Jennifer Garner spotted out looking emotional on the phone: caught or staged?

Jennifer Garner, Queen Latifah and a little girl seen on the sets of 'Miracles from Heaven' in AtlantaThese are on set photos. The NY Daily News has the photos we’re talking about.

Remember how, about a week before Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck announced their divorce but well after the tabloids called it, moving vans were spotted at their estate? (It’s definitely an estate, see photos here.) The official excuse at the time, because the Garner-Affleck PR team wasn’t ready to rollout the divorce yet, was that there were renovations going on at their mansion. It turns out that the renovations are so extensive that they’re now moving into another massive residence temporarily, which just happens to be Brooke Shields’s nearby home. A source tells PeopleThey are going through extreme renovations and it’s almost unlivable there now.

Thanks for letting us know. Page Six adds the important detail that this won’t be a “bachelor pad” for Ben and that the whole family is moving together. I guess Jennifer (I’ll assume it’s her but it could be on Ben too) didn’t want us to think that they’re really splitting up. We’ve heard in so many different ways that Ben will continue living on their property, but in another separate residence, so that they can peacefully coparent. I wonder how long Ben will continue living on site, but I’m sure we’ll hear how it’s officially going soon, or there will be some creative explanation for why it didn’t work out. To be clear: I’m shading their insanely detail-oriented PR policy, not the fact that they’re trying to do what they think is best for their kids.

Meanwhile The NY Daily News and Page Six had very Jennifer-friendly pieces the past couple of days. Page Six had a whole article about how Jennifer gave up her promising career for Ben and how he owes her now. It included non-sourced quotes about how they both agreed to switch off with the kids but that “it wasn’t long until the staying-at-home portion was sorely uneven” and Jennifer was giving up opportunities, essentially. They also said that Ben’s Oscar acceptance speech was embarrassing to Jen. I said this at the time! Now it’s possible this story is just an editorial, but it sounds like it’s coming from Garner’s camp and The Post has run other stories straight from her publicist.

The NY Daily News pointed out new photos of Jennifer Garner looking emotional while on the phone, out in the open on the street at a cafe, because famous people do that instead of retreating to bathrooms, chauffeured cars or tricked out trailers. (We don’t have the photos because they’re exclusive but you can see them on the NY Daily News.)

I need to say this: Kaiser was right about Jennifer Garner. I poo-pooed the “dimple parade” narrative and thought for years that Garner was just making lemonade out of paparazzi interest in her family. It’s clear from the way this divorce has been handled that her control of the press goes way beyond that. Difficult phone calls, moving house and a new puppy. We see what you did there.

Jennifer Garner, Queen Latifah and a little girl seen on the sets of 'Miracles from Heaven' in Atlanta

Ben Affleck Arrives In Atlanta With A New Puppy!

Ben Affleck Arrives In Atlanta With A New Puppy!

Photo credit: Pacific Coast News and FameFlynet

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112 Responses to “Jennifer Garner spotted out looking emotional on the phone: caught or staged?”

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  1. Maya says:

    Checkmate Ben….

  2. OhDear says:

    Reminds me of the Tori Spelling sitting on a chair and crying outside pictures.

  3. Mrs. Wellen Melon says:

    What’s Garner’s endgame in this? Is she hoping for the same sympathy-jolt that Nicole Kidman’s career got?

    • Lilacflowers says:

      Yes. And cue actress friends dropping comments about what a great mother she is

    • Luca76 says:

      I think it’s the Jen Aniston strategy. I expect her to do a interview in a few months where she only praises Ben while her publicist gives so much dirt in the background that Ben will sound like Satan. more $$ shilling lifestyle brands and maybe a family orientated television show.

      • Aren says:

        I never thought any other celebrity could be more exploitative of her “ex” status than Aniston, but Garner seems to be completely out of control.
        If the blinds are true Ben is struggling with a very bad addiction, and I think Garner is using that to her favour.
        He should dump her cold, go to rehab and never look back.

  4. Beth No. 2 says:

    That puppy’s face while being carried by Batfleck cracks me up.

  5. als says:

    With so much control, this is going to explode in her face.

    • Don't kill me I'm French says:

      If we find her side-piece ( because she has a side-piece for sure) ,it will explode . Her brand of “perfect wife and mum” would not support Affleck yet is the baddie of their divorce so anyone would be surprised if he has someone

      • Ronda says:

        i always wonder why people call out Jennifer but never really think that she also is not saint and also screws around. as if she was sitting still all that time, maybe she even was the first to screw around.

        i dont think though that we will see her sidepiece, she would never do it with someone who would talk to the press. Affleck is dumber in those things, she probably has some very high status guy that does not want his name in the papers at all.

    • KellyBee says:

      I can see that happening to both of them. Why are they telling People Magazine that they are moving to Brooke Shields’ house? I mean why would they give out that information or the info on the new puppy.

      • Jayna says:

        Maybe Brook leaked it, because she is trying to sell this house. Leasing it to them in the short-term will bring lots of press regarding the house, and thus maybe help them sell it.

      • GoOnGirl says:

        I thought the purpose of a divorce was to get away from your spouse, not the children, just the spouse. So far, they have done neither. This is the strangest divorce I’ve seen and it will stay this way until one of them finds a “new piece”. The gloves will then come off and it will be a no-hold barred fight to the finish. Right now, Jen’s carefully orchestrated PR is throwing shade at Ben and very definitely throwing him under the bus, some of which he deserves. But I must agree, Jennifer is no saint.

      • KellyBee says:

        Come on now Brooke did not Leak this their is no poibt. This story came straight from I’m Ben/Jen or both.

      • Neah23 says:


        Facts is they are still trying to sell that family image, but I’m not buying it and I don’t believe they will be living on the same grounds/house. There were rumors that Ben was staying in a hotel and when they first split they hinted that it was true. So why would Ben stay in a hotel before the announcement, but live on the same grounds/house during the separation and after they divorced?

        I think that they will end up living in the same neighborhood but not the same house or part of the house.

      • Lena says:

        I think they both have tons of dirt and before all is said and done this will get real nasty They are both trying to put their good pr out there first.

  6. V4Real says:

    I was going to comment but got distracted again by that bundle of pure happiness and sunshine that Ben is carrying in his arms.

    So all I got is awwwwwwww.

    Edit: Ok, I regained my focus after clicking on the pics of Jen. Maybe she’s just upset because her agent just told her Ben will no longer be casting you as Robin in his upcoming version of Batman. That role will now be played by Kevin Smith, the friend you made him dump.

    • pmj says:

      This was one of my first thoughts–will Kevin and Ben start hanging out again now that Jennifer is out of the picture?

    • Lena says:

      Lol. Could be something as silly as one if the kids called crying. But i think its all staged.

  7. MrsBPitt says:

    I know that nobody will agree with me, but, I wonder if they will really divorce. I still think that Ben F’ed up, and Jen, had enough, and told him she wanted the divorce. I think Ben is trying to patch things up! He likes his family image too much…

    • Jayna says:

      He can almost taste his freedom. Hell, no, he’s not going back. That’s not to say this isn’t a horrible and sad time for him. A couple going through a divorce and the tension and anger and hurt from one or both of them and little children upset and having to adjust is not for the faint of heart. It’s a very stressful and emotionally-draining time, whether you want out or not.

    • Don't kill me I'm French says:

      Affleck wanted to divorce since long time but he “waited” that Jennifer agrees because the 2 have a RP image to control.Affleck yet is the baddie but he must show he does some efforts whereas Jennifer must maintain her image of ” perfect mother and wife” .She clearly helped to change Ben’s gambler drunk playboy image to a more family friendly image

    • Kitten says:

      Not sure I agree with you but a lot of people subscribe to your theory.
      I don’t know..there’s so much smoke and mirrors with these two, it’s hard to know what’s really happening…

    • T.Fanty says:

      Lainey has previously alluded to some hard substance abuse that really broke the marriage. If that’s true, then him continuing to live close by his family makes more sense.

  8. Jayna says:

    The Virginia-Highland area, where that restaurant is, is a very trendy, busy area. It’s odd she would be sitting out there talking on the phone being as famous as she is.

    • aga says:

      Do you still believe that she doesn’t call the paparazzi ? All the photos from Atlanta were staged.

      • Jayna says:

        I think almost every photo in Atlanta has been staged as some kind of PR and/or damage control and/or narrative spin to put on their divorce. I think a few are candids, though, not staged.

      • A says:

        Totally agree. I live in Atl and we just don’t have paparazzi in areas that aren’t movie sets, even in the trendy parts of town. I’ve seen some celebrities here while filming, but doing boring things like going to the movies having dinner and shopping at the (high end) mall. In my experience (others can chime in) people look but don’t photograph.

      • caitlin says:

        I don’t know about “staged”. The quality of the photos is not good and they seem to have been taken from a distance and therefore, unbeknownst to her.

      • Eleonor says:

        I don’t buy anything this woman is selling.
        They kept their divorce under wrap, and when they came out everything was staged.

    • The Original Mia says:

      Virginia Highland is trendy, but…they are filming in the area. The photos are also grainy. If they were pap approved, then I could see them being crisper. But it also doesn’t bother me if they are part of their PR rollout. Everything has been slanted to make this look amiable, and we know darn well it’s not.

      @A, you’re right. We look in Atlanta, but we’re also too laid back to gawk and take pics like LA.

    • Cindy says:

      I am very confused about what to think, so much pr has been put out there that I’m not even sure if they really *will* get divorced. The phone call photos make zero sense to me. Are the paps just relentless because of the divorce, or did she actually call them? If she did call them, I just can’t relate to her, or any celebrities’ life at all. What kind of person does that? If the two of them are this invested in creating these characters for public consumption, do *they* even know who they are? Not to get too existential here, but if she called the paps just to get shots of her “distressed” phone call, what the hell kind of life is that? Why bother? Either way the two of them come out of this with insane wealth and no real problems. I mean REAL problems-health, poverty, death of a loved one, etc etc. So just get f*cking divorced already and stop this pr crap. Honest to god, are they 15 or middle aged adults?

      Sorry for the rant. I’m tired of them both.

  9. Don't kill me I'm French says:

    Jennifer Garner is as control freak and clever as Angelina Jolie on her image/brand

    • Kitten says:

      I think she tries to be as clever as Angie but I’m not sure she achieves it. Although I have to give her credit as far as getting out ahead of Ben and drumming up the sympathy.

      ….and I say that as someone who likes Jen.

      But very few are as smooth and savvy as the Jolie-Pitts when it comes to their image. They’re genius at protecting their privacy and controlling what/when/how the media gets a piece of them. They also handle interviews and the press FAR better than any celeb I’ve ever seen—always polished and professional.

      • Cindy says:

        I think the difference here is that the Jolie-Pitts do it with class and dignity. They realize the commodity that they are, accept it, and work with it. They really do want to keep a large part of their private lives private, so you’ll never see Pitt running through a field with a blindingly cute puppy. Okay, it wasn’t a field, it just sounded funnier that way. 🙂

    • Luca76 says:

      In certain ways she’s better at it than Angie by miles just more limited in her aims. I believe all she’s ever really wanted for herself is to marry well and raise a family. Let’s forget for a second that she married horribly and tried to mold Affleck into something he isn’t. At heart she’s still a sorority girl, very ambitious sure but not much different than an average social climber. Garners brand sells better because it’s easier to digest just boring.
      Angelina wants to take over the world. Brad can come along if he wants. That will always alienate people and fascinate them.

    • cassie says:

      maybe, but the comparison ends there. in terms of acting cred. AJ has it in spades – JG will never get close to the Oscar podium

      • Don't kill me I'm French says:

        I talked about their RP images.Garner is as clever and control freak as Jolie about her RP image

      • cassie says:

        I’m not contradicting you, just adding my own statement to your comment 🙂

  10. Ann says:


  11. doofus says:

    “miracles from heaven” is really the name of her new movie? BARF. is it a lifetime movie or something? that name is TERRIBLE.

    • Jayna says:

      It’s a movie based on a book about a little girl who had illnesses that kept her in chronic pain in and out of hospitals, seeing lots of pediatric specialists because she had some digestive disorders where she couldn’t eat, had to use feeding tubes. She was in a tree one day and fell and was stuck down inside a tree and said she went to heaven. and wanted to stay and Jesus sent her back but told her she wouldn’t be in pain anymore After they rescued her which took hours to get her out, she’s never been ill again. The doctors are baffled. Her parents believe it was a miracle.

    • Kitten says:

      Barf indeed.

      The title alone makes me not want to see it, and Jayna’s description ensures that I never will.

      Happy for Jen that she’s getting work though. If the rumors are true and she felt like her acting was put on hold for Ben’s career, then she deserves to get out there.

      • Neah23 says:

        But what did she actually but on hold? She had 3 movie come out last year and has filmed at lest 1 movie a year for the last ten years. She wouldn’t be able to keep her perfect mom image ( which she loves ) if she filmed back to back movies.

      • KellyBee says:

        I agree the title makes the movie sound like a Hallmark movie special not good.

        @ Neah23

        That’s very true and Katie Holmes PR team did the same things. With the Tom was holding Katie back when in reality it was Katie lack of acting skills that told her back which is why no one is hiring her.

      • Kitten says:

        Yeah I don’t know…maybe you’re right. Maybe she never would have gotten the roles in the first place.

      • Neah23 says:

        I agree that she would have gotten the role in first place.

        Now I do believe she would really well on TV. I think that’s where she should have stayed, because not everyone TV star is cut out to be a movie star some just do best on TV . Jen Garner, Jen A, Jessica Alb, Ryam Reynolds and Jessica Biel are 5 really good examples of that.

    • minx says:

      Lol, I wouldn’t go near a movie with that name.
      Garner is pretty but as an actress she is only serviceable.

    • ican'tsnap says:

      She only takes cuddly movie roles now that she’s a mom. Blahhhh.

  12. Jackson says:

    I think sometimes we forget these are real people, too. She has family, she has friends, she has other stuff going on. Maybe her car wasn’t right there? And who goes to the bathroom for a private phone call? I just think if something was staged it would be more….dramatic? IDK.

    • smcollins says:

      Agreed. The constant narrative that everything is staged, and they notify the paps of their every move gets really tiring. What are they supposed to do? Hide out and never leave their homes? There’s massive interest in them right now so of course the paps are going to be following them a lot more. I’m not saying they don’t *ever* court the press, but I don’t think it’s to the extreme that they’re accused of. They’re not the Kardashian’s.

  13. Jayna says:

    I just saw who is playing her husband in the movie she is shooting. It’s the New Zealand actor, Martin something, who is replacing McDreamy on Grey’s Anatomy. He’s good-looking and 40, age appropriate. He dated Demi Moore, so it’s said, briefly. Of course, he is a bachelor with no kids. A woman with three little children going through a divorce might not be his thing, and Jen might not be in a mindset right now to even be looking at another man.

    • Luca76 says:

      I’m really interested in who she’ll marry next. I know she’s dated co stars but I doubt she can stomach going from wife of an Oscar winning director to a d-lister.
      I think she’ll wait a respectable amount of time and date someone behind the scenes a Producer / Director/ or Agent.

      • ctkat1 says:

        I can totally see her doing what Reese did- leaving the playboy actor (though Ben Affleck was much more powerful and famous than Ryan Phillippe) and then marrying the big time behind-the-scenes player (Reese’s husband is one of the heads of CAA). I see her going with power agent, studio executive, producer.

  14. LA Native says:

    I just looked at those ATL pictures and what struck me right away was not her expressions but the fact that she is dressed for “June Gloom” at the beach in Los Angeles. I’m guessing ATL has been murderously hot and humid as it has been here in NE FL. A cardigan? I’m not buying this.

    • Antonym says:

      I almost always take a cardigan to restaurants in the summer, the AC is always unbearable.

    • Jayna says:

      Restaurants and offices in hot humid states, like Georgia and Florida during the summer, can be freezing inside. She probably put it on inside and had it on when she stepped outside for the call.

      • Tulip Garden says:

        Add movie theaters to the freezing list too! Shorts, sandals, thin blouse….and long sleeved jacket😁

  15. Jazz says:

    Cute puppy doesn’t care for their divorce PR shenanigans…

  16. Kiddo says:

    Probably a conversation with the cable company or internet provider. I know I’ve looked BEYOND mentally unhinged while talking to script readers.

  17. Fori says:

    People would overhear her conversation if she stayed inside, outside there is the space to make sure that nobody can eavesdrop so I doubt it’s a photo op.

    I wish she’d sort her wardrobe out, she has more than enough money to hire a stylist who can set out comfortable, attractive clothing for daily wear. Skinny jeans in Atlanta heat??!!!!! Her colours are always clashing, pieces mismatched, weather inappropriate, uncomfortable looking and altogether extremely unflattering.

  18. QQ says:


    Ima be real, I don’t care about this transparently Thirsty ass Shit ( Im kinda glad the Dimple Parade Narrative is finally accepted as fact, this has ALWAYS BEEN my beef with this mocktress and her disingenuous sh!t) What I want is More ChubbyFluff Affleck Stories: Is He a Diva Rivaling Mariah , needing to be picked up? is he Part Bear?? Birth Certificate!! Is he going to fat Farm??

    • Kiddo says:

      You forgot to mention that he has his khakis pressed with creases. For some reason that is cracking me up. It sits in contrast with his Mr outdoorsy puppy-carrying rugged LL Bean motif.

  19. cassie says:

    Having a hard time with the notion that she sacrificed her career and made all the compromises. Makes it seem like she gave up choice parts in quality films that could have put her in the same league as Oscar winners like Nicole Kidman or Cate Blanchett. Um, I don’t think so.

    Time for a reality check: a) she is not a very good actress – kids or no kids. b) she has worked consistently and continuously since she married Ben – in movies and multiple endorsement deals. she didn’t go “underground” and disappear for 10 years. Movies she’s been in are for the most part, dogs and those that have succeeded have done so in spite of her – not because of her (Matthew McConnahey, I’m talking to you. c) she is not and never has been a “housewife” tied down 24/7 with the kids. she has a team of nannies to free her up whenever it suits her, they just aren’t photographed a lot.

    • Luca76 says:

      Eh she’s not a great actress, would have never won an Oscar but there was a minute that she was hot. I wouldn’t be surprised if she turned down one or two films that did well. When Alias ended it was widely assumed that she would have a decent movie career. She made terrible choices when she did work and never did another action movie after Electra failed which is a shame because I think that’s her strength and her acting got worse with each film.

      • caitlin says:

        “hot” – maybe, but definitely not an a-lister or oscar worthy actress. this latest bit of pr wants us to believe that if it weren’t for the “sacrifices” she made, she would be in contention for the same parts as Nicole, Sandra Bullock, Julia Roberts, etc. Nope.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      I don’t get the sacrificed her career bit either. She has worked consistently and in some Oscar nominated films too (Dallas, Juno) but she comes off as budget Rachel MacAdams so Rachel will get the better roles

      • minx says:

        “Budget Rachel MacAdams”–yes!
        And that notion that she made big career sacrifices is BS. She wanted a family and loves being a mother, yet she still always worked here and there.

      • Neah23 says:

        As I said above I’m not buys it ether and in Dallas movie critics all agreed she was the week link in that movie. In Juno she a such a small part that it could have been anyone playing that role. I don’t think she a good actress and she not leading lady material, she best when she has a small part with a strong cast.

    • Jayna says:

      @Luca76, after Elektra, she did one more action movie directed by Peter Berg set over in Saudi Arabia. She did The Kingdom after her first baby. It was a thriller action movie with Jamie Foxx, Jason Bateman, Chris Cooper. I remember we saw it at the theatre and it was good. I was surprised how in shape Jen was for this type of strenuous movie which began filming around six or seven months after giving birth to Violet.

      Jennifer in a scene fighting.

      • Luca76 says:

        Ah thanks I must check it out.

      • Patty says:

        You should head over to the rotten tomatoes site Jayna – her films are mainly stinkers and those that did well did so in spite of her 😜

      • Jayna says:

        @Patty, I wasn’t commenting on her other movies. I was responding to Luca who thought she had given up on action movies after the failure of Elektra. I was just pointing out she did one more, The Kingdom. It wasn’t a great movie, but it was a decent movie, from what I remember, that I enjoyed well enough.

        I have only seen a few of her other movies since with Ben, and she wasn’t essential to any of them, but that wasn’t the point of my post to Luca anyway.

        I saw her recently in Al Pacino’s movie, Danny Collins. Her part was small but she was good in it. But Al Pacino and Bobby Cannavale were the ones who were the stars of the movie with the biggest parts and they were soooo good. Annette Benning had a smaller part, and she was really good also.

  20. Crumpet says:

    She looks concerned, but I wouldn’t say ‘over emotional’. Like the baby sitter called and one of the kids was throwing up. JMO.

    • ican'tsnap says:

      Yeah I’m really not getting what the big deal is with these photos. She looks kind of serious, but it’s nothing dramatic? She got a call at dinner, stepped out. (Because people are criticizing this: COME ONE. Who goes into a restaurant bathroom to take a call?! Are you going to go take up a stall for your call? Or just crowd the sinks and talk in front of anyone who happens to walk in? Especially as a celebrity! Anyone could listen in.)

  21. jammypants says:

    Ben makes me think of his Gone Girl character, Nick Dunne.

    • Ronda says:

      Funny, the director of that movie agrees with you. Lainey wrote about that in detail, what he said on the dvd track about Affleck.

      • Don't kill me I'm French says:

        You will note that Fincher again works with Affleck on a Hitchcock movie remake ( a guy wants to kill his soon ex wife)

  22. Tiffany says:

    Are we sure it was the phone call. I mean it could have been she finally look down at her feet and realized her shoe game is not very good.

  23. I Choose Me says:

    That little doggie is the FLUFFIEST, CUTEST thing ever! That’s all I came here to say.

  24. Mixtape says:

    She’s had her say and now she needs to take a public time-out. The more I hear and see from her, the more I start to sympathize a bit with Ben…

    • Know-it-all says:

      Are you kidding the only reason Ben is around her is to show the world the manipulative hypocrite she is.An arrogant social climber two can play that game she has realised that her act is not selling anymore she is about to lose it.

  25. elle says:

    And here’s my comment to the NY Post propaganda piece (

    My gosh, there are so many problems with this PR piece for Jen, where do I start?

    First of all, Ben did not buy the kids a new puppy, but actually Jen pushed to adopt this one they saw at a shelter/rescue event a few months ago. Then she instructed him to bring the puppy to Atlanta, where she’s filming, and he will be in a few months. So Jen’s the one orchestrating all this and in the process trying to make Ben look bad.

    Funny, since up until very recently she was singing his praises as a loving, supportive and encouraging husband.

    As for Jen’s career, she had a good run on Alias, but she’s not a very good actress. This marriage has only helped her career, not hindered it. Plus, she’s not exactly poor or without choices, you know, doing all these commercials, still getting acting roles as well as business deals, meanwhile marketing her family and mommyhood to the max. Sorry, I find it hard to feel badly for her because she really did have it all, not to mention she could also afford the help if she wanted it.

    And by the way, what you call babysitting is what their nannies are paid to do; when Jen or Ben does it, it’s called “parenting”.

    What sickens me is that she’s the one playing “happy family”, while behind the scenes putting the blame on Ben for everything in the press. And what sickens me even more is that you, Johnny, as a man seem to think you’re speaking for women, but really, you’re just pandering to us.

    Tell me, are we going to have to listen to this, the next “Poor Jen” Pity Party for another ten years? Because the other Jennifer (Aniston, that is) already milked that for as long as it was worth, and the public is now sick of it.

    So, please, spare us!

    (Full disclosure: I do not work for either Ben or Jen, nor do I ever normally “read” the NY Post.)

    • nance says:

      Elle – saw and read your comment (lol, like you I never read the NYPost, but couldn’t help myself when the link was supplied!) and thought you were spot-on. In particular, I liked the fact that you pointed out the fact that she is not what you’d call a top notch actress. Yes, she’s made millions and can support herself comfortably and afford nannies, mansions, etc., but she will never be in the same league as the likes of Cate Blancett, Julia Roberts and other top actresses – Ben or no Ben, family or no family, her talent (or lack thereof) is the same.

    • JoJo says:

      @elle – I agree with everything you say here, except I actually don’t think Jen’s motivation is to make Ben look bad in the press. I think she is strategically pulling strings behind the scenes in their family – pushing for wearing the rings, pushing for Ben to accompany them at all times, etc. Let me be clear – of course I agree with him being present for the kids, but I really do not believe she wants this divorce, and I feel like that’s becoming more and more obvious. I feel like she’s pushing to keep traveling and living together under the guise of “doing it for the kids” but is really hoping he will eventually decide that they should stay together… You know, “fake it until you make it” and all that. :/

      • elle says:

        JoJo, you may be right about that. With all the possible “sources” feeding the press now, we just don’t know what’s really coming from either of them.

        If I could take back what I said here about her as an actress, I probably would, but I don’t believe blaming Ben, no matter who’s saying it, is very effective for her in the long run. I think that because of her insistence on protecting her children, also maybe due to her conservative upbringing, she possibly just hasn’t allowed herself to accept roles outside her comfort zone.

        Who knows, maybe this divorce will not only shake up Ben, but also Jen in her career. We’ll see…

  26. Dodie says:

    I think she is relieved to be divorcing him and I feel she is the one who pulled the plug because of the timing right before his big Batman debut. I also believe the rumors he is going to live on the property and be rehabbed or detoxed. He is bloated, looks like crap, also he walks like he has a brace on his back as in some pics his posture is off. (back injury) (thick coats) I think she really is glad to get a divorce. I know living with a alcoholic takes a toll. I also think he is really devastated and not because he loves her or maybe he does/did. BUT his career is gonna take a hit. I think he took it for granted she would be around forever and he could do as he wished. And I really think now he is facing the reality of his consequences. I think he is afraid of all the responsibility he now has to face and she was sort of his anchor for a while. Now he has to float on his own. With all these addictions and I am sure he has several, one of them will be his undoing. And it he is a major alcoholic he probably has some impotence issues. So what young woman would want him except for his name/career/fame.

    • Luca76 says:

      My theory is that he did another version of what he did with Jlo made himself utterly impossible to live with until Garner gave him an out and now he’s running full sprint out of this relationship while she would have liked to work things out. I think she’d much rather be Mrs Ben Affleck than Jen Garner star of ‘Miracles from Heaven’. His career isn’t suffering at all and this whole divorce is timed so that by the time Batman is released it will be an old story. Ben Affleck will always take care of Ben Affleck.

      • laura in LA says:

        All this togetherness at Brooke’s house, which is smaller than their estate, seems implausible, especially if things are tense now…

        Supposedly, Ben was staying undercover in a private bungalow at the Bel-Air Hotel for awhile. And according to sources from Ben’s side, he wants to live the Bachelor Life in LA again, but I find it hard to believe that any “friends” of his would actually say this, given the negative connotations.

        It does explain the corrections in the media, though, that this will not be Ben’s “Bachelor Pad”, but where the whole family will live happily together again. Yeah, right.

        Besides, Ben will be back in Atlanta by fall filming Live By Night, then doing more Batman stuff after that, I suppose, so busy he’ll hardly even be in LA, except for business and seeing the kids.

        Face it, Jen: Ben’s Gone, Girl…Gone Baby Gone.

        (Sorry, I couldn’t resist.)

    • beanie says:

      Wow, I think the exact opposite. He is relieved and she is desperate to keep him. He is acquiescing to her suggestions i.e. the rings, the residing on the same property, the puppy transfer (!), etc, because he is trying to maintain his ‘family comes first’ image as long as possible. I think it’s obvious who really comes first for Ben.

  27. Lurker says:

    I don’t believe for one hot minute that they’re going to stay living together for any longer than it takes for the heat to die down. Even if the estate is massive. This is all BS for the masses.

    • Neah23 says:

      That’s what just said in a above post, I’m not buying them living together.

    • Don't kill me I'm French says:


      If they were not able before to live in the same house,why would they able now?
      Whatever Affleck will direct and star a new movie in autumn and he won’t be in LA during several months

  28. Bread and Circuses says:

    I read about one divorced couple that renovated a home so it was two separate residences connected by the corridor that contained the kids’ rooms. When mom had custody of the kids, dad would lock the door on his side of the corridor. When dad had custody, he’d unlock his door and mom would lock hers.

    That way, the kids didn’t have to move house every week when their custodial parent changed, and both parents could have privacy when they didn’t have the kids.

    If I had as much money as Gardner/Affleck does, and could get along reasonably well with my ex, I’d do that too. Maybe that’s what the renovations are about?

    • Don't kill me I'm French says:

      Or better buy a new home next to your future ex-house in the same street !
      Many think they are going to reconcile because Affleck looks made many efforts

  29. Nikki says:

    I can’t believe nobody’s mentioned that Ben Affleck doesn’t even look happy while holding the PUPPY! I’m used to him looking unhappy with his wife, his kids, but how do you have a sourpuss when holding a THAT PUPPY??

  30. Blue says:

    I clicked on this story thinking there would be more cute fluffy puppy pics…but it’s just more of the same Jen and Ben and their moronic attempts to make the other look bad. I hope in their next staged pr photo op we get more pics of the cute puppy.

  31. Kelly says:

    Probably caught. She needs to milk this attention though for all it is worth because once that divorce is final she will be B list Jennifer Garner, not part of an A list couple. Also, anything she put on hold career-wise was her choice, can’t blame him. I just find her so phony and annoying.

  32. laura in LA says:

    Hey All,
    Although it hasn’t been widely publicized, I just learned that a close, longtime friend of theirs died this past weekend. At a time like this, more heartbreak, so it could be another reason they both look stressed or upset. Since I see no mention of it elsewhere, except for the obit/memorial page, I thought it was worth sharing with all you kind people here.

    With Heartfelt Sympathy,

  33. JoJo says:

    @ Laura in LA – Was it the boy (maybe he was now closer to an adult?) with the rare neurological illness that Ben has been friends with for years? I did read something about that somewhere a few days ago – wondering if it’s the same person you’re talking about?