Miss Piggy is sleeping around with random journalists & breaking their hearts

Spent Friday with the most beautiful girl in the world. Kermit, #SorryNotSorry. #TheMuppets #misspiggy

A photo posted by Liam Hemsworth (@liamhemsworth) on

A few weeks ago, this amazing photo of Miss Piggy and Liam Hemsworth surfaced. Actually, it was no accident, since Liam put the picture out there. He wanted Piggy bad, and I hoped she would go for it because it would be a great way to get back at Kermit the Frog for his torrid affair with Denise the Pig. (Who is far less accomplished and younger than our favorite Piggy.) Denise was contacting the tabloids with tips while Piggy was probably still reeling from her divorce announcement. Plus, Liam is a hottie.

Well, it looks like Piggy rejected Liam, or at least, she’s playing the field. A random HuffPo columnist named John Trowbridge posted a photo of himself with Piggy. He’s looking at her adoringly while stares off into the distance. Don’t tell me she’s thinking of that terrible frog. John says he and Piggy flirted for months and had a wild weekend together, but he feels like she used him. He even posted text messages! Here’s part of John’s tale of woe:

I can’t stop thinking about her. About Friday night.

I hooked up (twice) with Miss Piggy over the weekend. It’s the happiest I’ve been in years. And sure, she’s a pig. But she does people things, like acting in movies and getting jealous. She’s obviously not a pig like the pigs we eat. I mean, last I checked, people wear dresses and karate-chop their enemies. So, no, I don’t feel bad for taking a pig out for adult drinks.

The only thing that makes me feel bad is that Miss Piggy thinks it was a harmless hook-up. And that she’s still hung up on her frog ex-boyfriend, Kermit. I have to deal with that. I’m not mad. Just disappointed.

Everybody knows that Miss Piggy just got out of a very long relationship. And everybody knows that her ex is already seeing somebody new. So of course her emotions are raw, and she’s entitled to go out and hook up with dudes.

I’ve just never been a rebound. I’m usually the boyfriend. Or whatever it’s called when you get nothing and you just go home to watch “Seinfeld.”

Miss Piggy and I had been texting a lot toward the end of her breakup. I’m not proud of secretly flirting with a pig-woman with a boyfriend, but I never met Kermit so I didn’t care about his feelings. If I’m being totally honest, I think Kermit’s a coward and a loser and I was happy to take his girl. He’s obviously not good enough for Miss Piggy and he has no problem parading his younger pig around even though he knows it hurts Miss Piggy. A**hole tries to pretend like that’s an OK thing to do and he’s just this neurotic sweetheart. He’s not. And if I had it my way, Kermit would get eaten by a snake.

[From HuffPo]

Piggy is apparently a lush who is very good in bed, but “Denise is hot garbage.” Things get hotter and steamier between Piggy and John from there. I won’t spoil what happens, but it is unexpected, and now Piggy seems like a different pig to me. She was clearly cheating on Kermit while he was fooling around with Denise. Man, why does anyone bother getting married anymore? Anyway, here’s one of John’s tweets from a month ago. This affair has apparently been ongoing, but it’s over now. She broke his heart.

Kermit the Frog

Miss Piggy

Photos courtesy of Liam Hemsworth on Instagram, Fame/Flynet & WENN

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74 Responses to “Miss Piggy is sleeping around with random journalists & breaking their hearts”

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  1. Betti says:

    Hahahaha love this. Oh Piggy – u and Kermie are just as bad as each other. Mid life crisis for both of you?

    PS. I was going to say something about David Hameron as there are many photo’s flying around the net about Kermit calling him up and asking ‘Did you love her? Did you love her?’. LOL.

  2. Aussie girl says:

    You go Miss Piggy, just be safe girl xxoo

  3. NewWester says:

    Miss Piggy can do better than that “kiss and tell” naked boar John. Maybe Miss Piggy needs to lay off the champagne?

  4. Palar says:

    It’s hardly sleeping around!

    • Santia says:

      Ms. Piggy has been on lockdown with Kermit FOREVER. Maybe she needed to let the cooch breathe a little.

  5. Eleonor says:

    You forgot to mention Nathan Fillion. Everybody saw him getting out of Miss Piggy trailer. Even Kermit. That was not classy AT ALL.
    If this was a man we would be bashing him.
    Double standards ?

  6. Veronica says:

    Nathan Fillion was spotted leaving her trailer on set.
    Liam, Hiddles, and Captain Tight Pants? She has excellent taste.

  7. Ally8 says:

    Um, I’m with the writer of this article: The Muppets should not be having sex, people.

    At first it’s funny. And then you’ve just ruined a kid-friendly franchise with the same tawdry crap everyone else is shilling.

    • Ellie says:

      Thanks for posting this! I agree with it, and I’ve been wondering why there have been all these articles pretending Muppets are real people all of a sudden.

      • Loopy says:

        Quite disturbing and time consuming if you ask me.

      • Mrs. Darcy says:

        I’m torn, I agree it probably is inappropriate for kids (though I can’t imagine this stuff will be on the show), but it is clever imo to get everyone who grew up with the Muppets originally talking about them again. I mean the original show did feature Kermit flirting with a new woman every week behind Miss Piggy’s back, so in a way it’s not THAT different from the original adult/tongue in cheek qualities it had. As long as they don’t take it too far it doesn’t bug me I guess.

      • Jessica says:

        Because the Muppets have a new show premiering today or something. So all this Miss Piggy/Kermit divorce stuff from this summer is all to shill this new show.

      • Annaliese says:

        Oh, c’mon. Did you ever watch the original Muppets Show? Miss Piggy threw herself at every hot guy out there. My only regret is that she never had a chance to hit on George Clooney in his prime.

    • booboocita says:

      Couldn’t agree more. The Muppets used to be about clean family entertainment; suddenly they’re competing with Scandal and Grey’s Anatomy? Too sad.

      • jwoolman says:

        You’re thinking of Sesame Street. The original Muppets were for adults, not kids, and their shows were full of adult themes. Just because a show has puppets or is animated does not mean it is suitable for children. Their new show is aimed at adults with no pretense.

    • Stacey says:

      Miss Piggy has never been politically correct. In any way. Her marketers are brilliant.

    • megs283 says:

      Haven’t read the article, but I agree with your post. Haven’t there been enough celeb divorces and drama? I despise this manufactured fraction!

    • Laura says:

      Thank you so much for a link to this article! My man and I have been going on about how disturbing this trend is. I grew up with the Muppets, I love the Muppets, and will probably always love the Muppets and like reading about Kermit and piggy and my gossip blogs. However, hearing about how they are sleeping around is Just. Too. Much.

      Stop. I really don’t want to think about Muppet genitalia. Ever.

      • Colette says:

        I just watched some episodes of the Muppets and some talk show appearances of Kermit and Miss Piggy on YouTube.Miss Piggy has been flirting with other men for decades.Over twenty years ago there were episode about love triangles.Kermit and Miss Piggy have broken up many times.What exactly is different now than how they have behaved for decades? In a few months Kermit will come to his senses, break up with Denise and beg Piggy to give their relationship another try.

      • Tulip says:

        I agree. I get that it’s supposed to be some witty commentary on our decayed culture, but I wished they had found a different mouth piece. I feel like they are not just crapping on people’s childhood memories but that they missed the point of the original brand or that the approach to update it was just off. Not impressed.

    • Tiffany says:

      Not once has this show been marketed as family friendly. There are looking to target adults and have promoted it as such.

    • nicole says:

      Thank you. It doesn’t really disturb me, as others have said there was always an adult element to the Muppets – but it’s weird. These are puppets. Why is there so much being written about them like they are alive? It’s confusing. Also, pitting two ladies against each other over a dude is so….old. If the Muppets have to be treated like real people could they at least not be stereotypes?

    • Magpie says:

      I think this is just stupid and NOT funny. The muppets are puppets, this should be family entertainment and now they’ve been turned into famehos. Just stop.

    • prissa says:

      I am SO with you Ally8! It just boggles my mind how EVERYTHING must be sexualized and gutterfied nowadays. I hear the arguments that the muppets were adult oriented but that’s not how I remember it. Perhaps the TV show had some adult humor, but the muppet movies were certainly geared towards children. (They even had Muppet Babies for goodness sakes!!!) It’s like can anything remain innocent anymore??? And to see people blindly jumping on this bandwagon just saddens me. To the people who enjoy / support this – does nothing inside you feel a little odd about the direction they are taking these fictional muppet characters? It’s like seeing the Muppets go thru the Hanna Montana/ Miley Cyrus transition. Too much and unnecessary.

      What’s next? We find out Burt and Ernie were really more than friends??? Oscar the grouch lived in the trash can because he was a junkie? Or perhaps Beaker and Dr. honeydew were really cooking meth??? Just UGH

      • mimif says:

        You really care if some fictional puppets were “really more than friends”? Your poor pearls must be just about crushed right now.

    • the_blonde_one says:

      I was just coming in to say something like this. I’m an adult and ‘get’ why it’s all funny AND I also ‘get’ that the muppets were a show with a layer of adult humor. However, it IS a children’s show, these are children’s characters and it’s not being done with the same level of ‘wink’ that the muppets have always done the adult humor with. I find it inappropriate.

      If these were characters that were predominately marketed to adults that kids happened to unfortunately latch on to (very young children and south park for example) then I would excuse it. But, it’s the opposite, it’s a childrens’ show that adults have latched on to and have removed the ‘wink’. not cool. funny if I shut off my brain but really, just not cool.

      • prissa says:

        Your comment is spot on! Idk if it will show but πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    • Goats on the Roof says:

      As a kid, I loved the muppets and insisted being called Ms Piggy. So much so, that my family calls me Pig to this day. While it’s true the muppets have always had an adult edge to them, it’s really frustrating seeing the writers stoop to Kardashian-esque tactics to ramp up viewership. I think I’m gonna have to start passing.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I have to say, this whole thing is just idiotic to me. Ugh.

    • shannon says:

      In total agreement. I’ve been seeing previews for the show. Noticed that it came on and 8pm and figured it’s definitely not worth watching. I am ignoring the fact that they are coming back on the air so I can live with my childhood memories in peace. Thanks for posting.

    • jolene says:

      Also insightful — this documentary on Jim Henson that just aired on PBS, In Their Own Words:

    • wood dragon says:

      Yeah. I’m not crazy about this whole reality show angle and I have had a bellyful of this mock publicity. I was kind of excited about the show….Now? Not so much.

  8. Dena says:

    You know, you have to lay bacon just right or it will stay raw and undercooked in places.

  9. Loopy says:

    Hahaha people have time I tell you.

  10. cleveland girl says:

    I do not understand this whole thing…isn’t Miss Piggy a children’s Sesame Street character? Why are they trying to make her into a Kardashian?? Will someone PLEASE explain this to me???

    • Veronica says:

      No, she was never on Sesame Street. (Pardon the wiki sourcing).
      Also, Kermit has not been an active part of Sesame Street for YEARS. He hasn’t been a regular since the late 70’s and has only been sporadically shown since the 90’s.
      The Muppets are owned by Disney, and the Sesame Workshop owns Sesame Street.
      The Muppets were always geared for a more adult audience with several jokes that went over children’s heads. The Great Muppet Caper is a perfect example of this.

      • sarah says:

        Jesus Ch*ist, does ABC own just about everything now? Good Morning America is just the morning hosts saying “our parent company Disney” “our sister station ESPN” “Star Wars!” “Pixar!” “The muppets!” “Disney World!”

      • prissa says:

        The Muppets are owned by Disney? Ok, it all makes sense now. SMH!

    • BW says:

      Miss Piggy was never on Sesame Street. She was one of the adult Muppets who started on The Muppet Show back in the 70s. This was a show for adults, not children, and was based off the variety shows of the time like The Carol Burnett Show.

      The new Muppet Show is based of the current crop of reality shows, like The Office. It’s aimed at adults.

      The original Muppet characters going back to the very beginning were on the late night talk shows and did adult skits. Other characters, like Big Bird were created for Sesame Street which was aimed at kids.

      • Magpie says:

        i disagree I grew up watching the muppet show and it was not south park, it was family entertainment like the muppet movie and the great muppet caper. If they want to make it for adults now, ok but the real muppet show was kid friendly.

      • kara says:

        I grew up watching the Muppet Show, and it was *more* family friendly, but definitely had a dark side and jokes meant for the adults.

      • Magpie says:

        again I disagree. My parents watched muppet show because i did. Maybe there were a couple of jokes i didn’t get, but this is the first time I’ve ever heard it called “dark”.

    • cleveland girl says:

      Wow!! No wonder I was confused! I grew up in the 70s and never really followed Muppet Drama since then! Thank you all for the clarification!

  11. byland says:

    Please, Miss Piggy has a long-standing history of mentally, emotionally, and, yes, physically abusing Kermit. Will people please stop with the poor, devastated pig stories already? Do all those karate chops caught on tape not ring any bells?

  12. Matador says:

    I love the Muppets and yes, they’ve always been more geared to adults than children (though they can enjoy them with most of the jokes going over their heads). However, I really don’t want them to get carried away with this particular storyline. No one should want to see the Muppets being used in a way that reminds them of Kardashian-level gossipy garbage. A little goes a long way. I hope they dial back the emphasis.

  13. Pinky says:

    Look at those photos up there of Kermit with his mouth open wide, acting up for the camera. He’s such a ham.

  14. alexis says:

    what the hell…???

  15. Mar says:

    Ms Piggy and Jessica Simpson are soul sisters.

  16. Colette says:

    As long as Bert and Ernie are still together,than I am good.Now if they break up on Instagram ,I will be done.

  17. snowflake says:

    How funny! Go miss piggy!

  18. Smd says:

    C’mon let’s keep it classy Muppets. This seems to be a little over the line. Word to the wise Miss Piggy, stay away from Hiddleston and Cumberbatch, those fans are crazy!! You don’t want those fan clubs after you…

  19. Carmen says:

    Miss Piggy isn’t exactly a paragon of virtue when it comes to cheating. I have a vivid recollection of her trying to rip off Rudolf Nureyev’s towel in the sauna on The Muppet Show.


  20. Jessica says:

    I’ve never cared about the Muppets. It wasn’t something I watched when I was a kid. And I have to say, this whole Miss Piggy/Kermit divorce junk all to shill their new TV show is annoying. And talking about Muppets having sex is just disturbing.

  21. Amy M. says:

    Same here, never liked The Muppets. Apart from a select few on Sesame Street, I never got the appeal and never watched any of the movies. Always thought Kermit was a doormat and Miss Piggy was mean and bossy and just plain rude. So all this fake break up stuff for a bunch of puppets (yeah I know it’s publicity for the new Muppets show which I will not be watching) is just stupid to me.

  22. A.Key says:

    What is the point of all of this? Running out of celebrity gossip? Who the F thought this whole divorce thing would be a “cool” story?? I don’t get it. What next, Aladdin and Jasmine are getting a divorce?

  23. iheartgossip says:

    This sexualization of the Muppets is beyond weird.

    • Mispronounced Name Dropper says:

      As is the over rating of them. As a kid they’d bore me to tears whenever they broke into song, which was all the time.

  24. Mispronounced Name Dropper says:

    “But Aqua Man, you cannot marry a woman without gills. You’re from two different worlds. Oh …I’ve wasted my life”

  25. Harrison says:

    lol! Why take it so seriously? Love the commenter here who is confused because they are not really alive! It’s only confusing if you’re dim. Muppets have always had an element of adult humor. Lighten up!

  26. Boxy Lady says:

    I just watched it and it really wasn’t that racy. I didn’t think that any of the Muppets were out of character and that helped make it funny. I liked it. I’ll keep it on my list of shows to watch.

    I do think that people freaking out about the Muppets being “more adult” is hilarious considering that one of the songs long associated with the Muppets came from a Swedish porn film.

  27. Nonny says:

    I heard a rumour about her and David Cameron, not sure if its true…….

  28. bored says:

    The Bafta awards pre-show a couple of years ago is when this started. Hilarious!