Ivanka Trump & Jared didn’t think it would be this hard to manipulate Baby Fists

Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2017 - Givenchy Show

This is the fourth Us Weekly cover IN A ROW to feature someone named “Trump.” Last week’s cover was about Melania Trump and how she lives a “separate life” from her husband. The week before that was devoted to the super-fun Trump kids, because the gossip industry wants to do anything possible to normalize a family of fascists. So, this week’s Us Weekly cover story is all about Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner and how IT IS SO HARD to advise an unhinged lunatic being controlled by Vladimir Putin. Tuff stuff, peeps.

Ivanka Trump always envisioned herself as a mogul, not a punch line. But on February 4, the refined, professional daughter of President Donald Trump provided the setup for Saturday Night Live’s opening sketch. Alec Baldwin, in his now-infamous caricature of Donald, remarked that Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, one of his senior advisers, “make sure I don’t do anything too crazy” before asking if they were gone. Upon confirming they were home observing Shabbat, he summoned chief strategist Steve Bannon, cracking, “When the Jews are away, the goys will play!”

The bit wasn’t total satire. “Donald doing the most controversial stuff when Ivanka and Jared aren’t around — there is some truth to that,” a close Ivanka insider reveals in the new issue of Us Weekly. And less than a month into her dad’s presidency, Ivanka, 35, is seeing firsthand that not everyone hails to the chief. While many assumed the former Trump Organization VP and her real estate investor husband, 36, would serve as calming forces for Donald, they have at times struggled to advise the short-fused tycoon.

It was during their Friday night quiet time January 27 that Donald, 70, signed the much-maligned order to temporarily ban refugees and immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim countries. Since observing the Sabbath means unplugging from technology — “We turn off our phones for 25 hours,” Kushner has said — the couple were somewhat unaware of the fallout from Donald’s decree when, the next night, she posted an Instagram photo of herself in a metallic Carolina Herrera gown with her tuxedoed husband. The backlash was immediate: A meme circulated of Ivanka side by side with a young Syrian refugee wrapped in a silver emergency blanket, and the Marie Antoinette–inspired hashtag #letthemeatcake trended on Twitter.

This first blow to Ivanka’s carefully cultivated image — “She doesn’t put a foot wrong,” family friend and Avenue columnist R. Couri Hay tells Us — was quickly followed by a second. On February 2, citing poor performance, Nordstrom announced it would no longer carry her fashion brand. “The transition has been difficult,” says the insider. But for Ivanka, no challenge is insurmountable. Notes a friend, “She’s staying positive and focused on what she’s trying to do.”

She’s also celebrating the small victories with her husband. The parents of Arabella, 5, Joseph, 3, and Theodore, 10 months, persuaded Donald not to overturn President Barack Obama’s order protecting the LGBT community from discrimination in the workplace. “That was all because of them,” says the insider of the scions. “They stood strongly against Donald repealing that executive order and told him they wouldn’t tolerate that.”

That’s not to say POTUS always listens to the duo. “Sometimes Jared and Ivanka are a big influence and sometimes he takes other opinions into account and does something they disagree with,” says the insider. “They win some and they lose some.”

[From Us Weekly]

Basically, we should feel sorry for Ivanka and Jared because they can’t control the president of the United States 24-7, and they completely overestimated their influence over him. Or they completely underestimated Steve Bannon’s influence over him. Pick your poison. Suffice to say, I have no sympathy for Ivanka. She’s chosen to put a glossy Stepford-Daughter face on her father’s racism, nativism and misogyny for years now. Here’s my question though: will Jared Kushner jump ship? I feel like he was not expecting it to be this difficult to manipulate his father-in-law.

Meanwhile, Ivanka’s Baby Fisted, Easy D-desiring father tweeted this yesterday:

He has no sense. Not only did he tweet this on his private account (hello, unsecure Android), he had the official POTUS account retweet it! And Sean Spicer had to comment on Nordstrom’s “unfairness” in the White House briefing! These people are petty grifters with zero ethics.

Photos courtesy of Ivanka’s Twitter, cover courtesy of Us Weekly.

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247 Responses to “Ivanka Trump & Jared didn’t think it would be this hard to manipulate Baby Fists”

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  1. Jenns says:

    Nordstrom had a great sales day yesterday, so Angry Yams tweet backfired.

    Also, where is the ethics committee on this?

    • Mke says:

      They only exist to harass Hillary Clinton, not their own guy.

      • Esmom says:

        *weeps* Again.

      • Melly says:

        Can you imagine the OUTRAGE and sh!tstorm Republicans would be making if Hillary had won the election and even did 1% of what Baby Fist is doing? My god.

      • vaultdweller101 says:

        On my local news, they had a bit where they asked Trump voters if they regretted voted for Orange Caligula. Most said no, although a few said they felt he had broken promises to them, namely not prosecuting Hilary Clinton for the e-mails. When the news reporter asked what they thought of Trump’s insecure technology (the private e-mail server, etc), one lady yelled that IT WAS NOT A BIG DEAL, GOD. AT LEAST HE’S NOT CROOKED LIKE THE CLINTONS!

        I just sat and stared at my TV as it grew dark in the room around me. I knew it long before, in my heart, but that’s when my head finally realized we are just well and truly f*cked in this country.

      • Esmom says:

        vaultdweller101, my despair comes from the same place, wondering how so many people can believe that Trump and team are “fine,” and are persisting with the Hillary bashing. I think we arrived at this place via a “vast right wing conspiracy,” a systematic proliferation of lies and propaganda over the course of decades. Those of us who always believed that the truth would eventually prevail have been outfoxed (no pun unintended) by those who couldn’t care less about truth.

        I’ve seen some things lately on social media that acquaintances have “liked,” particularly on Fox News and other far right sources, that makes me realize they truly are blind to reality. They just eat it up and regurgitate it back out with seemingly no thought or analysis. Like I said, I despair.

      • Sarah says:

        I am now of the firm belief that the only way to survive this administration is for blue states to start to band together and form a federation. The red states people won’t care – they hate us and resent us, and want to shove their 19th century beliefs down our throats. We need to become a little less United.
        I can’t see ever coming together with illiterate idiots who believe Hillary ran a sex slave ring out of a DC pizzeria. I just can’t.

      • Mop top says:

        I’m trying to reply to @sarah about the red states vs. the blue states. I definitely see civil war coming; I personally think it will be a relief to have different federations since I believe we have passed the point of agreement within this country. I’m just waiting, because I know it’s coming.

      • Kelly says:

        @sarah Red states vs. blue states. If it comes down to that, as a Wisconsin resident who voted for Hillary and who loathes Walker and Ryan, I would gladly want to be annexed to Illinois or Minnesota and form a Midwest blue state federation. I’d prefer Minnesota because it’s currently functioning better than Illinois.

    • lightpurple says:

      Chaffetz said just last night that he would be overstepping his authority to investigate Trump.

      • Rapunzel says:

        Ivanka and Jared are as in over their heads as Trump is, maybe more.

        She must be furious he’s ruining her business. And I say she deserves it.

      • Rapunzel says:

        My response above was put in the wrong place. Chaffetz is a cowardly POS. Who’s paying him off?

      • Merritt says:


        Her business has been not doing well for years. There is nothing exceptional about the clothing that her brand puts out. Most of the products are cheaply made knockoffs from other brands. I think she had her own boutique at one point and it closed due to poor sales.

      • Liz says:

        “Overstepping his authority?” Government Oversight is his bleeping JOB DESCRIPTION!

      • ME says:

        I despise this man – this is the same man that was already lining up to investigate Clinton had she won. Same man that wanted to sell off thousands of acres of government land to special interest groups. He is one ugly (inside and out) POS!

      • Keaton says:

        Chaffetz posts crap like this and promises to keep investigating Hillary Clinton while idly standing by watching Donald Trump destroy everything he *claims* to stand for.

        He’s a fraud and a garbage person. I would love to see someone vote his sycophantic weasley ass out of Congress. No Democrat could beat him in Utah but I’d happily contribute to a Republican if there was a shot at beating him.

      • Sarah says:

        I have to be careful what I write, because I am more angry and upset than I have ever been at my country. A mother, here 22 years, arriving at the age of 14, was just sent back to Mexico. Meanwhile, Melania Trump came here illegally more than likely, and Trump’s nominee for a Cabinet position, Labor, had an illegal maid for years. I want both of them deported.
        Jeff Sessions makes a fiery threatening speech today, and Trump signs three very aggressive Executive Orders which will probably send troops into our cities, make BLM a terrorist groups, and protesting a felony.
        Jesus Christ. I am beside myself. I think our democracy is doomed – the Republicans won’t put any brakes on him and if the 9th Circuit decides against Trump, he will wage war on the judiciary branch and maybe even defy them.
        I am sick.

    • Rose says:

      I’m going to order something from Nordstrom today just to show my support! Unethical people!

      • Melly says:

        I did that last night! I got a really cute (sort of expensive) black dress.

      • mayamae says:

        I think a lot of people did. After Trump tweeted, sales initially dropped, and then rebounded even higher. I think it’s clear his haters far outnumber his lovers. And that makes me so happy.

    • Charlie says:

      I’m embarrassed to say I bought a very expensive Ivanka Trump belt a few years ago because I couldn’t find anything else suitable. I thought it was leather, but it was a piece of junk, lasted for about six wearings before the cheap plastic edges were worn off and frayed from scraping against the too-tight buckle. What a total waste of money. Cheaply produced crap made in third-world countries by the poorest of people who work for slave wages. Of course, I’ve boycotted anything with the Trump name on it now, including visiting the US for the next four years.

    • Mary mary says:

      Also, don’t recall any American president ever…bad mouthing American companies. DRump wants to make America Great Again, well DRump how about starting with not bad mouthing American companies that employ thousands of people? DRump went on a rant about Nordstroms this isn’t good for the employer, investors or their employees. Nordstrom employs 75,000. Nordstrom stock did go down temporarily after that “presidential” tweet and did recover today.


      DRump did the same thing to Boeing because he felt the Air Force One plane was too costly. Boeing stock plummets (did someone short this betting the stock would go down?) then it recovered, but why does he do this? Every time DRump opens his orange pie to rant about an American company, the negative “presidential” remarks impacts the company, investors and ultimately it could impact the employees.

      Wish the Obamas didn’t leave. We need grown ups in charge at the WH…

      • mayamae says:

        He’s an imbecile, but I think he knows that his criticisms harm the profits, and he does it on purpose. He thrives on being a bully and crushing those weaker or smaller than him. And his fans love him for it.

      • lightpurple says:

        The Trump family portfolios need to be checked for when he attacks companies; Boeing, Lockheed, several others now. Stocks dip, then rise. Are Trumps buying as soon as they dip?

      • Ennie says:

        Not only the American companies, he is damaging other countries economics and stock-markets due to his irresponsible gut-tweets.
        When will he understand that with great power comes great responsibility?

    • Easy E says:

      I think Angry Yam is my favorite nickname so far. Thank you.

  2. sarri says:

    His tweet against Nordstrom backfired:

    “Donald Trump appears to have lost the power to move markets with a single tweet—and now his Twitter attacks may even be backfiring.

    After the President blasted Nordstrom (JWN, +4.09%) in a tweet Wednesday morning condemning the retailer’s decision to stop selling his daughter Ivanka Trump’s brand, Nordstrom stock did something nobody expected: It surged.

    In what some on Wall Street are declaring the stock trader’s answer to a political protest, Nordstrom stock barely flinched at President Trump’s criticism, dipping less than 1% before aggressively reversing course, ending the day up more than 4%.”


    • Christin says:

      I enjoyed checking their stock price yesterday. After a very minor dip when the tweet happened, there was a lovely, steady rise.

      I’m waiting for someone to rub it in, by asking him to negatively tweet against their small start-up company or something. “Help us out. We need to raise capital. Please insult our company.” Welcome to reverse truth and reverse endorsements.

    • Esmom says:

      I saw a nice meme circulating: “Yesterday the “jobs president” used his twitter and the PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE TWITTER to knock down an American company for no longer carrying his daughters clothes that are made in China”


    • Antigone says:

      Yes! I was so glad to hear that his stupid tweet had the opposite effect.

    • holly hobby says:

      Please, his “fans” don’t shop at Nordie’s anyway so they were already “boycotting.” Screw him and his tweets. The sooner people ignore this idiot the better off we will all be.

      As a “shareholder” (aka taxpayer) of this administration, Sean Spicer would do well if he did not bleep about personal crap that is unrelated to the running of govt. I wish America as a whole can do a hostile takeover and dump this board.

      • hmmm says:

        Yeah, their boycott of Starbucks (another place I doubt most frequent) ) has sent Starbucks tanking too. Oh wait…

      • Ursaline says:

        That stupid c*nt KellyAnne Conway actually used her press conference time to tell people to go buy Ivanka’s stuff. She is also a sh*t-gibbon and deserves whatever she has coming to her.

        I really really wish someone would grow a pair and hold them legally accountable. But again, that would require growing said pair and using a moral compass to serve the people who don’t just buy members of Congress and Cabinet positions.

    • sienna says:

      I didn’t know he tweeted against Nordstrom. So, funny…my personal shopper at Nordstrom called me yesterday and asked if I needed anything, so I took a triple points day and put through the purchases I had been needing/wanting. I will have to thank her extra when I pick up my items next week.

  3. Mikasa says:

    I think a lot of Trump’s people will try to get rid of Bannon because he has too much power over President Toddler.

    • Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

      I dunno – Bannon’s politics seem to match those of the old white men who silence democratically elected women in Senate.

    • JRenee says:

      If it interferes with their ability to be re-elected or profit, they will…only then

    • Megan says:

      Bannon is seriously unhinged and dangerous. He believes the apocalypse is imminent.


      • isabelle says:

        A lot of Christians think this, its a common teaching in a lot of Evanelcial and strict Catholic churches. He isn’t alone in this belief, masses of people believe it and those people voted for Trump.

      • Megan says:

        Christians believe in the rapture, Bannon believes in apocalyptic war.

      • MrsBadBob says:

        They peddle that crap to “true-believers” to distract them and to unify them. It’s very easy to undermine false Christian faith. Sheeple who go to a country club every Sunday to pat each other on the back are not there learning the messages of Christ so much as as learning to hate “others” and feel smug and superior. Churches are man made institutions riddled with corruption and yet we are supposed to believe “good” people will flock to them and learn to do the right thing.

      • rice_bunny says:

        Well, with him in the Whitehouse…I’d say the apocalypse IS imminent!

    • HappyMom says:

      I watch Morning Joe which is apparently Trump’s favorite morning show. They are gunning hard for Bannon and Miller. I hope it works.

    • hmmm says:

      After Spicer was seriously mocked by the genius Melissa McCarthy on SNL, Drumpf has been pissed and is rethinking Spicer’s role (blames Spicer of course). There’s a push on Twitter to see Rosie O’Donnell play Bannon on SNL- she’s all for it. Drumpf’s head would explode. Good times.

      • Disco Dancer says:

        If Alec Baldwin can’t play Trump anymore than Rosie O”Donnell needs to step in! And Melania can be played by a burnt out piece of beef jerky- same thing.

      • Megan says:

        I think Meryl Streep should play Melania.

      • lightpurple says:

        Rosie needs to stay out of it. She tweeted stuff about Barron and it became all about Rosie being mean to Barron. She goes too far, does not back herself up with facts, and it becomes all about Rosie. To hammer the point that this is all wrong; the work needs to be done by those who have not been identified for decades as enemies of Trump.

      • Esmom says:

        Agreed, lightpurple. Bringing Rosie into this is completely the wrong way to go and I hope SNL immediately dismissed the idea.

    • Sarah says:

      There is a twitter movement to send letters and postcards to President Bannon at the White House. I sent a letter yesterday, and bought some postcards to send one every day.

  4. vauvert says:

    Back to shopping a Nordstrom’s:-)
    I guess I am petty after all. I can’t summon an ounce of sympathy for poor little rich Ivanka whose company makes $100M annually – with only 12 US employees…. must be so hard. #sarcasm #grifters

    • Christin says:

      I placed an order yesterday.

      No sympathy for these adults. They all smugly hitched their wagons at what they thought to be a gold mine.

    • lightpurple says:

      Bought suede booties last night. Felt great!!

    • PunkyMomma says:

      Opening up a Nordstrom’s account today. 👠👠

    • Tate says:

      I am home from work on this lovely snow day. Just ordered a pair of jeans from Nordstroms for the first time ever.

    • jj says:

      Just got my order yesterday, too cute!!! Love Nordstroms.

    • GingerCrunch says:

      I’m in! Happy to protest with my wallet!!!

    • ME says:

      Place an order last night too. Was at Nordstrom Rack about a week ago and they tons of Ivanka shoes on clearance – and I very loudly proclaimed not even if you paid me would I buy any of her merchandise. Apparently a lot of people feel the same way – yay!

    • Nicole8672 says:

      Just called the Hudson’s Bay Company here in Canada to protest their continued sale of Ivanka’s line! Stay strong USA, you have the support of the world

      • AnnE says:

        @Nicole8672 Thank you for pointing this out. I just sent an e-mail to The Bay asking that they immediately discontiue carrying the Ivanka Trump line since IT and the Trump family have demonstrated that they do not share Canadian values. I suggested that they donate the remaining 300+ items that they still carry on their website to a woman’s shelter or a refugee organization. I did not threaten to boycott The Bay (yet) but said I would most definitely purchase any items that is carried by other merchants from them rather than The Bay going forward. I included my points card account so that they could see that I am most definitely a valued and regular customer.

      • layla says:

        Great idea! As someone looking in from above (heehee) …. it’s hard to feel helpless in such a ridiculous situation. HBC will be hearing from me as well. Thanks!

        We now also have Nordstroms in Calgary… so guess we’re I’m off to after work today ! 😉

      • KristenLK says:

        Nicole8672 and AnnE,
        Thank you for the inspiration! I read this and immediately wrote to The Bay as well. Cardholder since the age of 17 when i worked there in high school. I borrowed your idea and suggested they donate inventory to a shelter/charity. Included my points card# and then sent a copy of the email to my friends and work colleagues…. No Thank You HBC!!

      • hmmm says:

        I tend to spend at The Bay for big ticket items, been a card carrying frequent customer for decades, so thanks to you all for the tips. They will be hearing from me.

    • TwistBarbie says:

      I’m a broke-ass student but I just browsed their online sale-section. I didn’t make a purchase (I’ll head on down to my local store so I can try things on) but I did have the opportunity to answer a survey on their website, and I told them all about how I will consider them my go-to when I shop now

    • Sarah says:

      I’m going on Sunday. No idea what I will buy, but I am determined to buy something.

    • kNY says:

      This might come off as sounding elitist, but I don’t think his die hards are regular Nordstrom’s shoppers. I lived/worked in a part of Pennsylvania that had a sliver of extremely wealthy and the rest were dirt poor. And of course it was Trump country. A handful of people had Chanel bags, but the rest – I’m serious – would wander around in their pajamas. A nearby judge made it a rule that people could NOT wear pajamas to court. Ivanka’s clothes don’t go with the red hats anyway.

      • lightpurple says:

        The women I know who voted Trump are all affluent middle class.

      • Esmom says:

        Yeah, in my part of town, filled with affluent, mostly white soccer moms, Nordstrom’s is a go-to spot. Sadly I’ve realized via social media that many did in fact vote for Trump (and didn’t admit it until after the election). They didn’t wear the red hats — but are worse, imo, since they were too cowardly to admit they supported him until he won.

      • adastraperaspera says:

        In Nashville the Nordstrom’s is located in Green Hills Mall, which is in the heavily blue Davidson county. I would say it’s most frequented, however, by conservative white women with bucks from the “white flight” red stronghold to the south–Williamson county.

      • Veronica says:

        Plenty of wealthy and affluent people voted for Trump, unfortunately. Racism and sexism had a lot more to do with putting this administration in power than people want to think. People at the top of the social hierarchy don’t like any threats, imagined or otherwise, to their place over everybody else.

    • JackieJormpJomp says:

      Black Michael Kors slingbacks. Bought. Regular price. Least I could do.

  5. Mrs.Curious says:

    Is he allowed to use his POTUS account for things like that?

    • lightpurple says:

      Major ethics breach. He also used his press secretary to discuss it during the daily news briefing – our tax dollars at work to promote Ivanka’s business.

      • Rose says:

        Kelley Conjob told everyone to buy Ivanka’s clothes this morning on CNN during an interview. I KID YOU NOT!!! FROM THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!

      • Christin says:

        Rose, I saw a Fox News clip of her saying it today.

        Imagine any recent president and his staff doing this. “Buy Bush Daughters’ Boots! Buy Obama Girls’ Sweaters!”

      • supposedtobeworking says:

        His mantra is the President is exempt from Conflicts of Interest.

      • Red Snapper says:

        Not to defend Sean Spicer, but he was answering a question, he didn’t bring it up himself. That said, he said Nordstrum’s decision was ‘political’ and ‘unfair’. Free markets are for losers!!

      • lightpurple says:

        Kellyanne Conway, Sean Spicer, and the unethical turd named Ivanka are not exempt.

      • MC2 says:

        He has explained this: 1- presidents don’t have conflicts of interest (we all nod) and 2- he is president (we all nod) so therefor if 1 & 2 are true then he must not have conflicts BECAUSE he is president. It’s like an invisibility cloak where all laws & rules flow off.

      • mayamae says:

        Trump Jr. also tweeted for people to cut up their Nordstrom credit cards.

    • bleu_moon says:

      In any other administration there would be senators denouncing it from the Senate floor as a serious breach of ethics. Now the spineless GOP just wants in on the action.

      • Who ARE These People? says:

        Exactly. Trump’s gonna Trump, but it’s Congress that lets him get away with it.

    • ME says:

      Of coarse not but the GOP/supporters have excused it away and moved on to destroying America.

  6. Shambles says:

    HA YEAH OKAY we see you over there, once again trying to distance yourself from your lunatic father when things get sketchy. Saying it’s true that he does the crazier things when you’re not around, thereby trying to absolve yourself of the consequences. Sorry, doesn’t work that way. You were happy to wear that sparkly dress on inauguration night, Ivanka

    • Maria says:

      i totally agree. Damage control. Do not believe a word of it.

    • Esmom says:

      Yeah, I know, my first thought was, as our democracy hangs in the balance, “F$ck you, Ivanka.”

    • Pandy says:

      RIGHT???? She has her own political aspirations, mark my words. Effing grifters. Sorry Ivanka, you’ve been tarred by the same shit stain as your father and the other members of your family. Now go eff off. The fact that she’s pulling a salary (don’t tell me they aren’t, I won’t believe you) courtesy of the american taxpayer is just too much to swallow.

    • MrsBadBob says:

      I am particularly offended that she is using the LGBT thing as her defense, nope, you don’t get to ride in this particular parade, you are no friend to Dorothy. Bite me.

      • Melly says:

        You don’t get to brag that you played a roll in convincing your father not to actively discriminate against homosexuals.
        Ivanka aint woke

  7. Kitten says:

    lol Jared & Ivanka: hero to the gays!

    That part of the article is hilarious to me. Like the one piece of Obama’s legacy they decided to keep in place was a no-brainer, relatively bipartisan piece of legislature that protects LGBTQ community against discrimination and these two self-congratulatory fools are falling all over themselves for saving it from Cat Vomit’s path of destruction.

    • BengalCat2000 says:

      I was thinking the same thing (you’re a much better writer than me), these people will cling to anything that makes them look good, truth be damned.

    • Neelyo says:

      As a gay person I’m so grateful to have them on my side…NOT!

      What the fuck, so the rights of minority groups will hinge on whether or not Ivanka and Jared think they’re worthy?!? I doubt this was motivated by anything more than Ivanka not wanting to piss off her hairdresser and stylist.

      • Sarah says:

        Keep your eyes on the Religious Freedom Executive Order. Will allow discrimination through the guise of religious choice. They don’t care about the LGBT, cause Pence hates them.

    • RussianBlueCat says:

      I wonder if they also stood up to Donald because Jared’s cousin is gay,plus Jared and Ivanka had attended Marc’s wedding to his husband? It would not be proper to be seen as hypocrites and tarnish the Trump name(sarcasm)

      • lyla says:

        so, jared and ivanka are jewish, and they didn’t stand up to the holocaust letter. or if they did, it didn’t work.

      • HappyMom says:

        @lyla-I think they got overruled on the statement.

      • hmmm says:


        If they were overruled, they could have made a public stand. *crickets*

      • Original T.C. says:

        Honestly Peter Thiel Trump supporter and financial backer had more influence on keeping the LGBT laws than Ivanka and Jared. They have no power. Otherwise Daddy dearest would have taken other advice from them.

        They’re not too bright these two because It actually looks bad to claim you stood up for ONLY the LGBT rules. Meaning you were fine with the Muslim ban, leaving out Jews on Holocaust Memorial Day (what the hell??), defunding global health centers from providing or even talking about abortion services, allowing companies to pollute our air and water, denying climate change, insulting the judicial branch of government, etc. But of course Trump’s mini-me has the same beliefs as her Daddy-dearest so no surprise there!

      • HappyMom says:

        @hmmmm Ivanka and Jared NEVER break with him publicly. I wouldn’t expect them to do it now.

    • NK says:

      Snorting at ‘hero to the gays’. Excellent comment.

    • isabelle says:

      Other newspapers said it was rumored they did stop him from signing executive orders on pushing back the LGBT rights passed under Obama. Honestly don’t care how it was stopped just glad it wasn’t signed, cause Mango Mussolini was going to sign them.

      • hmmm says:

        They’ll find another way. A sneakier one. With Pence and Bannon around it’s a guarantee.

      • Sarah says:

        hmmm, you are right – watch for the Religious Freedom Executive Order. Takes away gay rights indirectly through the guise of religious freedom to discriminate.

    • MC2 says:

      Anything to spin it. I see pics of these two and it reminds me of the beautiful couples during the peak of Nazi Germany. Kushner seems like a real power hungry psycho. I hope his family of staunch democrats are really proud of their golden boy now.
      These two will somehow try to rise from the flames of Trump once he crashes & burns- I see it but I hope they aren’t successful.

    • Sarah says:

      The Religious Freedom Executive Order will undo all the protections the LGBT community had gained, as it will allow discrimination under the guise of religious belief. Always look at the left hand when the right hand is waving something shiny around with these sociopaths.

      And question? Most Orthodox Jewish women I know can’t show anything above their elbows or knees. How does Ivanka get to wear gowns that show so much skin??

    • adastraperaspera says:

      I am a lesbian, and just let me just say with friends like that, I don’t need enemies!!!

    • Trashaddict says:

      Yes, you can make fun of Ivanka and Jared. They’ve made some awful miss-steps. But they’re not as awful as Bannon, who, if the profiles are to be believed, is one crazy loon. You can’t tell me the guy thinks like this and that there is no dirt that would bring him down and out of the White House, anywhere to be found?
      Any influences that counteract Bannon even a little bit are to be hoped for. With things as bad as they are, you have to get pragmatic about understanding that you won’t find perfect alliances. This has to be dealt with inch by inch, like water dripping on a stone. Small political and moral victories wherever possible.
      Also a movie fictionalizing this whole mess (yes I know how funny that sounds) to play up how unhinged everybody is. One step further than SNL. Laughter is such a powerful weapon.

      • Fiorella says:

        I like your movie idea! It could help people around the world know that Americans aren’t all for trump (saving our reputation)

  8. Nancy says:

    I’m doing a fantasy scenario, since in it trump isn’t President. If my dad went on twitter and scolded people in a manic fashion on my behalf……holy shit no. How’s this First Daughter gig working out for ya Ivanka.

    • Can't even says:

      I said the same thing! Like take a step back: – grown ass woman has her father rage tweeting about her professional life? I would die!

      • Christin says:

        And retweeting it on his work account, no less. A father who did something like that would be firmly reprimanded and possibly jobless.

    • Nancy says:

      @Christin: Possibly jobless? Fingers crossed….

      • Christin says:

        Well, her father seems immune from any blowback.

        In the real world, I cannot imagine anyone (even a CEO) not receiving serious repercussions if they chose to mix official business with personal beefs. The ethics and potential liability issues should be obvious.

    • ME says:

      Probably really well – this family is full of grifters. She is most likely getting millions in business deal/kick-backs as is the rest of the family but obviously that’s not enough.

  9. Esmom says:

    Not that I really buy this “Shabbat is the main reason they can’t control Donald” narrative, don’t you think God would forgive Jared and Ivanka if they suspended their religious observation once in a while if it would mean a saner leader for all of us?

    • Christin says:

      I’m not buying the ‘he loses it on late Fridays and Saturdays’ or at 3 AM narrative. He is throwing out stuff every day, throughout the day.

      This morning at 7 AM, he tweeted an insult about Morning Joe’s guest as they had him on air. Mika had already expressed concern at how he’s behaving only 20 days into this.

      • Who ARE These People? says:

        Mika could have noticed he acted the same way 20 days before inauguration, too. As well as 200 days before. He’s exactly the same, he just has more power.

        But, if Mika and her boyfriend can reach some of the so-called Independents who voted for Trump, fine.

      • Christin says:

        I never watched their show before, but understand they helped normalize him. That may be why a WaPo reporter reminded Joe that this is exactly how orange has conducted himself for 40 years — Bully and attempt to silence/wear down detractors.

    • lightpurple says:

      “She doesn’t put a foot wrong,”

      She put her whole body wrong; particularly her ass, when she posted that picture. Shabbat was over before 6 PM on Saturday. By that time, there were demonstrations in multiple airports that were being covered on the 6 o’clock news of local stations and pretty much constant on the cable news stations like CNN and Fox. She knew and didn’t care. She sought to distract by posting a picture of herself all dressed up with her husband’s hand groping her ass. “Aren’t I, the Princess Ivanka, ever so much lovelier and more desirable than those detained Muslim women in their burkas?” It was insensitive and deliberate.

      Our tax dollars were used yesterday to promote her business. She needs to pay us back. Instead, she posts pictures of herself with a baby while wearing 5 inch heels and talking on a phone at the White House.

      Get this corrupt jerk out of our White House!

      • Christin says:

        When I saw the heels and baby photo, my first thought was whether those sharp heels would damage our tax-payer funded floors.

      • lightpurple says:

        I thought that too.

      • Rapunzel says:

        No real serious working woman wears those stripper heels. And the danger to the baby! So easy to trip.

      • Esmom says:

        I’m with you. Unfortunately her FB and IG followers just fawned over that photo with comments like “Finally, you’ve brought class back into the WH.”

        I’m seriously beside myself with rage at all the supporters.

      • lightpurple says:

        Class back to the White House? Because posting pictures of your husband groping your ass is classy?

      • Esmom says:

        lightpurple, as with most of these comments, I take them as code for basically “Make America White Again.” Including the White House. Sob.

      • Christin says:

        I am convinced certain supporters have both selective hearing and vision.

      • Who ARE These People? says:

        And is that a secure phone? And is that a business call or a “business” call?

      • MC2 says:

        He tweeted that at the exact time the he was *supposed to be* getting an intelligence briefing. Mofo.

      • Christin says:

        Likely no worries for baby. I assume a nanny-assistant took the perfect photo and then resumed carrying him once the photo opp was done.

      • hmmm says:

        They got a waiver from keeping Shabbat to attend the various inaugural celebrations. Excuse? Pikuach nefesh- saving/preserving a human life. The mind *boggles*. Some rabbi got bought off. Shanda. Total disgrace. Like she bought her conversion.

        They have no problem aligning themselves with Steve Bannon, the anti-Semite. They’re starting to look a lot like another pair of useful idiots.

  10. robyn says:

    They lost me at “refined, professional daughter” because they left out spoiled rotten and given a Baby Fist hand up by her dad who thinks it’s “unfair” when a store dropped her clothing line because it’s not selling. Many truths perceived as negative to the family are considered unfair but they don’t care how unfair p*ssygrabbing Trump has been to women, democracy and the truth. In fact, so-called president Trump lies and exaggerates regularly so how are we to believe anything that comes out of his mouth, even about important stuff like terrorism.

    Ivanka wholeheartedly supports her unrefined and unprofessional father and, therefore, his ideas. She allowed him to say and do horrid things throughout the campaign and now, as so-called president, innocent lives have been lost already. Her dad is also causing stress throughout the world so she would do us all a favor by explaining to him that he is NOT up to the task and insist he resign.

  11. Greeneyes says:

    I called the Office of Government Ethics and lodged a complaint against Trump yesterday. The message I left stated that it was unethical for the president to use his position to promote his or his children’s business interests & I wanted to file a formal complaint.
    Call the the Office of Government Ethics at (202) 482-9300 extension #5 and leave a complaint.

  12. Emily says:

    If you’re really a serious businesswoman, wouldn’t you be so deeply embarrassed if your dad was harrassing a company that no longer wanted to do business with you? And then forcing that company to say they dropped you because no one wanted to buy your stuff? She tried to get her parents to make her a model, and when that didn’t work they put her on TV and slapped her name on some crap made in China, and now no one wants it. Ivanka, you’re not as good looking, fancy, or smart as you think you are.

    If they “jump ship” where are they going? Jared (and Ivanka?) is/are Jewish and willingly aligned themselves with a known white supremacist and his willing puppet. I can’t wait for all of these soul-sellers who thought being associated with a president would raise their stock value try to leave and go somewhere else.

    You don’t get to take cutesy pictures of your family in the White House your father is desecrating daily and then turn around and say “it’s not my fault he’s crazy!” Especially if you’ve been supporting him for years.

    • Kitten says:

      I have to preface what I’m about to say with this: I’m in NO WAY trying to defend any member of this awful family.
      …But I work for an extremely wealthy family and the patriarch (my 86 year old boss) reminds me so much of Trump and his kids in terms of family dynamics. I could tell you so many detailed and barely believable stories about how coddled their entire family is but it would be a novel…

      But yeah, this is something my boss would do for his daughter and like ivanka, she would simply allow it while the rest of us who are witnessing the OTT coddling die slow deaths from second-hand embarrassment. My theory is that my boss’s kids and grandkids probably don’t like that he does it but they’ve found it easier to just allow him to do it rather than to fight him every step of the way. And yeah it seems crazy to me too but I don’t have an overbearing, controlling father and I’m not sure how I would handle it if I did. I’d like to think that I’d tell him to f*ck off but maybe I’d take the path of least resistance as well. I also wanted to add that much like Trump’s kids, my boss’s kids also benefit greatly (in a monetary sense) from cooperating with their father and letting him get his way. So I’m sure that’s an added bonu$.

      • Christin says:

        Kitten, is another similarity that your boss has never been truly accountable to anyone? I think it’s part of the problem with our so-called leader. His only boss (ever) was his wealthy dad.

      • Emily says:

        I see what you’re saying, I just don’t know that I buy that he was overbearing and controlling. Aren’t there stories that he pretty much ignored his children and let their mothers worry about that? I think it’s more likely Ivanka is and always has been desperate for her father’s approval (much like the Donald himself), and she’s reveling in it now she has it. But she’s a 30-something well educated woman. She’s married to another very rich person so it’s not like she has to worry about being cut off. She has a lot of choices here and she chose the worst possible one.

      • AG says:

        I want you to write that novel! I would read it.

      • Liz says:

        Your next to last sentence says it all. The kids benefit financially by letting their father walk all over them. They can’t function otherwise and the threat of cutting off the money is real. A college friend came from a family like that – her grandfather ran everything and controlled all of the money. Her parents went along with all of it, just to keep the money flowing. My friend was having none of it. Her grandfather wanted her to move back home after college and go to work for the family business. She said No. She had a job lined up for after graduation – one that she got on her own, without his “help”. Her grandfather was furious, I think her mother was relieved. Yes, he cut her off (as much as he could, there were some trusts that he couldn’t undo) and she is now a very happy architect.

        In Trump’s case, he still controls all of the money. Yes, Ivanka looks wealthy and probably has some control over a “small” amount of money, but not enough control over enough money to make her comfortable walking away. I doubt she actually owns her own homes – they are almost certainly owned by trusts or LLCs that she may or may not control.

      • Erinn says:

        Makes sense, Kitten.

        & Emily – honestly, I think both could easily be true. But if his kids take a hit- to him, HE takes a hit. I fully believe that he wasn’t very involved with them when they were kids other than what his expectations for them were. Now that they have businesses of their own – if his kids fail, it makes it look like he failed. It’s all about the brand, and the kids are part of the brand.

      • hmmm says:

        Lots of people, myself included, had overbearing, controlling parents and we did not submit, and grew up and remain independent. Ivanka is not a victim, but clearly she is a weak personality, just like daddy.

      • hmmm says:

        Narcissists see their children as extensions of themselves, so Drumpf takes it as an attack on his core. And being the injured narcissist he is, he sets out to destroy the attacker, because it’s all about him, not about Ivanka really.

  13. Vv says:

    About the Shabbat thing, and I think this is a critical point.
    Shabbat has to be observed UNLESS a life is at stake. For example – you can’t drive on a saturday but if someone’s life is at risk and you have to drive them to the hospital then that takes precedence. it is considered a worse sin to maintain the saturday when you could have saved a life.
    I would say that being in the position to stop the signing of an executive order not letting in refugees that are fleeing FOR THEIR LIVES merits working on Shabbat. which is why this is annoying me even more that they are using this excuse for not being there.

    • teacakes says:

      I can’t believe they have the gall to pin their tone-deafness and insensitivity on their religious observance.

      They’re a disgrace to Jewish people anywhere for working with a white supremacist anti-Semite, they don’t get a pass for shabbat.

    • lightpurple says:

      And Shabbat was over and the protests were in the news when she posed for the picture of herself having her ass grabbed.

    • tmot says:

      Ooh, that’s good! I did not know there was an exception.
      Whether they’re using it as an excuse, or it really was timed that way on purpose, the whole thing just makes all of them look terrible. More terrible, I mean. Bah.

    • Vv says:

      These people are definitely tone deaf and they should stop finding silly excuses for themselves.
      Like lightpurple said – we were way past the Sabbath when they posted those pictures.
      also – i’m guessing the executive order wasn’t drafted on saturday and no way did neither of them get a heads up from someone.

      tmot – yes, roughly translated from Hebrew the phrase is “saving a life defers the sabbath” because a life is more important. just ugh…

    • JustBitchy says:

      Don’t forget the Shabbat dispensation they got to ride in a car for the inauguration

    • Payal says:

      Well they got a pass so they could ride in a limo to the Inaugural Balls. So I’m not buying all this religious devotion.

  14. Ebon says:

    Lol. I hope they all go bankrupt in a very public spectacle.

  15. SusanneToo says:

    Boo hoo. Have I mourned enough for ivanka? Good.

  16. Anitas says:

    I don’t trust this woman 1%. She’s playing off her awful Dad to build up her own image, oh she stood up for the LGBT community, she’s the saviour of America. She’s an enabler and a calculated self-promotor just like her father, only smarter and more seductive. People want to believe deep down she’s a decent person and she gives them straws to cling to.

    • isabelle says:

      His children are very involved, too involved. Think of Ronald Regan’s son, can’t remember his name, who often disagreed with his father, a liberal. While he disagreed with his father openly, they still remain close. Regan often had clashes with his children openly and they rebelled openly. Think its a much more healthy relationship when the kids feel like they can have their own opinion and thoughts opposite of their parents. Think that is a sign the parents actually raised their children to be independent thinking adults. Trumps kids, seem afraid to come out against him and their body language, much like Melania’s, its forced & stiff.

      • mayamae says:

        I’m not sure if you’re being facetious, but the son you’re thinking of is Ron Reagan, Jr. Patti Davis also rebelled. Those two got away with it because they were Nancy’s children. The elder two were from the first wife, and supported their father’s politics.

  17. JulP says:

    Wow, using the official POTUS twitter account to support his daughter’s business and attack a business! Can we please impeach him now??? (I realize the answer is “no” because of the craven Repubs in Congress, but one can still dream …)

    • lightpurple says:

      Not just that but also used the daily presidential press briefing – OUR tax dollars used to promote her business.

  18. Eric says:

    Wanna do something productive Ivanka the Terrible?
    Tell your “daddy” to stop tweeting BS and get on with governing/leading. Tell him to release his tax returns so there is transparency in the government. Tell him to stop harassing the judicial branch of the government.
    Stand up and say something meaningful or sit down back in NYC.

  19. Boris says:

    You nailed it. Easy D, grifters, and no, we should not feel sorry for Ivanka. She signed up for this. She’s all in.

  20. Rapunzel says:

    I’m telling you guys, Ivanka and Jared are as in over their heads as her daddy. The whole family is fools. All of them. And criminals.

    Hopefully this will be over soon.

  21. happinessinme says:

    From the moment he started campaigning, I would furiously shove any coat or clothing I saw with her name away from my line of sight. One time my husband watched me with a puzzled look as i went “ugh,ugh,ugh” continuously shoving the hangers across the rack.

    • Christin says:

      I’m in a heavily GOP voting area, and her made-overseas stuff is easily found at Marshall’s. That’s why I’m laughing at KAC going on news shows suggesting people buy it.

    • swak says:

      My SIL is doing some purging of clothing, shoes, etc. She found (and posted) a purse from Ivanka’s line that she had purchased 10 years ago. Wonder if anyone will want it or if she’ll have to give it to Goodwill or some other charitable organization. Gave her trouble on that one! BTW, she is SO anti-Trump.

  22. Layla Beans says:

    Notice how the article calls them Scions at one point? That’s no accident. Trump Inc. is starting to rebrand their new hotels as ‘Scion’, not Trump. Keep your eyes peeled! I read an article about it yesterday.

    • bleu_moon says:

      I saw that and thought it was a strange choice for a name. I think of the now defunct Toyota budget car line and I’m sure others do as well. Barron is so good with “the cyber” I’m shocked they didn’t have him google the new name for them. I’m sure the Trumps think it sounds sparkly gold-plated klassy.

    • Lady D says:

      They talked about changing the name to Scion before he was elected. His way of not mixing business with presidency while still making money.

  23. bleu_moon says:

    A former employee of Ivanka’s posted on Facebook back in October about having to fight to get Ivanka to agree to 8 weeks of maternity leave. Ivanka told her she came back to work a week after having a baby and didn’t seem to understand not everyone has the resources she does- or may want to spend time with their new baby. When Ivanka started in her “pro-mother women who work” crap I lost all respect for her. She wasn’t pro-maternity leave until she thought it would play well for her father. She’s as shallow and manipulative as Cheetolini.

    • Christin says:

      All that 16-hour work day boasting and this story suggests what a fluffy life she leads. Not everyone has personal staff and pampering. From handling meals, chores and child care, to getting from A to B is likely handled by someone else.

    • Snowflake says:

      She’s just a more polished turd

  24. Clare says:

    Yeah, please F off.

    They put this monster in the white house – so no sympathy for these idiots.

    Also pretty sure if Daddy is tweeting about your business and you’re ‘taking calls’ in the white house, and joining meetings with international dignitaries, you don’t get to play the ‘but…but…I’m a private citizen’ card.

    • rutie says:

      Sorry, Clare: the American electorate, including those who didn’t bother to vote, put him in the WH.

      • JustBitchy says:

        Actually Ruthie, the successful Republican redustricting got home elected. It was fair based on that redistricting that got him electoral college win. Popular vote he lost by millions.

      • isabelle says:

        True!but his awfulness is supported by his family and when people are appeased, their awfulness ignored, it creates the monster. His family has given into his Narcissism and its why Trump is the way he is.

      • hmmm says:


        No, it wasn’t redistricting. It was gerrymandering. It was Russia. It was hacking. It was misogyny. It was racism and Nazism. But you’re right, the electoral college turned to a fascist, betraying the very reason the EC was created.

  25. lyla says:

    Like the majority of Nordstrom shoppers, sorry Ivanka, I’m not buying what you’re selling us here. I’m so tired of all these pro Jarvanka leaks.

    And yay, I can shop at Nordstroms again.

  26. Kelly says:

    Those sweet summer children. It may have been easier for them to keep some control over her man toddler of a father during the campaign, but it’s tougher now that he’s president. We definitely elected Joffrey as president and those two are no Tyrion or Tywin Lannister. They are closer to Cersei in that regard.

  27. lightpurple says:

    I just called my congressional representative’s office and demanded a complaint be filed with the Office of Government Ethics over the use of the official POTUS twitter handler to advertise for Ivanka’s company and the use of a presidential press briefing as a commercial for Ivanka’s company.

  28. Snozzberry says:

    🙄 stop trying to make Russia happen. It’s not gonna happen.

  29. HK9 says:

    Isn’t this the problem? Why is it their job to manipulate him at all? They weren’t elected by anyone for anything. They should be in NYC running their own lives keeping their paws firmly off anything to do with the Presidency. El Cheeto should be running the country but since he’s unfit Bannon & his minions are running the show. No-you can’t control a bunch of unfit, power hungry fascists looking for a come up.

    • Esmom says:

      Very good point. In any “normal” presidency, shenanigans like this wouldn’t even be considered, let alone tolerated.

  30. JRenee says:

    Has anyone noticed that he equates being a nice person with deserving some unwarranted position or favor?

  31. Jayna says:

    They are a power-hungry couple, who couldn’t wait to run to D.C. with Daddy. I told my sister Ivanka was doing damage control. She called me yesterday and said there was a very posed photo-op of Ivanka in the White House with her son and Ivanka in stiletto heels posing. She said it was all so phony, but using one of her kids playing up her great mommy image again.

  32. Karen says:

    Ivanka has been MIA this week since Nordstrom announcement.

    Also read Jared was deeply involved in Yemen raid. He truly has extensive military experience being a rich spoiled real estate mogul. Apparently baby fists was too busy eating dinner while they were in the war room discussing this raid. And Spicer is doing the PR spin how successful it was.

    These 2 are so over their heads. They are delusional.

    • Bethy says:

      Speaking as a veteran, I find this appalling. He was eating dinner? That botched Yemen raid killed an American soldier. Trump is revolting.

    • steerpike says:

      I wonder if it bothers Jared at all to have been instrumental in a botched raid where people (including children) actually died. I wonder if that brought home the reality of his position to him at all.

    • Lyla says:

      He was actually too busy tweeting to be in the room. It was left to Jared and Bannon.

  33. kri says:

    Maybe they will have Kushner and Bannon tie themselevs together at the wrists a la “Beat It”-I would watch that.

  34. SusanneToo says:

    I just made an online purchase from Nordstrom, something I could buy locally, and told them the reason why.

  35. Bonobochick says:

    So is US Weekly going to have this family on the cover every week for the next four years?

  36. supposedtobeworking says:

    And Kelly Ann Conway’s use of her interview to tell women to go to Nordstrom’s is a violation of Ethics, so she may have some fallout. I hope so. I think she is vile because she spins Trump’s BS, and she discredits others by using innuendos and alternate facts.

    • lightpurple says:

      An interview during which she was paid by OUR tax dollars.

    • holly hobby says:

      Don’t worry Orangino will sacrifice her. They are all his human shield. Eventually he’ll run out of sacrificial lambs.

      • supposedtobeworking says:

        Yeah, I was thinking she’s got to be on her way out. But, Trump likes people with bite, so he may keep her. Congress, or anyone who can make a difference really, seems to be interested in holding him accountable. His DC hotel lease is a good example.

  37. Turtle says:

    Was there any actual confirmation Ivanka and Jared successfully got Trump to back away from repealing the LGBT anti-discrimination order? Or was that just a piece of attempted propaganda that slipped through without challenge because everything else is on fire? If they said the sky is blue, at this point, you better double-check.

    • Lyla says:

      I don’t think so. It’s just a PR piece intended to be pro Jarvanka. Similar to the Shabbat piece that tried to absolve them of the Muslim bran clusterf–k. Nope, not buying it (along with other trump products).

  38. Mar says:

    I have always really liked Ivanka. The only slight comfort ( if I can even call it that) is that her and her husband are involved with her father. Any descent decisions made by daddy will most likely be under their influence.

  39. dorothy says:

    she’s a stinky pile of shit wrapped in silver lame (typo and keeping it) taking a call in the White House yeah about her well deserved failures

    • Justjj says:

      I agree. When I look at her, I see the poop emoji in a blonde wig… I just can’t get over how petty and tacky these people are on top of being a global threat to humankind and all… baby Jesus help us all.

  40. Ana says:

    I don’t really know how to feel about Ivanka. I mean, she obviously knows her father and I really can’t imagine his actions being a complete surprise to her. On the other hand, what do you do in her situation? Do you denounce your father publicly? Withdrawing from the role she was supposed to take will also be seen as an opposition to her father. Can’t be easy to go against the dad she’s always been close to.

    • lightpurple says:

      You write a check back to the American taxpayers for the free advertising she got on our dime over the past two days; you pack up your bags and your family; you move back to New York; and you stay out of the business of government; and divest of all conflicts of interest immediately; and you stop posting cute pictures of your spawn every single time your father kills someone.

      • TheOtherOne says:

        @lightpurple: I couldn’t have said it better myself.

      • hmmm says:

        Yes, lightpurple,

        You shut the hell up and stay out of the way and live your own life, independently. Unless you choose to be a parasite.

        “and you stop posting cute pictures of your spawn every single time your father kills someone. ”

  41. Disco Dancer says:

    Awww poor Ivanka. Daddy will grab you by the “p***y and kiss it all better.

  42. Twinkle says:

    Zero sympathy for this sleazy family.

  43. HoustonGrl says:

    Well, it’s pretty simple. Ivanka’s target market of sophisticated professional women are (I assume) more likely on the liberal side of the aisle? So yeah, this will impact her sales negatively. I personally have seen a few cute pieces of her line at TJ Maxx. I picked them up, thought about trying them on, and as soon as I saw the brand I was like NO. Anyway, I.CANT.EVEN with the ethics problems. This administration has no integrity.

    • AnnE says:

      Just go the the Lauren by Ralph Lauren line and you will find the exact same item! Her line is basically a duplicate of classic pieces by other designers.

    • hmmm says:

      Drumpf strives to be accepted by the A list whether society or Hollywood and he keeps getting rebuffed. Nice to see that Ivanka and Jared’s similar striving is getting the same response. Losers.

      • adastraperaspera says:

        True! I think they must be losing some tony invites over all this. I suspect they won’t be thrilled when the only invites left are from unknown dictators and the inbred cousins of Jeff Sessions! The Trump family’s one undying consistency has been their thirst for access to very famous people.

  44. AnnE says:

    Chelsea Chandler just posted a pic on Instagram, it is awesome. “A Jew and a Gay went to pick a Muslim up from the airport, headed straight to Nordstrom, and then headed over to @whitehouse to give our thanks! @POTUS! @quinnmurphy”. 11 large Norstrum bags between her and her 2 friends.

  45. mayamae says:

    Per CNN, Conway was “counseled” for promoting Ivanka’s brand today.

  46. LinaLamont says:

    Where are the investigations? The digging by the media? Anonymous? Anyone? **crickets**


  47. TheOtherOne says:

    So today is the anniversary of my grandfather’s passing so I’m a little in my feelings today. But I wanted to thank all of you posters because I wake up and want to put my head in the sand because of the idiot in office. But then I come on here and read your comments and i see I’m not the only one outraged. Thanks to those who link sites to resist and numbers to call. I don’t think I’ve signed so many petitions, made so many calls or forwarded so many emails in my life. So thank you for keeping this formerly apathetic, yet voting, citizen motivated and aware.

    • LinaLamont says:

      It’s very easy to be gaslighted and think you’re the only one when this insane regime & followers/supporters are so vocal and ubiquitous and bombarding us with crazy. Remember, though, there are MILLIONS more of us than them.
      Keep up the good fight… it’s going to be a long one, but, worth it.
      Sorry about your grandfather and your sadness. You’re not alone in that, either.

      Also, I think it’s equally important to contact news outlets/networks and demand that they report ALL the news… in-depth…and pursue the truth…and call a LIE “a LIE”…and push back against the Trump regime lies, evasions and obfuscations. They’re not really being held accountable.

    • hmmm says:

      I don’t know what to say so I will only say stay strong and keep up the good work in memory of your grandfather.

    • adastraperaspera says:

      Solidarity! Let’s keep fighting for all the lovely Grans and Grandads out there! So sorry for your loss.

  48. cee says:

    WHY is he still tweeting from his personal account?!

    • Vivagal says:

      Deanna, totally agree. She knows better. By choosing the word “advertising” the brand she ensured there would be consequences.

      She is ready to go…her usefulness is over.

      How about a TIME cover with melting Conway face?

  49. Deeanna says:

    Once it was announced that Ivanka and spouse were looking for a house in D.C. it was clear this ambitious young couple had made a decision to hitch their wagon to Daddy Trump’s “star”. I think they envisioned something far different than what these past few weeks have brought. It is obvious that those creating the chaos currently taking place in the White House had and have no clue.

    Sadly, the Trump “magic” the Kushners may have enjoyed in New York is clearly not present in Washington. These two are out of their element in government and things are unlikely to get any better for them. Their best bet at this point is to go silent, get out of D.C., and get their lives back on track.

    Melania has to be smiling as she sits in her New York penthouse, no?
    Re: Kellyanne Conway

    Does anyone other than me think she is either consciously or unconsciously wanting to be fired? Which one would be more favorable for her future career – to resign or to be fired?
    I just rewatched the 25 minute Jack Tapper interview from Tuesday. She started out with her usual calmly smiling demeanor and as the interview progressed she morphed into nigh-onto-hysterical in her answers. Funny but sad in a way.

    As for the outrageous “advertisement for Ivanka”, there is NO WAY this experienced Washington insider did not know that these statements were unethical for a person in her position. But she said them anyway. Was this a deliberate challenge?

    Off topic: Having at one time in my life worked as an assistant to a professional photographer, I am finding some of the photos of Kellyanne that are being published lately to be quite interesting. Bad angles on the nose and a drooping right eyelid (botox gone bad?) are shots that usually are discarded. Hmmm…

  50. Sam H x says:

    If they disagree with some of the stuff he does. Why aren’t they more vocal about it instead of enabling him? Sounds to me they are trying to save face. It reeks of desperation. They don’t have as much influence and power as they would like to as President Bannon does.

    Yeah I read Bannon & Kushner were involved in the botched Yemen raid. Twitler should have took both of their behinds when he went to identify the body of the soldier who lost his life because Twitler’s SIL and his white supremacist mate don’t know bugger all about military ops. Both of them have blood on their hands (30 civilians were killed & 1 soldier) along with the others. Yemen have barred them from carrying out any military ops.

  51. shouldawoulda says:

    I know that Ivanka’s line was in deep trouble, before Trump became the Republican Nominee. It is very cheap crap from China. If anything, the election gave her more time to figure out how to sell this crap and reset.

    Ivanka Trump is lying about this.

  52. sunshine gold says:

    I really thought these 2 would be more of a calming influence on Trump – Kushner is from a democratic family and they have always tried to be respectable in NYC society circles. But clearly not since Trump is completely under the sway of Bannon and also seems extremely angry and unreasonable due to the fact that he’s failing so hard already. I predict Jared & Ivanka will pull up stakes and be gone from DC by this time next year.