Tony Romo tells Jessica Simpson no marriage until she stops drinking


Jessica Simpson has been pressuring Tony Romo to get married since… forever ago. Literally forever ago. Yes, I mean literally in this situation. It’s been since the beginning of time or something. Tony has stood firm in his no’s, and that’s saying something for the guy. Can you imagine having Joe Simpson all up in your business, pressuring you to make an honest woman out of his eldest daughter? Most lesser men would have caved in by now.

But Tony’s got good reasons for saying no, and it shows he’s much more mature than Jessica. He says he’s not going to even consider getting engaged until she tones down the partying – significantly.


That’s the ultimatum Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo gave girlfriend Jessica Simpson after the 28-year-old beauty went on a post-tour party spree.

In late March, the Texas-bred blonde wrapped up her tour opening for country music titans Rascal Flatts, and she’s been celebrating by cutting loose with a series of alcohol-fueled nights out, say sources.

“Tony is fed up,” the insider told The ENQUIRER. “She’s been pressuring him to marry her and have children, but he’s giving her a firm ‘no’ until she cleans up her act.”

With her career at a standstill, Jess has shifted her focus to convincing Tony that the time’s right to get married and start a family.

“But Tony won’t even consider moving forward with Jess until she cuts back on partying,” said the insider.

[From the Enquirer]

I’m impressed with Tony. He is 100% right. And to be fair, if Jessica’s not ready to tone it down, so be it. She’s allowed her youth, assuming she’s not hurting herself or anyone else with her partying. But if she wants to party it up, she shouldn’t also want to settle down. The two life stages just don’t go well together. Lots of people try to combine them – but being that mom on the block who’s out until 3 a.m. every night is sorta pathetic. I wouldn’t want to raise a family with someone who was still acting like they’re 22, and I don’t blame Tony for feeling the same way. He’s right to insist that Jessica be in a place in her life where she’s ready to be a settled, responsible adult before marriage. And like I said – if she’s not, no biggie. Just give it some time.

Here are Jessica and Tony out in Dallas on May 26th. Images thanks to Fame Pictures .

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34 Responses to “Tony Romo tells Jessica Simpson no marriage until she stops drinking”

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  1. Ana says:

    Why does she wear stripper shoes all the time?!!?!?
    I understand that she’s short and her boobs make her look heavier than she is but seriously. She wears them everything!!!

  2. lrm says:

    well,i personally have,esp. lately,thought ‘wow,she has a drinking problem’,b/c it seems every other pic. of her shows her wasted. not just a few drinks,out and about,but full on sh*tfaced. So,I’m not surprised….and 28 is not that young-c’mon-she has been allowed her youth….
    of course,she can party and have the lifestyle she chooses,but it may be a choice between two things.
    Anyway,I have been suspect of her relationship with alcohol.

  3. Ally says:

    He sounds alternately commitment-phobic and controlling. Who knows how much of the gossip is true, but he sounds like an a-hole.

    Of course one shouldn’t expect much gentlemanly behavior from football players.

  4. OXA says:

    He sounds like a wise man, who does not want to be around a lush.

  5. neelyo says:

    Imagine how dumb she is when she’s drunk. The mind reels.

  6. ChristinaT says:

    does this woman have a any backbone whatsoever? i mean, i’m thinking not… if someone gave me an ultimatum like that i’d be pretty pissed off, especially at her grown age… it’s not like she’s a child…

    she just bugs me… it’s like she has nothing else to live for besides her pathetic relationships… and even the way she’s laying her head on him makes her look so needy… like she’s all up in his ass… and then just gushes about it constantly in tabloids… just seems so annoying and clingy…

  7. Cinderella says:

    Oh, so he stopped boozing it up within the last two months? What a hypocrite. If he doesn’t want to marry her, have the balls to give her a real excuse.

  8. j. ferber says:

    I agree with Ally. I’ve known guys who constantly put up obstacles to commitment, just like Tony Romo. Let’s wait until I get another job that I really like. Let’s wait until I sell my condo. Let’s wait until you stop partying so much. She’s probably partying so much out of frustration that he won’t marry her. God, I even feel like pressuring him to marry her. What is it with these guys? I say it’s not maturity, but foot-dragging on his part.

  9. paranel says:

    Wow. She is so needy . When a guy puts an ” if ” after the marrying phrase, it means they don’t want to marry you and are looking for an excuse. Get a clue bimbo.

  10. Annie says:

    Evidently they both need help and don’t seem even remotely healthy for each other.

    But in more important news, seriously Jessica, quit with those slutshoes.

    I’m short as shit too and I’m not teetering on 6 inch platforms like you love to do at every chance you get.

  11. Mel says:

    j. ferber- You have a point! I totally agree!

  12. cakes says:

    If she hadn’t dumped nick then she would have the marriage and kids that she so desperately wants. I don’t feel sorry for her.

  13. cakes says:

    ….oh and I agree with you guys. He won’t marry her

  14. anastasiabeaverhausen says:

    Eh, this is just another way for him to say no to marrying her. She’s wasting her time with him if it’s marriage she wants.

    On the other hand, can’t blame him.

  15. anonymous says:

    Before you wrote this article did anyone check just how much of this time has been spent in Dallas with Tony since her tour ended? LOL Thats what I thought. lol This is all such BS. She is in Dallas much more with Tony then ever in LA & did anyone check the nites she was out with girlfriends & why? Thats what I thought again. Do your homework before you talk trash.

  16. orion70 says:

    provided this story has any truth….

    unless someone has a serious substance abuse, or was pregnant or something, this is not impressive, it’s a wee bit scary. You don’t issue ultimatums and conditions on relationships or marriage.

  17. jossaline says:

    marriage isnt for everyone and i dont see that as a bad thing. people can be committed and love each other without a marriage certificate to justify their relationship. i dont understand women who pressure their boyfriends to marry them, if the boyfriend doesnt want to then either wait for him to be ready or accept that he will never be ready to marry you, and respect his feelings, or move on to someone who wants the same thing as you do. respect is key and she needs to respect his wishes. eventually he will get tired of her pressuring him and he will leave her because she is to needy and you cant make someone do something they dont want to. i’ve been with my boyfriend for 12 years we are committed to each other we respect and love each other and we have been living together for 11 years, and we love it this way…it has been working for us and we have lasted longer then some people who have tied the knot…marriage doesnt represent forever…theres no need to get married when in my heart i feel im already married the moment i decided to be faithful to one person i consider myself married…i just dont see why guys are looked at like a-holes, or players, or girls say they just want to make up excuses and then they start with the namecalling, and maybe they are full of excuses but i cant blame the men because it doesnt feel good to be pressured…so they feel they have to tell their women lies…i have to say ladie’s its not fair to stereotype a man a certain way just because he doesnt want to walk down the aisle…its not fair and there are some great guys out there even if they dont believe in marriage thats their choice and that doesnt or shouldnt change their character just for that reason. i am on the defense for the men on this one.

  18. blake says:

    i dont know if this is true but i can totally see jessica being this annoying about marriage and children.i think she will push him over the edge and he will dump her,people can only take so much of the pressure before they are sick and tired of that person.jessica was more of a rebound for him anyway because he was hooked on carrie and rebounds never last forever,that is why nick is on the verge of dumping vanessa because she was his rebound, carrie knew that he wasnt going to commit he was to busy playing games so she moved on..but jess doesnt have the brain cells to know that. if she would of stayed w/ nick and told her creepy father to stay out of her relationship she would have probably had the marriage and the children by now already like she is desiring…sometimes the grass isnt always greener on the other side…

  19. Neelyo – I know!

  20. ChristinaT says:

    jossaline… i think the name calling begins when the guy won’t admit that he doesn’t want to marry a girl, but makes excuses to keep her strung along… i think that’s very cruel to do to a person who is in love with you…

  21. Dirty Martini says:

    Those of us in Dallas respectfully request that she stay the eff away from our quarterback.

    She has trashed the last 2 seasons.

    Has she heard that Mel Gibson is available now? Maybe Liam Neeson?

    No? How about Samantha Ronson? Lilo?

    ANyone but Tony…….

  22. lj says:

    She’s ben a lush for years. I think the fact that her parents didn’t drink when she was young makes her want to drink more. She would be a terrible mom, she can’t even take care of Daisy. She is pathetic.

  23. Autumm Leaves says:

    Tony does not want to get married to Jessica. She wants another “fairy tale wedding” and Tony isn’t interested. Both her and her dad have been pressuring him for the past year.

  24. Ana says:

    I think one of the reasons for her wanting to get married is that she thinks it will help her career. It did work the first time…

  25. TinaWithPom says:

    If Tony had wanted to marry Jessica, the girl’d be wearing an engagement ring by now. He’s “just not that into” Miss Simpson.

  26. boomchakaboom says:

    Poooor J. Simp. First her talent didn’t live up to her career aspirations, now her happily ever after fantasy (take II) is being shot down by her own misfires. Pooor little J. Simp. Will she ever learn – anything?

  27. desultory says:

    Aaaaah! It’s the camel toe shorts! Why does he continue to wear them? They give him man-vag.

  28. Bobby the K says:


    All I can tell you is I’m glad I didn’t ever get married.

    Very glad.

    But even if she stops drinking, it would only be a temporary thing, or she would hide it.

    You’ve got to take a realistic view of someone and say, ‘can I accept them as they are right now or not’?

    Trying to change someone else is a big mistake many people make.

    Look how hard it is to change yourself, drop a bad habit or something even if you’re motivated.

    Relationships based on rules and conditions would seem to be a recipe for problems down the road.

    IMHO anyway.

  29. t says:

    Lol Dirty Martini! I feel your pain.

    If she really is a lush and Romo did tell her to lay off the booze, I’m hoping he is trying to ease out of this mess without setting her off.

    Just drop her off at the Betty Ford clinic, Romo, and wash your hands of her once and for all.

  30. Anoneemouse says:

    Jessica is just in love with the idea of marriage but I seriously doubt she knows what a commitment is. She also seems to have a drinking problem and I say that because EVERY time she goes out drinking she crawls out the bars with her hair all dissheveled and a mess and her eyes all wasted – it’s just so obvious! It’s one thing to go out and have a few drinks but something tells me this girl just doesn’t know how to stop once she gets going. Wasn’t there also something in the news a while back where her and her girlfriend Cacee Cobb ended up puking underneath the table? If that’s true, that is really gross and I wouldn’t want them at my parties!

  31. flicketyflack says:

    Believe me when I say I’m no fan of Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo, two majorly overhyped mediawhoring personalities who seek and get attention way out of proportion to their mediocre abilities and accomplishments. And I get that the Engagement Watch is happening because Jessica constantly puts it out there.

    But they’ve been dating less than a year and a half and they had a mini-breakup/reconciliation last May. Seems things have stabilized since then. But I see comments on other sites where people say if Tony hasn’t proposed by now he won’t and I disagree. It only feels like they’ve dated forever because they constantly put themselves out there. It hasn’t been THAT long.

    I think it says more that Tony’s still with Jessica after all the oversharing and unprofessionalism and embarrassments. Take this in the snarky but also serious tone it’s meant: IMO they’re perfect for each other. I also think the Enquirer story is untrue. Tony seems to like his alcohol too after all and I think Jessica was photographed drunk more last year than this year.

  32. jossaline says:

    christina i disagree with you i think that deep down jessica knows that tony doesnt want to marry her and shes in denial,a woman knows and has that intuition if there man is playing games she’s ignoring her feelings, and if she’s being strung along by tony it’s her fault because she is allowing him to and she needs to put herself first instead of the man for once she always allows the man to walk all over her she is not a strong independent women.wheres her pride she’s begging and pressuring her man to marry her? that is pathetic that she doesnt have any pride to walk away from someone who is using her. she is a dissapointment.

  33. AC says:

    If Tony really loved and cared for Jessica, he would marry her readily in spite of what he sees as an issue of her “partying”.

    It’s a pathetic excuse to get out of marrying her. Next month, his excuse will be because she’s too this or too that…whatever, he just needs to be straight up with her and stop dragging his feet.

  34. Dirty Martini says:

    The unfortunate reality is that Tony was totally wanting to be with her for a long time before he was. He was lusting after her during her John Mayer hookup days. He finally got to be with her when that fell apart.

    And I daresay he is living the phrase “Be careful what you ask for–you just might get it.”

    I’m thinking he’s thinking “marriage material? Not so much”.