Khizr Khan, Pakistani-American, made the most amazing DNC speech ever


One of the most disgusting and appalling moments in Donald Trump’s presidential campaign (a campaign full of disgusting and appalling moments) was his proposal for a ban on Muslim immigrants. As in, Donald Trump believes immigrants should have to pass a religious test before entering this country, and that we should not allow Muslims to immigrate. His anti-Muslim, anti-Islam hate speech has been off-the-charts, although there are many in the Republican party echoing Trump’s words and thoughts. Last night, on the final night of the Democratic National Convention, the Democratic party used their forum to stand up for Muslim immigrants by giving a significant amount of time to the story of Humayun Khan, a Muslim-American who died serving in the American armed forces. There was a documentary short about Humayun Khan, which was just a version of a video that the Clinton campaign has had up for months. This moved me tears.

Then Humayun Khan’s mother and father came out to speak to the DNC. While I loved Hillary’s speech and the whole night was full of history being made, Mr. Khizr Khan’s speech was the most moving and extraordinary moment I’ve ever witnessed at a political event. He spoke about Thomas Jefferson, about his son, about the Constitution and about what makes an American.

I’m just going to leave this here:

“If it was up to Donald Trump, he never would have been in America. Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims. He disrespects other minorities, women, judges, even his own party leadership. He vows to build walls and ban us from this country. Donald Trump, you’re asking Americans to trust you with their future. Let me ask you, have you even read the United States Constitution? I will gladly lend you my copy. In this document, look for the words, look for the words, liberty and equal protection (under) law. Have you ever been to Arlington Cemetery? Go look at the graves of the brave patriots who died defending the United States of America — you will see all faiths, genders and ethnicities. You have sacrificed nothing and no one. We cannot solve our problems by building walls and sowing division. We are stronger together.”

You can read more of Mr. Khan’s story here.

At the beginning of the evening, some of the commentators were saying that the speakers before Hillary were all going to be low-key. In retrospect, they were not low-key. I think it speaks to Hillary Clinton’s character that she wanted the Khans to tell their story on the final night of the DNC.

Screencap courtesy of CNN.

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119 Responses to “Khizr Khan, Pakistani-American, made the most amazing DNC speech ever”

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  1. Jayna says:

    Yes, I mentioned this in the other thread, that I was in tears watching it. When he looked at the camera and asked Trump this it was a chilling moment.

    “Have you ever been to Arlington cemetery? Go look at the graves of brave patriots who died defending the United States of America. You will see all faiths, genders and ethnicities.”

    “You have sacrificed nothing,” he continued.

    I read Faux News didn’t carry the speech. Hmmmm. I guess that’s not really surprising.

    • Pinky says:

      The people at Fox news are cowards and represent the basest of all humanity. They are sick, hateful, Youth Hitler devotees.


      • Who ARE these people? says:

        Say it! If they could actually support a Trump Youth movement to parallel the Hitler Youth in propaganda they would do it.

      • Crowdhood says:

        I agree 100% but they are not actually a “news” outlet. This is why they are able to share only their (terrible) opinions.

    • malikwas says:

      Absolutely fantastic speech, sir. And your quiet, dignified takedown of the shameless huckster Trump should make him actualy feel shame for the first time in his life. So moving, and so dead on righteous. Thank you for this. And I’m so sorry for your loss.

      Trump not only is bad for America. He is DANGEROUS. Say NO to bigotry. Say NO to misogyny. Say NO to bullying.

      Trump is a con-man snake oil salesman. He’s been one is whole life. Don’t believe his lies. He is only saying what he thinks the people want to hear! Remember he was endorsing Hillary and the democrats just a short time ago!

      He will continue to raise your healthcare prices. If you want to put MORE MONEY into the pockets of big pharma, vote for the Donald. My healthcare is currently $575 a month and rising (compared to just $25/month auto insurance from Insurance Panda). You can be sure that I won’t be voting for Trump!

      This is a man who has flip flopped on every political position known to man. Who can honestly say they trust him?!!?

      Remember, refusing to vote for whoever is the Democrat nominee is essentially a vote for Trump. DON’T BE STUPID!

      Khizr Khan is what makes me proud of America

    • Ursaline says:

      Yes. I taught three children of a wonderful Pakistani family (also named the Khans) here in our town. Their only daughter was actually one of my favorite students of all time, because she was intelligent, vivacious, and lovely. She was able to have educational opportunities here that would likely not have been available back in Pakistan, and the parents were always friendly, even inviting me and other teachers to their home on several occasions.

      There was nothing that I ever saw over the course of five years that would indicate that they were in any way threatening, but so many of the rednecks in Texas have preconceived notions about Muslims that I worry for their safety at times. Wearing a headscarf didn’t make the little girl dangerous, her mother made the most beautiful embroidered garments that I have ever seen, and her father was not scary in the least. It makes me sad to see this kind of bigotry, and that was BEFORE Trump’s crappy hate-speech.

      Needless to say, I haven’t seen them in months.

      • sanders says:

        Ursaline, I live in Texas. So glad to know that you are a teacher here. Your kindness is an incredible buffer to racism, something I’m sure the family will never forget.
        I speak from experience as someone who immigrated to Canada in the 1970’s as a child and experienced overt racist bullying. I still remember the teachers who treated me with respect and kindness to this day.

      • Ursaline says:

        Thanks sanders for such a sweet comment! 🙂

        I’ve lived in this state most of my life and love many things about Texas, but the racism is deplorable. How many other states have an actual town named “Cut and Shoot”?

        I’m not a patient enough person to be a lifer in teaching, but I was in charge of the school’s technology program for five years and had students ranging for K-5 in my classes. Many different family backgrounds and characters, but I just couldn’t get over the fact that religion/proselytizing in the classroom was only ever a problem with the ones who kept trying to convert everyone with constant bible arguments and singing hymns in class.

        How weird is it to have to ask the administration in a supposedly secular private school to have a kid tone down the constant all day rhetoric in the classroom so that your own child doesn’t become an atheist at age 10 because he hates being around that person? And what’s worse was that more than one family had to complain about it and ended up leaving the school entirely.

        There were more problems with one child than there ever with the children from the Jehova’s Witnesses, Jewish, Hindu, Atheist and Muslim families all together. So sad.

      • sanders says:

        You’re welcome! As for the proselytizing, my kids experience it in the public schools they attend, from students and teachers. It is just one of many culture shocks we’ve experienced when we moved here. No one seems to challenge it here and I’m not up for the fight myself. My kids were never that interested in any kind of religious identity/ideology until this experience. They now identify as atheists.

      • Ursaline says:

        sanders, OMG you’re right! It’s a widespread attitude that permeates the culture in this part of the Bible belt. And it’s unbelievably difficult to avoid backlash against the zealots, who push kids to reject the dogma entirely.

        I had a FIRST GRADE TEACHER make a stereotypical comment to me IN CLASS that involved the torture of girls in Muslim countries as if that was going on here in this family’s home. I’ve been friends with that teacher since she taught both of my kids in her class, but had to keep a straight face when she said that to me.

        I observed the male bias in the family, but the daughter showed absolutely no indications of any type of lesser treatment at all. She and her brothers skipped the class holiday parties if it conflicted with their beliefs, avoided foods that were off the menu (more than the vegans, amusingly) and wore bedazzled headscarves that matches her sparkly pink Sketchers with pride. Mom was very independent and showed the incredible hospitality of their culture towards any and all visitors invited to their home. She’s an amazing cook who completely puts me to shame.

        We even mentioned their religious Eid al-Adha festival when my class did research at Christmas time and used the personal differences and interests of each child to contribute to a Did You Know- type of holiday handout that we shared with all the parents. The Jehova’s Witness kids had just moved in from Alaska and researched stuff like the Northern Lights and the winter solstice, the Jewish kids did a blurb on Hanukkah, one nonreligious girl did something about ice hotels, and the entire project turned out great. No conflicts whatsoever.

        The coolest thing was that the next year we also had 2 little girls who’d been adopted from China and a boy who’d been adopted from Russia with the Jehova’s Witness brothers and the Muslim twins, totaling about 12 kids in the class. That year, we did a student-prompted research project involving family country origins, and the presentations were AMAZING. Lots of interesting details and props, and all of the class parents really contributed to the effort. THIS is why I love teaching. 🙂

      • Lady D says:

        sanders, I’m sorry your Canadian experience sucked so bad. We’re not all like that.

      • sanders says:

        Ursaline, the class sounds amazing. Lucky students to have exposure to so much diversity and culture. Also great that the kids feel a sense of inclusion which increases connectivity and social cohesion, the opposite of what Trump promotes. From a purely utilitarian perspective, it’s good preparation for entering a diverse work force.

        Lady D, thank you for the sentiment. I think Canada has changed a whole lot since the mid 70’s. I can’t tell you how thrilled I was to see Justin Trudeau’s cabinet selections. I have a lot of amazing friends in Canada who I miss dearly.

    • Nicole says:

      Exactly. All walks of life serve in the military…its been that way since the slave days where black men fought for freedom they were never even granted. Again the only people that forget these facts are people that like to white wash history because no other ethnic group, religion or gender ever contributed like the white man/s

    • LinaLamont says:

      “’You have sacrificed nothing,…'” AND NO ONE

      I will never understand how any military person/family member can support Trump. ANY.

      The GOP is replete with cowards (I’m talking about the politicians, not the voters) and it’s never been more clear than in this election. Where is your backbone, your conscience, your dignity, one shred of integrity?

      • Annetommy says:

        One of the most disgraceful fallacies is that somehow Republicans have a monopoly on patriotism. I was astonished that Trump’s incredibly offensive remarks about John McCain didn’t harm Trump more. But then previously John Kerry’s war service was used against him by people who had done nothing more dangerous than jaywalk after a Frat party. This was a very special and moving speech.

      • Jwoolman says:

        Yes, The Donald even tried to smear the high-ranking retired military officer who spoke. I loved it when Hillary quoted Trump as saying “I know more about ISIS than the generals.” She looked at the camera and said “No, Donald, you don’t. ” I do believe he was schooled ….

        Khan was exactly right in everything he said. And Trump really should be dragged to the cemetery to see all those markers. Maybe somebody should pretend to have a deal for him that he can’t refuse and just happen to meet him there…

    • Snappyfish says:

      He was brilliant. Poised under tremendous heartfelt loss. What has Trump sacrificed? He received 5 deferments during war time. This was poignant & beautiful. My family is a gold star family. My Brother is buried in Arlington. Losing a family member in action is never easy but we had the luxury of our patriotism or citizenship never being questioned. I can’t imagine how hard this must be for this family.

      We were in tears & as Charlottesville residents tremendously proud

      • smith says:

        I wanted to thank your brother and your family for this sacrifice.

        We owe it to people like him (and all those buried in Arlington and beyond) to keep this country moving forward in a place of light not darkness.

        My America is proud, strong and inclusive.

    • Shambles says:

      I cried my eyes out. This is my America. This is why I’m with Her. Hate can’t win.

    • isabelle says:

      I have a friend buried in Arlington and its true. I even saw markers with Wiccan symbols. This country is amazing in so many ways and one of those ways is we aren’t only diverse in nationality we are diverse in how we worship or not worship. I’m so tired of the cyncism and the negativity, and the media making it look like the world is falling apart….because when you visit a military cemetery its a big reminder of the people that have died protecting it. People of every race, religion, age and sex. If that doesn’t’ make you reflective and respectful, think you have a heart of stone.

    • Mari says:

      His speech made my heart break with sadness and simultaneously swell with pride that he and his wife had the strength to get up in front of all those people and air their grief while asking for our support of Hillary. And there was nothing–NOTHING–false about it. That kind of support–who can’t be persuaded by that?

      There’s no choice, really. It’s either “I’m with her,” or “I’m with Stupid.”

    • nicole says:

      I am just after watching a little bit of faux news (only could stomach 5mins), they are deplorable at the lies they report (what a laugh there catchphrase is fair and balanced, they are totally one side d in such a odvious way) but anyway its all about not mentioning isis(they have even counted 26 compared to 425 at the republican convention) black lives matter etc being as negative as they can about everything and of course Hillary is succch a big liar in everything, ugh they make me so mad they are all so biased. #IM WITH HER even more.

  2. lilacflowers says:

    I was near tears and then, I was cheering when he pulled out that copy of the Constitution. I can’t begin to imagine how painful it is for this couple. To lose a child under any condition is devastating, but to have your brave son sacrifice himself to save others, as Humanyan did, and then have to see a bigot who wants you banned from the country rise to the level of a presidential nominee and all the insulting bigoted crap his supporters spew on a daily basis on radio talk shows and the internet and on television and just in daily life. My heart goes out to the Khan family. Donald Trump is not fit to live on the same planet as these people.

    • CariBean says:

      I agree wholeheartedly with every word of your post, lilac.

    • Mia V. says:

      What makes this even worse is that many people support this awful idea of baning Muslins.

      • Solanaceae (Nighty) says:

        Many people, unfortunately don’t use the blessings God/Allah (call it what you wish) gave them, a brain and a heart…

    • paleokifaru says:

      I had the same reaction. And I am fervently hoping that all Americans who shared in those feelings will get out and vote in November!

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      Well said. I felt for both, the mother seemed to be there to support her husband and probably because it was the right thing to do, but she seemed so uncomfortable in the public eye, I can’t imagine what she’s been through as a more visible Muslim, a woman and a mother.

      He made such powerful statements and we could feel their pain.

    • bluhare says:

      Totally agree, lilacflowers. Lovely post.

    • Vava says:

      Beautiful comment.

      Honestly, I’m horrified that so many people are behind Trump – the racist, sexist ogre. And more seem to be coming out of the woodwork! I’m glad people like Mr. Khan are speaking up. Truly eloquent man and I grieve for his loss of his son.

  3. Neelyo says:

    That was amazing.

    The Dems have got some great commercial footage for the next few months. I can hear ‘You have sacrificed nothing!’ with reverb echoing over pics of Drumpf on his golden throne. So many great messages, I hope they use them all.

    • mia girl says:

      I think the entire quote is even more powerful. He said

      “You have sacrificed nothing… and no one”.

      I broke down in tears at that moment, a the “no one” part. You could hear a father’s pain mixed with horror that his son’s legacy is being demonized by a demagogue and utter indignation that Drumpf would have the audacity to question the patriotism of his family and his son based on their religion.

      • celine says:

        This right here. Wow, just wow. Words completely fail me at this moment.

      • Bros says:

        I also got teared up because it was so dead on and so true. a man handed his wealth by a racist segregationist father who has never known a bit of struggle or strife compared to a man who came to this country with literally nothing, sacrificed a son to our foreign wars fought against other muslims, in what was the ultimate sacrifice. that his father and mother and brothers have to even occupy the same air as Trump is a travesty.

        My husband is a muslim and also came to this country as an immigrant from iran 22 years ago and has been paying taxes and creating jobs for other americans and making other immigrants business owners as well.

        If you want to solve the current crisis of terrorism in america, get some gun control-a point deafening in its silence last night.

      • Ursaline says:

        Bros, I’m so sorry to hear that you and your husband have to go through this awful time in politics. It makes me really sad to see innocent people treated this way.

        Sending happy thoughts your way…

      • cynic says:

        I agree about the entire quote. Most of the online news outlets have only displayed the first part of the sentence, but the inclusion of “and no one” is even more moving. His speech was so eloquent.

  4. Maya says:

    A soldier is a soldier no matter the race, gender & etnicity.

    This couple gave a moving speech that puts those vets who supports Trump to shame.

    Shame on some of you vets who supports the coward Trump.

  5. Pinky says:

    This dad was amazing. It was heart wrenching watching Khizr Khan speak. Then he pulled a Constitution out of his jacket and he ended the “contest” right there.


    • Vava says:


    • Jwoolmany says:

      Khan actually carries that copy around all the time. As a naturalized citizen, unlike native-born Trump he actually had to study a bit to get citizenship. Khan knows how important that document is and he knows exactly what it says and means. Too many Americans seem willing to toss it out of fear and ignorance.

  6. Happygolucky5 says:

    This was such an unexpectedly moving speech. It brings to mind a saying which goes along the lines of “If you are telling the truth then you can speak softly and your words will have power”.

    What a change from all the bolstering and shouting in the speeches from the Trump camp which are full of hate. Well done to Mr Khan and my heart goes out to the family for the loss of their son and brother.

    Lest we forget.

  7. JenB says:

    Incredible and more powerful than any other speech. I am humbled Sir.

    The DNC crushed the RNC didn’t it?

    • lisa2 says:

      I think that is so true. I didn’t know what to expect after Monday. But I tell you they had the most organized and cohesive Convention I have seen in a long time. It was so well planned. and of course The Dumph was tweeting that people were “being mean to him”.. I think he was jealous of how organized it was and how many well spoken and knowlegable people were there supporting Hillary. The RNC seemed like it’s candidate. A reality show.. cheap and basic

      • MP says:

        Didn’t he even say that he wanted to punch some of the speakers at the DNC? Punch them hard.
        He is a nominee to be the president and he calls for foreign power espionage and then violence against his opponents!
        How can this keep happening?

      • Tate says:

        @MP Yes he did say that. Just the temperament we want in our President, right?

      • nicole says:

        lisa2, completely agree, the Dem convention was the best, even highter viewing numbers from what I have heard, hopefully Hillary will get more votes out of this.

      • Jwoolmany says:

        MP- yes, the Trumpster actually did say that he wanted to punch a couple of them so hard that their heads would spin. I think he or some supporters are trying to backtrack, claiming he was talking about hitting them hard with tweets or whatever. But it didn’t sound like that to me, I can’t see any other interpretation except that Trump really did feel the urge to punch them in the face and amazingly thought it was ok to say that out loud. It didn’t sound like a desire for verbal sparring at all. He especially wanted to clean the clock of “the little one”, apparently Bloomberg really bothered him – Bloomberg has at least ten times as many billions of dollars as Trump, so the billionaire burns must have enraged The Donald.

        I wonder what goes on at home with his wife. He might be getting more and more out of control as he gets older, so he might be harsher with Melania than with the previous ones. He has said that he’s basically the same person as he was in grade school. When he was about 7, he punched a teacher because (he claims) he didn’t think the teacher knew much about music. He was sent off to military school because of behavior problems, not because he was gung ho about the military. That’s what people often do here with kids the schools and parents can’t handle, sometimes if the child gets into legal trouble a judge will give them the choice of military school or juvenile detention until they’re 21. It doesn’t sound like a successful approach to me (military discipline doesn’t actually translate so well to civilian life) except if the kid is just able to benefit from a long timeout away from home, and The Donald is an example of the failure rate.

    • Neelyo says:

      They did and even Republicans have acknowledged it.

      • Jwoolmany says:

        To be honest, the Democratic conventions have always been a more interesting show in my recollection. I used to watch conventions a lot when younger. Maybe the Democrats just have always been more diverse, and with diversity comes conflict and a wider variety of viewpoints. The rude Bernie or Busters weren’t really so out of line for a Democratic convention…. 🙂

    • Dmm says:

      Yes! The DNC was such a contrast to the hate-filled RNC. MY 72-year old parents, who have been life long Republicans, will be voting for Hillary. Sanity will win!

    • Lynnie says:

      I just want to know what the Republicans were expecting by pandering to one segment of the population all the time, and then painting themselves into a corner with the Moral Majority. I feel if they had followed on the actions of their internal review after 2012 they could’ve come out stronger, maybe even possibly win, but after this? Will there be a schism? Is this how parties die?

      • JenB says:

        I’m not sure what the RNC threshold for Trump’s awfulness is because they have not stood up to him yet. But as we get closer to Nov. I am hoping some of the more powerful members will at least come out as #NeverTrump. (Former Presidents, etc.) I think that would really expand the divide and ultimately dissolve the party as we know it. The process has already started.
        I thought yesterday had so many speakers that could reach independents. 4 Star Generals, veterans, Medal of Honor Recipients–honestly this lineup seems like a Republican event in the past.

      • Ursaline says:

        It’s so disgusting that my husband thinks that Drumpf is intentionally being so disgusting to help get Hillary elected. I am skeptical but it’s a great thought.

      • Jwoolmany says:

        They really do need to split. The Tea Party and ultraconservative types have taken over and are unwilling to compromise. This has been Obama’s problem – these extremists were elected to Congress (ubdoubtedly by many people who just thought they were regular Republicans and didn’t realize what they were getting) and proceeded to block everything rather than sit down with others and work out a compromise solution. The disrespect they showed a sitting President at such events as the State of the Union address seemed unprecedented to me. We used to talk about “the loyal opposition” and be civil with each other despite policy differences.

        The Party we saw in the RNC just doesn’t represent many people who identify as Republicans any more. They need to split and regroup. Let Trump and friends play in their own sandbox while the sane Republicans build a new one.

      • Jwoolmany says:

        Ursuline- you might tell your husband that Trump was pretty off the wall when he was younger also. He just wasn’t on Twitter… I think The Donald is just out for The Donald. Follow the money. He’s had his family’s expenses paid via campaign donations. His family is on the payroll. He only loaned money to the campaign, which he expects to get back (with interest, I assume).

        He has some scheme in mind if he wins. The President’s salary is trifling. Possibly will have to do with policies he thinks he can implement that will quietly get him something from those who benefit here and abroad. The noises he has been making that will let Putin do whatever he wants without interference are peculiar. If he is as in debt to Putin’s friends as has been speculated – my guess is that he is expecting either forgiveness of debt or reduced interest rates or promises of more loans or all three. Also he might be expecting big speaker fees- supposedly he has received as much as $1.5 million in the past. Hillary’s speaker fees in the past were pretty standard although on the low side, more like $200,000. I don’t know how it works during a campaign or while a person is President, but maybe he’s auditioning for later.

  8. Melody says:

    Thanks for posting the link – I had to miss it last night.

  9. Margo S. says:

    Those were very powerful videos. Hillary has to win. Her messages and are about acceptance, kindness and unity. Trumps are full of hate hate hate.

  10. mia girl says:

    It was one of (if not the most) moving speeches across the two conventions.

    Too bad Fox News didn’t have the guts to air it:

    “While CNN and MSNBC aired the video and Khan’s speech in full, Fox News’ The Kelly File instead continued with its regular commentary featuring Brit Hume, then went to commercial as the speech began, showing slightly more than two minutes of the speech in a small window as commercials — including a Benghazi attack ad — overplayed it. ”

    • Pinky says:

      Sickening yet typical of that anti-American channel.


    • isabelle says:

      Sad to say they know not to air because of their audience. their viewers are so foaming at the mouth anti-muslim can you imagine the vitriolic their viewers would have spilled if they had showed it?

  11. Insomniac says:

    That was incredible. THE moment of the DNC.

  12. Mia4s says:

    Great respect to these parents.

    I wonder if those Americans refusing to vote Democrat or throwing their vote away on a third party will be able to look this man in the eye when Anti-Muslim sentiment becomes the norm under President OmpaLoompa? But I’m sure he will understand you just couldn’t…because your so-called “conscience”. 🙄

    • Lolad says:


    • lyka says:

      Oh please excuse me, but that is a bridge too far. You must not be Muslim and you must not be Pakistani, because I’m both and I’m OFFENDED that you would cite Islamophobia or use Muslims as scapegoats in your attempt to shame conscientious objectors. Please take a seat and come up with a better tactic to recruit Hillary voters, because that’s actually an important endeavor. I really don’t need people like you sticking up for Muslim Americans.

  13. MorningCoffee says:

    That was an incredible moment. I was in tears.

  14. Nona says:

    Donald Trump shouts and rails and blusters, and his words carry all the intellectual weight of a feather. Khizr Khan spoke softly and quietly, and blew the roof off that place. It was an honor and a privilege to experience that moment.

    • Ursaline says:


    • Wood Dragon says:

      I got goose bumps even as I felt a punch to the stomach from sensing his grief and anger. His family gave their all. Nothing but love and respect for him and his wife and his dear departed son.

  15. jeanpierre says:

    Amazing speech.

  16. Bina says:

    I have to say, Trump makes me proud to be a Pakistani…

  17. Tate says:

    It was a very powerful speech. I was in tears.

  18. lucy2 says:

    Incredibly powerful.
    There have been some amazing speeches at the DNC, but I can’t imagine anything more appropriate or heartbreaking to this moment and this choice.

  19. DavidBowie says:

    There were so many amazing but this one was THE ONE especially when he told Drumpf that he had “sacrificed nothing and no one”. Tears peope, tears.

  20. Lolad says:

    Such bravery nd dignity. When he pulled out his pamphlet, I was laughing and rearing like a madman.

  21. Tiffany27 says:

    And……. I cried again. This has been beyond moving.

  22. Nanea says:

    I’m glad that Muslims in the US are speaking up against Trump, even if Faux Noise etc are actively ignoring them. And that video of Mr Khan’s speech on the CBS site at YouTube is already getting spiteful comments full of hate.

    I came across an article yesterday in a medical journal by ​Azra Raza, a medical oncologist at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center, director of the MDS Center at Columbia University, and professor of medicine at Columbia University Medical Center. She’s from Karachi/Pakistan and ​a member of Joe Biden‘s cancer moonshot initiative.

  23. I Choose Me says:

    Wow. That speech is the definition of poignant. Mr. Khan got right to the heart of things. I’m actually choked up.

    Thank you CB for covering all these amazing speeches.

  24. Beckysuz says:

    Trump seems to forget that this country is called the melting pot for a reason. We are a country of immigrants. I just cannot believe that this orange joke of a candidate has gotten the nomination.

    God bless Mr Khan and his family for all that they sacrificed for this country. As someone from a military family (husband and brother currently) I can only pray that I’m never called to make that sacrifice, but I can only hope that I would show such dignity and grace in those circumstances as Mr Khan

  25. Senaber says:

    Such a brave family. They raised their son to be a hero and then tonight they were heroes for him and all other Americans.

  26. Bohemianmartini says:

    In tears. God bless that family. He hit the nail on the head….Trump has sacrificed nothing and no one for this country and he never will.

  27. Pandy says:

    He was awesome. Dignified and passionate.

  28. The Original Mia says:

    Broke my heart last night. His son was so incredibly brave to approach that vehicle alone. He saved his unit. He’s a real American hero. Then to have his memory trampled on by Republicans, fellow Americans, is reprehensible.

    Mr. Khan was amazing last night. His grief and angry was palpable. He threw down the gauntlet to Trump and his ilk. Have they read the Constitution? I doubt it.

  29. K says:

    While the Obamas made me cry, but this moment was the most important and powerful moment of the conventions. These parents spoke for the American people better then anyone has, they demanded our values be heard and respected. And they shut that bastard down with so much dignity.

  30. adastraperaspera says:

    I’ve been watching conventions for decades. When Mr. Khan said of Trump, “You have sacrificed nothing and no one,” and then pulled the Constitution out of his pocket, I felt chills run down my spine. I have rarely seen anything like it in public discourse. His speech, and many others this week, will be featured in K12 to college classes across this country for years to come.

    The DNC has hosted one of the broadest and deepest national conversations we have ever seen, with dozens and dozens of speakers, representing a dizzying array of U.S. citizens. It was a civics lesson par excellence.

  31. Thaisajs says:

    He was so dignified and his wife just stood there the entire time, looking terrified and heartbroken. I didn’t watch every speech over the four nights, but that one I will never forget. I’m sure their son would have been so proud of them.

  32. mee says:

    Amazing speech – the best among some incredible speeches. In tears. So grateful for Hillary and the DNC for this week celebrating the diversity and tremendous spirit of America. Love trumps hate.

  33. Sparkles says:

    His speech was very powerful. I was in tears front the start to the end. As a Muslim American, I am used to being questioned about our commitment to the US and whether we all have radical ideas and beliefs. Last night, for once, I didn’t need to explain myself to anyone. Last night, Mr. Khan proved that we are all American and want nothing but the best for this country. He showed that we have dreams and aspirations and cry and bleed like everyone else.

  34. minx says:

    It was the most memorable speech in a convention filled with memorable speeches.

  35. Nibbi says:

    man… when he said, “no one,” and i thought of how he was referring to his own son, it kinda choked me up. i am glad they gave him the podium.

  36. Mr. Khan gave a moving speech but not an accurate one. The Unites States Constitution only applies to to American citizens. Foreign nationals don’t have a right to U.S. citizenship nor does our Constitution apply to them. I have a problem with attacks based on false claims. The other issue was that illegal immigrants also don’t have a right to enter our country. The Dems keep saying the Republicans or Trump supporters or anyone who disagrees on illegal immigration just hates immigrants and that they shouldn’t have to leave. They keep omitting the word “illegal” because it’s not a defensible argument. There is an application process. If you allow people to break the law then you have to allow everyone to break it and any other laws we have. You can’t give a civics lesson to Americans and have your facts wrong and not understand the United States Constitution yourself.

    • The Original Mia says:

      Mr. Khan and his family are naturalized citizens, meaning they are afforded the full rights of the Constitution according to the 14th amendment. They are not, as you state, foreign nationals. They immigrated from Pakistan to the US. Their son was raised in Maryland. Before you try to smear the man, do your research. He knows the Constitution. It’s Trump and the Republicans, who seem to have forgotten, more like don’t know, the 14th amendment

    • Angie says:

      I think you missed Mr. Khan’s point. He was saying that if Trump has his way, he will ban people like their son from entering the country. Trump is not just talking about illegal immigrants, he also wants to ban Muslims from entering this country legally.

      • @The Original Mia and @Angie

        I was not trying to smear Mr. Khan at all. I’m honored his son fought for our country and Mr. Khan is obviously a lovely, proud, patriotic, man. I understand that. And by no means am I saying I agree with Trump nor does this have anything to do with him. It’s in reference to the United States Constitution and our immigration laws, we can not let anyone in based on any reasons. Not saying it’s right or wrong. Previous reasons for restriction of immigrants under U.S. immigration laws have been everything from illiteracy, prostitutes, idiots, alcoholics, beggars, anarchists etc. Mr. Khan said if it were up to Trump, Mr. Khan’s son would never be in America. His point being because Mr. Khan wouldn’t have been allowed to become a citizen because he was Muslim and that, he says, is against the Constitution so therefore his son would not have been born here. Of course, I’m honored he was. And I know it’s a legal point I’m making but the U.S. can restrict foreigners for any reason they choose because the U.S. Constitution and the rights of U.S. citizens don’t apply to foreigners nationals.

        The only reason it bugs me is because that same reason has been used by the White House. During a WH press conference, the president’s press secretary was telling the press core, in regards to illegal immigrants and on immigration from countries with heavy terrorist links, that we aren’t allowed to restrict entry because it’s against the Constitution. A reporter had to stand up and remind him that the Constitution isn’t applicable to foreign citizens to which the press secretary stumbled and had to agree. That gives the impression to millions of people around the globe that they are entitled to U.S. rights and can come. That creates major problems. Note Merkel and Germany. We are not an open border, no laws, no restrictions nation. Wasn’t trying to offend & I apologize if I had. I certainly have nothing but admiration for the Khan family.

      • SilverUnicorn says:

        “Note Merkel and Germany”. “We are not an open border, no laws, no restrictions nation.”
        Nor is Germany. Any American or Australian who wants to work in Europe, as well as Germany obviously, needs a work or residence visa.
        A refugee crisis has to be solved under international law and agreements, it is NOT immigration.

      • Tina says:

        As other people have pointed out, you are wrong and many of the protections of the US constitution do apply to foreign nationals when they are in the US. On your other point, yes, the government can set the immigration restrictions that it chooses.

        The immigration restriction that Trump has proposed, to prevent all Muslims from entering the country (with, it seems, a small number of exceptions which would presumably be used for people like London Mayor Sadiq Khan and the Saudi Royal family), is discriminatory, ineffective and offensive, as Mr Khan points out in his speech. The immigration ban on Muslims could be enacted, the power exists. But it would be a philosophical violation of every principle of equality and fairness that exists in the US constitution to enact such a restriction. It would also possibly be a legal violation of the first amendment. It would be up to the Supreme Court to make that determination.

    • Sarah says:

      It is not correct that the US Constitution only applies to citizens. I see this false claim frequently and so feel the need to correct it. (I am a Constitutional lawyer and like Mr. Khan, I have a pocket Constitution I carry with me in my work tote.) Many of the protections enumerated in the Bill of Rights apply to all persons, regardless of their citizenship or immigrant status. The trial rights of the 5th and 6th Amendments are afforded to all persons and all accused. All persons are entitled to due process of the law under the 5th Amendment. The 14th Amendment could not be more clear that the due process clause in that amendment applies to all persons as opposed to the prior clause that explicitly applies only to citizens of the United States. And finally, the equal protection clause applies to all persons within the jurisdiction of a particular state, again distinguishing from the privileges and immunities clause which is restricted to citizens.

      • Are you saying the immigration laws enacted by Congress that can restrict immigrants from entering the U.S. for any reason is not allowed under the US Constitution?

        In regards to immigrants who are already on American soil illegally, then yes, so far because of that particular word ALL, “all persons and all accused. All persons are entitled etc.,” that this has become a hot topic in the immigration debate because original intent is in question to many lawmakers. It may be allowed now but it is a huge point being argued that it was not intended the way it is being used and Congress may change it.

      • Sarah says:

        I did not say Congress can’t make immigration laws. I was responding to your inaccurate, blanket statement that the Constitution does not apply to non-citizens. As you were complaining about inaccuracy, it seemed important to me to point out your inaccuracy. And, no, Congress can’t change the words of the Bill of Rights. Only an amendment to the Constitution can do that. The founders’ original intent does not control, the plain words of the text do, especially when they are plain and unambiguous.

        Congress can restrict immigration, but the First Amendment has something to say about Congress banning immigration based on religion. To ban immigrants who follow a particular religion would be to favor some religions over others which the First Amendment does not allow.

      • lilacflowers says:

        Backing up Sarah here, non-citizens have rights under the Constitution of the United States. Not the same level of rights as a citizen but they certainly have rights, including those bestowed by the First Amendment.

    • isabelle says:

      You are wrong actually and need to do more research. Our constitution can apply to non citizens. Where did you get this idea it doesn’t apply? The term “all men” its not “all citizens” should give you idea about it. There are specific laws regarding non-citzens and those are specifically laid out and mentioned. Also the constituion isn’t necessarily about our rights it is a law restricting and supportive agreement for our Federal government. Its restricts/gives them permission rather than us. It is their guideline of what they can and can’t do. Think of as sometimes the mission statements when we get a new job. Our early federal government used the constituion to govern themselves so they wouldn’t overstep their boundaries or underserve the American public. Also the Khans are naturalized citizens and they are 100% American.

      • Isabelle, are you saying the immigration laws enacted by Congress that can restrict immigrants from entering the U.S. for any reason is not allowed under the US Constitution?

        In regards to immigrants who are already on American soil illegally, then yes, so far because of that particular word ALL, “all persons and all accused. All persons are entitled etc.,” that this has become a hot topic in the immigration debate because original intent is in question to many lawmakers. It may be allowed now but it is a huge point being argued that it was not intended the way it is being used and Congress may change it.

      • isabelle says:

        Yes, there are some laws for “illegals” regarding deportation but once they are here on this soil, even if they are illegal they still have a lot of rights and based on the constitution & its amendments added. Its called equal protection. The 14th & 5th amendments particularly apply to illegals. Remember the constitution was meant, when you boil it down to protect the citizens from a far reaching government and to give the citizens some authority control over it. Its also a” living document” which means it is has been amended over the years to accommodate laws protecting illegals. No they don’t share all of our rights (can’t own firearms, can’t vote, etc) but they do have the right to be treated fairly with equal protection as all US citizens.

      • lilacflowers says:

        @thinkingaboutit, go read the First Amendment! Congress cannot pass immigration laws that restrict religion. THAT is the point here. Trump wants to restrict immigration based on religious grounds. He wants to impose a religious test. THAT is unconstitutional. THAT is discrimination. THAT is bigotry. And THAT would not pass the approval of any federal court.

    • Tanya says:

      He’s a citizen. That pocket Constitution looks like the one I got when I took my oath.

    • Tiffany says:

      Sure, Mr. Khan, a citizen with a law degree from Harvard, does not understand the Constitution. Sure.

  37. Neener says:

    And of course Fox News cut away from this moving speech and did not show it. They should be called Faux news.

  38. Betti says:

    I have been watching part of the DNC and I think Hil’s and the Democrats have really really taken it to GOP. Its been inspirational and hopefully it encourages people to get behind her.

    I can’t wait to see what Clinton, May and Merkel do to show the world what happens when women are in charge.

  39. Andrea says:

    I cry every time I watch this video. Amazing. So much pain in this man’s words and so much poise and dignity. What an example to follow.

  40. mire usted! says:

    The Khan family are a Muslim-American family who make me proud to be an American. When Khan asked what Trump has sacrificed for our country, I stood up and cheered. I loved how his wife nodded approvingly throughout her husband’s speech especially when he mentioned their beloved son. His accent was so authentic – see there are many Americans with accents who have served, fought and died for our country. His speech was so touching, moving and powerful.

    Now I come on this site and found out Fox didn’t show it? I’m so mad now!

  41. hogtowngooner says:

    This speech was so powerful, so moving. I was in tears over this one. He spoke through the horror and unimaginable grief of losing a son in combat, and to have to defend their existence and presence in their own country is unconscionable.

    The Republicans always seem to portray themselves as the party of the military and, as Jon Stewart said last week, seem to think they “own” patriotism, yet only doing so when it’s politically expedient. People like Humayan and his parents embody it every single day.

  42. jferber says:

    God bless this family. This is what true Americans look like. So proud and sad for them. Eff Donald Trump forever. I am ashamed of and for Donald Trump.

  43. lilacflowers says:

    Trump has answered. With stupidity and bigotry and misogyny.