Jennifer Garner hasn’t yet filed for divorce from Ben Affleck, E!: things are the same

You know how US Magazine ran a story last week claiming that Jennifer Garner was just about to file for divorce? Well some outlets misread that and claimed she had filed for divorce (she had not) and one person commenting on our Facebook post summed it up perfectly “sh-t or get off the pot.” Some of you floated the theory that a new nannygate-type scandal was about to drop and/or Ben has a new girlfriend and that Jen is trying to get ahead of it. It’s been mentioned that People Magazine hasn’t chimed in and that they may be sitting on some big story or waiting for official word from one of their camps. Well E! has news and it’s that everything is the same, basically. So is Garner playing both sides of the fence or is she talking to US while Ben is talking to E!? We’ve seen this play out with the two of them many times over the past year and a half. One outlet will have one story about the state of their relationship, another outlet will have a different conflicting story, all while they’re playing happy family in public. It’s either a concerted media effort or they have separate teams feeding stories to the press. Anyway here’s what E! says:

“Their relationship is very fluid and nothing has really changed,” a source says of the actors. “They have been working at their relationship for the past few years.”

In fact, E! News has exclusively learned that to rebuild their relationship and to improve their communication in general, the actors have taken multiple trips alone together in the last year.

From the beginning, the exes have been committed to co-parenting daughters Violet Affleck, 11, Seraphina Affleck, 8, and son Samuel Affleck, 4—and they’ve done it so well that their relationship status often confused fans. “There have been times when a reconciliation looked very likely,” the source says. “They love each other and that hasn’t changed. But it’s unclear what the future holds for them.” Regardless, they will remain on a “united front” and will “always prioritize the children” above all else. “The spirit of their relationship has not changed.”

Ben continued to live on the family’s property post-split, and the source says it remains his primary residence. “Regardless of their relationship with each other, they will always protect the kids and spend time together for them,” the source adds. “Their goals remain the same.”

In fact, the actor sang Jennifer’s praises while talking to E! News’ Catt Sadler last year. “Jen is a superhero mom. She is an amazing mother and I’m really lucky to have her as a partner to co-parent these kids with,” the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice admitted. “We try our best.”

Which is all to say their “modern family” (as Jennifer once called it) will remain intact, even if she does files for divorce. “There wasn’t a big blowout,” the source says. “It’s a fluid situation.”

[From E! Online]

ET says essentially the same thing with different quotes. So this is Afflecks side right? We know his career seems to be imploding (by his standards, by the rest of the world’s he’s wildly successful) and my guess is that he’s incredibly difficult to live with and that Garneris putting him on notice. I really wish she would just get it over with and file already though, or is there some major story about to break, another big scandal where he’s with an incredibly young woman? He’s supposedly separated though, how big of a deal must it be? It’s like they think we’ll be so shocked when we’ve already seen the worst from him. If Garner gave him another chance after that what is it going to take for her to file? No shade for that, if she wants to stay with him that’s her prerogative, but I do think it must have been something bad again.

Incidentally there are no paparazzi photos of Garner out with her kids at church yesterday. Affleck went with them to church on Superbowl Sunday two weeks ago, proudly wearing his Pats hat. It’s rare that he goes but it’s even rarer that Garner doesn’t go.




photos credit: FameFlynet

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72 Responses to “Jennifer Garner hasn’t yet filed for divorce from Ben Affleck, E!: things are the same”

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  1. Lora says:

    Jesus christ, jen shut up already!!!

    • MollyD says:

      Jen Garner is doing a lot of damage to her kids -particularly her daughters – by playing the will they won’t they divorce game for this long. I’m not sure she comprehends the damage she’s doing but it’ll show itself once her daughters grow into women.

      • Xs says:

        I have a feeling her children and family know exactly what is going on, unlike the rest of us.

      • Am says:

        She’s training them to be dutiful doormats, just like Mommy. Someday they’ll get to grow up and cling to cheating drunks. And the cycle will continue.

    • Corporate Stepsister says:

      She’ dragging this out because it’s her last and only act left. Without this act, this ongoing drama, she’s not going to get any attention whatsoever.

  2. Jenfan says:

    Regarding it being rare that Ben does to church – he has actually pretty much been with them there every week when he was not promoting a movie since October. Regarding Jen not being at church yesterday – It’s presidents week – the kids are off from school. They are probably away. Last year this time they all were skiing in Montana with Tom Brady and his family.

  3. HeidiM says:

    There must be Tiger Woods level stuff. Pics of Coke and hookers or something.

  4. Ramona says:

    But theres nothing to suggest that US even had a scoop, just a very vague unsourced piece predicting a filing without so much as a timeline. I dont understand why so many outlets ran with it. There are lots of reasons why US ran such a pointless and vague story. They may be upset that she hasnt blessed them with exclusives recently. Or they may have word that she is cultivating a better relationship with a different outlet. Or maybe someone on her team traded this story in exchange for not running a more damaging story a different celebrity; maybe her husband or her BIL or some stranger. Whatever. I guarantee you that she is not filing. How do I know? The same way I knew Ben wasnt going to file the instant Batman v Superman came out. These two stay married together for athe next few years. Minimum.

  5. Mia4S says:

    Whatever. He’s never going to be faithful to her so if she wants to accept that, then fine, stay together and she’ll have to deal with it.

    But if this is some “this time it will be different!” crap….stop. Just stop. She thinks a lot more of him than he does of her but frankly, she’s a grown and savvy woman so I have sympathy for no one except the kids.

  6. Original T.C. says:

    ‘Regardless, they will remain on a “united front” and will “always prioritize the children” above all else.’

    Unless there is a hot nanny to bang in which case the children take back seat amirite? 🙂

  7. TyrantDestroyed says:

    These two need to reach a private agreement ASAP too for the sake of their children. They seem like a pair of petty teenagers.

    • Audrey says:

      It’s really pathetic how much they’ve dragged this into the public sphere. Should have never said anything regarding a “separation” in the first place and then it should have been “no comment” from then on. Instead they did a co-parenting media tour. They should have kept their pr people quiet instead of running to the tabs all the time. They must love this attention.

  8. jerkface says:

    I hope she is in there praying for some common sense and a new wardrobe.

    • Adele Dazeem says:

      Hah! Love this comment.

      And it’s true–how can someone who is *knowingly* (and suspected by many to be seeking to be) photographed look so bad? Like, my goodness, pull a Jolie and wear all black and ballet flats. It looks better than what she ever wears.

  9. Android says:

    Well someone must be sitting on a scoop of some kind. The article and the timing of it was very deliberate. The woman who wrote the US Weekly article also broke the exclusive statement about their divorce in the first place. She didn’t state that Jen was going to file on Friday, even though that was how some took it (dumb ENews had someone stationed outside the courthouse all day, lmao). Fluid relationship? That is ridiculous and pathetic. So where is Ben right now?

    • Mannori says:

      hiding with the new missus ..poor thing…has been quite rough for him lately on every front, he needs some love.

    • Corporate Stepsister says:

      Ben is probably working or in hiding so he doesn’t have to deal with his drama queen wife who insists on toying with their lives. She is either going to file or not file, keeps pretending to be a feminine ninny who doesn’t know what to do and is basically drawing this out well past the expiration date. I wouldn’t want to be in the same house as her.

      She is way too old to be messing around like this with everyone’s lives.

  10. JoJo says:

    Ok, for fun, let’s pretend that these two are “working on their relationship” as they reportedly have been for YEARS at this point – through addiction, infidelity, long absences, separations and band aid babies. Does anyone actually believe these two are going to be truly happy together at this point? A few mistakes – sure, give it another go, but this? It’s a joke at this point.

  11. Mannori says:

    these two have been dragging the divorce:they doesnt really want it. and for very selfish reasons. Garner knows that after Affleck she’s done career wise: no more A list treatment for her in Hollywood: she’s going directly to the ex-wives club. No more favours to the “wife of”. No more hight profile gigs. She isn’t talented.

    Ben has his selfish reasons as well: once you divorce is REALLY HALF THE WORK. Not just weekend daddy. Coparenting is seriously taking time off your work for your kids. No more mommy doing it all.

  12. Audrey says:

    I can’t help but think that this is just another strategic PR move on someone’s part. Not sure how much I really trust the ET/Eonline source since it was the one who claimed that their marriage was fine right before they announced their divorce. Jen has nothing else going on in her career and to be 45, single and irrelevant is prob too much for her. Should have left him years ago & found another husband instead of wishing/hoping/praying that Ben would change. He never will.

  13. big bang says:

    yawn. the only thing that has changed in their relationship between today and say, three years ago: they dont wear their wedding rings. still leading separate lives. he’s still sleeping around, drinking, gambling, doing whatever he wants. she’s still doing 99% of the work with the kids and resenting him for it. both still lying to the press and running to the tabloids every three seconds.

    still no word from reps? gossip cop? people mag? what gives?

  14. Kate says:

    I actually thought Ben looked really happy and relaxed when he was promoting LBN, he even smiled a little when he was papped with the sober nurse. There is a piece on Page Six about Ben’s life falling apart, I think Ben is happy he can move on from the dead weight and be free. None of this back and forth with the press would have even been necessary if Ben had the balls to file for divorce two years ago when he wanted out, she did all the work in their marriage she has to do all the work in the divorce. There is your Batman folks, a coward, weak and spineless. Everybody says why doesn’t Jen just file already and shut up, agree, but what about him, why does he get a free pass? Why can’t he be a man and file FFS!
    As far as Jen is concerned, her career has long been over, and she knows it, the offers weren’t coming when she was married now they have stopped altogether, she’s probably depressed, like someone above said, 45, single, three kids, irrelevant, no work, she’s not going poor, she’ll be ok, many people have it worse of course, but in Hollywood standards, she’s a has been but never really arrived. Time to move on from Ben and Hollywood, good riddance Jen at least try to get some of that Batman money, take care of those kids, because the reality is the one constant in their life is their mother, Ben will find himself estranged from those kids eventually, especially when he has kids with another woman, or women, his kids with Jen will be so far down his list of priorities, just watch.

    • Corporate Stepsister says:

      I think she is bitter about how she never truly ended up being a major star in her own right and while she had a few hits and nice movies, she hasn’t been nominated for awards and Ben is her only way of being quasi-relevant. Without him she would be a former celeb who did well for a while, but never managed to maintain a career that basically didn’t launch like so many others.

      If she pulls the plug, she will end up the ex-wife of a major star and any new girlfriend or wife will end up getting primary coverage and primary attention. She won’t allow this to happen to her.

  15. Ana says:

    Why so much hate for JG here? Yes, she dresses bad. Yes, her career is dead. Yes, her life seems to be centered around her kids. Yes, she seems to cling to her dead marriage. What else? What makes her so hateful?

    Ben should have filed years ago. Kids or no kids but yet, he too is holding on. He is such a hypocrite. He goes around town living like a bachelor, whining about his marriage to this woman among his friends and looking so depressed when photographed. Then, what the heck, divorce the woman you hate! Easy enough to do. You don’t really care much about your kids as you are hardly there. They are only good for promoting your projects. You know you are dying to get out of that sad marriage from the woman you so much hate. Spineless man! Kate is right.

    Again, why blame the woman for clinging on to this man/marriage? My guess is we want her to pull an Angelina Jolie or even, a Gwen Stefani move. And then, what? What are we going to blame her for next time even if they are already divorced?

    • Android says:

      I think Mannori might be right about why he hasn’t filed yet. He doesn’t want to have to sort out custody. He’d have to actually take care of the kids on his own on weekends or whenever. Too easy right now to let Jen do it all. Also, his own dad walked out on the family and he’s probably hanging onto feelings about not wanting to repeat patterns. IMO.

  16. Kate says:

    Ben probably doesn’t want to file first because he’s afraid if he chooses Joint Custody then he’d have to make the time for those kids and be committed and we all know Ben does not do commitment well. If Jen files and chooses Full Custody, Ben will probably do a fist pump because really nothing will change for him, he’ll continue to be the part time dad and full time bachelor, kind of like Robin Thicke.

    • tina says:

      Seriously, I have always thought that she was afraid for him to have any type of joint custody. If they are still married she can control the situation. There is no way she wants to send those kids off to him for any length of time. She was in NYC for her daughter’s birthday and he is being photographed with the detox nurse? He talks about the kids alot, but in an abstract way. I am sure he loves his kids, but his lifestyle has always come first. I think everyone can agree on that.

  17. Tray says:

    I love how this non- story is a story!

  18. Margaret says:

    So what’s the big deal that they are still together, at least they have a lot in common in the kids. If they’re trying to mend the relationship is the best thing for the kids. They’re not having shouting matches or abusive situation that would affect the kids. Leave them alone already.

    • Android says:

      How do you know that they don’t have shouting matches or that it’s not an abusive situation?

  19. Mimi says:

    Ugh, true confession, I was a big Ben fan around the Chasing Amy /Boiling Room days so I was on hand when this relationship began. I think people are forgetting how much of a prize Ben was for Jen Garner. She is stuck in this place where she is just a nerd country girl from West Virginia and Ben is the handsome quarterback of the football team who dared to glance her way. She openly pined for him while she was married and he was in a relationship and jumped at the chance to snag him after he finally ended his relationship to Jennifer Lopez. Although she knows he will sleep with anything with a \/, I think she likes the official status of being his first and only wife. Ben is said to be very charming and handsome in person and he is incredibly needy. I have no doubt he would marry again. He is not going to be a bachelor for long. If we know it, she does too. I think this is also a reason she is in no rush for a divorce. I suspect she will be ready to let him go when SHE has someone new.

  20. A says:

    The vitriol these two inspire in the comments section here is … quite something.

    • goopstears says:

      That’s funny, I was just wondering how these two phoney no-talents could possibly still have stans.

      • Lalu says:

        Don’t have to be a fan to find the comments off. I am def not a fan of either. She’s plain and he’s a phony.
        But it’s gross, the insinuating that a mom that let her career take a backseat for her family will disappear without her husband… And that’s why she sticks around. Like she did something wrong. And like they should hurry and get divorced because a bunch of strangers say so. Maybe she really is a good person and a good mom. Maybe she is really focused on her family… Like another actress that no one can criticize here without getting piled on.

  21. sage says:

    Her movie career never took off, but she could return to T.V. and find success..

    She is procrastinating on the divorce because she may still be in love with him and/or she does not want to give him joint custody with all his personal demons.

  22. ScotiaGirl says:

    Everything here is totally hearsay. Obviously there are only two people that REALLY know what is going on. We are strangers looking in with no factual info. It’s all our opinions.

    I think IMO others above have hit the nail on the head. IMO neither has filed for custody reasons. Jen doesn’t file because she doesn’t want him to be able to take the kids every second weekend on his own because of his irresponsible behavior or potential for it. In order to get full physical custody of the kids she would have to reveal a lot of information to prove her case that he doesn’t want out there so he stays and doesn’t file.

    Let’s face it he has equal opportunity to file as she does and he hasn’t done it either so he is just as much a villain and hanging on as she is – it must be to his advantage because he clearly doesn’t want to be married in my opinion

    • Am says:

      I really wonder how much time he spends with those kids now. Maybe a meal or two during the week when he feels like stopping by, does the church stroll and that’s it. A lot of which he spends looking at his phone. To have them on his own for two full days and have to entertain/feed them? The nannies are going to have to go with them.

  23. Corporate Stepsister says:

    I think the reason she hasn’t filed is because she is determined to be the victim in all of this. If she takes charge, she will no longer be a victim and she won’t be able to sob to the tabloids about how Ben ran off and abandoned her. She’s made herself out to be the martyr mother and victim wife and she’s down to that act since she has no other.

    • Diane says:

      You have been very critical of why she hasn’t filed? What is your theory as to why he has not filed? There is nothing to stop him is there?

      • Kate says:

        Hahaha BAM Diane! mic drop, No one here has asked or answered that question on why BEN hasn’t filed, like what are we missing here? Is it a law in CA that only the wife can file for divorce? Is Ben incapacitated somehow that he can’t make that decision himself? He can’t put his big boy pants on and file? Why is filing solely Jen’s responsibility? I’d like to actually read someone’s theory on that.

      • JoJo says:

        I personally don’t think it’s Jen’s sole responsibility to file. However, just from a purely logical point of view, I think people feel like she is the one that has repeatedly been the recipient of his behaviors and she is perceived as the more grounded one, so people have an expectation that she would be the one to take steps to do what’s healthy for her family and kids. Whether that’s right/wrong or fair/unfair, I don’t know, but I think people just expect her to have the judgment, maturity and reason to get out of the situation vs. staying in it and just waiting to see if he’ll have the guts to file. She’ll be waiting forever – but that could be exactly what she wants.

      • Kate says:

        ok, you still didn’t answer my question… and Ben can’t/won’t file because??? What’s stopping him? I’d like to actually hear you try to say something negative about Ben without concluding that it’s all Jen’s fault in the end, I don’t think you have it in you.

      • JoJo says:

        Because he’s weak and afraid. They’re both weak. I think it’s pretty simple.

        My opinion is that Ben likes the idea of family. He likes the grounded image that being a married, family man gives him. I think he’s also insecure professionally and hyper-sensitive to public perception. I think he is probably afraid to cut the cord for the reasons above and also a totally human fear of being alone.

        And then Jen – well, I think Ben is her biggest weakness, always has been. Like CB said above, if she didn’t file after the nanny, I don’t know what it would take for her to walk away. Remember Lainey’s blind, “This one doesn’t get enough credit for her tenacity.”

      • Android says:

        @Kate @Diane My theory about why Ben hasn’t filed is, why should he? He’s not the wronged party in this. He’s not the one who is being cheated on, or having to totally parent the kids while Jen runs around filming bad movies. He gets to do whatever he wants and he always has. He gets away with murder because she lets him. She threatens divorce, he still doesn’t straighten up, and she still hasn’t filed. He’s called her bluff how many times now? lol He doesn’t need to be in love with her to stay married. She’ll do all the parenting, all the daily grind stuff either way, whether or not he’s meeting her needs in a spouse. For all the more some people (ie Lainey) try to portray this as if Jen’s in total control, I see it as the opposite. Ben’s wants and needs have been center stage since the beginning. Everything revolves around him and whether or not he is happy. They are all held hostage to it. He’s probably capable of doing just enough for her to keep her hanging on. Maybe he’ll quit drinking for a week or two, give her some hope, and then eventually falls back into the same routine. I honestly think that this is how their crappy marriage lasted 10 years, lol. So in my mind, she is the one who will have to file if she wants to have a happy, stable life. Because he clearly doesn’t care.

      • Lauren says:

        Couple reasons. He still thinks it’s better for his image to stay married. Doesn’t seem to realize that when it comes to this marriage in particular, that ship has sailed, it’s just a punchline at this point and everyone knows it’s not real. Also has to be hard to see his/their net worth and then cut that number in half. Most of their money is his. She might have had some Alias money but that was her peak and that was 15 years ago. He’s going to get throttled financially in a divorce. And finally, he hasn’t filed bc he’s not the one who was humiliated. Sure getting caught with the nanny was embarrassing for him but he wasn’t the one being publicly cheated on. He might be the “bad” spouse but she’s the one who puts up with it again and again. Why should he file? The situation has always worked great for him.

      • Jenfan says:

        My guess is that either one of them will file when they find someone else they want to be with permanently. Divorce is expensive especially when you have a lot of assets. In the interim they share ownership and use of all their properties, don’t have to have a formal custody agreement, Ben does not have to officially part with his millions – and you know she would be entitled to at least 1/2 his wealth – there was no prenup and she gave up a lot of her career to raise their children. – in what they admitted was a “traditional marriage” several years ago. And if just 1/3 of the stuff said about him here is true – he is going to loose most of his wealth. (Though I’m not crying for him – he will still have more than most of us can dream of).

      • clem says:

        Personally I don’t think Ben really cares what Jen does, file or not. He’s shown over the years that he’s only going to participate in the marriage and raising kids as much as he feels like it and when his work schedule allows. If Jen started sleeping with another man or dating someone, he wouldn’t even blink. He hasn’t been faithful to her in years. It’s obviously cheaper to keep her as well as being an easier image to sell when promoting a project. I don’t think he likes anyone digging around in his personal life, figuring out what he’s up to. Easier to hide that behind a marriage and kids. All the gambling, drinking, drugging and cheating that he’s done in the recent years coming to light has been hard for him to deal with. He’d much rather have everyone believing that he’s a devoted husband and father than the truth.

  24. Xs says:

    I wonder where Chris Bolt (Ben’s mom) stands on all this. She is his mom, yet at the same time she seems to get along very well with Jen, she has been photographed with just Jen and the kids and even just Jen. If all the rumors about Ben are true, it’s got to be really hard for her to be in the middle of all this.

    • Android says:

      Prob hoping they can eek it out for another 15 years until Sam is out of the house. However, that seems like a longass amount of time to be so miserable.

  25. Jenfan says:

    So here is something interesting – radar on line published a story today showing aerial photos of construction on the guest house on Ben and Jen’s property. (The article, like the national enquirer article CB referred to in her last post, claims Ben is back in the house because their doing construction on the main house). These photos might actually explain a lot. There has been a ton on rain in LA and lots of flooding in the past few weeks. (Mario from extra, who lives in the same area I believe, showed footage of his property falling in by the cliffs. ) The photos show the roof on the guest house being redone. Most likely the guest house had damage from all the weather – or they discovered the leaks from it. Ben probably has relocated off the property is my guess.
    The other “proof” they point to is that Ben’s 4 cars are now in the driveway, after being stored in a Santa Monica garage. Not sure how they would have known where he stored his cars Lol!

    • JoJo says:

      What a disaster. And where is the Bentley that he recently showed up to church in?

      @jenFan – Are you saying you think he’s moved off of the property?

      • Jenfan says:

        @jojo what I’m saying is that he may have moved off the property – but it may be temporary because of this fix up job. (Just surmising). That would also tie into E! Line about it remaining his primary residence, also allows for what US said about him moving off the property. Also, the last 2 times we saw Ben, he was driving 2 different “loaner” Bentleys. That would tie into possible damage on his other cars. The radar on line article claims the guest house has a garage underneath it – it’s on the edge of the hill – cars could have sustained damage as well. In the past month, we have only seen Jen in her car, not the SUV we used to see her /him / together driving.

      • chloe says:

        Why would he move off the property for renovations and not stay in the main house? With five bedrooms there is more than enough room especially in a temporary situation.

      • A says:

        I think he may have been test driving the first Bentley. There was another sighting of him at a showroom afterwards and he was next photographed driving a more family-friendly Bentley model.

    • clem says:

      Oh god. It’s impossible to take ROL or any of their sources seriously. Their source said that Ben’s man cave (which was apparently blocked off from the rest of the house — for when he gets drunk?) is allegedly being rejoined to it & changed into a play area for the kids. They’re using THAT as proof that the divorce is off for good?! Doesn’t make sense and actually IMO points to the fact that he’s moved out and never coming back. Same goes with allegedly gutting his guest house. As for his 4 cars allegedly being back on the property, they only actually show a pic of the SUV that both he and Jen have been pictured driving the kids around in. RoL is a huge joke with their aerial pics and mindless speculation.

    • Android says:

      Radar online doesn’t have real sources, they take pics of the house and then sit around and fabricate clickable headlines. At least 90% of the articles they write are pure fiction.

      Mario Lopez lives in Glendale. That is nowhere near them.

      • Jenfan says:

        I totally agree – about radar not having real sources – I’m just focusing on the photos of the guest house.

    • chloe says:

      Gutting and remodeling the guest house as well as getting rid of his mancave indicate to me that he’s gone from the property for good and Jen wants it to stay that way. She’s removing all traces of him. I don’t think I agree about water/property damage. There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with the rest of the place, none of the property is torn up as you’d expect. Too big of a coincidence that it’s just his guest house and mancave getting facelifts. Who knows.

  26. JE says:

    I’m a bit baffled. They claim that Ben’s mancave is going away and the guesthouse where he’s reportedly been staying is being gutted. And they conclude that this means the divorce is OFF? I took these things as signs that the opposite is true.

    • JoJo says:

      While ROL has been right on occasion, I doubt this story. They pay for tips, while I have to assume US actually had something legit to make them run with that story, especially given it was the same reporter that got the initial split news. Even if you choose to believe the E! story, while it stops short of saying Jen is imminently filing for divorce, it still hedges on the actual status of their relationship and says that their future remains unclear. This in no way sounds like it’s time for a reconciliation celebration and moving back in as ROL is saying. Also, if you watch the video of Jen with Seraphina coming out of a building on Friday, you hear the pap saying to Jen that her fans are worried
      about her and is she ok, and Jen turns her her head to him and and quietly says “sshhh”, shaking her head as if to ask him not to ask that in front of her daughter. I still think something bigger is coming.

      • A says:

        I don’t think Jennifer’s reaction to the pap’s question means anything. When with her children, she has often hushed paps asking personal questions (as has Ben). Of course she wouldn’t want Sera to wonder why people would have cause to worry about her mother.

        x17 (who camp outside their house) and the Enquirer (I know, I know) have also reported in the past few months that Ben now lives in the main house. The fact that his cars are there does make it seem slightly more credible.

        The fact that they’re doing renovations could mean anything – that they’re incorporating Ben’s guest quarters (first renovated in 2015) with the main house because he has moved out or because he has moved back into the main house.

      • emma says:

        It’s hardly a fact that his cars are there, lol. Show us the pics that show them.

        Reports from X17, Radar etc are worthless. They speculate from aerial photos of the house and know no more than anyone else when it comes to where he’s been living. The fact that he hasn’t been photographed in weeks outside of their church parking lot says to me that the paps (camped outside their house) haven’t been able to follow him. Because he doesn’t live there anymore, lol.

  27. emma says:

    For those who think that Ben still lives at the family home, what is your explanation for him never getting photographed anymore? The last pap pics we have of him were taken in his church parking lot, where the photogs know to go and probably just wait there for them every week. But during the week? Do you think he just never leaves the house or has an invisibility cloak when he drives past or what? And if HE can manage to avoid the paparazzi, why doesn’t Jen employ these tactics?

    • Jenfan says:

      I think they wait in the area of the kids school as well – so he must not be doing the school run anymore.

    • Mel says:

      Right. Plus they used to share the same cars which they don’t seem to be doing anymore. I don’t know why he would need to get a rental Bentley if he still lived there….

  28. JoJo says:

    TBH, it’s not even clear/obvious that the roof is being repaired from the photos. Nothing about the roof of the guest house looks different than past pictures.

    • Jenfan says:

      To me it looks like parts of the roof are off.
      In terms of Ben’s cars. In the photo that shows the SUV in the driveway, you can see the front of the red classic car in what seems to be a carport.

      Look no one knows what is going on with these two, except maybe them, and I’m beginning to doubt that as well. Until the U.S. Story last Friday, things were really quiet (with the exception of Ben’s career issues). Last time this year, Page Six was giving us updates from their Montana vacation with Tom Brady. So far no leaks as to where the family (with or without Ben) is. I expect the rest of this week to be quiet, then with the Oscars this coming weekend, we will see if either or both of them show at the awards or VF party.
      If the story on Ben is as bad as people think it might be, don’t think he would show. If Jen is actually going to file for divorce, I think it would be after the Oscars. Stay tuned