Morena Baccarin is four months pregnant & plans to marry Ben McKenzie


On Friday, we discussed the hot mess that is Morena Baccarin’s romantic life. Morena married Austin Chick (seen in the photo above) a few years ago and they have a 1-year-old son together. Austin filed for divorce in late June, and as we now know, it was because Morena was bangin’ her Gotham costar, Benjamin McKenzie. Not only did Morena cheat on her husband with her costar, she also got pregnant by McKenzie when she was still very much married to Chick. In fact, it’s looking more and more like her pregnancy is one of the big reasons why Chick filed for divorce in the first place. Morena was photographed last week with her bump on full display, and hand to God, she looks about four to five months along. Do that math!

Anyway, the side story to all of this is that Austin Chick and Morena still aren’t divorced and they’ve been fighting over custody of their son. Now that the McKenzie Baby is out of the bag, Chick is using Morena’s affair in the custody dispute:

“Gotham” star Morena Baccarin is rubbing her estranged husband’s nose in her affair with co-star Ben McKenzie, to the point the husband came home and found Ben freshly showered, playing with his son. Baccarin and Austin Chick have been locked in a custody battle over their 1-year-old son. Chick says the boy is in a confusing, unhealthy environment, pointing to an incident in August — 2 months after he filed for divorce — saying he came home to get his stuff and found Ben “had just taken a shower and he was playing with my son.”

Chick says Morena has told him she’s 3 1/2 months pregnant, and he says in the legal docs, “This places the moment of conception right in the first week of June, 2015, the time she was telling me she wanted to work on our marriage and well before we stopped sharing a bed.” In previous legal docs, Morena has claimed they were already talking about separating in March.

[From TMZ]

Letting your jumpoff shower in your husband’s bathroom? Yikes. I think if Chick really wanted to go to war with Morena, he has more than enough ammo. But for now, the judge says that Morena and Austin will have joint custody, with Morena taking over primary custody of the kid in New York City for now.

Oh, and Morena has now told the court that she’s moving on with her new baby-daddy and they plan to marry. On September 11, Morena informed the court: “Today, I am in a new committed relationship. I am planning to re-marry. Also, I am three-and-a-half months pregnant.” Entertainment Tonight’s sources also say that Morena’s affair with Ben has been going on for a while, and that Ben visited Morena in Vancouver in March-May while she was filming Deadpool. I kind of wonder… do you think Ben is down with Morena telling the court that they will be getting married? It’s moving pretty fast, I’m just saying. So messy.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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143 Responses to “Morena Baccarin is four months pregnant & plans to marry Ben McKenzie”

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  1. nora says:


    • MariPoodle says:

      I prefer her old nose.

    • CooCooCatchoo says:

      Ben looks like a deer in the headlights in that first picture of them. She is gorgeous, and probably a dazzling lay, so I’m sure she’s calling the shots. I hope he’s out of his dong-induced haze long enough to think about what kind of mom she is to her one-year-old. I mean, shyte happens – maybe she’s kind of full of herself right now with the success of her career and her looks – and maybe she and her husband weren’t as connected as they seemed (like, he was wayyyy more into her than she was to him – but you’d never know by that first picture of Mr and Mrs – he looks like he hates her guts). Leaving a spouse when you have no children is different than when you do have kids. Especially if this is Ben’s first baby (and I would strongly advise a paternity test, just saying). He should be more concerned about the character of his child’s mother than in the hotness of his fiancé.

  2. Farah says:

    As terrible as affairs are, I don’t think they should impact whether or not you have custody of your child.

    • Meatball says:

      I agree with this.

    • Goats on the Roof says:

      Agreed. It’s possible for a woman to be a cheating shitbag and still be a great parent. Same with fathers. Affairs shouldn’t determine custody.

      • Kevin says:

        Oh, of course. A shit bag that would sleep with a married woman and gets her pregnant is likewise the perfect stepfather. Nothing wrong with that.

    • Lindy79 says:

      Yep. He’s angry with her, and I get that but don’t take it out on the child

    • Sasha says:

      x 1000

    • Farah says:

      I would say the same thing if it was a man who cheated. She’s obviously terrible for cheating.

    • Luca76 says:


    • Lara K says:


      In general, a discreet affair or affairs don’t matter. However, if the person brings the affairs around the kid there could be problems:
      – it can create an unstable environment if the kid sees a bunch of people traipsing in and out of their lives
      – it can constitute parental alienation if the parent introduces them to “new mommy or daddy” etc and pushes out the other parent

      In this case, it seems Morena just moved on in a dick fashion, so it should NOT impact custody, but that is definitely not always the case.

      • Ronda says:

        i agree the last thing Morena cares about is her children.

      • Dani says:

        Lara K I agree. It isn’t that she cheated but she brought him around their son. That is so confusing and a really bad sign I think of her parenting choices. It is obvious she is more concerned with herself then her child and has very little self control.

      • Kami says:

        Dani, he is the father of her unborn child. So firstly, even if the love affair ends, Mckenzie is permenently in their lives. It is right that he be allowed to create a bond with the older child before the baby arrives. Secondly, unless you expect her to shut Mckenzie out of the pregnancy, I cant see what else you would expect.

    • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

      I disagree with this depending on how the affair effected the child.

      If you’re late to pick up your kid from school because banging the neighbor went over the alloted time limit it should definitely effect you. If you’re bringing the new side piece around this kid without permission (especially if you’re still actually married) then it should effect custody.

      Things are rarely cut and dry and it’s difficult to perfectly contain an immoral relationship and keep it in a tidy bubble. If it’s more important to have the affair than care for your child’s well being of should negatively impact custody.

    • Greyson says:

      I disagree.

      When an affair is the reason for divorce, it’s usually men who lose out in the case of a cheating wife. Losing their money in alimony and splitting assets. Losing the amount of physical time together with their children, as in most cases the wife is awarded primary custody.

      It’s not fair at all, for the wronged husband to only see his kid a few weekends a month because his wife decided to bang someone else.

      When the reverse happens, the husband stepping out is usually eager to start a new life with his promoted side chick and doesn’t usually fight for 50/50 joint physical custody, so it’s not analogous.

  3. Goats on the Roof says:

    Messy, messy. I’ll never understand why anyone cheats.

    • Mltpsych says:

      Excitement – wait until hubby is out of the picture and this relationship becomes just as normal as any other – both of them will be so disappointed.

      • Sunshine Gold says:

        Yeah and just wait for when they have a baby and a toddler – instafamily! Not as romantic as it seems, though I’m sure they’ll have lots of help so it might be OK.

  4. Lindy79 says:

    Crikey, this will only get messier

    • Krista says:

      Agreed. Ben does not seem to be that into her based on their body language in that photo. I’m interested in seeing where this goes.

  5. arbelia says:

    hummm, if the baby was conceived “well before [they] stopped sharing a bed” ,how can she be sure that the baby is Mckenzie’s and not from her husband? Anyway , that’s a mess…

    • ldub says:


      you’re right tho. SMFH. Messy!

    • danielle says:

      That’s was my thought too.

    • Ronda says:

      sharing a bed does not mean to have sex.

      • arbelia says:

        Well , i understood it that way .To me it was implied in the way the husband said it. I could be wrong but the whole thing seem so messy .Of course I know that people sometimes still share the same bed even though they stop having intimate relations.

      • Ronda says:

        we obviously dont know what exactly it means. i understood it in the sense of seperation. of course he wouldnt down right talk about sex in such a statement but i wanted to point out it could mean something different.
        as in “we were still together” thats also what he says before “she wanted to work on the marriage” which sounds like it was in trouble , so very likely no sex but not seperated.

    • Yoohoo says:

      This is what I wondered. How do we know who the father is?

    • Esmom says:

      Exactly what I was going to say. Dun dun dun. She and her ex know if it’s possible that he’s the father, he seems to be implying it, I don’t know. What a mess.

      • Andrea says:

        I was thinking that also—-unless they absolutely were not having sex for 4+ weeks around it, how is he sure it isn’t his child?

    • Wren says:

      I thought this too. Unless she knew precisely when conception happened and that she was NOT having sex with her husband and only having sex with Ben at the time, how can anyone know who the father is? Ovulation can be pretty erratic, you can’t just go off a pre-set chart to determine exactly when you conceived. The way her husband worded his statement, it sounded very much like she was banging both of them, in which case he may be the father. He probably doesn’t want to be the father, but it’s possible.

    • Kami says:

      Please. He is obviously lying. He is making noise over her bf playing with his son, this is not a man who is exercising restraint in this battle. If he had paternity ammunition he would be playing it to the hilt. Plus, she would have to be the dumbest dumb bell to so publicly affirm her bf over her husband the father if there was even the slightest possibility of being wrong.

      • Andrea says:

        This is very true. Someone wrote below he was cheating on her first—he probably felt it was good for him to do but felt she was in the wrong when she did it—classic perpetual cheater behavior IMO.

    • anne_000 says:

      I think that if the husband thinks he may be the fetus’ father, then he would have asked the court for a paternity test. If he didn’t, then he probably knows he isn’t the father. If she thinks he’s the father, then she can ask that he get a paternity test and therefore deal with child support.

      If the husband really wanted to make this messy, then he would find out if the baby is his or not and then make it hard for her regarding custody because she’s working on the other side of the country. As it is now, she’s forced to pay some of his traveling expenses to see the son when he’s with her in NY.

  6. ali.hanlon says:

    Getting popcorn. This is only getting better.

  7. Ayra. says:

    I’ve always believed that MOST marriages that started out from an affair won’t last. Not only are they seemingly going too fast, (she hasn’t even gotten divorced yet…). But the whole basis of an affair is something electrifying and steamy because it isn’t allowed, ect. It’s very rarely built on love, it’s simply lust.. And once it starts to fizz out, what do you have left?

    Or maybe I’m watching too much ID.. either way, this whole thing is messy.

    • Ronda says:

      “And once it starts to fizz out, what do you have left?”
      another kid and another custody battle while being pregnant by her future third husband.

    • It depends on why you had the affair, and what you truly wanted to get out from it, I think. My grandpa cheated on his second wife with his third wife. Why? Because his second wife was someone who was responsible–they had three kids, and she was a stay at home mom. HE wanted to get drunk all day (he owned a bar), and then come home, eat, have sex, and then go to bed, and start all over again. My grandma couldn’t hang out at bars all day, because she didn’t want to, and had other things to do.

      My grandpa’s marriage with his third wife–after 20 years–broke down, not because they were both cheating on each other left and right (and they totally were), but because he had been completely over getting drunk every night/every weekend (now that he’s in his fifties), and wanted her to go to rehab (and not a 30 day program). If she had gone to rehab, and actually tried….they would not be divorced.

      So it’s different things.

      • Andrea says:

        I only cheated once on a long term bf because of lack of compliments and sex (he stated he didn’t find me as attractive anymore due to 40+ lb weight gain and developed a lower sex drive). I was on and off with the affair guy for years, but he was unemployed for a long while and I didn’t want to go from one problem to another (my long term bf had a solid career path). The affair guy had what I believed unreasonable demands (he didn’t want me to have sex with my live in bf), then made me promise I wouldn’t then months later when asked if I did(which I felt was just creating more drama on his part), I stated I was occasionally then he said I hurt him too greatly, within a month finally got a job after 2 years unemployed, and left me for a 22 year old (he is almost 31). I took his virginity which may have been why he acted the way he did. I thought he was the love of my life, but I realize it was just a hot mess in general. Affairs are more emotionally draining than anything (yes the passion is unbelievable; like a movie). I cannot imagine having another affair ever again.

  8. Tiffany27 says:

    Welp. Mess. Mess. Mess.

  9. vauvert says:

    Chick is bitter and using the custody to get back at her. They were obviously separated in August so the fact that he found Ben at the house is irrelevant. And how does he know Ben was freshly showered in his former bath, he went sniffing Ben and then took DNA samples from the shower??? To me that just sounds like using any dirty trick he can in order to get custody and/or more cash. From all accounts she is the major breadwinner and he is asking for a big chunk of that.
    Yes they should have waited until she had separated from her hubby but at this point it is a “he said, she said” and who you believe depends on your point of view.

    • Kylie says:

      That part sounded ridiculous. Chick was using misogyny to get his own way here. He no longer lives in the home, the shower part is odd, and he just wants to shame her at this point. I seriously doubt Morena and Austin were still sharing a bed as recently as he claims.

      • Ronda says:

        where is he using misogyny?

      • M.A.F. says:

        @Ronda- I think they are pointing out he decided to put “he was freshly shower & playing with my son” into his court papers.

      • Ronda says:

        So? thats not unusually and certainly not gendered. for example if you punch a woman in the face who was sleeping with your husband you will get a lesser sentence if they did in your bed because thats extra reckless.

        he just wants to show the way she behaved and pulled the child in it, thats really nothing unusual and i dont think any woman wouldnt mention that if her husband did the same, so its not genered and yes thinking less of your ex partner when they hook up with someone else and let them play with your kid is very normal.

      • Merritt says:


        No, he wants to publicly shame her by putting unnecessary details in public record. Clearly she was not a good spouse, But he is trying to make it appear like she is a bad parent. It is not wrong for Ben to get to know her son, especially if he does end up his stepfather. At minimum he will be the father of his half-brother.

      • Ronda says:

        public shaming is not necessarily slut shaming. was that tv cook slut shamed by his ex wife when she had a plane carry a sign “CHEATER” at his Walk of Fame ceremoney? i dont think so. public shaming yes, not slut shaming.

    • Naya says:

      Lol. You should have seen my face contorting into a sneer when I read that TMZ piece. If he had filed for divorce two months prior, why is he upset that his son was playing with the dad of his new half-sibling? And throwing in that little shower detail is just a weak slut shame attempt. If you have filed for divorce, why does it matter who sleeps with her or where he showers.

      Also, if there was still a sexual relationship at the point of conception, why isnt he pushing his potential paternity? My guess is that they were done, he is bitter and he is responding with sex shaming accusations. Also, isnt that kid going to be two years in a month? It shouldnt matter but I feel TMZ (his camps outlet) is calling him a one year old because it ups the “slut factor”.

      • Ronda says:

        i dont think you know what slut shaming means. its not when a woman points out her husband is showing his mistress of to his children. same applies here.

      • Naya says:


        Please, you clearly dont know what slut shaming is. He filed for divorce two months prior, he has no business prying into her love life anymore than she does for him. Plus this isnt just a boyfriend, this is the father of that boys unborn sibling. Short of a miscarriage, Ben is now forever tied to Chicks son. He is not a boyfiriend or even a lover, he is now FAMILY.

        No rational person would have issues with the parent of their childs half-sibling playing with their child. You try not to be a psycho about it while you get over your jealous bs. But not this guy. This guy is counting on the “rules of respectable womanhood” to create a backlash against her. If this had happened two years from now, he knows everybody would tell him to be glad that the new man in his ex life plays with his kid. But given that its been two months, he is counting on people saying that she is a fickle vindictive whore for daring to nurture a relationship between two people who will be connected to each other for as long as they live.

      • Ronda says:

        How many “rational persons” are there in the world? especially after your spouses cheated on you and got pregnant? (which is by the way one of the most primal fears of men)
        most women would do the exact same thing morenas ex husband did and i dont see a problem with it.
        it simply pointing out how little she cares and how she rubbed it in his face.

        calling someone names because they have a lot of casual sex is slut shaming, pointing out your spouse was cheating on you and rubbed it in your face and got your child involved is not slut shaming.

        i mean would you really defend a man who did the exact same thing?

      • Bridget says:

        @Ronda: defend a man for doing what exactly? Let his new significant other around his home and child? It might not be the judgement call I’d personally make, but Chick went into his ex-wife’s home and complained that her boyfriend was there.

      • Naya says:


        Men who are cheated on get a lot more sympathy that women in the same situation, so I’m not sure what you mean by that final question. As it happens, I do know two women whose partners impregnated mistresses, its not an uncommon situation for women. People not steeped in narcisism quickly realize that lashing out at the ex only hurts the kids, so you save the bitter tears for your best friends shoulder and focus on building healthy relationships between all the parties involved. Welcome to adulthood. You also need to distinguish between his declaring there was an affair while they were together and him fixating on what a woman he is the process of divorcing is doing in a house he doesnt even live in. Both are bitter acts but the latter is beyond clingy.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        “if there was still a sexual relationship at the point of conception, why isnt he pushing his potential paternity? My guess is that they were done, he is bitter”

        I agree.
        If they filed for divorce on June 12, it was likely in the works for sometime, IMO.

      • Ronda says:

        @ Naya: What? Sandra Bullock made an entire career out of being cheated on, Jennifer Aniston keeps herself in the news with talking about it, Jennifer Garner is in PR overdrive to milk it at the moment etc etc. where is all this “more sympathy” for men? gossip is mainly read by women and rarely focuses on men at all in terms of whats going on in their emotional lives, men in gossip are either hurting a woman, supporting her or are portrayed as heartthrobs. its a bit like women in movies, just there to help the story of the man. its written for women to identify themselves with and that wont work as great with a man.
        thats also why you hear so little about female infidelity, do you think famous women dont cheat? its just not something women generally want to read about.

      • Kami says:

        Rhonda, you have fewer examples of celebrity women cheating because female infidelity is both less common and less frequently caught. But those who do get caught face a lot more social shame than men in the same position. Theres actually a word for men who are cheated on (cuckold), precisely because it is considered such a grave infraction. Theres no equivalent word for women because it is still not considered a major surprise when men cheat. I cant believe that anybody is even proposing that women cheaters dont get a rougher time or their male victims greater coddling.

      • Katherine says:

        Kami, female infidelity is NOT less common. Women cheat just as much as men, they just aren’t caught as much.

  10. eo says:

    The baby is 23 months old, turning 2 in October (not 1, as TMZ keeps on insisting).

    And her husband filed for divorce on June 12, but it was only made public in July.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      This changes things a bit, IMO.

      • WinnieCoopersMom says:

        Agree. If she and McKenzie conceived in early June, just a few days before he filed, it’s hard to argue that she and the hubby were still “sharing a bed”…unless (which is hard to believe) she and hubby were working it out and still sleeping together up until he caught her with the impregnating sidepiece and immediately filed..regardless, it’s still as sloppy as a bad soap opera.

    • (Original, not CDAN) Violet says:


      You’re splitting hairs. A 23-month-old child is technically a one-year-old, because he hasn’t turned two yet. The bottom line is that she cheated on her husband and has even stooped as low as to use the pregnancy as an excuse for the child to live in NY, instead of LA.

      She’s talking big about marrying Ben, but there’s a good chance that baby might not even be his given it was conceived while she was still sharing a bed with her husband. I very much doubt Ben would want to marry her if the baby doesn’t turn out to be his. Moreover, they currently work together so it’ll cause problems on the set when they split up. (Yeah, WHEN not if. Any relationship that starts like that is doomed.)

      I feel bad for her husband and kids. She’s created a huge mess and they’re the ones that are going to suffer the most.

      • Naya says:

        Her husband is lying about this bed business to humiliate her and to undermine her new relationship. Its extremely unlikely that he would be sharing her bed in early June then file for divorce the following day. Its even more unlikely that she would risk being publicly exposed by way of court ordered paternity test. Those two things point to an estrangement prior to the filing. Also, the kids age changes things significantly because it means that the estrangement could have been for longer than he wants us to believe.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        You don’t know that she “cheated” on her husband (it is possible, but it is far from being a proven fact). For some couples, they have an understanding they can start new relationships when they are separated before they actually file for divorce. The relationship is over when they split, the divorce paperwork is just paperwork.

        For celebs, divorces are quite an undertaking and they don’t typically get filed the same week they are considered. Getting all of the ducks in a row is the first step, actually filing the papers is delayed as much as possible because it becomes public. Everything that can be done is done before the moment of filing.

        I think if she seriously had “cheated” on him while he was still sleeping with her, he’d already have an order for a paternity test. As he is not challenging paternity, it seems he knows there was no overlap.

      • (Original, not CDAN) Violet says:


        He might have thought the marriage was worth salvaging for the sake of their child, but filed when he found out she was cheating. That kind of betrayal does change things overnight.


        Given how far along she is with her pregnancy, there’s no question that she cheated on her husband, who has gone on the record that they were still sharing a bed when the baby was conceived. Just because he hasn’t filed for a paternity test yet doesn’t mean he won’t.

  11. Ronda says:

    cheating is a huge betrayal but letting your affair play with your kid is super disgusting. if i found a woman in my home playing with my child i wouldnt be able to control myself. Morena is a terrible person.

    • Naya says:

      He is not just “an affair” playing with her son, he is father to her baby. Like it or not, this is now a family and Ben is a valid member of it

  12. Birdie says:

    Where is the outcry that he is a homewrecker? If it was the other way around, you know that would come up.

    • JENNA says:

      He’s not getting any sympathy as far as I know. They are both barely famous, so I don’t think that people care much. To be honest, this is actually great PR for their tv show.

    • Tiffany27 says:

      She’s messy as HELL, but it’s so weird people are keeping quiet about Ben McKenzie, like he had no choice or something?

      • Huh says:

        Because he’s a man. EVERY other ‘sidepiece’ or ‘THOT’ who was born with XX chromosomes gets called out viciously across the gossip sphere in barely veiled misogynistic language. Ben is a lucky XY dog, so the fact that he’s as vile as Morena isn’t an issue at all.

        The Nanny is “Oozy” (ha ha ha!!! This nickname is justified because there were young kids involved! Never mind there’s a 23-month old here). Everyone Jesse James slept with is trash. The comment threads are full of asides about ‘trashy’ women, sometimes with an aside about how men who act in ABC way are ‘trashy’ too. Please.

        It is NEVER the same treatment and you see it all the time.

      • perplexed says:

        I think people are disappointed in him. Or at least surprised. I was never a big enough fan to be disappointed, but I guess I am going WTF, Ryan Atwood. Like, I never would have guessed he’d be caught in someone’s house with their 1 year old kid around. Maybe the baby-face fooled me???

        If he were Ben Affleck, I think people would be more outraged since Affleck is more famous. Ben M might not be at that level of fame for people to care too much to spout outrage about him.

    • (Original, not CDAN) Violet says:


      He’s getting less flack than Morena, but there has been backlash.

      Ben’s got his pick of available women, but chooses to have unprotected sex with a married co-worker who has a baby at home? What an a**hole. Ben doesn’t seem to give a flying f*ck about Morena’s husband and child, or the other people he works with — all people who have to live with the fallout of his and Morena’s selfish actions.

      • paranormalgirl says:

        HE cheated on his “not in the business” girlfriend. And he was introduced to that girlfriend by one of his costars. So yeah, a bit awkward on the set, I would imagine.

      • (Original, not CDAN) Violet says:


        I didn’t realize Ben cheated on his girlfriend with Morena, but I’m not surprised. He obviously doesn’t care about anyone but himself.

  13. shannon says:

    What a cliche. Don’t these people ever learn? Can anyone give me an example of co-stars that started a hot and heavy romance (in the past ten years) that have made it? Brangelina doesn’t count lol. I know there are some out there, but I can’t think of any. Ben looks miserable (trapped) in these pics and she doesn’t look the happiest either. She looks at least ten years older than him, even though she’s younger. He’s got a baby face though.

    • WinnieCoopersMom says:

      I agree with the age thing. When news broke, I immediately assumed she was about 8-10 yrs older than him. Weird that she’s actually younger.

      • Andrea says:

        Ironically, she looks really happy with the now ex-husband. She also does look older than him, but I guess that happens with a baby face, which is why I made my baby face bf that I dated years ago to grow a beard. LOL He looks like he knows he is in a lose-lose situation now, tied to her regardless now both professionally and personally. She doesn’t look too thrilled either though.

  14. Miss M says:

    Fun fact: she was a guest on the OC show.

  15. Talie says:

    Of course he’s angry. It hurts when someone cheats, gets pregnant and builds a life raft with another person. Shocking that Ben got himself mixed up in this, as he is usually very quiet.

  16. Crumpet says:

    What is good for the gander is good for the goose I suppose. Though the gander sure is squawking. Poor kids (as always).

  17. Keaton says:

    I don’t care. If I saw the woman my husband had an affair with playing with my kids I’d probably have a rage blackout.. It reminds me a little bit of Elizabeth Edwards finding Rielle Hunter in her home or Jen Garner dealing with the nanny or Maria Shriver finding out Arnold had a child with her housekeeper of many years. The situations are not strictly analogous obviously but there’s something about that violation of the home (metaphorically) that feels similar to me. It’s just so disrespectful. How hard is it to show a little tact? Wait a little bit. At least get divorced first and THEN introduce your child to the person you had your affair with.

    • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

      Agreed and rage black out is the perfect term. The idea that home is safe territory and one person violate it for the sake of their sexual organs would definitely be worth a rage black out.

    • PennyLane says:

      My friend’s divorce agreement had the stipulation that each parent was not allowed to have a new partner spend the night when the kids were also there until they had been dating that person for at least six months. They both agreed to it.

      That way it reduces disruption to the children, and prioritizes the children’s well-being over the parent’s convenience. Seems like a good idea, quite frankly.

    • Bridget says:

      The issue is that this isn’t just some affair – it sounds like Morena left her husband specifically to be with this guy. I’m not saying that I would handle it particularly gracefully if I were ever in those shoes, but this isn’t a random hookup she found at some bar.

      • truthSF says:

        Exactly. This is not some Jesse James kind of hookup. More like a (speedier version of) Brad Pitt Leaving you permanently for his soulmate kind of deal.

  18. tracking says:

    Yeah, my first thought was “does he [Ben McKenzie] know this”?

  19. HeySandy says:

    I wonder if Ben knows they are getting married? He looks less then thrilled in that one picture where he is standing next to her. I think it would be pretty disastrous to jump from one imploding marriage to another one without a taking time for reflection or downtime, I just hope they all get it together for the children’s sakes.

    • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

      I’ve noticed at least in photos of them at events he doesn’t seem to smile next to her. Messy, messy, messy.

    • Lama Bean says:

      He does seem to look like a Der caught in headlights. It’s almost like this isn’t what he signed up for.

      • Andrea says:

        Maybe it wasn’t what he signed up for—a lot of people get surprised by pregnancy–and a lot of men are not ready for it. Maybe he thought he was having a bit of fun and didn’t think he was welcoming all this drama as well.

      • koko says:

        That was my exact first thought @ Lama Bean, he looks “trapped” in that photo. Much like a deer in headlights.

  20. Lea says:

    i understand that the ex is hurt. She shouldn´t let her new bf near her son that early. Way too early!

    But her ex… i mean come on. He says 2 months after he filed for divorce he came “home”? and found Ben freshly showered (was he in a towel or what?).
    He moved out, this wasn´t his home anymore and they were divorcing. So why does he walk into the house without calling first or knocking?

    • Tiffany :) says:

      It’s not just the new BF, though, it is the child’s new sibling’s father. This man will be in both children’s lives. He is more than a new boyfriend.

  21. funcakes says:

    As a person this woman is a hot mess. I know it’s her life and she has a right to live it but this is so sloppy.

    You have a toddler.

    You’re sleeping with a co worker

    Now you’re pregnant by the co worker

    You announce in court documents you’re not only four months pregnant but you’re going to marry him

    You’re still in the middle of the divorce while all this is going on.

    Now the co star has to protect his image because if he dumps you he looks like a dick and it might effect the ratings

    Fox can’t fire her because there could be a lawsuit.

    This woman loves chaos. And this is also the great making of a country song.

    • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

      Well you summed it up perfectly.

      Men, women, pick your mates MORE CAREFULLY.

      This is some Kaley Cuoco shit with a side of extra a drama thrown in for the taste. What happens if their relationship doesn’t work out? They trade icy stares during scenes?

      Makes me so glad suddenly that I don’t work for a studio, working HR temporarily almost killed me with the excuses for adult humans I supposadly had to discipline and put in time out like toddlers. On this scale with millions involved I’d be screaming into a pillow.

      • WinnieCoopersMom says:

        WOAH how is this even comparable to Kayley Cuoco’s situation? That’s not even a comparison. Kayley made a mistake when picking a marriage partner ..she didn’t have any of this cheating or kid drama or third party in the middle of everything. Come on now sheesh!

      • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

        I started off saying how important it is to know your potential partner before you shack up, put a ring on it, and immediately try to cultivate the perfect family (ie. Kaley Cuoco). All of which Ben is doing (according to Morena) I’m also predicting a relationship filled with tension and one half trying desperately to portray them as blissful and totally in paradise before going through a quickie divorce when ish gets real.

        Also I pretty much said ‘extra drama’ right in my original comment indicating I knew Kaley hadn’t done any cheating or etc.

      • perplexed says:

        She might be trying to make the relationship/family life seem perfect so people don’t think she’s….well, skanky. I’m not saying that’s the word that should be used on her; I’m just saying that I picture people using the word on her if she doesn’t make it seem as though Ben M is “the one.” People are more forgiving of infidelity and an “oops baby” if they think there’s a genuine love story going on behind the infidelity.

    • Jayna says:

      When people are both in careers that are important to them, they keep the drama down if a breakup happens. If she and Ben break up, no one will hear one iota about their issues, because it’s to their mutual benefit.

      And plenty of co-stars fall in love on set on TV shows. I can easily think of a handful right now that are in relationships and some that have even have gone on to marry. I think one was pregnant fairly soon, not this soon. LOL If they break up, they will still put their careers and the show ahead of any issues. There’s plenty of messiness that goes on with marriages and relationships and affairs and overlap in Hollywood. Nothing new.

      • perplexed says:

        I think it’s the kid issue that complicates things though. So many tv shows have off-set romances, but very few of them have “oops babies” to deal with over the long-term. I really don’t get why they didn’t use birth control, unless they actually planned having the child.

      • funcakes says:

        Jessica Simpson and Nick “my father in law grabbed my ass” Lachey
        Kate and John Gosselin
        Hulk and Linda Hogan
        Danny Bonadouce and his wife
        Carman Electra and dude from chilli peppers
        Sonny and Cher (Yeah,that’s right. I went there)
        Flavor Flav and Bridget Nelson

      • truthSF says:

        Eww…7. the “My Foofy” barf affair.

  22. The Eternal Side-Eye says:

    The faster to bed, the faster to wed, the faster to divorced (sorry I bet you thought that last part would rhyme but I couldn’t find anything that fit).

  23. Happy21 says:

    I’m a fan of Gotham and I can’t stand her on the show. I don’t know what the plans are for her this year but all I can say is that this isn’t good for business as far as FOX goes. I hope they kill her off early because when this ends – and it will – It will not end well. I’d hate to see this ruin the show.

    • TQB says:

      well, as a fellow fan of the show, I think she’s awesome on it and would be very disappointed if they killed her off. But, agree that this whole situation makes me nervous about the effect on the show.

  24. WinnieCoopersMom says:

    I only come here to say I’m disappointed in Ben M. I had a HUGE crush on him in the OC days and it has always seemed like he had a good head on his shoulders, very stable guy…we can’t blame all the drama on her. Sad that this is an “oops! baby” that hurts and inconveniences a lot of ppl. I’m glad they chose to keep it, but they look really stressed and unhappy about the situation according to the pics..hope everyone in this situation can get it all figured out and be happy in the long-run. On a positive note, I think Ben will make a cute dad.

    • MP says:

      I’m also disappointed in him. He seems to be a very private person; I know I rarely hear anything about his personal life. I can’t imagine he’s happy with how things are playing out so publicly. I feel bad for him, but he made his own bed I guess.

  25. perplexed says:

    Never pictured Ryan Atwood getting involved in this kind of mess.

  26. Alex says:

    TMZ reported that she gets full physical custody and they have joint legal custody. The judge decided late last week.

    This whole thing is messy. Supposedly he was cheating on her for a while and their child was a band aid baby (those never work). And then she hooked up with BM. Who knows the real truth.

    • Andrea says:

      Doesn’t that change the narrative completely then for those bashing her above?

      • Alex says:

        It does. It’s sketchy because she never went public with anything about him cheating. It was rumored and the husband is trying to win the court of public opinion. It sounded like they were separated pretty much right after the baby was born
        Also men don’t have things oopsie babies that pinpoint an exact date of an affair.

        Either way both parties are super messy so neither gets my favor

      • Jessica says:

        Why? Her ex’s behavior doesn’t make her own any better.

        She could have just left him, instead she waited until she had a jump-off, and now her life and her child’s life will be messy forever.

      • Dita says:

        To me it’s still messy as all hell. Like someone above me just said that doesn’t make her own behavior any better. Two innocent children are now caught up in all this drama.

    • perplexed says:

      I don’t get why neither person used birth control, unless both were desperate for a baby (in her case a second one, and for him a first one) before the age of 40.

      • Andrea says:

        You’d be surprised how many intelligent people get caught up in the moment. I have several friends who have had oops babies, two of which married people they barely knew and now are in miserable marriages for the ‘sake of the kids”.

      • TQB says:

        50% of pregnancies in the US are still accidental. FIFTY PERCENT. Oops babies happen so much more often than we think!

      • perplexed says:

        I wouldn’t be surprised if oops babies are common, but I guess I figure you should go that extra mile if you’re married, in the public eye, and get pregnant by someone who is not the husband. Who knows if the new relationship will even last that long, even if they do get married…

  27. Jeanette says:

    Wonder how they are certain its the new guy’s baby? It doesnt say anything about a DNA, and the husband alleges they were still sleeping together.

    • Mltpsych says:

      Sleeping in the same bed while married does not necessarily mean there is sex happening

    • TQB says:

      Yeah, I think Chick’s insistence that they were still “working it out” when she got pregnant is a little disingenuous. Everyone seems pretty content to accept that the baby is not his, and the only way to know that for sure is if he knew he hadn’t slept with her.

  28. iheartgossip says:

    Won’t last 1 year.

  29. anniek says:

    If you look at Morena’s private life prior to all of this, she seems to have lived a fairly boring domestic life by Hollywood standards. She has no rep for jumping from costar to costar (although I am aware that there were rumors about her and Damian Lewis her costar on Homeland) . Her soon to be ex is someone she dated for several years before they married in 2011. She doesn’t seem to be someone with a collection of past boyfriends, unlike a lot of actresses.

    Ben is the same and if anything he is even more boring than her. He seems to have been extremely discreet about his relationships to the point that a lot of people thought he was gay.

    And now this.

    Maybe there’s something in the Gotham water…

    If there is anything that is similar between the two ( Ben and Morena) it’s that they have been constantly working on projects. Especially Morena. After she gave birth, she went back to work almost immediately. I don’t know how often her husband was with her while she was working.

    What’s also interesting is how the two were able to keep this relationship under wraps for months until last week.

    • Jessica says:

      Well she’s also just not very famous. She could have had a bunch of messy affairs in the past, but unless she had them with someone more famous, no one will have bothered to write about it.

      The only reason this is getting attention is because it’s so ridiculously Jerry Springer. If she wasn’t knocked up or if she’d gotten pregnant a few months later, no one would be talking about it.

  30. GoLightly says:

    Weren’t they living separately for quite a while before he filed for divorce? I think Chick has chosen his words carefully. To say that they were still “sharing a bed” and that they were “working” on their marriage seems to be a roundabout way of saying they still owned a house together (and sometimes would go home to it at the same time) and were actually not together anymore but had not yet taken definitive action to legally separate. Looking into Chick’s side of that marriage, it’s rich that he wants to bitch about infidelity.

    • Tanya says:

      Yes. It’s rare that anyone gets full custody in a divorce. Methinks he was hardly the devoted husband and father he’s proclaiming himself to be. Plus he hasn’t worked at all as far as anyone can find. I suspect this is all a play to get alimony.

      • Jessica says:

        Getting full physical custody of a young child isn’t rare, it’s actually the default. Ideally young children will have a primary carer, so often joint physical custody is put off for a few years.

        He has joint legal custody.

  31. Eru says:

    So amazing. I feel sorry for guy. But it looks like it was unhappy marriage for a while. If he says “the time she was telling me she wanted to work on our marriage” then it means there were big problems. Good luck to Morena with Ben. Like them both. Sorry ordinary guy – no one knows you and dont care about you.

  32. Bridget says:

    I am a bit skeptical to make any judgments based solely off of one person’s divorce/custody filing, especially when for the most part it seems like it was pretty un-contentiously settled. She could be a mess, or it could have truly been a crappy marriage.

    • Jessica says:

      Even if it was an awful marriage, maybe file for divorce BEFORE starting to screw your co-worker without protection.

  33. Dita says:

    So her ex-husband walked into the house and found his wife’s side piece freshly showered playing with his kid? That is a big bowl of HELL NAW! Very disrespectful and bold of her to allow something like that. I understand things happen and marriages break up and people move on. But if this truly took place this was super messy of her. WOW.

  34. Barbara says:

    She’s a naughty girl….