Brie Larson formally announced as Captain Marvel: good choice or too young?


Brie Larson was announced as the new Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers this weekend in San Diego. We heard the casting rumor a few months back, that Brie (fresh off her Oscar win) was in early talks to take on the role of Marvel’s first stand-alone superheroine. Meaning, we won’t be getting a stand-alone Black Widow movie, but we’ll get a Captain Marvel movie… in 2019. Brie posted the above photo on her social media with the confirmation, “Call me Captain Marvel.” Here’s footage of the announcement at Comic-Con. The crowd goes WILD!

That’s good to see. Marvel, it seems, has finally heard the criticism that the MCU behaves like the He-Man Woman-Haters Club. That they treat women like props and narrative devices too often. So for this year’s Comic-Con, they really emphasized not just the women, but diversity as well. This photo really did warm my heart:

That’s great to see. And Black Panther (which will star Lupita and Danai Gurira) just seems like it will be incredible overall. Zendaya is in Spider-Man.

As for Brie as Captain Marvel… the only criticism I’ve seen is that Brie seems too young for the role. Brie is only 26 years old, which would probably be too young to achieve the rank of Captain. Plus, in the comics, Danvers was usually presented as a woman in her 30s at the very least. But the woman who writes the comics, Kelly Sue DeConnick, told Vanity Fair that she believes Brie is perfect for the role. And not for nothing, but this film isn’t even coming out until 2019, when Brie will be 29. So if this does become a franchise, she’ll be in her 30s for the other films. Also, Brie can totally present as “older.” Sometimes she seems sort of 20-something, and sometimes she seems older than her years.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet, social media.

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66 Responses to “Brie Larson formally announced as Captain Marvel: good choice or too young?”

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  1. grabbyhands says:

    She is too young for the role, but let’s be real-Marvel was never going to cast an age appropriate actress for the role.

    • Lurker says:

      I don’t get that argument, tbh, Carol Danvers always seemed like a woman in her 30s to me.

      Although I really enjoyed the Kelly Sue DeConnick run, I would have preferred Monica Rambeau as Cpt Marvel, I always thought she was badass – mainly though, that character got such a raw deal in the comics it would have been nice to see her kick arse and take names on the big screen.

      That said, I don’t hate this casting at all, I think she’ll be great!

      • grabbyhands says:

        Oh, I don’t hate the casting- I like Brie Larson. But Captain Marvel is generally considered to be leaning towards her 40s rather than her 30s-it was just a general observation.

      • Abby_J says:

        @Lurker – Another fan of Monica! I love her. Still hoping they find a place for her, whether it is in the movies or Netflix.

        She has a pretty interesting non-Captain Marvel history too, so this wouldn’t hurt that.

    • teacakes says:

      To be fair, Evans was cast at 28 and his movie came out the year he turned 30 – just as Brie’s will. And they’re both Captains.

      But I do wish Marvel had gone with an older actress too. At least someone the same age as Evans and the younger Avengers pre-AoU (Hemsworth, Johansson). Especially since word says they were actually considering it.

      • INeedANap says:

        She might be Captain Marvel but she was a full bird colonel in the comics, which would mean she’d be well into her 30s or early 40s. But you know. They can cast RDJ and Mark Ruffalo, men in their 50s, but the ladies have to be nubile.

      • Mia4s says:

        Evans’ character was WWII based (very different era) and remember his designation as captain was basically a PR joke initially. He became a captain for real because of his superpowers. Carol Danvers was supposed to be an ordinary woman who earned her rank the ordinary way. Not saying the movie will be bad (not at all!), it’s just an unfortunate missed opportunity.

    • Malificent says:

      I agree that it would be really nice to see an actress cast who is appropriate for the character’s age. That said, Brie definitely skews older. If I didn’t know her actual age, I would assume mid-30s.

      • ann says:

        They are actors. It’s not about the age they actually are, it’s about the age they look. It’s called ‘playing age’ for a reason hence why margot robbie always plays female characters that are older than her.

  2. LannisterForever says:

    I think she’s a good choice for the role. She is young but does seem older and most importantly, she’s very talented.

    Love that Lupita is gonna be in black Panther, the screen will explode from her and Chadwick’s combined sexiness!

    • tracking says:

      Yes, I love both of these choices so much. Brie is mature, and can read 30-something.

    • kiki says:

      What if Chadwick Boseman and Lupita N’yongo are a couple in real life. OMG HOT.

    • Bonzo says:

      Brie can totally pull off a character that is in her 30’s. And seeing the casting for Black Panther makes me all kinds of happy.

      I’d love to see Chadwick & Lupita coupled. What a gorgeous couple they’d make.

  3. paolanqar says:

    Stellar cast!

  4. ell says:

    i like her, but too young. it would be nice if hollywood went for something a bit different every now and again.

  5. Lucy says:

    Yay for Brie!! And I love that beautiful photo of all the women together. Daisy Ridley just instagrammed it! (even though she’s not in it).

  6. Cee says:

    I don’t even know who captain America is so it’s fine by me.
    I love how comic book films are getting too actors in their cast.

  7. Gadel says:

    In the military, you hit captain at 26 (four years as a lt. first). I’m not sure how it works in marvel, but she’s perfect age IRL.

  8. Little Darling says:

    Welcome to the Marvel family Brie!! Finally Marvel is putting a focus on women and diversity…its a good step forward.

  9. CornyBlue says:

    I really wanted Emily or Charlize for this. This bul*sh*t that RDj can start a franchise in his 40s but a woman cannot anyway. I really do not like this casting. She is a wonderful actor but she is so devoid of charm. But I guess by the time the movie rolls around I will be there waiting in line first day first show.
    The women’s cast photo is everything. But i wish there was a Asian in it as the Ancient One instead of Tilda but oh well

    • kiki says:

      Are you serious? Brie Larson has loads of charm, did you seem Room or Short Term 12 I think that’s what is called? I think this is great for Brie and she will kick butt.

      • CornyBlue says:

        I meant off screen in press and such. She is very not engaging and I like people who give good interviews. Of course she is very good onscreen.

    • Saks says:

      My choices would have been Jessica Chastain or Charlize Theron. But I like Brie a lot, I’m sure she’ll do a great job!

    • Ji-yun says:


      Pom Klementieff was in the women’s group cast photo, but she got cropped out for twitter image space. She’s playing Mantis. So, one Asian actress but unfortunately not two because Tilda is whitewashing the other role.

    • Missy says:

      @CornyBlue @Ji-yun Pom Klementieff, the one Asian actress in the Marvel-verse, got cropped out of this photograph. I believe Lupita did the cropping, and unfortunately for Pom, other sources are using the cropped photo. This is such a sad, ironic metaphor for Asians in Hollywood. Color me disappointed.

      Kaiser, you should use the uncropped photo!

  10. teacakes says:

    At least she’s talented.

    But I would have died of happiness if they cast someone equally talented but born earlier in the decade – someone like Katee Sackhoff maybe?

    One of my favourite Battlestar Galactica anecdotes is the one about how the writers began chopping out dialogue in later seasons because they knew Sackhoff would do a better job with just her face anyway.

  11. Mia4s says:

    Fine actress and yes, too young. The character was a combat veteran, a Captain, a woman whose seen it all. She’s not a green kid in her 20s. The worst would be if they make her a super special prodigy youngest captain ever OMG! Ugh. That “chosen one” narrative is sooo tired.

    But Marvel is not exactly progressive, or original, or brave. So yeah, I’m not the least bit surprised. 🙄

  12. kiki says:

    My girl got it. I am proud of everyone at Comic-con, diversity, women and everything good happening. I am expecting what will happen in the next coming of years.

  13. AlleyCat says:

    I cannot believe that’s she’s only 26. She definitely looks early 30’s. Im not familiar with this story, but I don’t like Brie much so I probably wouldn’t watch this anyway. I’m excited to see Black Panther though.

  14. Jane says:

    Too young but at least it’s not jlaw

    • pikawho? says:

      Literally my first thought. She has the gravitas and maturity to pull off a character like this, at least. Its miles away from the Disney Channel looking mother/widow roles that Jennifer Lawrence has been turning in.

  15. Kali says:

    While going youngish with Brie means that we’re not likely to get the Captain Marvel who tells Captain America to shut it for quite a while, I’m willing to reserve judgement.

    Am hoping they start cameo-ing her WELL before the solo film. Good opportunity to do so with Rhodey currently being a bit banged up. Maybe she’s been a stroppy youngish upstart of a pilot under Rhodey’s command and she comes for some advice?

  16. InvaderTak says:

    Too young. But that’s how it goes. I wanted Katee sackhoff. Oh well. I probably will rent it anyway. My love for comic book movies is hanging by a thin thread anyway. Batman v supes was terrible imo. Wonder Woman has potential but not that much. Couldn’t care less about Dr strange. I’ll see black panther though. At least it looks good.

  17. Alex says:

    So excited for Brie. She’s got the stage presence for anything IMO.
    The Black Panther cast has me swooning.
    And that Marvel Women photo=A+

  18. Bex says:

    She’s meant to be a full Colonel, a contemporary of RDJ. She’s 10-15 years too young unless they’re doing an origins story (which they might be). I think she’s great, but this was an ideal role for an older actress. I get the argument that she’ll age into the role, but RDJ was cast in his 40s.

  19. Georgia says:

    I’m very happy with this choice because from interwievs I’ve seen and reads Brie come off as a smart, level-headed and good hearted woman. She’ll be a great role model.
    In more superficial considerations, that hair color really suits her! Brie is so beautiful!

    • Kiki says:

      Which is why love Brie Larson. She is level-headed and down-to-earth, and she is very beautiful.

  20. Moxie Remon says:

    I want a Black Widow movie, damn it.

    • CornyBlue says:

      I think one of the main reasons is that Scarlett charges a lot. She got 20 million for AOU for ensemble. She would charge atleast a significant part higher for lead. Marvel is thrifty when it comes to people who are not RDJ.

  21. kori says:

    She’s the right age for a brand new Captain. In the army/Air Force that’s the age you make that rank. If you’re 22 coming out of college into the military, it’s 4 years to captain. 4 years after that to major.

  22. lexx says:

    I wanted Monica Rambeau but I guess that would have been too much.

  23. Missy says:

    Slightly off-topic, but Lupita cut out one of the Marvel women from her photo: Pom Klementieff (Guardians). Does that strike anyone else as weird?

    All the new female Marvel stars posed for this photo in the theme of girl power, so Lupita cropping out Pom doesn’t make sense.

    I’ve heard whispers of Lupita being a manipulative ice princess and causing drama on Broadway, but I didn’t want to believe it.

    • Ji-yun says:

      Oh, I hope not. I like Pom and I also like Lupita. I’m hoping it was just because of uploading image limits or something. I’m probably being wilfully naive, but I really hope not.

    • DelilahJones says:

      Looking at the picture, that was my first thought too. It may be nothing but I think it would sting If I were Pom.

  24. Nic919 says:

    Posing at a Comic Con panel is not the same thing as letting women have serious film time in the Avenger movies. So far they haven’t done that. DC is doing better than Marvel on this right now with the Wonder Woman trailer and movie coming out soon and Gal Godot being the best part of Emo Superman v. Batman.

    When did the first Iron Man movie come out and why is 2019 the first movie focussing on a female character? Do better Marvel.

  25. FatRock says:

    Comic fanboy checking in: unless she calls on the power of Shazam and has a red suit with a big lightning bolt on it, this “Mar-vel” is a cheap imposter!

    But, in the real world front, I always thought Carol Danvers was more 30s-40s. I really hope they don’t screw up her power set, and I hope they make her more athletic and more of a brawler instead of silly or sex-kittenish.

    And I really wish they’d make a Squirrel Girl Movie, but I’m too afraid they’d screw that up horribly.

    • Abby_J says:


      On a comic site, I saw a guy freaking out about Marvel changing the gender of an awesome character to make Captain Marvel a girl. I haven’t laughed that much at other people’s responses in a long long time.

      Squirrel Girl would be awesome, but it seems more Netflix for me.

  26. Ji-yun says:

    Damn, there goes my hopes of Marisa Tomei being Captain Marvel and the whole Aunt May thing being an elaborate cover up. Alternatively I would have loved Captain Marvel to have been Vera Farmiga or Lucy Liu. Oh well.

    Brie Larson does read older and she is a good actress, so it’s not the complete disaster of, say, casting Nicola Peltz or someone like that.

  27. Elle says:

    Let me preface this by saying none of what I’m saying is intended as a slight to the actresses cast in the Marvel franchise.

    Brie’s too young. She looks like she should be playing Peter Parker’s girlfriend instead of a grown woman with career experience. Between this and the new “teenage wunderkid” Iron Man, I’m unimpressed with Marvel’s next chapter. I don’t know why I’m surprised – while I like Scarlett as the Black Widow, the truth is, she was too young for that character – but I guess I felt like if any studio had the power and ability to counter in a tiny way Hollywood’s rampant ageism (especially in regards to action movies), it would be Marvel.

    But no. Heaven help us if a woman ever appears on screen with a wrinkle or life experience.

  28. Abby_J says:

    I will say upfront that Captain Marvel is my absolute favorite comic book character. Although I will admit that in recent stories (Civil War II), I’ve been side eyeing Marvel for some of the things they’ve done to and with her so hard that my eyes hurt.

    I REALLY wanted Katee Sackoff for this role. She would have killed it so hard and it would have been my every dream come true. That said, I don’t think I’ve actually ever seen Brie Larson in anything, (except The League, and I don’t remember her from that) so I’m willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.

    Based on how young she is, I’m just guessing we aren’t going to get some of the comic book character’s story. For instance, I don’t see the love affair between her and Rhodey happening, even though I would have loved to see it at least hinted at, if for no other reason than to give Rhodey more of a story besides just being Tony Stark’s BFF. Not to mention all the mutant stuff will be left out since Marvel can’t use them.

    What I MUST have happen though, is for her character to be Ms. Marvel before she takes the name Captain Marvel. I really want a Netflix show with Miles Morales, Sam Alexander and Kamala Khan and Kamala NEEDS Ms. Marvel to exist so that she can become Ms. Marvel.

  29. Abby_J says:

    RE: the picture of the women of Marvel. I would have loved it if they had included Chloe Bennett, Ming-Na Wen and Elizabeth Henstridge from Agents of SHIELD. I know it is TV and not the movies, but these three women are holding it down on that show and representing badassery and science superiority weekly,

    Also, I’m in the minority that is perfectly okay without a Black Widow movie. I like Scarlet’s Widow well enough, but she isn’t the only interesting female that Marvel has (and I would actually say that a lot of them are more interesting than her anyway), and I’d like to see a few of them, instead.

  30. Sean says:

    She’s 27. She will be 30 when the movie comes out. That is more than age appropriate. And more importantly, this isn’t a one time thing. It is 3 movies Captain Marvel movies, 3 Avengers movies, probably a spot in a Guardians of the Galaxy movie. At least a decade of movies.

    • CornyBlue says:

      This is the stupidest argument for not having older women leads. Can women not work when they are 50 ? Can they not just go in front of a green screen and jump from a two feet high stool like RDJ or Ruffalo or any of the men in these franchises do ?

      • Kate says:

        RDJ and Mark play characters who’ve already lived a big life before we meet them. Stark is introduced as a 40-something established businessman/billionaire with a ton of baggage behind him, Banner similarly is introduced as a very well-known scientist who’s already the Hulk. Their back-stories are easily established without actually showing any of it.

        Captain Marvel’s back-story is a bit less easily told without seeing it, so we’ll probably be seeing her as Ms Marvel first. Casting a 40-something actress wouldn’t really make sense as by the time she’s playing that age she’ll be a decade older.

        Most of the Marvel actors are playing a bit older than they are, that’s just the nature of franchises.

  31. serena says:

    I think she is perfect for the role! But I’d love to see a Black Widow stand alone movie too.. sigh..

  32. Josefina says:

    I think Brie can pass for a woman in her early 30’s and she’s super talented. Not my personal casting choice but I’m not mad.

  33. mytbean says:

    Tilda and Lupita in ONE photo…

    Ok. I want them to do a Lethal Weapon-esqe film staring those two together. I’d so watch that.

    It give me sad face to know that will never happen. 🙁

  34. Veronica says:

    It’s a shame to see a role that could have gone to an older actress go younger, but I don’t think it should be a surprise Brie got the role given Hollywood’s age standards for women. From what I’ve heard, she’s quite talented, so we’ll see.

    On a side note, the articles really aren’t joking about how they’re trying to make her the next Jennifer Lawrence.

  35. Sarah says:

    It seems an odd choice for her. They’ll rope her in to 5 or 6 terrible superhero movies… she seemed on a more serious/better film path.