Amanda Seyfried makes it IG-official with boyfriend, at pet adoption event

These are photos of Amanda Seyfried, 30, and her boyfriend Thomas Sadoski, 38, after voting on Tuesday in LA. I love that she’s just chilling wearing sweatpants, espadrilles and a striped t-shirt and is carrying her own coffee mug, as uf she couldn’t be bothered to put her coffee in a travel cup. Sometimes I do that too but I usually just stick the mug in my car and leave it there. I also own a pair of sweatpants like that, like I think they’re stylish because they’re tapered.

Amanda and Thomas did not seem to have the most auspicious beginning. The timeline of both of their previous relationships and when they worked together makes it seem like she was with Justin Long and he was married, at least when they met. They didn’t officially get together until a few months later, when they were both single though.


There are also some photos yesterday from the set of The Clapper, which co-stars Ed Helms and Tracy Morgan. I had high hopes that this movie would be about the inventor of the device that lets you remote control anything but IMDB says it’s about how “15 minutes of fame destroys the life of a man who works as a clapper in television.”

As you can see there were a bunch of animals on set for some reason like a goat, a potbellied pig and a sweet dachshund in an assisted walking device, but although those animals are awesome, Amanda’s dog Finn is always the star!


This pic of Tracy Morgan with this dog is everything:

Just Jared noted that Amanda posted her first pic on Instagram with Thomas, from an event for no kill animal shelter in LA. They were overshadowed by those beautiful doggie faces though!


Speaking of beautiful doggie faces:

I voted. He tried.

A photo posted by Amanda Seyfried (@mingey) on

Look at this stubborn goat!
Amanda Seyfried struggles to take a goat for a walk on a leash on the set of The Clapper

Photos credit: WENN, Pacific Coast News and Amanda Seyfried/Instagram

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35 Responses to “Amanda Seyfried makes it IG-official with boyfriend, at pet adoption event”

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  1. shannon says:

    Finn is too good for Amanda.

    She’s sooooo shady.

  2. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    Cute pictures. Cute animals and cute boyfriend. I needed some cute today.

  3. Guest says:

    They look comfatble together.

  4. OSTONE says:

    Still can’t believe she, according to Lainey, chased this guy through Europe on his anniversary trip with his ex-wife. I am sorry y’all, but that’s a little crazy, no matter how good d!ck is.

    • Don't kill me I'm French says:

      And if you believe another rumors,she is cheating on him with another guy or in fact she is his beard

    • burnsie says:

      Oh sh*t. I had a hunch she was kind of thirsty, but that’s a whole new level

    • Boo says:

      This is news to me. Thank you. That’s horrible.

      What I don’t understand is why he, or any man, would go for the woman who does that? I also just googled him and photos of him with his wife…they look solid and loving together. It’s incredible to me that anyone could break that kind of closeness up. Really sad.

      I can’t stand Amanda Seyfried now.

      • Merritt says:

        He broke the closeness with his ex up. Just because someone pursues you, doesn’t mean you have to go for it.

      • Boo says:

        Merritt, yes I agree. My wording there was sloppy.

        I was trying to ask what compels a man who already has a wonderful close solid marriage to leave just because someone new persists in chasing him?

      • Merritt says:


        The thrill of being chased I would guess. A character in an old movie said something to the effect of cheating is the result of seeing a newer and more exciting version of oneself in the eyes of the person they cheat with. I tend to think that is very true in many cases.

      • Chinoiserie says:

        Based on some gossip? Some people really take these sites too seriously…

    • Bex says:

      Wow seriously? Cheating on an anniversary trip? That’s awful. I always rather liked these two as well.

    • Joni says:

      I will always dislike her cause of that. How vile.

  5. Lindy79 says:

    shadiness aside

    and better still, RESSSCUUUE DOGGIIIIESSS!!!!!!

    and that picture of Tracey with the dog, so cute. Glad also to see him doing well after that horrific crash.

  6. GingerCrunch says:

    Tracy and his dog tho!!!! Made my morning! That’s the pic to promote adoption and/ or plain ol’, regular dog ownership, imo.

  7. Erinn says:

    You had me at Ed Helms and Tracy Morgan.

    I love that photo of Tracy just smiling down at the doxie with it’s rhinestones and bows.

  8. BFDL says:

    Is she another Kaley Couscous or whatever her name is? Always has to have a man even when he or she is with someone else?

    Claire Danes is also a part of this group. Britney is an honorary member.

  9. Locke Lamora says:

    You get a sticker when you vote in the US? How cool. We get nothing here.

    • SusanneToo says:

      And still, only 50-60% of eligible voters even bother to vote. It’s always that way. And the numbers are even worse for primary elections.

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      US voters could use a day off for voting, as well as more polling stations with more staff and longer hours, less interference with registration and voting (especially after the Supreme Court overturning of key provisions of Voting Rights Act), and better voting systems (hanging chads; murky software). Better than a sticker.

      It’s not only about who “bothers” to vote. Beyond apathy, there are a lot of barriers to participation.

  10. Squiggisbig says:

    Like “fetch,” Amanda needs to stop trying to make this happen. He seems like a bit of a downgrade from Justin Long and she seems to feed off of the drama of affairs more than the relationships themselves.

  11. elle r. says:

    Man, I like Amanda, but between these rumors and the ones about how her relationship with Dominic Cooper started – along with the very unconfirmed reports that she cheated on Justin with Seth MacFarlane (among others) – she definitely seems to have a flexible ethical code (even by Hollywood standards).

  12. I Choose Me says:

    I really like her but I started to side-eye her when she made those remarks about her ex Dominic Cooper. I’m paraphrasing but I believe it was something about how they’ll always love each other and be in each other’s lives and whomever they’re with would just have to be okay with that.

    I don’t like to go by rumors but lots of relationship drama seems to surround this woman.

    On a superficial note, I’m torn between who has the best hair. Her or her dog Finn.

  13. cherrypie says:

    Men really are such strange creatures… according to the rumors she chased him across Europe while he was on an anniversary trip with his then wife and now bam! they are a couple? If true, he is such a D-bag. Im sure she will do the same to him in 3, 2…..

  14. Francesca says:

    Baby bump?

  15. Katia says:

    How did she ever give up Alexander Skarsgard tho??!

  16. Tania says:

    Not impressed to hear she is “that” girl. I think she dresses like a senior citizen lol.

  17. Mar says:

    I love this post because it’s about saving dogs, and I LOVE Amanda’s dog so much. He makes my day!

  18. LOL says:

    “Amanda posted her first pic on Instagram with Thomas…” But an actress posted the firs pic MONTHS ago.