Colton Hayes discusses his ‘coming out’ earlier this year: ‘I just wasn’t ready’


Earlier this year, Teen Wolf & Arrow star Colton Haynes seemingly came out with a shrug. Someone was on Tumblr, talking about Colton’s “secret gay past,” and Colton commented “Was it a secret? Let’s all just enjoy life & have no regrets.” People took the comment in the spirit in which it was offered: that his private life wasn’t a secret, but he wasn’t going to do some big tell-all coming-out interview. Months later, and he’s done a coming-out interview! Except not really – Colton sat down with EW to chat about why he needed a break from Hollywood (his anxiety issues) and the reaction to that Tumblr comment. You can read the full EW piece here. Some highlights:

Why he stepped away from Hollywood: “I asked to step away because I cared more about my mental and physical health than my career at the time. I’ve had terminal anxiety my entire life. Physically ill, fainting. I’m 27 years old, and I have an ulcer. I had to step back.”

He’s active on social media: “People think there’s this working machine behind it all, but the machine is my weird personality. I think I have a good outlook on life, and I like to share that. There’s no filter. I mean, a couple of Instagram filters, but not an actual communication filter.”

His Tumblr comment about his “secret gay past”: “It was a complete shock. I wasn’t ready to be back in the headlines,” says Haynes, who is in fact gay but has never publicly addressed his sexuality (and, like many others on his path, took advice early in his career to subdue it). “I should have made a comment or a statement, but I just wasn’t ready. I didn’t feel like I owed anyone anything. I think in due time, everyone has to make those decisions when they’re ready, and I wasn’t yet. But I felt like I was letting people down by not coming forward with the rest of what I should have said.”

He was dealing with a lot of stuff: “People want you to be that GQ image that you put out, but people don’t realize what it’s like to act 24 hours a day. I’d go home and I was still acting. People who are so judgmental about those who are gay or different don’t realize that acting 24 hours a day is the most exhausting thing in the world.”

He’s happy now: “It took me so long to get to this point, but I’m doing so good. I’m happier than I’ve ever been, and healthier than I’ve ever been, and that’s what I care about.”

[From EW]

EW points out that, as his original Tumblr comment indicated, Colton was never really in the closet. He had always been out to friends, family, coworkers and bosses. He just didn’t give interviews about it or discuss it publicly. Following the outcry in January, Colton did check himself into rehab for anxiety and according to EW, he “would be frequently back in the hospital over the next three months.” Poor kid. At least it sounds like he got the help he needed and that he’s in a much better place these days. I hope he discovers that his fans love and adore him even more these days.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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36 Responses to “Colton Hayes discusses his ‘coming out’ earlier this year: ‘I just wasn’t ready’”

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  1. aims says:

    I find it so tacky that some people think that because you’re an actor,or a public figure, that you’re not allowed any privacy. His sexuality is his business. If he wants to share who’s he’s attracted that’s his business. I applaud him for walking away. You’re well-being and peace of mind is the most important and if you’re so stressed out to the point of being sick, it’s time for a break to regroup.

    • Bridget says:

      I agree. I dislike the idea that nothing is official anymore without a press release. Coming out is a big moment between a person and the people in their life; we the public aren’t owed anything.

    • Dani2 says:

      Agree 100%. It’s not anybody’s business.

    • Kimbers says:

      Agreed. There were so many BI about him it was crazy

  2. Kristen says:

    Never heard of him, but hot damn is he attractive.

    • tegteg says:

      The salmon colored suit is too bright to look upon. It burns my retina. That second photo though… mama likey 🙂

    • swak says:

      I know him from the DC comic show Arrow, which is on the CW.

      • Marianne says:

        He always has the best Halloween costumes too. You should look up his Fiona and Ursula ones.

    • Bettyrose says:

      LOL! Exactly what I came to say. Don’t know who he is, but kudos on the lovely genes. Sounds like he handled this perfectly with the media.

    • Lolad says:

      Yeah-his face is like, “Thanks, mom and dad!”

    • pinetree13 says:

      I’ve seen a few episodes of Teen Wolf and even though he plays a “dumb, jock” type character in those episodes I was definitely struck by his beauty. He is a very, very handsome guy. *swoon*

  3. swak says:

    It is no one’s business but his and he doesn’t owe anyone an explanation. I LOVE his character on Arrow and was sad when he left the show (although he has done some guest appearances).

  4. KittenFarts says:

    He’s a beautiful man!! I do think that some of the best looking men I’ve ever seen have been gay.
    What’s that saying “if gays were meant to be hated, than why did God make them so cute?” Something like that.

  5. Ari says:

    I don’t care if he is gay or straight I simply cannot stand his smugtastic face lol maybe because he just played his character on teen wolf so well >_< still not even close to liking him in any capacity (not like anyone cares lol)

  6. Keaton says:

    I know him from Teen Wolf where he played a sexy jerk. lol. Glad he put his health first and is happier. Brave guy. Possibly even braver to talk about his anxiety issues than the fact he’s gay. There is so much stigma about mental health issues- especially men’s mental health.

  7. Common Sense says:

    He should check out Wentworth Miller’s Facebook page, it is really amazing. He deals with mental health and LGBTQ issues with class, compassion and so much love.

    • swak says:

      I wonder if they aren’t in communication as both have been on the same show (Arrow and The Flash).

  8. Luca76 says:

    What a gorgeous man.

    • pinetree13 says:

      Right?!? It was sad for me he’s gay no chance of hooking up LOL!

      Joking aside, he seems like a genuinely nice person too. I hope he gets over his anxiety. poor guy.

  9. Greenieweenie says:

    I just assume men that good looking are gay. 95% of the time, they are.

    • Colette says:

      Most gay men are not good looking.Most gay men are not stylish..Most gay men are not well groomed.Most gay men are masculine.Most gay men are indistinguishable from straight man.

  10. sorry says:

    Is it mean to comment on his Hitler mustache eyebrows in the top picture?

  11. K says:

    Well he is right it’s his business to tell and he is under no obligation to release a statement.

    The romantic and sex lives are none of our business and it is up to them to share. Feel bad this guy has had so many emotional issues.

  12. INeedANap says:

    I adore him if for nothing else than his FLAMAZING Halloween costumes! Also he was a cutie patootie on Arrow. I hope he’s in a more centered place now!

  13. Tash says:

    That suit is a big no…too loud. To quote Malcolm Tucker – “I’m getting fucking tinnitus here!”
    Anyway, good for Colton. Glad he is at peace with himself.

  14. Lolad says:

    I remember him being in the running for twilight back in the day cause he’s so handsomne . I think he’s very mature and gracious with how he’s handled the csituation.

  15. Mel M says:

    Honestly I was surprised that this was a “secret”. I just always assumed he was gay, his eye brows were always very very neatly done, almost too neatly and his face is gorgeous but you never heard of him with any women and he’s a hottie on a show on MTV.

    • pinetree13 says:

      What?!? He’s got bushy brows! What do you mean?

    • Mel M says:

      Yeah they are bushy but what I mean is that you can tell he waxes them into a perfect shape. He takes care to make sure they are neat and not out of control, like my husbands unfortunate bushy brows. There are pics from a few years ago where they looked over done, especially in the unibrow area, but these pics aren’t bad.

    • Jwoolman says:

      Neat eyebrows don’t mean a man is gay. I imagine actors and models pay pretty close attention to such things, especially for the kinds of roles he’s had. They get used to makeup, also, so they might use it off camera when other men wouldn’t even think of it in our culture. That doesn’t mean they’re gay, either. Actors and models may feel the need to look perfect even when just out and about, they never know when a camera might come their way with a chance to get better known and promote their career. Same reason women do it.

  16. Lucy says:

    I really like Colton!! Glad he’s finally found peace. Definitely rooting for him!

  17. H says:

    I feel bad for him, the “secret gay past” comment sounded more like blackmail to me. It’s always been rumored – on DL – that when he first got to Hollywood he was a rent boy. Anyone threatening to out him with that is scum, so it’s good he took control of that situation and owned it himself. People can blackmail you if you reveal your ‘secrets’ yourself.

    • Y Colette says:

      Being gay and bring a prostitute is not the same.He can still be blackmailed if he used to be a hustler.

  18. Dani2 says:

    He sounds like he’s finally in a good place, very happy for him.

  19. KiddVicious says:

    I had no idea who he was (until I read what shows he was in) but my first thought was “Wow, he’s beautiful!”

    I think he looks great in the pink/salmon suit. Not many people could pull off that look. I’m assuming it wasn’t so “loud” in real life, maybe the camera lights brightening it up a bit.