Jaimie Alexander: ‘I hate being skinny. It’s not a good look for me.’

JA shape

Jaimie Alexander has a great publicist. A few years ago, I could barely pick Jaimie out of a line-up, and now she’s killing red carpets, getting major magazine covers and starring in her own network drama. Of course, her role on Blindspot is causing drama, but that just ups her name-recognition even more. Plus, she’s engaged to Peter Facinelli, which… er, good luck with that! Anyway, Jaimie covers the new issue of Shape Magazine and she comes across as a very tough woman. Physically tough, resilient, strong. It’s nice – most actresses spend their interviews talking about yoga, diets and Pilates. Jaimie talks about boxing, wrestling, push-up competitions and eating all the time.

Skinny is so not her goal in life. “I pretty much eat all day to keep my strength up. I’m primarily a vegetarian who has an occasional side of fish. When I trained for the movie Thor, there were days when I was burning 4,000 calories and I had to slam lots of protein shakes. Now my day starts with a green shake called Garden of Plenty, which is packed with superfoods and grains. When I’m working, craft services makes me these amazing gluten-free wraps with lots of vegetables and ‘vegannaisse’ or hummus. I generally keep my diet pretty healthy, but if there’s pizza, I’ll eat it. And I will knock back a beer or some bourbon, too. I don’t deprive myself. And I hate being skinny. It’s not a good look for me. When I eat well and work out, I’m truly at my best.”

She was a wrestler in high school. “In competition, I only went up against females, but I trained with the guys because there weren’t enough girls on my school team. All the discipline and perseverance I have now comes from that sport. I get through all the intense physical training for Blindspot because of what I learned from wrestling.”

She learned to box with Chris Hemsworth. “I wasn’t very healthy in my twenties—I sat around and ate a lot of crap, and my weight peaked at 150 pounds. Then I got the part in Thor. I felt as if I had a whole new purpose in life. I was like, I can do this, but I was so out of shape. Chris and I started boxing to train for our roles, and I became the athlete I was in high school. I lost 20 pounds and packed on a ton of muscle.”

On her pushup contest with Arnold Schwarzenegger: “I made a movie called The Last Stand with Arnold, and everybody went to the gym together. It was super intimidating to work out with him because he was curling a gazillion pounds, but I did it. On set, the crew had a perfect push-up contest, which Arnold supervised. I lost, but I learned that I can do 25 of them, so I felt pretty good about it.”

On getting (glued) into character: “When I read the script for Blindspot, I said, Wow, this ticks all my boxes.” The character is vulnerable but tough. The role uses my sports and fighting background. And my character’s body is a massive canvas with an endless number of tattoos. They’re actually glued onto me. The first time I got all the tattoos applied, my body kind of went into shock because my skin – my largest organ – was covered with glue! But once I relaxed, it was extraordinary, especially when I caught sight of myself in the mirror. Every Friday I take off the tattoos, and every Monday we put them on again. This has been such a cool role for me to play because honestly, if I weren’t an actress, I’d be fully sleeved with tattoos anyway.”

On being engaged to a vampire: “I never saw myself getting married or having children. It just wasn’t on my agenda. But being with Peter [Facinelli, who played a vampire in the Twilight series] is the best-case scenario, because he has these three beautiful kids and I’m so happy to be in their lives.”

[From Shape]

She comes across as very matter-of-fact, direct and dare I say, butch. That’s not a slam – people always say that I’m butch, that I write, think and talk like a dude. So I recognize that quality in other women and I don’t think it’s a put-on in Jaimie’s case. She also tells the magazine that her current workout is called The Prison Workout, and she trained with a Navy SEAL for Blindspot. She really IS that tough.


Photos courtesy of Shape.

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53 Responses to “Jaimie Alexander: ‘I hate being skinny. It’s not a good look for me.’”

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  1. LAK says:

    Nope. Still think she’s Ashley Greene in terms of visuals.

    I recognise her name though.

    • perplexed says:

      Oh yeah, she does look like Ashley Greene in terms of styling.

      I just know her as the lady who is engaged to Jennie Garth’s ex-husband. If Jennie Garth wasn’t involved, I don’t think I’d have any clue who she is.

    • Priya says:

      I only know her as the woman Peter F. cheated on Jennie Garth with after Twilight made him more famous. He seemed like a really good guy before that.

  2. Sara says:

    Maybe it’s better not to be too recognizable! Makes your acting more convincing. Just me?

    • CornyBlue says:

      Nope. I almost cannot watch movies with huge personalities like Leo, JLaw and the like because I feel like i know them too well from interviews. Takes me out of the movie.

      • Hiddlesgirl85 says:

        @CornyBlue: LOL. I think that you meant to say “yep.” You and Sara are essentially saying the same things.

      • Jen in Texas says:

        Hiddlesgirl: She meant to say “nope.” Sara’s question was, “Just me?” The answer was “Nope, not just you.”

      • jammypants says:

        Same here. I cannot watch films with huge stars. For some reason I can stomach Chris Pratt. I guess the friendly cuddliness helps him, but he’s so limited. Jennifer Lawrence is the same in every movie. Give me more Jake Gyllenhaal and Gugu Mbatha-raw or any actors who can get into character.

    • perplexed says:

      I’m not convinced this one is a future Oscar winner though.

  3. Locke Lamora says:

    She sounds more like an athlete than an actress. Is she any good?
    I aplaud her effort, but all this physical stuff isn’t acting which is primarily her job. I feel like all the extra stuff actors do these days is praised more than the actual acting.

    • LAK says:

      That always been the way. They make a virtue out of the extra stuff they choose to do for their role in order to receive extra points. Some make it a key point in their marketing. This gimmick always works spectacularly come award season see everyone from Tom Cruise to AnnE Hathaway.

      My favourite riposte to such virtuous over exertion in the service of a role is Laurence Olivier to Dustin Hoffman who was being method (mentally and physically) in their scene,’why don’t you try just acting?’

    • raptor says:

      I think it’s important to consider context here, too, though. She’s being interviewed by Shape; of course they’re going to talk about diet and exercise.

    • crtb says:

      I aplaud her effort, but all this physical stuff isn’t acting which is primarily her job. I feel like all the extra stuff actors do these days is praised more than the actual acting.

      That is how I feel about Leonardo Dicaprio in The Revenant. His acting wasn’t impressive. What people are responding to is what he had to do for the role. Eat raw bison liver, drag himself across the ice in the freezing cold. Get naked inside of a horse and get beat up by a bear.

    • jammypants says:

      I think this talk of her regimen is due to being featured in a magazine about health, exercise, and diet. I think she can freely admit, she is an action star more than an actress, at least from a past interview I’ve read.

  4. WTF says:

    Side eye all day. I’m not buying a word of this.

    • vauvert says:

      Why? She is great in Blindspot, and her role is very physically demanding. She looks great, not thin, and training with a SEAL… I wish I were able to do that!

  5. Luxe says:

    I like that she talks about how much she has to eat when she’s working out heavily.

  6. Jess says:

    I loved her as Lady Sif. And I like that’s she’s talking about being strong. That’s what I want my daughter to focus on.

  7. CornyBlue says:

    I think she is so very stunning and I love her as Sif. I also love her body and love that she does give the I eat Pizza and all types of bread all day bullshit.

  8. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    That bored the bejesus out of me. All I have to say is getting a tattoo on your underarm is probably not a good long term plan. Even if you stay in great shape, that’s the first part of your body to get weird.

  9. platypus says:

    I used to watch her in Kyle XY, before she was much of a celebrity. She was definitely softer back then, so I’m not convinced “skinny” is her default… I remember well, because she struck me as one of the most gorgeous women I’d ever seen (and still is).

  10. Tania says:

    I’m glad she is focused on eating enough while working out. I had to stop watching her show, she always looks like she’s two seconds away from crying.

  11. Rhiley says:

    Jenny Garth is probably going to have a crappy couple of weeks. *sigh*

  12. It'sJustBlanche says:

    I want to say something intelligent but I’m too stunned by the amount of photoshop on her armpits.

  13. Sarah01 says:

    She is striking and looks healthy.
    I think she could easily do an action flick something that cruise would do, instead put her in it.

  14. Lbliss says:

    So she was 150 then happen to land a movie part with Chris Hemsworth? Does Hollywood look at people who are at 150 for movie rolls? Cool story, but no.

  15. Scm says:

    i applaud her for wanting to be in great shape, but why can’t these celebs eat normal food, instead of all vegetables only and weird juices??? Eat a steak!!!

  16. HoustonGrl says:

    I don’t really believe in ascribing numbers as a guideline for someone’s healthy and/or natural weight, but 130 is really thin for someone her height. I’m 5’9″ and weigh around 150, and that’s with a very healthy diet and lots of exercise. The few times in my life that I’ve weighed around 135-140, people ask me (out of concern) if I have an eating disorder, and I’ve only been that skinny after a break-up.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Yes, I am always stunned when I see the stats on models, too. Someone a foot taller than I am weighs less than I do at my thinnest. Can’t be good.

    • PennyLane says:

      The size of a person’s frame can make a big difference. I’m 5’7″ and 120 lbs, but because I have a small frame I just look average. The general rule is 5 pounds over 100 for every inch of height – so for someone who is 5’9″, 145 lbs is considered an average weight.

      That being said, I went to college near NYC, and there were always a few students who were working as runway models and commuted. Those women were BONY. You couldn’t really call them thin, because they didn’t really have any flesh at all. They didn’t have a spare ounce – I swear they weighed the same as me but they were six feet tall. Scary.

    • Maxime DuCamp says:

      It really depends on your age and bone structure, though. I’m also 5’9″ and in my 20s and 30s, I weighed between 125-135 and that was a good weight for me, because although I am tall, I am rather fine-boned. I was able to maintain that weight eating whatever I damn well pleased and without a lot of exercise (I don’t drive so I’ve always walked a lot, sometimes I’m better about going to the gym or doing yoga. but lots of times I haven’t been). Now that I’m older, anything under 135 and I start to look gaunt but anything much higher than 150 and I feel heavy (for me and my particular body shape and structure). Long story short, while 150 would be a normal or even thin side of normal weight for a lot of tall women, 130 isn’t necessarily super thin if you’ve got a fine/small bone structure.

    • Emily C. says:

      130 is particularly low weight for someone of her height who says she does exercises that normally build a lot of muscle. But she doesn’t look muscular. Maybe it’s the lack of protein diet, but I’m side-eyeing her claims of what kind of exercises she does.

  17. here's Wilson says:

    She’s proud of doing 25 push ups? I’m a former Marune and I’ve done So. Many. Push ups. I’m site I’m a little judgy. I guess I’m just not believing all the other athletic training crap she’s ‘pushing’ if that’s where she was at in terms of upper body strength.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      True, I’m a slug pretty much and I can eke out 25 push ups.

    • Bridget says:

      Also, burning 4000 calories a day? Um, no, not unless she’s doing 4-5 hours of extremely intense exercise, non-stop. The stuff she’s talking about sounds tough at first glance, but the details paint a different picture.

      • tealily says:

        If she’s filming action sequences all day, it seems completely plausible to me that she would be doing 4-5 hours of extremely intense exercise, or 10-12 hours of slightly less intense exercise.

  18. here's Wilson says:

    She’s proud of doing 25 push ups? I’m a former Marine and I’ve done So. Many. Push ups. I’m sure I’m a little judgy. I guess I’m just not believing all the other athletic training crap she’s ‘pushing’ if that’s where she was at in terms of upper body strength.

    • xpresson says:

      Well…. There is push ups and then there is push ups. She was saying Arnold was supervising the contest. I would imagine she must have had to go all the way down until her chest almost hit the floor, and elbows not sticking out but more backwards in perfect form which they are super hard to do. If that is the case I can’t do 25. If the form is not so perfect, then yes I can do them with out a problem.

      • HoustonGrl says:

        A really pro trainer once told me that perfect form is your actually elbows out (not a yoga push up), forming a T shape. That is SO hard. I can do one and a half.

  19. dj says:

    This was my my first choice of “Wonder Woman.” I know there was some deal about her already playing Lady Sif…but really Lady Sif was a bad ass Wonder Woman!

  20. Miss Jupitero says:

    I like her haircut, and it is refreshing to hear from a celeb who doesn’t have an eating disorder. My goodness the bar is low these days.

    She is a fine Sif. Other than that, I find her to be kind of meh.

  21. Colette says:

    Well her engagement is over with Peter.