Maysles documentary “IRIS”, about legendary fashion icon Iris Apfel, you’ll hear Iris’s own sardonic quote regarding this: (paraphrasing) “I don’t care for pretty. Pretty doesn’t interest me, it doesn’t hold my attention. But the world’s not behind me on that one.” We don’t all want to be glamorous, or sleek, or “appropriate”, or even pretty- I think we should be especially appreciative of our wackier artist folks who keep everything from looking too homogenous, too safe. She may look like a 90’s mashup collage but that’s just one day- how about her SNL performance outfit when she sang “50 Ways to Leave Your Lover”? She’s all over the place, is my point- because she’s very young, kinda kooky, and willing to look unlike conventional standards of beauty. I hate hearing people go “EWWW” about expressive dressers!

    • jwoolman says:

      I like the way she looks (no, not the clothes and twerking frenzy…). She doesn’t look like everybody else. Don’t know why people expect women to all look the same or sound the same. She has a genuine accent that she comes by naturally (picking it up from her parents even when living elsewhere, I did the same) and I think some prejudices are being expressed here about the way she sounds. And she really does have quite a voice for singing when she decides to use it and a lot of energy on stage when she’s not trying to shock. If she really grows up and gets comfortable with her real self and loses her admiration for the drugs, she will do well.

  30. Josefa says:

    I like Miley. I feel like she’s just having a lot of fun and isn’t trying to fool anybody about who she is anymore. Yeah she looks budget. And I’m sure she doesn’t gaf. She wanted attention and she’s got it. Go do your thing, Miley.

  31. Anon says:

    Miley can rock the short do’s, imho. Looks strange now with long hair.

  32. Meaghan says:

    I think its because she is getting back together with Liam. I’ve been hearing things about them being secretly back together, and they broke up shortly after she cut her hair short. I bet he hated it and she is growing it back for him. But what do I know, that was just my first thought.

  33. Mauibound says:

    Personally I loved her short hair. She had some really good cuts over the last couple years that I went nuts over. I would smh thinking oh god but it’s Miley, the queen of tact, but some were gorgeous.

  34. G says:

    Am I on glue?? It looks awful.

  35. oneshot says:

    She’s back to looking tacky , those extensions are fug…….honestly the pixie cut was pretty on her but she really does lack the nous to find a good look. This is just kind of gauche and pathetic, really (and she is not the only celeb I could say this of)

  36. Vampi says:

    Translation: “I’m running low on attention y’all! Look at meeeeee! Ain’t I just the most edgy thing ever? Look at my boobs and pit hair y’all! I’m edgy and freeeeeeeee!”

  37. Sassy says:

    Tacky and trashy as per usual.

  38. unicorn says:

    Can’t believe all the negative comments on here, from mostly women!! I think Miley is gorgeous and all the power to her for doing what she wants, wearing what she wants and not giving a sh*t about what all you haters have to say. Most of these comments are probably coming from women who aren’t happy with how they look… sad.