CNN’s Van Jones: ‘This was a whitelash against a changing country’


If you’ve been on Twitter this morning, you may have seen two subjects trending on and off: “Van Jones” and “Whitelash.” Van Jones is a well-liked and well-respected commentator on CNN, and just before Donald Trump was formally declared the winner, Van Jones spoke from the heart about what the vote suggested: “This was a whitelash against a changing country.” As in, this was white men angry about having only most of the power and not all of the power. This was about white people being afraid of and angry at people of color, angry at anyone who isn’t white and Christian. Here’s Van Jones’ emotional moment.

A transcript of Van Jones’ impromptu speech:

There’s another side to this. People have talked about miracle I’m hearing about a nightmare. It’s hard to be a parent tonight for a lot of us. You tell your kids don’t be a bully. You tell your kids don’t be bigot, you tell your kids do your homework, and be prepared. And then you have this outcome and you have people putting children to bed tonight and they’re afraid of breakfast. They’re afraid of, “how do I explain this to my children.”

I have Muslim friends who are texting me tonight saying, ‘should I leave the country?’ I have families of immigrants that are terrified tonight. This was many things. This was a rebellion against the elites, true. It was a complete reinvention of politics and polls, it’s true. But it was also something else. We’ve talked about race — I mean, we’ve talked about everything but race tonight. We’ve talked about income, we’ve talked about class, we’ve talked about region, we haven’t talked about race. This was a whitelash. This was a whitelash against a changing country. It was a white lash against a black president, in part. And that’s the part where the pain comes.

And Donald Trump has a responsibility tonight to come and reassure people that he is going to the president of all the people who he insulted and offended and brushed aside. When you say you want to take your country back, you’ve got a lot of people who feel that they aren’t represented well, either. But we don’t want to feel that someone has been elected by throwing away some of us to appeal more deeply to others.

So this is a deeply painful moment tonight. I know it’s not just about race. There’s more going on tonight. But race is here to and we got to talk about it.

[From The Light Media]

When I was in the shower this morning, at 4 am, trying to process what had happened, I ended up thinking about Khizr Khan, the gold-star father who lost his son in Iraq. Mr. Khan spoke at the DNC and campaigned for Hillary in the past few weeks. His message was simple: Donald Trump stands against everything good about America. And my heart breaks for how the Khans must be feeling right now, and how other brown and black people are feeling right now. I do need to know that my country doesn’t hate me because I’m Indian-American. I need to know that my country doesn’t hate me because I’m a woman. I need to know that Donald Trump isn’t going to punish me, come after me, deport me, jail me, grope me or hurt me simply because of my race and sex. This was a whitelash, I agree with Van Jones. But it was a backlash against a lot more than that. And it’s just so sad.

And you know what? We elected a president endorsed by the KKK.


Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

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283 Responses to “CNN’s Van Jones: ‘This was a whitelash against a changing country’”

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  1. SpareRib says:

    Never underestimate the white mans ability to feel like a victim in a society they control.

    • Sixer says:

      +1 to the power of infinity

    • Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

      +1 trillion

      Particularly white man with bad tans.

    • Elisa the I. says:

      to the privileged, equality feels like a oppression.

      What I find surprising is that a majority of women – without college education – voted for Trump. Seriously?!

      • Nicole says:

        He also carried educated white women.

      • Kelly says:

        That baffles me. I am so scared as a woman, and the only thing I can think to give myself any kind of comfort is that at least I’m heterosexual, cisgendered and white. We knew there was a lot of hatred in this country, but until last night I thought that they were a loud, obnoxious minority.

      • crtb says:

        Trump also got over 30% of the Latino vote?? WTF??

      • Rachel says:

        I’m a 37 year old straight, white, middle-class woman. I am self-employed. I’m never having children. I have gained the respect of my colleagues in my profession, and I know this will not change the status quo for me. Yet I am struggling right now. Struggling with overwhelming sadness. Despondency. Because it’s not about me. Since the age of 3, I wanted to be a lawyer. I wanted to become a lawyer because I love the Constitution. I love that our Constitution guaranteed everyone equal protection under the law. Guaranteed everyone the same rights. In the last several years, I’ve seen this country make huge strides in making those ideals into reality. And to see that undone… I often joke about losing faith in humanity. But this is no joke. I have lost my faith in humanity. And I don’t think there’s any coming back.

      • dotdotdot says:

        Good for you, Kelly, for finding “comfort” that people other than you will have to face most of this election´s consequences. Good for you.

        [sarcasm off]

      • Kate says:

        A sizeable proportion of Latino’s in this country are extremely religious and pro-life and that comes before everything else in their voting choices.

        There’s also a bigger divide than people imagine between various Latino groups. When Trump talks about building a wall to keep us safe from Mexican rapists, there’s some Latino’s nodding their head in agreement. Every election people act like Latino voters are a homogenous group, and they’re really not.

      • Kelly says:

        dotdotdot You don’t get it. Me saying comfort WAS sarcasm. Sorry that you couldn’t understand that. My point was that we are all screwed. The only people who will benefit from a Trump presidency are rich white men and eventually they are going to feel this too.

      • Aren says:

        There has been some interesting opinions on this, one talked about how many women still feel they have to be protected from the “lustful black man” that wants to rape the pure and innocent white girl, even if the close (white male) relative is the one doing the real abuse.
        As for immigrants, it is known they usually vote against more immigration.

      • Fire rabbit says:

        Educated white women too. And ultimately, the joke may be on them too. A very prevalent idea in conservative-think is that the country, as a society and an economy, went off the rails when those uppity woman left their homes to seek careers. They took well paying jobs away from (white) men who used to be able to support families and uphold society as God dictated. So, make women return to their neglected homes and children and let (white) men have their jobs back. I admit I’m venting, but please don’t think me a hysteric for saying this. I am a small blue dot in a deeply, deeply red district in a state that went red again last night and these are the honest and blatant conversations I hear in my community Every. Day. And the accomplished, and degreed, women with these types of men stand silently beside them and, apparently, vote against themselves too. I just don’t get it. Maybe they selfishly think themselves above the consequences of their votes. Sorry for the long tome.

      • Flora says:

        Nuff said!

        Trump won 72% of white male voters without college degrees, while Clinton won 23%
        Trump won 62% of the white female voters without college degrees, while Clinton won 34%

      • Radley says:


        Issues within the Latino community are rarely discussed. But there’s white Latinos who consider themselves better than brown and black Latinos. There’s more affluent Latinos who want to dissociate from those Latinos still struggling to achieve the American dream. There’s Latinos who consider other Latinos competition whose numbers need to be culled. There’s a bunch of issues in the Latino community. It’s not pretty. And it’s gonna be a major issue as our numbers grow. Divide and conquer tactics will be a thing.

      • Patty says:

        I’d be curious to get a breakdown of Latino support for Trump in Florida. I want to know how Cubans, who benefit from an extremely unfair immigration policy voted. I bet they went for Trump, even though they should be considered illegal just like anyone else who comes over here without proper approval. Ugh.

    • greenmonster says:

      This a thousand times! But they don’t wanna lose this control. As Elisa perfectly said: to the privileged, equality feels like oppression. Giving the same rights and dignity to others that you want for yourself does not mean you have to give up yours. But a lot of people will never understand this.

    • QQ says:

      It wasn’t Just white Men… Last Night I learned Where White women feel Reaaaallyy Intersectional. Im too disgusted, scared and frankly broken-hearted to do this today… I Really too how much white people hate PoC For granted

      We are feasibly gonna lose our rights/insurance and a Lifetime of a supreme court, also Who the f*ck In FL played the Gary Johnson game in FL ..I have Nothing but disgust and Hate at The Moment Dont @ Me dont nothing

      • Ato says:

        All the women who voted for Trump are classic examples of “women are their own worst enemies. “

      • Kitten says:

        But can I come at you with a hug, QQ?

        I’m giving them out because I don’t know what else to do…..

      • katy says:

        ok people – are you really going to generalize that White Woman – even the ones with a college education voted for Trump? SERIOUSLY??? I am 61 years old with a college degree and in a professional work situation. I COULD NOT in my wildest dreams have considered even voting for MR GRAB ‘EM BY THE PUSSY TRUMP!!!! He literally makes my blood boil and I can’t stand the sight of his face. So yea….please don’t group “educated white women” into his “basket of deplorable(s)”. THANK YOU – oh, and btw….my heart is also broken by the hate that has risen to the surface by Mr. Cheeto for what it’s worth. 🙁

      • INeedANap says:

        If my fb feed is any indication the Johnson voters would have gone for Trump anyway. Libertarians are just Republicans who want to smoke pot.

      • Gigi says:

        Let’s stop with all of the assumptions and over-categorizing. I appear white. I identify as slavic canadian and american. When you talk about white what you really mean is Anglo-american white. My family comes from Eastern Europe–very recently at that. Genetically, culturally, politically and economically we have nothing in common with white anglos. As an ethnic group we didn’t contributein any way to the slave trade. We didn’t retaliate with stubborn and subhuman bitterness over being the losing side in the Civil war by coming up with Jim Crow Laws just to stick it to everyone else in the USA and thereby creating endless pain for endless generations to come. My parents were immigrants. I did not vote for Putin’s buddy. I do not fit into your little white backlash and educated women voting against other women or immigrants voting against immigration categories and I don’t think others do. I cannot be exceptional in my politics (centrist and socially left of center)and treatment of others. Be very careful when you start pointing at “white” women and blaming them for this bullsh**. I’m not sticking around to see how this mess plays out. This is where I draw the line. Thankfully I am a “dualie”. So now it is time to find a job in Canada and suck up a very costly and disruptive move that will ultimately be better for my child and husband.

      • Radley says:


        Are you really playing the “not all white people” card?? Really? FYI, that goes without saying. So please use your common sense and don’t expect to see it spelled out in black and white constantly to spare your delicate white feelings. That’s not how it works.

        Bon voyage.

      • lisa says:

        i haven’t slept and i am physically in pain

        i am white, straight, raised by christian parents (i say it like that because i am an atheist), with a good job

        and i am frightened and angry. i cant imagine what other people are feeling who arent like me. i told the one person i knew who came at me with her trump vote that i was uncomfortable with her casual racism, homophobia, etc because when you lie down with a racist, etc, you are one. i cant be friends with anyone who voted this way. i am ashamed and embarrassed to be american.

        this is our penance for having a 2 term african american president.

    • QueenB says:

      lets not let white women of the hook. Women vote at higher rates than men.

      • dotdotdot says:


      • bleu_moon says:

        How did 49% of college educated women vote for Trump?

      • bros says:

        because plenty of idiotic racist women went to colleges and universities in the south/breadbasket where this stuff is endemic. my cousin is from Louisiana and went to sewanee in Tennessee and of course she voted trump. going to college doesnt pull you out of your racism and upbringing.

        also, a lot of college educated people feel like they are graduating into an economy with no jobs (too stupid to see that under obama the unemployment rate fell from 11% to 4.8% and is now producing higher wages and jobs in higher paying sectors like health care and financial services) buut so many people, even those who are college educated, are LOW INFORMATION VOTERS and sit aorund consuming FB and instagram all goddamn#d day and do not bother to actually read and educate themselves on anything, they just are dissatisfied and disgruntled and have bones to pick.

        The other thing that drives me crazy is the people now saying how clinton was a bad candidate and just didnt energize people and blah blah

        give me a break @voters who always need to be EXCITED and energized and find perfect unicorns of fulfillment to actually do anything! get off your asses and just go vote, regardless of whether clinton is orgasmic or charismatic or whatever. turn out was SO low for her compared to 2012 for obama because obama is inspiring and magical etc (while largely performing exactly like a neolib clinton in office) but didnt get off their tuffs to go vote for hillary because she didn’t light their fire, or worse, vote for gary f’ing johnson who is basically a baked potato in human form. great, thanks, now we have trump.

      • Radley says:

        100% co-sign

        What the heck can we do to counter America’s politics of narcissism from people who wanna be personally loved, enriched and entertained just to drag a$$ to a polling place? What happened to if I do what’s best for all, it’ll ultimately be what’s best for me? I have no answers.

      • Lucrezia says:

        @ Radley: Compulsory voting? It works. (I’m Australian. Our compulsory voting is enforced with a $20 fine. Our turnout rate is about 94%.) However, I can’t see that happening in the US any time soon. I’m pretty sure it would be seen as an infringement of a “right”, though (imo) it’s just enforcement of a civic duty, no different from mandatory jury-duty.

        A more realistic solution is postal voting. Oregon averages 8% better turnout than the national average. That’s still not a fantastic number by international standards, but it’s a start. It can honestly be hard to vote in the US (long queues, elections held on Tuesday of all days), and anything that makes it easier would increase turnout.

    • Mar says:

      This. Exactly this.

    • Akboat says:

      I’m married to a white man and he’s devastated this morning. Many millions of white men voted for Hillary. Let’s not make things worse by doing the kind of thinking and talking that Trump does. We need each other more than ever now.

      • littlemissnaughty says:

        These are statistics though, it’s not rhetoric. It’s fact. When the majority of a group of people does something horrifying, you should be allowed to talk about that group as such. There is no way around that, otherwise the discourse will look insane. White voter BUT NOT EVERY SINGLE ONE. That’s not feasible.

        There is a problem and you know what? This morning I walked into the office and nearly yelled at my boss who STILL thinks that Europe won’t ever face something like this. WHY? HOW? It’s happening already for god’s sake. Next year we (Germany) hold elections and I am as pessimistic as I could possibly be. France too. Acknowledging facts is imperative, whether they are painful or not. We’re f*cking it up right now, for everyone including ourselves. And by “we” I mean white people.

      • paleokifaru says:

        This exactly. We’re white and deeply disgusted and saddened by this election. These results show not just hate for others, but hate for yourselves. Women, Latinos and blacks still voted for him? Doesn’t that say something about how ingrained hate is that people find this language acceptable for others and themselves? I’ve got to explain to my SS that although the vast majority of children have recognized this as bullying and hate speech throughout the election, about half of the adults have rewarded it. It’s a grim moment as a child when you begin to see that adults are absolutely fallible. And it’s been demonstrated in a very public way.

      • Antigone says:

        White woman here with a white husband-both of us voted for Hilary and both of us are very upset this morning. I understand what Van Jones and other commenters are saying but please know that there are many white people (all of my white friends and the vast majority of my family) who think Trump is a horrible human being and would never support him. Please don’t lump
        us all into one hateful category.

      • Radley says:


        There, everybody feel better? Cannot believe.

      • Reddy says:

        YES thank you! It is very scary right now in Germany. It is frightening how easy it seems for some people to throw away all decency and compassion. I’m afraid now that Trump won, they will become even louder and more “socially acceptable” and gain even more ground.
        How can people so quickly forget history?

      • INeedANapToo says:

        Akboat you are awesome, thank you!

      • katy says:

        My husband and I are both white and we have lived in Texas all of our lives. We went to bed devastated last night – both of us!!!! We would never vote for this for this rage monster.

        We all need to come together to remove the hate that Trump has promoted for the last 2 years.

    • Josefina says:

      Even if every straight white man in the USA voted Trump, he wouldn’t have won. The problem is a lot more complex than that. Don’t point at a segment of society and blame them for all that’s wrong with your country. That’s what Trump does.

      • hmmm says:

        Statistics say otherwise. Trump didn’t like facts and preferred the blame game. Take a seat.

      • Josefina says:

        You might want to check those statistics again. Lots of women voted for Trump.

      • hmmm says:

        Was speaking to your comment about if all straight white men voted for him. Yes, he would have won according to pollsters.

        I know lots of white women voted for him.

    • jerkface says:

      You are right right right about that

    • kimbers says:

      Tried talking about this with a white man and he said, “but we elected obama!?” Lol

    • Mary Mary says:

      What did that tweet mean thanking Wikileaks for Assange “giving” Trump the presidency?

      I am trying to understand how T “won” this election and how could the polls be so off? Am wearing my tin foil hat while pondering whether the election machines were hacked, as it was reported that there were voting machine security vulnerabilities.

      The Democrat Underground website was down all day Nov. 8 and claimed they “were hacked”

      • Trashaddict says:

        Mary Mary: He won the Electoral College. The fact that I keep pointing out, until I’m blue in the face, and the elephant in the room (or maybe the donkey?) is that Hillary won the popular vote. Go figure. That means it’s not as bad as it looks, because the momentum was there, and it’s worse than it looks, because the Electoral College sucks.

      • Lucrezia says:

        Wikileaks (Assange) released the DNC emails and Podesta’s emails. And I think maybe Clinton’s Wall St speeches? There was nothing particularly shocking, but they certainly helped paint Clinton as your standard manipulative establishment-type politician. I personally see nothing wrong with that – politicians SHOULD be manipulative establishment types – that’s how they get things done in a bureaucracy. But it helped Trump’s side.

        I don’t know why the KKK guy is so pro-Assange though. Wikileaks also published part of Trump’s tax returns. Admittedly, that didn’t have the same impact as the DNC emails, but nothing sticks to Trump, he’s like Teflon.

    • Cat87 says:

      This comment will be the next 4 years. Now that ultra right-wing religious nutcases are in power. America will be ever more divided by race, class and our own pursuits to survive a new communist nation sponsor by Russia.

  2. Bluesky says:

    As a black woman, I can truly say I have never been so scared for my safety in my entire life.

    • original kay says:


      I’m sorry to say I would be too, very afraid.

    • MellyMel says:

      Yep sadly me too! Not only do we have a new Prez and vice Prez who hate us but now we see how many ppl in this country don’t like us because we’re POC and women.

      • Fiorella says:

        Melly that is not necessarily accurate. Fearing terrorism and wanting stronger boarders or a wall is not against POC who are already in the country (legally). If you look at brexit people were fed up with polish apparently, not the Black, Chinese and Indian people who have lived there for a long time and who apply to come. In areas where people all look the same, they still don’t like the illegal immigrants using services, think about scarcity mentality. It makes things feel less predictable and stable when illegal immigration is common. (I was team Hillary and previously Obama) , I’m worried Donald is crazy and he is racist. But people can have valid reasons not only hate to explain their votes iMo, though Im not sure how they can miss how erratic he is.
        Trying to be optimistic at this point. My kids are “half Asian” and I don’t fear leaving Canada and vacationing in the U.S. (I wouldn’t carry cash though! There’s a good John Oliver video about that) also I need to remind my Asian husband not to be a snotty dick to cops like he does here.
        Hey he fancies himself a winner maybe he’ll try to make a high approval rating.

      • Nicole8672 says:

        that is exactly what I said to myself this morning: it would appear that not only are many in America racist, but even more sexist. To all American women of colour (Canadian spelling) my thoughts are with you in this “new order” xo

      • MellyMel says:

        Not accurate? This man and many of his supporters do not like minorities or the lgbt community, Muslims or women’s rights. Period! And is has nothing to do with immigration or border control. It’s pure hate and bigotry. We have every right to be terrified! I live in the South and know how nasty some of these ppl can be. I’ve seen it my whole life.

      • hmmm says:


        A vote for Trump is a vote for hate. Period. There are no excuses.

      • Radley says:


        “If you look at brexit people were fed up with polish apparently, not the Black, Chinese and Indian people who have lived there for a long time and who apply to come.”

        I’m confused. Is that supposed to make it better? Or better to a black woman? Yikes that you’d go there. Racism and xenophobia is everybody’s problem. It’s not any less of a problem if they pick on THAT group as opposed to MY group.

        White people are quite uninformed about these things it seems. That’s part of the problem. You’re allowed to live in ignorance without consequence. That’s got to change.

      • SilverUnicorn says:

        What you said is awful. I agree with Radley that “Racism and xenophobia are everybody’s problem”, you don’t get to pick which ones you like.
        I had this conversation countless times already with other EU citizens who feel ‘less scared’ than others because the biggest attacked group is Polish. Give me a break, honestly. The first attacked man in UK was an American black professor in Manchester. Typical Pole, yeaah…
        Xenophobia is blindfolded, it attacks everyone except who’s local by birthright.

      • jwoolman says:

        Fiorella – I’ve always said that when more people are invited to share in the pie, if the pie isn’t getting any bigger than the original people at the table are going to resent their smaller pieces of pie. I saw this when my male colleagues in grad school resented me getting a job interview before they did. Didn’t matter to them that a generation before, I wouldn’t even have been allowed in the department (old boys club…). They just saw me as extra competition for increasingly scarce jobs in my field and were convinced I had an unfair edge as an Affirmative Action token. They didn’t manage to notice that the job called for someone interdisciplinary, which described me (my Ph.D. Involved two sciences) but not them. People don’t think rationally when they get in that frame of mind, worrying about their smaller piece of the pie.

      • Fiorella says:

        All i meant is the voting doesn’t necessarily indicate that anyone is disliked because of their “race” people are comparing it to brexit and apparently the most resented group (apparently, Ive never lived there) was the same “colour” as Brits. Trump did emphasize ILLEGAL immigrants and a refugee /terrorist/ Muslim theory, which he hasn’t talked about lately. Like brexit, the scarcity mentality makes people resentful and uneasy about these new people allowed to keep coming and taking .(jobs, resources, services.) it does not mean that those people who were pro brexit or pro trump (against rights for illegal immigrants) are against all diversity. Of course I don’t mean it’s cool that polish people are hated, just that not all immigration opinions are about race, so not necessarily dangerous for all americAn POC . Maybe I was overzealous though, some trump supporters are certainly racist even nazi.

      • Fiorella says:

        You guys may enjoy this article. If not accurate at least the writing style is pretty cool (or new to me.) Jwoolman, yes the pie is just what I mean by scarcity mentality. Econ 101? 🙂

    • Naya says:

      Racist, sexist, xenophobic, anti semetic, homophobic scum have been emboldened. Anybody who is “other” should be afraid. Some more than others obviously.

      On the subject of who should be afraid; He swore that Hillary would be put in jail if he won. So either he will have the gestapo arrest her when he inaugurated or it will be his first election promise failure.

      • Aren says:

        As usual I agree with you Naya.
        The “others” have a reason to be terrified, Trump has been open about deporting, killing, taking away human rights, punishing women who want to abort, and many other atrocities.

      • Courtney says:

        It’s a tough day for the disability community as well.

      • isabelle says:

        honestly think he will let go of the “lock her up”. Hopefully short sighted Don forgets about it and moves on. He will be more consumed with his own power and will put Hillary behind him. I’m hoping that will happen anyway.

    • Prettykrazee says:

      Unfortunately, I agree. I do not live in an ethnically diverse area. There are Trump signs in my neighbors yards. My sister called me in tears last night. Begging me to purchase a handgun and apply for a conceal carry permit today.

    • chaine says:

      I am scared for you, Bluesky. I’m clinging to the thought that, at least the current numbers are, a majority of voters DID NOT vote for this man, rather, the majority voted for other candidates. There are many more good and decent people than there are racists ****’s.

      • hmmm says:

        Over 50 million voted for Trump. That is not a negligible number of racists.

      • jwoolman says:

        The numbers really are too high for comfort. The difference is way too slim. I was worried enough at predictions that his solid core was 30%. That’s a big chunk of people who think the way Trump talks about the rest of us is ok. Now we know it’s an even bigger chunk.

        Just reminds me why I prefer cats to my own species.

    • Tiffany27 says:

      Same. I cannot believe people did this. I do not want to bring my child into a world like this.

      • paleokifaru says:

        Yep. I’m pregnant with a little girl due in March. Last night I turned to my husband and asked him exactly how much damage we think he can do in the next four years. And I’m not going to wish he’s incapacitated because Pence will do just as much damage. I’m terrified to wait and see not only what he does but how the Republican party responds to it. Are they going to support him to stay in power or is someone finally going to split?

    • kri says:

      Bluesky-don’t be afraid. You are an American. You are a woman. This is our chance to really politically strategize and fight for minorities and women’s rights. Let’s work together.

    • DeniseMich says:

      @blue sky, of all the minority groups Trump has said and done the least negative things to blacks during this election cycle.

      However, we,black people are scared by his affiliations and past actions.
      We may be right to be terrified. But it is because he may elect supreme court justices that overturn roe vs wade or equal opportunity. He may decide all beige to black people might be muslim and subject them to increased scrutiny and deportation.

      But don’t buy into its worse cuz your black woman.. A Trump Presidency could be just as awful for you if you were a white woman. Because not all Muslims are brown, women are more than young thin trophies and love is love.

      The overall loser is women all women.

      • naughtycorner says:

        @ Denise
        We arent just scared of Trump , we are scared of how this emboldens his hate filled supporters. even before the win, his people have become more brazen with their antics , there are few viral videos of people spitting, shouting and hitting cars of POC, FOR NO REASON etc WE have lived through it , we know what we are talking about and whilst we need not turn on each other now , please dont patronize us about our feelings

      • DeniseMich says:

        @naughtycorner, Perhaps, you didn’t read my post above and are just reacting. I state very clearly that I am a woman of color, a black woman.

      • CityGirl says:

        He was endorsed by and today is congratulated by the KKK. That alone – how can people have voted for him?

    • Lady Mimosa says:

      Why are scared as a black woman, I am not scared. If the police were corrupt in your community before they are still corrupt. Hillary said she was going to let in 11 million illegals, black people don’t want to compete with illegals for jobs.

      • Bluesky says:

        I’m not talking about the police. This bigger than that. This is someone who has made xenophobia, sexism, and bigotry mainstream. This man has a long history of racism and sexism. People feel free to be more open about their bigotry. He’s made white supremacy mainstream. I’m glad that you are not afraid but please do not dictate to me how I should feel. My father was involved in the civil rights movement and I’m seeing everything he fought for slip away.

      • Aiobhan Targaryen says:

        @ Bluesky

        Please don’t give trump more credit than he deserves. He didn’t make all the bad -isms mainstream as it was already there; he capitalized on it like the scummy opportunist he is. The racist, sexist, elitest garbage spewing etc was already in the mainstream, it is just now more white people have noticed it and still do nothing to stop it. This is exactly what the jerks over at Fox News have wanted for close to a decade now. And they got it. If you are non-white and grew up in a heavily non-white area, you knew the bias was there from the moment you entered school or the workplace.

        Funnily enough though, I just read that Glenn Beck (of all people) admitted to his part in villainizing Obama and actually apologized for it. He is trying to get both sides to listen to one another now. A small part of me is happy with his change of heart, but the larger part of me is shouting “too little, too late” you tool.

      • Aren says:

        You have to be kidding, where exactly would Hilary get 11m people to bring to the USA? Was she going to put an ad and pay for people all over the world to work for a super high paid job that Americans were already doing?

      • Patty says:

        What does that supposed to mean “black people don’t want to compete with illegals for jobs”? Are you saying that the only jobs black people go for or are qualified for are the ones where people are likely to hire illegals? Please clarify?

    • Lorelai says:

      As a white woman, I never want to leave my house ever again for fear of encountering anyone who voted for this monster. I am so ashamed to be an American right now, and so, so sorry for what you’re going through.

      • QueenB says:

        “I never want to leave my house ever again for fear of encountering anyone who voted for this monster” you mean other white women?

      • Flora says:

        4 percent of black women voted for Trump as well, which is even more inconceivable. Who are these people??

      • Stacy Dresden says:

        I keep eyeing everyone I see out in the world today, wondering if they voted for this abomination. I hate that I feel this way.

    • TGosha says:

      As a black woman…. I’m shocked and devastated about this. I’m scared about my future, about my family members, and the overall morale of this world. I can’t begin to describe the sick feeling I have when my older brother goes somewhere and I worry that I may never seen him again.

      Am I going to have enough savings to retire ?
      Am I going to be able to afford health care? Basic necessities? Housing?
      do you know what really broke my heart? I voted with my 93 yr old grandmother last night. THIS was a woman who grew up in rural Alabama she remembers the Jim Crow era, having to use separate facilities, having her life threaten for just the right to be seen as equal. All of that hard work seems to have disappeared last night.

      • Bluesky says:

        I’m with you on that. I’m looking at the global ramifications-stock market, my retirement, job security and job prospects. My dad grew up in the segregated south in SC. I’m sad for this because he fought so his kids could have a better future.

      • kitty orchid says:

        As a white woman who voted for Hillary, your comments have brought me to tears. My heart goes out to you. I am deeply disappointed and shocked that I live in a country that elected such a man.

    • ravensdaughter says:

      I understand the fear for your safety. If I were black or Muslim, I would feel the exact same way. David Duke is cheering (!?)-it feels like we’re in a very scary Bizarro World.
      My fear is different but quite palpable-struggling to make ends meet. I’m a white single mom getting by financially while paying off student loans (no breaks there!). I also have a mental illness-bipolar disorder-that is controlled right now. I get my mental health services through the state and the county-I could never afford to pay out of pocket for the care I need.
      Last night when I closed my eyes, all I could see were the safety nets that so many of us rely on unravelling. There will be no helping hand from Trump and his courtiers. I predict social services will shrink to almost nothing…and you know the Repugs will make another pass at privatizing social security.

      I am in shock. It is a sad, sad day for so many of us.

      • LizLemonGotMarried says:

        I feel you on the bipolar disorder. I’m straight, white, cisgender, and affluent, but bipolar disorder requires treatment, and the ACA has allowed me to get treatment without crippling everything else.
        More than that, the ACA has provided healthcare to millions of people. Millions of children get preventative care because it’s covered. Millions of women have birth control because it’s covered. You want to prevent abortion, assholes? You make BIRTH CONTROL FREE AND AVAILABLE.
        I am terrified for POCs, Muslims, LGBTQ+ families and individuals, our environment (cause that’s fucked), our stock market (ditto), our healthcare, our Supreme Court, everything, everything that we’ve worked so hard for over the last 40 years… could be *poof* gone. And if this motherfucker decides that it’s too hard, and Pence gets in…hoo, boy, watch out.

    • CityGirl says:

      I’m so sorry.

    • Trashaddict says:

      Bluesky and Mellymel: I am so very, very sorry. To feel the world is moved forward, even a little bit with Obama, and then to wake up in this unthinkable scenario, leaves one with a deep deep sense of paranoia. So while I have never walked in your shoes, I am apologizing for the pain this has caused you. May you gather strength in knowing that half (yes HALF) the voters do not subscribe to hate, misogyny, racism, sexism, and trolling. May our children see a brighter day.

  3. Jellybean says:

    Ok Kaiser, you finally did it, you made me cry. Best wishes USA.

    • Sixer says:

      Can you settle to anything today, Jellybean? I can’t. The plot is being lost everywhere I look.

      • greenmonster says:

        I’m leaving work early today. I’m just texting, reading and posting anyway. At least at home I don’t have to hold back my tears.

      • Jellybean says:

        Sixer, I am not at work today, but I have a big pile of paperwork to do. I haven’t touched it yet. But enough!!!!! by half past I will be working and to help me along it is time to put on the Game of Thrones boxset. I will also book my ticket to see Arrival on Friday, supposedly an excellent film entirely from the perspective of a strong, intelligent female character. Although that might not be a great idea since one of the critics who saw an early showing weeks ago said he watched it with growing dread, when he realized what the consequence would have been if the Obama like president had been replaced by Trump.

      • chaine says:

        I have solid 12 hour days’ worth of work the rest of the week, plus medical appointments–don’t know how I’m going to make it through as I just want to huddle in my bed and cry.

      • Sixer says:

        I work from home but I do have a deadline to meet. Today is a washout though. My brain won’t stop whirring.

        I just want an open, progressive world for my kids to grow up into. One in which they can realise their potential and lead fulfilled lives without trampling on anybody else’s hopes and dreams.

        My own country seems to be conspiring against them being able to do that and it feels like every other country is, too.

        I’ll feel less scattered soon, right?

      • Kitten says:

        I have done ZERO work. Can’t focus…so stunned.
        Nauseous, exhausted, emotionally-drained.

        Reading the comments from black posters here I just feel the tears welling up again, lump in my throat. I feel such anger towards my countrymen. How could we let this happen? How is it ok for our black citizens, our LGBTQ citizens, our minority citizens to feel this level of fear?
        Where is the protection?

  4. paolanqar says:

    This is such a tragedy.
    2016 has been a bad year but now this… the American elections involve every country in the world, including mine.
    First Brexit and now this.. I have lost hope in a better world.. no world leader is worried about the climate change and now all the progress that has been made in the last few years towards gay rights, women rights, multicultural acceptance will be erased in a heart beat.
    I fear for all the POC in America and the LGTB community.
    I wish you’d have a place where you can find shelter. My house is not big enough for all of you but my arms are.
    Italy is with you.

    • Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

      Hear hear thou this ‘poison’ is spreading and given that its infected 2 very big nations, i fear for mainland Europe. We have seen the cracks there and its only a matter of time before what has happen to the UK and US happen there too.

      The Russians, ISIS fanatics and South Koreans are watching with hawk eyes – the West has just painted a big ole target on herself.

      • Naya says:

        *North Korea. South Korea is an ally.

      • dotdotdot says:

        So much for the-others-are-uneducated-racists-not-me lol. But sure, scarry russians and south coreans 5eva!

        The fuck ´murrica? This is your own mess because you keep pointing at “other” instead of owning your shit.

      • hmmm says:


        You are hateful troll. But worse, you need to go to school to learn how to communicate your hate effectively. Either that or you need new meds.

      • Annetommy says:

        Dotx3, I’m not really sure what your point is. I’m from the UK and am not sure how you own your shit.

      • Nympha says:

        Digital Unicorn –
        This is the reason I rarely read comments here anymore. This lumping of my country together with ISIS really hurt. It’s not my, or half a country’s fault we have a psycho for a president. US citizens in particular should know it all too well today. We (sane Russians) are basically trapped here, feeling hopeless, watching as more and more despicable things happen and stupid laws are being passed. Much as lots of Americans feel today. So could we please throw away this cold war lite attitude? We are all in the same boat together. It’s not just my country where bigots sadly have taken over, now it’s happening in UK, US… Really frightening.

      • hmmm says:


        I understand your concern but maybe it’s a language problem. Saying ‘the Russians’ is a figure of speech for the Russian government, not the Russian people. We are talking governments here. I hope that helps.

        I feel for your situation. It will soon be everyone’s, I fear.

      • Nympha says:

        Thanks, hmmm!
        I understand what you are saying, it’s just that I’m really afraid lately. With all this “cold war returning” rhetoric from both sides, all the hatred… sometimes it seems like not many people understand the difference. There are good and understanding people here, and there are bigots, and people who got lied to and who believe all the problems are because of “the others”, much like everywhere else. In fact, this whole Trump mess, his rhetorics and how mind-blowingly it was that he had followers that agreed with him, people’s reaction and feeling of hopelessness in the aftermath – this all resembled so much our own situation and shame and feelings of defeat each damn time, that it was almost painful.

    • virginfangirl says:

      Thank you Italy.

    • kelaine says:

      You are such a beautiful person. I am just sitting here stunned after having about 2 hours of restless sleep. I can not believe this. I’m ashamed.

    • SilverUnicorn says:

      Maybe Italy should also learn a lesson (as the fascism was not enough!) and think not to elect similar politicians in the persons of Salvini and Grillo at the next general elections.

      Referendum is one month way and Italy seems on a path not so much different from UK and USA’s now.
      Hugs from UK

  5. original kay says:

    Kaiser I wish I had words to reassure you, but I don’t.
    I’m so sorry you are feeling this way, in your own country 🙁

    Sorry for anyone who faces the next 4 years of Trump/Pence.


    • virginfangirl says:

      Thank you Canada.

    • chaine says:

      At this point do we not wonder whether Canada is next???

      • vauvert says:

        Canadian here, looking into moving on the other side of the world. Because we are not far enough to escape any of the most extreme consequences of this menace. Yes, for now our health care is safe and the NRA does not own us, but there is nothing that could stand in the way of annexation, should he decide our natural resources are beautiful and great. Nothing to protect us from nuclear fallout if he starts a war because he thinks he can bully the rest of the world – he can’t. China won’t stand for it, Russia won’t stand for it, and NATO countries will be too busy taking care of themselves.
        That Mars colony needs to happen, sooner rather than later. I know this sounds like a bad conspiracy theory movie but electing this disaster to the WH is an existential threat, to all of us.

      • juice says:

        just last october we voted against a prime minister who attempted to use fear and distrust of others to win, and handed a huge victory to a politician who promoted diversity and acceptance. i think we’re going to be ok.

      • original kay says:

        My husband and I discussed this very thing already. There is literally nothing we could do if the US came for us, especially with Russia so close geographically as well.

        Trudeau can’t stop him with words, pleads for mercy, and we have no military. I live so very close to the US border as well.

        The only thing to fear is fear itself. And a trump presidency.

        **cries ***

      • littlemissnaughty says:

        I cannot believe that we’re even discussing this but everything is on the table now, isn’t it?

        I’m a useless mess today and my boss thinks I’m overreacting. Well f*ck you, you’re old. If I’m lucky I have 40-50 years on this planet and at this point, the future isn’t looking too bright.

      • HK9 says:

        No. We voted the Conservatives out when we had to. We know our neighbours to the south better than they know themselves, and if they try to come here with the foolery, we will be ready.

      • supposedtobeworking says:

        Alberta had a big political shake up already, which impacted our economy.
        We voted in the NDP, turning over 44 years of Progressive Conservative leadership. They are more progressive than the conservatives, so we went the other way socially and fiscally, but the policies have impacted jobs (higher minimum wage, higher corporate tax, companies leaving here for another province, highest unemployment rate in Calgary in decades, etc.). They are also more environmentally and socially progressive. They are a party that has not had governing experience in Alberta – their election was seen to many as a vote against the PC party. I fear a big Wild Rose surge at the next election, which scares me because they are very socially conservative.

      • vauvert says:

        Oh, I happily supported JT and I am glad we got rid of the conservatives but seriously, if the orange menace and his cronies decided, for whatever reason, to come for Canada – how exactly would we stop him? With what? Saying please and offering blueberry pancakes with maple syrup? (I know I sound like an arse but I am so angry, scared and disappointed…)

        I have already moved once from a communist country to Canada – and I thought I was safe. I was wrong. Not only do I see Hitler’s rise to power happening all over again, I also see a repeat of how communists took power over in my native country – first they just redistributed assets, then they had labor camps, then they suppressed the press… it’s a dark road once you start on it. And by the time people realized it has happened, it is too late to turn the wheel.

        My husband, who was lucky enough to be born in Canada and believes in democracy above all else keeps trying to console me. But he also believed – first that Trump wouldn’t be the nominee, next that he would flame out before the election, and as late as last night he thought Hillary would win with a wide margin. I have been telling him for a year that this horror will be the outcome, because Trump has articulated loud and clear the ugliest sentiments of a segment who clearly doesn’t think for itself other than to believe that “others” are to blame for their misfortune… and sadly that segment is bigger than the sane, rational, intelligent people in the country. And now we have the most powerful army in the world under the command of a lunatic surrounded by idiots. How can I not be scared to death??

        That being said, hopefully at least some of you can come to Canada. We’ll welcome you and protect you for as long as we stay free.

    • mom2two says:

      I wish I could come to Canada. 🙁

    • hmmm says:

      As a Canadian I’m already thinking of how I can harbour an American refugee. My apartment is tiny, and there’s not much money, but still, this is where my mind goes now.

      I fear for America, I fear for Canada and I fear for the world. No decent country is safe.

  6. Zandy says:


    But he will f..k up and when he does, the very people who voted for him will get hit the hardest.
    They made their beds… Unfortunately for everyone else they dragged us all into this mess. But I worry that the deplorables are so stupid that even when he f..ks up they will still support him.

    Good luck America

    • Juls says:

      As I said in the other thread, and as I have told people on Facebook. If you voted for Trump, then you volunteer to send your children to fight on the front lines in the WW3 that Trump will start. And mine can stay home.

    • Christin says:

      That is what has always perplexed me — why his base thinks he’ll have their best interests at heart. They were likely just a means to an end.

    • vaultdweller101 says:

      I have such doubts they’ll even understand who is to blame. When jobs don’t come back to the Rust Belt and the fly-over country, even with a Republican-controlled House, Senate and Presidency, I’m sure they’ll find a way to absolve Orange Satan and make it the fault of brown people and “libtards”.

    • isabelle says:

      I saw on MSNBC today one of Trumps talking heads already backing down from the wall. Said he didn’t think meant a physical wall but a one where security was strengthened and the laws on the books enforced. They are already backtracking.

  7. spacelab99 says:

    this election outcome may be about racism, too, but in the first place it’s about sexism. it’s a woman who lost tonight because she’s a woman, no matter what her shortcomings or merits. and it’s a world full of women (of all colours) who will be losing, too.

    • Flora says:

      What shocks me the most is the number of white women who voted for Trump. They need to get their heads checked!

      • Lucy2 says:

        I can’t understand it either. I’m a white,bcollege-educated, middle-class woman, and I am terrified and sickened by this. As are many of my friends and coworkers.
        I will never understand this.

      • Flora says:

        That’s probably because you are college-educated. A lot of the women voting for Trump were not. Same thing with the Brexit. It goes to show how little we know our fellow human beings.

      • Josefina says:

        That’s what you get when you read the world in binary terms – Men are X, women are Y. The world doesn’t work like that.

      • HK9 says:

        Read Women, Race & Class by Angela Davis. That will give you the background for why this happened. (there’s too much to put in a post.)

      • isabelle says:

        Bet its a lot of married women mostly that voted as their husbands voted. One of my friends did this because she was undecided and decided to go with her husbands decision. Days like this I’m glad to not be married.

    • Hmm says:


    • Hannah says:

      I’m brazilian and we had a woman president elected twice and not in one single moment during both campaigns it was insinuated that she sucked cause she was a woman. She turned out to suck big time, she got impeached, but even during this hard process, it wasn’t insinuated that she was a bad president for being a woman. And many americans dismiss us for being savages.

      • Naya says:

        America dismisses so many darker skinned cultures as savage despite the fact that some have had a history of women leaders. I mean Asia has a rich past and present of female leaders. Africa has had two women heads of state, several VPs, a woman president of the African Union, female ministers of defence, parliaments like Rwandas have had more women MPs than men et cetera. Of course women still face challenges there but that glass ceiling has been shattered multiple times. America needs to catch up.

      • Hannah says:

        @Naya Other countries in Latin America, like Chile and Argentina also had female leaders, and are judged simply as “hispanics” by mostly americans. Germany, one of the most important coutries in the world, has a woman in charge. The USA is getting really behind on it.

      • Fiorella says:

        Hannah I’m a Hillary supporter but the haters did have some “material” plus there were many lies online, did your ex president (she’s done now right ?) have a history ?

      • Josefina says:

        Eh don’t think we’re so progressive for electing women. Bachelet, Fernandez and Rousseff are all very incompetent women no country should be proud of having as presidents.

    • hmmm says:

      Absolutely. Clinton lost because she is a (uppity) woman. It boggles the mind. All my suspicions about the breadth and depth of misogyny have become fact.

  8. ria says:

    Heartfelt Condolences.

    I believe a lot were not voting Trump but against Hillary.
    I didnt like her but at least she would have been a known danger.
    He is a unkown danger and thous harder to survive.

  9. Louise177 says:

    I do think there will be a lot more violence. Trump is giving power to white men to be open and proud about their racism and sexism. Actually Trump promotes hate of anybody. It’s going to scary. I really Congress and more importantly the Constitution will stop Trump.

    • Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

      Thats what happened here in the UK after Brexit, there was an increase in crime against immigrants.

    • Aiobhan Targaryen says:

      @Louse177 Apparently it is not just white men he is empowering. White women, whether they were educated or not, also voted for that trash box. Not only did those women vote against their self-interest as a woman, but they voted to keep up white male patriarchy and toxic white masculinity.


      • jinni says:

        Exactly this was not just white men, this was white people in America proudly telling the world that most of them are just as racist as ever. This why when one of them start going on about we’re all women this and we’re all women that I won’t even take them seriously because first and foremost they are white and that is where their loyalty lies, this election just proved that.

        And I agree we need to get rid of that thing.

      • isabelle says:

        Also surprising to see Latinos voted in higher numbers for Trump than they did for Romney.

    • Llc says:

      Unfortunately, the Republican Congress will not stand in his way. We have a lot to worry about on that front as well.

  10. MellyMel says:

    So I guess this feeling most of us have right now is how the bigots in the this country felt when Obama was elected the first time…well they came out in droves this election and now the rest of us are going to have to pay for it. Welcome to 1956! God help us.

  11. Nicole says:

    I watched this speech live and it’s when I started crying and shaking. There’s not a lot to say my country of origin hates me and my family. My country just turned back the clock 100 years. And we can thank apathetic white voters, third party voters and every single person that didn’t stand up to Trump in the last year.

    I’m sick.

    • stinky says:

      Apathetic WHITE voters???
      uhhh… you sure about that?

    • Trashaddict says:

      Nicole: I am from your country of origin. I do not hate you. I do not hate your family. The clock will go forward. Be strong and know that there are people out there who care for you.

  12. Locke Lamora says:

    Do you think Bernie would have won if he got the nomination?

    • Flora says:

      Well he’s a white male, which helps. But he’s also Jewish and left-wing. I doubt that he would have won over the Bible Belt states, but I’m not American.

      • hmmm says:

        Bernie actually believes that the white voters were motivated by ‘economic anxiety’. No, a lot are well off. It’s racism and misogyny, pure and simple. He’s a privileged white guy and that is his perspective. His Jewishness and socialism would have done him in. Because he wasn’t the frontrunner in the primaries, there was no need to smear him. Trump’s party is frontloaded with white supremacists. Think about it.

    • Christin says:

      I wonder if Biden could have pulled ahead enough to win.

      • Whiskeyjack says:

        I do think Biden would have won easily. I have always thought that.

      • Mildred Fierce says:

        I agree

      • isabelle says:


      • jwoolman says:

        I doubt that Biden would have won. He has the big advantage of being male, but he would also be perceived as very “establishment”. And he would have ended up smeared just like Hillary and just like Bernie would have been. They would have dissected every word, every action. They just had tons of experience smearing Hillary, but would have caught up.

        My guess is that a powerful motivator for the
        Republicans might just have been the ACA. Insurance companies want things back the way they were. Follow the money. All three (Hillary, Bernie, Joe Biden) would have strengthened the ACA and very likely moved to extending Medicare to 55. Maybe even pushed for regulating the industry so they can’t jump up premiums and deductibles (30% to 35% per year increases in my case).

  13. Hurts says:

    All I know is that I’m about to wake up my son and my daughter right now and I have to explain why – why I didn’t wake them up to see her win and why the world will have to live with at least 4 years of hate. 🖕🏻to everyone who “protest” voted, 🖕🏻to everyone who didn’t vote and 🖕🏻to everyone who bought into the koolaid. 🖖🏽

  14. jinni says:

    This is all white peoples fault. Both the men and women. Yup I am calling out the women too because they were standing by their men and helping to make sure this happened. The only thing that makes me happy is knowing that all of those poor white people that voted for him aren’t going to end up in any better a position when he runs things. They and the rest of their families will still be stuck in generational poverty because they don’t realize that the rich men maybe white like them but they don’t care about them. But let them think they have really won something because one of their own in the White House.

    • PGrant's Girl says:

      I’ve said it a million times before and it bears repeating now: if you are not a white, straight, rich, Christian male, you have no business voting Republican. Women, people of color, LGTBQ, the poor … Republicans don’t give a $hit about you and never will.

      • dom says:

        And the Democrats care? What have they done for minorities??

      • isabelle says:

        Well it looks like that is who mostly voted for him and they turned out in high numbers. Sure white women voted for him but not as much as they had for previous Republican candidates.

    • chaine says:

      Yes. They will continue sitting on their butts out in the country turning up their noses at education and waiting for someone to bring them factory jobs on a silver platter. I don’t care how much Trump does, he can’t bring those factory jobs back.

      • hmmm says:

        White male entitlement?

      • jwoolman says:

        Definitely education will be key. When we had companies going south for cheap labor, a big obstacle to getting new jobs was functional illiteracy. People who had the same job for many years and had learned how to do it one-on-one couldn’t fill out a job application form, much less read manuals to train for a new job.

        Another aspect can be finding new things to do with the people and other resources in the community, so families that have been there for generations don’t have to scatter looking for work, breaking ties of family and friendship. I had to move around a lot when I was a kid and really miss having a “home town”. I was disconnected from family already, and then had to lose friends over and over again.

        And those original jobs are indeed unlikely to come back. The world is changing rapidly. Automation is their real threat, not immigrants.

    • jc126 says:

      The thought of people staying in poverty makes you happy? Interesting.

  15. Allie B says:

    I have to be honest here. I am extremely suspicious of some white people I know. There are many “secret” Trump voters. As a black person, I feel completely gutted and afraid for the future of black, brown, gay, and women Americans. All of the polls were wrong. All.of.them. Something in the water isn’t clean. If you voted for Trump I need you permanently deleted from my life, but I think many will continue to hide even after he’s won.

    • AmunetMaat says:

      The thing is though, I knew the polls were wrong. There was some polls that did project a close Trump win and a lot of people that I respect in the Conscious community predicted a Trump win as well. Part of the reason is that he had a lot of closet supporters, people who didn’t poll but were willing to show up on Election Day. Also, I heard a lot of white colleagues, past and present say, they are voting for Trump because they hate Hillary. They acknowledged that they don’t even like Trump but they like her even less. I felt like that was white privilege showing.

  16. Minnieder says:

    I’ve cried too. I can’t believe this is real, on so many levels. From Michelle to Melania?!? I am stunned. I had to face my teenage daughter this morning.

    • virginfangirl says:

      I’m a white middle class woman, disgusted by the results. My 15 yr old daughter woke me at 5 am to tell me Trump had won & said she cried when she saw the results, results which I had known since I was up til 1:00 am when I cried as well. Please know not all white families supported Trump. We didn’t, and certainly do NOT support racism.

      • AmericanPeanut says:

        Same here, white middle class woman, and I can certainly say, my candidate had not been elected. I am devastated.
        Not all white families support Trump, and we will be there to stand strong for all our American brothers and sisters, regardless of belief, race, or gender. We have to be active now, to make sure this doesn’t happen again, that we be the change we want to see.

  17. Aiobhan Targaryen says:

    I am angry right now. I want to point fingers and throw things and cry and then throw more things, but I cannot because I am at work right now.

    I hope Julian Assange is happy in his luxury embassy suite.
    I hope Putin is dancing to his heart’s content.
    I hope every Republican who stood by and let this happen smiles until it hurts to do anything else with their faces.
    I hope every hipster Bernie bot (no matter their race) is also happy because they got what they wanted.
    Every person who voted for Jill Stein and Gary Johnson and whoever wanted to write in a vote feels proud of their protest vote or for staying home.

    Selfishness and stupidity is why we are where we are this morning Van was right and I hate that all of the progress that this country has made will be turned back because some people cannot handle change and equality for everyone. I want to name who those people are in my post, but I don’t want to get banned for leaving a bigoted comment. I want to post about Game of Thrones next year.

    • Sunnydaze says:

      I’m so with you on this. I deactivated my fb and instagram because I was turning into a monster over this and I mentally couldn’t handle the insane celebration of people I actually respected. I saw a lot of people saying it was petty to defriend/unfollow for political reasons, but I disagree. This election showed me who you are at your core. And if you’re a Trump supporter I do not want you in my life, on my feed or in my thoughts. So glad I’m still on my meager maternity leave so I don’t have to face the world.

      • Aiobhan Targaryen says:

        @Sunnydaze You probably weren’t acting like a monster but just passionate.

        Politics is personal. It is not petty to stop being friends with people who fundamentally do not mesh well with you. Just think about it this way: they were never really your friend(s), but more people that you hung out with sometimes.

        Good luck with you and your new family.

      • vaultdweller101 says:

        @ Sunnydaze: Totally agree. It’s not like this is John McCain or Mitt Romeny. This is unvarnished bullshit racism and sexism and a lack of critical thinking. If you stared into the Orange Void and thought “yeah, I like this guy” — or even “well, I’d rather vote for Trump than Hillary” — then I don’t need to know you anymore. We don’t hold the same values at all, and I don’t think it’s petty to acknowledge that.

    • Asiyah says:

      Yes, let’s continue to blame everything but the disease of White Supremacy that still runs rampant in this country. Many voted for Trump because they genuinely believe in an America that benefits only White people. You can blame Assange or Putin or the dog but the truth is the only ones to blame are those who voted for Trump.

    • Tara says:

      It wasn’t a protest vote. It was a vote.

  18. Jess says:

    This made me cry last night, I pretty much haven’t stopped. The white mans last stand. This is insane, and I feel heartbroken and scared for anyone who isn’t a white male.

    • Josefina says:

      Trump is a horribly incompetent man that will definitely lead the USA to a terrible crisis. Straight white men will definitely suffer the least – but I don’t think anyone will benefit from having him as a president,

  19. poppy says:

    i never liked hrc but i PROUDLY voted for her JUST TO VOTE AGAINST CHEETO CLOWN.

    i am embarrassed and frustrated. angry. i can’t go around wearing a “voted for hrc -tuck frump” tshirt everyday but i want to.

    there has got to be some way to let others know i voted against Drumpf, that i stand for equality, that i support freedom and equal rights for all people, that I stand united with my brothers and sisters in the minority.
    maybe a blue poppy?

    PLEASE someone come up with something because there are many americans like me that are too stunned to know what to do.
    it is disheartening reading comments by readers that feel shamed and persecuted because of their creed or color or sexual orientation or whatever.
    we need solidarity now more than ever so the persecuted and disenfranchised know they are not alone.
    so PLEASE someone help me find a symbol because i will personally make it happen.

    • Liz says:

      Ditto EVERYTHING you said.

    • hmmm says:

      Stand up. Speak up. Stand together. I see no other way. Don’t let them silence you.

    • jwoolman says:

      On a lighter note: Have to say your “tuck frump” reminded me of my father referring to “the whole fam-damily”. Took me years to get it…. 🙂

    • Trashaddict says:

      Have the following numbers printed on your t-shirt:
      59,611, 678

      The Drumpfians won’t get it.
      But you will know and continue to remember that the top number is the popular vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton, and the bottom number is for the Cheetoh.

  20. PHAKSI says:

    Questions for anyone who knows, since republicans also have congress and the senate will they block anything trump does or will they toe thr party line?

    • vauvert says:

      He’ll nominate ant-choice SCOTUS and they’ll pass it. He’ll double the defence budget, they’ll pass it. He’ll cut taxes on the top 1%, they’ll pass it….

      • PHAKSI says:

        Even things they know wont be good for the party long term? All those senators and congress people have to think about their own re-election

    • vauvert says:

      They might waffle on some trade deals but ultimately they got what they wanted. They (Rep) now control everything. And yes, he is not what is normally called a regular Rep, but deep down he represents that which unites them – hate and bigotry. So yes, I am afraid they will pass everything. And the bitter, vengeful part of me (small, but there) thinks that it is just desserts for the uneducated whites who voted him believing pie in the sky promises about jobs that wont materialize; they will be worse off than ever, but they will still get to take out their anger on everyone who doesn’t look like them… the world weeps today.

  21. Valois says:

    I hope Assange is stuck in that embassy forever.

    • ria says:


      Assange was always a criminal, now people understand why a lot of people wanted him jailed. Before he was openly against Clinton a lot of People though of him as an important part of Whistleblowers, now they know it was just his personel Ego.

    • Flora says:

      I hope that Ecuador finally kicks his ass out of that embassy and that he’ll be extradited to Sweden. If this homeboy of the KKK is innocent, he’ll have nothing to fear. Especially not now that (fellow sexual assault accused) Trump has won the election.

      • hmmm says:

        Maybe he’ll declare himself a refugee from oppression and come to the States where Trump can welcome him. Maybe even make him Press Secretary.

  22. Chaz says:

    My youngest son (11) asked me this morning if Trump had won. I said yes. He then asked ‘What if he decides to start a war, a nuclear war? He is friends with Putin and they just sailed their warships through the North Sea.’

    In my defense I had to ask him where he got all that info. Turns out he had a political convo with his older sibling.

    Then I spent the morning being challenged by a Republican on my FB, because I was posting about the ‘white-lash’ (good commentary, he explained the fear and worry very well) and my dismay at the result. Trump voters are so anti-Clinton, anti-Democrat and yes even anti-female President that they are unwilling to see Trump for what he is.
    The great white man, who is just missing the hooded white sheet on his head.

    Trump said he wants to make America great again. Let me fix that..what he means is, he wants to make it white again.

    First Brexit, then Putin putting Russia back together and not so subtly threatening the West, and now this.

    • kri says:

      Erm, they were sailing those ships for awhile now. Russia has been a threat for MONTHS and nothing was said to them by our leaders. NOTHING.

  23. Va Va Kaboom says:

    I’m terrified for us all. It feels very self-centered right now, since if this goes as badly as myself and others fear I won’t be the first or even second they’ll come for, but my loved ones will be and I fear they’ll eventually come for me all the same.

    What happens when the “Wall” doesn’t stop illegal immigration? Who will be blamed once all Muslims are registered and labeled, possibly even thrown out of the country, and there isn’t a dent made in terrorism? When no new jobs are created and are Economy is still weak, who will be blamed next? Will it be those of us tangentially linked to one or more of these groups? Will it be a population as yet unidentified?

    I was born here, but will my last name and Middle-Eastern family eventually define me more in our government’s eyes than the fact I’m as “American” as any of them? None of President-Elect Trump’s ideas will do fuck-all to “make America great again”, but what happens when that eventually becomes clear to everyone? Will he or any of his followers ever actually admit that? History tells us no…

    First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Socialist.

    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

    Van Jones’ comments are poignant, but they only scratch the surface of the new reality some Americans are waking up to.

    • Olenna says:

      “what happens when that eventually becomes clear to everyone?” Nothing will happen. His base of supporters will not hold him accountable for anything he’s said during the campaign. They wanted a white Repub in the WH and now they got one. His big donors, politician supporters and appointees, however, like Christie, Giuliani, etc., will try to push every agenda imaginable that’s in their favor and still fuck the people over. Many of us have seen this scenario before. What did George W do for them? Ole Man Bush? Nothing and nothing, but they still loved them

      • Va Va Kaboom says:

        Yes, but thats kind of my point. He’s already tapped into the ugliest aspects of humanity and rode that wave of fear and anger straight to the White House. It doesn’t disappear just because he won. So when things continue to go badly, he and his administration aren’t going to allow themselves to be held accountable for it. If he’s already spouting this much hate think how extreme it could easily become when that happens.

    • mayamae says:

      + 1

  24. KV says:

    White liberal women (who vote Democratic) do exist, I swear… I am one. I’m devastated to find out there aren’t as many of us as I thought in this country. I really thought women would tip the election for Hillary…

    • kri says:

      I want a woman president too. I am shocked at this outcome as well. I am a social liberal and a fiscal centrist. I never thought he would win, but here we are. As women, let’s get it together find a stand-up woman ( Clinton was NOT a stand up woman) and get someone in their in 4 years that we can be happy about. But you now…it wasn’t just old white men who voted for Trump. The mix of his voters are quite shocking.

    • Maire3 says:

      And some of us live in Texas. When I went to bed at 3am, my county was still a spot of blue in a sea of red.

      Patton Oswalt’s tweet was spot on.

  25. Wren33 says:

    I mean this is obviously true, but Trump outperformed Romney with Blacks and Latinos. This obviously energized the far right white supremacists, but there is also a big chunk of the country that was willing to overlook his racism, as opposed to embrace it. Now, that is cold comfort because the end result is the same, but I think it is difficult to judge how much a “whitelash” was actually motivating people, some of whom previously voted for Obama. I’m not trying to #notallwhitepeople this, but living in a lily-white state that is solidly blue, the cultural and economic divides in this country are very real and I’m not sure how we talk to each other.

    • vaultdweller101 says:

      If you’re LGBT, black or a woman voting for Trump (or didn’t vote at all), you deserve all the shit you get. No sympathy. Just like if you put your entire hand in a tiger’s mouth, and then the tiger bites your hand off. Blood’s going everywhere and you’re screaming, but oh well. It’s not like it was a surprise, right?

      What’s real crappy is that the rest of us are going down with them.

    • hmmm says:

      They overlook his racism and misogyny at their own peril. Their vote enabled racism and misogyny. They are complicit.

  26. Snowflake says:

    Omg, so much stuff is going to be undone with a Republican house and Senate. How did people elect a man that take about blow jobs on national TV, makes fun of the handicapped, and disses minorities? How in any sane world can you justify that? Plus, the most inexperienced president ever. I fear for our future.

  27. KittenFarts says:

    The white bigots can rejoice! They have officially set this country back 70 yrs! But they aren’t the only ones to blame. A lot of non whites voting for Trump bc they did not want a woman as their leader. My boss is Indian & his wife JUST this year become a citizen. He said it’s so she can vote but I think it’s so trump couldn’t send her home. Culturally, a lot of ethnicities do not want a woman running our country. Also, one of my close friends is black & she said had more AA went to the polls for Hillary the way they did for Obama, we wouldn’t be in this situation. NBC News basically said that many AA did not vote in this election. I’m 100% blaming this upcoming turmoil on the white bigots & hillbillies but the non voters are coming in 2nd! No vote for Hillary was a vote for a pussy grabber! Good job guys!

    • TeamAwesome says:

      Don’t forget about how many minorities couldn’t vote thanks to the hatchet job SCOTUS did on the Voting Right’s Act.

  28. Anon says:

    I’m a white man who voted Hillary, as did my dad, my 4 brothers, and most members of my extended family (who are mostly white men too).

    I dread this man and for the first time in my life I’m truly ashamed to be American. Shame and dissapointment is what I feel. I had faith that my country wouldn’t be so damn STUPID to choose that incompetent a**hole as our leader and our main international representative. Turns out I was wrong. This is the leader my country wants.

    Everytime people from other countries visited us, they talked about the “Ugly American” stereotype. Racist, sexist, loud, ignorant, and with a very inflated and twisted sense of patriotism. And I always defended my people to death, saying those ugly americans are just a few bad apples from the nastier places in the south. And now I get this slap to the face. Turns out I was the delusional one. Those foreigners, they knew my country better than I did.

    I’d like to tell all PoC out there that not all hope is lost, that there are several white people out there who understand your cause and are disgusted by this. But will it be any consolation? Who cares what this architect thinks about racism when a proud racist was just chosen president.

    8 years of Obama, flushed down the toilet in just one day.

    • Kitten says:

      YES. Your comment perfectly expressed everything I’m feeling right now.

      • Scarlet Vixen says:

        @anon: I feel EXACTLY the same way. I am a 37yr old middle-class white woman living in the Midwest who voted for HRC. My family has always leaned to the right, but I had no idea HOW far. I got into it on FB with my sister, and then a brother and my dad because they are all Trump supporters. Not only did I wake up to the nightmare of a Trump presidency and the literal fear for their safety of so many of my LGBTQ and non-white friends, but then I was hit with having to say, “Who the f*ck are these people??” about my own family. They are all intelligent people, but when it comes to all things political they’re f*cking idiots. They justify it by claiming they voted for ‘jobs’ and completely ignore any societal consequences. They’re like ostriches shoving their heads in the sand while telling me I’m just “eating the lies I’ve been fed.” (Because getting all of one’s info from Fox News makes one well-informed??)

        I also thought there were way more good people than bad in this country–that the a*sholes were a vocal but small minority. This is NOT the country I served for 15 years of my life. I’m trying SO hard to stay positive, but I’m just so very afraid.

  29. wolfie says:

    The antichrist has come to power. Nuff said.

  30. Decapoda says:

    I agree. All the posters still fixating on racial issues are missing the point of Trump’s win. This election isn’t a “whitelash.” Yes, there are a lot of racist and sexist jerks out there, but the real issues are economic. The US has serious economic problems. The Great Recession destroyed many people’s lives. I voted for Bernie in the primaries and forced my self to vote for Hillary yesterday, but I never dismissed the very real economic concerns of Trump’s supporters. Obviously half the country is willing to believe Trump can make life better. I hope for the sake of all US citizens that Trump does some good, but I’m not hopeful. I’m horrified.

    • Aiobhan Targaryen says:

      Nah. I think we got the point just fine. It is both racist white people who cannot handle actual competition from other races and their lack of understanding of how the economy works. They think just like him: that everything bad that has happen to them is because of the “others” and not because of people just like Trump who built the system and then abused everyone who was not a part of the system that they created or helped to create. He and other rich white people are a part of the reason why those jobs are gone, not “the blacks” Hispanics, Muslims and everyone else.

      Trump has yet to put out anything that resembles a policy for how to get out of the whole that the republicans dug the country into or bring back jobs. But he damn sure is saying exactly what they think is the problem and never offered even a hint a solution. He just said he would do it. He never said how he would do it. What is worse is that the media never called him out on it. Not once.

      Also, racism is a real issue and has a huge affect on the economy.

      • Wren33 says:

        I agree with all that, but I think it is backlash both against the racial others and the “coastal elite” white others, whom because they are culturally disconnected from and feel condescended to, don’t trust. Plus the simplistic thinking that there is some easy solution, like cutting taxes or building a wall, that will make everything better without requiring nuance or personal sacrifice. People like easy answers, and Trump provided them, bigly and beautifully.

      • Aren says:

        @Aiobhan Targaryen I agree with you.
        And unfortunately Trump has been quite clear about how he pretends to get more resources and more jobs: Bombing countries that have oil, exploiting foreign workers, and starting conflicts with those who refuse to subject to his policies.

  31. Pandy says:

    Sorry Van, but there must have been idiot people of color who voted this tool into power as well as stupid whites. He didn’t win on a white vote only. There were a lot of people quietly voting him in. Good luck with that.

  32. Neo says:

    Perfect video.

  33. Pandy says:

    All I can boil this down to is that a man is more preferable to be president than a woman. How else to explain voting in someone who has already ripped off the American public via his refusal to pay taxes? And he’s been given the keys to the cookie jar??

    • jwoolman says:

      We can only hope that President Trump will be so busy trying to figure out how to loot the US Treasury that he won’t have time to do anything else.

      My brother’s theory is that Trump will be digging a long tunnel from the White House to the Mint. Once he finds out they aren’t next door to each other, of course.

  34. I'mScaredAsHell says:

    I was just telling my son that for now we’re all going through the stages of grief. But once we regroup, then the real fight begins. There’s no giving in and submitting to the dark side. We have to fight on for our children and grand children and all our future generations. Let the battle begin.

  35. bluerunning says:

    I’ve never felt this way after an election… never. I keep looking around thinking…What will this country look like in a year? 2 years? People say they want change, but is this the kind of change we want??? I keep trying to convince myself that it’s only 4 years, and our govt system has checks and balances, and as long as we ride this out, we have another shot in 4 years, and I think… for EVERYONE, this was a wake up call. I didn’t see this coming… not at all. We need to come together. WE need to pull it together somehow and rally around each other. We can’t let this destroy us… we just can’t.

    • WtfAmerica says:

      I’m right there with you. I’ve never been much into politics but this election felt so much more important. My heart sank last night, watching in complete disbelief, along with so many others. We are at a major crossroads it seems. Praying for all of us, all people of America and the rest of the world.

  36. Jan says:

    Come on , let’s be real. The Democratic Party needs to take a great part of the blame. The DNC cheated and schemed to make sure Hillary got the nomination. Bernie Sanders supporters got robbed and felt disallusioned . I don’t blame people for voting third party . Nothing will change until both parties get the message that they are not our only options!

    • I'mScaredAsHell says:

      I agree that both parties in their current state, have absolutely outlived their usefulness and I would like nothing better than to see a more vibrant 3 party system.

      But I cannot so easily discount the feelings and anxiety this election has produced. Not all of us have the security and knowledge that our daily lives will remain untouched by a Trump presidency and a Republican Congress. My neice teaches at a school where the majority of kids are first generation latinos and many of the parents work 2-3 jobs just to make ends meet. Those children are terrified of their families and lives being ripped apart as a result of this election. So yeah, for many Americans, life goes on without missing a beat. But for others, this is only the beginning of a shitmare.

    • Annetommy says:

      Is there proof that The DNC cheated to beat Bernie?

      • Jan says:

        Yes, there is a lot of proof . Debbie Wasserman Schultz stepped down because of it .

      • jwoolman says:

        There were really only a small number of speculative e-mails and no evidence that any of the talk went anywhere. Bernie was a newcomer to the Democrats and had always run as an independent (working with the Dems in Congress, however). Switching (briefly?) to the Dems gave him a chance for funding. I can see why the long-timers might have felt a tad resentful.

        I love Bernie, but he wasn’t cheated. Hillary just got more votes. He had supporters who were so new to the game that they weren’t really clear on the idea that only one person could get the nomination, and it wasn’t Bernie. It’s hard when you work for a candidate and he or she doesn’t win, but you get used to it. In Bernie’s case, I’m sure his original idea was to influence the platform once he showed there was support for his ideas. Which he did. But somewhere along the way he started thinking he could win this thing, so he had to face reality when he didn’t also.

    • hmmm says:

      Yes, because feelings and grudges and *principles* are more important than people and country and democracy. A third party vote by the privileged was a vote for hatred and against human decency and America. Own it.

    • Frosty says:

      Couldn’t agree more, Jan. And I’d add mainstream media outlets need to get back to proper, unbiased (as much as possible) coverage and not being mouthpieces for one candidate or the other.

    • Aren says:

      This has actually been mentioned as a big issue. Pushing for Hilary because it was “her turn” or because “a female president was needed” was a mistake. People who hate Trump didn’t see much of a difference between him and Hilary, but Trump was obviously going to appeal more to white males.

      • jwoolman says:

        But the primaries for Rs and Ds are held simultaneously in each state. Nobody knew when they started that Trump would come out as the nominee. Different candidates decide to run and the voters decide who gets the nomination typically. Hillary and Trump ended up with the most votes. That’s all. Hillary had had a good showing before, why would the DNC discourage her from running? There were 13 or 14 Republicans running initially, there was no way to know who would be the Democratic winner’s opponent.

  37. Giddy says:

    I was so stressed out last night that it triggered a migraine. I think another is starting this morning. Maybe the only way I can make it through this day is to be in a medicated haze trying to control physical and emotional hurt. I fear for the future and am devastated with these results.

  38. Ramona Q. says:

    Hillary is up 188,841 in the popular vote. That’s 2 democrats screwed by the electoral college in the last 5 elections. (Gore 2000).

    • Fire rabbit says:

      Yup. Gore/Bush 2.0and f’ck you third party idiots again. And we all know how well THAT ended for most of us. On our knees and damn near destitute with the top1% holding all the spoils. The very people who have never truly recovered have voted for the very same people to screw them again! The very definition of insanity.

  39. A.Key says:

    More than whitelash this was stupiditylash, but alas there you have it – proof how democracy is flawed because really, the majority of humanity is actually STUPID and letting the masses have a say means letting idiots decide. This isn’t just true of America, you got similar conservative far right movements gaining momentum all over the world, and they have been gaining momentum for quite some time.
    Unfortunately the majority of people around you are simple idiots. They like you if you’re like them, but if you’re different they won’t like you and they’ll be scared of you. Simple.
    And yes, women still have a long way to go before men and other women will view them as equal to men. It’s just a sad truth no matter how much we try to deny it.

  40. J says:

    You cannot expect people to vote for someone who is 100% opposed to their values. The left is intolerant of anyone who disagrees. This is the medias fault for continually belittling anyone who believes in something different. I am not happy about Trump, but the hypocrisy is sickening. You have no respect. Hillary lost this because she has no respect.

    • Scarlet Vixen says:

      Sorry, but no. After months–if not years–of reading political posts on Facebook from all sides, reading literally hundreds of books and articles from a wide variety of sources, reading thousands of comments on said articles, family meals with my liberal in-laws and my own conservative relatives, and having conversations with friends, coworkers, family and even strangers in a voracious desire to educate myself on everyone’s viewpoints and opinions (and a history degree) I can tell you WITHOUT A DOUBT that conservatives are so immensely more close-minded and close-eared than liberals. Are there good Republicans? Yes. I’m even married to one. Are there ‘bad’ Liberals? Yup. But if I had even just a penny for everytime i’ve seen a conservative has used the word Libtard I could retire today.

      And you think Hillary has ‘no respect’ when Trump is around? You’re kidding, right?

      • LeAnn Stinks says:

        Again, I was a former Democrat, became an independent decades ago, when I realized both parties have many flaws.

        However, I will say the violence that I saw from left, during this campaign, was pathetic. Whether they were people paid off by the DNC to stir up trouble at Trump rallies, as the Wikileaks emails suggested, or just angry Democrats, to me they came off way more intolerant than the right. People should have the right to vote for whomever they choose without being taunted, bullied, spit at, punched, shoved, etc.

        I am all for protesting peacefully, but violence is not okay and I am sorry, but it seemed like that behavior, and level of intolerance, came more from the left than the right.

      • J says:

        Well I’ve never heard the word libtard in my life. Hillary dug her own grave. This election proves it.

      • Kitten says:

        JFC The only people “stirring up trouble” at Trump rallies were his own supporters, the same classy folks who were yelling “lock her up!” and “Kill Obama” during Trump’s victory speech.

    • stinky says:

      J needs to listen to KFBK at lunchtime.
      Rush Limbaugh has been spewing nothing but HATE every day of the damn YEAR.
      Year after year. Talk about a disrespectful hypocrite! (oh wait, I forgot, its ‘the left’ that doesn’t play nice… riiiight)

      • Kitten says:

        You just gotta laugh…the hypocrisy is just so astounding.

        This is a political party that thrives on hate and fear, intimidation tactics and other manipulations.
        Trump is the candidate that David Duke endorsed, that the KKK supports. This is a guy who has openly mocked the same women that he is accused of assaulting, a man who makes fun of the mentally disabled and uses the n-word casually but yeah, liberals are so hateful.

        This country is so f*cked up.

  41. Jan says:

    I think that painting every single person who didn’t vote for Hillary as a racist, bigot is exactly why this country is divided . I understand that feelings are escalated today , but some of these comments are just as polarizing , and divisive as everyone has accused the Trump voters as being . Hillary was an extremely flawed candidate . It had absolutely nothing to do with her being a women !

    • LeAnn Stinks says:

      Thank you, Jan,

      I am an independent, who did not vote, but there would no way I would ever vote for HRC. I will never forgive her for her “what difference does it make?” Benghazi comment. Despicable!

      • Asiyah says:

        I wouldn’t vote for her either but to say that the left in this election were violent when it was the usual far-right intimidating people at polls and actually burning down and/or defecating houses of worship attended by people of color in the name of Trump? Come on.

      • Trashaddict says:

        LeAnn – don’t delude yourself – by not voting, you voted. Make sure there’s a better option next time, if you don’t like the ones you were given. The perfect President is not going to come down from Heaven with a halo around her or his head. You could have put in Bernie Sanders as a write-in, anyone! Keep failing to exercise your rights – they will be taken away.

    • Aiobhan Targaryen says:

      No, that is not why this country is divided. This country is divided because a lot of white people are pissed that they can no longer just stumble along into a well-paying job just because they are white. They actually have to compete with other people who want to have the same things as those white people do: security, a nice home to be proud of, money in the bank, etc. Trump represents everything that they supposedly hate about the elites: he has cheated small businesses, he has cheated the government, he has even sent jobs overseas, he is a loud overbearing lazy ass who only has what he has because he inherited it, and yet the orange one still won. Which makes no sense since these people supposedly hate the elite; he is the elite. Those Trump voters have no interest in changing the system, they want to be him and benefit from the system instead of changing it so that everyone benefits. This is the same for those privileged small minded people who voted for Gary Johnson ( a cowardly republican in a libertarian’s body) and Jill Stein ( a sexist anti-vaxxer who politically was no different from Hilary.)

      Hilary may have had flaws, but she was better than Trump in every way possible!

    • Frosty says:

      ITA. States that Obama carried went to Orangino this time.

  42. nicegirl says:

    I’m getting more worried by the moment. When do you think they will come for those of us who have terminated pregnancies? What do you think they will decide is our punishment?

    • jerkface says:

      Hey, it’s going to be ok. I promise you they are not going to come after you. There is still good in the world. Please just splash some water on your face, try to breathe, and just step outside for just a minute to get some air. Look at the sky and the trees and see the birds are still making noise. You will find a way to feel better and beat this anxiety thats taking over right now. You are going to be ok.

      • Kitten says:

        Maybe you should share your meds with the rest of us 😉

      • HK9 says:

        I would love to believe you but none of us know what they’re going to do. If I’ve learned anything from this it is that you can’t take anything for granted and assume nothing. They are in the position now to go after anyone they want and they will. Americans are going to have to actively participate in the political process to make sure we don’t end up in the American version of ‘1984’.

      • jerkface says:

        LOL @Kitten 🙂 Yeah man I’ll share for sure

    • J says:

      This is fear mongering and a complete misunderstanding of the legal system. You can’t be prosecuted for something that was legal at the time. And also, get a grip.

  43. Kyrgios says:

    Orange is the new black.

  44. Malificent says:

    I finally started to cry when I just read a post by a friend with a 9-year-old daughter and a 10-year-old son who has autism. She said that her daughter has seen the video of Trump mocking the disabled reporter and heard of the rally where Trump supporters kicked a child’s wheelchair. Her daughter is now afraid that Trump’s followers will try to hurt or kill her brother.

  45. RepublicanRocks says:

    See , this guy from CNN gets it .

  46. tw says:

    Assange – from one sexual predator to another.

  47. Detta says:

    Tonight is the first time I have ever posted here. I’ve been lurking and reading for years and was tempted to give my two cents every now and again, but never quite found the time. But now I just feel I have to. Still can’t quite believe this is happening although I did see it coming – in the hours leading up to the recent Brexit referendum I had a sinking feeling that the vote would swing to Leave regardless of what the polls said, and I had the same feeling last night. I couldn’t even bring myself to watch the disaster unfold, so I just switched on the tv in the morning – I’m in Germany so final results came in at the wee small hours – and saw the headlines and Trump’s face and just straight switched it off again. Been doing home office all day and I avoided most of the tv news because I just couldn’t stomach it. The sight of Trump supporters celebrating and shouting aggressively made me sick. I did catch some of what’s been going on via the net and was reading on here.

    I have been alternating between feeling dumbfounded/sad and speechless/angry. I felt so numb all day I couldn’t even cry, but right now, reading some comments in here, the tears just came. I feel so so sorry for those voicing their fears and concerns here and for every person in the USA right now who feels left out and faces a future that might deprive them of their rights, rights many before us fought so hard for over decades. And there finally seemed to be some decent steps forward in many places in the last few years, even with the fact that recently backlash reared its ugly face. Brexit was bad enough, right wing movements in Europe are bad enough, but for the US to elect someone like Trump is topping it all. At a time when the world is already in turmoil this was the last thing it needed. And how anyone – especially women – can vote for someone who openly shows disregard towards and admits to abusing women is beyond me. No promise for a workplace or a “great America” is worth that.

    So clearly Trump is a despicable person, but there are so many endless question marks beyond just how he will handle this job on a day to day basis: the overall state of political affairs in the US (senate/congress/supreme court), the worldwide implications (which rulers/states are happy about this outcome and why, what will the ramifcations be for foreign policy, environment and so much more) and of course the scary monster mask that has appeared behind so many civilised facades. If nothing else this proves once again what a thin veil lies between civilisation and barbarism and how easy people can be lied to and be seduced to go down a road which could lead to utter catastrophe. And being German and knowing our history I know what I’m talking about. And deep down it scares me shitless.

    And so I just wanted to send my love to everyone in America and elsewhere who is as disgusted as me and angry and scared and confused as to what will come. I’m not pretending I can fully understand the situation many of you find yourselves in in the USA today. I am a white female of German origin so not really affected in my own country by discrimination (and I think – hope – in many parts we are a still a mostly liberal society here even though things are taking ugly turns in some regions far too fast). However, I am concerned by it all because I hope I am a decent human being and I try to walk in other people’s shoes. Your hurt and fear pains me, too, and I wish I could do more than just write a few words.

    At the end of the day the question is do we stand back and let it happen or does everyone everyday on a small scale or a larger one stand up for what many have voiced here, and speak out and act against racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia and all those horrible words that describe real threats to fellow citizens on a daily basis. In the US, the rest of the Americas, in Europe, in Russia, in Asia, Africa, Australia. It does not matter where and we must not let ourselves be divided. Look at the facts and figures and yes, name the groups and try to look at their reasoning as absurd as it may be, but don’t let it be an excuse. And always be aware that in every country there are women and men who strive for a better world. It’s really the conclusion I have to come to at the end of this day. Otherwise I might as well give up and hope evolution will take care of it and wipe our species of this planet sooner or later. But I’m not quite ready for that yet.

    Sorry for this rant, but I just had to vent a bit. There are a thousand thoughts swirling through my mind and they probably won’t go away anytime soon. There is a feeling of despondency and helplessness inside, but at least it is good to know that there are other hearts and minds out there who care and who are not ready to give up either. I hope.

  48. Rita says:

    Protesters in Chicago this evening.

  49. Rita says:

    Protesters in Chicago this evening. On both coast actually.

  50. tim says:

    The US election has taught me 2 lessons

    lesson 1 No matter how orange or inept you are as long as your willing to grab em by the pussy your gold.

    lesson 2 all it takes to be a republican is Jesus and a dead homosexual.

    well done America you just made the world a more dangerous place

  51. Rebecca says:

    I have two children who are millennials. What they told me was there was a lot of talk on social media between millennials regarding Bill Clinton. They believe he probably raped a woman and may have slept with underage girls. This is why they could not bring themselves to vote for Hillary Clinton. I tried to explain to them that Hillary was the one running for office not Bill but they weren’t having it. My daughter didn’t vote and my son voted for the libertarian.

    What I’m trying to say is Donald Trump is not only in office because there are still people in the US who don’t care about racism. He may also be the president now because of Bill Clintons’ past. Millennials did not vote because of it. The DNC made a mistake when they believed people would not care.

    Bernie Sanders should have been the candidate the DNC supported. Instead they plotted against him and it came out in the emails on Wikileaks. I think hacks are so common now the DNC should have expected it.