Donald Trump’s lie about the Swedish incident came from Fox News

President Donald J. Trump arrives at Palm Beach Airport

As I mentioned on Sunday, Emperor Baby Fists is now following in Kellyanne Conway’s Bowling Green Massacre footsteps and completely making up terrorist attacks. This is a huge issue from a president who is actively waging multiple campaigns of misinformation and outright lies. This is a huge issue from a president who declares the media to be “the enemy of the American people.” This is a direct quote from the speech Easy D gave on Saturday in Florida (at a “campaign rally”).

“You look at what’s happening in Germany. You look at what’s happening last night in Sweden — Sweden — who would believe this? Sweden, they took in large numbers, they are having problems like they never thought possible. You look at what’s happening Brussels, you look at what’s happening all over the world.”

[From People]

Immediately following those comments, Swedish people (and Americans too) began trolling Easy D with IKEA jokes, ABBA references and Swedish Chef GIFs. There was a lot of #NeverRemember and #SwedishIncident hashtagging. Swedes insisted that they were completely fine and they had literally no idea what Agent Orange was referencing. Swedish media outlet Afton Bladet ran an English article about what really happened in Sweden on Friday, and it was just like the most mundane police blotter ever. So what was his referencing? Well, on Sunday, Trump posted this on his Twitter:

Many believe that he was referencing a segment on Tucker Carlson’s show about refugees in Sweden, but that still doesn’t explain A) why he specifically said “LAST NIGHT in Sweden,” like something significant happened, and B) why he’s so childlike and moronic that he only retains fragments of Fox News propaganda, which he then repeats nonsensically like an orange parrot. But of course the biggest problem is that Emperor Baby Fists and his people are hellbent on stoking Islamophobia to the point where they’re literally making up terrorist attacks. And the entire time, they are being silent as the grave about the rise of white-nationalist terrorism across America.

Last thing: Emperor Baby Fists made Melania walk to the other side of the car.

President Donald J. Trump arrives at Palm Beach Airport

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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186 Responses to “Donald Trump’s lie about the Swedish incident came from Fox News”

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  1. DeniseMich says:

    Or the biggest problem is that a man who should have direct information is getting his points from fox news
    Doesn’t the President of the United States get briefed by White House Intelligence on foreign affairs. Why the f*ck is he getting his intel from fox news.

    Good Grief.

    • WeAreAllMadeOfStars says:

      His briefing people are Tucker Carlson, Morning Joe, and the rest of the gang at Fox, so they kind of do double duty as TV personalities and White House Intel. Who needs those bozos in Washington when you can just watch Fox on the crapper?

      • DeniseMich says:

        I thought Morning Joe banned him? Or was that just the Kellyanne?

      • sarri says:

        They only banned Kellyanne as far as I know.

      • B n A fn says:

        Morning Joe is off the Trump train since last week, so sad! They worked so hard to get him elected. I was so disappointed with Mika she never gave Hillary the time of day, every chance she got she said something not encouraging. Joe practically said he was in touch with DT on a regular basis even going to Trump Tower to coach him on what to do to beat Hillary. Now DT is calling MSNBC a fake news channel, ha ha. Anyway, whatever happened with the friendship must be BIGLY.

      • Jennifer says:

        When you’re so crazy that you lose Morning Joe…

    • Crox says:

      I’m pretty sure when something does happen somewhere, he’ll say “see, that’s what I was talking about” and his minions will praise his “prophetic” ass.

      • Ashamed 2 b a Fl girl says:

        My greatest fear is he will make something happen. Just so he can say “see? I was right.”

    • Megan says:

      He skips the daily intelligence briefings. Flynn was attending on his behalf. No idea who is attending now.

      I suspect he conflated Sweden with Sehwan, which furthers my belief he is functionally illiterate.

      • LittlestRoman says:

        Let me guess, the new intelligence surrogate has a last name that rhymes with cannon… Seriously, someone get me off of this ride, I’m gonna puke.

    • lightpurple says:

      He refuses to read the intelligence briefings and says he can get better information elsewhere.

    • Radley says:

      That was exactly my thought when he blamed Fox News. Like dude, if there was a terror attack, you’d be briefed on it. How can he possibly not know this?? I know this. How? What is happening?

      He’s an idiot. You can’t “gossip” about world events or any happenings as a world leader and consistently get your facts wrong. There’s consequences. You’re not talking about what happened behind the scenes on The Apprentice, you deep fried jackass! You’re not a Real Housewife, you malevolent dummy!

      I’m furious. But what else is new?

    • lucy2 says:

      That’s what I said – he’s the f’ing POTUS, if there was something that happened, he’d be briefed on it by intelligence officials, not Fox News.
      His levels of incompetency are terrifying.

    • cynic says:

      He’s also getting his briefings from Infowars.

      • AnneC says:

        Yep, it was announced today that the crazy person who runs Infowars, Alex Jones, will be helping out with communications at the White House. He believes that sandy Hook was staged by pro gun groups and that 9-11 was an inside job. He’s insane. I really worry for this future of our country.

  2. Nicole says:

    1. We are a international embarrassment now. Countries are roasting us daily and making videos of how idiotic we are. The fall of America. Cool.
    2. The twitter hashtags were amazing
    3. The Melania video was embarrassing. But I can’t bring myself to feel any sympathy for her so…meh

    • Zip says:

      If it makes you feel better: Trump is the one most people are making jokes about, not the US-citizens. There are lots of reports about people opposing Trump and organising protests, so it really does not look like an entire country has lost its mind. At least that’s the impression I get here in Germany.

      • Crox says:

        Here as well. I think we are all aware Trump is an extreme specimen.

      • Nicole says:

        That’s good. Although when I traveled I was asked about the election all the time. Esp in Germany where I think the disbelief is strong there (just my perspective of when I traveled over the holiday)

      • Zip says:

        The questions are normal and yes, there is a lot of disbelief on how Agent Orange could become POTUS. It was the same when George W. Bush got elected twice. In contrast, Obama was super popular here. But as I said, to my impression, Trump is the main focus of the jokes. It might have been different if he also won the popular vote and if people were not protesting as much, but that’s not the case. There are weird idiots who love and voted for him (we got the same kind of people here supporting Nazi-party AfD… they love Trump, too) but it’s clear that he does not have the majority behind him.

      • Beer&Crumpets says:

        YES THAT MAKES ME FEEL BETTER. Thank you for saying it. I love you, man. (Or lady.)

        To everyone everywhere, I’d like to offer my deepest, most heart-felt apology for Trump. I’m SORRY y’all. I’M SO SORRY PLEASE NOBODY NUKE US.

      • Nicole says:

        That’s good. Obviously when I traveled it was before he took office. It’s good to know people don’t think all Americans are insane.
        I had several people offer me asylum when I traveled and I told them other need it way more but the offer was nice. It’s hard to fight the urge to flee esp as a minority that moves between numb and scared sh*tless.

      • jwoolman says:

        If those little Berlitz traveler’s language guides still exist, they need to add how to say:

        “I didn’t vote for him.”
        “My President is batshit crazy.”

      • littlemissnaughty says:

        Yeah, that’s my impression as well. We (Germans) have understood that the popular vote went to Hillary, that Americans have not suddenly lost their collective minds and that this is just a sign of the times. A terrifying sign and It’s not like we don’t see this development (on a smaller scale) here in Europe.

        Also, to Fascist Orange: STFU about Germany, b*tch. We’re not idiots. We knew what we were getting into and that it would be damn hard. And yes, many many Germans disagree strongly with what Merkel did but that’s what’s called a democracy. When it doubt, Wiki that sh*t. I’m generally not proud of how we’ve been treating refugees for decades, really. But don’t patronize us, you fat-a**ed, uneducated, glow-in-the-dark piece of toilet paper!!!

      • lucy2 says:

        That makes me feel better too! I’m glad there is reporting on the resistance to him too.

    • Betsy says:

      If I could find the gif of her recoiling from his touch on stage that day, I’d send the link. You will find yourself feeling a spasm of sympathy for someone who clearly looks afraid of her husband.

      • Nicole says:

        As a human yes. But I’m not jumping on the poor Melania bandwagon. Others need my sympathy more. And I remember how she was very keen to further the birther belief like her husband so….no

      • Megan says:

        Melania is incredibly wealthy and has dual citizenship. She can walk out the door and live far, far away from this monster if she chooses. Instead, she stays and brings lawsuits about how Daily Mail fan fiction is preventing her from cashing in on the First Lady brand. She may find him physically repulsive, but she loves everything else about him.

      • Christin says:

        Maybe she realizes the ship is eventually going to sink. Too bad she went on record with birther and ‘just boy talk’ comments to support him.

    • greenmonster says:

      @littlemissnaughty: German here too and I also want Trump to STFU about Germany. Nothing is happening here. We don’t have massive problems with refugees: we’re not getting raped or robbed or murdered while walking down the streets. Even if there are some Germans who think this is happening ALL THE TIME, but the media is not reporting these stories. Dear Americans, we know very well that the majority voted for Hillary. We know how many of you are protesting against all the things Trump stands for. People make fun of Trump, not Americans.

    • chaine says:

      Yeah, the same night the video was taken she led a campaign rally in saying the lord’s prayer. So much for separation of church and state. Not sorry for her. she made her bed and she is apparently still enjoying lying in it.

    • MrsBadBob says:

      Listen, being embarrassed internationally is nothing new, get used to it, the “Ugly American” is a well known trope and SCROTUS is the epitome of what the stereotype represents. The important thing is to continue to defy him and prove to the world that he is not us and he does not represent us.

    • Lahdidahbaby says:

      Yeah, my favorite meme going around is the one of the Swedish flag, and beneath it the words:


      • Mathilde says:

        I live in Sweden and my favourite is a “JE SUIS SWEDEN” version in the blue and yellow colours of the Swedish flag and the Trumpeter peering out the D of Sweden. Underneath is the text “Bowling Green massacre survivors, you are not alone!”

  3. nemera34 says:

    Can we all agree that he is DUMB. He knows nothing about world events. He spends his day watching Fox News and other Right fake news shows and then like some uninformed teen he runs to twitter or a Rally and spouts off uninformed things. This idiot is going to cause some horrible National Incident. He lied about a terrorist attack. Then tried to cover his fat ass with OH IT WASN’T MY FAULT.. I SAW IT ON FOX NEWS.

    The fact that there are Americans still supporting this slug is an embarrassment. HE is an embarrassment to every American. I’m ashamed. And so disappointed. This is the fool the World is seeing. And the World is going to make decisions that will affect us all because of this sack of NOTHING.

    • Megan says:

      The buck literally stops with him. If he can’t own his own words he should resign in shame. Of course he would need to feel shame for that to happen.

      • Esmom says:

        When has he EVER owned his words? And you’re right he would need to feel shame and he clearly has ZERO awareness of how idiotic and clueless he is. I really think he doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with his behavior.

      • Indiana Joanna says:

        baby fists expends all his energy and time surfing on his phone for words or phrases to give himself credibility. Any presidential work is being being done by hideous Bannon. baby fists’ disconnect is that he hates this gig and only can only think of it in terms of reality tv.

      • Esmom says:

        Indiana Joanna, You’re exactly right. I fell into a really depressing Twitter thread yesterday — someone came up with an “Impeach Pres Bannon” meme/campaign and the comments from the Trumpeters about the “stupid, whining libtards” were insane. It’s like they don’t even realize that Bannon is pulling the strings, all they care about is that Trump “won.”

      • Saras says:

        Funny memes aside this is truly frightening. 3 made up “alternative terror attacks ” blamed on Muslims within 1 month. If they made up 3 fake terror attacks blamed on Christians, Jews, or Lutherans would that be ok or would you suspect a conspiracy to defame said religion.

    • addie says:

      Trump is as dumb as a box of hammers. I always laugh when he is sitting at his desk in the Oval Office – and there’s not one item on the desk, no work, nothing. I don’t think he knows what’s going on and is in permanent bluster/nasty mode to simply save face.

      What’s more alarming is his supporters believing every lie that spews from his mouth. They clearly don’t read, or think critically. If Trump is still around in say a year, and when he has not delivered on all the things only he could deliver, just imagine how confused they are going to be.

      • Original T.C. says:

        His supporters see him as a genius, thought his unhinged news conference was brilliant and see his presidency so far as super successful. They don’t understand why we can’t see this. I think it was Washington Post who interviewed them.

        It’s like they see the same things we do but is decoded inversely in their minds. They really do live in an alternative reality. As long as they continue to back him, Trump gives no F’s about the rest of US or the world.

      • Beth says:

        I saw pictures of Ivanka sitting at the desk more than him.

        His supporters believing his nonsense because they don’t read or think critically is why he likes uneducated people. So dumb, they still don’t notice he’s such a mess and failing so badly

      • Esmom says:

        Ha, good point about him having nothing on his desk. In my experience in the business world, it was always the execs with neat, empty desks who were the emptiest suits.

      • Snappyfish says:

        I’m beginning to believe his core supporters (not the party republicans) don’t truly expect anything to happen to them but relish the thought that things will get worse for others. The ones that they think are “getting things for free”

        Trump is an idiot w/ no idea what he is doing & I believe he doesn’t care. Melanie looks miserable & I have no sympathy for her

      • Lady D says:

        @Beth, “His supporters believing his nonsense because they don’t read or think critically is why he likes uneducated people.”
        A group he has been exploiting for 5 decades or more. Betcha they all have a little more education by the end of this year:)

      • Shark Bait says:

        That WaPo article with his supporters was something. I also saw a BBC video where a very young woman said she loves how Trump speaks his mind, that she thinks he doesn’t know how to lie. And also the man he pulled up on stage who said he has a six foot cardboard cutout of Trump he salutes every morning and that he prays for Trump daily. Oh and the friendly atheist facebook page had a guy with a shirt that said Jesus died for us, Trump lives for us. WTF??? These people are like freaking Trump disciples who can never admit that he’s wrong or doing poorly. Just like the man himself. I saw someone on Twitter say that his mentor, Roy Kohn, taught him to never apologize or admit he is wrong. I’m not only troubled by that, I’m troubled that Roy Kohn was his mentor!!

      • Original T.C. says:

        Found the interview!

        The Washington Post: Trump supporters see a successful president — and are frustrated with critics who don’t–and-are-frustrated-with-critics-who-dont/2017/02/19/496cb4b4-f6ca-11e6-9845-576c69081518_story.html

    • EM says:

      Well said! I’ve accepted that he is a weak, prejudiced, lying, old man that won’t ever change BUT I blame his enablers in the GOP and fans for ruining America.

    • jwoolman says:

      In addition to Fox News and Breitbart, the Prez gets his daily dose of fake news from Alex Jones/Infowars. Yes, that’s the one who screams all the time.

      • Shark Bait says:

        And probably lives in his mother’s basement. He had a big billboard outside Philly about the lying liberal media, and I sometimes see InfoWars bumper stickers around here. This is the man who said Sandy Hook was a liberal conspiracy to ban guns.

      • EM says:

        Speaking of billboards – does anyone else have the digital Trump loves America one? It is disturbing and baffling. I’m in NJ and it’s located on 80E & W – it’s a big picture of him with a heart shaped American flag & America.

      • EscapedConvent says:

        If Alex Jones is involved at all, that chills my blood. He is a raving psycho and should be sedated.

    • chaine says:

      And yet 39% of people still approve of the job he is doing. I am just resigned to the obvious fact that 39% of Americans either have low IQ’s that leave them unable to comprehend what is going on or that they’re all so virulently racist/misogynist that they care only about perpetuating at any cost the suppression of minorities/women.

      • swak says:

        My brother has friends who are well educated and they still think Trump is their savior. I can only debate with them so long because they don’t like the truth being put out there or they won’t consider any other opinions other than their own.

  4. Shambles says:

    He said “last night, in Sweden,” because he meant “last night, on that Fox News show, when they talked about Sweden.” I guess he assumes that all of his followers also use Fox News as their source instead of taking intelligence briefings, which is probably true.

    Oh, and he fired one of his staffers for disagreeing with him. 1-800-authoritarianregime

    • Esmom says:

      Oh you’re right, that makes sense about the “last night” comment. The man’s only form of info is TV and Twitter. I cannot, cannot believe I am saying that about a world leader.

    • original kay says:

      “Last night, I was sitting in the bathrobe that I don’t own, watching Fox News.” << I agree this is what he meant.
      We are supposed to fill in the blanks and understand what he means even when he doesn't (can't?) speak with clarity.
      Apparently the press made (makes) the mistake of taking him literally, but not seriously. We apparently are not supposed to take him literally (the president!!) but we should take his half thought out ramblings seriously.
      And, apparently, his supporters have the ability to translate his messages, which is why they get the "movement" and we do not.

      So. Isn't that exhausting? I'm exhausted.

      • Shark Bait says:

        Oh god, I’m glad someone else can reference Spicy’s “I don’t even think the president owns a bathrobe” nonsense.
        Last night I was watching Tucker Carlson give airtime to some conspiracy theorist madman (what Swedish news is calling the guy behind these claims) talk about how Swedish women are targets for these big scary Muslim criminals.
        It’s terrifying.

      • tiepin says:

        As Hillary said on more than one occasion during the election, “he’s dangerously incoherent”.

      • elle says:

        This all makes sense… trump and his supporters communicate via Faux News. My trump-supporting family members quote Faux News all day long. If they walk into a room with some other channel on, they immediately change it, probably for fear of hearing something logical, rational and non-hysterical.

    • Becky says:

      He’s all over the place.

      The Fox news report was suggesting a rise in crime, related to refugees, but Swedish media has dismissed this:

      Basically Fox is putting out sensationalised nonsense, accusations usually thrown at mainstream media by Trump and his supporters.

    • greenmonster says:

      Wasn’t Melissa MaCarthy say something as “when I say things, you have to know what I meant when I said those things” in her role as Sean Spicer?
      That’s how Trump is acting. First, he hears the words refugees and attack (or whatever) and automatically jumps to refugees attack Sweden. For him it can’t be that refugees were attacked, it has to be the other way around. And he is not checking if he even got the story correctly, he is spreading his stupid little mind. When he gets corrected, he blames everyone else: people gave him wrong information or people didn’t understand when he said words, because obviously people are mean and give him a hard time.

      • Christin says:

        Yes, regarding the skit. She/he meant “Orlanta”.

      • greenmonster says:

        Yes, Christin. That’s what I had in mind 🙂 So SNL was spot on, again. Trump and his administration are throwing words at us and we are supposed to make something out of it.

    • Shambles says:

      Yeah, I agree with all of you guys– he and his people expect us to know what they *mean* instead of listening to what they say when they say words. The problem is that he’s the f*cking president of the United States and he’s supposed to be able to say things carefully, articulately, and succinctly. The point is that, as the president, everyone is listening to him, so he should be exremely clear every time he speaks. Neither he or his people give a rats ass about that, because they have no respect for the office of the presidency.

    • Mathilde says:

      I strongly suspect that the truth is that he cannot read and that his words are a reflection of his illiteracy. It would explain why he gets so angry when people do not get what he means. Illiteracy would in fact explain a lot of his unusual (to say the least) behaviour!

      • hunter says:

        I watched the evidence to support his illiteracy and came away with the distinct impression he is unable to read, probably dyslexic, and (on account of his personality) has been overcoming it through bluster.

  5. Mel says:

    And yet, Fox news NEVER gets labeled as “fake news” on his twitter rants!

    • Zip says:

      I’m really worried about how he is always talking about “the failing New York Times”. It’s such a brainwash. He repeats it over and over and one day it will stick with people. How is a president allowed to behave that way?

      • Esmom says:

        Oh, it’s already stuck. Bigly. If you’ve ever read the FB comments on NYT stories, you can see that the trolls who believe Trump are out in full force.

      • original kay says:

        CNN as well, FAKE NEWS is all over CNN. Even if they directly quote trump, his minions claim the words were twisted.

      • Christin says:

        How effective? Fill in these:

        Crooked ——-.
        Little —–.
        Lyin ‘ —.

      • EM says:

        He perfected this tactic during the campaign with Ted & Hillary. The reality is that we need to do the same thing with him but keep getting distracted with his latest story of the day …. you would have thought the media and others would have learned during the campaign but nope. He threw out the media comment during the peak of Russia comments & guess what stuck… media. Sigh.

        This is a really good site for latest #45 news:

      • Shambles says:

        I subscribed to the NYT immediately after the election, and they apparently have seen a record spike in paid subscriptions. When it comes to this one particular thing, don’t worry too much. The crazies might be louder but they’re still outnumbered.

        If you can, SUBSCRIBE to a newspaper! Journalism is valuable and worth money, even in the digital age. Now more than ever, we must support good journalism.

      • lucy2 says:

        I subscribed too Shambles. And if you’re Amazon prime, you can get the Washington Post app free for 6 months.

      • Shark Bait says:

        I already subscribed to the Times, but I added Wapo to my subscriptions too. I don’t really watch cable news ever, but my Trump loving mother has bought into the CNN is fake news stuff and accuses me of getting all my info from CNN and being brainwashed by them. She called it the Clinton News Network during the election and now is saying she loves how Trump is calling them out for their bias. After the election she told me that I was only upset because I was being brainwashed by CNN. I told her I don’t watch CNN and she said it was very unlikely I was telling her the truth because CNN is the number one smear campaign against Trump. I don’t think she actually watches Fox, but I know she follows Hannity, Judge Jeanine Pirro, Tomi Lahren etc on facebook and is always liking their stuff. In the last two weeks, when I was on the phone with her discussing stuff about my kids and nothing to do with politics, she ended one conversation by saying “I need you to look up Sharia Law ok. It’s bad stuff and one of the Women’s March people promotes that.” And then like a week later said “I need you to look into this George Soros guy. He has way too much money and he funds all the top democratic candidates and he is behind a lot of the racial division and chaos.”
        Seriously, facebook is just as bad as the networks with this stuff. But he never calls that crap fake news. Breitbart, Fox and InfoWars are literally FAKE NEWS.

      • Esmom says:

        Shark Bait, oh my goodness, I thought my mom was bad. Thank goodness she’s not on FB or who knows what BS she’d be buying. I have really distanced myself emotionally from my parents in large part because of their unwillingness to listen to a progressive point of view and their constant dismissiveness of anything I say in that realm. I give you big kudos for still being able to talk with your mom and not let political differences get in the way.

      • Radley says:

        No offense Shark Bait, but your mom terrifies me. How does this happen? How do people think that widely reported, sourced things are a huge conspiracy designed specifically against them and literally everything they believe in? Conspiracy designed to do what? Enslave white conservatives?? Really, the whole of the government AND the media is coming for you?? It boggles the mind that people think this. They really think the western world is 5 minutes from embracing Sharia law?? What the what?

      • LoveIsBlynd says:

        His followers are soooo easily duped. My one remaining POTUS supporter on FB posted this: “I have to stand up for protecting Lives. The liberals are actually angry that we pay the secret service to protect the POTUS and his family. This is WRONG”. I responded and told her – “it’s not that I don’t want to protect a family- WHAT? THE ISSUE is the lavishly expensive lifestyle of the first family that is under scrutiny. It’s estimated that Obama’s family spent 12.1 million in vacations in 8 years while the current 1st family has spent 11.9 million IN ONE MONTH. Plus taxpayers have paid for trumps’s son’s business trips overseas, because trump hasn’t divested his business he profits whilst taxpayers saddle the bill.” So the SPIN is that, as a liberal, somehow- I dont’ want to protect their lives. Ugh. Just UGH.

      • Shelly says:

        This is MY mother exactly, the crap that comes out of her sheep mouth is amazing.
        Her and my dad dont even watch the news but get it from infowars and rush and radio shows.

        The only hope is the old boomers hate russia with a passion and the christian ones (my mother) have russia tied up with the anti christ/end times stuff.
        The anti christ is supposed to be the bear in the north and they interpret that to be russia in all the churches ive been to

        So during the election my mom was horrified trump had financial ties to russia. too bad that wasnt enough.
        had the news brought the russia stuff up then he would have lost a lot of those voters i think

  6. Ashamed 2 b a Fl girl says:


  7. Nancy says:

    Oh come on Joffrey. I applauded Shepherd Smith when I read that he went full metal jacket and finally left script and called out the bullshit and questionable sanity of DT. Sweden, are you kidding me. The President of the United States making an alternative facts scenario about SWEDEN, Jesus H. Who writes his material. His excuse…..he heard it on Fox News! Quoting fake news from the only media he doesn’t rip apart. Keep it up Don, cause you are digging your own hole *I won’t allow myself to say grave* and it’s only a matter of time before you fall in it. If there are any visitors to this site today, PLEASE explain this one, how can even his most reverent kool aid drinking stans defend this blatant untruth he took from a blurb on a friendly fire station.

  8. What?! says:

    I really don’t know what to say anymore and we are only one month in to the day. Logic need not apply….

  9. Beth says:

    This guy had better pay more attention to what’s really going on in the world. Time to stop with childish tweets and watching tv. His lies make him a bigger embarrassment everyday

  10. Jayna says:

    How “sad” he’s quoting Fox News as his source and not, as president, his own intelligence briefing sources.

  11. RussianBlueCat says:

    Either he refuses to listen to his advisors or those around him are allowing him to make mistakes like this and look like a fool. It has only been one month since he became president!

    • MrsBadBob says:

      He refuses to listen, remember he was exactly like this during his campaign, his stans eat it up. However, getting him elected is one thing, his disaster of a presidency is a whole other kettle of fish. On top of which, he does not seem to be gaining allies in DC, only losing them, it’s hard to know where we’re headed, but some of the barnacles he’s collecting don’t scrape off easily.

  12. JudyK says:

    Nice way to pivot once again but too much of a stretch of the truth to even believe the lie about Fox News. Fox News never said there had been an incident on Friday night in Sweden. So, if we are to believe the President’s lie as to why he talked about an incident on Friday night in Sweden, what is even more concerning is that he is apparently so lacking in focus and comprehension that he didn’t even understand the Fox News story which was about nothing more than a general story regarding the influx of immigrants in Sweden.

    • jwoolman says:

      The German publication Bild published a story about gangs of immigrants raping many women. One Trump supporter told that as a story about Sweden in particular on a recent forum. But the Bild story is actually fake news (didn’t happen) and the police are looking for the ones who started it. Bild has apologized and retracted it.

      So my guess is that Trump heard about the false Bild story and the Fox story claiming that crime is out of control in Sweden due to immigrants and put it together as something very very bad happening in Sweden due to immigrants. Just like his baffling insistence that he saw a video nobody else saw about Muslim Americans dancing in celebration after the Towers went down on 9/11.

      His brain just grabs bits and pieces of dubious information and splices it together to fit his prejudices.

      • JudyK says:

        Exactly, you nailed it. He did all of what you said, but he still made it worse by saying it was “last night” when he was talking about it at his rally on Saturday. He can’t even comprehend what he hears.

  13. Slowsnow says:

    Ok. An idea. Let’s highjack Fox News and feed them important and crucial notions such as the upsetting rise of white suprematism, the importance of women’s right to choose, equality for all etc. If he just parrots everything they’ll say, he’ll become a proper president. amirite? 🤓

    • Onerous says:

      Have you seen that John Oliver bought a bunch of ad time on Fox and is doing just that!? Hilarious!

      • jwoolman says:

        I saw the John Oliver clip on YouTube where he showed some of those ads, which are supposed to be running in the D.C. area on Trump’s favorite shows when Trump is in town to watch them and cover things Trump doesn’t seem to know but should. It started out with an old guy in a cowboy hat talking about catheters (this is a famous commercial here) and then the guy pulls out a poster explaining the nuclear triad…. It went on and on with similar tidbits of information, I think one was about the three branches of government (or should be). In the last one I saw, the guy pulled out a picture of Trump’s youngest and apparently easily forgettable daughter, teaching him her name: “Tiffany. TIFF-A-NEE.”

    • Digital Unicorn (aKa Betti) says:

      Thats what Kellyanne was doing.. it was th only way shemxould get him to notice her and now that no one is really booking her what will she do.

    • Slowsnow says:

      @Onerous Ha! I have never watched Fox (other than segments here and there) and had no idea. Marvellous.

    • Esmom says:

      I started thinking a while ago that the only thing that would change Trumpster’s minds is reverse psychology and/or flat out trickery. I’d imagined someone hacking Breitbart and filling it with real news. If it comes from a source they believe, they’ll believe it, no matter what it is.

      • MrsBadBob says:

        I just wish we could teach them critical thinking skills, honestly, I know that sounds patronizing and condescending, but I believe, in my heart, that education is the greatest gift a person can receive, and that learning logic and critical thinking, even just reading “1984” by George Orwell, it would give these people a chance to see through the BS, from Twitler and every other grifter or misguided fool they encounter.

      • Esmom says:

        I agree that education is key. It is extremely sad that education, especially higher ed, is now being vilified as “elitist.”

        A highly educated conservative acquaintance of mine recently posted an article from Fox about how colleges are brainwashing students with “the liberal agenda.” She didn’t post any commentary so I’m not exactly sure what her point was — I had assumed her kids were going to college but now I’m not sure.

  14. Darkladi says:

    Der Kommisar is never wrong of course.

  15. sarri says:

    Funny how he always complains about fake news when it’s Trump and his people who love to spread fake news.

  16. LinaLamont says:

    For those who weren’t around yesterday….

    Also, please think about subscribing (in print or online) to reputable newspapers/magazines that aren’t afraid of the truth or the new regime.
    They need money to keep the truth out there.
    Some mentioned yesterday are:
    Daily Kos
    Huffington Post
    New York Times
    Washington Post

    Mother Jones
    The Nation
    Vanity Fair

    • Lisac says:

      Also, Slate and Salon, the Guardian

    • MrsBadBob says:

      And think critically, question the sources, look for bias, evaluate what you’re reading. Think about who wrote it and why, think about who published it, look for other sources to support or dispute it, see what critics and supporters say, and above all, decide for yourself what you think, never allow other people to decide for you, take the reins of your own mind and break free of group-think. America is about being free and staying free, and you are not free, if you are not free-thinking.

  17. Beth says:

    Pathetic that he told this lie and then ranted about “fake news” while he was having a pep rally at an airport. Disgusting to see so many supporters there and not pay attention to how dumb they look believing everything this con man says

  18. JulP says:

    Clearly this incident should show his followers that the only “fake news” is Fox News.

  19. Hiccup says:

    I’m Swedish and one of the things that alarm me about this whole situation is the fact that so much right wing propaganda is slipping through the cracks in our country too. By spreading distrust of the media through right wing sites and YouTube and even Facebook (the real fake news) people are actually starting to tune into this alternative reality just like Donald Trump is.

    There is if course a grain of truth in the fact that we face problems due to receiving so many asylum seekers – anything else would be nonsense – but I’m seeing people, even swedes, making comments like Sweden is seriously under attack of Muslim refugees and swedish women are all being raped now, I mean… It’s fucking crazy and so far from the truth of how the standard of living still is for us in Sweden. I hate the fact that these conspiracy theory people are taking what is a real issue worth discussing and turning it into x1000 times worse than it is and then using it to push their right wing propaganda shit. It really is an info war and many people don’t even know how to fact check or read or question… YouTube… And they are allowed to vote in my country of course. Next election is going to be brutal in Sweden too unfortunately

    • Esmom says:

      Thanks for your perspective, I’m sorry that things have gotten so ugly in your country, too. It is really sad how much damage “fake news” has done.

      ITA that FB is the real fake news. I fully believe it’s what got Trump elected for sure. People don’t even post their own words or opinions anymore, they just slap up some meme, no matter how inaccurate or outrageous, and let it do the talking for them. It’s truly soul crushing.

    • Katherine says:

      Totally agree with you! Sweden has high level of education though, on average, so that should enable a lot of voters to tell apart the truth and fake news. Fingers crossed. You have higher quality of life than the US too, so don’t worry, will be much harder to disrupt if push comes to shove

    • LinaLamont says:

      Russia is ubiquitous?

      I know they’re not to blame for people’s stupidity, but, they sure know how to leverage it.

      • tschic says:

        it`s the same in Germany. There are Problems because of many asylum seekers – but not so many like the right wing people and the afd think we have. Afd is the relative new party, means Alternative for Germany (Deutschland). What they really mean: alternative facts for Germany. They lie and all they do is to tell the people, the press would lie (“Lügenpresse”). Does it sound familiar?

        The german people who are not so much educated oder don`t earn a lot of money, they vote for them, now more than ever because they say the things the people are afraid of: if we pay so much money for the immigrants, there is not enough money left for the poor people here. The poor people here have much more than poor people in other countrys… but it`s the perspective. They can`t see it, they are jealous, they don`t want to share.

        I hope the example of Trump let the people of Germany who will vote this year be carefull who they vote for.

    • Original T.C. says:

      Trump is infecting the entire world which is worrisome.

    • Indiana Joanna says:

      Trump’s non-stop lies and ugly language is a very serious problem that is difficult to counter and seep into other unrelated places.

      I found this Politico article on the perniciousness of lies. (Sorry I can’t give a hyperlink because of my phone.) Celebitchy posts are very important to counter the lies because an expert cited in the article says lies do stick and people are shown to eventually cave to the lies.

  20. Ninks says:

    There was a terrorist attack in Sehwan recently. Which is in Pakistan. So he either misread the briefing or wasn’t paying attention when he was told about it. Then covering his stupidity by citing a report on Fox News? You’re the president, why are you getting your news from the TV and not intelligence agencies. Even the cover up of his stupidity makes him look stupid.

    Also what is up with the tie-less look at the rally? He never goes without a tie. It’s not his style at all. Not wearing a tie was a deliberate act and I can’t figure out what he was going for.

    • MunichGirl says:

      I heard it wasn’t even a report, it was a documentary he watched.

    • jwoolman says:

      The no-tie look means he wants to give the impression he’s “just folks”, but you’re right, it’s not normal for him at all. Maybe his long tie got dipped in the toilet….

  21. ell says:

    idk whether the problem is that his sloppy arse can’t read news properly and just scrolls them on twitter, or if he’s being strategically misleading by being so random. either thing is very worrying.

    • jwoolman says:

      Trump has always been a pathological liar, making stuff up out of whole cloth for no real reason (just to make something sound more interesting, maybe) or to cheat someone in a deal. Pathological liars lie about big things, little things, and everything in between. His increasing cognitive difficulties aren’t helping.

      Reagan lied frequently also, but not so fast and furiously. He would make up stories to suit the point of view he was pushing. Even with a much lower rate of lying, the media gave up on fact checking – they felt overwhelmed with Reagan’s lies even during his campaigns. The White House would just say he “misspoke” when cornered. Reagan developed the habit when he was the “color man” on radio broadcasts of sports while the game was in progress. He would be fed the basics of what was happening on the field and he would add false details to make it interesting.

      A business guy or an actor can lie and the damage is localized. But Presidential lies tend to kill people, sometimes on a massive scale. The media finally caught on to Trump when he suckered them into attending his promo for his new D.C. hotel, so they actually have been doing better than they did with Reagan. Still it’s an uphill battle because as President, Trump has an enormous audience for his lies and people tend to assume a President wouldn’t lie like that.

      Plus when caught in a lie, Trump tends to just push the lie harder and blame whoever points out the contradictory real facts. Look at how he has set up judges who opposed his Muslim ban, blaming them in advance for any terrorist attacks occur in future. Might as well paint a target on their backs. He’s doing the same thing with the media, accusing them of deliberately not covering terrorist attacks (as though the media ever passes up an exciting story…) and essentially calling them terrorist sympathizers and traitors.

  22. Lolo86lf says:

    I really missed president Obama’s even tempered deameanor, his finesse. Obama never committed the gaffes the orange buffoon is doing. Trump is just an unpolished, totalitarian a-hole who would rather die than to own a mistake or misaction. He is a proud spoiled baby.

  23. Katherine says:

    As not an American – this is probably the most hilarious bullsh.t so far BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I hope he doesn’t end up taking us all down with him though lol

    • Shambles says:

      As an American, this is super serious and frustrating for us. Also, what affects one of us affects us all, no matter what country we live in. So maybe don’t laugh so loudly?

      • jwoolman says:

        Maybe it’s an Irish trait, but my family learned early that sometimes the healthiest response to a tragic but ridiculous situation is to laugh… Really, how can you not with Trump? He is so absurd. He is going to kill us all, of course. But he is really god’s gift to comedians at the same time. We can do both – laugh and do our best to stop him.

    • Beth says:

      Definitely not a joking matter! The only laughable thing are his naive followers believe he’s doing a great job. A little giggle at those fools then I panic again

  24. IlsaLund says:

    My psyche can only take so much of this crazy shit. Every morning I wake up worried about what crazy I’ll read or hear. This situation is simply not sustainable. No way, we can go through four years of this. While everyone is focused on his outlandish behavior, the fabric of the country is being torn apart by the thugs in Congress. And now all of these fringe groups are coming out from under their rocks and amping things up. This article has to be one of the most terrifying things I’ve read:

    Right-wing fringe group building multimedia empire near Detroit

    • I'mScaredAsHell says:

      That article is truly frightening. So basically a religious right terrorist group wants to “break down the walls between church and state and have the country run by a religious dictator.” This is a battle for the soul of this country.

      • I'mScaredAsHell says:

        Exactly….I think we all underestimate how many batshit crazy, evil people there are who want to dominate and oppress anyone who doesn’t agree with them.

    • jwoolman says:

      A lot of people are feeling the same stress since the election. This is very different from any other election I’ve been through over several decades, but no other candidate (not even Reagan) triggered the same strong feelings of doom as Trump. Every day that feeling of doom gets intensified by another Trump statement or action. But the protests do serve as a bit of a stress reliever. Just keep a picture of the women’s march on January 21 handy. I suggest an areal view of all those people dotted with pink hats. The pinkish/purplish glow is remarkably soothing.

      Seth Meyers was doing his A Closer Look bit and showed that the recent Trump rally was considered the first re-election rally for 2020. Meyers looked at the camera and in his best dad warning the toddler away from the electrical socket voice said sternly “NO. NO. We are NOT ready for another campaign! People from the last campaign are still wandering around in the woods! (picture of Hillary with a backpack hiking in the woods)…. If you start talking about a campaign, it’s only a matter of time before CNN puts up a count-down clock and I am NOT watching the same clock for four f***ing years!”

      I think we all can share that sentiment.

  25. robyn says:

    Another blatant misspeak by Trump to aggravate and occupy the media and muddy the waters when it comes to facts and truth. I guess his main point is there is something to worry about everywhere and he is right. However, HIS rule is the thing I am worried about a lot. Sometimes I think he is crying out for help with his horrible behavior and instability like a mass murderer who leaves clues behind hoping someone will catch up with him and force him to stop.

    As for Fox News … it was hijacked by the far right Republicans a long time ago.

  26. Hannah says:

    Is there a way for Sweden to sue Trump? Half way kidding but he really shouldn’t be lying and spreading fake stories about foreign countries. One day he’s going to offend the wrong country…

    • Beth says:

      If he keeps lying and one day offends the wrong country, we’ll be in trouble! He better start thinking twice before he speaks!

  27. Marcy says:

    It’s funny how he calls the new media ‘fake news’ and ‘enemy of the people’ yet gets his sources from them and blames them for his misspoken words. Sadly though as we have been shown time and time again, people will always excuse and defend his behavior… but yet attack others for doing the same thing without all the misleading facts. The Republicans and him, his merry-band-of-fascists are a shame to what this country was built upon and I’m sure the founding forefathers are not just rolling in their graves, but outraged as well as the many many people who gave their lives for our country. Watch what he does next he will send troops to Syria or somewhere else to keep us in another wasted war, or some other crap. Even his boyfriend Puttycakes who has him and his cabinet in his pocket should not trust that Cheetoloonie won’t throw him under a bus, we have confirmation from his own mouth in bed with him, and he still gets away with it thanks to Republicans and it will be hard to get rid of them they will deflect and say it was not us was him, those who remain silent are just as guilty as him. He won’t get impeached he’s here to say and if he did he’d throw them all under the bus he is getting fat in more ways then one on our hard earned money, ripping our rights one by one, and we all pay taxes, state and federal, medicare social security and disability and we will have access to none of it. I’d like the option to opt out on contributing to things I will never see in our lifetimes. The Intelligence agency needs to out him now before it is too late, what’s the hold up? Fear is the path to the darkside. He considers his boyfriend Puttycakes a asset not a liability. On a side note I know some hot Swede men!

  28. Radley says:

    He treats Melania like the hired help. Which, I suppose she is. She’s an expensive accessory. I totally understand why she doesn’t want to be around him. I don’t understand why she just won’t file for divorce.

    • jwoolman says:

      Her son. If she files for divorce , vindictive narcissist-in-chief might move for full custody. Even joint custody would be disastrous. Her parents live in Trump Tower, I wonder if he can deport them also.

      She has to wait for him to decide to divorce her.

      • robyn says:

        Malaria Trump is with him 100%. She said so and I believe her.

      • SusanneToo says:

        She’s waiting(hoping)for him to croak. Bigger cut of the pie for a widow than a divorcee, I imagine.

      • Trashaddict says:

        I don’t really like Melania, but I fervently hope she’s doing the nasty with a nice, trim Secret Service man. Ha! “Secret Service. ”
        There have to be some compensations for having to live with the screaming Orange Cheeto-in-Chief.

  29. Rapunzel says:

    He’s continuing the nonsense on Twitter. Here’s his post from 27 minutes ago:

    “Donald J. Trump

    Give the public a break – The FAKE NEWS media is trying to say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully. NOT!”

    This dumbass is so dangerous.

    • original kay says:

      It’s working out OK for Canada so far. We have refugees walking through 5K fields of snow to cross the Manitoba border, and the RCMP is helping once they reach us.

      It’s not perfect, mind. But so far as I know, no one is being turned away. Let’s hope that continues. I mean, the last terrorist attack we had was from a pro nazi trump supporter so…

      I feel for Sweden, being in the cross hairs of his insanity. The only silver lining is he quickly moves to the next thing.

    • HeidiM says:

      So he doesn’t want these PEOPLE to have anywhere to go then? Not welcome in the US and wants to ruin any chance they have to find safety anywhere else in the world. Hateful spiteful bastard.

    • Pip says:

      Oh my god. I still can’t believe that this shit-for-brains, immature, irrational, minature-fingered, pathetic, inarticulate, ignorant gobshite somehow is now SCROTUS. Just cannot believe it – even after all these years (it feels like years, doesn’t it).

  30. Eric says:

    The vacated NSA position has been filled temporarily by Fox News. Good to know. At least a few of the prospective NSA appointees have asked for autonomy if they take the position. That’ll will leave KT McFarland (from Fox News!) out as deputy NSA advisor and it may cause Pres Bannon to vacate his post as High Eagle of the NSC.

    We can only hope.

    And continue praying that a Reichstag Fire event doesn’t occur in the United States or Israel.

  31. Rapunzel says:

    Oh, and did anyone else hear about DT’s reported “cabin fever”. Poor snowflake can’t handle being cooped up in the White House cause he can’t go out to eat. Boo Fricking Hoo.

    • ida says:

      Yes, I read this, too. And had to laugh because in one of the debates he said that Hillary does not have the stamina to be president. And now he is complaining and inventing rallys to go on vacation in Florida! This man is a disgrace.

    • Beth says:

      Going back and forth to Florida and DC every weekend has already cost millions. Can’t this billionaire pitch in a few of his own dollars?

    • Ashamed 2 b a Fl girl says:

      He also said, after being “elected”, that he would only go to Mar-a-lago at christmas and easter, because he would be busy making America great…, you know the rest.

      • Eric says:

        He recently changed Mar-A-Lago to the Southern White House instead of the Winter White House, thus opening it up for a continuous refuge from the chaos in DC.

      • Ashamed 2 b a Fl girl says:

        @Eric – Melania loves Palm Beach. Baby fists is in so far over his head in DC that, apparently he heads to Mar-A-Lago every weekend to reset his ego etc. Everyone at his club fawns all over him.
        Obviously, we need to keep him in DC full time…he will effing explode.

      • Leslie says:

        Makes me wonder if the entire state of Florida or certain parts of Florida will be rewarded for voting a certain way with some Federal perks (money) that others won’t get or have access to. Or other parts of the country that voted from him for that matter also.

  32. I'mScaredAsHell says:

    Is anyone else experiencing this? Everyday there’s more crazy, stupid shit and the destruction of our society. I find myself growing angrier and resentful. There are upcoming events in my life that I should be estactic about (daughter’s graduation, dream vacation) and yet, this mess had dampened my outlook on everything.

    • Tate says:

      Yes, I am experiencing the same. And I am not just angry about Trump. I am angered and horrified at the entire Republican “leadership”. They know damn well what an unhinged lunatic he is and they are doing nothing to stop it. Bunch of treasonous dirt bags.

    • Indiana Joanna says:

      Yes, I am too. I get so irritable about stupid things. I step away from babyfist news for a day or two (and still can’t bear to watch him or listen to his horrible voice and speeches with his pathetically limited vocabulary) but come back eventually to keep up.

    • Beth says:

      I’m so stressed out that I’m having anxiety attacks. They stopped years ago,but they’re back. So glad to come here and see I’m not the only one upset about what’s happening and not be called names.. I know lots of Trump supporters and it’s so frustrating trying to get them to see how awful he is

    • vava says:

      I think it’s a calculated technique by Bannon, Pence, and Priebus to send out lies about everything in the hopes that the American public is stupid enough to believe it. Think about it….all the lies during the campaign, the released Bush tape, the allegation of ‘fake news’, and other things that would have brought other politicians to their knees. Not Trump. These people are playing a game with us and it’s up to everyone to stand up to it. Resist and Persist!

    • SusanneToo says:

      I used to be a quiet little librarian. If I bumped into a chair I’d say, “Excuse me,” to it. Now I scream “M**********r” or “C********r”! That’s what it’s done to me.

    • swak says:

      My daughter has a trip planned to S. Africa in 2 weeks and it scares me for her to be going. Also my oldest grandson turns 18 in March and is eligible for the Selective Service. I’m going to Florida (Disney World) in Sept with the next grandchild that turns 8 and it scares me. Hopefully things will settle down and hopefully soon!

    • Trashaddict says:

      Oh, you mean the way I read the news at night, get angry, can’t sleep, and am chronically sleep deprived and irritable? Mm-hmm. That’s it.

  33. Margo S. says:

    This is actually like watching a super scripted reality TV show. CUT THIS CRAP OUT UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT!

  34. Fanny says:

    I hate to defend the Cheeto, but the Secret Service determines who gets into the vehicle where. The President is supposed to take the most direct route to the vehicle and get in on the most protected side (street side, or in this case, plane side). And he’s supposed to get in as quickly as possible, so he can’t stand there waiting for people to scooch over.

    You can see a Secret Service guy come into frame and he appeared to remind Melania that she’s supposed to walk to the other side. They haven’t had a whole lot of practice doing it yet so maybe she forgot, but Melania is supposed to be the one to walk around the exposed side of the vehicle.

    • MrsBadBob says:

      Right, and one month in she has no clue how to behave because…..?

    • Vampi says:

      Nope. – (ETA @Fanny)

      • Fanny says:

        Oops, meant “sidewalk side” is where the President is supposed to be, not street side. Melania’s not supposed to be on that side of the vehicle at all. If somebody pulls a Hinckley and shoots the President as he’s getting into the car, the Secret Service is supposed to dive on him and shove him into the car. Nobody else is supposed to be in the way.

        I remember Michelle Obama talked about getting used to this. Even when she and her husband got into the car at the door of the White House, Michelle had to remember to walk around to the outside.

  35. Sasha says:

    Buckle up people, it’s only February 2017.
    I know people, hell, I’m related to some, who voted this narcissistic jackass into ‘power’ and even the diehard tarts are starting to question Trump’s sanity.
    I guess we can call that progress. Let’s pray (in our own ways) that this blight on humanity doesn’t ruin all of our lives.

  36. B n A fn says:

    I saw this man on tv at a town hall meeting saying ever since the election he feels like a passenger in a car being driven by a drunk driver. A reputable pollster did a survey recently and they say for the first time they are saying lots of Americans are over anxious. Sleeping Meds prescriptions are on the rise. Heaven help us.

    • Leslie says:

      There was an article in our local paper yesterday in the business section about how a company in Texas that builds underground bunkers can’t keep up with the demand since the election. The owner says that people aren’t buying them as weather shelters either. And these bunkers START at around $10,000.

  37. Rory says:

    My partner is Swedish been there many many times. It’s amusing to me that some Americans think its some kind of socialist hellhole. Scandinavia in general is probably the most civilised society I have been too.

  38. Leslie says:

    Love it that when The Big Crazy Cheeto’s self esteem is sinking and he feels like everyone is against him he has to run to Florida (or another state that elected him) to be with “his people” to make him feel better. They cheer and yell and hold up signs and boost him up and give him love. What was their reason for being in Florida? Who were they “campaigning” for? He does realize that he is president doesn’t he? And that we have an election every four years? And that he was just elected?

  39. SusanneToo says:

    Perhaps the Asshole-in-Chief should pay more attention to incidents happening right here in the Good Ol’ USA, committed, no doubt, by his cultists.

  40. Poopsicle says:

    UGH can we please stop posting articles on Trump on this site… They are boring some of us to tears and would rather get updates on real celebs… Not figureheads from politics…

    We already know Trump is a joke and ruining this country.

    • Deeanna says:

      If you don’t like these threads, why do you take your time to open them, let alone taking your time to post a complaint? Why not just skip them?

  41. Deeanna says:

    Wow. Just wow. Reading the text and watching the video of the word-spew, thought-spew from Trump about Sweden was just chilling. Made me even more convinced there is a dementia present. They take in information and once it is in their brain it gets categorized into the area where prior information on the same subject resides. BUT everything gets all mixed up in there and when they later pull that info out and begin to speak, a “mash up” often comes out – unfortunately often tinged with paranoia, another common feature of dementia.

    I witnessed this time and time again, progressively worsening, with my own dementia inflicted loved one, a formerly very intelligent person. And this person was trying their best to remain well informed by continuing to read and watch television newscasts. Eventually the ability to comprehend written material disappeared, so after that it was just TV.

    This is not “early stages”, by the way. I’d bet his family members have observed symptoms for some time now – I am talking years. But they likely don’t know what they are witnessing because Trump has such a strong personality. Strong personality types can cover their lapses with bluff and bluster. But only for so long.

    I would love to see Trump have a full exam by a geriatric neuropsychiatrist. There are tests that can aid in picking up dementia, even delineating the type of dementia. Not that Trump would ever voluntarily sit for such a test.

    I believe I read Trump is the oldest person ever elected president. Is that dude with the long hair now the White House physician?

    I also suspect Trump is having a problem with reading. Which is why he is watching so much TV.

  42. Jeesie says:

    I don’t think he was trying to claim something happened in Sweden, it’s just the garbled way his thoughts come out. He never completes a sentence fully, just jumps around from thought to thought, so ‘last night I was watching a news story about Sweden’ becomes ‘last night in Sweden’.

    This is actually scarier. He wasn’t trying to create propaganda about a fake terror attack, he’s just so inarticulate he can’t communicate the most basic things properly, and his supporters are so deluded they just believe whatever he says, even when it’s abundantly clear he expressed himself poorly and meant something different.

  43. Lisa says:

    He’s ugly, inside and out. I’m sure he’ll dedicate a tweet to me tomorrow, calling me an irrelevant internet troll. Hi, Donald. 😉