Melissa McCarthy on the Ghostbusters trailer: ‘I think it’s very confusing’


When Kaiser posted the Ghostbuster trailer back in March, I, like most of you, tried to keep an open mind. However, I had trouble figuring out where the first story ended and this new story began. The very first thing the trailer says is “Thirty years ago, four scientists saved New York. This summer, a new team will answer the call.” And then it proceeds to show clips of what looks like the exact same story that we saw thirty years ago, right down to the hearse for a company car. It left many people confused whether this was sequel or reboot. Star Melissa McCarthy agrees that the trailer is confusing and took the time to explain it when she called in to The Johnjay and Rich Show.

In the wake of the Ghostbusters trailer being voted as one of the most disliked in YouTube history, one of the stars of the Sony reboot acknowledged the early promo clips were “very confusing.”

As a guest on The Johnjay & Rich Show, Melissa McCarthy addressed the issues surrounding the trailer. “It’s a reboot, not a remake. I know it’s weird that they say [in the trailer] “30 years ago,” but in this movie it’s like the first one didn’t happen,” said the Spy star on what the new all-female interpretation of Ghostbusters really was.

She then outlined how the story was broadly the same in the reboot as the original. “It’s a great story but told totally differently. It’s the same thing of four unlikely heroes, it’s in New York city, ghosts are taking over. It’s the same classic story, but it’s not a ’30 years later,’ ” she said.

Asked if she thought it was confusing, McCarthy agreed and revealed that she had raised some questions about it. “Believe me, the question was asked. I think it’s very confusing.”

She added humorously: “But then everyone said, ‘We don’t care what you think.’

[The Hollywood Reporter]

The trailer was voted the most disliked trailer in YouTube history – just let that sink in. With 610,000 dislikes, it sits at number 18 on their Most Disliked Videos list as well. People signed in on multiple accounts so they could dislike the trailer more than once – ouch! I’ll admit the trailer left me nonplussed. I like the cast and I want the film to do well, but I didn’t set my hopes too high. I am glad Melissa clarified that this film presents the story as if the the first film didn’t happen. Personally, I feel that has its own issues when the first one was so good, but I’m still going to see it when it opens on July 15th.

One thing that does make sense is Chris Hemsworth being hired to play the hot secretary. Melissa confirms that Chris has some comedy chops.


Filming on the set of 'Ghostbusters'


Photo credit: Fame/Flynet and WENN Photos

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33 Responses to “Melissa McCarthy on the Ghostbusters trailer: ‘I think it’s very confusing’”

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  1. Lindy79 says:

    I’ve liked Paul Feig’s movies in the past and his trailers have been dodgy as hell so I’m holding out hope, the SPY one was awful but I really enjoyed the film. There has been a HUGE amount of criticism from some fanboys about this being all female (not because it’s an unnecessary remake/reboot), just simply because it’s women and long before even a shot was filmed they were determined to hate it and make it bomb, you only have to go online and read some of the stuff, so the amount of dislikes I would bet is related to that in some shape or form.

    • Dtab says:

      I totally agree with everything you have said….I am looking forward mainly because it is a great cast and at the very least its making more roles for women in Hollywood.

    • Alex says:

      I want to like it but it just doesn’t look appealing to me. And a lot of people took issue with the fact that the only WOC in the movie is the only non-scientist and looks/acts like a caricature of an “urban street smart” character. So that was the nail in the coffin for me as well

      • LR says:

        Yes, I am a feminist, and I fully support female led casts, but I think it’s problematic that the group dynamic seems to rely on tired stereotyping of the one black woman.

    • Tig says:

      Couldn’t agree with you more- all the “hate” is a totally manufactured product. For the first time ever, I am considering doing that pre-order on Fandango to counter this BS. At this point, whether the movie is good or bad is besides the point. Want women in film? Then support women in film. Maybe the day will come when it’s not that basic, but that day isn’t here yet.

      • pinetree13 says:

        I agree. I think the number of dislikes being so high is PRECISELY because they used a female cast. Think about, lots of other crummy trailors/movies come out but they don’t get NEAR the same number of dislikes on youtube.

    • nicole says:

      Yes, the dislikes had nothing to do with the quality of the trailer and everything to do with people being outraged that women would be stars of a reboot. Other unnecessary reboots didn’t get this hate because men remained the focus, it’s that simple.

    • amilu says:

      I’ve had a soft spot for Paul Feig since I saw Ski Patrol in the early 90s, and I loved Freaks and Geeks more than anything. So I always give him a chance.

    • Emily says:

      My two cents: The original Ghostbusters is one of my favorite movies ever and even if they took four male comedians and tried to reboot the concept it’d be absolute crap. However since they’re really trying to force FUNNY WOMEN ARE FUNNY in this thing it’s going to be even crappier.

      I imagine it’ll tank (to a degree) and it’ll deserve to because very very few things need to be rebooted. Ghostbusters was in no way one of those things.

  2. Sam says:

    I think it’s just very terrible. And what sucks is that if this movie bombs or doesn’t make money we all know what Hollywood execs are going to think…we can’t have an all female cast and have a successful franchise. So let’s hope the movie is better than the trailer.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Agree and share your hope for the same reason. Ugh, I might even go see it just to support women in film, though it’s not something I would normally watch. No shade, just not my thing.

      • pinetree13 says:

        Me too GNAT. I honestly think it’s time us women started voting with our dollars. Not that interested in this movie, but if I want other female led movies to be EVER given a chance in the future, I need to vote with my dollars. Sadly unless a lot of us do, I think the studio execs will DEFINITELY say “SEE?! The people don’t WANT female leads” and throw those scripts into the fire.

        I would urge people to give this movie a chance.

  3. lucy2 says:

    Most of those dislikes were probably from neckbeards in their mother’s basement, crying into their Mountain Dew that their childhood was being destroyed because WOMEN.

    I wish they’d have the directors make the trailers, it would just make more sense. But whatever, once the cast was announced, I planned on seeing it long before they even started filming.

    • Jenns says:

      Exactly. The only reason this trailer is so disliked is because a bunch of dudes hate the fact that women are now Ghostbusters. If this reboot featured men like Channing Tatum, Jonah Hill or Kevin Hart, it would never get this kind of backlash.

      I don’t care if this movie is terrible. I’m still going to give it my money in the theater because the sexism around this film is infuriating.

  4. Dangles says:

    Even as a kid I thought the first Ghost Busters was terribly overrated and overhyped .

    • Erinn says:

      I honestly HATE the originals. So I mean, this movie can’t do any harm for me.

  5. t.fanty says:

    That’s a bad trailer? I thought it looked great! I’m super excited for this movie, and I was one of the skeptics when it was announced.

    • Miss M says:

      I am with you on that one, Fanty. I was skeptical about it , but enjoyed the trailer. I think people who disliked the trailer felt their childhood memories were tarnished… :/

  6. Felice. says:

    Well there were talks about Sony actually deleting comments critiquing the trailer but leaving the troll ones up. People think that Sony is aiming on blaming the potential failure of this movie on the backlash and not the story. From what I saw on reddit, the story just isn’t Ghostbusters.

  7. Ninks says:

    It doesn’t matter how good or bad that trailer was, or how confusing or clear; it was always going to be the most unpopular trailer because of all the little butthurt boys who can’t stand that something has been made that isn’t intended for them to play with.

    I can’t imagine how sad your life must be to spend all that time downvoting a trailer for a film that nobody will force you to watch. All their hate campaign has done has made other people more determined to see it.

  8. tanesha86 says:

    That trailer was very confusing and as much as I love Melissa and Kristin, this movie just doesn’t look good to me. Still, I’ll probably go and see it to support them because I haven’t seen a strong female led action style movie since Bad Girls over 20 years ago.

  9. Meg D says:

    It’s very important to remember that one (or more than one?) of the MRA anti-woman hate groups made a decision to run a concerted campaign against this movie, purely on the grounds that they disagree with an all-female remake of a male-dominated classic. It’s been documented that a particular MRA group wrote a bot programme that would artificially increase the number of downvotes on the trailer (without actually watching it). I’m sure many of the downvotes are legit, but hundreds, possibly thousands of them are from this one bot.

    I haven’t seen the trailer and have limited interest in the movie, but it’s very important to separate the MRA hate campaign, from genuine dislike of the material. It’s disingenuous to act like “oh it’s lot of people who saw the trailer and thought it sucked so much they disliked it a couple of times.”

    • lucy2 says:

      Don’t those guys have anything better to do with their time? I guess not.

  10. Luffy says:

    I was looking forward to this before I saw the trailer. The fact that the only woman of color is the only non-scientist and a stereotypical black woman on top of that is off putting to me.

  11. Jenn Hoey says:

    I was excited to see the trailor and excited to see the film. I don’t understand the strong opinions for a movie no one has seen.

  12. Bishg says:

    What bugs me about trailers is that, nowadays, they put the whole story on it. You watch the trailer and you’ve already seen the best scenes, heard the best dialogues, predicted any possibile plot twist. The purpose of a trailer should be to intrigue, to spark curiosity, not to give away the whole godamn thing!
    PS: I don’t care about the haters, I will see the reboot! And let me tell you something, I watched the original Ghostbusters for the first time last year in the cinema (it was a special projection foir the 30th anniversary) and thought it was ridiculous!!!

  13. Maleficent says:

    The trailer made me want to actually see the movie….and how this was voted Most Disliked is a mystery to me. This voting clearly missed the 50 Shades one…

  14. Tig says:

    Upthread there are some commenters posting having concerns re the character Leslie Jones plays. She herself defends the character( no surprise there), but she stated she had gotten a lot of positive feedback from MTA workers- that they felt her character portrayed them in a positive way. Don’t think I read that here, but pretty sure I didn’t imagine it( hope not anyway- otherwise, have pretty good imagination!!)

  15. batata says:

    No,I’m not feeling it…this movie.They’re all good actress but not it’s not the same like the original cast.

  16. nicegirl says:

    I am LOVING that hot pink jumpsuit on Melissa. I WANT IT. Maybe in black?

  17. Amy Tennant says:

    I’m going to see it. I love Ghostbusters. I have a crush on McKinnon. I’m going to hope for the best. I just wish it had been a sequel and not a reboot, personally. I’m not an MRA. I’m a fan and a feminist. I would just have loved it to be a new team in the same world that had the old team in it.