Sienna Miller walked away from a Broadway play because of a salary dispute


I totally forgot/didn’t know that Sienna Miller was cast in The Lost City of Z, but here are some photos of her on the Belfast set last week (these photos were only recently released). She looks terrible in these pics, but I’m going to say that she’s probably supposed to look somewhat terrible (she’s obviously in costume) and the lighting is harsh. Filming on TLCOZ is probably why Sienna was not in Toronto to promote High Rise. Unless she got cut out of High Rise just like she got cut out of Black Mass? No, she’s still listed on the cast of High Rise, so there you go.

Sienna’s scheduling back-to-back film projects these days, because she’s suddenly back to being an in-demand actress. After TLCOZ, she’ll be working on Live By Night with Ben Affleck… which may cause some problems, but I’ll let CB discuss that in what I’m sure will be a fun, boozy, messy shoot. Interesting enough, Sienna was able to sign on to Live By Night because she backed out of a Broadway play. Sienna told the Daily Mirror that she backed out of the play because they were only going to pay her half of what her male costar would make.

Sienna Miller “walked away” from a Broadway role after learning she’d be paid just half of her male co-star’s salary. The ‘American Sniper’ actress was due to return to the New York stage early next year, but after learning the terms of her contract, decided against taking the role.

She said: “It was a play with just two of us on stage and I was offered less than half of what he was going to be paid. If it was two men, it wouldn’t probably happen. Sad, but I walked away.”

Earlier this year, Sienna portrayed Sally Bowles in ‘Cabaret’ in New York and had such an amazing time, she doesn’t think anything will ever top it.

She told Vogue magazine: “It was the most incredible, fulfilling thing I have ever done. I feel like I’ve peaked with that.”

[From The Daily Mirror]

Increasingly, more actresses are going public with stories about workplace discrimination, sexism, etc. Charlize Theron was able to use the Sony Hack to get a paycheck equal to Chris Hemsworth for The Huntsman, and I would imagine that if you’re an actress with a profile, you probably could publicly shame a potential employer into paying you the same as male actors. But in Sienna’s case in particular, it sounds like she didn’t try to cajole or negotiate at all, she just walked away when she heard the salary. Which is totally her right, of course, and good for her to call it out. BUT… I kind of wonder if she would have walked away if her film career wasn’t going so well these days, and she had the opportunity to work with Affleck.

Yes, Sienna knits!



Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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36 Responses to “Sienna Miller walked away from a Broadway play because of a salary dispute”

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  1. Jules says:

    That has to be make up making her face look like that? Very well done make up though.

  2. OSTONE says:

    Good for her if she has the privilege and wealth to turn down a job. I am jealous, I get paid less than my male counterparts for the same job (thankfully not less than half!) and I am bilingual on top of that (none of the males are). But I can’t walk away because I haven’t found something better yet and bills bills bills.

    • kay says:

      There was just a report on women who graduate from Ivy League colleges and they earn less than the men who studied with them.
      The men commenting on that article absolutely refuse to accept that the wage gap exists and say women lie, are less qualified or don’t know how to negotiate their wage and therefore are not suited for the job. Every one of them was blaming women. Disgusting.

      • vauvert says:

        The wage gap is very real and if we wait for men to acknowledge that or fix it without us putting effort into it… not gonna happen. BUT as someone with an Ivy League MBA let me tell you that one thing is true- even the very smart, accomplished women in this group rarely ask for more money or negotiate as hard as the guys. They take the first salary offer – guys rarely do, they go back and ask for more, and sometimes it is as simple as that. You ask, therefore you establish the notion that you are worth it, and if women don’t ask they don’t get it.

        For the record – I ended up being hired with the highest salary out of the five people who got hired by my Fortune 50 employer. But I negotiated and brought arguments to the table why they should pay me more than their initial offer or my colleagues. Everyone else was just happy to have a job and accepted the offer as presented.

        Salary negotiations should be taught in business school and it was not, at least 15 years ago. They stopped at the resume and interview techniques, but real life doesn’t stop there. You should always negotiate when you get hired, you should certainly take a stance during performance review, and you should not limit your efforts for promotion to simply doing your job well. No, it is not enough, if you think you deserve something, you should advocate for it. If you end up being called tough or worse, who cares? I think things are getting better, but I still cringe hearing the way we treat little boys and girls differently: we praise girls for being “pretty” and “gorgeous”, which they have no control over, and boys for “you worked so hard”, “you won”, “you tried your best”. True, these are small things but they are insidious. And it leads to a lot of young women growing up with a skewed perception of what matters, what leads to success and how to act if you want to succeed. OK, rant over… sigh…

      • EN says:

        > They take the first salary offer – guys rarely do, they go back and ask for more, and sometimes it is as simple as that. Y

        Is that an American thing, though? I keep hearing people say that but I never felt like I can’t negotiate, I always did.
        But I come from a country where women have been working for a long time, we don’t have a stay at home mother expectation. Everyone works.

      • pinetree13 says:

        You know what, I’m tired of that negotiating salary thing. Every woman I work with HAS asked for a raise when appropriate. I actually think that is less and less true and an easy excuse to justify the difference.

    • Elisha says:

      Well then Ostone, instead of playing the privilege card, you should thank her for putting salary disparities in the spotlight and speaking out about it. You certainly aren’t the only woman facing gender discrimination in the workplace, but you are the only woman playing the sarcastic “good for her” game, which is rather unsisterly. Tl;dr she’s doing us a favor by putting this out there and instead of supporting her you’re being snide. And as vauvert said, next time do a little more negotiating right out of the gate, it’s something I need to work on too.

  3. Esteph says:

    I don’t think she should be so picky just yet. She secured a few parts that have garnered her more attention, but she should be taking everything that she can get right now.

    • tealily says:

      Eh, if she feels she can afford to do it, I say good for her! This is the type I’d like to think more of us would do if we could. By walking away, she is setting a standard for her own worth, but she is also affirming the value of all the other women who are not in a position to be so picky. Thank you, Sienna!

  4. Bridget says:

    She has an agent or manager, I’m sure they tried to negotiate but it sounds like the producers wouldn’t budge so she walked. But my question is, who was the actor? It’s not like Sienna Miller is a big name draw that’s going to get butts into the seats of an expensive Broadway play, was it someone of equal stature or recognition?

    ETA: it was Johnny Lee Miller. So yeah. Walk away girl.

    • Hannah says:

      What’s wrong with lee miller?

      • Bridget says:

        Nothing’s wrong with him at all. But all things considered, there’s no reason why she should be paid half of what he’s paid.

    • Mark says:

      Well if it was him and he was getting paid more he deserves it.

      He’s more known as an actor and will probably bring more money in because of it.

      • kay says:


      • Bridget says:

        I haven’t seen Johnny Lee Miller on many magazine covers or in Oscar nominated movies. Sienna may not be everyone’s favorite, but there’s no question that she’s higher profile. Sherlock obviously has fans, but he’s not even the biggest name on his own show.

      • s says:

        Why is anybody answering to this troll?

      • Eva says:

        Johnny Lee Miller is a fantastic stage actor and, in my opinion, slightly outdid Cumberbatch in frankenstein, both as the creature and Victor Frankenstein.

      • Ann says:

        That’s nonsense. I couldn’t pick him out of a police line up. She’s much better known.

  5. Catherine says:

    I don’t really have much respect for Sienna but kudos to her for doing that.

    If that’s not makeup then that’s bad, how old is she 33?

  6. Clovermuncher says:

    I don’t really understand why anyone would think she looks horrible in these photos. Is it because she hasn’t botoxed the f*ck out of her face? She looks like a normal woman to me.

    • Joni says:

      Normal for a 45 year old, yeah. I hope it’s fx makeup because a 33 year old should NOT look like that.

      • Tiny Martian says:

        It’s most definitely make up. It’s pretty obvious in the profile pic where you can see how harsh the contouring is.

      • Clovermuncher says:

        An post about sexism and folks are worried she might have wrinkles.
        *clutches pearls*

      • Catherine says:

        I wasnt looking at the contouring but the lines round her eyes. I just looked at some pics of her at Cannes – where she looked stunning btw – and she has them there too although the lighting is less harsh. That would look normal on a 40 yr old, not 33.

    • Naddie says:

      It’s make up for a role.

  7. NUTBALLS says:

    She didn’t get cut out of High Rise. Those who saw it premier at TIFF have reported she gets down with Hiddles in VARIOUS ways.

    I don’t care for her, but I’ll be watching THAT.

  8. lila fowler says:

    If she wasn’t offered the salary that she thought she deserved and walked away, who among us can say anything? Geez. Let the woman know her worth.

  9. Anne says:

    This makes me think of an exchange I heard between Amy Pascal, former Sony Pictures Entertaiment co-chairman & Tina Brown.

    Brown: “So, what is your explanation? You’re the head of the studio. These actresses are getting paid less, they don’t realize they are getting paid less than the men. Explain.”

    Pascal: “I run a business. If people want to work for less money, I’ll pay them less money. I don’t call them up and go, ‘Can I give you some more?'” Cause that’s not what you do when you run a business. The truth is that what women have to do is not work for less money. They have to walk away. People shouldn’t be so grateful for jobs. I shouldn’t be grateful. None of you should be grateful. They shouldn’t be grateful. People should know what they’re worth and say no. And they will.


    • Lucy2 says:

      I wish Tina Brown had followed up on that and asked her if she was offering both male and female actresses low starting salaries and the men were negotiating higher, or was she just offering them different numbers right off the bat ? Because if as Pascal says, it’s all about money, she should be trying to get the male actors far as cheaply as possible also . But somehow I doubt that’s what happened …

      Sidenote, I have never seen a person who rose to such a high position of power look so constantly disheveled as Pascal.